April iS, 1899. ״THE ESTATES GAZETTE 622 TUESDAY Uth. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapaide, E.C. Wimbledon—Gap-road, FGR of £44 2s. Shepherd’s Bush—Keith-grove, a Block of Stabling, F and L R. S. CHARLES, 1, Gresham-street, E.C. Hyde-park—6, Hyde-park-gate, L Kensington—15 and 16, Airlie-gardens, L E. HILL CLARKE, 131, High-road, Streatham, S.W. Streatham—64, 66, 74, 76, 78 , 80 and 92, Lewin-road, F; High-road, a Freehold !Residence and Four Cottages W. B. HALLETT, 11, Queen Yictoria-street, E.C., and 282, Holloway-road, N. Kensington—9 and 37, Kensington High-street, L W. HOUGHTON, 58, Old Broad-street,E.C., and at Walthamstow. Walthamstow—Groye-road, Two Freehold Building Sites; 66, St. Mary’s-road, L Maida-vale—195, Sutherland-avenue, L Stamford-hill—Amhurst-park-road, Enclosure of Land, two acres, L ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, SO, Bel-grave-road, and 78, Glouoester-road, S.W. Gunnersbury—24 and 26, Grosvenor-road, L Heme-hill—23, Fawnbrake-ayenue, and IGR of £16; 24, Gubyon-avenue, Kestrel-ayenue, IGR of £15 Honor Oak—30 and 42, Marmora-road, L Streatham—Thirlmere-road, West View, F South Kensington—67, Harcourt-terrace; 128 and 134, Finborough-road, L Croydon—42, 44 and 46, Morland-road, F Westgate-on-Sea. Kent—23, Adrian-square, F Gunnersbury—St. Mary’s-grove, FGR of £10 Brentford—Harnage-road West, etc.. IGR’s of £68 15s. Hammersmith—Weltje-road, IGR’s of £27 10s. T. WOODS, Hounslow. Feltham, Middlesex—Tachbrook-road׳, Two Blots of Land, F WEDNESDAY 12th-ALDER and CO., 28, Queen street, E.C., 4, Railway-terrace, Streatham, S.W., and Carshal-ton. Canning Town—100 to 118 (even), Garyary-road, F Lundy Island, Deyon—The Lundy Granite Quarries (Lease of) CLIMPSON and JOHNSON, 59,Bedford-hill,S.W. Balham—37, Eamsden-road, F Sutton, Surrey—Sutton-court-road, etc., FGE’s of £46 A. A. HOLLINGSWORTH, 1, Bishopsgate-street Without, E.C. Haggerston—19, Whiston-street, L Bishopsgate—12, Bisliopsgate-ayenue, L MARTIN, CLARKE and CO., 9, Maddox-street, Regent-street, W. Kennington—36, 40 and 42, Walcot-square, L RUTLKY, SON and YINE, 6, George-street, Euston-road, N.W. Hackney—77, Bentham-road, L Islington—56, Rotherfield-street, L Kentish Town—50, York-rise, L Camden Town—18, 20 and 22, Ferdinandsplace. L Highbury—Highbury-crescent West, FGR of £100 DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., SI, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford, Essex. Bayswater—37, Alexander-street, L Ilford^lO, Northbrook-road, L; Balfour-road, Swine Land, F THURSDAY 13th. P. H. CLARKE, 2, Lancaster-place, Strand, W.C. Wandsworth—194 and 196, Wandsworth-road, L Wood-green—1, Finsbury-parade, F Battersea—21, 21a, 23, 23a, 25, 2Sa, and 27, 27a, Win-stead-street, L Forest-hill—1 and 2, Ewelme-road, L Barnes—17, 19, 23 and 25, Elm-grove-road, L GARRETT, WHITE and POLAND, 16, Hanoyer-street, W. High Holborn—No. 267, A Profit Eental of £70 KILBURNE and CROUCH, 18, Dorset-street, and 22, Baker-street, W. Hampstead—42, Netherall-gard'ens, F MARK LIELL and SON, 9$, Bow-road, 42, High-street, East Ham, E., and 11, London-street, Fenchurch-street, E.C. Mile End—29, Lyal-road, L Plaistow—2 and 4, Ethel-road, L G A. WILKINSON and SON, 7, Poultry, E.C. Barnes—4 to 16 (even), Hillersdon-avenue, L MESSRS. WOODS, 13, Newgate-street, E.C. Edmonton—Montague-road, a Plot of Building Land, F C. C. and T. MOORE, 142 and 144, Mile-end road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Commercial-road׳ East—38 and 40, Heath-street; and 13 to 21 (odd), Brass-street, L NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 273, Upper-street, N. Stoke Newington—38, Newington-road׳, F St. Pancras—152, Euston-road, L Paddington—9, Park-place-villas, L STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S E. Clapton—75 and 77, Glenarm-road, F Surbiton—Ewell-road, Lyndon House and Montague House, L Kentish Town—68, Castle-road, L FRIDAY 14th. MESSRS. ALDRIDGES, 16, King-street, St. James, S.W. Wandsworth—Varden’s-road!, Harvard House, area 26,901ft., F H. CHAPMAN and CO., 2, Southampton-street, Strand, W.C. Blackheath—10, Park-yillas, L MESSRS. DRIYERS, 407, Holloway-road, N. Muswell-hill—Sydney-road, Jassamine Cottage, and! Holmhurst, L Holloway—2, Haryist-road, L P. and G. GEEN, 55, Waterloo-road, S.E. Walthamstow—Rosebank-terrace, FGR of £20 Notting-hill—44 and 46, Portland-road, L Norwood—29, 35 and 37, Penge-road]; 16, Selby-road; Cambridge-road, Mayfield, L GIDDY and GIDDY, 4, Waterloo-place, S.W., Maidenhead, Sunningdale and Isleworth. Datchet, Bucks—The Dell, and׳ half an acre, F South Kensington—4, Bolton-gardens, L R. PRICE and SON, 2, Clapham-park-road, and 340, Balham High-road, S.W. Bermondsey—60 and 62, Ambrose-street, L Balham—9 and 11, Temperley-road, F WALFORD and WILSHIN, 121, Anerley-road, S.E. Penge—17, Queen Adelaide-road, ut 50 years, GR £7, ER £55 ............................. 450 Anerley—77, Croydon-road, ut 74 years, GR £16 10s״ ER £100 ......................... 800 MESSRS. WOODS, 13, Newgate-street, E.C. Balls Pond—1 to 4, St. Paul’s-mansions, F, It £195 .................................... 3,420 NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 273, Upper-street, Islington, N. St. John’s Wood—17 to 23 (odd), Bolton-road, ut 59 years, GR £32 ...................... 1,560 Crouch End!—49, Park-road, ut 82 years, GR £12 12s., R £70 ...................... .. 1 000 Kentish Town—23 to 31 (odd), York-rise, F, R £210 ................................... 2 925 Highbury—26, Hamilton-road, ut 48 years, GR £7 10s.. R £45 .......................... 455 Holloway—Ingleby-road, etc., IGR of £38, ut 501 years, GR £8 .......................... 610 Stoke Newington—7 and 8, Lordship-grove, ut 63J years, GR £7, R £57 .................. 460 Dalston—128 and 130, Pownall-road, ut 46 years, GR £7, R £67 4s............................ 620 STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Fulham—23, 25, 31 and 33, Epirus-road, F, R £162 1,855 Battersea—25 to 28, Victoria-road, ut 78 years, GR £20, R £180 ......................... 2,040 54, 68 and 70, Grant-road, ut 65 year's, GR £18 18s................................... 645 Peckham—1 to 7 ׳odd■), Lidgate-road, ut 65 years, GR £20 ............................. 920 Nottii.g-hill—122, Elgin-crescent, area 8,000ft.. F 890 Putney—10, Disraeli-road!, ut 691 years, GR £8 8s., ER £45 ........................... 425 Walworth—9 and 11, Townley-street, F .......... 265 Islington—1 and! 2, Baron-street, ut 47 years, GR £30 .................................... 125 FRIDAY 14th. G. HERBERT-BURNS, 1, Gt. James-street, W.C. Twickenham—St. George’s-road, Wliiteland-, Rosedale, Beechland!, andi Glenbrook F, R. £225 (in Lots) .................. ’ 3 090 Highgate—45, Woodsome-road, ut 63 years׳, GR £7, R £40 ............................. 430 H. CHAPMAN and CO., 2, Southampton-street, Strand, W.C. Fulham—71, New King’s-road, ut 90 years, GR £9, R £60 ............................. 760 Blackheath—7, Park-villas׳, ut 78 years’,” GR £9 8s., R £55 ............................ 565 Baines—119 to 127 (odd). White Hart-lane,"ut 70 years, GR £25, R £164 .................. 1.300 MESSRS, DRIYERS, 407, Holloway-road, N. Finsbury-park—1, Victoria-terrace, ut 76 years. GR £7, R £38 ...........................; 375 Fulham—46, Ohesilton-road, ut 81 years, GR £8, B £4« ..................................: 390 P. and G. GEEN, 55, Waterloo-road, S.E. Walthamstow—Rosebank-terrace. FGR of £10, reversion in 98 years .................... 270 Fulham—35 and 37, Orbain-road, ut 66 years, GR £8 8s................................. 320 HAMILTON and MIALL, Maclise-mansions (opposite Addison-road Station), W., and at Shepherd’s-bush. Herne-hill—29 to 39 (odd), Milton-road, F, R £232 ................................ 3 660 Stoke Newington—8, Park-lane, ut 61 years, GR £9, R £40 ............................ 455 Dalston—233, Queen’s-road, ut 14 years, GR nil, R £36 .................................... 225 Cambridge Heath—2 and 4, St. Jude’s-street’ ut 25 years, GR £32 ......................... !go R. PRICE and SON, 2, Clapham-park-road, and 340, Balham High-road, S.W. Tooting—19, Streathbourne-road, ut 91 years, GR £8 10s׳., ER £52 10s. ................ 610 Bermondsey—27 and 29, Anchor-street, ut 39 years, GR £8 10s.......................... 430 E. and S. SMITH, 54, Amwell-street, Penton-Yille, E.C. Chiswick—23, Sutton-court-road‘, ut 79 years, GR £30, R £120 ...................... 1,200 Islington—4, Milner-street, ut 281 years, GR £9, R £50 .................................... 375 16. Brooksby-street, ut 98 years, GR £5 5s” R £42 .................................... 425 9a, Gordon-street, ut 27 years, GR nil’””””” 165 Hackney—228, Richmond-road, ut 46 years׳, GR £12, R £45 ............................... 350 £’op!,ar™36’ Alton-street, ut 77 years, GR £3 10s. 200 South Tottenham—6 and 8, Osman-road, ut 77 years, GR £7 ............................. 220 M HUBBARD, 7, Leighton-road, Kentish Town, N.W. Kentish Town—23 and 25, Jleighton-road, F .. 1,755 Leighton-road, IGR of £129 10s., ut 24 years. GR £31 10s...................... 1 225 Leverton-street, IGR of £15 15s., ut 50 years, ’ GR £3 .................................. 235 31 to 45 (odd), Leverton-street, ut 50 years, GR £10, R £278 ......................... 3 320 Falkland־road, IGR of £10 10s., ut 50 years, GR £2 .................................. !45 4 to 14 (even), Falkland-road, ut 50 years, GR £6, R £206 ........................ 2,590 R. S. CHARLES, 1, Gresham-street, E.C. Hyde-park—4, Hyde-park-gate-mews, F, ER £60 750 HILL CLARKE, 15i, High-road, Streatham, Streatham—35 and 37, Lewin-road, F, R £100 1,455 93 and 95, Lewin-road, F ................ 1,080 FRANCE and SONS, Walworth-road, S.E.. Vauxhall—9 and 11, Tate-street, ut 48 years, GR £10 .................................. 430 Camberwell—6, Benhill-road, ut 72 years, GR £5, R £27 .............................. 3io Kennington—3, Bowden-street, ut 34 years, GR £10, R £45 ...;......................... 320 60, Upper Kennington-lane, ut 33 years, sub-ject to a life aged 80, GR £2 10s>., R £40 95 62, Upper Kennington-lane, ut 7 years, GR £25, ER £42 .............................. 5o 84, Cardigan-street, ut 33 years, subject ”to a life aged 80, GR 10s., R £50 ......... 70 59, 61 and 63, Cardigan-street, ut 33 years׳, subject to lives aged 80 and: 63, GR £1 10s״ ER £150 ................................ no 2 and 4, Courtenay-street, including The Brewery Tap B-h, Yard, Stabling, etc., ut 3 years, subject to a life aged65 ׳, GR £105 27 G. F. HARRINGTON, 16, Abchurch-lane, E.C. Drury-lane—36, Great Wild-street, F, ER £100 995 W. HOUGHTON, 58, Old Broad-street, E.C., and at Walthamstow. Walthamstow—Salisbury-road, a Plot of Building Land, F ............................. !50 Addison-road, a Block of Building Land, F 700 Norfolk-road, a Block of Building Land, F 300 WE8TON and SONS, 1, 3 and 5, Angell-road, Brixton, and 252, Brixton-hill, S.W. Brixton—57 and 59, Arlingford-road, ut 75 years׳. GR £17, R £80 ........................... 655 35, Lorn-road, ut 27 years, GR £12 220 Stockwell—38, Dalyell-road, ut 65! years, GR £6, R £32 ............................... 32q ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, 50, Bel-grave-road, and 78, Gloueester-road, S.W. West Kensington—26 and 35, Fairholme-road, ut ,73 years, GR £19 10s., R £146 ......... 7oo Pimlico—21 and 25, Claverton-street, ut 34 years, GR £20, R £130 .......................... 95Q 63 Ranelagh-road, ut 34 years, GR £9״””b £50 ..................................... 435 Sydenham—22, West-hill, ut 48 years.״GR £10,' R £75 .................................. Upper Norwood—52, 54 and! 56, Belvedere-road ^ 5¿yyeajr,s’ £14 10s׳.; R £124 ........ 960 Gattord—Waterloo-place, Vine Cottage, F ...... 128 T. WOODS, Hounslow. Fortis-green—5, Clissold-cottages, ut 15 years, GR £2 8s., R £34 ........................ 205 Heston, Middlesex—The Courtenay Arms B־ii, with 10 Cottages adjoining, ut 12 years, GR £8 .................................. Feltham, Middlesex —Tachbrook-road, Nine Plots of Building Land, F .............. 170 Finchley Albert-villas, FGR of £6 6s., reversion in 78 years ........................ !59 WEDNESDAY 12th- HEPPER and SONS (at Stockton-on-Tees). Stockton-on-Tees, Durham—Lawson-street, the King’s Head Inn, F .................... 4,660 A. A. HOLLINGSWORTH, 1, Bishopsgate-street Without, E.C. Commercial-road East—Nos. 228 and 228a, F, R £90 ................................. 14oo Haggerston—17, Whiston-street, ut 38 years, GR £1 .................................. !35 MARTIN, CLARKE and CO., 9, Maddox-street, Regent-street, W. Ilford, Essex—1 to 8, Bank-villas, F ....... 2,150 Notting-hill—34, St. Charles’-square, ut 73 years, GR £12 12s., ER £100 .................. 590 RUTLEY, SON and YINE, 6, George-street, Euston-road, N.W. St. Pancras—191, Euston-road, ut 8£ years׳, GR £15 15s׳., ER £80 ׳.....................220 Homerton—6 and 22, Marian-street, F ..... 300 T. G. WHARTON, 8 and 9, Ironmonger-lane, E.C., and 77, Albany-road, Old Kent-road, S.E. Tottenham—46 and 48, Vicarage-road, F, R £54 10s................................. 735 Fulham—21, Palace-terrace, ut 85 year's, GR £8j R £32 .................................. 4i5 DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., 51, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford, Essex. Clapham—13 and: 15, Maeaulay-road, ut 73 years, GR £21, ER £150 ............... 1,300 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C., and Tottenham, N. Romford Gas—100 £5 Original Shares ׳........1,400 66 £5 “ B ” Shares ..................... 705 King’s Lynn Gas—£550 Original Stock ........ 1,210 Alliance and Dublin Gas Consumers—£8,800 Four per Cent. Perpetual Debenture Stock 10.296 Cromer Gas—£1,500 Ordinary Stock ........ 1 500 West Surrey Water—16 £10 Five per Cent. Preference Shares ......................... 228 20 £10 Ordinary Shares ................ 398 Felixstowe Gas—65' £5 Original Shares ...... 1,028 By Order of the Committee. Not Sold under the Hammer. APRIL. MONDAY 10th. BARKER and NEALE, 13, Lowndes-street, S.W. Hyde-park—1, Prince’s-gate, and 7, Ennismore-mews, lx Chelsea—2, Cadogan-terrace, L NEWMAN CHENNELLS, Hastings. St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex—33, Church-road!, L T. H. CURRIE, 263, Hammersmith-road, W. Wandsworth—6 and 8, Bendon-valley, F FARADAY and RODGERS, 77, Chancery-lane, W.C. Norwood—Whitworth-road, St. Helen’s, Oakdene, and The Mead, F Lee—2, Belmont-park, L Twickenham—1 to 7, Delhi-cottages, L Edmonton—Woolmer-roiad, a Building Site, area 6,930ft„ F S. WALKER and SON, 22. Moorgate-street, E.C Willesden-green—275 and 277, Willesden-lane, L JONES, SON and DAY, 586, Commercial-road, Stepney, E. Mile End—Canal-road, FGR of £16 16s. Wan stead—Grove-park, Five Plots of Building Land, h THURSDAY 13th. GENDLE and CO. (at Croydon). Croydon—15, Mayday-road, ut 781 years, GR £5 10s., R £30 ....................... 300 Lismore-road, a Freehold Building Site ... 555 P. H. CLARKE. 3, Lancaster-place, Strand, W.C, Barnsbury—101, Lofting-road, ut 431 years׳, GR £7, R £30 .............................. 250 Fulham—4, Fulham-park-gardens, ut 63 years, GR £7, R £40 ........................... 560 G. E. CLARKE, 12, Coleman street, E.C., and Grove-road, and Hoe-street Station, Walthamstow. Walthamstow—26, Orford-road, F, R £50 ....... 970 8 to 16 (even), Canning-road, ut 971 years, GR £25 ................................... 6oo 2 and 3, Comely Bank-yillas, F ..........500 MARK LIELL and SON, 94, Bow-road, 42, High-street, East Ham, E., and 11, London-street, Fenchurch-street, E.C. Bow—1 to 8. Mary-street, ut 471 years, GR £44 1,035 Stratford—40 and 41, Carpenter’s-road, ut 63 years, GR £9 ............................. 320 C. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street. E.C. Camberwell—159, 161 and 163, Camberwell New- road, also the Red Lion B-h, F, R £141 ... 3,000 Holborn—9, Gray’s-inn-passage, F, R £50 . . 460 Bromley-by-Bow—3 to 19 (odd), Furze-street, ut 65 years, GR £30 ....................... 1,300 Stockwell—48 to 56 and1 60 to 64 (even), Lingham- street, F .............................. 2,515 Mile End—128, Jamaica-street, ut 13 years, GR £4 ..................................... 155 Holborn—Great Saffron-hill, The One Tun P-h, F, R £150............................... 5,500 PROTHEROE and MORRIS, 67 and 68, Cheap-side, E.C., and Leytonstone. South WoodfonU-High-road, etc״ Two Blocks of Building Land, F J HIBBARD and SONS, 9, Walbrook, E.C., Stoke Newington-green, N., and Hoe-street, Walthamstow, E. Chiswick—46 to 52 (even), Swanscombe-road, ut 80 years, GR £18, WR £94 18s. Old Kent-road!—11 and 13, JSornshay-street, ut 62 years, GR £12, R £60 13s. New Barnet—Bulwer-road, Telescombe, F, R £30 Holloway—62 and 64, Benwell-road, ut36 ׳ years. GR £12, R £64 Stoke Newington—110, Mildmay-road, ut 53 years, GR £7, ER £42 East Molesey, Surrey—Armson-road, Fernleigh, F. ER £65 REYNOLDS and EASON, 43, Bishopsgate-street Without. E.C. Aldiershot^Cambridge-road, Dean House, and Hertford Lodge, F Fulham—650 and! 652, Fulham-road, F Spitalfields—1, Tenter-street, F, WT £57 4s.; 42, Brushfield-street, F, R £40 Bermondsey—19, 20 and 22, Salisbury-street, F, WR £65 Hoxton—Newton-street, The Bethel Baptist Chapel, ut 33 years׳, GR £4 4s., P Barnsbury—23, Hollingworth-street, ut 44 years, GR £6, R £37; 65, Rhodes-street, ut 45 years, GR £6 WR £40 6s. Caledonian-road—106 and 108, Brewery-road, ut 60 years, GR £10, WR £114 8s. RESULTS OF AUCTION SALES. Estate Exchange Copyright Report. Results of Sales at the Mart. London, except where otherwise stated ABBREVIATIONS.—FGR—Freehold Ground Rent. OGR—Copyhold Ground Rent. LGR—Leasehold Ground Rent. IGR—Improved Ground Rent. GR—Ground Rent. R—Rent. F—Freehold. C— Copyhold. ER—Estimated Rental. L—Leasehold, ut—Unexpired Term. par—Per Annum. ph— Public-house. bh—Beer-house. Shares—Fully paid, unless otherwise stated. APRIL. THURSDAY 6th. MESSRS. WICKENDEN (at Hastings). Bexhill, Sussex—The Denbigh Hotel, F ......... 4,900 Hove. Sussex—The Red׳ Lion P-h, F .......... 3.650 Ninfield, Sussex—The United Friends B-h, F 2,000 Sidle.v, Sussex—The Sussex Inn, and׳ Two Cottages, F .................................. 3 800 Hastings, Sussex—Wellington-terrace, the Hastings Castle Inn, F ............ 1,400 Rye, Sussex—The Cinque Ports Arms Hotel, F, R £100 ................................ 3.000 FRIDAY 7th. CHURCHER and GALE (at Exeter). Bow., Devon—Common Moor Estate, 77a. lr. 8p״ F ..................... 785 MONDAY 10th. G. B. SMALLPEICE (at Stratford). Stratford—45, Martin-street, ut 58 years GR £6, R £26 .................................. 190 4, Martin-street, ut 58 years, GR £20, R £50 470 43 and 45, Station-street, ut 58 years, GR £10 290 7 and 9, Frederick-street, ut 58 years, GR £10, R £36 .............................. 300 224, High-street, ut 64i years, GR £10, R £30 250 ■ 242, 244 and 246, High-street, ut 64) years, GR £36, R £100 .......................... 950 FRANK LLOYD (at Wrexham). Broughton, Denbigh—Brynmally, and 91a. Or. 15p״ F ................................ 4,000 A Plot of Land with Buildings, Cottages thereon, la. Or. 10p., F ................ 500 Two Plots of Building Land, area 787 yards, F ................................. 40 Cwersyllt, Denbigh—A Plot of Land, with Buildings, 2a. lr. 28p״ F ............... 200 NEWMAN CHENNELLS, Hastings. Shepherd’s Bush—112 and! 114, Goldliawk-road, F, R £140 ............................. 2,265 MAY and ROWDEN, 39, Maddox-street, Regent-street, W. Holloway—Upper Tollington-park, IGR of £91 8s., ut 68 and 69 years, GR £50 .... 800 F. YARLEY, 1, Stroud-greea-road, Finsbury- park, N. Tooting—1 and! 2, Maria-villas, F, E £36 8s510 .־ Holloway—7, Roden-street, ut 61 years, GR £6, ER £36 ................................... 355 Hornsey—79, Sydney-road, ut 75 years, GR £8, R £34 ................................ 310 Wood-green—Alexandra-park-road, Four Plots of Building Land!, F ................... 360 Finchley—Finchiey-park, Holly Dene, F, ER £50 800 S. WALKER and SON, 22, Moorgate-street, E.C. Hampstead—30, Fellows-road, ut 651 years, GR £10 10s ״ E £130 ....................... 1,180 JONES, SON and DAY, 586, Commercial-road, Stepney, E. Bethnal-green—5 and 6, Hunslett-street, !also LGR of £3, ut 261 years, GR £9 ......... 325 Mile End—Canal-road, FGR of £29, reversion in 171 years ................................ 530 Limehouse—2 and 4!, St. Anne-street, F ...... 280 St. George’s East—10, 12, 14 and 16, Bostock- streeit, F ............................... 720 Leytonstone—608, High-road. F, ER £36........ 525 TUESDAY 11th. ALFRED RICHARDS (at Hoddesdon). Hoddesdon, Herts—High-street, a House and Shop, F, R £45 ...................... 990 Lord-street, Seven Freehold Cottages. 1 000 Hoddesdon Marsh, a Piece of Land0 ,׳a. 2r. 30P״ F .............................. 80 R. BOND and SON (at Ipswich). Combs, Suffolk—The Cedars Estate, 170a. 3r. 21p., F and <3 ...................... 4 800 H. J. CHEFFINS («t Saffron Walden). Thaxted, Essex—Buckinghams Farm, 119a, 3r. E ............................. 920 F. R. RAYENHILL (at Bradford-on-Avon). Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts—The Fairfield House Estate, 52a. lr. 34p״ F ..... 4 300 DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE WATER. 80. Cheapaide. E.C. City of London—Poultry, FGR of £780, rever- Sion in 471 years ................ 30,250 Wimbledlon—Merton-road, FGR of £36, reversion in 83 years ............... 990