Estates Gazette, April 22, 1899. Largest Circulation of any Paper dealing with the Landed Interest. Price 3d־ ESTABLISHED 185S. Rffùrò ־■§** With which is incorporated the ESTATES JOURNAL, and the AUCTIONEER. .Registered as a Newspaper.] PRICE 3d. LONDON, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1899. VOL. LUI. No. 1,767.—EST. 1858. TAEBENHAM, TEWSON, PARMER and BBIDGBWATEB’S LIST OB SALES. carriage drive, and containing eight Led rooms (one fitted with bath (hot and׳ cold water supplies), dressing room, entrance hail with portico, drawing room 37ft. (including bay) by 15ft. 6in., dining room 20ft. by 16ft. (exclusive of bay window), library, domestic offices, and cellarage. Two-stall stable, and coachhouse, with two rooms over and enclosed yard. Charming pleasure grounds ornamentally timbered and sloping to the river, with terraces, large lawn available for tennis, shrubberies, boat house, etc., in all about three-quarters of an acre. With possession. Particulars of Messrs. AUSTIN and AUSTIN solicitors8 ,׳, Union-court, Old Broad-street; and of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside. Ee the Victoria Late Company, in liquidation THE VICTORIA WORKS, 106 to 112, BELVELEEE-EOAD, LAMBETH.—The Beneficial Leases of these extensive manufacturing premises, covering an area of upwards of half an acre, together with the Goodwill of the Business, including the secret processes for manufacturing vinegar, date extract and sauces, and the whole of the first-class modern plant and machinery, specially adapted for the purpose of the trade; also the valuable Stock-in-Trade, comprising many thousand gallons of vinegar and! sauces׳, a large quantity of spices, chemicals and syrups, 400 tons of dates, 42 fine ׳oak vats, 550 vinegar-making ■casks, 1,800 casks and barrels, bottles., cases, vans, office furniture, and general effects.—Messrs. TJEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BBIDGEWATEB have received instructions from the Official Receiver to Sell by Auction, on the Premises, as above, on Wednesday, May 10, at Ten o’clock, and, if not sold as a whole, the Machinery, Stoc.k-in-Trade, etc, will be Offered in :Lots, on the Premises, on Wednesday and Thursday, May 17 and 18. Bull particulars of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside. TYEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGEWATER’S ____________LIST OF SALES. OHARING-CROSiS, OITY OF LONDON, REGENT'S-PARK, CLAPHAM-ROAD. and PADDINGTON.— Important Freehold1 and Leasehold Properties, a.nd Ground Rents, amounting to £1,852 2s. per annum, ־with valuable reversions—By order of Trustees.— Messrs T) E BENH AIM, TEWSON, FARMER ״ BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 6, at Two, in 15 Lots, the following valuable INVESTMENTS: — Lot 1 and £420 455 250 85 150 G5 75 FREEHOLDS. No, 31, Cockspur-street, shop and premises, let on lease for 21 years from Christmas. 1892. at ............................. No. 10, Gresham-street, City, the ground floor and basement in band, remainder lei at £195 per annum. Total rental value .. Nos. 6 and 7, Aldgate, City, two shops anc houses let on leases expiring Michaelmas. 1909, at .............................. Warehouse Premises in the rear of Lot 3 in Saracen’s Head-yard, let at a ground rent of KENT.—By order of the Executors of the late Frederick Power, Esq. In one of the most picturesque and healthy parts of the county, about one mile from Farningham-road Station. U miles from Swanley Junction on the main L.C. and D. Railway, five miles from Dartford, and only about 18 miles from London. A very attractive Freehold Residential Estate of about 522 acres, with fine trout fishing, comprising a grand old Elizabethan mansion (erected in the 16th century), and now in good preservation, having been restored and modernised with great taste at a large outlay. Ranges׳ of glasshouses, excellent stabling, commodious home farmstead, several cottages, and numerous enclosures of very rich fruit, arable, meadow and woodland׳. With possession.—Messrs. TYEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and U, ״ BRIDGEWATER will Sell, ?it the Mart, on Tuesday, June 20, at Two, in Seven Lots, the fine old! FAMILY RESIDENCE, known as Franks, in the parishes of Farningham, Horton Kirby, and Sutton-at-Hone, approached by a carriage drive protected by a pretty entrance lodge, standing on chalk soil, with southern aspect, and containing, on the second floor, six good bed rooms, linen room, box room, two bed rooms for men servants, etc.; on the first floor, nine excellent bed and dressing rooms, bath room, Turkish bath, and a very handsome drawing room about 36ft. by 20ft., fine picture gallery״ approached by a pine winged principal staircase; on the ground floor, enclosed porch, lofty entrance hall or billiard room about 35ft. 6in. by 19ft., grand dining room about 30ft. by 17ft. 6in., charming morning room, excellent conservatory, smoking room, library, and ample offices. The stabling is at a convenient distance, is approached through an archway, with enclosed paved yard, and comprises six stalls, five loose boxes, large coach-house, exclusive of iron-proof coach-house with open !shed at either end, harness room, saddle room, with large room over, foulliving rooms for coachman, •and at one end is a capital cottage, containing five rooms for the accommodation of bachelor guests; well-fitted laundry, with hot closet and two rooms for laundrymaids, etc. The pleasure grounds •are beautifully'״aid out in most perfect taste, and include wide-spreading lawns, for tennis, croquet, bowls, etc., parterres and flower gardens, screened/ and sheltered by fine old forest trees, terrace walks, and a magnificent avenue of lime trees with rookery, ancient gateway, picturesque pavilion or tea-house, also two summer houses׳, and intersecting the grounds is the river Darenth, from the banks of which there is over a mile of fine trout fishing, and forming a charming feature in the landscape with its lovely waterfalls, rustic bridges, islands, and shady walks. Capital large and prolific kitchen garden, range of glasshouses, orchard house, plant and cucumber house, Dotting and tool sheds, well-planted rosary, etc. There is a convenient farm homestead within easy reach of the house arranged round four sides of a spacious yard, and comnrising two brick and1 tiled cottages, four capital oast-houses. stabling for 19 horses, large barn, wagon lodge, long range of cattle sheds, bullock shed for 16; also 11 cottages for labourers׳. The land is rich arable and pasture, interspersed with large fruit plantations and thriving woods, the total area being about 522 acres. Particulars of G. E. BUOKNILL. Esq., solicitor, 2. Raymond-buildings. Gray’s-inn; and of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside. ролл1 ־^ady, 1955. Estimated rack rental £300 LEASEHOTD, No. 29, York-terrace, Regent’s-park, a medium-sized town house, let on lease for 21 years from Ladv-dav. 1885, at FREEHOLDS. No. 296, Clapham-road, a corner shop and house, let yearly at ............... No. 298, Clapham-road, dwelling-house and photographic studio and works, let on lease until Midsummer, 1911, at No. 300, C lapham-road, dwelling-house with two-stall stable, two-storey hay shed, and entrance from Paradise-road, let on lease unti 1 Midsummer, 1911, at No. la, Paradise-road. Clapham-road, a builder’s office, workshop, stable, and yard, let on lease until Christmas, 1907, at Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 7, Paradise-road, four houses and shops and two stables adjoining, let on lease until Midsummer, 1911, at the low net rents amounting to......... Present gross гаек rental about £174. FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. Premises. Lease Excites Gr’und Rents. !Estimated ־Rack-rent s Midsr., 1950 £30 0 £330 ditto -32 10s. 230 ditto 31 10s. 180 ditto 28 10s. 170 ditto 54 12s. 2:0 11 Nos. 222, 224 and 226, I Harrow-road, Pad-I dington 12 Nos. 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 | Westbury-road, Paddington.............. 13 Nos. 26,28 and 30, West-| bourne-terrace N... !4 Nos. 32,34 and 36, West-I bourne.terrace N... 15 Nos. 39, 41> 43 and 45) | Westbourne _ terrace Particulars (in due course) of Messrs. MONTAGU, MILEHAM and MONTAGU, solicitors, 5 and 6, Bucklersbury, Cheapside; and of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside. FARMER and TAEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and -■־/ BRIDGEWATER’S LIST OF SALES. In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division.— “Drake v. Drake.”—SOUTH KENSINGTON, WESTMINSTER and NOTTING-HILL.—Freehold and Leasehold Houses and Shops, producing £413 per annum; Two Freehold Building Sites, with possession; and Freehold Ground Rents amounting to £253 8s. per annum, with reversion to rack rentals of about £1,450 at Michaelmas, 1949.—Mr. EDWARD TEWSON, of the firm of Messrs. TAEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and -L' BRIDGEWATER (the person appointed by the Honble. Mr. Justice Byrne, the Judge to whose Court this cause is attached), will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, May 2, at Two, in 16 Lots, the following FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD HOUSES, SHOPS, BUILDING SITES, and GROUND RENTS: — Lot. TEWSON, BRIDGEWATER’S LIST OF SALES. TNEBENHAM xJ Rental. £60 34 120 119 YORK HOUSE, KENSINGTON, close to High-street Station—Well-made remaining Furniture, pictures, clocks, 100 dbz. choice wines, including 1847 and 1858 ports■, capital deed safe by Milner, carriages, plants, ■and general effects׳.—By order of the Executors of the late Mrs. Caroline Jones.—׳Messrs. ־HEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and XJ BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at York House, on Monday and Tuesday, May 8 and 9, at Twelve each day, the FURNITURE, comprising bedsteads, bedding, walnut and mahogany wardrobes, chests of drawers׳, washing and toilet tables and! glasses, walnut drawing room suite, walnut and marqueterie tables, whatnots, music stools, cabinets, mahogany dining table, sideboard, four easy and 20 chairs׳ in morocco, walnut bookcases, a few oil paintings, mantel clocks, a turret clock, large telescope, 100 doz. of choice wines, including 1847 and 1858 ports, sherries, clarets, and champagne, 27in. by 42in. deed safe by Milner, Turkey and Brussels carpets, curtains׳, chimney glasses, antique brass chandelier, dinner, dessert, and tea services, double brougham and׳ well-built barouche by Stamper, harness, garden seats, plants in pots, and other items. On view Saturday, May 6. Catalogues at 80, Cheapside, E.C. The Lease of the excellent Town House, with stabling and charming grounds of about \\ acres, to be Sold. Full particulars at 80, Cheapside. HAMPTON WICK.—On the Banks of the Thames. In an excellent Residential district, five minutes’ walk from Hampton Wick Station (L. and S.W.R.), and within easy reach of Hampton Court, Bushey Park, and׳ the market town of Kingston, also of Richmond Park, Hurst Park, Kempton Park, and Sandown—By order of the Executors and Trustees of the late J. A. Buckley, Esq.—Messrs. TSeBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and xJ BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart•, on Tuesday, May 9, at Two, the attractive FREEHOLD PROPERLY (land tax redeemed)., known as Denbigh House, Lower Ted-dingtcn-road, Hampton Wick, occupying a delightful position on the river between Teddington Lock and' Kingston. It comprises a capital detached Residence in the Italian style, approached1 by a Description. 6, Gloucester-terrace, S. Kensington, cornei premises, held until Midsummer, 1919, ai £5, and underleased for the full term at the inadequate rent cf ....................... 4, Thistle-grove-lane, S. Kensington, a private house, held until Michaelmas, 1918, at £20, and underleased until Michaelmas 1911, at the very low rent of............. 20, Caxton-street, Westminster, held until Midsummer, 1905, at lGs., and 10s. 5d. fo] redeemed Land-tax, and underleased foi the full term to the Army and Navj Auxiliary Co-operative Supply at .. 22 and 24, Sbrutton Ground, Westminster, two houses and shops, held until Lady' Day, 1906, at £1, and underleased for tbe full term (less three days) at .. . Rising to £125 after Christmas, 1901. ), Gt. Peter-street, Freehold Premises, with two shops, three floors over and basement, let on lease until Midsummer, 1901, at Freehold Building Site, with frontage of 106ft. to Bull’s Head-court, Gt. Peter-street. Westminster ; area 1,970 sq. ft. With Possession................................ Freehold Building Site, with a frontage oi 38It. to Bull's Head-court. Area, 1,970 sq. ft. With possession ................ These sites are adapted for workshops or small factories .......................... 2 and 3, Little College-street, Westminster. Held until Lady-Day, 1903, at £3, and let on a yearly tenancy at £30 per annum each........................................ FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. £270 240 80 200 160 45 200 250 1 I ot. Premises. Lease. Ground Rents. (43 to 53 (odd Nos.), i 99 years fro or 9 \ Portland - road, \ Michaelmas, о CO <4 ( Notting-hill .. ( 1850 1C 57 to 67 (odd),Portland- road Do. 42 0 0 11 71 and 73, Portland-rd. Do. 14 0 0 12 77 to 85 (odd),Portland- road Do. 35 0 0 13 87 to 93 (odd), Portland- road Do. 28 0 0 14 28, Portland-road Do. 10 0 0 15 54 to 60 (even), Port- land-road Do. о о о ־■ф 16 66 to 74 (even), Port- land-road Do. о о о Particulars! of Messrs. CRONIN and SON, solicitors, 22, Southampton-street, Bloomsbury; of Messrs. BLYTH, DUTTON and CO., 112, Gresham House, Old Broad-street; and! of the Auctioneers. FULHAM.—Valuable Freehold Properties, comprising Ground• Rents, extensive Malting Premises in the occupation of the Camden Brewery Company, and a compact Block of Building Land with long and important road frontages—Messrs. TAEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and 1־^ BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, May 9, at Two, in Lots, the following FREEHOLDS: — Lot 1.—Ground! Rents amounting to £20 per annum, secured upon a shop and four dwelling houses, Nos. 1 to 9 (odd), Hugon-road, Wandsworth-bridge-road, having an estimated rack rental value of about £175 per annum. Lot 2.—Ground Rents amounting to £24 per annum, secured upon six dwelling houses, Nos. 24 to 34 (even), Breer-street, adjoining the preceding Lot, and having an estimated rack rental value of about £187 per annum. Lot 3.—The extensive Malting Premises, known as ■ Wandsworth Bridge Mai tings, situate in Breer-street and Town Mead-road, within a few yards! of Wands- 1 worth-bridge-road and Wandsworth Bridge, comprising a substantial block of modern buildings of three floors, the whole covering an area of about 16,190 sq. ft. Let on lease to the Camden Brewery Company, Limited, at a rent of £250 per annum. Also in numerous Lots, about la. Or. 38p. of valuable Freehold Building Land, having frontages of about 507ft., 85ft., and195 ׳ft. respectively to Wandsworth-bridge-road, Hugon-road:, and׳ Breer-street, exceptionally well circumstanced for building purposes, and eminently adapted for the erection of moderate-sized houses and shops. Particulars of Messrs. ROUTH, STACEY and CASTLE, solicitDrs, 14, Southampton-street, Bloomsbury; and of the Auctioneers, No. 80, Cheapside. Sales by Auction for the Year 1899.—Messrs. ־HEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER, and U BRIDGEWATER beg to announce that their SALES of ESTATES. Investments, Town, Suburban and Country Houses. Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Advowsons Reversions, Stocks, Shares and other Properties will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. near the Bank of England, in the City of London, as follows Tuesday, July 18. Tuesday, July 25. Tuesday, August 1. Tuesday, August 15. Tuesday, October 10. Tuesday, October 24. Tuesday, October 31. Tuesday, November 14. Tuesday, November 21. Tuesday, December 5. Tuesday, April 25. luesday, May 2. Tuesday. May 9 Tuesday May 16. Tuesday May 30. Tuesday, June 6. Tuesday, June 13. Tuesday June 20. Tuesday, June 27. Tuesday, July 4. Taesday July 11. By arrangement, auctions can also be held on other days in town or country. Messrs. Debenham, Tewson Farmer and Bridgewater undertake Sales and Valuations for Probate and other purposes of Furniture, Pictures, Farming Stock, Timber, &c. Detailed Lists of Investments, Estates. Sporting Quarters, Residences, Shops and Business Premises to be Let or Sold by private contract are published on the 1st of each month, and can be obtained of Messrs. Debenham Tewson, Farmer and Bridgewater, estate agents, surveyors and valuers, 80, Cheapside, London, E.C. Telephone 503, Bank. MARYL'EBOXE (on the Berners Estate).—For sale without reserve.—By order of the Trustee of the late Mrs. ■C. Drake.—A Block of short Leasehold Shops and Houses, 49 , 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55, Union-street, abutting on the Middlesex Hospital, let to quarterly and weekly tenants at rentals amounting to £312 4s. per annum; the landlord pays the rates and! taxes, except ,in respect of 52 and 54, Union-street. The whole held until Michaelmas, 1907, at the low ground rent of £5.—Messrs. Debenham, tewson, farmer and BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, May 2, the above LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, in One Lot. Particulars׳ of Messrs. CRONIN and SON., solicitors, 22, Southampton-street, Bloomsbury; and of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside. CITY OF LONDON.—An Undivided Third Share of a well-secured Freehold Ground Rent of £450 per annum, arising from! excellent modern business premises, with reversion to the rack rents! at Lady Day, 1975.—Messrs. Debenham, tewson, farmer and BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, May 2, at Two, an UNDIVIDED THIRD SHARE of the important FREEHOLD modern PREMISES, 14, Gracechurch-street, comprising a ground floor shop with basement and four floors of offices over. Let on lease for 80 years from Lady Day, 1895, at a ground rent of £450 per annum, with reversion to the rack rents! on the expiration of the lease. Particulars •of Messrs. POOLE and ROBINSON, solicitors, 15, Union-court, Old Broad-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside. KENT.—A choice Freehold! Residential Property, known as Oakfield, in the parishes of Wilmington and Dartford, with long frontage to the main road from Dartford to Dartford Heath, and about U־ miles from Dartford Station, whence there is a very good service oi trains to London, doing the distance in a little more than 30 minutes.—Messrs. TJEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and -V BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 20. at Two, the above-named1 very attractive RESIDENTIAL FREEHOLD PROPERTY, which comprises a superior family residence, in the Italian style, on two floors, containing 12 bed and! dressing rooms, bath room, capital hall, fine principal staircase mainly of oak with carved panelled oak dado, massive columns and׳ arch, back staircase, two elegant drawing rooms with parquet floor (all over) opening to two beautiful conservatories, morning room, very good dining room, full-size billiard; room with lanthorn roof, complete suite of domestic offices, also cellars, store rooms, larders, etc., in basement. The house is surrounded by most pleasant gard'ens, with well-shaded lawns, long terrace walks, an exceedingly pretty carriage drive protected' by good timber trees and many large well-grown shrubs. Capital walled kitchen garden in terraces, with direct south aspect; greenhouse, vinery, orchid-house, peach-house. potting shed, etc. Excellent stabling for nine horses, coach-house, harness room and a capital large •house for coachman. The gardens are separated by iron fencing from an undulating, well-timbered nark, the entire area being upwards of 31 acres. The views from the house and gardens are most, picturesque. The property is on a gravel soil, and occupies a very dry and particularly healthy position. The drainage is on modern lines, and was recentlv reconstructed under the superintendence of Mr. Mark Judge. Water is laid on from the Kent• Waterworks, recognised to be the best in quality of anv company’s supply., and there are standpipes and connections in all necessary parts of the property. For sale with nossession. Particulars of Messrs!. RANKEN FORD. FORD and CHESTER solicitors, 4, South-square. Gray’s-inn, W.G.; and of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside, E.C.