62b THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 15, 1899. Compensation Case. LAND AT KESWICK. Mr. John Cross, C.E., F.S.I., of Manchester, has been sitting as Umpire at the Town Hall, Keswick, to determine the value of certain land there, acquired for street widening by the Keswick Urban District Council. The arbitrators were Mr. Tom Birkett, P.S.I., Penrith, and Mr. Bentley, Carlisle. Mr. Isaac Lowthian appeared for the claimants, and Mr. Joseph Broatch represented the Urban Council. In opening the case for the claimants, Mr. Lowthian said the parties were Mr. John Shearman, Miss Mary Shearman, and Mrs. Donaldson, the three surviving children of the late Mr. Mark Shearman. The land, a triangular piece at the corner of Station and Penrith roads, opposite the Station Hotel, was bought by Mr. Shearman in February, 1870, for the purpose of protecting the hotel. About a year after a small piece was sold to the Local Board. The Urban Council had negotiated with Mr. Shearman with respect to the land in November, 1896, at which time both Mr. and Mrs. Shearman were unable to transact business. The Council had obtained a Provisional Order for the compulsory acquirement of this, along with other land. Mrs. Shearman died in August, 1898, and Mr. Shearman in October of the same year. The Station Hotel was sold by auction, according to the conditions of the will, and at the sale certain questions were asked which were calculated to injure the sale. The piece of garden was much prized by the family and also visitors, and on account of its position its value was considerable. Miss Mary Shearman gave evidence in support of the claim. Mr. John Thornborrow, auctioneer, Penrith, gave a valuation of £374, equal to £2 per square yard, on 170 square yards, and 10 per cent, extra for compulsory sale. It was proposed to put four lock-up shops on the ground. He did riot know to his own knowledge of any land being sold at £2 a yard, nor £1 a yard. Mr. Mitchell Dawson had sold a strip of land to the Council for 15s. a yard, and witness thought it would- have been better 'had he made them a present of it. Had the notice to build not been given the land would probably have been sold at the time the hotel was sold. Mr. James Leslie, architect and surveyor, Carlisle, estimated the value of the site at £367 5s. The plan of the proposed building showed four shops, Which would be built at a cost of £550, and let out at a rent of £64, or £16 each. Eighteen years’ purchase on £64 was equal to £1,152, and deducting the outlay on building, left £602, the value of the land. Mr. Broatch said the plans of the proposed shops did not comply with the bye-laws. Mr. W. Heskett, land agent and surveyor, Penrith, considered the site a very important one, and valued it at £366 10s. 6״d. Mr. John Banks, F.S.I., Kendal, giving evidence for the Urban Council, said the fact that the land would be thrown into a street insured that the hotel would be brought from a side street into the main road, which would be a great benefit to the hotel. He put the full value of the land at £93 10s. inclusive. If buildings were put on the land it would generally depreciate the value of the hotel. Mr. J. Wilson Fair, F.S.I., Preston and Wigan, said the value of the land lay in the fact of its remaining unbuilt upon. Mr. Wm. Hodgson and Mr. R. Mumberson, of Keswick, gave evidence. The last named put the value at 7s. 6d. per square yard. If the Shearmans had said: “ Take this piece of ground and make it into a street,” it would have paid them well. The Arbitrator reserved his award. AWARD. Mr. W. Edward Woolley, F.S.I. (of the firm of Woolley and Holbeohe, surveyors, Loughborough, Leicestershire), has just published his award as Umpire in the case of the “Rev. S. Flood (rector of I'bstock) v. The Market Bos-worth Rural District Council.” The award is for £222 17s., for general damage by construction of a sewer over the Glebe Estate at Ib-stock, and £50 for special damages caused by the said sewer and works- being left in an unfinished condition, making a total of £272 17s. Mr. A. T. Draper, F.S.I., of Leicester, was arbitrator for the rector, and- Mr. T. Marson, F.S.I., Higham-on-the־Hill and Hinckley, for the District Council. The professional witnesses were:—For the claimant, Mr. W. H. Simpson, C.E., Leicester; and for the District Council, Mr. George German, F.’S.I., Ashby-de-la-Zouch, and Mr. William Thorpe, F.S.i., of Na-ilstone. Auctioneers and Estate Agents desiring to secure Partners, Purchase a Business, or engage Professional Assistance, should consult the “Wanted” Advertisements in the centre of the Paper. in Institute-road, King’s Heath, let at 7s. 6d. each per week, sold for £1,140 ; a short leasehold property, No. 152, Lawley-street, and 11 cottages in the rear, gross rental £125 9s., ground rent £5 Is., for £325 ; three front houses and six houses at the rear, Nos. 58, 59 and 60, Larches-,street, Sparkbrook, gross rental £109 7s. 3d., -lease 75 years, ground rent £15, were withdrawn at £890 ; five cottages at the rear of No. 57, Larches-street, and two parcels of front land, gross rental £75 8s., 75 years’ lease, ground rent £10, were withdrawn at £590 ; and four front houses, Nos. 57, 59, 61 -and 63, Miller-street, Aston New Town, gross rental £62 8s., lease 75 years, ground rent £11 5s. 8d., sold for £470. The solicitors for the vendors were Messrs. Ansell and Ashford, Mr. A. Rol-lason, Messrs. G. F. James and Barton, Messrs. Cant and Cheatle, Messrs. Unett, Moore, Bayley and Co., and Mr. A. Cadd-ick, all of Birmingham. YORKSHIRE. At the Hall of the Hull Incorporated Law Society, on the 12th instant, Messrs. W. N. Lewendon and Son offered for sale a freehold dwelling -house and shop, No. 6, Church-street, Wincolmlee, which were withdrawn at £350 ; a freehold house, No. 30, Raikes-street, Dry-pool, let at £7 16s., sold for £54 ; four houses, Nos. 62, 64, 66 and 68, Oxford-street, Kings-ton-upon-Hull, with ten- -houses behind the same, -numbered 1 to 10, Eleanor’s-terrace, gross rental £103 11s. 4d., were sold before the sale for £500 ; two houses, Nos. 41 and 43, Was-sand-street, and nine houses at the rear, gross rental £75 8s., sold for £550 ; a freehold cottage, Back-street, Aldbrough, containing about 133 square yards, was withdrawn at £40 ; two houses, Nos. 40 and 42, Colonial-street, let at £28, sold for £430 ; two dwelling houses, a”d the rooms over archway, Nos. 68, 68g and 70, Sculcoates-lane, Hull, gross- rental £45 17s., were withdrawn at £600 ; a freehold residence, No. 31, Chestnut-avenue, Queen’s-road, Bever-ley-road, was withdrawn at £235 ; three dwelling houses, Nos. 68, 69 and 70, Goodwin-street, Hull, gross rental £58, sold for £745 ; and a freehold house, No. 48, Day-street, Anlaby-road, let at £17, for £340. The solicitors were Messrs. Jacobs and Dixon, Messrs. Shackles and Dunberly, Messrs. Frankish, Kingdon and Wilson, Mr. G. S. Jordeson, Mr. T. B. Red-fearn, and Mr. J. E. Pettingell, all ■of Hull. On the 11th inst., Messrs. Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings sold, at their mart, in High-street, ,Sheffield, a corner shop and premises, with off-license, Nos. 196 and 198, Sharrow-lane, Sheffield, leasehold for 74 years, ground rent £4 12s., for £2,020; and three freehold houses, Nos. 148, 150 and 152, Bas-ford-street, Darnall, gross rental £31 4s., for £510. WALES. On Monday, at Wrexham, Denbigh, Mr. Frank Lloyd sold a freehold property called Brynmally, with 91 acres of land at Broughton, Denbigh, for £4,000. SCOTLAND. On the 12th inst., in Dowell’s Rooms, George-street, Edinburgh, the following properties were sold : —First flat house, 11, Bran-don-street (rent £33, feu £3 10s., upset £400), £475 ; east house, Queen’s Bay-crescent, Joppa (feu £5 5s., upset £750), £750 ; estate of Eind, in parish of Auchterarder (rent, including shootings, £114 10s., feu £1 2s. 2d., upset £2,750), £3,040 ; Inverforth, La-verockbank-road, Trinity (feu £14 Is. 2d., upset £900), £1,530. The Caldhame feus—one of the lots comprising the estate of Balmaine—were sold for £850, the upset price. The following also were sold : — An assurance policy with the Northern Assurance Company for £300, with profits, on the life of a gentleman aged 44 (bonus additions £78, premium £6 8s. 6d., surrender value £81 0s. 7d., upset £87), £88; policy for £500 on the life of the same gentleman (bonus additions £23 5s., half-yearly premium £9 11s. 3d., surrender value £65 2s. 8d., upset £70), £70; policy for £100 with the Scottish National Insurance Company (now the Scottish Union and National Insurance Company) on the life of a gentleman aged 50 (bonuses £30 10s., half-yearly premium £1 8s. 10d., surrender value £58, upset £63), £65. i^nrtonors Instîfnticm. IRISH COMMITTEE. The annual general meeting of the Irish Land Agents’ Committee of the Surveyors’ Institution will be. held in Dublin on Thursday next, the 20th inst., at 10.30 o’clock, when the report and accounts will be submitted, and various matters of interest to the profession will be considered. In the evening the members will meet at dinner, and among the guests will be several members of the parent Institution in England. We are glad to learn that this committee, which was incorporated with the Surveyors’ Institution so recently as the year 1895, is doing so well, and opens the new year with every promise of further prosperity. LANCASHIRE. At the Rose and Crown Hotel, Chorley, on the 11th inst., Mr. Henry Bradley (Messrs. Bradley and Son) offered for sale by auction the well-known hostelry, the Anchor Inn, Market-street, Chorley. The house is one of the best hotels in the town, and commands a good position in the main street. Bidding started at £3,000, and- reached £3,800, when the auctioneer declared an upset price of £4,500. At this it was withdrawn. LEICESTERSHIRE. On the 12th instant at the Midland Auction Mart, Market-street, Leicester, Messrs. H. and F. Tarrat-t and Sons sold six houses, Nos. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13, Doningt-on-street, Melbourne-road, and four cottages at the rear, gross- rental £130, for £1,800 ; four houses, Nos. 18, 20, 22 and 24, Leopold-road, Clarendon-park-road, Leicester, gross rental £59 16s., for £850 ; a family residence, known a-s Tudor House, Ab-ingdon-road, for £1,200 ; the freehold premises, No. 32, Church-gate, Leicester, for many years used as a licensed dim, and known as the Crown and Cushion, also a shop and house, No. 30, Church-gate, for £1,250 ; 22 £30 shares (£10 paid) in the Stamford, Spalding and Boston Banking Company, Limited, at £23 5s. per share ; and 50 £1 shares (16s. paid) in the Leicester Coffee and Cocoa House Company, Limited, at 18s. 6d. per share. The solicitors were Messrs. G. E. and F. Bouskell, and Messrs. Owston, Dickinson and Simpson, Leicester. _ NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. At the Hind Hotel, Wellingborough, on the 12t-h instant, Messrs. Pendered and Son sold the freehold indoor beerhouse, known as the Old White Horse, High-street, Old, with the mill-house, engine house and other buildings adjoining, for £1,000 ; and five freehold houses, Nos. 31, 33, 35, 37 and 39, Neweomen-road, Wellingborough, gross rental £68 16s., for £800. The solicitors for the vendors were Messrs. G. and H. Lamb and Stringer, Kettering, -and Messrs. Scriven and Terry, Northampton. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. On the 11th inst., at the estate rooms, 27, Bridlesmith-gate, Nottingham, Messrs. Morris and Place sold the following freehold building plots having frontages to Carlton-road, Windmill-lane, Nottingham;—554 square yards, £567 17s. ; 1,031 square yards, £567 Is. ; 957 square yards, £370 16s. 9d. ; and 491 square yards, with valuable frontage to Carlton-road and proposed new street, £527 16s. 6d. OXFORDSHIRE. At the Golden Cross׳ Hotel, Oxford, on the 8th instant, Messrs. Hamlet and Dulake sold the fully-licensed freehold property known as the New Inn, Cowley-road, Oxford, for £6,425. The vendor’s solicitor was Mr. E. T. Hatt, Oxford. At the Reindeer Inn, Banbury, on the 11th inst., Messrs. Castle, Son and Booth sold an enclosure of freehold accommodation pasture land, Green-lane, Neithrop, with the nurseries, etc.j containing in all about one acre and three roods, for £170, or £100 per acre; and three freehold cottages, Boxhedge-lane, Neithrop, gross rental £19 5s. 8d., for £175. The solicitors were Messrs. Fortescue and Sons, Banbury. SOMERSETSHIRE. On the 12th inst., Mr. Charles Cooper, acting under -instructions from the Marquess of Bath, offered for sale, at his mart, Frome, the _ following properties : —The Bath Arms public-house and brewery, at Frome, which realised £3,000; Gardeners’ Arms, Cheddar, £630 ; six dwelling houses, Bath-street, £1,325 ; a corner residence in the same thoroughfare, £555 ; a warehouse adjacent, £300 ; boys’ club and men s club adjoining, £705 ; and three lots of business premises, £870. Messrs. Oruttwell, Daniel and Cruttwell were the solicitors engaged¡ for the vendors. SUSSEX. At the Castle Hotel, Hastings, on the 6th instant, Messrs. Wickenden sold the following freehold licensed properties:—The Denbigh Hotel, W-hite-hill, Bexhall, for £4,900 ; the Red Lion׳, Hove, for £3,650 ; the United inends, Nmfield, near Bexhill, with stabling gardens, etc., for £2,000 ; the Sussex Inn, Sidley, Bexhill, with two cottages, gardens etc., for £3,800 ; the Hastings Castle Inn, Wel-lingtan-terrace, Hastings, for £1,400 ; and the Cinque Port Arms, Rye, with -stabling, coachhouses, garden, etc., let at £100, for £3,000. On the 7th instant, at the Swum Hotel, Tunbridge Wells, Messrs. Wickenden sold several freehold properties at Seven-oaks, Southborou״h and Tunbridge Wells, realising in all about £6,000. The solicitors for the vendors were Messrs. Blaker and Sons, Lewes, and Miessrs. Raper and Ellman, Battle. WARWICKSHIRE. At the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, on the 11th instant, Messrs. Grove and Baker sold seven long leasehold houses and five tenements in the rear, being Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Lawden-road, Camp-hill, gross rental £165, apportioned ground rent £27, for £1,060 ; two long leasehold houses, Nos. 124 and 126, Wel-lington-street, Winson-green, gross rental 16s. od. per week, ground rent £4 15s., were withdrawn at £340 ; four freehold villa residences HAMILTON and MIALL, Maclise-mansions (opposite Addison-road Station), W., and at Shepherd’s-bush. Shepherd’s Bush—55, Vespan-road, and 11, Lycett-mews, F Hammersmith—18, Aynhoe-road, L Battersea—104, Sugden-road); 124, Battersea-park-road, L E. and S. SMITH, 55, Arawell-street, Penton-ville, E.C. Islington—2 and 3, Milner-street, L Regent’s-park—173, Albany-street, L Ludgate-hill—1, Pilgrim-street, Lease and Goodwill Barnsbury—11, Hemingford-road, L M. HUBBARD, 7, Leighton-road, Kentish Town, N.W. Kentish Town—Leverton-street, IGR’s of £115 lGs.; 2 and 3, Leverton-place, and) IGR of £9 10s. LONDON AND SUBURBAN RESULTS. The Editor will be glad to receive from Auctioneers Marked Copies of Particulars of Suburban Sales, with a view to the insertion of results in this column. They mnst, however, reach the office by not later than the first post on Friday. APRIL. WEDNESDAY 12th. ALBERT TURNER, 8, Old Jewry, E.C. (at the Railway Hotel, Sudbury Station, Middlesex). Sudbury—15 Plots of Freehold Building Land, fronting Water-lane ........... 596 THURSDAY 13th. SIM and RANDALL (at their Auction Mart, 280, Romford-road, E.) Manor-park—9, Berkley-road, White Post-lane, R £26, F ........................... 280 Stratford—36, Vicarage-road, Vicarage-lane, ut 81 years, GR £5 10s., R £31 4s...... 255 32, Vicarage-road, Vicarage-lane, R £32 10s., F .................................. 380 PROVINCIAL PROPERTY SALES. -----♦------ The Editor will feel obliged if Auctioneers and Agents will forward a copy of the particulars of sales in which they are interested MARKED with the prices realised, in order that an accurate record of dealings in Land and House Property may appear in this department. These mnst reach us by THURSDAY to ensure insertion in the current issue. DEVONSHIRE. Messrs. Elliott, Ellis and Co. sold, by auction last week the freehold properties No. 19, Port-land-villas, Plymouth, estimated to let at £55 per annum, for £935 ; No. 101, Cobourg-street, Plymouth, producing a gross rental of £53 10s., for £1,000 ; and the Crownhill Nurseries, Crownhill, near Plymouth, about three-quarters of an acre, with the glasshouses- and nursery stock, as a going concern, for £725. DURHAM. At the Black Lion Hotel, High-street, Stock-ton, on she 12th inst., Messrs. Hepper and Sons sold a fully-licensed freehold house, known as the King’s Head Inn, Stockton-on-Tees, for £4,660. The purchaser was Mr. Thomas Devereux, Stockton. The solicitor for the vendor was Mr. H. J. Palethcrpe, Leeds. ESSEX. On the 10th instant, Mr. J. B. Slade (Messrs. Protheroe and Morris) held a sale on the Clap-ham Hill Estate, Whitstable-on-Sea. Plots on the main Canterbury-road, with frontages of 20ft׳., and about 140ft. deep, realised £29 and £30 each, those on the main road £21 to £35 ; other plots realised from £6 to £11 10s., according to position. Every lot was sold at the auction except the hotel site, which was, however, disposed of before the auctioneer left the marquee. The total amount realised was £1,700. On the 11th inst., the same auctioneer sold several lots on the Wick Estate, Maldon. Ten plots on the main road, Fambridge, realised £24 10s. and £30; those in other roads, from £5 to £8 each for 20ft. frontages, with depths of 180ft and over. On the same date, Mr. H. G. Morris, of the firm of Protheroe and Morris, sold about 120 plots on the Highlands Estate, Pit-sea, at from £20 10s. to £7 per plot. At the Assembly Rooms, Benfleet, on the 12th inst., Mr. J. B. Slade sold a villa residence, South View-road, Benfleet, let at £26, for £365; and plots on the Kent Hills Estate fetched fair prices. In a marquee on the estate, on Wednesday, Messrs. A. Prevost- and Son sold, for the Land Company, several plots of land and houses on the Tilbury Park Estate. Twenty-five houses were sold at an average of £120 each; five shops, at from £220 to £235 each ; and several plots of land at from £3 to £6 per foot. The total amount realised was £4,775. HERTFORDSHIRE. On the 11th instant at the Bull Hotel, High-street, Hoddesdon, Mr. Alfred Richards sold a freehold house and shop, High-street, Hoddesdon, let at £45, for £990 ; seven freehold cottages, Lord-street, Hoddesdon, gross rental £88 Is. 6d., for £1,000 ; and a piece of freehold ac- i commodation land, Hoddesdon- Marsh, containing 2r. 30p., for £80. The solicitors were Messrs. E. F. -and H. Landon, Messrs. W. W. loung and Son, both of London.