THP, P. ft HP A 17*7׳ ft /la T’Pmmn April 29, 1899. »!o^SpS^:150 ׳’High Street• RE !GATE PEAT T T A ?LS0N’ Y' 4," Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent. T _ AT’ J• T■’ Auctioneer, &c. (late Lees and Burchelll. 8 RICHMOND.-^^DMOBE &CWEBBAASneersISAUOti°lleerdIEnd Agent’ Survey°r and Valuer. “1׳ rr״ Estate Agents״״“ -64־ Eoad• ST» bis0־״ &o״ Friars stiie Road■ SUTTON -DIXONIirRW^’JSrnIIiL’t1•54, HiSh ®oad (outside Streatham Station). MATTHEWS T(W A} i C0■’ A"°‘10״ee/S- *c■ (opposite Railway Station). ; and Valller’ °PP°slte Station. Railway Station ; ־andatSj and^£rt״“>ee״ “d Estate A«ents’ 9, Brigstock Road, adjoining WALLIfsurve^BRS?ryGTe°ac? C AR SH A LTON■ —SALMON, ARTHUR, Land and Estate Agent WEST™ulWICh'M^iT 11׳ n V Es FI:'Sta?SAArCtllteSts Survey°rs’ Auctioneers, Ac., High Street. WE ST NORWOOD ft DIBTRIC “-GIBSON Surveyor 91, Rosendale Road. WEYBRIDGE_____NIGHTINGALF ’ PHTT T TPS * PAnw’ A׳1??1!10*־״״’ Ac’’ outslde Railway Station. TURNER A m Humi’ PHILLIPS & PAGE : and at Kingston-on-Thames. WATFPE l «™9 1־P־> Auctioneers and Estate Agents. VV AlLiKiiili & SONS, Auctioneers, Land and Estate As-pnt«? Approach, with Auction Rooms S °■’ S and Auctioneers, High Street and Railway W1AVTLUDA0MS%RrofRiCfLTBVA^Si E• SYDNEY־ P’-A-S.I., Auctioneer, 3, Worple Road. A«»»„ “a w“*b“■‘״» c°״״‘־“‘״■ ^^si^siss5SSKss5f#lsss!sft#ffiSiisBj®ss2fgi;ig SUSSEX. SSSKA S°N’ Auctioneers and Surveyors. ValUerS־5 ’•°& ־ DeV°nSWre TeriaCe- !»4^ Surveyors’ 7’Devonshire Eoad BOGNORRE YNnfns°i10n״erA’ Taiuers andEstate Agents, Station Road. Erate Agent?27 ־’ HiSh Street• BRIGHTON____ABTsTOT ־n xx a \ V ^SON, Auctioneer, Insurance Agent, &c., 80, High Street. ATTREE GEO^DE?׳TA׳AAUfC־tl0neerVHi°USe •A§e•^’ Valuer, and Accountant, 108, Church Street DUDENE#^ /i'W SniiS A0*1?”661’ VaiU!rian? Bstate A«ent’ 136' North Street. FOULKESifiAWRirep8, Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Ac., 74, St. James's Street. GILDER*rnSISn Auctioneers and Valuers, 4, Palace Place, Castle Square. TFNNFR * w™ tH״e .and business Agent, 109, Queen’s Road. K1RKHAM *DOVER׳4 ׳S׳p’ Auctlon«ers and Surveyors, 1, Western Road, Hove. Vrfn?^o?TR’AAuAtl0neerS and Valuers, 149, Western Road. NORMAN * mTT^™ AvT1’ Surveyor, Estate and House Agent, 157, North Street. 115’ Queen׳s *־*״ Stle°tNBrfnch Ofltee!M;ircC|h2pfacrStaVey0rS and House Agents, 163, North BTOLEyV^Pm??,* HOTT׳t?’ Auctioneers, *0•’■A31’ Queen's Road, and 17, Dyke Road, o /t(hnwHOLLIS Auctioneers, 155, North Street. J SMITlf HARRY6?’ rand and Estate Agents, Auctioneers, Ac., 94, Western Road. STEBBING11# G ArCA1Tnev’lValUQr and Esta‘e Agent, 27 and 28, St. James's Street. TUCKER rWAcT׳A'V׳’ Valuer, Surveyor and Estate Agent, 159, North Street. WEBB P rH p8a f'a“tl0“eer and Valuer, 49, Queen's Road ; and 92a, Blatchington Road Hove WDhKINSON Ion /wELCH Fns TEs‘ate Agent, 1- M•™־* ־fade; and at P?rts”ade ’ H°Ve' BRIGHTON &BURGESS 5!״ T׳p 1!4°?^^SiH?use Agents, 170, North Street. B8»״ h״* *״** “°״• HOPE, E. J., Land and Estate Agent and Valuer. CHIHOBGENBlSn^ Valuers and House Agents, 41, Robertson St., and St Leonards STEWARRA1 ■; Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 26, Havelock Road. ’ -^‘־ua.rds. poSi¥o™H™ul“*“■׳■ F׳“ * V.*.‘.S S3! AHS,"׳ifSS■ ?SffiSAi£5Sii^snsS,3raa?Sis~ *■“-׳*׳״* mm™ ?T0^ <&> * S0N Auctioneers, vlluertlnd Estate Agents. ° KING &'CHASFFm&ET*?EQBYN’ Auctioneers, &e.; and at Croydon, Surrey. MOEIRtI ^Agent) Surveyor and Valuer. T F.S.I., Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, &c. r & CO., Land Agents, Surveyors, Valuers &c ™&SON, Auctioneers and Sur’vtyirs. PEXWORtV iIfSiGS)nNS?N/G• Knlght> E-A.I.) Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents. RYE a EYDD.--REEVE *FINli)F.siASnferB3d™n^C8’Valner8’ Hoaa. anl Estate ST‘ BF ?AApa° Pouse and Estate Agents and Valuers. u1! cFl^т0t\0neers, Valuers, &c., 13, South Colonnade. HOLMAN f/p^rn Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents. Established 1832. WADHUEsI-AUSTEN fH 'JlTsON VQTrSAn i 0USe Aientn’ 24’ ?^g's Eoad ; and at Hustiugs. WORTHING—JORDAN *FPAV a V F-SJ'׳ Auctioneers, Timber and Tenant-right Valuers, &c. NORMAN * SPFNCFPGaEAY' Auctioneers and House Agents, 35 and 37, South Street, rs UxtMAJN & bEENCER, Auctioneers, Valuers, House and Estate Agents. WARWICKSHIRE. BIR Auctioneers, Breweiy and Hotel v“ue!l The S ROWLAND, J. S., F.A.I., Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, Bridge Chambers LONGTON—GRIFFITHS, T. H., Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agtnt, Bordman’s Buildings RUGELEY—CHEATLE, WILLIAM, N.. Auctioneer, Surveyor and Estate Agent • and ■it Lichfield STAFFORD—EVANS, J. E., Auctioneer, Valuer, &c., Phcenii Chambers, MaiSs’umre ElChfleld• STAFFORD & UTTOXETER—SOUTH *WILKINSON, Auctioneers Land Agente and Valuers STOKE-ON-TRENT—BAMBER, W. H., Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent Kdon Road TAMWORTH—LOWE, T. & J. G., Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Ageitil, BMebridg!Street r»^N״,HA™ wit™!"!11?0“( Surveyors and Valuers; U at Singham. WALSALL—HUGHES, WALTER, Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, The Bridge. ° WEST BROMWICH. COX, E., Auctioneer, Ironworks, Machinery and Rating Valuer 323 High Street WOLVERHAMPTON—BARNETT (THOMAS J.) & SON, Auctioneers, &c., 25, Clington Steeet SUFFOLK. BECCLES. DURRANT (GEORGE) & SONS, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents BURY ST. EDMUNDS—CATTLE, C. F., Land Agent and Valuer, Guildhall Street ® &TTC°•’ Auctionee?־ Valuers, *a, ־Bank Corn“toriaParade. DURRANT (EDWARD) & CO., House Agents and Valuers, South Cliffs HALE SWORTH—STANFORD, HERBERT, S. R., Auctioneer, Valuer, Land and Estate Agent HAVERHILL—BOARDMAN, CHAS., Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent 8 IPSWICH—SANDBACH, A., Estate Agent, Surveyor, Auctioneer and Valuer. IPSWICH & DISTRICT. GARROD, TURNER * SON, Auctioneers, &c., 1, Old Butter Market Est 1820 LOSWES?o?TEAl?ATTETRSNW°T 1™“8-BOND (ROBERT) * SONS, Auctioned Land lgents. 81 Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 167, London Road. I?tE!1EAR־GBAMAA^ Baltic CE-bers, Waveny Road. MILDENHALL. LARGE, HENRY, F.A.I., Auctioneer, Valuer, Land and Estate Agent NEWMARKET—GRIFFITHS * CHENNELL, Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate and itl^ance Agents SOUTH LOWESTOFT-TITCOMB & FEW, Auctioneers, House and Estate Agent! 8 STOWMARKET—HUNT & PEDDAR, Land Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers SUDBURY—CLAYDEN, J. CARTER, Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent WHEELER * SON, F.A.I„ Estate Agents, A^tioneers, Timber and G^nerafvaiuers WOODBRIDGE-SHIPMAN, G., Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate and Insurance AgenP Established 60 years. SURREY. ADDLESTONE—BINNS, J. BOWER, Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, Offices, opposite Railway Station BAL EA abl?slmlT8E2R TOOTING׳ CLIMPSON *JOHNSON, Auctioneers, *c„’ 59,’5Bedfe!muflalW BARNES—LAIDLAW, ROBERT, J., Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 2, Ranelagh Parade CAMBERLEY—SADLER * BAKER, Auctioneers, Valuers, L^nd ¿nd Estate Agents CATERHAM—RUTLEY, C. * F., F.S.I., Auctioneers, Valuers, &c.; and 11, Donate Hill E C CHERTSEY—WATERER & SONS, Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents uov/g^ UlU' CRANLEIGH—WELLER & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers, Timber Surveyors, House Agents &c CROYDON.—ALLBRIGHT * CO., Auctioneers, Surveyors, *c., 98, North End. 8 ’ AUSTIN (J. E.) * PROBYN, Auctioneers, &c., 25, Station Road ; and at Horsham Sussex BATCHELAR* SON, Ltd. (Est 1834) Estate Agents, Auctioneers, *c? and ’ ftTeekenham and Bromley, Kent; City Offices, 4, Birchm Lane, Cornhill, E.C. BOWDITGH * GRANT, Surveyors, Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents 103 George Street COURTENAY, WELLS & CO., Auctioneers and House Agents, 53, London Road 8 DICKINS (JOHN P.) & CO., Auctioneers, Surveyors and ¿state Agents, 6 gIotu¿ Street FULLER (ROBT. W.), MOON & FULLER; and Reigate and Epsom g S“ * ^'^^0“eers, Valuers, *c Imperial Buildings. Telephone No. 49 Croydon. HOOKER & WEBB, Surveyors, Valuers, Auctioneers, &c., 4, High Street EGHAM—WALKER, J., Auctioneer, Estate Agent, Surveyor and Valuer High Street EPSOM, ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD.—LANGLANDS * SON, F.A I., Auctioneers Valuers and Estate Agents, The Auction Mart, Epsom, and branches. Estd. 100 years See Card Advt “ EPSOM. CORBETT, W. H., Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate AgenVHigh Street ?I^NHAV-ilGGARl^F?^ E'A'E! Auctioneer8 Value¿ House, Land aud EstateAgent. GODALMING COT IMF!4* SON^FAuctioneer, Estate Agent, Valuer, Architect and Surveyor. #AS?NA? 1■ ’ 0we and insurance Agents and Valuers, High Street. GUILDFORD—FOUKFr’ f HORTON fTt’ ?ou??’ Land „nd Estate Agents, Church Street. TU^bMeK^1R* 00^ Aucti־;neet־ ^Esteteerg־elrey0rS “d ValU6rS’ 9’ Hlgh Street' GUILDFORD & DISTRICT—CROWE, ARTHUR, E., F.I.I., Auctioneer, Valuer, Surveyor House Laud UFWFTT *4SF6F ’ 2PP; Juuc„tl0n Station Local Correspondent for Hampton and Sons. HEWETT & LEE, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Valuers, 143, High Street * SSSSS Valuer• HORLEY & REDHILL—BAKER *BAKER, F.A.I., Auctioneers, Valuers *c S KEW GARDENS—BREADMORE & WEBB, Auctioneers, Surveyors & Estate׳A״ents Railway Station KINGSTON-ON-THAMES—FRICKER & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents btatlon• HERRICK (SUDLOW) & SONS, Auctioneers and Estate Agents 90 Edmi Street NIGHTINGALE, PHILLIPS * PAGE, Land Agents and luctijneere f and at Weybridge sssss OXTED—OSENTON, MESSRS., Auctioneers,&c.; and 24, Jermvn Streta. S.w ’ °ad-