657 THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 22, 1899. Sales tg auction. Messrs. STIMSON & SONS, Auctioneers and Surveyors, Land, House and Estate Agents. 8, MOORGATE-STREET, BANK, E.C.. AND 2, NEW KENT-ROAD, S.E., Opposite the “ Elephant and Castle.” (The two offices are connected by private telephone). Auction Sales will be held at the Mart, Tokenuouse-yard, in the City of London, nearly every THURSDAY at Two precisely, and on other days as׳ occasion may require. Telegraphic address, “ Servabo, London.” Thursday, April 27. C^TIMSON and SON'S will Sell by Auction, 17 at the Mart, _E.C., on Thursday, April 27, at iwo o clock, as under: — Bridge Works, Hinton-road, Loughborough Junctn. 72, 84 and 86, Arlingford-road, Water-lane, Brixton. 56 and 69, Brailsford-road. Water-lane, Brixton. 4. 6, 8 and10 ׳, Meeting House-lane, Peckham. Premises, 1, Shield-street, Peckham. 26 and 28, Aldershot-road, Kilburn. 90, Carlton-vale, Kilburn. 48, Victoria-road. North Side, Claoham Common. Baker’s׳ Shop, 16, Lebanon-street, Walworth. Particulars may be had of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Thursday, May 4. EUSTON-ROAD.—A valuable Freehold Property, on the south side of this important main thoroughfare,nearly opposite Euston-square and St. Pancrag Station, and a convenient distance from King's-cross and Tottenham-court-road. C^TUVrSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, Vi ^ Mart’ E.C., on Thursday, May 4. at Two ?,«lock, m One Lot, the excellent FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as׳ Nos. 137 and 139, Euston-road, comprising two houses with forecourt and premises m rear, at present leased for a term expiring at Michaelmas, 1902, at £10 ground rent. The property frontage of 25ft., and covers an area of about 3,500ft. super., the whole of which could be utilised for conversion into business premises. .Particulars of Messrs. Wood and Sons, solicitors, 16, Eastcheap, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8 Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. EUSTON-ROAD ST. PANGRAS,-Freehold Ground Rents of £425 15s. per annum, with early reversions secured upon 30 houses, seven with shops, licensed beerhouse, and other premises, producing rack rents of about £2,000 per annum. QTIjVTSON and PONS will Sell by Auction, ׳y at the Mart, on Thursday. May 4, at Two o clock, m 12 Lots as described below, the following FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. Amo’nt Secured UDon Revision Rack in R’rts. £300 550 110 80 Г0 ]00 50 140 350 180 1923 1920 1929 1926 1928 1923 1924 1924 1923 £72 0 17 10 120 0 30 0 18 0 8 10 17 0 8 15 17 0 62 0 55 0 149 and 151, Euston-road The Anchor Beer-house, 22. Stibbin gton-street 1 to lo, Obarles-street .. 113 and U4, Chalton-street 91, Chalton-street.. 72, Chalton-street.. 70 and 71, Chalton-street 69. Ch a lf on-street.. 64 and 65, Chalton-street 63, 66. 67. 68, 73, 74 and 78, Chalton-street׳, and premises in rear.. .. .. 1995 ־ ־ 68. 70 and 7?, Church-way .. ]925 wjth Plans, of Messrs. Wood and Sons, solicitors, 16, Eastcheap, E.O.; and of the Ann! ro°ande,esSE?■ Moor?ate־street. E׳C., and 2, New Ant-Thursday, May 4. Q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, Ycloch! a«8under•—0" °n Thursday־ May ״• at Tw0 ttK'8'83?' ^0Tlth Kensington. "tls^n-lea1 Ee״t °f f35 Per annum• St' Foenh881Lalcs tm auction. Sales! 6g auction Mr. C. W. DAVIES Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate Agent, &c , IS, UPPER STREET, ISLINGTON. Established 1837. C ALES BY AUCTION are held periodically LJ at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, in which Properties can be included at moderate and fixed charges SALES BY AUCTION AT PRIVATE HOUSES, etc. of Furniture, Stock, and Miscellaneous Effects. Estates Managed and Rents Collected Valuations for Probate, Transfer and Mortgagi Purposes. Davies also undertakes SALES and LETTINGS by Private Treaty. Auction and Estate Offices, 15. Upper-st., Islington ISLINGTON.—Four capital Long Leasehold House:: 1*1. fj118 excellent letting district, together producing £169 per annum. lyfR. C. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction. ,׳® ־־־t .tile Mart, on Tuesday, April 25, at Two o clock in separate Lots, No. 4, TYNDALE-TERRACE Canonbury-lane (recently redrained), let low ren: £45, term 44 years at £6 10s.; and Nos. 8, 11 and 14 Essex-road, let to old tenants al £40, £42, and £42; term 47 years, at £6 6s. each. Messrs. J. C. and W. W. Isaacson, solicitors, il New-mn, Strand. Auctioneer's Offices, 15, Upper street, Islington. KING S-CROSS.—Capital Freehold Weekly Property lyrit. C. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction. ?n Tuesday. April 25. THREI FREEHOLD brick-built COTTAGES, 4, 5 and 6 Provi dence-row (opposite the King's-cross Met. Station) Let, and producing £46 16s. per annum. ״Messrs. Boulton, Sons and Sandeman, solicitors 21a, Northampton-square, Clerkenwell. Auctioneer’,־ Offices, 15, Upper-street, Islington. CITY-ROAD.—Valuable Freehold Investment, or foi occupation. lY/TII. C. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction, 7TJ־ the :Mart,on Tuesday, April 25, the commo- dious FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, 8, Colebrooke-row close to the Angel). Contains 10 good rooms and large garden. Redrained. To be sold with posse; sion. Rental value £70 per annum. Messrs. Lewis and Sons, solicitors, 7, Wilmington-square, Clerkenwell. Auction and Estate Offices, 15 Upper-street, Islington. Bv i rder of the Executor.—Low reserves, to wind ur ?i?t^־Leasehold Tronerties at TOTTENH DAL-BTMBTJRY, 0f the es'ima'ed rental valui of £900 rer annum. MR־ W* DAVIES will Sell by Auction, ,7־ . at the Mart, on Tuesday. Aprl 25. at Two o clock. Four Houses and Shops, 103,103a, 105 and 107, Da.i-stf n lane, part let and producing £213 per annum • 103 with possession, rental value £65, term 84 yea:s.at mod-erate ground rerns. Brick-bu It Premises, Dalston-chambeis. Dysell-street, D.Jston, let on lease at £50. term 84 at £? ; and two supt rior Residences, Nos. 87 and 87 with P0iiSession, rental value No 89 let at £55 per annum, teim 64 years, at £ 210s each ground rent, John Lock, Esq. solicitor, 30, Craven-sti eet, Strand Auction Offices. 15. Upp^r-street, Islington, N. To Capitalists. Investment Companies, and others —Excellent Long Leasehold Investment.—Three -blocks or Chambers and Shops—VICTORIA-STREET, WESTMINSTER. P ViOlOKlA- lyTESSKS. ROBINS, SNELL and CO. will TL by 4u!iti,onj at 4116 Mart■ Tokenhouse-May 1° next" a valuable si״* < o? PROPERTY, consisting of a noble m Sh°pn and Residential Chambers, known Nos• 77 to 103־ Victoria-street, Westminster. The suites and flats let very readily at rising rents in this choice position, S*;“" *e Houses of Parliament and Victoria ah״״♦ iv Pr°P«rty produces a gross income of about £7 600, and is held on lease for an unexpired S> S״ of S5i years• at ground rents amounting to £2.500 per annum. Particulars may he had from the Solicitors, Messrs Owxm^atchms, Brabant and Hitchins, 7, Savile: place, W ; from the Mart; and from the Auctioneers, Messrs. Robins, Snell and! Co,, 95, Victoria- Bornd*streIttlwnSter׳ S'W" and 22־»"3׳0011 ׳street, By order of Executors and! others.—Capital Invest-|™nt3 in Long Leasehold Private Houses, A :ways MESSRS. RIDER and SONS will Sell by .־t Auction, at the Mart, E.C.. on Friday, April 28 Precisely, the following PROPERTIES׳ N°4 ״THTK|i?rSiI'TGiTOi7'—Tlle desirable Residence! No. 234, Lad’broke-groye. Let to an old-standing tenant at £42 per annum. Lease 70 years, at a moderate ground׳ rent.—Solicitors. Messrs Lydall a:Bedford-row, W.C. ^ —(Id Lots).—The E;ght Long Leasehold Houses Nos 64, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86 and ai;״iY?.it4e,r^d' Uxbridge-road. AH let and producing £361 14s. per annum. Held on separate leases at low ground rents.—Solicitors, Messrs. Ford, L'oyd -^artlett and Michelmore, 38, Bloomsbury-so[uare, NOTTING - HILL. — Tile double-fronted Corner Family Residence, No. 38, St. Charles-square, at 3,?66״o?,4 111 «׳™i■ but of the estimated rental value of £80 per annum. Held for a long term at a moderate ground rent —Solicitors. Messrs. Atkinson and Dre?ser, 30, Finsbury-circus, E.C. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of the Solicitors: at the Mart, E.C.: and of the Auctioneers, at either of their Offices. 128 Ladbroke-grove, and 37, Bramley-road. Notting-hill. and College-park. Harrow-road, W. Telegraphic address Estates, London. Miil, and several detached woods and lands, the whole about 628 acres. Printeci particulars and! plans may be obtained ot Messrs, Williams and James, vendor's solicitors Norfolk House, Thames Embankment, London, W c" of James Gray, Esq., solicitor (Messrs. Pemberton, Cope and Gray), 5, New-court, Linooln’s-inn, London, W.G.; of S. II. Cowper Coles, Esq., esta.e office Troy, Monmouth; and of Messrs. Driver and Co. surveyors, land agent® and auctioneers, No. 23, Pail Mall, London, S.W. „ ״Si63־ bv Auction for the year 1899 MESSRS. H. J. BLISS and SONS W t and TI״°5־Lmai.tlle,r.Bale?>hv• Allcti°n Freehol Properties, Business Premises. Lane ?0versions, and other properties, wi _ake place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard City a Two o clock precisely, on the following Thursday throughout the year 1899:— y ^hnrsdav. May 11 I Thursday, August 17 Tb״?sdaV,TIav|5 I Thursday. Septemb״r 21 Th^s־T״TlT,<,M , Vh’n-sdpy. October 19 Th,v" TU,n<>D22 Thursday, November 16 ThSma^iJu^lo I Thursday, December 14 4“d, •at intermediate dates by special arrangement Fr 0fflces' 106׳ Dheapside E.C., and 164, Bethnal-green-road'. NF, MESSRS. FLEURET; SONS and ADAMS I'-L beg to announce that they will Sell by Public Auction, the following valuable PROPERTIES, at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basing-hall-street, E.G., on Tuesday, May 2, at One o’clock precisely : — The OPORTO STORES, at the junction of Endell-street and Broad-street, facing Shaftesbury-avenue Extremely valuable lease for over 48 years at the moderate rental of £150 per annum, one of the best and most important positions for business in this portion of the metropolis To be sold by direction of the mortgagees. TL ® £*IR«JOH N FALSTAFF. CATHERINE-STREET STRAND.—Very valuable Free Lease for about 45 years at a low rent, together with the Goodwill and Possession. Situate immediately opposite the principal entrance to Drury-lane Theatre, and in close proximity to the Market, Oovent-garden Theatre, the Flower Market, and other important establishments, which must always ensure a con-tmuance of the present profitable business. The FEATHERS Wine and Spirit Establishment, otherwise known as The Temple Restaurant, Tudor-street, Whitefriars, exceedingly valuable Free Lease for about 76 years at a moderate rental, together with the Goodwill and Possession of this undoubtedly ane City property, in posse;sion of an extensive and! exceedingly profitable business conducted during short hours, the premises although licensed for seven days, closing on Sundays andi Bank Holidays. The property ha־ changed hands only twice in about 35 years. Exceeding valuable FREEHOLD RENTAL of £85 per ?¿mum, together with Reversion to Possession of that well-known licensed wine and spirit estah-lishnient. The Winchester Arms, occupjang a most prominent corner position, and being No. 63 Southwark-street, Borough, S.E , with surroundings of a most important character. This property must always enjoy an extensive busme־s consequently the Freehold Rental of £85 per annum is thoroughly well secured, and the reversion to possession at the expiration of the existing-lease is1 of great value, mi Shortly. The ALEXANDRA, at the corner of Loudoun-ro^d and Alexandra-road. ST. JOHN’S WOOD (opuosbe the Loudoun-road Railway Station).— Exceeding’v valuable Free Lease for over 58 years at the low rental of £80 per annum (which could be mor° than covered bv the receipts from the well-appointed billiard room), together with GoodVil’ a? ii^°^sess?on■ ׳^° S°-dl solelv in consequenop ot the death of the Proprietor after a successful occupation of nearly ten years. Auction Offices. 23■ Southampton-row. Holborn. W.C order of the Mortgagees. A^ODFORD-GREEN. ESSEX—A very attrn ct’vr Long Leasehold Family Residence, known as Rose t!rae. Situate about three minutes׳ walk from Woodford Station, on the Great Eastern Railwav overlooking Monkham-uark. It is approached through a well-shruhbed garden bv a carriagr drive, and contains eight bed and1 dressing rooms bath room, w.c.„ entrance hall, three eviod receu tion rooms, lavatory, w.c.. kitchen, and domestir offices, with cellars. The house stands well back from the road, and is surrounded! with pretty and tastefully laid out grounds, lawns, etc. The nrouertv is held.׳ on lease for a term of 98 year• f i°^1^Christmas’ i881• at flle small ground rent of £16 per annum, and at oresent let to an excellent vearlv Lady Day tenant at a rental of £1׳>V T'OT* ,״״,:m MESSRS. ALFRED SAVILL and SON have received instructions to Offer the above for Sale by Auction, at the Marf, Tokenhouse-yard London,, E.C., on Wednesday, May 10, 1899, at Two o clock. Particulars, with plan and conditions ׳of sa’a may be obtained of Messrs. Lyne and Holman! sohcitorS; 5 andi 6, Great Winchester-street, E.C. • at the Mart; and1 at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 39 New Broad-street, London, E.C. Sales tg Auction. MITCHAM, S.W.—1The Willows Estate.—To Builders Investors, Speculators, and others.—Important Sale of the above valuable Freehold Estate, consist-1"!of. 84 large plots of ripe freehold building land of which seven are shop plots, having commandin״ trontages to the main London road, to Graham-road, and Graham-avenue. Suitable for the erection of shops and' houses, and for the creation of ground rents. The sewers, water, and gas laid m all roads. Tithe free. Land tax redeemed. Possession will he given upon payment of a deposit of 10 per cent. The balance may be paid by 16 quarterly instalments if desired. Free conveyances.—For Sale by Auction, by MESSRS. NOTT and CARTWRIGHT, at ml J Fa3co1?, Hotel. Clapham Junction. S W , on Thursday, April 27, 1899, at Seven O'clock in the evening. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Todd. Dennes and Lamb’ solicitors. 22, Chancery-lane. W.C.: Messrs, Jessopp Bell ^0811״־F^kn0/3’ Abbey: of Charles Bell, Esq F.R.I.B.A., architect, Salters' Hall-court Cannon-street. E.C.; and at the Offices of the \uc-tioneers, 52, Belgrave-road, South Belgravia S’W and at Balham, Tooting and Wimbledon. By order of the Mortgagee.—ASHTEAD, SURREY.— Freehold Investments. MESSRS. PRICKETT and VENABLES will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard City, on Monday, May 1, 1899, at Two precisely, in NmeLots. THREE FREEHOLD RESIDENCES, known as The Laurels, Aviemore, and Holmwood1 very pleasantly situate in Barnett Wood-lane. Ashtead Surrey, within about half a mile of Ashtead Station on the Epsom and Leatherhead line, let at rentals amounting in the aggregate to £135 per annum; together with 22 acres of BUILDING LAND ЧР■ (Blocks), adjacent thereto, and ripe for immediate development. Particulars with plan and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart; of G. K. Wright. Esq', solicitor, 60. Lincoln s-mn-fields; and of Messrs Irickett and Venables, auctioneers and surveyor־, 7. Bedford-row, W.C. By order of the Mortgagee.—Important to Brick-makers. Contractors. Builders. Land Companies, and others.—ASHTEAD SURREY MESSRS. PRICKETT and VENABLES will x?elLby Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard on M°nday May 1. 1899. in One Lot. the very valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, known as the Ashtead Brick Works, comprising about 103 acres of fine brick-earth, together with the newly-erected Build-uigs. including a 14-chamber Hoffmann kiln, drying shed, engine and machine house, etc., also'the 55 h.p. horizontal steam engine by Waddington and Sons, 130 h.p. boiler, brickmaking machine, brick press, pulsometer etc. The works are bounded on one side by the joint line of the L.B. and1 S C. Railway and the L. and S.W. Railway (Epsom and Leatherhead line). Within about half mile of Ashtead’ Station; 1J from Leatherhead, and1 three from Epsom. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale at the Mart; of Messrs. Hill and Maxwell, solicitors, Granville House, Arundel-street, Strand׳; and of the Auctioneers, 7. Bedford-raw. W C. _ BATTLE; near HASTINGS. Sale of a charming compact Freehold Residential Property m good sporting country, within two miles of the railway station, and about an hour’־ drive from the sea. MESSRS. JOHN and A. BRAY will Sell bv wIt+i Auc4,0g■ .®4,4heir Saleroom. 12. Claremont. Hastings on Saturday. Aonl 29 1899. at 3.30 for Four L?p(?E BATTLE, standing in about 14 acres of beautiful grounds, with capital stabling four cottages, and all necessary outbuildings. The whole in excellent condition. . F°v 411־ler Particulars and conditions of sale apply to S. Pillev. Esq. solicitor. 29. Bedford-row. London. W.C.; and■ to the Auctioneers, at Hastings, St. Leonards, Bexhill, and Eastbourne. On Monday next. Fairmile-park and Portions of Eaton-park, near COBHAM, SURREY. Freehold Properties, comprising about 50 acres. With early possession. MESSRS. DRIVER and CO. will Sell Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Loth-bury, on Monday, April 24, at Two o’clock precisely, in Three Lots, unless previously sold׳ by private contract, the above PROPERTIES, situate in a favourite residential district, about a quarter of an hour’s walk from the Oxshott and Fairmile Station, and a mile and a half from the Oobham Station. One property comprises 35| acres of building land ripe for development, the higher portion sloping to the south, and possessing charming views׳ over the intervening country to Epsom Downs. Together with South Lodge and garden, four pairs of small villa residences, the Griffin beerhouse, and three cottages, also a pair of semi-detached villa residences׳ with tennis lawns, and a desirable building site adjoining, containing nearly nine acres; the whole producing rentals, including the estimated value of Hill Cottage and the villas forming I.ot 2, of about £360 a year. On the upper portion of the property brick-earth has been for several years worked at a considerable profit, and it is confidently believed that a good income could be received from this source" for several years to come. Particulars of Charles Jupp, Esq., solicitor, 48 Lime-street, E.C.; of C. Steadman Jupp„ Esq., solicitor, Cobham; and of Messrs. Driver and Co., 23 Pall Mall, S.W. On Monday next. WIMBLEDON.—South-park-road and Stanley-road. IV/rE'S!SRS. DRIVER and CO. will Sell by DJ- Auction, by order of Mortgagees, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury, on Monday, April 24 at Two o’clock precisely, in Lots, unless previously disposed of by private contract, SEVEN Long LEASEHOLD VILLAS, situate near the Merton-road׳ and about ten minutes’ walk from Wimbledon Station on the L. and S.W. Railway. They comprise a semi-detached House, and a Pan of semi-detached Houses, being 17, 11, and 9, Stanley-road, and Two Pairs of semi-detached Houses, being 24 to 30 (even numbers). South Park-road. Each house contains ground and two floors over, front and back gardens. Let at very moderate rents, together producing £237 10s. a year, and held for the residue of a term of which 84 years were unexpired at Lady Day, 1899, at total ground rents of £75 a year. Particulars of Messrs. Rooke and Macdonald solicitors, 37, Gay-street, Bath; and of Messrs. Drivei and Co., 23, Pall Mall, S.W. Sale of the USK SECTION of the Most Honourable the Marquis of Worcester’s MONMOUTHSHIRE ESTATES. GWEHELOG arid TROSTREY COMMONS. 1\/TESSRS. DRIVER and CO. beg to announct -HI that they are honoured with instructions׳ tc Sell by Auction, at the Town Hall, Usk, on Wednes day, Maj^ 10, 1899, at 11.30 o’clock precisely, in 61 Lots, the following FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, situ ate on Gwehelog and Trostrey Commons, within two miles of the town of Usk, on the main Raglar read:—The Oak Farm, let to Miss Powell, and two others let to H. Howell and the Right Hon. Lord Raglan, which latter is a game preserve with lovely site for residence. Also 58 Small Holdings, comprising cottages with buildings, and grass land of from one to 20 acres, and parcels of arable, and grass land, with and without buildings, many cottage holdings and small farms, having lino sites for building, all let at low rents to tenants, some of three and four generations, all with good road frontages, and within two miles of the Usk Station, in all containing 669 acres. They will be sold in convenient Lots to suit the requirements of all purchasers. For printed particulars apply as below. MONKS WOOD, with SHOOTING AND SALMON FISHERY. lyrESSRS. DRIVER and CO. are honoured 1V.L with instructions to Sell by \uction, at the Town Hall, Usk, on Thursday, May 11, at 11.30 o’clock precisely, in One Lot, the valuable FREEHOLD SPORTING ESTATE, known as MONKSWOOD. including the Manor of Pellenny. with Presentation to the Living of Monkswood. The estate lies in a ring fence, comprises the entire parish of Monkswood, with lands in the parishes of Glascoed, Goytre, and Mamhilad, let in five very productive farms, being Estavarney, Cefn-Mawr, Pant-y־Pwdyn, Chape’ and Pellenny, ranging from 90 to 325 acres respectively, let to substantial tenants of long standing at rents far below the value of the land. Leautifu’ hanging woods, possessing exceptional facilities for preserving and holding game, in which are choice sites for the erection of a residence. Besides the excellent shooting, there are a mile and three-quarters of salmon fishing in the far-famed rod-river Usk and two miles of trout fishing in the Berthin Eiook. which bound it north and south, the whole containing about 1,116 acres. For printed particulars apply as below. USK CASTLE, with FARMS and LANDS in and near TOWN. ly/TESSRS. DRIVER and CO. are honoured J-U- with instructions to Sell by \uction, at the Town Hall, Usk, on Thursday, May 11, at 11.30 o’clock precisely, in 39 Lots, the following FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, all being within r near the town of Usk, namely: — The Rhadyr Farm; also Baldwin’s, forming, with the two Castle Farms, a compact Sporting Property, containing 466 acres, adjoining the station and town of Usk. Also a delightful Site for a Residence, with 150 acres, which could be most advantageously attached to Monkswood with the Rhadyr Farm. The interesting and historic Ruins of Usk Castle, with the Castle House and Grounds, occupied by General Sir Charles Barnard, K.C.B., and the Bom-ford Orchard on the Castle slope, several charming building sites on the Upper Raglan and Llanbadock roads, overlooking the River Usk and backed bv hanging woods. Rich meadows׳ in the vallev of the Usk. Houses in the town of Usk, together with the Usk Town Hall and Market Tolls. For printed particulars apply as below. GLASCOED COMMON. 2h miles from PONTYPOOL with Detached WOODS and LANDS. lyTESSRS. DRIVER and CO. are honoured ¿ArTiii,JSstructions to Sel1 the following FREEHOLD PROPERTIES by Auction, at the Town Hall. Usk ton Friday, May 12. 1899, at 11.30 o’clock pre-ciseiy. m 50 Lots, comprising Maesmawr and Upper !louse r arms, accommodation holdings of rich grass lands, together with numerous small holdings, with 0?R1 farm buildings, and land attached, varying from one to 30 acres, well served with roads, and conveniently lotted for market gardening and׳ small culture, and situate on Glascoed Common, in the parishes of Usk and Llanbadock; also accommodation or building land, known as New Jerusalem, on the road from Paiitea■ to Little