April 22, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE, 662 have these two contradictory effects at the same time. Altogether there was exceedingly little substance in the criticisms, and Mr. Chamberlain found no difficulty in disposing of them. Гаке, for instance, the suggestion that the operations of the Building Societies would be upset by the Bill. Nothing could be more illusory. The present measure aims only at enabling working men to become possessed of the houses in which they live when they do not exceed £300 in capital value—but the man who goes to a building society is, as often as not, seeking much more than that. He is endeavouring, very frequently, to become possessed not of one, but of two, three, or more houses—to become in deed and in a sense a capitalist. Bui the most absurd of all the arguments against the Bill was precisely the one of which the most was made—the suggestion chat the working classes are so migratory in their habits that the measure would be useless to them, or that, if they did use it, they would merely be ensnared, since, upon being called away by the exigencies of their work, they would have to sell their interest at a loss. Surely, however, it is within the general experience that the working class are not much more migratory than the ordinary middle class. Mr. Сншвееьаш says he knows many workmen’s houses in Birmingham which have been occupied by the same families for a long series of уеагз. Indeed, we all know such cases. Men who work for great contractors are, no doubt, somewhat migratory; but they do not bulk very largely in the total. It is possible, too, that artisans in London move about rather more than they do in the provinces, even in the great towns; but we must not lay too much stress upon the example of the capital. London is by no means always representative of the whole country, although со ckney-fied persons, of whom there are always a good many in the House of Commons, find it difficult to realise that it is not. And it is tolerably obvious that a man who owns the house in which he lives is still less likely to be migratory than his fellow who pays rent. Moreover, as Mr. Chamberlain reminded the House, nobody is proposing to force men who have no fixed occupation to acquire their houses. The great strength of the Bill, from the economic point of view, seems to us to lie in the fact that it will enable a workman to become owner of his house in from 16 to 20 years, while paying annually no more than he does at present in the way of rent. In support of this point Mr. Chamberlain quoted the investigation into the value of industrial property recently made by Mr. Stanley Boulter in his pamphlet on the subject. Mr. Boulter obtained from Mr. Bousfield and Mr. Vigers figures showing the average value of a workman’s house. The result of those enquiries square with Mr. Chamberlain’s own information. The average price of such a house is ten to twelve years’ purchase, and he instanced the case of a man who had lived in the same house for 18 years, who, had he enjoyed the benefits of the Bill, would have become the sole owner of the house three years before it was sold. In many cases similar to this the Bill will no doubt do a very useful work. It would, however, be foolish to expect too much from it. The millennium will certainly not flow from it, and since it is, to a great extent, an experiment, it is, no doubt, well that it is psrmissive and not compulsory. But it is an experiment thoroughly well worth making, and the progress of the arrangements it sets up will be watched with sympathetic interest by everybody who recognises the importance of facilitating LOANS. ME. ALFEED RAPHAEL, 5, Whittington-avenue, Leadenhall-street, London, E.C., has FUNDS for INVESTMENTS On LOANS upon LANDED ESTATES, FEEEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, or LICENSED PROPERTIES, GROUND RENTS, RATES, REVERSIONS, and LIFE INTERESTS, FOR A PERMANENCY AND ON FAVOURABLE TERMS Amounts not under £5.000 preferred. TO TRUSTEES & INVESTORS. The Principal and Interest of Money Lent on Mortgage can be insured with THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LT0. The Paid-up Capital of the Corporation¡ founded in 1871, is £132,1 ״■. •eserves at December 31,1897, amounted to £327,477. Write for Prospectus to RICHARD J . PAULL, General Manager and Secretary, 40 to 44, Moorgate Street, London, E.G. PHŒNIX FIRE OFFICE. 9, LOMBARD-STREET & 57, GHARING-GROSS, LONDON. Established 1682. Lowest current rates. LIBERAL AND PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. ASSURED FREE OF ALL LIABILITY. ELECTRIC LIGHTING RULES SUPPLIED. WILLIAM C. MACDONALD l Joint FRANCIS B. MACDONALD I Secretaries. SURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINATIONS. The Thirteenth Annual Courses of Lectures. /'CANDIDATES (London and Country) for the v J Professional Assooiateship, Fellowship, Direot Fellowship, Special Sanitary Science and Preliminary Examinations can obtain SYLLABUSES with list of prize winners, 22 out of the 36 which have been given since 1888 (inoludiug all the Fellowship prizes and gold medals yet given). Particulars as to the very successful results at the last and previous Examinations and terms on application to the Seoretary, Surveyors’ Leotures, 2, Pall Mall East, Gharing Gross, S.W. SUN INSURANCE 0 OFFICE. HEAD OFFICE- 63, Threadneedle Street, London, E.C. 60, Charing Cross, S.W. Branch Offices in 332, Oxford Street, W, London. 10, Chancery Lane, W.C. 12, Mincing Lane, E.C. BIRMINGHAM..............10, BENNET’S HILL BRISTOL....................CORN STREET LEEDS........SUN BUILDINGS, 15, PARK ROW LIVERPOOL....SUN BUILDINGS, 6, CdAPEL ST MANCHESTER..............71, KING STREET NEWCASTLE........19, COLLINGWOOD STREET EDINBURGH.............10, PRINCES STREET GLASGOW.............12, RE4FIELD STREET DUBLIN...........11 and 12, TRINITY STREET Sum insured in 1897 exceeds £425,000,000 Applications for Agencies addressed to any one of the above offices will be promptly attended to. (№ ©states ©alette A JOURNAL Devoted to Land, House Property and Agriculture. The Oldest Paper Published in the Landed Interests. LONDON, APK1L 22, 1899. THE SMALL HOLDINGS DEBATE. Mr. Chamberlain’s Small Holdings Bill on Tuesday passed its second reading and was referred to the Grand Committee on Law. It cannot be said that the second reading debate wa3 a brilliant performance. Many of the criticisms upon the measure were inconsistent and mutually destructive. It was said, for instance, that it would not be taken advantage of at all ; and that it would be taken advantage of to such an extent that it would impose a much greater charge upon the rates than could be covered by the penny in the pound, which is Mr. Chamberlain’s limit. It was alternately objected that it would be useless to working men because of their migratory character, and that it would intsrfere seriously with the work of the building societies. It is obvious that it could not Jtetras. THE UNITED PROPERTY OWNERS’ & RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN. The 12th Annual Conference will be held at St. George’s Hall, Liverpool, 17th May next, commpnciag at 10 a.m. The Dinner, to which all the Delegates are invited, will be held the tame evening at 6.30, at the Adeiphi Hotel. Secretaries of Associations desiring to be represented will oblige by communicating with the General Secretary, Mr. R. A. Beli/WOOD, 1, South John Street, Liverpool. Telephone, 5233. 1־V/TR. GEORGE F. HARRINGTON, F.S.I., LT-L late senior partner in the firm of Inman Sharp, Harrington and Roberts, of 16, Ab-church-lane, City, and whose partnership with Mr. Henry Croydon Roberts, of that firm, has been dissolved by mutual consent, still continues to carry on business as Auctioneer and Surveyor, in his own name, at the same address. THE AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (Incorporated). Founded 1886. 57 and 58, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON, W.C. President:—EDWARD DOBSON. ADMISSION to MEMBERSHIP may be obtained: — (a) Under the¡ Practice Qualification; (b) By Examination. THE EXAMINATIONS (Preliminary, Intermediate and Final) are held annually. Next Examinat.on, March, 1899. EVENING MEETINGS for the Delivery of Lectures, the Reading of Papers and for the discussion of subjects of interest to the Profession, are held at the Institute monthly during the Winter. Forms of application, Syllabus of the Examinations, Examination Questions, 1898, and all further particulars, may be obtained upon application to— ______________ CHARLES HARRIS, Secretary. INWOODS TABLES, REVISED AND EXTENDED TO DATE. Just Published, 336 Pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth, 8s. net. INWOOD’S TABLES For the Purchasing of Estates and Valuation of Properties, INCLUDING Advowsons, Leaseholds, Assurance Policies, Life Interests, Copyholds, Mortgages, Deferred Annuities Perpetuities, Freeholds, Renewals of Leases, Ground Rents, Reversions, Immediate Annuities, Sinking Funds etc. TWENry-FiFTH Edition Revised and Extended by ־WILLIAM SCHOOLING, F.R.A.S., With Logarithms of Natural Numbers, and Thoman’s Logarithmic Interest and Annuity Tables. LONDON: CROSBY LOCKWOOD & SON, 7, Stationers’ Hall-court, E.C. --•--.-----_____________ THE Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners’ Royal Benevolent Society (Short Title, ‘ The Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society’), With nearly 1,000 Agencies, annually relieves over 10,000 persons. INSTITUTED 1839. The rescued sailor, fisherman, &c., is instantly eared for on the spot and sent home. The widow, orphan, &c.. of the drowned immediately sought out and succoured. The distressed seafarer of every grade at once charitably assisted. Patron—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Secretary—GERALD E. MAUDE, Esq., 26, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall S.W INSURE YOUR GLASS. NATIONAL provincial PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. 66, Ladgate Hill, London. ESTABLISHED 1884. Capital, £80,000. Invested Funds £40,000. Applications for Agenoy invited from House Agents or others in a position to influenoe busi ness. Liberal Commission allowed. All information on application to J. H. Brown, Seoretary. Please mention this Paper Founded 1807. COUNTY FIRE OFFICE. 50, Regent Street,W. AND 14, Corrhill, E.C., London. The Premium Income of this Office is derived from Home business only, no foreign risks being undertaken. The Retubh System which has been adopted by this Office since its foundation oilers an exceptional advantage. The Rates of Premium are the same as those charged by other leading Companies. Applications for Agencies invited. Joint (G. W. STEVUNS. Secretaries IB, E. RAILIFFE. PURVEYING BOOKS, ruled and bound, rO leather backs, Is. each (by post Is. Id.).— STATIONERY Department, “ Estates Gazette " Office, 6, St. Bride-street, London, E.C. gate h# aiuton. Dates of Sales for 1899. ItyTESSRS. EDWIN EOX and BOUSFIELD announce for the convenience of their employers that their SALES by AUCTION of LANDED and HOUSE PROPERTY, Ground and Improved Rents, Reversions, Policies of Assurance, Shares, and other Securities will take place during the year Î899, at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank of England, on the following Wednesdays in each month: — Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 22 No\ .29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 May 31 July 5 Sept. 20 June 7 July 12 Oct. 11 June 14 July 19 Oct. 18 June 21 July 26 Oct. 25 June 28 Aug. 2 Nov. 1 April 26 May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 The prices realised at these auctions are not included in the official reports,, such quotations being often prejudicial, and never beneficial, to the only parties concerned’—buyer and seller. No. 99, Gresharn-street, Bank, London, E.C. Telegrams, “ Fox, Bousfield, London.״ Telephone No. 118 Bank. Sales by Auction for the Year 1899. MESSRS. JONES, LANG and CO. beg to state that their Sales of ESTATES, Town and Country Residences, Freehold and Leasehold Investments, Building Land, and other Properties, will be held at the AUCTION MART, Tokenhouse-yard, City, in EACH MONTH of 1899 Particulars of properties intended for disposal should be sent at least three weeks previous to date of sale. Messrs. JONES. LANG and! CO. also undertake sales of household furniture, farming stock, and general personal effects in town or country. Messrs. JONES, LANG and OO.’s printed Tabulated List of warehouses, offices, and general business premises to be Let or Sold, in the City of London and neighbourhood, can be had free on application. Auction, Survey and Estate Offices, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. Branch Offices, 95, Leaden-hall-street, E.C., and׳ Lonsdale-chambers, 27, Chancer v-lane, W.C. Tel. Add.—“ Wonderment, London.״ DOUGLAS YOUNG and GO., AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS. 51. COLEMAN-STREET, BANK, E.C., ^ a f 213 OLAPHAM-ROAD, S.W. Branch Offices ^ 1׳ CRANBROOK-ROAD, ILFORD, E. Telephone Nos.: City 45 Bank; Ilford, 28 Barking. A private wire connects the offices Telegraphic address—“ Douglas Young, London.״ MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO.’S XU. AUCTION ARRANGEMENTS for 1899. PROPERTY SALES will be held at the Mart, E.C., on the following dates throughout the ensuing year. April 26 July 26 October 25 May 10 August 16 November 8 May 24 August 23 November 22 June 7 September 13 December 6 June 14 September 27 December 13 July 12 October 112 Auction Offices: 51, Coleman-street, Bank, E.C.; 213, Clapham-road, S.W.; and Ilford, E. N ATI YE GUANO Best and Cheapest Manure for Farm and Garden, £3 10s. PER TON IN BAGS, 2-Ton Lots, Carriage Paid 100 Miles. A Sample Bag, 1 cwt., Carriage Paid (England) for 5s. Testimonials and all Particulars on Application NATIVE GUANO CO, LTD, 29, New Bridge Street, LONDON, E.C. AGENTS WANTED NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION FOR MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. All the Profits are Divided amongst the Assured; already divided, £5,400,000. Inyested Funds exceed £5,250,000. Paid in Claims nearly £10,500,000. Endowment Assurance Policies are issued combining Life Assurance at minimum cost, with provision for old age The practical effect of these Policies in the National Provident Institution is that the Members life is assured until he reaches the age agreed upon, and on his reaching that age the whole of the Premiums paid are returned to him, and a considerable sum in addition, representing a by no means insigniUcant rate of interest on his payments. 48, GRACECHURCH STREET, ARTHUR SMITHER, London, E.C. Actuary and Secretary. Applications for Agencies invited. INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1824. HEAD OFFICE: YORK Accumulated Funds, £1,149,216. Annual Income, £237,006, FIRE. - LIFE. - ANNUITIES. Special Schemes and Minimum Bates. Reversions and Life Interest purchased or advances made upon them. LEASEHOLD POLICIES ISSUED. Applications for Agencies invited. Liberal Terms West End Office:—19, St. James’ Street, S.W. London Office: 82, Old Broad Si, E,0