Estates Gazette, April 29, 1899. ESTABLISHED 1853. 01(ф^ &< firofstmrat Rfforù >#** ZlLThiCh iS inC0rp0rated the ESTATES JOURNAL, and the AUCTIONEER. Sales bj) aucttmt. Saies bj? auction. MOOWIELDS, CITY OF LONDON, close to Mocrgate-street Station.—By order of the Mortgagee. TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, lr ?i tile Mart״ Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday May 18, at Two o'clock, in One Lot, the com• manding BLOCK of PROPERTY, known as No. 23 Mocrfields, corner of Tenter-street, and Nos. 1 to 10׳ ,ew union-street, Moorfields. the latter propertv also haying a frontage and goods entrances to To!iifr׳Sireei’ un49 Particulars with plans of Messrs. Pearce and Sons“ solicitors, 8, Giltspur-street, E.C.; and of the Auc-tioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. ... Thursday, May 25. WALWORTH and CAMBERWELL.-Freehold Ground Rents and Freehold Houses, Shops and Stabling. CJ TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, V the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thurs-HOTjDSL — at Tw° °’clock> the following FREE- Lot 1.—Freehold Ground Rent of £69 6s. per annum, amply secured upon 11 houses, Nos. 29 to 39 (odd) Walworth-road. Rack rents estimated at £360 per annum. Lot 2.—Freehold Ground Bent of £15 per annum secured upon three houses, Nos. 59. 61 and S’timateT'ftr£79 6gCamberweI1־־?reen■ Back rents h?\ 3■—Range of newly-built Freehold Stabling, with large paved yard, No. 63a. Picton-street. George-street, Camberwell-green. Let to an omnibus proprietor, on agreement, at £35 per annum. Lot 4.—Three Freehold Houses, Nos. 11, 13 and 15, Brisbane-street. Vi at-erloo-street, Camberwell-green. Let at 12s. each, together £93 12s. per annum. Lot 5.—■Freehold House and Shop, No. 21, Waterloo-street, Camberwell-green. Let to a fishmonger, an old tenant, at £42 per annum Lot 6.—Excellent Range of newly-built Freehold Stabling for 23 horses. No. 23, Waterloo-street. Let to a cab proprietor at the low rent of £50. Lot 7.—Freehold Ground Rent of £6 6s., secured upon a house and shop, No. 25, Waterloo-street, Cam berwe il־green. Rack rent £30 per annum Lot 8.—Three newly-erected Freehold Houses, Nos la 2a and 3a. Guiliford-place, Buff-place, Camber-well-road. each let at 9s. per week, together £70 4s per annum. Lot 9—Excellent Corner Block of Freehold Property, Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 7. Buff-place, Camberwell-road comprising Corner House and Shop and1 Three Houses. Let to weekly tenants, producing £125 17s per annum. May be viewed. Particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Marsden and Son, solicitors, 14, Great St. Thomas Apostle, EC., and 49, Church-street. Camber-well, S.E.; at the Mart. E.C.: and of the Auctioneers, fl. Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. BOROUGH-ROAD and WALWORTH.—Re James Smith, deceased. 0[ TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, V, J¿1® Mart, on Thursday, May 25, at Two o clock, the following PROPERTIES: — BOBOUGH-ROAD.-Timber Yard and Nos. 2 to 5, Mansfieid-street, producing £144 per annum. U ALw ORTH.—23. Alsace-street, Bagshot-street. let at lls._ weekly. Term 11 years. Particulars of Messrs. Sismey and Sismey. solicitors, 11. Serjeant’s-inn. E.C.: and of the Auctioneers 8, Moorgate-street, E.C.. and 2. New Kent-road, SE Salts i)g auction. BERMONDSEY.—By order of Trustees and Executors. ft TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, h-' at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, May 4, at Two o’clock, the following FREEHOLDS : — Lot 1,—No. 42, Upper Grange-road. Let at £3 4s. ! monthly. Lot 2 —Corner House, No. 61, Riley-street, Tanner-street; let at 12s, 6d. weekly. Particulars of H. N. Philcox, Esq., solicitor, 7 Trinity-street, S.E.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S E ! ״ POPLAR.—Close to N.L. Station. C TIMSON and SONS ־will Sell by Auction, m at the Mart, E.C., on Thursday, May 18, at two o clock, in Two Lots, the important FREEHOLD Corner BLOCK of PROPERTY, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Montague-place, Newby-place. East India Dock-road' comprising three houses, range of stabling and workshops. Let on repairing leases, producing £160 per annum. Particulars with plans may be obtained of Messrs Tippetts and Son, solicitors, 11, Maiden-lane, Queen-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Thursday, May 11. By order of the Trustees of G. Tyer, Esq., deceased -BALL’S POND and HACKNEY.—An important Sale of valuable Freehold Ground Bents of £795 5s 1 per annum, secured upon 17 houses and' shops, mJJy-licensed public-house, and 164 house־, producing rack rents of £6,000 per annum. Ci TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, EJ at the Mart, on Thursday, May 11״, at Two o’clock, the following FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS; POLICIES OF INSURANCE. ?sn?rr-,d?״״i-:Execlit0I?,0LH■ Harris, Esq., deceased. Q! TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, ED at the Mart, on Thursday, May 18, at Two the following POLICIES OF INSURANCE: — 3־■?JKX) in the Commercial Union Assurance Co. £500 in the Provident Clerks’ Assurance Society. £100 m the Liverpool and London and Globe In■ surance Company. !);fny“ Hie Clerical and Medical Insurance Com■ Particulars of Messrs. H. S. Harris and Co., solici-tors, 63, Coleman-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E] pi^HHEBWELL.—Close to Denmark-hill Station. Ci TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, ; mat *J1? Mart, E.C., on Thursday, May 18 RF,<״nFvr£i0CSi t]?S Semi-detached, double-fronted RESIDENCE, Gienthorne, No. 4, Grove-park, Den-mark-hill, containing eight bed rooms, bath room three reception rooms, and ample domestic offices, garden and side entrance. Let until Midsummer ^hen possession may be obtained) at £80 per annum. Term 88 years at £14. May be viewed. Particulars of J. J. Chapman spllcltor• 4, Gray’s-inn-square, W.C • R C Giecd, Esomrack renta1• which is moderately estimated at £200 per annum. FULHAM.—Freehold Ground Rent of £15 per Ж?״“• Sec,uLed apon shops־ and premises known as Nos. 88 and 90, Parsons-green-lane, and 2, Parsons-gieen, facing Parsons-green Railway Station, with rfVpS?n 111 уеагэ t0 the estimated rack rents of £lt>0 per annum. This valuable property contains an area of 6,310ft. super. Particulars and plans of Messrs. Wakeford May and Co solicitors. 37, Bloomsbury-square, W.C.; and ot the Auctioneers, as above. COLD NORTON, near MALDON, ESSEX.—Freehold Building Land. C! TIMSON and SOUS will Sell by Auction, a ii*■ tbi Mart■ Tokenhouse-yard. EC., on Thurs- of yFR№HOT DTbtt?t ttwENTY-THR£E PLOTS Will ,fir BUILDING LAND, on the Beacon S‘d and„.G°ld Norton Estate, and close to Cold Norton Station, on the Great Eastern Railway wi-nfnaa0nr׳af|3AT0 ihs main Ohelmsford-road, Purl 1®^oad. Cold Norton-road, and Station-road. 7 ai;.VCU ar! ״ad Plans of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E.