689 THE ESTATES GAZETTE, April 29, i899. bas?^st2£e.-curtisE& CURTIS a‘1?6“’ Estve,Agent and YaIuer• bisSeSlat^ $$ jpt4־־and Estate Agents• BOSCOMBE & BOURNEMOUrn^BBOTT4’Tpurveyor, Auctioneer and Estate Agent. WEBB^F¿^Ai^tioMer^SMTeyoA^state Agenif'&es*a^' 1S™ Auctioneer, Ac. Old Post Office Chambers b KEE’ H°USe’ Estate and Land Agents, Auctioneers, Valuers, KUS YalTS’ H£r and Estate Agents. HANKIN80N A SON, F.S.I., Auctioneers^ Fat???aJl\HoJden¿™^ lid., A Poole Rd., Vestbourne. .־ . ¿ANrTsMIT^I TAUA0tTeerS’ Ea‘a‘e^HoAufee Al’ente! ElChm°nd “®rS־ & at B°s00mb®• 7jU OWENA^—rs Vainers? Ac 81 Old Christchurch Road. ■ ■ • REBBBCK BROS.,’p.M^2׳I House fnd°T Chri3t<*״<* Road. RESTALL, A. D., Auctioneer Valuer TTotC» !SM’’ Auctioneers and Valuers. WHEAirLEY^P ^TCA°^lfr3’'V^^^' Agents,^fhe^S^iSe1610^ Boad' FAREiL^M^-DREVOTT^.^.f AM^oCeer^VaduerTmd L* **t Es*at® Ag®nt’ and at Havant• GOSPORT & ALYER STOKE — LLEWFTT vw fgent, 79, West Street. AU°ti0neerS’ValUeiS’*°־ PARKSTONE & BOURNEMOUTH!-1ANDRBW^\^/TPpne4rSV^UrVey0i? and Bstate Agents. PETE^E^^ H°USe> ^ “d Es‘at® PORTSMOUTH.-LANGF0RD W^!?¿ttreer!^?/Co TSent-SfT General Valuers, Levant St. PORTSMOUTH & SOUTHSEi\nwm iT ־r;’״!?’ Commercial Road. ™#^sep’/ictnr״ s4^״and ^ cr־8״Estate Agents־&o•Estd•is76■ ROMSEY.—WOOLLEY,' JOHN tTsTp aTTS׳8^18®״8,1!״^ ,Estat® Agents’ Kin8’3 Road. SOUTHAMPTON.—RANСE HUNT A CO fr,,1״" and Valuer, and at Salisbury. CHEVERTON, A. J aXZ V»w’ u ’ Au0Y0feers; Valuers- &<67 ,.־, Above fiar. DAVIES A WEBB, AuSioneerfvFw? ,״״ ?Sta‘e 10, Hanover Buildings. sWi^yPits? 23’p°“ street• ^BsaSSSir^■- wj&kii| vr~: *«:StiS;;¿“•"״ ׳• b״■“” •« SOUTHSEA, FAREHAM ft °COSHAM^HiLL^RNEsTF Brin,ted Register of Properties Free. SOUTHSEA, FRATTON * BISTRICT.^URD „„„ HEREFORDSHIRE. ^^Kl^R'.T^MtiCimer^VaffiS^HouS'^d Estate1AMntn*Sp^nd 8?"®?0Vt 21’ East Street. BEOMINSTER * HBREFOHDA-HDwfflfl^i^^^^¿,. DEVONSHIRE. HERTFORDSHIRE. CHE£UHJN^rf|wALTHAMbCROS^5^&^ HO^DESD E-C. HITpfNGFoJTffil|°l(1f & SON “Ltrfa^SuCveyofs1•’ AQCti°neers־ La“d A^‘*■ A<־• RICKMANSWORTH____SWANHELL S־W?H °A ^ Agent, &c., 1, Station Road. ROYSTON.—NASH SON A ROWLEY a7״h Auctlo“eer> Estate Agent, Surveyor and Architect, High St. S6ntS and ValU6rS' RUMBALL A EOWATri? aa<3 Crofton Park, Brockley. CHfsL^RS^ST^• gl^^“a“^1^^®tea“BailWaygtati0“;. DASFA°LKLVpCRSf i^ Spital Street STIDOLPHET w'’ 4"c*I.oneers> Surveyors, *o., Martin’s Bank, and at Rochester. ' dartford^&’bexley.-dann^lucas A״‘?Agent%ndValuer’f’Highstreet• DEAL.—NEWTON, SIDNEY Auctioned0vfl’ntrH18’ ®“vey°r3’ *c• > and 123, Cannon St., E.C. DOVER. -FLASHMAN A CO ’ AucHoneei־ r ,f’ HoU3e and Business Agent, 9, Broad Street. SHONE H E VFRimw i uctioneers, Estate Agents, Upholsterers, &c., Market Square. pn WA°tNEBREHREAuTI״E1°^^^ Ag-4■ <־־ Market Square9 ELTHAM!^OTTINGKHAME&‘smcUpL-L6GSCDAILr&^^ Agents. Eltham, S.E. SIDCUP. LOGSDAIL & BEALE, Auctioneers, Surveyors, &c., New ° EILOARTE& CB«Fonl?sA^°AN־ E'(S■1¿’ Auctioneers, Valuers and House Agents. GIFFORD A־ rn ’ A +־ erS’ i ,s4a4e Agents, Surveyors, Ac., Radnor Chambers, Cheriton Place NEW?ORT&W o museeaend EsTaTeT-F־fto,4gen‘8 and Surveyors, 82, S^T TEMPLE (F WILSOnTa CO ^ Agent Auctioneer and Valuer, Ac., 69, Sandgate Road. 1 VVlDbON) & CO., F.S.I., Auctioneers, Surveyors, Estate Agents, Ac.. 29, Sandgate Road. ^ SON, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents Bailiffs fro ־p«t0Li,• n l RIPPON ’,SONATO’ AAuctj?neer’ V|!u,er, an.d Estate Afen t, 16, Bedford Circus. Gd °V6r a Century־ SrSSr! /1!JaVSIx CP־’ Allctl0Ileers, Estate Agents and Surveyors EXETB™ C^eFhtOnFetcFhJH URCI^RFFf^jE A?ct*,?neers a־Ld Valuers, High Street. EXETER & EXMOUTH_____TUPMATsF -F W a 1■ ’ y^10neers, Valuers and Land Agents. EXETER & HONITON.___WINSLEY fW J )& GO 0IAncl^r^-n^e, ־?state Agent and Hotel Valuer. EXMOUTH.-CREWS & SON, Auctioneers'^¿FusJ Agtnts and FurtlherFXanfaSTl¡1 sf ' HOLSWORTHY.—KIVELL, W. T., Auctioneer, Surveyor i ! 3 Me Streei STOOKE, JAMES, F.S.I.. A^ctFFeer W AgelfanF VaTuer ’ Au°tl0neers’ VaIuer3- E3*• 1816. PLYMOUTH.—HAMLEY, P., Auctioneer Surveyor ,nflT ijiT f v'’ i '•AJ•’ Auctioneers,Valuers, Ac. PLSSS^KSfeM׳& CC^T6^ ’358‘I6 A?“‘3-eCornwall Street. TOROUAY myiNWMAF Auctioneers and Land Agents, Ac., Bampton Street. IO niire rj u ■N’ Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, 4,Victoria Parade ׳YH??Se Agent, Auctioneer, Valuer and Surveyor, 23, Fleet Street MANLE^iH V A 'SONS“!!?8*51*6 ,SVVey°/ Vd Valuer- 8a, Victoria Parade. totnes—bourne a |stIablished 1805- YELYERTON A TAYISTOCK.-GLANVILLE A SON, Istat¿ AgentI, AuctLTS,‘׳Valuers, Ac. DORSETSHIRE. DO:ENsS”rCSSi?rT-lFdF?^nodrnAegentS’ AuCti°neers a“d Yaluers. pooElSThSe!?Fe^Eg¥;^^^^^^ sssisssi™ and at Gij/i;,ghv1■. WIMBORNE.—BAKER, GEORGE, Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent, King Street. DURHAM. BARNARD CASTLE.—STEELE, A., Auctioneer and Valuer Offices and p at BISHOP AUCKLAND.-DENT, JOSEPH HART, F A I !¿ctiAueers Wl 1 ®0TV Newgate Street. ssg^^^^sasssiisiSBSi!?■™1 YAohi A REED, House Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers 98 Kio, STOCKTON.-APPLETON, R״ F.A.I., Property Auctioneer and Va ufr Hffih q. t STOCKTON-ON-TEES•—METCALFE, CHAS , Auctioneer Valuer Ac TVuFF ¡ m SUNDERLAND—BARNES A BARNES, Auctioneers aFd Valuers 98 We ,HardwlcILTerl'ace• FOSTER A SPENCER, Central Hall, John Street ’ ’ WeS‘ Slmny3lde. GIBSON, ATKINSON, Auctioneer and Valuer, Broueham Street !„rfl™ p Mart. Teleg rams, “ Hammer.” National Teffipliono^m^ Valu®r and Genoral Agent, The Borough LEWIS, T. S.,lFcUtffinenereaiS^Valuer’, cZmereiaFsaffiRolms’ ^aWi^dTs?^'Street RYAN, W. T., F.A.I., Auctioneer andValuer, 0^1 SaTe Cms “ Shed 1875' ESSEX BRAiNTREEF^NEWMAN,1^'¿.’ f!I1iTAimtffineer *Valuer Ad ®T* CoUecfcor> 1°9> Eas‘ St. CH’EI]5IgFORD• HILLIARD (G. B.) A SON, F.SX^ArotioneCTs^iffier^Ac¡, and 54, Old Broad St., ^ ^ Af Street. WILLSON A PHILLIPS, Auctioneers, Valuers and S^vet?¿ ’ ’ 6 Stree‘• CI<^i^TINNJ״.Swf AuSffi™AIurTOyoF, Ac.,AStet^Ch£Sbers and™!”’ 1°’’ Ma«tin® Parade■ EOE(?IL^M?A׳S01^FAuctffiEeeEfLand A^ntsFnd^SmviyOTs^6™^ ^E^ ^°Ag®^ree*' E°nd°n’ E'E" SEXTON A ■r^TMWADnKeri HT8e’ Eata‘e aud Business Agent; and at Brlghtlingsea SEXION A GRIMWADE, Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate Agents and Land Q»““mssea• east^ ham"—Sell imar^sT^’a^׳ E3‘a4־ AgeTatd"“".Surveyors• L״ drm StS, EE^ a?E)94 irkFad “8’ SUrVey°r3 and Estat® Agents, 42, High Street; 11, ^FOR^AASHMOLEEWMAf:EEY-AT‘ioneer- Lund Agent and Surveyor. tmkiiRUm' I™/’ F-A-I., Auctioneer, Surveyor and Estate Agent. UMFilF (±t.) & GO., Auctioneers, &c., High Hoad (see also Ttnn^An f ״״a t> p -, „ , SIM A RANDALL, Auctioneers, SurVyors, Ac., adfoiffing Ra?W Station E°T ”A'&C^ r, LEIGH. BOND (HENRY) A SON, Auctioneers and Estate at F”est Gate. LEICH-ON-SEA.—DEELEY A KESTERTON Auction Hons« A E־?ft a ’ S ®fn ViStorla Street• Wg&SSStimRStSSS¿ T¡ 5?““ «.1. -*״—״*a. & hlFi-ih), Auctioneers and Estate Agents, Tower BnilrHno-a TTirrV■ q!. ±. -n FlESMSmi A,CO0nrr’^t?0U3e’ EQStat® and Laud Agent’ 57^ High Stre?tg ' ־ glS‘CT gratis• ■1■hhb, bUJN & GO., Auctioneers, Surveyors, Estate Agents fro °7 a4. !. TSir£’ AUCti0neel'S’ S״״eyOTS’ L“d -d Fe°xatd־tL°nBdSEHigh Street. WILLSON A PHILLIPS, Auctioneers, Valuers and Surveyors ״=ftsa szssaV&i sli »■ -״■־־ ׳ t■¿’ tt Parade■ and Estate Agent; and at 58, Old Broad Street, London, E.O. °N’ WM'’ Auctloneer> Surveyor GLOUCESTERSHIRE. BRISTOL & DISTRICT.—SELFE, BALL SMITH A CO a„„«„' BRISTOL.—HOLE (C. J.) A SON Estate Agents d and S4’ °ld Jewry, E.C. SHINER (W. H. A WINTER, Auctions, Land^Steward?tiffi sFry; S‘d: 1 y St’ StePhon3־ Ay. CHELTENHAM.-BAYLEY A ADAMS AtcttonZ u 7?j and at Yatton, Som. CORNELIUS, S. M., Auctioneer, Surveyor, House an?Estfte W?T£? S1atat® A?e״t3• STROUD. DAVIS A CHAMPION, Estate AgmFF Wd Smve?o?f T® * Insurailce Agent. TEWKESBURY.—MOORE A SONS, Estatelnd ^ISI^fSiSeers, Ac. Estd. 175!. HAMPSHIRE. *1'kINGHAM AGKINGHAM^AMEoiletfs1Tv^iSt’ &B Jdd ^ Wokin8’ Surrey. ALDERSHOT & Architects and Surveyor,