(549 THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 22, 1899. HORSHAM, 8U88EX. MESSRS. KING & CHASEMORE, Land and Timber SurYeyors. i* C± A f \ /A Will purchase a good Freest׳ v/ • tJ VJ v/ hold Sporting and Agricultural Estate 'of over 350 acres, lying in a ring fence; commodious old-fashioned farmhouse surrounded by moat; extensive farm buildings, cottages, etc.; good stream and numerous ponds; easy reach of station; timber by valuation.—Apply to King and Chasemore, land agent®, Horsham, Sussex. . tial Estate of about 80 acres; the farmily residence contains 11 bed rooms, bath room and three reception rooms ; stabling for nine horses and buildings ; stream.—Full particulars of King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Horsham. 8U88EX. Eastbourne and Hailsham. A. BURTENSHAW & SON, AUCTIONEERS, LAND, TIMBER AND TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. A. BimTENSHAW, F.S.T. A. K. BURTENSHAW, P.A.S.I. T?ASTBOURNE.—Near the Golf Ground, and -L-i within five minutes’ walk of the Railway Station.—For Sale, a superior modern Residence, containing three large reception rooms, full-sized billiard room, usual domestic offices, nine bed rooms, two dressing rooms, bath room, etc. There is a large garden, two-stall stable, and coach-house. Arrangements can be made for early possession, if the purchaser so desires. - offices, etc.; carriage drive; property is bounded by stream. To be Let or Sold.—Apply King and Chase-more, land and timber surveyors, Horsham. SUSSEX and SURREY BORDERS, close to KJ a station.—To be Sold, a bargain.—A modern Residence, containing eight bed, three reception rooms, and 37 acres ; stabling, shrubbery, and undulating gardens, etc.; hunting.—For full particulars apply to the Agents, King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Horsham. _ ______ standing in a small park of about 40 acres, substantially built House, containing 11 bed roims, three reception, three w.c.’s; excellent stabling, buildings, three cottages; excellent gardens, with maze, orchard, lawns, etc. Price moderate.—Apply King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Horsham. T^.AST SUSSEX.—For Sale, with possession, Xi a valuable Water Corn Mill, with an old-established Miller’s and Baker’s Business attached. There is a substantial dwelling house, buildings, and two paddocks, and the property is situated within half a mile of a station. 0N THE SOUTH COAST.—For Sale, by private treaty, a valuable Fully-licensed¡ Freehold Hotel, situated in the centre of a rising watering place—Full particulars on application. TTAILSHAM.— Seven miles from Eastbourne, J־J15 ־ trains daily each way; excellent water supply; good drainage; public recreation ground; death rate 6.5 per 1,000.—For all the best Building Plots to be Let or Sold, apply t© A. Burtenshaw and Dll per acre. — SUSSEX, near cV, J-X tj South Downs.—Freehold Residential or Sporting Manorial Estate of over 500 acres, chiefly grass; picturesque old-fashioned residence, homestead; two sets of agricultural buildings. The property is intersected by a stream; hunting.— Plans and׳ particulars of the Sole Agents, Messrs. King and Chasemore, land agents, Horsham, Sussex. LTAWKLANDS, HAILSHAM, SUSSEX , 1*alf a mile fr<™ Hellingly Station, one mil! from Hailsham, and close to the site of the Nev County; Asylum.—For Sale by Private Treaty, i valuable Brickyard, with supply of good earth three drying sheds, kiln, stable, and two substan tiai cottages, the whole comprising an area of abou two acres.—Further particulars may be obtainei on annlicat.ion WEST KENT DARTFORD DISTRICT Messrs DANN and LUCAS, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Land Agente. Dartford and Bexley, Kent, and 123, Cannon Street, E.C. NORTH WALE8. BANGOR. Messrs. W. DEW and SON, Auctioneers, Yaluers, Estate Agents, Land Surveyors, &c., WELLFIELD, BANGOR, and Trinity Square, Llandudno. rpO BE LET, Furnished, for a term of years, A. Rhianva, on the banks of the Menai Straits, and having a southern aspect. FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED I HOUSES FOR SALE and TO LET. rBE LET.—]MAY PLACE, CRAYFORD, KENT, formerly the country seat of the great Naval Commander, Sir Cloudesley Shovel—A noble 16th century Mansion, standing in a finely timbered, undulated park of over 76 acres, commanding extensive and varied views over the River Thames, the valley of the Crays, and the picturesque scenery of a finely wooded country. It is situated on high, gravelly soil, with pleasure and tennis lawns, rhododendron and¡ other flower beds, all in perfection. The mansion is approached by a carriage drive (shaded by handsome specimen fir and other trees) from the public road, with a neat lodge entrance. The accommodation is as follows: On the ground floor, noble drawing room, communicating with handsome conservatory, and with door leading to the billiard room, dining room—the walls of the billiard and dining rooms are panelled in antique oak—breakfast parlour, cloak room, steward's room, housekeeper’s room, butler’s pantry., footman’s room, servants’ hall, kitchen, and numerous offices, bath room, w.c., etc.; on the first floor, morning room, work room, eight good bed rooms, three dressing-rooms, two w.c.’s ; on the upper floor, seven best and four servants’ bed rooms andl three box rooms. Laundry, drying room, brewhouse, and! numerous other convenient accessories. Gas and water laid on throughout. Stabling comprises large carriage house, four stalls, and two loose boxes, barn, and numerous outbuildings. Very productive, old-fashioned walled-in kitchen garden four acres in extent, three vineries, greenhouse, cucumber house, and four ranges of pits. The property is about three-quarters of a mile from Barnehurst and Cray ford Stations, S.E. Railway, 13 miles from London; parish church and' Roman Catholic church within ten minutes’ walk.—To be Let on Lease.—The property is! well suited for the requirements of a gentleman’s large establishment, school or institution, and the park peculiarly lends itself for laying out golf links, there being ampe scope for a whole course. There is also an excellent cricket field. Result of Auction Sale on Tuesday, April 11, 1899. MESSRS, DANN and LUCAS beg to announce that at their Sale at the Auction Room, Dartford, on Tuesday, April 11, 1899, the Freehold Property situate in Hythe-street, Dartford, was sotiD. Solicitors, Messrs. J. and J. C. Hayward, Dartford. SUSSEX.—70 minutes’ rail from London.— vr. To bo Sold, a small Residential Estate of ovei 100 acres, all pasture and wood. The house stands high, is substantially built, and contains ample accommodation for a small family. The estate is partially bounded by a stream. Splendid shooting f0 a J?°i SI^n an area. Hunting with several packs. Apply King and Chasemore, land agents, Horsham, Ti]AST SUSSEX.—Within half a mile of a station 13 hours from London—To be Sold by Private Treaty, a very desirable small Holding d70I?nSln? a subs*׳antial honse, building, and aboil 47 acres of excellent land. lYfESlSRS. DANN and LUCAS beg to an-i-LL nounco that the FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, at Dartford, offered! by them for Sale by Auction, on Tuesday, April 11, 1899, was not disposed of, and may now be TREATED FOR PRIVATELY. Particulars may be obtained of the Auctioneers, as above; and of Messrs. Winch, Son and Allen, solicitors!, Chatham. BAYSWATER, CAMPDEN HILL, NOTTING HILL AND DISTRICT. Messrs. E. & A. SWAIN, Auctioneers, Valuers, House and Estate Agents (Established 1849). 26, HIGH STREET, NOTTING HILL GATE, W., ISSUE A MONTHLY LIST OF PEOPEETIES TO BE LET AND SOLD. DEVON, SOMERSET & WEST OF ENGLAND W. J. WINSLEY & CO., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, TENANT-RIGHT HOTEL AND GENERAL VALUERS, MORTGAGE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. City and County Auction and Estate Agency Offices: 6, SOUTH STREET, EXETER, and HIGH STREET, HONITON. Telegraphic Addresses: “ Estates, Exeter," “ Winsley, Honiton,” Nat. Telephone No 203 (Exeter). Auction Sales at Honiton Horse and Carriage Repository the first Saturday in every month. Gentlemen and others requiring Carriage Horses of every description can generally suit themselves at these sales, when the animals for the most part come direct from the breeders. ESTABLISHED lo]L. LONDON & SOUTHEND ON SEA. A. PREVOST AND SON, Auctioneers, Surveyors, Yaluers, Land and Estate Agents, 176, MILE END HOAD, LONDuN, E., AND 102, HIGH STREET, **OUT HEND-ON-8EA. (Opposite Middleton Hotel). ¡SALES BY AUOIIOJN AND HEIVATiS TREATY. Surveys and Reports, Valuations tor Probate and other Purposes ; Mortgages negotiated at reduced rates ; compensation bases prepared and conducted ; Estates managed and Lents collected. Insurances of ever, description effected. Telegraphic Address: "Notedness," London. Teiepnoue»: London, No. 31 Eastern; Southend-on-Sea, No. 31. CROYDON. 8URREY. HOOKER & WEBB, SurYeyors; Yaluers, Auctioneers, &c., i, HIGH STREET, CROYDON. ^ AUCTION SALES, 1899. *go]Executors of the late J. Duncan. 1¿1ose t0 the District Railway Station, and) near Addison-road Station, and th¡ Earl s-court Exhibition. IX/TESSRS. E. and A. SWAIN will Sell bj A™tion’ a? t^־e Mart, E.C.„ on Tuesday, May 2 1899, at One o clock, the LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE No. 33, Charleville-road, West Kensington, a capita house m this favourite residential quarter, com prising: Five bed rooms* bath room (h. and c.) double drawing room, occupying the whole of firsi floor, dining room and library, separated by folding doors; and study on ground floor; light kitchen and usual offices in basement. Held on lease for e term of 99 years from 1877 at a ground rent of £1( per annum. To be Sold with Possession. Particulars •and conditions of sale of Messrs Swann, Green and Co., solicitors, 103, Cannon-street E.C.; and of the Auctioneers„ Messrs. E. ¿:nd A Swain, 26, High-street, Notting-hill-gate, W. BAYSWATER.—In an elevated situation, close to two stations, affording speedy access to all parts of the City and West-end. TVTESSRS. E. and A. SWAIN will Sell at 7־ ׳ ^ E•0•’ on Tuesday, May 2, 1899, at One o clock, the FREEHOLD TOWN RESIDENCE, No. 24, Ladhroke-gardens-, at the corner of Kensington park] road, highly suitable for a doctor; a most comfortably arranged and handsomely appointed house, containing a noble and lofty drawing room 43ft long„ conservatory, boudoir, dining room, billiard room laid with parquet, library, ten bed and dressing rooms, one with fitted lavatory (hot and cold) bath room, kitchen, servants׳ hall, butler’s room, and other offices. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Low-less and Co., solicitors, 26, Martin’s-lane, Cannon-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers!, 26, High-street Notting-hill-gate, W. TYEVON (near Axminster).—Fine old Man-•U sion, built red brick with stone dressings, standing in park of about 40 acres, within five miles of coast, two miles two railway stations on the main line (L. and S.W.), about 3§ hours’ journey from London, parish church within ten minutes’ walk, and containing dining room, 39ft. by 26ft., drawing room, 32ft. by 26ft., morning room, library, billiard room, 12 best bed and dressing rooms, and seven other bed rooms, etc.., etc.; excellent stabling. To Let, unfurnished, for a term or otherwise. Rent £250 per annum, including 800 acres of shooting, and three miles of trout and salmon fishing. Folio A 263 IX EYON, one mile from railway station.— J-׳' Poultry Farm of 12 acres, and right of common 10 acres; newly-built Dwelling House and suitable out-houses. Price £500, Freehold. Well let to pay fi\b per cent. pULLOMPTON, DEVON.—Freehold Resi- J dential Estate of nearly 200 acres (more than half being well-watered meadow and old pasture). Can be let at £450 per annum. Price £12,000, including timber. For occupation or investment. MESSRS. E. and A. SWAIN, 26, High Street, Notting Hill Gate,W. TYEVON.—Freehold, £600.—Nice little Poul-־1־^ try or Dairy Farm of about 22i acres, with commonable rights over 3¿ acres adjoining; small house and good buildings; let to yearly tenant; possession may be •arranged; 1§ miles from station and dairy factory; close to famous trout stream; plenty of shooting obtainable. Parties seeking Farms, Residential Properties, Country and Town Residences (furnished or unfurnished), and investments of any description in the West of England should send particulars of their requirements to W. J. Winsley and Co., who will be happy to furnish details of likely properties on their extensive registers. Meesrs. WINSLEY and CO. have on their Register, to be Let with immediate possession, several Furnished and Unfurnished Country Properties (with and without Land). London Agents please note. A PKEVOST and SOX will Sell by Auc--U*-• tion, at the Mart, Thursday, May 4, at- Two: — jJiASTWOOD LODGE ESTATE, adjoining Sour.hend-on-bea and Rayleigh.—Valuable Freehold Building Estate •of 42 acres, fronting the main London-roaa, beautifully situate on an eminence 240ft. above sea level, the greater part has been plotted for erection of upwards of 500 villas and shops, also nearly new brick built Barn, 74ft. by 21ft., stables, granary, piggeries, ponds, etc. Tbe Southend Water Works Company's new works are opposite the estate-solicitor, F. W. Hales, Jis(!., Aibany-buildings, Vic-toria-street, Westminster. MILE END.—Four expensively built Residences, 1, 2, and 3, Morgan-terrace, and 41a, Morgan-street, Co born-road, within a few yards of the railway station, G.E.R. Rental value £180 and taxes; term 73 years; ground rent £12 for the whole.—Solicitors, Messrs Bowman and* Curtis Hayward, 21, Bedford-row, W.C. ENP•—Valuable Freehold Shop and House, 13, White Horse-lane. Let at £41 12s. ROTHERHITHE.—Three Houses and Shops, 27, 31 and 3o, Plough-road. Let at £90„ tenants paying taxes; term 52 years; ground rent £15 for the whole.—Solicitors, Messrs. Brighten and Lemon, 108, i enchurch-street. MILE END.—Seven Houses and Stabling, 39 to 51, Carter-street, South-grove. Old tenants. Rental value £158; term 47 years; ground rent £21.—Solicitors, Messrs. Edell and Gordon, 4, King-street, Cheao-side. OLD FORD-ROAD.—Two Freehold Residences, 40ft. frontage, adapted for shops, 127a and 129, Parnell-road near station. Old tenants. Rental value £85 16s.—bolicitors, Messrs. Anning and Co., 78, Cheapside. BOW.—Leasehold Residence, with possession, 34, Coborn-road (few yards from station); rental value *,axes; term 18 years; ground rent onlv £3 —Solicitors, Messrs. Snow, Snow and Fox, 7, Great St. Thomas Apostle. Queen-street, E.C. LEIGH-OX-SEA.—Freehold Building Land. Plots 3,725 and 3,726 on Leigh Hall Estate, frontage 50ft. to main Leigh-road, and plot 3,671. frontage 40ft. to Victoria-drive and! Main-road.—Solicitors, Messrs. Ay ton, Safford and Briant, 154, Croydon-road. Beckenham. Particulars at Mart; of respective Solicitors; and of the Auctioneers, 176, Mile End-road, and 102. H lgh-street, Southend-on-Sea.