Estates Gazette, Afbil 15, 1899. Largest Circulation of any Paper dealing with the Landed Interest. Price 3c. With which is incorporated the ESTATES JOURNAL, and the AUCTIONEER. .Registered as a Newspaper.] PRICE 3d. LONDON, SATURDAY, APBIL 15, 1899. YOL. LIII. No. 1,766.—EST. 1858. HiALMPTON AND SONS, ESTATE AGENTS, AtTCTIONEEES AYTTID VALUERS1, FORTHCOMING AUCTIONS. - May 15 next, at Two o’clock (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Adam and Thring, solicitors, 4, Queen-square, Bath; and of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. Occupying a Grand Position. Commanding extensive and beautiful views. GLOUCESTERSHIRE, near BRISTOL. Close to village, church, and postal telegraph office, and within four miles of Clifton Down Station.— The beautifully situate FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, known as Severn House, Hen bury, comprising a gentleman’s country house, containing hall, five reception, 12 bed and dressing rooms, housekeeper’s room, and domestic offices; good stabling for seven horses, coach-house, and four men’s rooms; entrance lodge; pleasure grounds, terraces, and productive kitchen garden, and parklike meadows, in all about 21 acres. Also Severn Cottage, with stabling, lawn, and gardens.—■Possession on completion. Sell the above by Auction, at the Bank Auction Mart, Corn-street, Bristol, on Thursday, May 18, 1899, at Three o’clock (unless previously Sold by Private Treaty). Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Arnold and Henry White, 14, Great Marlborough-street, W.; of the Auctioneers, Messrs. Alexander, Daniel and Co., Bank-chambers, Corn-street, Bristol; and Hampton and Sons, Limited, 1, Cockspur-street, London, S.W. 300ft. above sea level. Beautiful Views to New Forest and1 Isle of Wight. SUNNY SOUTH HAMPSHIRE. Four miles from Romsey and Southampton West, and 2J miles from a main line station.—A uniquely attractive BIJOU RESIDENTIAL ESTATE, consisting of about 98 acres of exquisite grounds and plantations, and undulating sylvan park-land, !¡Laving thereon a picturesque red-brick residence, known as Fernlea, Chilworth, near Romsey, with south aspect, containing four reception and 12 bed rooms, and capable of enlargement, occupying a superb site for a fine mansion, having a delightful carriage drive nearly a mile long, with two lodges, stabling, laundry, four cottages, and farmery. Possession on completion. June 7 (unless previously disposed1 of privately)."’ Particulars and conditions of sale of the Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. Page and Gulliford, 29, Portlancl-street, Southampton; or of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. By order of Executors. Beautifully situated Residential Property. BUSHEY HEATH, HERTS. Two miles from Bushey and Stanmore Stations, three miles from Pinner and Watford, and 12 miles’ drive from Marble Arch.—The FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL ESTATE״ known as The Warren, comprising a charming old-fashioned! Country House, standing 500ft. above sea level, with magnificent views, and containing four reception, 13 bed and dressing rooms, bath room, and spacious offices; excellent stabling for seven horses; farm and other buildings, beautifully timbered pleasure grounds, ornamental lake, walled kitchen garden, glasshouses, several enclosures of undulating parklike lands, in all about 37 acres; also adjoining the above, an attractive old-fashioned1 Residence, Sparrows Herne House, containing three reception, six bed and dressing rooms, and good garden, at present let; four substantially built Villa Residences, each containing three reception and six bed rooms, and having gardens and stables attached; also nine cottages, all let; part of the property possesses great building value. tXAMPTON and SON'S are instructed by the -*־-*- Executors of the late Henry Thompson, Esq., to Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, June 7, at Two o’clock precisely (unless previously sold by private treaty), as a whole or in Lots. Particulars, plan, and conditions of sale of Messrs. Mackrell and Ward1, solicitors, 1, Walbrook. E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. Near St. George’s Hill. Under ten minutes’ walk from Station. WEYBRIDGE. The handsome stone-built RESIDENCE of Stoneleigh, situate in the best part of Weybridge, in grounds of nearly four acres, and containing 15 bed room«, very fine reception rooms, and billiard room. Five-stall stabling. Lodge entrance. PERTY by Auction, at the Mart, on June 7 next. ! Full particulars of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-l street, S.W. Stud Farm find old-fashioned Residence, Half-an-hour from Town, near Station. ST. ALBANS, HERTS. The valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, known as The Highfield Stud Farm, comprising about 210 acres, chiefly old pasture, including the old racecourse and steeplechase course, extensive stabling for over 130 horses, coach-houses, and cottages, farm and other appropriate buildings; also the old-fashioned1 country residence known as Highfield Hall, containing three reception and ten bed rooms; surrounded by charming pleasure grounds of about three acres. Possession on completion. TJAMPTON and SONS will Sell the above A- i- by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday. May 15, at Two precisely (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Rollit and Sons, solicitors; No. 3, Mincing-lane, E.C. ; of Messrs. Potter, Sandfordl and׳ Kilvington, 36, King-street, Oheapside, E.C. ; and of tile'AuOtioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. By order of the Trustees of the late Wm. Keillor, Esq WTMBLEDON-PARK, on the crown of the hill. Occupying an unique position, commanding view,-of the lake, golf course, and polo ground.—The FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, Fernwood1 within ten minutes’ walk of a station, and half mile from church and Wimbledon Common, containing five reception rooms, handsome conservatory, billiard room, 15 bed and dressing rooms fitted bath room, and spacious domestic offices; stabling for five horses, farmery, laundry, picturesque lodge entrance, gardener’s cottage, grandly timbered pleasure grounds, kitchen garden, glasshouses', and undulating meadow; in all about 12h acres. Company’s water. Gas. Possession on completion. May 15 next, at Two o’clock precisely (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars and conditions! of sale of W. B. Fair-brother, Esq., solicitor, No. 147, Leadenhall-street. E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. In a rural position with delightful views. Ground sloping to the River Rother, with fishing MIDHURST, SUSSEX. Ten minutes from the two stations and close to this ancient market town.—A FREEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising the handsome, stone-built, modern Residence, known as Rotherfield House, containing three reception rooms, conservatory, fine billiard room, 11 bed rooms, bath room, and ground1 floor domestic offices; laundry; stabling for four horses, farmery, and four cottages!; well-maintained pleasure grounds sloping to the River Rother, where boating and fishing are enjoyed; kitchen garden, glasshouses, orchard, and large meadow, in all about 13 acres. Excellent sanitary arrangements. Plentiful supply of water. With possession. Monday, May 15 next, at Two (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars, views, plan and conditions of sale of Messrs. Albery and Lucas, solicitors!, Midhurst; and of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. On the East Cliff. Facing the sea, of which it commands extensive views. BOURNEMOUTH. The commodious FAMILY RESIDENCE, known as Brunstath, on the highest point of the East Cliff occupying a unique position, and containing an exceptionally fine dining room, double drawing room, library, morning and smoking rooms, 14 bed and dressing rooms, bath room, and domestic offices; detached stabling for four horses. Fully-matured pleasure grounds of about an acre. Leasehold (nearly 60 years) at the nominal ground rent of £17 5s. per annum. Possession on completion. May 15, at Two o’clock (unless previously sold1 by private treaty). Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Tods, Murray and Jamieson, W.S., No. 6, Queen-street, Edinburgh; of Messrs. J. and W. II. Druitt, solicitors, Borough-chambers, Bournemouth; and of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. In a secluded position. With fast train services to City and West-end. REIGATE, SURREY. The attractive FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Woodhatch Place, on the southern slope of Cockshot-hill, comprising an excellent country residence, containing four reception, 10 bed and dressing rooms, and domestic offices; stabling and two capital cottages. Well-timbered pleasure grounds; large lawns, shrubbery walks, kitchen garden, glasshouses, and an enclosure of park land, in all nearly eight acres. Possession on completion. 20 minutes from Waterloo. Three minutes from station and six minutes! from River Thames. SURBITON, SURREY. The thoroughly well-built FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as Elmdean, Victoria-road, recently placed in thorough order throughout. Stabling for three horses. Well-planted garden. Drainage recently renewed. Electric ,bells, gas, and company’s water. Possession on completion. HAMPTON and SONS will Sell the above A A by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, April 25, at Two o’clock precisely (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars andl conditions! of sale of Charles E. Tranter Lamb, Esq., solicitor, 17, Ironmonger-lane, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers. 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. Shooting and Fishing. On a hill, under a mile from two stations. KICKMANSWORTH, HERTS. The FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as Scot’s Hill, occupying a choice position, commanding lovely views; stabling for five horses!, farmery, etc. Well-planted pleasure grounds, tennis lawn, and kitchen garden. In all about 1£ acres. Shooting, fishing, and ,grazing rights attached. Possession on com-T>letior>. HAMPTON and SONS will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, April 25, at Two o’clock precisely (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars and conditions of sale of F. J. Thairl-wall, Esq., solicitor, 7, New-square, Lincoln’s־inn, W.O.; and of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-st., S.W. Surrey and Hants (Borders). Picturesque creeper-clad old-fasihioned House. FARNHAM. The FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, Ellerslie, Rowledge, approached by a carriage drive, containing sitting room, hall, three reception, eight bed and dressing rooms, and excellent offices. Stabling for two horses, outbuildings, etc. Pretty gardens, with lawns, conservatory, and orchard, in all about 1* acres. Light soil, close to village, church, and post. With possession. HAMPTON and SONS׳ (in conjunction with ARTHUR E. CROWE) will Sell the above by Auction, on April 25, at Two o’clock (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Cope and Co., solicitors, 3, Great George-street, Westminster; of Arthur E. Crowe, Guildford; and Hampton and Sons, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. Sussex Coast. Standing on an eminence, commanding extensive Channel views. WORTHING (near). The FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL ESTATE, known as Charman Dean, Broadwater, comprising a delightful country residence., overlooking a rich fertile valley towards the sea; approached by a carriage avenue half a mile long, with lodge at entrance and containing a fine suite of reception rooms, handsome billiard room, conservatory, 16 bed and dressing rooms, bath room, and! ample offices; excellent stabling for seven horses, two cottages, farm buildings, beautiful pleasure grounds, extensive fruit and vegetable gardens, glasshouses, aviaries, s!ummev houses, Belvedere observatory tower, and well-timbered park, in all about 72 aeies. With possession. HAMPTON and SONS will Sell the above very beautiful ESTATE by Auction (in conjunction with Messrs. JORDAN and GRAY), at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, May 15, at Two precisely (unless previously sold by private treaty). Possession on completion. Particulars, views, plan and conditions of sale of Messrs. Francis and Calder, solicitors, 3, Adelaide-place, London Bridge, E.C,; of Messrs. Nightingale Phillips and Page, Kingston-on-Thames and Weybridge; of Messrs. Jordan and Gray, 35 and 37. South-street, Worthing; and׳ of the Auctioneers׳, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. 300ft. above sea level. One mile from station, with excellent train service CHISLEHURST. The exceedingly picturesque FREEHOLD RESIDENCE., Shepherd’s Green, containing three reception rooms, conservatory, billiard room, 13 bed and dressing rooms, bath room, and! ground floor offices. Attractive pleasure grounds, two tennis courts, kitchen garden, greenhouse, and a valuable enclosure of Freehold Meadow Land, affording an excellent site for the erection of stabling or for other residences, the whole extending to about five acres. In Cne or Two Lots. Possession on completion. HAMPTON and SONS will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday. May 15 next, at Two (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars and conditions of s׳ale of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. Offices: 1, OOCKSPTJR STREET, S.W 1899. HAMPTON and SONS beg to announce shat their AUCTION'S of LANDED ESTATES, Town and Country Residences, Investments, Business Premises, and other Properties, are held MONTHLY at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C. Auctions can also be held on other days, in town or country, by arrangement; also Sales and Valuations of Furniture, Pictures, Farming Stock, Timber, etc. April List of Estate?!, Town and׳ Country Residences, Hunting Boxes, and Sporting Properties can be had gratis on application to HAMPTON and SONS, Ltd., 1, Cockspur-street, S.W.; or by post, three stamps. Banks of the Thames. Within easy reach of Henley and Maidenhead. GREAT MARLOW, BUCKS. The FREEHOLD RIVERSIDE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, known as Stoney Ware, Bisham, a picturesque modem Residence in the Early English style, with excellent stabling for seven, two cottages, large boat-house, model laundry, farm! buildings, large lawns and pleasure grounds, gardens, glasshouses, fowl-houses, and two paddocks, also 11 acres of grass land on the opposite side of the river, in all about 25 acres.—־With possession׳. HAMPTON and SONS will Sell the above very charming RIVERSIDE PROPERTY by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, April 25, at Two o’clock (unless previously Sold׳ by Private Treaty). Particulars, plan, and conditions of sale of A. D. Cripps, Esq., solicitor, 45, Parliament-street, S.W., and Marlow. Auction Offices, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. 500ft. above sea level. In the prettiest part of this favourite district. HASLEMERE, SURREY. The extremely picturesque FREEHOLD modem RESIDENCE, Weysprings, occupying a retired position, approached by carriage drive, with stabling for four, pretty gardens, tennis lawn, greenhouse, large ornamental lake; densely timbered copse, orchard, and two paddocks, in all about nine acres. Never-failing supply of water; light, sandy soil. Possession on completion. HAMPTON and ■SONS will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, April 25!, at Two o’clock precisely (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars and conditions, of sale of Messrs. Grundy, Izod and Co., solicitors, 84, Queen Victoria-street, E.C.; of Mr. Evennett, ■estate agent, Haslemere; and׳ of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, London, S.W. Petersfield' District. In an unrivalled position, 500ft. above the sea. EAST LISS, HANTS. About a mile from Liss Station on the main S.W.R. —The attractive FREEHOLD modern RESIDENCE, Lingwood, Hill Brow, erected on an old site, having magnificent views, with stabling for five, cottage, and farmery. 01d!-established pleasure grounds, kitchen garden, glasshouses, two pad-docks, pine wood, in all about eight acres. Company’s water. Approved drainage. With possession. HAMPTON and SONS will Sell the above by Auction (in conjunction with Mr. EVENNETT, of Haslemere), at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, April 25, at Two o’clock precisely (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Garrard׳, James and Wolfe, solicitors, 13, Suffolk-street, Pall Mall, S.W.; of Mr. R. C. S. Evennett, estate agent, Haslemere; and of the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. Surrey and Hants (Borders). In the midst of the salubrious pine and1 heather country. FRIMLEY, SURREY. The FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL ESTATE, known as The Firs, comprising an attractive and admirably planned residence, almost entirely rebuilt during the last three years; approached by two long avenues, with stabling for six, model farmery, lodge entrance, excellent cottage, grandly timbered pleasure grounds, extensive lawns, tennis courts!, kitchen garden, greenhouse. A highly undulating and densely timbered pine wood, and about 24 acres of park-like land, the whole extending to nearly 43 acres. Sand and gravel soil. Company’s water. New drainage. With possession. HAMPTON and SON'S will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, April 25, at Two o’clock precisely (unless previously sold by private treaty). Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Francis and Calder, solicitors, 3, Adelaide-place, London Bridge, E.C.; and cf the Auctioneers, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W.