April 29, 1899. CHE^rEBTONC^bwUStiFDq?S’AAn »°TS’ Estate Agents, Surveyors and Valuers, 68 and 69, Baker Street. ELMS'WATTFR ' pA F^TT’ Efate, Agents and Surveyors, 60, Great Portland Street. FWTNFicttvvf’m’ ^stat.e Agent and Surveyor, 18, Lower Phillimore Place. FlRHIUi Polyfvv Auctioneers, Ac 84, Mount Street (one door from South Audley Street). FI &f81Auctioneer and Surveyor, 105, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square. FORTE SCTIF % BRA AT tqiwT18, •and Auctioneers, 18, Duke Street, Manchester Square. Shepherd's Bush (Met.) Ry. Station, and at 56,Rylett Road. GASKET ■T i rn i (* DRAKE, Auctioneers House Agents, Ac., 18, Davies Street, Berkeley Square GRANT^ mmhnNfr8״’ Surveyors and Valuers, 81, Church Street, Kensington. 7 9 fiKTFPTNin1*«4«^״ G9' Auctioneers and Surveyors, 112, Holland Park Avenue. GROGAN HFMYut °. WITTMOT^’ Maida We, and 143, Westbourne Grove, Bayswater"’ Agent’ 10’ Suther J\W- Auctioneers, Ac., 65, Goldhawk Road. WOODTtnimmCFrn'aot״°־?ers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, 12. Curzon Street. WYANT) Aan-wa3 f ??•’ Auctioneers Surveyors, Land Agents and Valuers, 6, Mount Street. WYAND & SONS, Estate Agents and Surveyors, 33, Marloes Load, Kensington. »“D HU mwnp®’™? A LEPPER, Bromley and Beckenham, Kent, and at 69, King William Street, E.C ?tq?pv ^arSro6®1 an.¿ Estate Agent, 113, Powis Street, Woolwich. BOR1TO TnQ4pTTbS^AT^vCti°ne+-rS T/ EstaieA^ents’ Chester House’ Eotherhithe. RnFaATTJ?FFF?iHFNBF’AUCt;0n Mart and Estat® 0ffic®3׳ Camberwell Green. Tel. No 66 Peckham BOTT^HMTnFa SnNanFFSTatA Ag?nt- Ac., 43, High Street, Peckham (and at E. Dulwich). See also E C kROMpivn S 4N f E-A■1■- Auctioneers, Surveyors, Ac., Herne Hill Station. Tel. No. 381, Hop Firf j•VAuctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, Forest Hill and West Norwood. P oixra.JA1' , ' Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 82a, Lower Road, Rotherhithe. nTTPPTQ SS־! Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Bailiffs, Peckham Rye Station. Valuers, Ac., opposite Bromley Station, S.E.R. F A OTMA(N ■^Rna c.0•’ Auctioneers and Estate Agents (opposite the Railway Station), Charlton. FDWARifaBFR ASNF A ?•eerS’ (a&0I5mg tEe Stations), Forest Hill, Sydenham and Anerley. FFwTpFr PnA1iK' Auctioneer and Trade Valuer, 215, Great Dover Street, Borough. 7 ™WARD A CO. Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, Ac., 533, Lordship Lane, Dulwich. FRFFYrAN w |0N8> Auctioneers, Surveyors and Land Agents, 54, Borough High Street. EEEEMAN, W Surveyor, Land Agent and Auctioneer, 162, Kennington Rold. FURLONG A SON, Auctioneers, Ac., Powis Street, Woolwich. CALE, B. Builder, House and Estate Agent, 865, Old Kent Road. Established over 25 years. Cn?ao’>FPlTT-RRa GaE0?GE’ Pr?PeHy Managers and Auctioneers, opposite Waterloo Station. Auctioneers, Ac., Railway Station, West Norwood, S.E.; West Dulwich andTulse Hill C OVFRETOHN CR " Auctioneers Surveyors and Estate Agents, Railway Buildings, Norwood Junction ' FatfS’a AV?^°rAand Land Afient, 44, Great Dover Street, Borough HHTuFh ?4T.CH.(F.aJ.), Auctioneers Surveyors, House and Estate Agents, 62, Rushey Green Catford C Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, Oval Electric Station. 7 ’ uattord■ FfnKJNS AManNq&ACUtELBN’ A״,Cw°PTr3״’ Certificated Bailiffs, Ac., 38, High Street, Peckham. S™ A SONS, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 171, Lewisham High Road, New Cross. FfF ftFa’^0^011®61’ Age״* and Certificated Bailiff. Estab. 1851. 179, Queen's Road Peckham ¡¿E?tm^?pZeMortgagese g6nt’ 6°’ Stree*’ a“d 9’ Cambe™eU Gr®'׳®• ¿'IS.OOo’availablefor M^RTrN\wFy&rri0i\:RE+’■ Auctioneers, Ac., Railway Bridge, Beckenham; and 23, Market Sq., Bromley NFWFTT li* M? ^Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Managers, East Dulwich Station. Estab. 1874 7' PFRFTNa % Surveyors, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 487, New Cross Road; and at Charlton PH?T TWSa ND^In?FArPRTeneR Fnd Estat® Agents 105, Tooley Street, Southwark. ־ 1 JllLlPPb, NOKFOLK & PRIOR, Pavement Estate Office, Crofton Park Brneklpv n m j R A^Nm?T&)HnR^n°Fi0yerirA’ 115’ Queen’s Road, Peckham ; and 62, King William Street EC a 01 ' EAHD-ALL. (HORACE) *CO., Estate Agents and Valuers, Hither Green. RTDFFEH?§RY TB0PTF’ Auctioneers Estate Agents, Valuers, Ac., 35, London Street, Greenwich 5FiFE'EARRV L Auctioneer and Public House Broker, 11. Duke Street, London Bridge. E0BEETS°H, ALEX., Auctioneer and Surveyor, 3, Church St., Camberwell Grn.; A 11, Ludgate Hill E C Smm ™ Agent Valuer and Certified Bailiff, 48, Upper Grange Road, Bermoidsey UlI1>E•0• STMpFf^? ft^Ffh Ra A״ctloneer and Estat® Agent 58, Camberwell Road. Established 1881. a\ftthPw Auctioneer and Estate Agent, Tramway Terminus, New Cross Gate. SMITH (W. R.) A SON, Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents, Ac., 126, Newington Butts. L.) & LU., ±*.A.l., Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Ae־ents 8 HiVh TINKLEY &iCURRY AUDTcTTONdAESF te Age״J32 ׳' NfW Kent Eoad' a’nd 8' Moorgate Street TRYT^4T !01T^NTRONY1401?•’ Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Surveyors. 10, Southwark Street. TTJFNFT PLRFNRY Surv®y°,r and ^aJ?e1’ Selhurst and Norwood Junction. IH^NeLL, HENRY (Estd. 1873), Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 31, Green's End, Woolwich WFpTMnPF1? Y״TUTNnne»er ^d Surv®y0,r- St■ George's Circus (opposite Obelisk). WESTMORE A YOUNG, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, opp Crystal Palace Low T f WHAHTON T^G Auctioneer and Surveyor, 77, Albany Real Old Ke^t Rpad. * L°W LeVel Statl0n• WILLOUGHBY, W. N., Auctioneer, Valuer, Surveyor, Ac., 399, Norwood Road WILTSHIRE A THURGOOD, Auctioneers; Ac., !¡9, High Rold ¿S! and at Lewisham and Catford. IE¡. ANSTEY (NO&SO^Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 521, Barking Road, Plaistow. BE L?veiToilJStreRt,BEciRY’ Land Ag6nt’ SurVey0r and Auctioneer, Estate Office, Upton Park, and 31, RROWT?^Ir ™h™ArnSTTr’ H°USe An£ Estate Agent- °PP°sit® Upton Park Station. PhSttH ,Ww VW-* ■& C0" Auctioneers and Surveyors, Estate Offices, Millwall. CHEKE (R.) A CO., Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, 749, Romford Road, Manor Park E and at Romford and Woodford Bridge; also High Road, Ilford, Essex. Established 1873 d * CURTIS (G. E.) A SHARP, Auctioneers, SiSvevors knd Estate Agenfs The Broadwav Plaistow GROVES, FRED. T., Auctioneer, Ac., 213, Hoe Street, Walthamstow Eroadway■ F1“‘ow. REAP»jS, HUGH) A CO., Auctioneers Estate Agents, Valuers and Bailiffs, 50 and 52, Willesden Lane Kilburn• ״„¿¡?^,Auction Rooms. (See card advertisement at end of paper.) ’ -n-nourn, SAT TFR my !1 rrFk Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Surveyors and Valuers, 6, George Street, Euston Rd. aAUNDFT^rTTA?iP'vAanY Eatate Agents, 311, Kentish Town Road. SHFPHFRD (PcATTFTST0NA(C;-H' Saunders> F-SX), Auctioneers. Ac., 150, Finchley Road. TAVTOBÍ m CAT TELL, Auctioneers, Surveyors A Estate Agents, 32, The Parade, High Rd., Cricklewood wi?sPw^n^T TABCtlAne?S’ Surve7°E? and Estate Agents (Auction Rooms), 44a, Wellington Road WESIACOTT, T. B., Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 74, Camden Road. ISr.IE]. BILLINGS GEGRGE, Auctioneer; Rents Collected; Distraints, Hackney and Southend. Tel. 139Dalston BOX fc ^ f A cn° A,rnF 1QneFS; 8nl7ey°f and Esfat® Agents, 164, Bethnal Green Road. RTTNCH 7t) R U-׳TOTyr»T!fte A§e7rts,and Lower ClaPton Road. Tel. No. 141, Dalston BUNCH (J.B.) A DUKE, Auctioneers.and Valuers, 360, Mare Street, Hackney Tel 18 Dalston DONAT ■naONmD!' AJ• ?•’ E'S'L־ Surveyor, Auctioneer, Ac., 517, Hackney Road. 7 BIGHLS. BOBT .,Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, High Street, Wanstead. blE VEJNb, WILLIAM, Auctioneer, Valuer and Surveyor, opposite Dalston Junction. s.w. PPPFÍFFND’T^Ta10?66?’ LaIld and Estat® Agents, Ac., 16, King Street, St. James. ALLEN A NORRIS Auctioneers and Surveyors, Ashcombe House, Wandsworth Bridge Road, Fulham. yTTS’-r,ALEEEr,> Surveyor and Estate Agent, 451, Brixton Road. RAKFR ^aONa A?;״״UOtl°%epS\Surey0/S anFoGr0Und Bent Agents, Parson's Green Railway Station r'abff-^a n^S4־ff *I t® ’ Bstat®!Agents and Surveyors, 2 and 4, Acre Lane, Brixton. Established 1840 Auctioneers and Surveyors, 13, Lowndes Street, Belgravia. BF AT SA MVT)TT׳’FH4US®fand Estat? ig!nF’ Surveyors, Ac., 99 and 101, Victoria St. (corner Artillery Row ) BFBTlfAMpFHpBma®41!011®^3 and EsFÍ? Agents, 20, Regent Street, Waterloo Place. LEBTRAM A HAee1^ Auctl0geers and Estate Agents, 1, Jermyn Street, Haymarket. BEST A ADAMS, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Valuers, 38, Sloane Street. BIGLEN, K. C., Auctioneer Ac. 229, St. John's Hill, near Clapham Junction Station. BOYTOn’t^CRVM ABTTSpFMJ\gaeÍFFnd4SUFey0r’ 66׳Lower Sloane Street, Sloane Square. BRDYm F tt 4A1i* BUCKMASTER, Auctioneers, Ac., Bank Buildings, Broadway, Walham Green MOWN, G. H., Auctioneer, Surveyor, &c.,64־, Lupus Street, South BeWavia J BEBt^ton^;YFlffi^t^l^'h£^^nd1F^llha^^Ueííe, oa¿ SírYTaíham (outside Streatham Station.) CR^BB^F^írFOHNSON, A.uction®ers, Ac., 59, Bedford Hill, Balham, and 76, Finsbury Pavement, E C LBABB A SON, House Agents, Surveyors and Valuers, 100, Brixton Hill. 3 ’ CRONK, MESSRS., Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 12, Pall Mall. F°T, Gertified Sanitary Surveyors and Valuers', Bath Buildings, Putney Bridge Road DAVTS^AT #RFDAP’ ? Agents and Surveyors 25 Alfred Place West, South Kensington. DLXON Su anNS0‘A?ctBalhff’ *?■’, 2P’Goldharbour Lane, Loughborough June. Rents Collected, orwnpw fa Estate Agents and Surveyors, 47, Lower Belgrave St., Eaton Sq. LOWDEN, HENRY J., Land Agent, Surveyor, Ac., 8, Craig’s Court, Charing Cross. 4 DKIVKK & GO., Land Agents, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 23, Pall Mall. ELLIS, W. A., Auctioneer, Surveyor and Estate Agent, 176, Brompton Eoad EVANS ־SSIG?T()N’ Auctioneers, Estate and House Agents, Exhibition Road, South Kensington EVANS, EDWIN Auctioneer, Surveyor, Ae., 253, Lavender Hill; and Earlsfield and Putney. S ftswFb t aFttFq3^4® and Land Agent, Surveyor and Valuer, 168, Wandsworth Road, w Pv Auctioneer Liand and Estate Agent, Ac., Broadway Offices, Tooting. EORT^Cu!NAK¿0°; lSt “HT(5oníh!y £1íofH״“enelTt“d)6’ S°Uth ®d6’ 01^ C°m-FOSTER, MESSRS., Auctioneers, Valuers and Agents, 54, Pall Mall 7 ’ FRFVRFSRTCp ’ Auctioneers, Ac. 195, Brixton Road. Sale Rooms: 426, Coldharbour Lane. . EBEVBERG, P A H^, Surveyors Valuers, Ac., 24, Cromwell Place, South Kensington. VEm^®AAgt?1^ Auctioneers and Valuers, 19, Regent Street. CT AafFR®?aONa&TC04 Auctioneers, Surveyors, Ac. 1, Rathgar Road,Loughborough June. (L.C. A D.R.) f t 4 Itnr pIS dy Land’^Estate and House Agents, Auctioneers, Ac., 7, St. James's Street. ’ GObWP^׳EA8TPY ^FTDYRTDDp’ Esta‘e.Agent and Surveyor, 4, Park Side, Hyde Park Corner. G0 L^Cannon Stafet EX? G ’ Land Ag® a“d Survey°rs׳28 ׳ Cadogan llace ; and 28, Martin's FRDkjNMTTTAR¿T׳Í)SF^? T” Auctionee5s and Surveyors, 2, Pont Street, Belgrave Square. aE'Sf •’ Auctioneer and Surveyor, 54, High Street, Battersel m™»SWAT5Ím0nie'!Sní Estate Agents, 1, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross. *C0•’ Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Valuers, 23, Ebury Street, Eaton Square IPní?knAUTCtl0?®frS’ &c•’ Egerton Estate Offices, 225a, Brompton Road. 4 HYNDYVT-QRHPYu.PaYdc,AlgeSt and Auctioneer, Victoria House, 117, Victoria Street. HENRY,dE!3i^^uRtonEé^and^Esta^A^nt^163,eHighSStreeA,gClapllanlYaPler, 9’ °raÍg׳S C0”‘■ IlRg?Nt,HSON0^bAA^:r:Sntrer? 1S5־ YÍ®‘OTÍa St'’ Westminster. F?)•’ Estate Agents and Valuers, 1, Station Road, Brixton. Established 1868. HOFrTNDy In^PPw^p’a^ A® A.gentS and 8™veyors, 247 and 249, Brompton Road. HnWFYTD<^N^BnT^STN '^Aucl110"eef and Estate Agents, 120, King’s Éoad, Chelsea. & BONNIN, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 116, Cromwell Road. TOY FDA? F LÁ Auctioneers Surveyors, Estate and Ground Rent Agents, 28, Cockspur Street. Ir Á’MPTn°N®Ar T Purveyor, 1 Thurloe Place Telegrams “ Joyful,” London. A” Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent, 2, Wetherby Terrace, Earl's Court T ATclFnRD׳VwUCF10)n|eFDana S‘at® Ag*®nti’ 1CS־ Streatbam Hill; and 21, Water Lane, Brixton. ?F^ATSTRF 1WATTORT70®^״! ״a1®’ Auctioneers and Valuers, 61, High Street, Clapham. WALTER JEstate Agent and Valuer, Station Road, Brixton. LUMLEY, E. & H., Land Agents and Auctioneers, 22, St. James’s Street. MANN (ROBT. W.) A SON, F.S.I., Auctioneers, Surveyors and Valuers, 12, Lower Grosvenor Place (near Victoria Station). Telephone: Westminster 40. *cuux nace ^near martS i Sr°A׳m FR0nA®eri: H°use D d Estat| Agents 95a, Gloucester Road, South Kensington. ???? A MARKER, Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents, 176, Sloane Street. g MA:TCH A CO Auctioneers and Estate Agents, Surveyors and Valuers, 7, Belgrave Road. M^Inf ? w °A ’ Auctioneers, Surveyors Ac 140, Brixton Hill; and at 81, High Road, Streatham MA.YNE, C. W., Auctioneer, House and Estate Agent, 158, Earl’s Court Road NT°FRTLq?N(INF°n ^ *LETTS Auctioneers A slrve’yors, 185, Earls CourtRoad. N??mN?FD^-BDTT T0p®®ArS’iEstate4ge.n!3’ fC•’ 4’ Gloucester Terrace, Onslow Gardens. sS־Northumberland A—®• BelP^’ Balbam and Tooting. wU׳TP ;d tih’ Ghadwick and Co.), 2, Pall Mall East, Charing Cross. RAA??MTTlfRF81T’?׳AJ׳FA’1Ctl0nYri3’ *C" 2',1Clapham Park Road; and 340, High Road, Balham. ?fi?TF^?r???k?NAAUC Fn®erS’ Ia uers and S״í'.vey°rs׳ L Pont Street, Belgrade Square. RTOOTTT Auctioneer, Valuer and Bailiff, 62, East Hill, Wandsworth (opposite tram terminus) ROCFRS*CHAPMAN A THD^aS A^a¡1173®“׳ and S”veyors׳31 ׳ King־s E°ad, Chefsea. j RnaF’OF A R11!'^HOMAS, Auctioneers and Surveyors, 78, Gloucester Road; and 50, Belgrave Rd RAU^rmR^nuA^^cnv^10.1¡®®1'’ Surveyor and Valuer, 109, New King’s Road. g SATTNDFRS Tmif* q0™^1^®'8’/ “f״’ *c-> 40’ Gloucester Road; and at Hampstead. SeeN.W SHARMA^HARB^F aS?NÁ,wfd Agents and Surveyors, 21, Great College Street, Westminster. muPBARu J °Mer’ Esi?t,e Agent, Valuer, Ac., 44, Haymarket. SMnPHtDANTrV)BanNPSEfh?i?FVi0rS4V4a U®*3’ ac81 ’־’ Ellzabeth Street, Eaton Square. SM mSi ^ OAKLEY, Land Agents, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 10, Waterloo Place. Pall Land Agents, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 14, Cockspur Street. TAYT DR l8v?riUnVFTrFj AUer;*C•’ 349’ G°ldbarbom■ Lane, Brixton. Tele. Hop. 395. t Mount Street, Berkeley Square. bat? TNORR?sYA HA’mSFV ige?tS and Auctioneers, Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch. ?7RKFR°anHN?^F?LTEjDAu40 F eers and ^Surveyors, 5, Argyll Place, Regent Street. BAiSs'at0^ VaIU®rS and E3tat® Agents, High Street, Kensington) Auction BEALE־A CAPPS, Auctioneers, Ac., 126, Ladbroke Grove, Notting Hill. Tel. 527 Paddington.