667 THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 22, 1899. land fronting the road from Upper Whiston to Aughton, near Rotherham, together with the coal and other minerals thereunder, for £1,000 ; four pairs of villas, Nos15 ,13 ,11 ,9 ,7 ,5 ,3 ׳ and 17, Brandreth-road, Upperthorpe, lease 800 years, ground rent £5 15s. each pair, let at an annual rental of £35 per house, for £2,000; and four shops, with dwelling houses attached, and four dwelling houses, Nos. 206 and 208, West-street, No. 202, West-street, in court 10, and No. 2, court 10, West-street, also Nos. 14, 16 and 18, Charlotte-street, No. 1, court 2, Charlotte-street, Sheffield, gross rental £159 10s., long leasehold, ground rent £31 7s., for £2,000. (!1 times & fUultes. Land-Tax,—A buys some land at a sale at which a quantity of other land is so'd. The conditions say all property is free of land-tax, except two certain specified farms. A, after holding the land for about 30 years, sells a portion to B. Before building on same B wishes to know if it is free from land-tax, and upon enquiry finds out above facts, and also that no land-tax has been paid upon it for said 30 years or so. It is not quite clear that land did not once belong to one of said unexempted farms. The question is whether after a lapse of 30 years the land can be again assessed for land-tax ? If it can, of course, B would redeem it, but if not does not wish to go to that trouble and expense.—O. and S. [724] Painting Premises.—In answer to “E. B.,״ I have no doubt (if he has quoted the agreement accurately) that the tenant in painting the premises once only has done all that he is bound to do—B ABRISTEB. [723] Commission.—In the circumstances put by “ A. R. P.," I am clearly of opinion that he is not entitled to commission from A.—BARRISTER. [724] Refusal to Complete.—I am afraid I cannot give a definite opinion in the ease put by “ J. E. T.” without a fuller statement of the facts. What were the circumstances under which the refusal was made ? If it were purely wanton, an action would probably lie ; but this is hardly likely to have been so.—BAKRISTER, [725] Rainwater !Storage.—We are requested by Mr. E. Brand, author of the paper on the “Storage of Rainwater,” which appeared in our last issue, !to say that the line 42 in that report should read as follows: “ Piped mains fed by an improved system of mole drains; while thirdly,” etc. Hartismere Union Assessment. — We understand that the Assessment Committee of Hartismere Union haye now heard the objections to the recent reassessment of the breweries and public-houses in this Union, made by Messrs. W. Eye and !Sons, but have only reduced their assessments by £16 10s. The new figures show a considerable increase on the old assessments. New Agricultural Repository eor Wells. —Messrs. Bennett, Millard and Lloyd, auctioneers, of Wells and Wedmore, on Saturday last, the 15th inst., opened their new agricultural repository 'for the sale of all classes of stock. Being unable to obtain permission from the City Council to erect a ring in the market, Mr. W. J. Bennett, the senior partner in the firm, in the autumn of last year, purchased a piece of ground adjoining the market, and1 on this the new repository has been formed. It embraces an area! of just under an acre, haying two entrances from the market, and on the east a range of shedding for housing cows and calves, etc., on either side pens for cattle, and in the centre a large covered ring, octagonal in shape, affording buyers the opportunity of transacting their business in comfort irrespective of weather. On the other side of the ring is an open yard for turning out stock after they have passed under the hammer, and from this there is an entrance into Prince’s-road. On Saturday, tht large ring was inadequate to hold the numerous company which assembled for the opening sale, and it is a good omen for the good success of the venture that so many gathered together at the first business meeting. Mr. Bennett, in opening the proceedings, said that he regretted that the Mayor of the city (Mr. Councillor R. Norton) was unable to attend and say a few words on the occasion, as he had hoped that gentleman would haye been there. He (Mr. Bennett) had been trying for 14 years to obtain for the ancient city the accommodation which was due to its noted market, and he hoped that he had at last seen this provided, and that the market would now soon rise again to its old position as one of the best in the county. He was glad to see so ,many old friends there that day, and he assured them that his firm would continue to deserve the trust and confidence their numerous supporters had always placed in it. Business was then proceeded with, and Mr. Lloyd presiding with the hammer, quickly disposed of the large entry of about 70 head of stock at satisfactory prices. Sales are to he held at the repository every Saturday, at 12 o’clock, and next ,season special weekly calf and lamb auctions will be instituted. 791 square yards, at 6s. per yard!; a number of lots of leasehold building land situate near Arkwright-street and the new Trent Embankment, realised as follows:—1,187 square yards, sold at Is. 6d. per yard ; 1,035 square yards respectively, 4d. per yard ; 1,035 square yards respectively, 4^d. per yard, 1,240 square yards respectively, 6id. per yard ; 1,059 square yards respectively, 4d. per yard ; 1,059 square yards, 4^d. per yard; 1,077 square yards, 4d. per yard ; 1,077 square yards each, 4^d. per yard. The total annual ground rent realised by the sale was £618. STAFFORDSHIRE. On Tuesday, Mr. Walter Hughes sold by auction the following properties at his property mart, Walsall:—Four leasehold houses, Nos. 35, .37, 39 and 41, Bloxwich-road, Walsall, producing £52 a year, ground rent £9 7s. 6d., realised £480 ; four houses adjoining, producing £52 a year, ground rent £9 7s. 6d., £475; two houses, Nos. 52 and 53, Lower Hall-lane, Walsall, and the malthouse adjoining, leasehold foi 99 years from March 25, i834, ground rent £5 5s., was withdrawn at £925, but has since been sold for £1,100 ; six leasehold houses in Beacon-street, Walsall, producing £78 a year, ground rent £8 13s. 4d., realised £800; four freehold houses, Nos. 29, 31, 33 and 35, Burrowes-street, producing £39 a year, realised £350; and four freehold houses, Nos. 29, 31, 33 and 35, Bernard-street, producing £72 a year, was withdrawn at £1,025, but subsequently realised £1,035, making a total for the sale of £4,240. SURREY. At their auction sale, on the 12th inst., Messrs. Folker and Horton sold 14 plots on the Farncombe Station Estate, at prices varying from £40 to £50 per plot. At the King’s Head Hotel, Horley, on the 19th inst., Messrs. Baker and Baker sold a plot of freehold building land on the Gatwiok Estate, near Horley, with a frontage of about 50ft., and a depth of 299ft., for £77 10s. ; an adjoining plot, with a frontage of 50ft., and a depth of 298ft., for £82 10s. ; an adjoining plot, with a frontage of 50ft., and a depth of 297ft., for £97 10s. ; an adjoining plot, with a frontage of 50ft., and a depth of 296ft., for £102 10s. ; a similar plot, with a frontage of 50ft., and a depth of 295ft., for £80; an adjoining plot, with a frontage of 50ft., and a depth of 295ft., for £72 10s. ; a similar plot, having a frontage of 50ft. and a depth of 298ft., for £67 10s. ; and an adjoining plot, with a frontage of 50ft., and a depth of 298ft., for £70. The solicitors were Messrs. Morrisons and Nightingale, 94, Cannon-street, E.C. Messrs. Morgan, Baines and Clark held a successful sale of freehold property at their auction mart, Sutton, on Monday, the total realised being over £13,600. The Mint House and 17 cottages, at Banstead, sold for £2,600; Nos. 1 and 2, Laurel-villas, Belmont, and land for £1,200; the shops, Nos. 33 and 35, High-street, Sutton, and cottages, stabling, land ana ground! rent, for £6,695 ; and ground rents in Haddon-road, Sutton, at 25¿ years’ purchase. At the King’s Head Hotel, Epsom, on the 13th inst., Mr. W. H. Corbett sold a pair of freehold villa residences, Church-street, Epsom, gross rental £70, for £1,625; two others, Nos. 1 and 2, Exeter-cottages, East-street, Epsom, gross rental £51, for £790; a pair of semidetached houses, Nos. 1 and 2, The Elms, I.ondon-road, North Cheam, gross׳ rental £50, for £610; £500 five per cent, debenture stock in the Epsom and Ewell Gas Company, at £120 per share ; and 50 £1 shares in the Epsom Public Hall and1 Assembly Rooms Company, Limited, at 10s. 6d. and 11s. per share. WARWICKSHIRE. At the Grand Hotel, C'olmore-row, Birmingham, on the 13th inst., Messrs. Grimley and Son sold four dwelling houses, Nos. 64, 66, 68 and 70, Sycamore-road, Aston, gross rental £59 3s., lease 57 years, ground rent ״ol2 10s., for £535; four dwelling houses, Nos. 108, 110, 112 and 112a, Church-lane, Aston, gross rental £60 9s., lease 57 years, ground rent £12 10s., for £640 ; a retail shop, No. 72, Sycamore-road, and a double-fronted house, No. 106, Church-lane, gross rental £37 14s., ground rent £5, lease 57 years, for £445 ; three freehold shops and dwelling houses, Nos 114, 116 and Il3, High-street, King’s Heath, gross rental £153, for £2,160 ; six freehold houses, Silver-street, King’s Heath, for £1,350 ; two shops and dwelling houses, Nos. 41 and 43, Coventry-road, Hay Mills, gross rental £49 4s., ground rent £7 10s., lease 88 years, for £565 ; a long leasehold dwelling house, with stabling and coachhouse, No. 2, Leopoid-street, a shop and dwelling house, No. 3, Leopold-sfcreet, and nine houses, known as Leopold-terrace, gross rental £153 8s., ground rent £13 5s. 9d., for £1,260 ; and two long leasehold residences, Nos, 21 and 23, Gough-road, Edgbaston, gross rental £56, ground rent £7 10s., for £755. YORKSHIRE. At the Sheffield estate auction mart, on the 18th inst., Messrs. Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings sold a freehold shop, No. 23, High-street, Sheffield, a fully-licensed public-house, known as the Grey Horse, together with the range of buildings with a frontage. to High-street, for £13,250; two freehold closes of PROVINCIAL PROPERTY SALES. ------*■---- DEVONSHIRE. On the 17th instant Mr. Frank Ellis (Elliott, Ellis and Co., auctioneers, Plymouth) held a sale at the Western Law Courts, for the disposal of surplus land in connection with the Tavistock road and place Improvement. A corner site at the northern junction of Tavie׳tock-road and place, containing 1,307 superficial feet, sold for £1,150; another of 1,342ft., for £750; 1,398ft., for £925 ; 1,473ft., for £925 ; 1,543ft., for £900 ; 1,612ft. for £900 ; a site at the southern! end of the block, containing 2,017ft., sold for £1,425; another of 2,118ft., for £1,375; 1,994ft., for £1,400 ; 1,797ft., for £1,475 ; and a corner site, at the southern junction of Tavistock-road and place, containing 2,834ft., for £2,700. The sale realised about £14,000, which works out at an average of 14s. 3d. per superficial foot. ESSEX. Seventy-nine choice seaside plots at Westcliff-on-Sea, forming part of the Beach Estate, were offered to auction in a marquee on the estate, by Messrs. A. Prévost and Son, for the Land Company. Front plots were disposed of alt an average price of £20 per foot, and back plots at £10. The total amount realised at the sale, which took place on Wednesday, was £1,500. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. On the 17th instant Messrs. Macquire and Merry sold on the premises the fully-licensed inn and premises, known as the Vauxhall Inn, together with the brewery known as the Vaux-hall Brewery, Lower Barton-street, Gloucester, for £6,050, to Messrs¡. Mitchells and Butlers, brewers, Birmingham. On the 6th inst., at their mart, Cheltenham, Messrs. Bayley and Adams sold a freehold detached family residence, known as St. Leonard’s, Evesham-road, Pittville, with garden, lawn, etc., for £1,310 ; and a freehold residence, known as No. 11, Suffolk-square, Cheltenham, with stabling, coachhouse, etc., for £530. KENT. On the 12th instant, at their auction mart, Ramsgate, Mr. Harold Bertram Vinten, F.S.I. (of the firm of Vinten and Son), offered for sale several freehold properties. The following were the prices realised:—No. 25, Adelaide-gardens, sold for £400 ; No. 35, Adelaide-gar-dens, let at rental of £28, for £330 ; Nos. 30, 31, 32 and 33, Montague-roa׳d, each let at rental of 6s. per week, for £205 each ; Mount Orgueil, Grove-road, now in hand, for £640 ; the adjoining villa, Oorbiere, was׳ withdrawn at £640 ; No. 2, Percy-ro!ad, let at £15 12s., including taxes, sold for £150 ; No. 4, Percy-road, let at £20 16s., including taxes, for £255 ; Nos. 5 and 6, Durlock-cottages, Minster, each let at a rental of 3s6 .׳d. per week, for £250. The solicitors! engaged were Messrs. Daniel, Mr. E. Wotiton and Messrs. Mercer and Whitehead, all of Ramsgate. LANCASHIRE. On the 13th instant Mr. Thomas Crompton conducted a sale of property at the Saddle Hotel, Bolton. Four six-roomed houses, Nos. 182 to 188, Deane Church-lane, four ׳similar houses, Nos. 190 to 196, four others, Nos. 198 to 204, term 999 years, proportionate ground rent of each £1 16s. 9d., and two houses, Nos. 206 and 208, corner of Hawthorne-road, proportionate ground rent £3 16s. 3d., sold׳ for £1,288 ; ten four-roomed houses, Nos. 21 to 39, Tempest-street, term 999 years, ground rent £1 5s. eadh, for £450 ; receivable yearly ground rent of £10 3s. 5d., payable for 975 years, out of 1,963 square yards of land and four houses, 1, Queen’s-road, and Nos. 176, 178 and 180, Deane Church-lane, with the leasehold reversion, for £260 ; and dwelling house, No. 54, RandalLstreet, Daubhill, gross yearly rent £13, term 980 years, ground rent £2, for £111. Mr. F. A. Horridge and Messrs. Winders were the solicitors for the vendors. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. On the 12th instant, at the Grand Hotel, Northampton, Messrs. Macquire and Merry sold a freehold residence, known as Castlestone, Black Lion-hill, Northampton, for £1,275 , a freehold residence, No. 14, St. George’s-place, Northampton, let at £19, for £320 ; a private residence, No. 15, St. George’s-place, let at £19, for £335 ; and two dwelling houses, Nos. 5 and 7, Gregory-street, Northampton, gross rental £13, for £71. The solicitors were Messrs. Markham, Northampton. NORTHUMBERLAND. At the Albion Grill, Saville-street, North Shields, on the 5th instant, Mr. Robert M. Tate sold two closes of freehold land containing in all about 16 acres, Preston-lane and avenue, Preston, for £16,050. The solicitor was Mr. William C. Trevor, Guisborough. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. At a recent auction sale, at the Guildhall, Nottingham, Mr. T. Wilson sold three lots of building land, comprising the site of old shops at Nos. 80 to 96, Derby-road, Nottingham, and other premises at the rear, containing about NEWRON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Opper-street. N. Kentish Town—19, Haverstock-road, L Bayswater—26, Ladbroke-gardens, F STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2. New Kent-road. S.E. Pimlico—45 and 51, Tachbrook-street, 'L Vauxhall—57 and 61, Bond-street, L Leytonstone—9 to 19 (odd), Crownfield-road, L Walthamstow—Lancaster-road, 27 Plots of Building Land, F FRIDAY 21st. W. A. RALL, 2, Pall Mall East, S.W. Sea View, Isle of Wight—Nettlestone House, and Two Cottages, L J HIRRARD and SONS, 9, Walbrook, E.C., Stoke Newington-green, N., and Hoe-street, Walthamstow, E. Holloway—52 and 64, Benwell-road, L East Molesey, Surrey—Arnison-road, Fernleigh, F HALL, NORRIS and HADLEY, 5, Argyll-place, Regent-street, W. Vauxhall—51, 53 and 63, Nine Elms-lane, L Chiswick—Grove-park, Graylands, F JONES, LANG and CO., 3, King-street, Cheap-side, 95, Leadenhall-street, E.C., and Lons-dale-chambers. Chancery-lane, W.C. South Kensington—20, Thurloe-place, L Putney-hill—Carlton-road, Altyre Lodge, and three-quarters of an acre, F PROTHEROE and MORRIS, 67 and 68, Cheap-side. E.C., and Leytonstone. South Woodford—High-road׳, etc., Two Blocks of Building Land, F THURGOOD and MARTIN, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. Hanworth, Middlesex—Cooper’s Nurseries, 64a. Or. 15p., F REYNOLDS and EASON, 13, Rishopsgate-street Without E.C. Barnsbury—65, Rhodes-street, L LONDON AND SUBURBAN RESULTS. APRIL. THURSDAY 13th. CHARLES ATKINS, 111a. High-street, Lewisham, S.E. (at the White Hart Hotel. Lewisham). Lewisham—92, Court-hill-road, ut 54 years, GR £5 10s., R £40 ..................... 350 WEDNESDAY 19th-W. G. SHADRAKE, 181, High-road, Leyton (at the Town Hall, Leyton'. Stratford—18, 20 and 22, Manby-road, ut 79 years, GR £11 5s., R £58 10s............ 375 THURSDAY 20th. HOOKER and WERB, 1, High-street, Croydon (at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon). Croydon—21, 23 and 25, Sydenham-road North 1,060 The Elms, Elmwood-road, North-park, F 1,090 West Croydon—23, Campbell-road, F .... 610 Waddon, Croydon—14 Plots of Freehold Building Land in Duppas-hill and׳ Epsom-road 3,030 Building Land at West Norwood.—At the White Hart Hotel, Tulse-hill station, on Tuesday last, Mr. Philip Stock disposed o׳f 30 plots of freehold building land, situate on the Rothschild Gardens Estate, West Norwood, S.E., for a total sum of £2,810. Surveyors’ Institution Examinations.— We understand that the courses of preparation for the examinations of the :Surveyors’ Institution, to he held in March next, presided over by Mr. Philip E. Pilditch, are now commencing, and gentlemen desirous of joining the classes, or having assistance in their preparation by correspondence, would do well to communicate with the secretary, Surveyors’ Lectures, 2, Pall Mall East, S.W., who will furnish full information on application. Jeweller’s Stock.—Having disposed of the premises, No. 90, Oxford-street, W., Messrs. May and Rowden are offering to auction, on Monday next, and three following days, the jeweller’s stock and fittings. Contents of the Old Manor House, Hythe.—The very interesting sale by auction of the antique furniture and other effects of the Old Manor ,Hbuse, Hythe, was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, and was attended with a most successful result. We are obliged to hold over details of the sale until next week. Freehold Properties in Chelsea.—A number of valuable freehold properties adjoining Lord Cadogan’s Chelsea estate are announced for sale by Mr. Edward Millard, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, on the 1st prox. They include the fully-licensed premises known as the Rose and Crown, which possess a frontage of 170ft. to Marlborough-road, a main thoroughfare connecting the Brompton-road and the Eulham-road ־with King’s-road, Chelsea, seven shops in the same thoroughfare, and 17 dwelling houses in streets adjacent, together covering a superficial area of about 24,150 square feet, and let partly at ground rents and partly at rack rents amounting together to £595 12s. The ground leases expire in from 9^: to ll¿ years, when the purchaser will be entitled to the rack rents now estimated at £1,525 per annum. Great improvements are likely to have taken place before that time on Lord׳ Cadogan’s estate, his lordship having bought up the leases of about 400 houses in the locality. Having regard to this fact, the property will be muen increased in value as a building site for the erection of high-class shops ,and flats, for which it is well adapted owing to its proximity to Belgravia, South Kensington and Hyde-park.