665 THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 22, 1899. GREEN and SON (at their mart, 217, King-street, Hammersmith, at 7 o’clock). Hammersmith—14 to 46 (even), Albion-gardens, L umswick—iu and 12, Sutheriand-road, ut 6u years, Gk £8, R £104 hiILliAisi uuciSXON, 143, Westbourne-groYe, 10, Sutherlana-aYenue, W., ana Uxbridge (ab the Haddington Real Estate Sale Rooms, at 7.30 o’clock). Harlesden—23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 35. 39 and 41, Tabb’s* road, L Westbourne-park—47־, Learning to n-road-villas, ut 57 years, OH £10, R £6o Paddington—Yo, Ciarendon-street, ut 53à years, GR àio lus., R £4׳;; and 74, uirencester •street, ut 55* years, GK £6 10s., R £59 16s. Maida-vaie—52, Sutheriand-avenue, ut 65 years, GR £11, HR £70 Padldington-green—11, St. Mary’s-square, ut 40 years, Gib £b 10s., R £55 Notting-hill—132, Portiand-road, ut 50 years, GR £10, R £45 10s. St. Pecer’s-parR—8, Woodfield-crescent, ut 60 years, GR £8, R £42 WALTER MOiviLOCK, Sydenham, S.E. (at the Childwick Hail, Penge, S.E., at 7 o’clock). Penge—29, 31, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 and 47, Lennard-road, ut 83 years, GR £45, R £270; and 2, Green-lane, R £32, P Sydennam—148, Venner-road, R £36. F THURSDAY 27th. At ONE o’clock. W, N. WILLOUGHBY, 399, Nor wood-road, aid lulse-hiil, S.E. Norwood—8, Gipsy-terrace, F, R £30; Auckland-hill, Fairview, F, LR £40; Ganteroury-grove, St. Ives, ut 80 years, GR £2 los., R £31 4s. ׳Pulse-hiii—1, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Harpenden-road, ut 96 years, GR £36 15s., R £19« Herne uay—Beitinge, The Bungalow, F At TWO o’clock: L. FARMER, 4b, Gresham-atreet, Bank, E.C., and 12, High-roau, Kiiburn, N.W. St. John’s Wood—5 and 6, Northwick-terrace, ut years, GR £30 10s., HR £270; lo8, Giition-nill, ut 43 years, GR £15 4s., Er £75; 140, Aiexandra-road, ut 50 years, GR £20, ER £90; 17, Abercorn-piace, F, ER £110 Maida-vaie—171, Sutheriand-avenue, ut 80 years, GR £14, ER £110 Brondesbury—252, Willesden-lane, L DYER, SON and HID TON, 30, Budge-row, E.C. and Blackheatn, S.E. Blackheath—17, Kidbroek-park-road, ut 66 years, GR £11, ER £80; 5, Lee-road, ut 40 years, GR £10, P; 3 and 4, Morden-roau, ut 37 years, GR £14 each; 9, St. Jchn's-park, ut 51 years, GR £15; 64, Burnt Ash-road, ut 55 years, GR £8 16s., R £65 Forest־hui—Brockley-park-road, Two Freehold Building Sites Lee—Grove-park, The Limes, ut 72 years, GR £20, R £95; 6, Northbrook-road, ut 61 years, GR £14 14s., P Wimbledon—Burham-road, Tangley, IF, ER £80 EAREBROXHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, BREACH, GALSWORTHY and uO., 29, Fleet-street, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. Westminster—148 to 160 (even), Horseferry-road, area 6,7/Uit.״ F, P Twickenham—11, 12, 15, 19, 21, 22, 27, 28 , 29, 31, 46 and 50, Strawberry-hiii-road, F, R £895 Island of Geylon, India׳—The Bunyan and Ovoca Tea Plantation, 563 acres NEWBON, EDWAKDd and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, N. Barnsbury—Richmond-crescent, etc., IGR's of £63, ut 52 years, GR £8 Caledonian-road—Soutliampton-street, etc., IGR’s of £93, ut’s 45 and 53 years, GR £10 2s. Oheshunt, Herts—Hammond-road, Alma Cottage, end about five acres, F Camden Town—36, Kmg’s-road, ut 72 years, GR £56, R £150 Islington—101, Packington-street, ut 37 year*, GR £6, ER £40 City-road—No. ?59, Freehold, P Stratford—Keogh-road, Freehold Rent-charges of £60 Limehouse—Eastfield-street, FGR’s of £15, reversion in 21 years C. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-sfireet, E.C. Stepney—Ben Jonson-road, St. Thomas’-yard, area 21,000ft., F, R £ Plaistow—4 to 14 (even), Northern-road, ut 70 years, GR £21, R £115 14s.; 143, 145 and 147, Wintwell-road, ut 80 years, GR £9, R £54 12s.; 2 to 20 (even), Chapman-road, ut 60 years, GR £20, WR £156; 82, 84 and 86, Southern-road, ut 85 years, GR £10, R £52 Woodford—Grove-villas, FGR’s of £21, reversion in 82 years Mile End—8 to 32 (even), Bloomfield-road, ut 60 years, GR £4 10s. each, ■MT £36 each Islington—29 to 37 (odd), (jueensbury-street, ut 11 years, GR £30, WR £192 8s. Plumstead—67 and 67a, ReidUiaven-road, ut 91 and 67 years, GR £4, WR £59 16s. Yictoria-park—88 Bishop’s-road, ut 45 years, GR £4, ER £38 J. A. and W. THARP, 9, Norton Folgate, E., and Leytonstone. South Woodford—Grove-hill, St. Hildas, and St. Bedes, F, R £95 Ratcliff Highway—34, St. George’s-street, F, R £31 4s. Hoxton—Hoxton-market, a Plot of Land, 31ft. 5in. by 64ft. 10in., F Homer ton—89, Sidney-road, ut 34 years, GR £16, area 7,400ft. South Tottenham—173 and 175, St Ann’s-road, ut 70 years, GR £25 4s., R £85 STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Camberwell—Hinton-road, The Bridge House and Works, ut 4l years, GR £16, R £50 Kiiburn—26 and 28, Aider shot-road. F, R £62; 90, •Carlton-vale, ut 51 years., GR £10, R £55 Clapham—48, Yictoria-road, ut 81 years, GR £8, ER £50 Brixton—72, 84 and 86, Arlingford-road, ut 79 years, GR £25 10s., ER £12 4s. Peckham—4, 6, 8 ׳and 10, St. Jude’s-villas, ut 75 years, GR £24, R £124; 1, Shields-street, ut 64 years, GR £6, R £45 Brixton—56 and 69, Brailsford-road, ut 79 years, GR £17, R £72 WILTSHIRE and TAURGOOD, 150, Lee Highroad, Catford-briige, and 98, Lewisham High street, S.E. Lee—13, 15, 15, 23, 25, 27 and 29, Southbrook-road, ut 64 years, GR £56 10s., R £22; also Warehouse, Premises and Stabling, ut 64 years, GR £10, R £324 16s.; 14 and 16, Burnt Ash-hill, ut 68 years, GR £13 13s. each, R £60 each; 57 and 61, Manor-park, ut 70 years, GR £16 each, R £65 each; 34a, Blessington-road, ut 52 years, GR £8 10s., ER £80 H. J. BROMLEY, la, Wood-street, E.C., and at West Norwood and Forest-hill, S.E. Forest-hill—Siddons-road, Kemble House, ut 77 years, GR £8 15s., YR £30; 147, Devonshire-road, F, P; Brockley-rise, Eimhurst, and a Plot of Land, F Dulwich—24, Park-road, F, P T. BUHL, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. Chipstead, Surrey—The Firs, and % acres, F E. and H. LUMLEY, 22 and 35, St. James’s-street, S.W. Clungunford!, Salop—The )Broadward Hall Estate, 125 acres, F MERRETT and MOULD, 23, Gt. James-street, Bedford-row, W. Hounslow—Middlesex—Freehold Building Estate, 20 acres EASTMAN BROS., 23, Bucklersbury, EX., Anerley, Sydenham and Forest-hill, S.E. Anerley—18 to 26 (even), St. Hugh’s-road, ut 68 years, GR £25, WR £130 Blackfriars—78, Blackfriars-road, ut 27 years, GR £17, R £112 Forest-hill—182, Devonshire-road, F, ER £75; Mayow-road, Quarrington House, ut 64 years, GR £4, P BATOHELAR and SON, LTD., North End, Croy-den, 4, Birchin-l&.ne, Cornhili, E.C , and The Parade, Beckenham (at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, at 6 o’clock). South Croydon—Jesmond Lodge, St. Pcter’s-road, F Croydon—A Freehold Building Site, known as 75, South End, frontage 55ft. R. CHEKE and CO., 749, Romford-road, Manor-park, E., and Ilford, Romford and Wood-lord-briage (at the Swan Hotel, Broadway, Stratford, at 8 o’clock). Manor-park—7, 9 and 11. Second-avenue, Romford-road, ut 83 years, GR £15, R £78; 27, 31, 33, 35, 37 and 39, Meaniey-roadl, ut 81 years, GR £30, R £144 6s.; and Three Villa Residences, situate in Little Ilford-lane, R £88 8s., F Iiford—IGR of £30 per annum, secured upon 11 to 18, York-villas, Southborough-road WEDNESDAY 26th. At ONE o’clock. W. H. BROWN and CO., 93 and 94, Chancery-lane, W.C. Tulse-hill—154, Norwood-road, F, R £60 At TWO o’clock. LEYENS, SON and HOARE, Beckenham, Kent. Beckenham, Kent—Oakdene MOSS and JAMESON, 77, Chancery lane, W.C. Long Acre—54, 58 and 60, Neal-street, F, ER £234 Bloomsbury—68, Russell-square, Beneficial Lease for 14 or 21 years, R £150 HOBSON, RICHARDS and CO., 79, Coleman-street, E.C. Willesden— Budding Hill-lane, The Dudding Hill Estate, 50a. 2r. 6p., F Enfield Highway—Green-street, Two Freehold Cottages, R £24 14s., also Piece of Land adjoining, 104ft. by 55ft., F £. T. PARKER and SON, 20, Cheap3ide, E.C., and at Clifton and Bristol. East Dulwich—15, Underhill-road, ut 81 years, GR £10, ER £50 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C., and Tottenham, N. Stocks and Shares in various Gas■ Companies ROBERT TiDEY and SON, 3, PentonYilie-road, N. Hackney—4, The Grove, 0, R £65 Islington—49, Cieveiand-road, ut 53 years, GR £5, R £46 Regent’s-park—129, Albany-road, ut 16 years, GR £15, ER £65 De Beauvoir Town—183, Downlram-road, ut 42 years, GR £5, K £38 Kentish Town—60 and 64, Castle-road, ut 61 years, GR £14 10s., YR £85 INMAN and CO., 125, Maida-Yale, W. South Hampstead—190, Belsiize-road, ut 56 years, GR £11, R £80 Harlesden—2 and 4, Stracey-road, ut 86 years, GR £22 ELLIS MORRIS and CO., 5, King-street, Cheap side, E.C. Rotherhithe—6, Derrick-street, F, WR £22 Hoxton—2, Gopsall-street, ut 32 years, GR £4 4s., R £30 Peckham—Reynolds-road, FGR of £12, reversion in 96 years Shepherd’s! Bush—Percy-road, FGR of £48, ut 96 years Finsbury-park—Hermitage-road. FGR’s of £13 7s. Holloway—Elthorne-road, FGR’s of £18, reversion m 96 years; Hornsey-road, FGR’s of £160 6s., reversion in 96 years Harringay—Aima-road, FGR’s of £50 8s., reversion in 99 years EDWIN EVANS, 253, Lavender-hill, S.W,, and Earlsfieid (at the Falcon Hotel, Clapham-junction, at 7 o’clock). Clapham Common—1, Worcester-gardens, F; also a FGR of £9 per annum, secured upon 2, Worcester-gardens Clapham Junction—91, Leathwaite-road, L Lavender-hill—58 to 64, Basnett-road, L Battersea—12, Patience-road, L Earlsfieid-—124, 126, and 210, Earlsfield-road, L Wandsworth—2 to 12, Jew’s-row, L Putney—20 and 45, Schubert-road, West-hill, L Fulham—16 and 18, Kinnoul-road, L Croydon—14 and 16, Dryden-road, L GEO. RAYENSHEAR, 49, Broadway, Ealing and Southall (at the Feathers Hotel, Ealing, at 7.30 o’clock). Ealing—43, Argyll-road, L; and a Freehold Building Site near Castle-hill Southall—Five Residences in Osterley-park-road; also 31 Freehold Dwelling Houses Hanwell—10 Dwelling Houses in Holly-park-road; and 23 and1 25, St. Mark’s-road, F WALFORD and W1LSHIN, 137, Anerley-road, S.E. (at the Thicket Hotel, Anerley-road, S.E., at 8 o’clock). Beckenham—10 and 11, Heathfield-terrace, Harding’s-lane Sydenham—21 and 23, Knighton-park-road, L Penge—18, Queen Adelaide-road, L BEALE and CAPPS, 126, Ladbroke-groYe, Notting-hill, W. (at the Elgin Hotel, Lad-broke-groYe, W., at 8 o’clock). Notting-hill—2, Rosmead-road, ut 40 years, GR £7 10s., ER £40; and1 110, Elgin-crescent, L Bayswater—111, Ledbury-road, ut 47 years, GR £5 8s., R £45; and 13, Denbigh-terrace, ut 43 years, GR £6 6s., R £30 FORTHCOMING SALES. Sales at the Mart, London, except where otherwise stated. Country Forthcoming Sales are given else-ABBREVIATIONS.—F—Freehold. C—Copyhold. L— Leasehold. GR—Ground Rent. IGR—Improved Ground Rent. WR—Weekly Rent. YR-Yearly Rent. MT—Monthly Tenancy. QT—Quarterly Tenancy. P—Possession. PA—Per Annum. E— Estimated. APRIL. MONDAY 24tb. At ONE o’clock. A. THOMAS, PEYER and MILES, 2, Adelaide-piace,E.C. Henlow, Beds—The Henlow Brewery, and 10 licensed houses Fenny Stratford, Bucks—The Fenny Stratford Brewery, with Nine Public-houses, Yards, Wharfage, and Plots of Land, F and L Brewery and other Shares At TWO o’clock. MESSRS. KEM6LEY, Woodford-green and Romford, Essex. Stapleford Abbotts, Essex—Grove House, Cottages and Enclosures, 33 acres, F Hackney—Clarence-road, IGR’s of £45, ut 40 years, GR £6 4s. Theydon Bois, Essex—Red Oaks, and two acres, F Romford, Essex—Crow-lane, Enclosures of Land, 28 acres׳, F Chigweil—Miiler’s-lane, Two Copyhold Cottages MAY and PH1LPOT, 140, Brixton-hill, S.W. Streatham—15, Mount Ephr aim-road, ut 55 years, GR £18, ER £130 Brixton—169, Leander-road, ut 90 years., GR £10, R £60; 34, Lambert-ro׳ad, ut 74 years, GR £11 2s.. P Streatham—135 and 145, Hopton-road, ut 8C years, GR £12 12s. each, ER £130; Gleneagie-road, ut 94 years, GR £8 10s., R £55 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, EX., and Tottenham, N. West Ham Gas Company—£20,000 Debenture Stock J. G. PERRY, 56, Preston-street, Brighton. Clapham—85, Bromfelde-road, ut 63 years, GR £7 14s., R £52 10s.; 67 and 69, Old Town, and Two Cottages in rear, ut 22 years, GR £60, R £157; 33, Sibella-road, ut 63 years, GR £12, ER £70; 31, €antley-avenue, ut 85 years, GR £14 5s.״ QT £55; 18, 19, 20, 21 and 23, Crescent-grove, ut 73 years, GR £60, R £295; 11, Grafton-square, ut 67 years, GR £8, R £48 DRIYERS and CO., 23, Pall Mall, S.W. Cobham, Surrey—Little Heath, Numerous Residences, Cottages, Beer-house, and 50§ acres, F Wimbledon—9, 11 and 17, Stanley-road, ut 84 years, GR £33, R £109 10s.; 24, 26, 28 and 30, South Park-road, ut 84 years, GR £10 10s. each, R £32 each j. C. PLATT, 197, King-street, Hammersmith, W. Dartford, Kent—6 and 8, Lowfield-street, F, R £42 each Brentford—26, 27 and 28, Hamilton-road, F, WR £23 8s. each Battersea—38, Savona-street, F, WR £28 12s. Ealing—54, Ranelagh-road, ut 66 vears, GR £5, R £35 Southall, Middlesex—7 to 21 (odd), York-road״ ut 96 years, GR £29 10s., WR £202 Notting-hill—38, Lancaster-road, ut 64 years, GR £10, ER £60 Shepherd’s Bush—57 and 59, Richford-street, ut 71 years, GR £13, WR £80 12s. BALCH and BALCH, 225, Kentish Town-road, N.W. Kentish Town—Grafton-road, IGR of £77; 119, Chet-wynd-road, F, P C. E. CURTIS and SHARP, The Broadway, Plaistow, E. (at the George Hotel, Enfield Town, at 7.30 o’clock). Enfield Town, Lower Edmonton and Enfield Highway—120 Lots of Building Landl F. S. PRIEST, 61,¡Station-road, Willesden-junction, N.W. (at the Court House, High-street, Harlesden, at 7.30 o’clock). Harlesden—54 and 56, Acton-lane, R £95; F, also a Block of Stables and Warehouses in Manor-park-road, R £70, F; 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, Mordaunt-road, Acton-lane, L; 38, Manor-park-road, L; and 13, 15, 17 and 19, Fortune-gate-road, L Willesden—11, 13, 15 and 17, Queen’s-road, Harrow-road, L; and 28, Victoria-parade, College-park, TUESDAY 25th. At TWELVE o’clock. FULLER, HORSEY, SONS and CASSELL, 11, Billiter-square, E.C. Shadwell—Milk-yard, Freehold Manufacturing Premises, area 38,500ft. At TWO o’clock. HARMAN BROS., 78, Aldermanbury, E.C., and Rectory-road Station, N. Hampstead Heath—47, South-hill-park, ut 56 years, GB £8, P Harrow—1, 2 and 3, Wealdstoue-terrace, F, B £117 Shepherd’s Bush—284, Goldhawk-road, ut 35 years, GB £33, B £105; 20 to 23, Caithness-road, ut 66 years, GB £26, B £140; 64, Wood-lane, F, B £50 Walthamstow—41 t’o 49 (odd), Kingsley-road, ut 90 years, GB £25, WB £119 12s. C. W. DAYIES, 15, Upper-street, Islington, N. Islington—4, Tyndale-terrace, ut 44 years, GB £6 10s., B £45; 8, 11 and 14, Dagmar-terrace, ut 47 years, GB £18 18s., E £124 Highbury—87 and 89, Highbury-hill, ut 64 years, GB £12 10s. each King’s Cross—4, 5 and 6, Providence-row, F, WB £46 16s. City-road—8, Colebrooke-row, F, EB £70 Tottenham—213 to 231 (odd), St. Ann’s-road, and 1 to 10, Henry-road, ut 69 years, GB £80, WB £461 16s. Dalston—103, 103a, 105 and1 107, Dalston-lane, ut 84 years; Dyseil-street, Dalston-chambers, ut 84 years, GB £7, E £50 HAMPTON and SONS,l, Cockspur-street, S.W. Bisharn, Bucks—Stoney Ware, and 25 acres, F South Kensington—13, Gledhow-gardens, ut 73 years, GB £30, P Haslemere, Surrey—Weysprings, and nine acres, F East Liss, Hants—Lingwood, and 11 acres, F Bickmansworth, Herts—Scot’s-hill, and li acres, F Frimley, Surrey—The Firs and 43 acres, F Surbiton, Surrey—Victoria-road, Uplandis, and Elm-dean, P, P Bowledge, Surrey—Ellerslie, and 1J acres, F South Kensington—1, Wetherhy-gardens, ut 76 years, GB £50, B £350 customs differed so much, but ■he congratulated that branch on thus early overcoming a great difficulty, and formulating a scale which should emasculate and kill and render null and void illegitimate, undue and unfair competitions. (Hear, hear). Some others had come from far distant centres ■to do honour to their branch. Some of them had a pleasant recollection of the favours bestowed on them two years ago, and had a keen anticipation of favours yet to come. (Hear, ,hear, and laughter). He had heard of Welsh welcomes and he had been in Yorkshire —their President was a typical Yorkshireman— '(applause)—but he must say that even a Yorkshire welcome paled before that of the Welsh. (Applause). He hoped that Mr. Alexander would have responded to the toast, but he might tell them that if Mr. Alexander was not a prince he entertained them with princely hospitality. (Hear, hear). They had a very high appreciation of the talent and ability of Mr. Alexander on the Council, and they hoped that he would become the President of the Institute. (Applause). They had watched the progress ■of the branch with great interest, and they congratulated it on having such an able chairman as Mr. Alexander, and two such lieutenants ■as Mr. T. Parry and Mr. W. J. Bees. (Applause). Mr. T. Parry (Vice-chairman, Newport) responded, remarking that the fact that they had enrolled 46 members in a little over 12 months, showed their determination to make the branch a success. Mr. W. H. Rees (Vice-chairman, Neath) also -responded, and referred in very complimentary terms to the valuable services rendered by Mr. Alexander as chairman of the branch. Mr. Lewellen Wood proposed the health of the Chairman in a very humorous speech. Mr. Field, he said, had referred to the: fact that the South Wales branch had adopted a ,scale of charges. He (Mr. Wood) had com© to the conclusion that■ of all professions the auctioneers in that district were as able to take care of themselves as those of any other on the face of the civilised globe. (Laughter). He found now that as a body they were innocent, innocuous, over-confiding persons, certain to fall a prey to the machinations of an unscrupulous1 community unless protected by the Institute. (Laughter). Mr. Wood then traced Mr. Alexander’s successful and useful career, and paid him a high compliment on the ability which he bad always displayed in a useful and honourable profession. The toast having been drunk with enthusiasm, The Chairman responded. It was, lie said, very gratifying to him that there were members of the Institute present that night from every county in South Wales, and that the parent society was so well represented. It was to the interest of the public generally that they should entrust their business to members of the Institute, who were qualified to discharge their duty faithfully and ,honestly to the best of their ability. (Applause). Mr. W. J. Rees gave the toast of “ The Visitors,” which was replied to by the Mayor of Cardiff, Mr. O. H. Jones, Mr. T. R. Thompson, and ■the Mayor of Abetravon. The Chairman gave “ The Health of Mr. Dobson, President of the Institute,” which was suitably acknowledged. Mr. Dobson stated that Mr. Alexander would make one of the best presidents in the ■three kingdoms when his time came to take the presidency of the Institute. Other toasts followed, and the members and guests dispersed at a late hour after spending a most enjoyable evening. Fubniittke Sale at Soethpobt.—On the 14th inst., at their salerooms, No. 261, Lord-street, Southport, Messrs. Bentinck Saul and Co. held a sale of oak furniture, china, oil paintings, etc. The more important lots included the following : —A pollard oak bedroom suite, £79 6s. ;a solid brass Arabian bedstead, £18 10s. ; a carved oak china cabinet, £8 15s. ; a suite of garniture, consisting of an Empire clock, surmounted with bronze figure, and a pair of five-light candelabra, £13; an English gilt mantel mirror, carved frame and cornice, £5 5s. ; a brown ■oak office desk, £6; a pollard •oak bookcase, £10 10s. ; a Chippendale mahogany china cabinet, £17; and a dark Chippendale mahogany drawing room suite, consisting of settee, two armchairs and four single chairs, £10. Ibish Game Pbotection Association.—The annual general meeting of the Irish Game Protection Association, of which Mr. J. Scott Kerr is the general secretary, was held in the Shel-bourne Hotel, Dublin, on Thursday, the 13th inst. Lord Massy presided, and there (was a numerous and representative attendance. Baron de Robeck, in moving the adoption of the report, congratulated the meeting upon the marked advance which the association had made during the year, and emphasised the importance of the work it was doing not alone for sport, but through it, for the country at large, as all classes could not fail to reap some benefit if the sporting resources of the country were improved. Lord Monck seconded the motion, which was adopted. Other resolutions of a congratulatory nature were passed, and the executive committee was reappointed for the ensuing year.