THE April 15, 1899. CHE^STERTO^^’nlí? ■4 ״ T ’4* I■14’ North Audley Street, Grosvenor Sq., and 16, Eldon St., Finsbury. PT A-RKp/rn 4 l8’ F'Sq•’ Auctl0ne,ers and Surveyors, 22, Lower Phillimore Place, Kensington, mii^mrs־ Auctioneers, Surveyors Ac., 2, Comeragh Eoad, West Kensington. 8 Auctioneers, Estate and House Agents, 1, Helena Chambers, Ealing. CPnsI rr °r Á w? fv^^’XTP3"׳ and Va]u,ers’ 1S3a־ Q״een’s Boad, Bayswater! CTTRRT ' THnim u* CO Auctioneers and Land Agents, Ilchester House, Uxbridge Road Station. Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, 263, Hammersmith Road. DAVfq m Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 5, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, ranr/im¿’ L1-d•’ Auctl°nfetrs and B state Agents, 262 to 256, Tottenham Court Road. vnwAPTO *m'1!0“!™’ Estate Agents, Surveyors and Valuers, 68 and 69, Baker Street. FIM^ATTOP6״?1/’׳? Estate Agents and Surveyors, 60, Great Portland Street. BBMS, WALTER C., Estate Agent and Surveyor, 18, Lower Phillimore Place. F^TTfVpU^iÍTC5v־Af“*1™6“5י4®”»* י Mount Street (°ne door from South Audley Street). PTTVT^r1 Gr uKpLS Auctl0neer and Surveyor, 105, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square. FORTEqpTTTr %S־״™TS.and Auctioneers, 18, Duke Street, Manchester Square. GARLANDImIth twmSpT;*0■’ Shepherd's Bush (Met.) Ry. Station, and at 56, Rylett Road. GARKFTT if on1*,Si״* ®RAKE, Auctioneers House Agents, &c., 18, Davies Street, Berkeley Square. RMT wmi3 ^ ״’ .Surl־ey°ra and Valuers, 81, Church Street, Kensington. 9■°'’ Auctl°neers and Surveyors, 112, Holland Park Avenue. S™ ;¿liT!^^tl0״neers’ *°•־ °PPoslte the Broadway Station, Ealing. GROGAN W^ V BOVD F%Sf ^y0r^anduHQ°USe Agents’ 1011 Park Street’ 6™8™nor Square. AtttVv)״ vUlr BOYD, Estate Agents and Surveyors, 125, Piccadilly. "Vi™“ CO., Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 406, Oxford Street. HF AD rpm?Auctioneers, Estate Agents, &c 102 *c■־ v, Upper Baker St., & IV. Queen Victoria St., E.C. Estabd? 1820 HOTMFS nTFNRvÍTrnS’4VaFer' and House Agents, 211 to 215, Tottenham Court Road. KNIGHT ÍT?ATVK*RTTTriv’tl?ne?.rs’ Valuers, Ac 6 Mortimer Street. Tel. No. 1893. Gerrard. fílí?íy־ .f £FT4LBJ’ Auctioneers, Ac., The Conduit Street Auction Galleries. wA4°ז°■’ Auotioneers, Ac., 31, St. Mary Abbott's Terrace, Kensington. LOETS *-™(®;HER, Land Agents and Surveyors, 130, Mount Street. MABBFTT f F^PFn4 H?-USe and E5Xte Age?4’ Probate Yaluer, 230, King Street, Hammersmith. PTEDGE,Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 127, Mount Street. MA RRTOT ׳T 9!’md'>.Aaftloneers־-0& ־ Y°tteubam Court Road, and at Brighton and Eastbourne. mS°w t «0., Auctioneers ác., 49, Mary Abbott's Terrace (opposite Addison Road Station). W• T•’ Auctioneer, &c., 120, Kensington High Street. ' MARTTW 6®*®EE * 66-, Estate Agents, Ac., 9, Maddox Street, Regent Street. MTTT^R^’ «nw'vHrír1SeTnduElíaíe A?ent’ &c■’ 20י Seymour Street, Portman Square. MOORFR’SAMTTFT ^°HLpn wEl81^.^g*ntS Pd AnotioIlefrs- 14־ Grafton Street, Bond Street. NTNGN ,qAMTTFT « י P'’ House■ E8tate and Insurance Agent, 10, Newman Street, Oxford Street ajtvrttt SnYUwL’rxSurVeySr.and Fstate Agent9 ־' Argyll Place’ Begent Street. PHYsiFK AT <^/F °«S6’ Estate Agent and Surveyor, 19, Kensington Court Place, Kensington. PT ATT T? ’ Surveyors, Valuers and Auctioneers, 30, Somerset Street, Portman Square. RAVFNSHF AR PFn Fafd(■S1f ™?01־197 י Klng Street, Hammersmith. Telephone No. 7357. min ur1tAr’ Fq t י’ Fstate Agent, Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, 49, Broadway, Ealing. RIDDL^'1FhPB ■ FJq fu״tl0"eer’ Surveyor Ac., 8 The Avenue, Castle Hill, A Haven Green, Ealing. RTTWR » onus i' E1?X’ Auctioneer, Ac. 72, Park Street, Grosvenor Square. S rl:׳ °£^'.VP£rs-o& H,ouse Agents- The N. Kensington Estate Office, 128, Ladbroke ROBINSONP|'■WILLIgAMS TPdsí1Bram:1«?M Latimer Road Sta.; and College Pk., Willesden June. ROBTNS PORE v merffiF ^d’ H°use and Estate Agents, 2, Hanover Square. y°rS’ ValU6rS’ BState ""י H°USe Ag־־MS׳ Wardour ®6®1HS, SNELL A CO, Auctioneers and Surveyors, 22, Conduit Street, W, and Branches. SLARkF’pF W'V w Trn an4 Ftate Ag?nt’ J?e Cedars Estate Office, West Kensington Station. STANT FY *PA * C°'’AUC. ?neA6rS׳ Land Agents and Surveyors, 12, Baker Street. STFVFNS A rn’f (?Pd aud ? Atat? a gentS and 6?rveyors, 407, tfoldhawk Road, Ravenscourt Park. SUTHFRT ANA'w* 4D ?kS & 00־H S?7ey0p and Auctioneers, 18, Bishop's Road, Westbourne Terrace. and ®state Agent, 109, Crawford Street. 8WATN r/ARAFE;E■8■1■׳ Auctloneer> Valuer and Estate Agent, 170. High Street, Netting Hill Gate. TATBOTE!P*w i i r'70ne.ersl.Surveyors, Ac., 2b, High Street, Netting Hill Gate. TOMRS P FTT)TAT^'1/,Im104eeíS’AVaí.,?erS and ®8*ate Agents, 289 and 289a, Regent Street. TGyIPS, a ELLIOTT Marble Arch Auction and Estate Office, 81, Edgware Road ™SEABdÍmCS° ^י‘^‘8 ^»^0°״ ^U"amFat d^V^y^rid^^n^lfeading^ ®8‘^ '"־ P“ly (opposite St. James's Hall), VA'^a^ioid^Pon).'Agent> י״ S0UthamPt0n Street- Ktzroy Square (close to Port- DALTON A LEE Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 10, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square. HrEomkVr ^.,Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 91a, Mortimer Street. WESTON, WILLIAM (late Lilley and Weston), Auctioneer, Surveyor, Valuer and Estate Agent, 10 Suther-״.-./and Avenue, Maida Vale, and 148, Westbourne Grove, Bayswater WIELMOTL C. H A J W., Auctioneers, Ac., 65, Goldhawk Road. WOOD )TOTuFr?iTpn UC4tl0V?erS’ Su”ey0rs and Estate Agents, 12, Curzon Street. WVAND A F Auotl°nee?s-1Surveyors, Land Agents and Valuers, 6, Mount Street. W rAND A SONS, Estate Agents and Surveyors, 33, Marloes Road, Kensington. ¡3־ IE BUHR^PwPaB *LEPPEB- Bromiey and Beckenham, Kent, and at 69, King William Street E C §íorF^’,FE-r0,•’eer and Estate Agent, 113, Powis Street, Woolwich. Rnrnm 1mwpnmmvl011!6'8 a“d Estate:Agents^ Chester House, Rotherhithe. Rn?aAuc®on Mart and (Estate Offices, Camberwell Green. Tel No 66 Peckham BOTT^hFhnFa SONsnFFSíat4 Af?nt׳ *c•’c43׳ High Street Peckham (and at E. Dulwich). See also E C BROMEF V 1TT *T S aN9’• ®^■1■־Auctioneers Surveyors, Ac., Herne Hill Station. Tel. No. 381, Hop ®®OMLEY, H. J., Auctioneer, Smveyor and Valuer, Forest Hill and West Norwood. P FaVÍGVT'״’;!• Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 82a, Lower Road, Rotherhithe. S9•? Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Bailiffs, Peckham Rye Station. GO- Auctioneers, Valuers, Ac., opposite Bromley Station. S.E.R. F A Ítma)??^Aq C.°•־ Auctioneers and Estate Agents (opposite the Railway Station), Charlton. FAw 4JÍAÍlBFT?AS4.VFUC״tl0n-eerS’ &0■ (adjoining the Stations), Forest Hill, Sydenham and Anerley ®®WARDS, FRANK, Auctioneer and Trade Valuer, 215, Great Dover Street. Borough צ ' ÍtftpLF n?F'«™Q°?eeí■’ Surveyo0rs’ Valuers, Ac., 533, Lordship Lane, Dulwich. SONS, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Land Agents, 54, Borough High Street EFFF1״^Ai’^L?TUITey0r’ Land Agent and Auctioneer, 162, Kennington Rofd. 8 FURLONG A SON, Auctioneers, Ac., Powis Street, Woolwich GEEN P׳mTUTP A ?FORAf3 RState 1Ag^nt’ 86®’ °ldF?nt E0ad• Estab®8bed over 25 years. PTRqfVNLPr?Per*y Managers and Auctioneers, opposite Waterloo Station. PO^TTFRON ?rn Auct)?neers־■°* ־ Railway Station, West Norwood, S.E.; West Dulwich andTulse Hill GOV^RFnHNCR י’ Auctl0neers1 ־Surveyors and Estate Agents, Railway Buildings, Norwood Junction S9 7SS׳ d GHH־®;' Surveyor and Land Agent, 44, Great Dover Street, Borough HTPFqTT “TCH (F.A.■1■), Auctioneers, Surveyors, House and Estate Agents, 62, Rushey Green Catford 91’ Au^ioneer, Surveyor andVaiuer, Oval Electric Station. y een־ Paword. 7p°SÍAnÍAC,ütlLEN’ AnCF0fe1erSA Certiflcated Bailiffs, Ac., 38, High Street, Peckham. JENKINS A SONS, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 171, Lewisham High Road, New Cross KEMP, H., Auctioneer, Estate Agent and Certificated Bailiff. Estab 1851 179 Queen’s Rond P tu i8“*' *׳״c“ ** ־«״ «•;Ja, WKLL & HAMLYN, Surveyors, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 487, New Cross Road • and rwn PERKINS A C.33SAR, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 105, Tooley Street Southwark ’ ¿ CharIton• PHILIPPS, NORFOLK A PRIOR, Pavement Estate Óffic¿, Crofton Pa?k BrocMev Road ■ n״d m P ״ d & CO., Auctioneers, &c., 115, Queen’s Road, Peckham; and 62, King William Street FT & °r<*’ Estate AgSnt־ and Vainers, Hither Greeh. g ““ Stre6t’ ®'0־ ®46HUDSON A BOOTH, Auctioneers Estate Agents, Valuers, Ac., 35, London Street, Greenwich SwnfímfT and Pdu= 1C House U’ Duke Street־ London Bridge. BOBERTSON, ALEX., Auctioneer and Surveyor, 3, Church St., Camberwell Grn.; A 11, Ludgate Hill E C STOMONm Wa4? T#R י6״ and Bailiff’ 48’ UpPer Grang® Boad, Bermohdsey8 ־ qTMPq°íF1? FI^FFrp Ra A״ctl0neer and Es‘at® Agent 58, Camberwell Road. Established 1881. SMTThFw^F^?™־’ Au0t,10neer and Estate Agent, Tramway Terminus, New Cross Gate. InTTTRF m A°í109eer5’ H°USe Snd Estate A?enta' *c■־126 ־ Newington Butts. (1•. u.j (x UU., ±י .A.I., Auctioneers, Surveyors ana Estate Agents 8 Hie־h Q^oni,״״, TINKLE^ 1^!URIUí AUDIGHTONldAESíate Age^Vl ^ Kent Eoad' a’nd ^oo^-gate Street TRVT^T TCFR?NTTrn^ A0?’ Auctl0״neers־ Estate Agents and Surveyors, 10, Southwark Street. TIJFNfFtLHFNRY Surv?i'0.r and Valuer, Selhurst and Norwood Junction. ¿1nSL112. (Estd• 1873), Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 31, Green's End, Woolwich WFSTMORF1^ YnTTNpnAer Survey°.r’ St' 6e°rge’s Circus (opposite Obelisk). WEblMORE & YOUNG, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents ממס Orvstal P91nppT״mTי ,״ .. and Surveyor, 77, Albany Real! Old ¿ePnt Sad °״ L6VeI 8^,0־״ WILLOUGHBY, W. N., Auctioneer, Valuer, Surveyor, Ac., 399, Norwood Road WILTSHIRE A THURGOOD, Auctioneers, Ac.,15\ High Road LTe and at hewisham and Catford. EEAD(B. pBGH) A CO., Auctioneers Estate Agents, Valuers and Bailiffs, 50 and 52, Willesden Lane Kilburn• Auction Rooms. (See card advertisement at end of paper.) ’ SAT TFR RF Y % PnNEA A״ctl0neers- E8ta,te■Agents, Surveyors and Valuers, 6, George Street, Euston Rd. SAUNDFlufiCHA ?pewaSd E?ate Ilf?*?’ A311’ Kenti8b Town Road. SHFPHFRD (Fpattft8t0Na(C; H• Saunder8־ P.S.I.), Auctioneers. Ac., 150, Finchley Road. TAVmKrrn CATTELL, Auctioneers, Surveyors A Estate Agents, 32, The Parade, High Rd , Cricklewood '■TApCtlAneFS’ SurV6ya°S ??d Estate Agents (Auction Rooms), 44a, Wellington Road. WEbiACOJ T, T. B., Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 74, Camden Road. UST-IE¡- BILLINGS GEORGE, Auctioneer; Rents Collected; Distraints, Hackney and Southend. Tel. 139Dalston Bny8fp(^ 9ip^°?S’.Auetl0ne|־rSf Bur.vey°rs and Estat® Agents, 164, Bethnal Green Road. BTTNPP־' a B lCF'mTFF0nA er T Estate Age?rts.and Valuers, Lower Clapton Road. Tel. No. 141, Dalston nYxON IP ' °nefrSc"d Valuers, 360, Mare Street, Hackney. Tel. 18 Dalston. DONAT ^?Na’ Agents Surveyors and Valuers, 263, Bethnal Green Road. DONALDSON, HY., Auctioneer Dalston Estate Office, 242, Queen's Road, Dalston. Auctioneer and Valuer Auction Rooms, Drayton House, Lower Clapton. JACKSON AGO., Auctioneers Ac., 281, Mare Street, Hackney; and Groombridge Road, South Hackney RH־TTFq^T? ortF’ a' ?■’ E-S-L’ Surveyor, Auctioneer, Ac., 517, Hackney Road, mwm wrrnST^ Surveyor and Valiier, High Street, Wanstead. STEVENS, WILLIAM, Auctioneer, Valuer and Surveyor, opposite Dalston Junction. S.W. Land and Estate Agents, Ac., 16, King Street, St. James. XnFrfw? A^ FlFDUCQ0neerS and S״rYey“'8־ Ashcombe House, Wandsworth Bridge Road, Fulham A SP-lF XtS’tF;L־E5FD, Surveyor and Estate Agent, 451, Brixton Road. RAKFR №p•) A CO. Auctioneers, Surveyors and Ground Rent Agents, Parson’s Green Railway Station RARKFtFFntPa’df0*¡011f?18’ Estate Agents and Surveyors, 2 and 4, Acre Lane, Brixton. Established 1840 TlS״״NmL|’ Auctioneers and Surveyors, 13, Lowndes Street, Belgravia. RF AT 8PS^RW׳ FH AUSe+and ®state Agents, Surveyors, Ac., 99 and 101, Victoria St. (corner Artillery Row ) RFRTTUHVIaFrF^TDq°^A°n^?rS and EsFi? AgenAts־2° ־ Regent Street, Waterloo Place. 1 'י Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 1, Jermyn Street, Haymarket. BI^T A ADAMS, A-Uctioneers, Surveyors and Valuers, 38, Sloane Street. BIDDEN־ Hr 6־ Auctioneer Ac., 229 St. John’s Hill, near Clapham Junction Station. ROYTON ’PFPTt !m i RDPFtAgQe׳?FindASu?^ey°r■ 66- Lower Sloane Street, Sloane Square. RRnwlP’ipTp1^■* BUCKMASTER, Auctioneers, Ac., Bank Buildings, Broadway, Walham Green. RTTRTfWCqMTTTT^Pioneer, Surveyor, Ac., 64, Lupus Street, South Belgravia. RRRt^ffinF;A£affiУat^l^h^n^n^nFu:1ham!UerS, &C'’ Streaftam &nd Streatham Rail™y rHSTSRn™VAwneer’ ®3F*? fgeAnt and Gertificated Bailiff, 152, Brompton Road. p?arff°f TTTrr8BAY' Auotlone?rs8® ־*ate Agents and Surveyors, 27, Charles Street, St. James'. 154lHlg? Boad, Streatham (outside Streatham Station.) CR?BB8P^(WJT?N8 Ac., 59, Bedford Hill, Balham, and 76, Finsbury Pavement, E.C A SON, House Agents, Surveyors and Valuers, 100, Brixton Hill 3 CRONK, MESSRS., Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 12, Pall Mall D־ART 9eitiffd Sanitary Surveyors and Valuers, Bath Buildings, Putney Bridge Road PiFPFYi frf?FP’ Pltat? FfieI?,t.sJ>'nd Surveyors, 25, Alfred Place West, South Kensington. DIXON (THOsFa SONS0 *?■־227 ־ Goldharbour Lane, Loughborough June. Rents Collected. DOWDFNHFN^Y^T־!? A ל « Estate A(gents and Surveyors, 47, Lower Belgrave St., Eaton Sq. DG ״DEN, HENRY J., Land Agent, Surveyor, Ac., 8, Craig's Court, Charing Cross 4 IJEIVEK & EU., Eana Agents, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 23, Pall Mall S^LIS, W. A., Auctioneer, Surveyor and Estate Agent, 176, Brompton Road EVANS ^DVHN1AIG?T0N’ ^־uctioneer״s־ ®state and House Agents, Exhibition Road, South Kensington PtVfATRD8’^DfWI!’“?T’ S-ey°?’*C•’ 253’ Lavender Hill; and Earlsfield and Putney. 8 S1״־mF and Land Agent, Surveyor and Valuer, 168, Wandsworth Road. F.'’^UCi־IOin?erLLand and Estate Agent׳ *c- Broadway Offices, Tooting. FOR^CU^O0; 8N^80י6"81 1י‘״ ClaPham 0־“״ FOSTER, MESSRS., Auctioneers, Valuers and Agents, 54, Pall !¿all 7 J FRF YrFSrf 06■־ Auctioneers, Ac.,195, Brixton Road. Sale Rooms; 426, Coldharbour Lane. ®BEYBERG, P A EL, Surveyors, Vainers, Ac., 24, Cromwell Place, South Kensington. Y & Ta' Auctl,°״eeFS and Valuers, 51, High Street, Clapham. LL MAISTRE, WALTER J., Estate Agent and Valuer, Station Road, Brixton. LUMLE Y, E. & H., Land Agents and Auctioneers, 22, St. James’s Street ״ma* - “״־•> -—*» ״״■ ״ FGfHFF?T0Br7mCtA10I1fers and Fstate Agents, Surveyors and Valuers, 7, Belgrave Road. MAY & PHILPOT, Auctioneers, Surveyors, &c 140, Brixton Hill; and at 81, High Road, Streatham MAYNE, C. W., Auctioneer, House and Estate Agent, 158, Earl’s Court Road Wa■) *LETTS Auctioneers & sWyor185 ,’־, Earl's CouHRoad. NnRRSTYFmn9?׳FFUTCT T0FefS’F State fc״»61 ־4 '־®ester Terrace, Onslow Gardens. E ORRINGTON, PHILIP Auctioneer, Estate Agent and Valuer, Trafalgar Bigs, Northumberland Avenue Flat Agents and Surveyors, 153, Sloane Street. PILraTCHSt V 'TrT* lb2'?nlg?a״eR f?d,VSPth Belg־-a'־ia, Balham and Tooting. PRTPP Chadwick and Co.), 2, Pall Mall East, Charing Cross. RA YCf MUlfRFT^’q1^'?'1;;! °nver?’ 2’,GlaPham park Road ; and 340, High Road, Balham. BAY-*MURRELLS^ Auctioneers, Va uers and Surveyors, 7, Pont Street, Belgrave Square, RTDOUT 5rn T ?95’ Au.ctfn.eer- Valuer and Bailiff, 62, East Hill, Wandsworth (opposite tram terminus) ^ LO., Land, Estate Agents, \aluers and Surve\rors, 31, King’s Road Chelsea Auctioneers and Surveyors, 78, Gloucester Road ; and 50, Belgrave Rd ROSEVEAR, J. BURMAN, Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, 109, New King’s Road ® SAUNDERS (TAMFl1&ASqfWATUCtl3nAeer8VYa^ aq’ ’ 40’ G10ucester Road ; and at Hampstead. SeeN.W SHARMANf HARRY, HHufAytta^eer^^stat^A^entWaluer.^ Hhymarket9 Westminster. SmTH^ANE^A^SON ^^OAKT S,yey°rs’Value^s’ ^0•י81 י Elizabeth Street, Eaton Square. kjdSl ^ANIEL;), SON & OAKLEY, Land Agents, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 10, Waterloo Place. Pall STnpF '^TTrr?SB!N?G:N’ Land Agents, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 14, Cockspur Street. TAYT^OIWOTFCR'oVF^r'n 1“,1p1;*0■349 ־’ G°Wharbonr Lane, Brixton. Tele. Hop. 395. TAPP A TONFS AuoCtl0neers a״d Estate Agents, 89, Gloucester Road Telephone 8805. TWOMSDN *EqO־wq s Pu w.g S״rveyors and Valuers 1, Princes Street, Storey’s Gate. * SONS South Western Auction Rooms, 588, Wandsworth Road.-Distraints. afftvpit ’f f ''׳ Auc*.10neer־ Surveyor and Estate Agent, 14, Victoria Street. 7?n77nPF ־Mk־qq!p ללל’ Surve/or and Estate Agent, 100, Jermyn Street, St. James’s. 1BOLLOPE MESSRS., Estate Agents ,Surveyors and Auctioneers, 7, Hobart Place, Eaton Square• West TUOTLEnASAPPTIF^NeASncUttar; U’ 61“™nor Square; and 5, Victoria St., Westminste! 1 UlilEE & APPEElUiS, Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Valuers, 141 St John’־* Hill rianV.QTYT T4״״״i״ WALLER & CO., Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, 12, Hobart piace Eaton Snuare q PUn0tlfn; Lyall Street, Belgrave Square, S.W. Telephone lo. 592 West Tel Addr¿־?! TOTE^ERRyI Trn 0T* ל’ Sale Rooms, 244, King's Road. P ’ WHS™e’tBERRA & TAYL°B- Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, 1, Halkin Street, and 50, Sloane WmmSmS’ AuCt;?neer’ S״rv.ey°r a״d Estate Agent, 428, Wandsworth Road. 5?E1HTt־tioneers, Valuers and Rent Agents, 44a, Wilton Road, Pimlico. lUUhOr (DOUGLAS) & CO., Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, 213, Clapham Road. A®®TEY (N.j&SON, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 521, Barking Road, Plaistow. ™®¿oil St?eet,™U ’ gent’ SurVeyor and -Auctioneer, Estate Office, Upton Park, and 31, BROW дтнлС4?РерЬ8иГеу.■r’ House 5nod Estate A?,ent’ °PP°site UP‘on Park Station. J ■* C0■’ Auctioneers and Surveyors, Estate Offices, Millwall. СНЕКЕ (K.) & CO , Auctioneers, Surveyors a,nd Estate Agents, 749, Romford Road, Manor Park E and »f Romford and Woodford Bridge; also High Road, Ilford, Essex. Established 1873 ’ " d at CURTIS (G. E.) & SHARP, Auctioneers, Surveyors knd Estate Agent The Broadway Pl»ist״w GROVES, FRED. T., Auctioneer, &c.. 213. Hoe Street. Waltham XT’ ®roadway, Plgistoiv, w. t7DBTDkF')A&BTRT™?*PorSAES.tateandiIgUSeAgents’ Turnham Green Railway Station, and Hanwell tRBFR RTITTFR * SPVey1°r?I 79’ P?rk St־6 ־׳rosvenor Sq. Tel. 2825, GerrTrd ־iXb 7vPfXXA?F0״RN׳ Auctioneers, &c., 1, Mount Street, Berkeley Sqrnre. AVANT &CROYDEN, Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch. RttuFRanUNf *cn J4'^“a‘5‘1f116613 and Surveyors, 5, Argyll Place, Regent Street. BARKo?ms(S)HaZkrS lot“8’ ValUeIS ^ Ag“‘8־ High Street, Kensington. Auction BEALE & CAPPS, Auctioneers, &o., 126, Ladbroke Grove, Notting Hill. Tel. 527 Paddington.