663 THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 22, 1899. flmottaL Messrs. Alfred׳ and Abraham Grogan, estate agents, Manchester, have dissolved partnership. Mr. Samuel H. Wright, F.S.A.A., of Hail Gate, Doncaster, for some years estate agent to the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Company, has just died. Mr. H. W. Archer, hotel and tavern valuer, has removed from No. 10, Hart-street, Bloomsbury, to more convenient offices at No. 5, John-street, Bedford-row, W.C. The partnership hitherto existing between Messrs. G. Vinio and A. J. H. Child, carrying on business as auctioneers at Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn, W.C., under the style of Hayman and Co., has been dissolved. The marriage took place last week of Mr. Robert Battersby, eldest son of Councillor J. Battersby, J.P., of Walmersley-road, Bury, to Miss Lucy Richards, third daughter of Mr. S. Richards, surveyor, of Wivilisconfbe, Souier set. Mr. W. H. Warner (Messrs. Lofts and Warner) will read a paper on the “ West-end ” at the next social meeting of the Institute of Estate and House Agents, to be ¡held at the Hotel de Elorence, Rupert-street, W., on Wednesday next, the 26th inst. Mr. H. Chatfeild Clarke, F.S.I., surveyor to the Fishmongers’ Company, conducted a party of 70 members of the Architectural Association over the Fishmongers’ HaS, on Saturday, and also read a paper upon the ancient buildings at one time standing on the site of the present structure. Messrs. Michael Faraday and Rodgers, of 77, Chancery-lane, W.C., have been appointed by the overseers of the five parishes comprising the borough of Northampton, to revalue for assessment purposes the railways, gas and water works, telephone, tramway and other public companies, boot factories, breweries, large shops, banks, clubs, hotels and over 250 public-houses. Mr. Fraser Story, who has secured first !dace and senior medal in the Edinburgh Universitv class o’f agriculture, first place andl medal in the class of entomology, and first place in forestry, is the son of Mr. Story, of The Glen, Innerleithen, factor for Sir Charles Tennant. Mr. Story, who was medalist in last year’s forestry examination, has also gained the medal in the class of agricultural zoology at the Edinburgh School of Rural Economy. Mr. Albert L. Guy, A.R.I.B.A., of Bedford-row House, W.C., and Lewisham, has designed the fine new premises known as the White Horse, Chislehurst, Kent, owned by Mr. C. C. Thomson. The old house was over 300 years old, and was possessed of many historical associations. The new building is built of red brick and stone, and includes a large dining room capable of seating 150 guests. There are some extremely pleasant gardens and a line bowling lawn attached to the house. At a largely attended meeting of prominent agriculturists at the offices of Messrs. Alfred Mansell and Co., ¡Shrewsbury, on Saturday, Sir Thomas Boughey, Bart., in the chair, 'it was unanimously agreed that a committee be formed to consider what arrangements should be made to further the recognition of the services of Mr. J. Bowen-Jones to agriculture. Mr. Alfred Mansell was appointed hon. secretary, and he has issued a circular asking tor the consent of those who may serve on the committee, and inviting them to attend a meet-on May 6, to appoint a chairman, hon. treasurer, to consider the question of amount of subscription, and other business. It is hoped, in view of Mr. Bowen-Jones’s wide and varied services to agriculture, that the movement will be a thoroughly national one. irnnmarg af Contents. AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE, (p. 664).-The annual wlut1.? ^ aSd»Sanauefc jncpnnection with theSouth r! Monmouthshire branch was held at 0״Tuesday last, and wasatte״ ded by the hers ״fnttb(5r6 Ed״i״d!nDobson) and several mem® toed b/lfr T ii The .™1?J“« services ren-aerea py Mr. D. T. Alexander (Messrs Stephenson and Alexander), as chairman of the branch were fittingly acknowledged by his re-election ’ The BeTÆc (p™ 68>hOUt Were highly BhiSo?fta?IHt^?#;l?Ti(p• ancient and ÎrÎ «j?™ clty, °l Bristol, Where the members of yo.rs 1“titntion will hold their pro-fext ™,eeli׳ IS described in an illustrated article under this heading The SS FORESTRY (p. 665) F aS'UEE °LI) AND NEW (p■ 67«-The Brothers ^^5N^S3)№- 656)׳ MArIIIs (pH?7PlfKTr N0TES (p 6501 MBÏEÏ. FE0M THÉ MART (p. 669) NOTES BY THE WAY (p. 670) ' OBITUARY (p. 663). PRIVATE TREATY SALES (p. 653) PROVINCIAL PROPERTY SALES (n 667) RATES AND RATING (p. 654)