6׳¡fc THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 22, 1899. Norfolk. Norwich—S. Mealing Mills, of Norwich, at same, on April 26, Freehold properties Norwich—S. Mealing Mills, of Norwich, at same, on April 28, Freehold; dwelling houses, shops and residences Yarmouth (near)—Maddison, Miles and Maddison, of Great Yarmouth, at same, on April 26, Freehold property Great Yarmouth—Maddison, Miles and Maddison, of Great Yarmouth, at same, on April 28, Freehold residential properties South Walsham, etc.—Sewell and Barnes, of Norwich, at Great Yarmouth, on April 26, grazing marshes Thetford—Oldman and Sons, of Thetford, at same, on April 27, Freehold! dwelling houses, cottages and gas shares Northamptonshire. Northampton and Floore—Macquire and Merry, of Northampton, at same, on April 26. Freehold dwelling houses and cottages Peterborough—Fox and Yergette, of Peterborough, at same, on April 25, dwelling houses and building land Northampton—Peirce and Thorpe, of Northampton, at same, on May 10, Freehold residential properties Nottinghamshire. Sneinton—T. Wilson, of Nottingham, at same, on April 26, Freehold building land and cottages Nottingham—Morris and Place, of Nottingham, at same, on April 25, Freehold residence, factory, dwelling houses and building land Willoughby-on-the-Wolds—J. H. Bradwell and Son, of Nottingham, at same, on May 3. Freehold farm comprising about 47 acres Nottingham—F. W. Kidd, of Nottingham, at same, on April 25, Freehold dwelling houses and shops Nottingham—Morris and Place, of Nottingham, at same, on May 3, Freehold building land¡ Nottingham—F. W. Kidd, of Nottingham, at same, on April 26, Freehold property Nottingham—F. W. Kidd, of Nottingham, at same, on May 9, Freehold building estate Nottingham—Morris and Place, of Nottingham, at same, on May 9, Leasehold shops and business premises Oxfordshire. Caversham—J. J. Cooper (J. Omer Cooper and Son), of Reading, at same, on May 4, Freehold villa residences Caversham-on-Thames—Simmons and Sons, of Reading, at same, on May 16, Freehold residential property Henley-on-Thames—Simmons and Sons, of Henley-on-Thames, at same, on May 25, Freehold1 residential property and building land Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on April 25, land Manchester—C. W. Pro vis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on May 3, Freehold property Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, oh May 1, Freehold and Leasehold dwelling houses Manchester—Fred Thompson and Son, of Manchester, at same, on May 2, Freehold residence and dwelling house Stretford, etc.—T. Thompson and Son, of Manchester. at same, on May 4, dwelling houses Oldham—Hugh Shaw and Sons, of Oldham, at same, on May 3, cotton mills Chorley (near)—H. Bradley and' Son, of Chorley, at same, on April 25, Freehold licensed property and farm Preston—T. Dewhurst and Son, of Preston, at same, on April 26, Freehold dwelling houses Preston—T. Dewhurst and Son, of Preston, at same, on May 3, Freehold dwelling house Saddleworth—Wild and Holden, of MosSley, at Saddleworth, on April 26, Freehold properties Leicestershire. Kegworth—T. Wilson, of Nottingham, at Kegworth, on May 2, Freehold building land Leicester—Warner, Sheppard and Wade, of Leicester, at same, on April 25, business premises and Freehold residences Leicester—H. and F. Tarratt and Sons, of Leicester, at same, on April 26 Freehold residences Leicester—T. H. Ford, of Leicester, ־at same, on April 24, Freehold properties Woodhouse Eaves—W. and F. Armstrong, of Loughborough, at Woodhouse Eaves, on April 25, Freehold villa residence Lincolnshire. Spalding—S. and G. Kingston, of Spalding, at same, on April 25, Freehold building estate Louth—C. R. Surfleet, of Louth, at same, on April 24, building land Irby and BratofL-James Eley, of Boston, at Spilsby, on April 24, Freehold properties Louth—John Taylor and Son, of Louth, at same, on April 24, Freehold dwelling houses and land Lincoln—Hall, Vickers and Shaw, of Lincoln, at same, on May 5, Freehold properties Monmouthshire. Monkswood, etc.—Driver and Co., 23, Pall Mall, London, S.W., at Usk, on May 11, Freehold properties Pontypool (near)—Driver and Co., 23, Pall Mall, London, S.W., at Usk, on May 12, Freehold properties Gwehelog, etc.—Driver and Co., 23, Pall Mall, London, S.W., at Usk, on May 10, Freehold properties Abergavenny—Straker and Son, of Abergavenny, at same, on April 27, Freehold properties Risca—J. T. Saunders, of Cardiff, at Newport, on May 3, Leasehold dwelling house and cottages Isle of Wight. Ryd'e—E. Marvin and Sons, of Ryde, at same, on April 27, gas shares and stock in the Ryde Pier Company Ryde—Wallis, Riddett and Co., of Ryde, at same, on April 28, business premises and villa residence Ventnor—Wallis, Riddett and Co., of Ryde, at Vent-nor, on May 11, building land, business premises and Freehold ground rent Kent. Bearsted—R. Waterman and Sons, of Maidstone, at same, on May 4, Freehold property Tunbridge Wells—Wickenden and Sons, of Tunbridge Wells, at same, on April 28, Freehold cottages and villa residences Dover and Shepherdswell—Worsfold and Hayward, of Dover, at same, on April 27, Freehold and Leasehold property West Mailing—Wickenden and Sons, of Tunbridge Wells, at Maidstone, on May 11, Freehold shop property and dwelling house Henbury—-Tayler and Gerrish, oi Bristol, at same, on May 4, Freehold residence, farm buildings and pasture land Cheltenham—Bayley and Adams, of Cheltenham, at same, on April 27, Freehold1 dwelling houses Henbury—Alexander, Daniel and Co., of Bristol (in conjunction with Hampton and Sons, 1, Cock-spur-street, London, S.W.), at Bristol, on May 18, Freehold residential property Tetbury, etc.—C. F. Moore, of Cirencester, at Tet-hury, on April 26, Freehold pasture land Cheltenham—Young and Gilling, of Cheltenham, at same, on May 2, Freehold residential property Henbury—George Nichols. Smith and Alder, of Bristol, at same, on May 25, Freehold1 property Bridge Yate—Geo. Nichols, Smith and Alder, of Bristol, at Bridge Yate. in May, Freehold residence, small farm, lands and cottages Clifton—C. J. Hole and Son, of Bristol, at Clifton, on April 27. Freehold residences Leclilade—M. C. Innocent and Son, of Lechlade, at same, on April 25, Freehold accommodation land Bristol—C. H. Tucker and Co., of Bristol, at same, on April 25. Freehold dwelling houses Bristol—C. H. Tucker and Co., of Bristol, at same, on April 26. Freehold dwelling houses Bristol—E. T. Parker and Son, of Bristol, at same, on April 25, Freehold properties Hants. Lancashire. Lancaster—G. H. Petty, of Lancaster, at same, on April 26, Freehold dwelling houses and land Blackpool—T. Carter and Co., of Blackpool, at same, on April 24, Freehold building land Openshaw and Gorton—W. Joy Hewetson, of Manchester, at same, on April 27, dwelling houses Bolton—John Thornley and Son, of Bolton, at same, on April 27, Freehold licensed property Manchester—Rushton, Son and Kenyon, of Manchester, at same, on April 25, Freehold land and warehouses Salford, etc.—Wilson and Son, of Manchester, at same, on April 26, Freehold shops and dwelling houses Manchester—Wilson and Son, of Manchester, at same, on April 27, Freehold licensed premises and dwelling houses Manchester—Wilson and Son, of Manchester, at same, on April 25, Freehold land and business premises Blackpool—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at Blackpool, on April 24, Freehold shop and dwelling houses Rochdale—F. W. Stott, of Rochdale, at same, on April 26, Leasehold dwelling houses and licensed property Hindley and Leigh—G. J. Healy, of Wigan, at Leigh, on April 25, 'licensed and other property Bury—J. R. Parkinson, of Bury, at same, on April 24, licensed and other property Manchester—T. Smith Worsley, of Swinton, at Manchester, on April 25, Freehold licensed property and dwelling houses Manchester and Salford—W. H. Robinson, of Manchester, at same, on April 25, Freehold shops and dwelling houses I iverpool—Branch and Leete, of Liverpool, at same, on May 10, the Star Theatre Lancaster—R. C. Warriner, of Lancaster, at same, on May 1, Freehold shop property Bournemouth—F. G. Wheatley, of Bournemouth, at same, on May 1. building land Boscombe, etc.—A. J. Abbott, of Boscombe, at same, on April 27. Freehold property Portsmouth—King and King, of Portsmouth, at same, on May 3. Freehold business premises Buckland—Field and Palmer, of Southsea, at same, on April 24. Freehold dwelling houses Winchester—Gudgeon and Sons, of Winchester, at same, on May 3, Freehold! licensed property Herefordshire. Stretton Sugwas—J. Neale Baker, of Hereford, a1 same, on April 26, Freehold licensed and othei property Munsley, Bosbury, etc.—E. Stooke, of Hereford, a1 same, on May 31, Freehold hop farms Hereford—G. W. Meats, of Hereford, af same, or 9,. I1 reehold shop and dwelling house Wlntcburch-on-Wye—W. R Nicholas and Co., of Reading, at Hereford, on May 24, residence Ledbury—W. Manton, of Ledbury, at same, on Mav 2, licensed property Hertfordshire. Hoddesdon—R. and A. G. Thorowgood. of Ware. at Hod'desdon, on April 26. Freehold properties Hertford, etc.—R. and A. G. Thorowgood, of Ware at Hertford, on April 29, Freehold cottages Huntingdonshire. Woodstone and Yaxley—Fox and Vergette, of Peter-boroug;li, at same, on May 10, residence, malting buildings and arable land BOULTON & PAUL, Ltd. MANUFACTURERS, NORWICH. CONTINUOUS WROUGHT IRON FENCING SPECIAL OFFEES.-1,000 Yards CONTINUOUS BAE FENCING, 8ft. 9in. high, 5 horizontal bars, top one Jin. round, others lin. by Jin. flat, standards 3ft. apart; price 2 '4 per yard. Carriage paid. GAME NETTING. Guaranteed Quality. Offered at very advantageous prices for Cash. All orders amounting to 40s. value carriage paid to the principal railway stations in England and Wales. Send for Illustrated Catalogue Free. BOULTON & PAUL, Ltd , NORWICH. THE “ FINANCIER ” (Established 1870. Enlarged 1897). A BUSINESS PAPER EOR BUSINESS MEN. ONE PENNY. Telegraphic Address: “SHRUNK, LONDON.” Published every morning. Pi ice, unstamped, Id., or £1 6s. per annum ; free by post ljd., or £119s. annually. Advertisers should address the Manager, at the Offices, 2. ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, LONDON. E.C. Seed Barley. SELECTED STRAINS OF CHEVALIER, GOLDEN MELON, & STANDWELL From pedigree stocks grown on the sound laud of the Lothians. A good change, which will r pay. 40s. to 45s. per quarter. BLACK TARTARIAN OATS Fiom pedigree Stocks grown especially for seed in Cumberland. 28s. per quarter. LARGE SCOTCH GORE TARES Sow early for summer feel. 8s. 6d. per bushel. Descriptive Catalogue free on application. LITTLE & BALLANTYNE The Queen’s Seedsmen, OARLISL־E WHEN REQUIRING LIVE STOCK COMMUNICATE WITH OLD-ESTABLISHED Live Stock Agents, Shrewsbury. Note.—Having UNRIVALLED opportunities for buying to advantage, Breeders and Feeders would CONSULT THELR OWN INTERESTS AND SAVE MANY POUNDS by placing commissions with the firm. WINTERING CATTLE & FEEDING SHEEP. Hereford, Sboi thorn, Polled Angus, and Welsh Bullocks (Puie or Crosses) supplied at lowest market rates. SHROPSHIRE and Clun Wethers supplied in truck loads on favourable terms. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Telegrams- Pedigree,” shrrw.>buky. M AIDSTONE and KENTISH JOURNAL 1U. and SOUTH EASTERN ADVERTISER, MA TP-siuNE. Established 1876, the Largest Circulation in the County of Kent and neighbouring Counties, circulated extensively and most exclusively amongst the higher and middle classes; forms an excellent medium for advertising every description of property, and for making every kind of public announcement. Published every Thursday and Saturday, price Id., unstamped. The “ Journal is the most influential newspaper in the counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and the South Eastern District, in which it is the recognised Conservative organ, and is extensively circulated among the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and the Commercial Classes. It therefore offers to Solicitors Auctioneers, Estate and Land Agents, Public Companies, and every class of trades a valuable oppor-Sinii?r-r0f laVin£ tkeir proposals before the public. The Journal ’ contains full reports of the Provincial and County Markets, and during the season special reports of the Foreign and Home Hop markets Just published Crown 8vo, 221 pp. Price 6s. 6d. DILAPIDATIONS : A TEXT BOOK IN TABULATED FORM, BY i Professor BANISTER FLETCHER, F.R.I.B.A. Author of “ The London Building Act, 1894 ״ ; “ Light and Air,” &c. FIFTH EDITION, Revised and enlarged with ad the most recent cases and additional questions and answers on points of practice, including a chanter on Ecclesiastical Dilapidations, and the Conveyancing Act, 1892. B. T. BATSFORD, 9i, High Holborn, London. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. W. INNES STUCKEY, Landscape Gardener, 46, Dyne-road, Brondesbury, N.W. 13 Years with Mr H. E. MILNER. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND COMPANIES AND OTHERS REQUIRING BOARDS — Should apply to — GEO. BROWN, THE OLD ESTABLISHED Notice, Sign & Bill Board Contractor, WRITER, &c., Bury Street, St. Mary fxe, City, Corner of Heneage Lane. N.B.—Country firms will find this an unequalled opportunity for obtaining go d Boards at the shortest notice, and at low prices. G. NORMAN, SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL DENTIST. Established 1863 Personal Examination when cnarges can be agreed upon. houks OF attendance: Si0,to^5■ ״ , , ( Saturday, 2 o clock. Address: 25, THE GROYE, HAMMERSMITH. There is easy access from any Railway Station. COLEMANS WINCARNIS Is a delicious beverage and tonic made from Port Wine, Liebig’s Extract of Meat, and Extract of Malt. OVER FIVE THOUSAND Unsolicited Testimonials have been received from Medical Men. The following Important Testimonial has been received from Dr. FLETCHER. Appleeross, Bosshire, N.B., July 2nd, 1897. Dear Sirs,—Please forward quarter-of-a-dozen “ Win-carnis ” immediately as my patient's supply is about done I trust there will be no delay, as he takes no other nourisbment, and has been sustained and gained strength by “ Wincarnis ” for twelve weeks. Yours faithfully, DUNCAN FLETCHEE, L.E.C.P. WINCARNIS sold by all Druggists, Wine Ar — Merchants, and. Patent Medicine v endors. Ask for Coleman’s “ Wincarnis,” and see that the word ‘, Wincarnis ” is on the shoulder of the bottle. Sold in Bottles, 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. everywhere. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the above, COLEMAN & CO., Limited, NORWICH & LONDON. N.B .—Sample Bottle sent free by post on receipt of Full Postal Address.