Apkil 22, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 650 ЖтпиЬ !lotes. LONDON AND BERKSHIRE. Wm. R. NICHOLAS & Co. There was little activity in the business at Masons’ Hall Tavern, on Tuesday, one or avo auctioneers withdrawing their properties at the last moment, Mr. John Tleuret, having previously sold privately the Prince of Wales, in Camden Town, only submitted the Pakenham, a well-known house in Kmghtsbridge, near Tattersall’s, which, however, was withdrawn, biddings falling short of the reserve. First-class country properties only come into the market occasionally, a fact which naturally tends to improve the value of such investments. What appears to be a really good concern is to be submitted to auction, by Messrs. Gudgeon and Sons, of Winchester, at the George Hotel, there, on May 3. This is the fully-licensed premises (wholesale and retail) known as Welch’s wine stores, in Great Minster-street, in which a very successful business has been carried on for a number of years. The premises are excellently suited for the business and have a pleasant old-fashioned residence attached. The removal of an ancient landmark will occur in the demolition of the Royal Oak Hotel, Kelsall, which wras an important calling place in the old coaching days. It has been pulled down to make room for a new hotel. A few days since, Messrs. Joseph Kendal and Son offered for sale by public auction, in the Central Hall, Maryport, the freehold public-house, the Miner’s Arms, Standing Stone, Wyndham-row, with garden, yard, stable and outbuildings. The house was sold to wind up the estate of the late Mrs. Scott, who occupied it herself. There was a large attendance. In offering the property, the auctioneer said it was the only remaining untied house in the district, and was the sole licensed house within an area of two miles. T’he price was quickly run up to £1,840, Mr. Carr securing the property for the Maryport Brewery Company. Messrs. Collin and Ttirney were solicitors for the vendors. Cambridge, as the seat of a great University, contains many old-established licensed properties, which are favoured under the custom of the authorities and graduates. It is a fact that Brown’s Billiard Rooms, in that city, which were established in 1837, have been regularly and extensively patronised by the leading members of the University. These freehold licensed premises, which are situated! in Park-place, Bridge-street, contain five billiard rooms. Messrs. Catling and Son will offer the property for sale by auction at the Lion Hotel, Cambridge, on Friday evening, April 28. Auctioneers & Estate Agents, Biagrave Street, Reading, & 60, Fall Mall, 8.IS Preliminary Notice. GLENHAVEN, BLSTEEE, HERTS. Within three minutes of Elstree Station on Midland line. ־IVTESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. 1VX will Sell by Auction (unless previously sold privately)., at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, June 9, 1899, at Two o’clock, in One or more Lots, that delightful old-fashioned PROPERTY, known as Glenhaven, comprising the residence, together with lawns, kitchen garden, paddock and five large glasshouses. Particulars of sale will be ready shortly, and all information obtained of the Auctioneers, Biagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Preliminary !Notice. THE UPPER LINE ESTATE, HURSTBOURNE, HANTS, situate in a favourite district between Basingstoke and Andover, and comprising a very choice farm of some 345 acres. MESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. (in conjunction with Messrs. FREDERICK ELLEN and SON, of Andover) will Sell the above by Auction (unless previously sold privately), in One or more Lots, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C. Particulars may shortly be obtained of the Auctioneers, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Preliminary Notice. PRESTWOOD, BUCKS, Within two miles of Great Missenden Station, and four of High Wycombe, 600ft. above sea level. MESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. will 1VX Sell by Auction the FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as Knives Farm, comprising about 100 acres (including a valuable wood of beech and oak, about 25 acres). Capital house, homestead and two cottages, also some choice Building Sites. Particulars and conditions may shortly be obtained of Edward Parker, Esq., solicitor, Thame, Oxon; and of the Auctioneers, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, S.W. CHADLINGTON, OXFORDSHIRE, situate three miles from Chari bury and four miles from Chipping Norton Stations. MESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. have received instructions to Sell by Auction (unless previously disposed of privately), early in the Spring, the delightful FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as The Cottage Chadlington It contains eight bed and dressing rooms, bath room, three reception rooms, large hall, and good domestic offices, etc.; capital stabling; the grounds are exceedingly picturesque, and include tennis lawn, well-stocked kitchen garden, with range of glasshouses, etc. Seven Cottages, small farmery, and paddocks, in all about 6£ acres. Further particulars will appear in due course, and may meanwhile be obtained of the Auctioneers, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, S.W. The opening of the new Mostyn Arms Hotel, oi which the proprietor is Mr. Samuel Hughes, the genial secretary to the Llandudno Pier Company, took place last week. The hotel occupies an excellent position just outside the town on the corner of Conway and Maesdu roads, and commands charming views in every direction, whilst as the headquarters of cycling tourists it is in every way convenient■• The architect was Mr. G. A. Humphreys (Mostyn Estate). The drawing, dining, smoking and billiard rooms are all excellent, and there are 17 bedrooms. The whole establishment is fitted up in modern style and illuminated with the electric light. The gardens have been well laid out by Mr. S. Swann. The principal streets of Worcester are wide, regular and handsome, and are largely lighted by electricity. King Charles’s house, in New-street, is an old half-timbered house, of interest as being the house in which the monarch slept before the battle of Worcester, and in which he found temporary shelter after his defeat. The old-established Mountford’s Restaurant, at No. 88, High-street, for a great many years successfully carried on by Mr. S. H. Mount-ford, is generally recognised as the leading catering establishment of the city and county. These specially designed premises, which afford excellent accommodation for a largely increased trade, for which there is ample scope, are to be offered to auction by Messrs. Frank Everill and Oo., on Tuesday, May 9, at the Mart, Pierpoint-street, Worcester. The Grenadier Inn, a little house at Hale, is probably the smallest licensed property in existence. According to statements at the Surrey Quarter Sessions, on April 7, the premises consist of a small wooden shanty. The rent is only 3s. 4d. a week, and the owner has not thought it worth his while to collect it for a year. The landlord recently “ found so little to do that he went out to work as a labourer, leaving his wife to look after the business.” On April 14, an appeal was raised at the sessions against a decision of the Famham Justices, refusing to grant a renewal, and :n the course of the hearing it was stated that the trade had increased to two barrels a week i n DEVONSHIRE. MESSRS. HUSSEY & SON (Established over a Century), Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Agricultural, Tenant-Right, Timber and other Valuers, EXETER, DEVON. Stock, Timber, and all Classes of Sales and Valuations undertaken on Moderate Terms. Telephone : No. 21, Exeter. WOODBURY, DEVON.—Close to the rail- VY way station.—A well-situated Freehold Farm, known as Exton, comprising an excellent farmhouse and suitable premises, barn, stabling, cow houses, piggery, garden, and about 80 acres of pasture, orchard and arable land, the greater portion of which is well suited for building purposes, and has many eligible sites thereon. Freehold price £3,500. —For further particulars apply to Messrs. Hussey and Son, auctioneers, etc., 14, Queen-street, Exeter. taxETER.—Desirable Freehold Residence, JJJ known as No. 28, West Southernhay, Exeter, until recently in the occupation of Dr. L. H. Tosswill, containing, on the top floor, two attic bed rooms, box room; on the second floor, two bed rooms, dressing room, w.c., and hot and cold water supply; on the first floor, drawing room, with balcony, bed room; on the ground floor, entrance hall, dining room, morning room, lavatory, and w.c. In the basement schoolroom, kitchen, housemaid’s pantry, scullery, wine, coal, and wood cellars. Outdoors, larder and servants’ w.c. Gas and water are laid on and electric light. In the rear is a garden with a back entrance, and the occupier has the joint right of using the pleasure ground in front of the houses. Rent £63. Price £1,100.—For further particulars apply to Messrs. Hussey and Son, as above. BIRMINGHAM. GRIMLEY & SON, F.S.I., Auctioneers- Surveyors and Estate Agents. SALE OF FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES AND FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. BY MESSRS. GRIMLEY and SON, on Thurs- day, May 11, 1899, at the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, at Seven o'clock to the minute:— R UNCORN-ROAD (formerly St. John’s-road), MOSELEY-ROAD. Lot 1.—An exceptionally well-built FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Nos. 35., 36, 37 and 38, Runcorn road, Mcseley, consisting of Four front Dwelling Houses (one being a Retail Shop), with the outbuildings, private yards, and large gardens thereto; in the occupation of weekly tenants, at rents amounting to £88 8s. per annum. The property, which has a frontage of 23 yards to the road, and contains an area of 983 square yards, was built for the present vendor as a permanent investment, and has not changed hands for upward's of 30 years. By direction of Trustees. BEAUFORT-ROAD, EDGBASTON. Lot 2.—A detached, well-built RESIDENCE, No. 41, Beaufort-road, near Duchess-road, in the occupation of Mr. Ingledon, at the yearly rent of £50., the tenant paying all rates. The house contains entrance hall, large dining room, drawing room (with bay window), kitchen, scullery, two pantries, cellar, seven bed! rooms, dressing room, bath room, and w.c., with lawn and garden in the rear. Leasehold for a term of 84 years from March, 1869. Ground rent £9 10s. 9d. COX-STREET WEST, BALSALL HEATH. Lot 3.—A well-situated LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising the commodious Dwelling House, with builder’s yard, stabling, and¡ other buildings, having gateway entrance, occupied for 13 years at the yearly rent of £40, the tenant paying all rates and! water rent, and doing all repairs; and1 Three Dwelling Houses in the rear, known as Prospect Place, let to weekly tenants, at rents amounting to £37 Is. per annum. Total rental £77 Is. Leasehold for 99 years from March 25, 1880. Ground rent £27 3s. per annum. Estate of Mrs. Emily Coward, deceased. ARTHUR-PLACE, CAMDEN-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Lot 4.—An important LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising Six commodious front Dwelling Houses, Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and: 12, Arthur-place, Camden-street, each containing parlour, kitchen, scullery, cellar, and three bed rooms; with private yards and out-offices thereto, let at weekly rents amounting to £124 16s. per annum; and the well-arranged MANUFACTURING PREMISES in the rear, known as Clyde Works, comprising ranges of well-lighted shopping, machine shops, engine house and stabling, the greater portion being in the occupation of the Executors and Mr. J. A. Field, engineers and׳ cycle accessories manufacturers, at the yearly rent of £50, the tenants paying all rates and taxes; and Four Workshops, now or recently in the occupation of Messrs. Berry and׳ Son, and others, at weekly rents amounting to £44 4s. per annum. Total annual rental £219. Leasehold for an unexpired term of 80 years from September 29, 1898. Ground rent £47 5s. lOd. per hnnum. OUCKOO-ROAD (near Lichfield-road), ASTON. Lot 5.—Two substantially built front DWELLING HOUSES, known as Wroxhall-place, Nos. 35 and 36, Cuckoo-road, Aston, each containing parlour, kitchen, scullery, cellar, and three bed rooms, with outbuildings, paved yard, and long gardens in the rear, let to weekly tenants at rents amounting to £33 16s. per annum. Term unexpired about 73 years. Ground rent £8 8s. per annum Lot 6.—Two similar DWELLING HOUSES, adjoining the last Lot, known as Cowes-place, Nos. 37 and 38, Cuckoo-road. Rental £33 16s. Term unexpired about 73 year's. Ground rent £8 8s. The above Lots are in thorough order and repair. FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. SHEFFIELD, YORKSHIRE and DERBYSHIRE. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER, and HASTINGS, Estate & General Auction Mart, 2, HIGH STREET. Tuesday, April 25. SHEFFIELD SHADE MARKET.—IN A TRUST ESTATE. £1,000 VICKERS, SON and MAXIM Five per Cent. Preferred. 50 DUNCAN GILMOUR’S Six per Cent. Preference. £300 S. H. WARD’S BREWERY Debenture. £500 DENABY and CADEBY 4£ per Cent. Debenture. NICHOLSON GREAVES, BARBER and HASTINGS. Henry Fox, deceased. MARPLES-STREET, near Chippinghouse-road׳, HEELEY. ־EXCELLENT FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, To be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and׳ HASTINGS, at the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart, No. 2, High-street, on Tuesday., April 25, 1899, at Four o’clock for Half-past Four precisely, subject to Conditions of the Sheffield Law Society and Special Conditions: — Lot 1.—FOUR excellent FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, with good yard and outbuildings, being Nos. 10, 12, 14 and 16, Marples-street, in the occupation of Messrs. Platts, Mosley, Mosforth and Platts, at rents amounting to £46 16s. per annum. Lot 2.—FOUR similar DWELLING HOUSES, being Nos. 18, 20, 22 and 24, Marples-street, in the occupation of Messrs. Hodgson, Bradshaw, Chapman and Darley, at rents amounting to £46 16s. per annum. The property is well built, in a very pleasant position, and seldom changes tenants. Any further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneers, 2. High-street; or from Arthur Neal, solicitor, 10, Figtree-lane, Sheffield. Preliminary Notice. ־DINGWOOD HALL ESTATE, NEAR At CHESTERFIELD, DERBYSHIRE. Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and EASTINGS beg to announce that they have been favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, on Tuesday, May 16 next, at their Estate Auction Mart, No. 2, High-street, Sheffield, the above valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising a fine old Family Mansion, replete with every modern convenience, and containing 24 bed rooms, lofty dining, drawing, and׳ billiard rooms, with ample servants’ accommodation, about 100 acres of park-like grass land, with well-grown timber, ornamental lake, giving water supply to the Great Central Railway Company, at a minimum rent of £200 a year for nearly 54 years. Excellent fishing, shooting and boating, well-arranged kitchen gardens and orchard, ornamental and flower gardens ana greenhouses. Three stone-built Lodges. The Ringwood Hall Farmstead. Range of Stabling and1 loose boxes for hunters and carriage horses!, together with the other necessary outbuildings. Excellent railway accommodation. Chesterfield, about 2\ miles distant, has three stations, one oil main Midland, about three hours from London, another on branch of Great Central (about two miles from main line), and a third the terminus of Lancashire, Derbyshire, and East Coast Railway (Chesterfield to Lincoln). Parish church and post and telegraph office, quarter mile. Full particulars will be given in future advertisements and in printed plans, particulars and photographs, which may be had of the Auctioneers, 2, High-street, Sheffield: Mr. W. D. Wadsworth, jun., surveyor, Chesterfield; or of Messrs. Shipton, Hal-lewell and Co., solicitors, Chesterfield. ANDERTON-PARK-ROAD and WOODSTOCK-ROAD, MOSELEY. Lot 7.—A valuable Freehold Ground Rent of £6 per annum, secured by a well-built detached Residence, known as St. Hilda’s, Woodstock-road, Moseley, with the Reversion-in-Fee in 1992. Area of land, 356 square yards. Lot 8.—A Freehold Ground Rent of £6 per annum, secured by a detached Residence known as Raven-spur, Woodstock-road, with the Reversion-in-Fee on March 25, 1992. Area of land 347 square yards. Lot 9—A Freehold Ground Rent of £6 per annum, secured by a detached Residence, known ,as The Hollies, Woodstock-road, Moseley, with the Rever-sion-in־Fee in 1992. Area of land 350 square yards. Lot 10.—A well-secured Ground Rent of £6 per annum, secured׳ by the Residence known as Vaynol, Cadbury-road, with the Reversion-in-Fee in 1992. Area of land 283 square yards. Lot 11.—A Freehold Ground Rent of £6 per annum, secured by the Residence known as Clarence House, Anderton-park-road, with the Reversion-in-Fee in 1992. Area of land 237 square yards. Lot 12.—A Freehold Ground Rent of £6 per annum, secured by the Residence known as Glendalough, Anderton-park-road (corner of Cadbury-road), with the Reversion-in-Fee in 1992. Area of land345 ׳ square yards. If desired the six Ground Rents will be Sold in One Lot. Solicitors: Lots 1 and 3, Messrs. Arnold and Son, 3, Waterloo-street; Lot 2, Messrs. Hunt, Williams and Dickens, Thirlend-street, Nottingham; Lot 4. Mr. Steuben Gateley, 73, Colmore-row; and Mr. George Huggins, Union-chambers, Temple-row; Lots 5 and 6, Messrs. Jaques and Son, 102, Colmore-row; Lots 7 to 12, Mr. Arthur Turner, Victoria-chambers, Temple-row. Auctioneers׳’ Offices, 39 and 40, Temple-street, Birmingham. Rev. Henry Barlow, deceased. pow MOUTH FARM, DERBYSHIRE vJ LANE, SHEFFIELD, containing about 44 acres. To Land Speculators, Syndicates and Builders. To be Sold: by Auction, by Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and HASTINGS, at the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart, No. 2, High-street, Sheffield, on Tuesday, May 9, 1899, at Half-past Four o’clock precisely, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then produced: — The valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING ESTATE and Farm Lands, with Farmstead, known as Cow Mouth Farm, in the occupation, of Mr. Joseph Carr. The house contains large hall, dining and drawing rooms, store room, two kitchens, five bed rooms, and cellaring. The farm buildings comprise cart shed, coal house, barn, loose box, two stables, houses for 14 cows, three hay chambers, piggeries, and implement sheds. There is a capital supply of water for the cattle, and the Sheffield Corporation Water is laid on to the house. The land is in an elevated yet sheltered position, and has long frontages to Derbyshire-lane (where there is a main sewer), and to the main road to Norton, and a further road could easily be made on the site of the footpath which crosses the estate from Norton Lees to Norton. The estate is very suitable for building purposes, and could be readily laid out to advantage at small expense, and it is anticipated' that a ready market for building plots would quickly arise. Plans are in course of preparation, and will shortly be circulated. For further particulars application may be made to the Auctioneers, 2, High-street; to Messrs. Dixon and Sandford, surveyors!, St. James’s-row; or to Messrs. Rodgers, Thomas and Sandford, solicitors, Bank-street, Sheffield.