April 8, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE, Plymouth—Skardon, Sons and Hosking, of Plymouth, at same, on April 25, Freehold business premises and dwelling houses Dorsetshire. Poole—Joliffe and1 Flint, of Bournemouth, at Poole, on April 20, Freehold timber yard Durham. Stockton-on-Tees—Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at Stockton-on-Tees, on April 12, Freehold licensed property Darlington—Robinson and Thompson, of Darlington, at same, on April 11, Freehold properties Barnard! !Castle—John Parkinson and Son, of Barnard Castle, at same, on April 11, Freehold resi- Darlington—E. E. Hay, of Darlington, at same, on April 14, Freehold property Stockton-on-Tees—Ralph. Appleton, of Stockton-on-Tees, at same, on April 18. Freehold dwelling houses and! business premises Essex. Waltham Abbey—E. and A. G. Thorowgood, of Ware, at Waltham Abbey, on April 25, Freehold dwelling house and land Tilbury—A. Preyost and Son, of Southend-on-Sea, at Tilbury, on April 12, Freehold building land Thaxted—H. J. Cheffins, of Saffron Walden, at same, on April 11, Freehold estate, comprising about 119 acres Shalford—T. H. Newman, of Braintree, at same, on April 19, Freehold cottages and accommodation farm of about 15 acres Whitstable-on-Sea—Protheroe and Morris, 67 and! 68, Cheapside, London, E.C., on the Claphim Hill Estate, on April 10, Freehold building land Maldon—Protheroe and Morris, 67 and 68, ,Cheapside, London, E.C., at Maldon, on April 11, Freehold building land Gloucestershire. Gloucester—Bruton, Knowles and Co., of Gloucester, at same, on May 13, the Etloe Estate, comprising about 294 acres . Henbury—Alexander, Daniel and Co., of Bristol, at same, on May 18, Freehold residential property Charlton Kings—John G. Villar, of Cheltenham, at Charlton Kings, on April 13, Freehold farm and villa residences Dursley—John G. Villar, of Cheltenham, at Durffley, on April 11, Freehold residence Bristol—Alexander, Daniel and Co., of Bristol, at same, on April 11, Freehold properties Bristol—C. H. Tucker and Co., of Bristol, at same, on April 12, Freehold licensed1 property Clifton—C. H. Tucker and Co., of Clifton, at same, on April 11, Freehold ground rents and resi-d^ii ces Bristol—Young and Howes (in conjunction with Nichols, Matthews and Co.), of Bristol, at same, on April 12, Freehold cottages and1 building land Kingswoodi—C. J. Hole and Son, of Bristol, at Kings-wood, on April 19, building land Old Sodbury—Tayler and Gerrish, of Chipping Sod-bury at same., on April 21, Freehold estate Cheltenham—Young and Gilling, of Cheltenham, at same, on April 20, Freehold property M* Seed Barley. SELECTED STRAINS OE CHEVALIER, GOLDEN MELON, & STANDWELL From pedigree stocks grown on the sound land of the Lothians. A good change, which will r pay. 40s. to 45s, per quarter. BLACK TARTARIAN OATS From pedigree Stocks grown especially for seed in Cumberland. 28s. per quarter. LARGE SCOTCH GORE TARES Sow early for summer feci. 8s. 6d. per bushel. Descriptive Catalogue free on application. LITTLE & ballantyne The Queen’s Seedsmen, CARLISLE IRON ROOFING, FENCING AND HURDLES. VERY SPECIAL LINE IN CONTINUOUS H IRON BAR FENCING. Worth Noting.—Post free, Revised Catalogue of Fire-proof Hav Ba>ns. Eoofs and Buildings ; Sectional Bungalows, Billiard Booms, Pavilions, Coach-houses, Stables. Harness Booms, Cow Houses, Pivgeries. Cottages, Warehouses, Kudins, Dark Rooms, Tool Houses, Scnool Booms, Churches, Chapels, Cycle Sheds, a״d every other portable structure, cheap, for cash. Also Special Catalogues of Iron Roofing and all Fittings. Also Pocket Catalogue and Illustrations of Iron Fencing of every kind. A Leading Line in Liquid Manure and Water Carts, Farm Carts, Wagons, and Boilers. JOHN ATTWOOD REEVE, STONY STRATFORD- Established 1876. [Warns this Paper.'] STANLEY MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER to H.M.’s Government, Council of India, Science and Art Department, Admiralty, &c. ---------„.״x״ » °VTT> of the highest quality and finish, at tne most moderate prices. Price Lists post free. Engine Divider to the GREAT^TURNSTILE, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.O. Tarporley—Cunnah and Eobevts, of Chester, at Tar-porley, on April 27, residence, cottages and! land New Brighton—John Hatch, of Southport, at Liverpool, on April 19, Freehold licensed property Hyde—p. Higginbottom and Son, of Hyde, at same, on April 10, licensed property Alderley Edge (near)—S. D. Walton, of Wilmslow, at Alderley Edge, on April 18, residence Cornwall. Penzance—EdwTard Eva, of Penzance, at same, on April 18, Freehold and Leasehold properties Cumberland. Silloth—Thornborrow and Co., of Penrith, at same, on April 12, house property __ Briggle—Thornborrow and Go., of Penrith, at same, Whitehaven—JSkson and) Murray, of Whitehaven at same, on April 12, Freehold dwelling houses Carlisle—Geo. Hodgson, of ,Carlisle, at same, on April 14, Freehold licensed premises Longtown-Eobert Dalton and Son of Carlisle, at Longtown, on April 12, Leasehold dwelling house Low Murrah—1Thornborrow and Co., of Penrith, at Mungrisdale, on May 3, estate Derbyshire. Chesterfield (near)—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on May 16, Free-hold estate „ X)er|jy—Cumberland! and Sons, of Derby, at same, on April 21, Freehold residence, shop, cottages and building land . _ , , „__ Sawiey—Cheetham and Jackson, of Derby, at Saw-ley, on April 19, building land Idridgehay—Peel and Richardson, of Ilkeston, at Idridgehay, on April 14, pasture land Derby—J. and W. Heabhcote, of Derby, at same, on April 14, Freehold properties Stanton—Winterton and! Sons, of Lichfield, at Bur-ton-on-Trent, on April 25, Freehold building and mineral estate Devonshire. Plymouth—Gilchrist and Bishop, of Plymouth, at same, on April 11, Freehold residences Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on April 20, Freehold properties Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on April 13, residential property Plymouth—Skardon, Sons and Hosking, of Plymouth, at same, on April 13, Freehold business premises Newton Abbot—James Stooke, of Newton Abbot, at same, on April 11. Leasehold! properties Dawlish—James Stooke, of Newton Abbot, at Dawlish, on April 17, Freehold licensed premises Plymouth— P. Hamley, of Plymouth, at same, on April 18, Freehold! properties Dolton—Blackford and Son, of South Molton, at Dolton, on April 12, Freehold dwelling house Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on April 17, Freehold- properties Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on April 14. Freehold residence Plymouth—Skardon, Sons and Hosking. of Ply- mouth, at same, on April 11, Freehold business premises _ __ _ . ןרן ״ Plymouth—Skardon, Sons and Hosking, of Ply- mouth, at same, on April 18, Freehold licensed premises and cottages NOTICE BOARDS. Guaranteed the cheapest factory in E a gland for all kinds of NOTICE AND SIGN BOARDS. Lists and Estimates Free. S. WATERS & SONS (Established 1831), Wood Letter Manufacturers, Swing Sign & Sky Sign Fitters, Writing Advertisement Contractors, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, KENT. ESTATE SALES. The best County Medium for advertising Sales of Estates is mHE WORCESTER HERALD. J- Established 1794. The leading County Paper. Extensive circulation among the upper and middle classes m Worcestershire and adjoining counties. Advertisers would do well to forward for reference and distribution plans and particulars of Estates, Catalogues of Machinery, Furniture, Books and other property advertised in the columns of the “ HERALD.” SALES OF STOCK AND AGEICULTUEAL EFFECTS. The “ WOECESTEE HEEALD " is the most effective organ for giving publicity to announcements of this class. It is the leading agricultural paper m the county, and circulates most extensively among agriculturists in and around Worcestershire. FARMS TO LET. Land agents, estate managers, and all having farms to let would do well to advertise in the WOECESTEE HEEALD.” the leading county paper. Specially adapted for bringing such notices before tenant farmers. Large circulation. Moderate charge. SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED. For producing results the ,'WOECESTEE HEEALD” is recognised as a specially good medium. Cheap rates. Apply for terms. Specimen Free. Price 2d. Published Friday for Saturday.—Offices. 72. High-street. Worcester. SECOND EDITION, PRICE 3s. 6d. By POST 2d. extra. “NASH’S” HAY & STRAW TABLES These Tables have been compiled expressly For the use of Auctioneers, Valuers, Hay and Straw Dealers, Farmers, and other persons connected with Agriculture, And will be found invaluable for arriving at the Contents, Weight and Price of Oblong or Circular Stacks of Hay and Straw, By H. F. NAPE A.A.I. London :—Estates Gazeitk. office, No. 6, St. Bride-street, Fleet-street. E.C. FORTHCOMING SALES BY AUCTION IN THE COUNTRY London Forthcoming Sales are given elsewhere All announcements of sales should reach our Office by the first post on Thursday morning, or they cannot appear in the paper of the Saturday following. Bedfordshire. Bedford—Stafford and Rogers, of Bedford, at same, on April 21, Freehold cottages, dwelling house־ and residence Dunstable and Kensworth—J. Cumberland and Sons, of Dunstable (in conjunction with J. HLbbard and Sons, 9, Walbrook. London, E.C.), at Dunstable, on April 19, Freehold building land, dwelling houses and cottages ^ ״ Kempston and’ Bedford—G. C. Walker, of Bedford, at same, on April 25, Freehold building land and residences Berkshire. Newbury—Dreweatt and Watson, of Newbury, at same, on April 11, Freehold business premises and dwelling houses Lambourn—Dreweatt and Watson, of Newbury, at same, on April 18, licensed property Newbury—Dreweatt and Watson, of Newbury, at same, on April 28, Freehold building estate Harwell—King and Adkin, of Abingdon, at Didcot. on April 11, Freehold dwelling house and cottages Didcot and Harwell—Belcher, Adkin and Belcher, of Wantage, at Didcot, on April 11, Freehold shop, dwelling house and cottage property Didcot—Frank Cooksey, of Reading, at Didcot, on April 11, Freehold business premises, dwelling houses and cottages Tilehurst—E. J. Tabor, of Reading, at Tilehurst, on April 18, building land Buckinghamshire. Fenny Stratford—G. C. Walker, of Bedford, at Fenny Stratford, on April 13, Freehold business premises, villa residences and cottage property Cambridgeshire. West Wickham—Messrs. Chalk, of Linton, at same, on April 18, Freehold cottages, farm, and about 120 acres of pasture land March, etc.—Gregory, White and Sons, of Whittlesey, at same, on April 28, Freehold land and dwelling house Cheshire. Stockport—Brady andl Son, of Stockpoct, at same, on April 14, licensed premises and cottages Kelsall—Pickering and Nightingale, of Chester, at Kelsall, on April 12, Freehold dwelling house, outbuildings and land 650 Liverpool sides, 300 Danish, 2,200 hindquarters, and 700 forequarters American refrigerated. Quotations : —Beef—Scotch short sides, 4s. to 4s. 2d.; long ditto, 3s. 8d. to 3s. lOd.; English, 3s. 8d. to 3s. lOd.; American Deptford-killed, 3s. 7d. to 3s. 9d.; Liverpool, 3s. 7d. to 3s. 9d.; Danish, 2s. 4d. to 3s.; American refrigerated hindquarters (best), 4s. to 4s. -a.; second ditto, 3s. 6d. to 4s.; forequarters, 2s. 9d. to 2s. lid. Mutton—Scotch, 4s. 4d. to 4Sj 8d.; English wethers, 4s. to 4s. 4d.; ewes, 3s. 4d. to 3s. 8a.; Argentine, 3s. 4d. to 3s. 6d.; English lamb, 6s. 6d. to 6s. 8d. Veal—English, 4s. 8d. to 5s.; Dutch, 4s. 4d. to 4s. 8d. Pork—English, 3s. 8d'. to 4s.; Dutch, 3s. 2d. to 3s. 4d. per 81b. PROVISIONS. SMITH-FIELD, April 4.—Butter market quiet, being still under holiday influence and prices unchanged. Friesland finest quoted, 92s. to 94s.; and factories, 96s. to 100s.; Danish finest, 112s. to 114s.; fine, 106s. to 110s • Normandy ordinary best baskets, 96s.; and extra mild, 108s. per cwt.; Brittany rolls, 11s. to 15s. per dozen l'bs.; Australian finest, 96s. to 100s.; good to fine, 80s. to 92s. per cwt. Cheese firm, but slow. Canadian finest, 53s. to 54s. Bacon dull, unchanged. The market for eggs has been slow, excepting for French. To-day’s change in price־ was a fail of 3d. on Italian and Hungarian. French quoted 6s. to 9s.; Italian, 5s. 3d. to 6s. 6d.; Hungarian, 5s. to 6s. per 120. POULTRY AND GAME. SMITHFIELD, April 4.—Moderate supplies met a quiet sale, prices being irregular. Italian turkeys 8d. per l־b.; goslings, 5s. 6d. to 7s.; ducklings, 4s. to 5s. 6d.; Russian ditto, 2s. 6d. to 2s. 9d.; Yorkshire fowls, 3s. 3d. to 3s. 6d.; Boston, 2s. 9d. to 3s. 3d ; Irish, 2s. 3d. to 2s. 9d.; Essex, 3?. to 3s. 6d.; • elsh, 2s. 6d. to 3s׳.; Surrey, 3s. 9d. to 4s. 6d.; Sussex. 3s. 6d. to 4s. 3d.; Italian guinea, 2s. 9d. to 3?.; Russian ditto, Is. 9d. to 2s.; Russian hares, 2s. 6d.; ditto, white. Is. 3d.; black game, Is. 8d. to 2s.; ptarmigan, Is.; cock capercailzie, 3s. 3d.; hen d’ltto 2s. 6d.; partridges, Is. 4d.; Bordeaux pigeons, Is. to Is. 3d.; feathered ditto, lOd. to Is.; wild rabbits, 7d. to 9d.; tame ditto, Is3 .׳d. to Is. 9d. each; Australian ditto, 9s. to 11s. per dozen; quail, Is. 3d. to Is. 9d. each. HAY AND STRAW. WHITECHAPEL, April 4—General tone of dulness. Very slow demand experienced for a fair supply. Best clover, 70s. to 100s.; inferior, 60s. to 70s.; specially picked hay, 82s ; best. 65s. to 77s. ; inferior. 45s. to 60s.; mixture and’ sainfoin, 50s. to 85s.; and straw, 25s. to 36s. per load. CUMBERLAND, W., April 4.—Best selected hay 75s. to 84s.; good, 70s. to 75s.; inferior, 50s. to 65s.; prime clover, 80s. to 97s. 6d.; good, 70s. to 75s.; inferior, 60s. to 65s.; straw, 28s. to 33s. per load. SPECIAL NOTICE. The “ Estates Gazette” can be ob tained at any of the Railway Bookstalls of Messrs. W. H. SMITH & SON and of all Newsagents. The Publisher will be glad to be adyised of any difficulty that may be experienced in obtaining copies of the paper. Constitution Balls Horses For Grease, Swelled Legs, Cracked Heels, Cough, Colds, Sore Throats, Disordered Liver, Broken Wind, Influenza, Loss of Appetite, &c., &c. Testimonial. Kerse, Johnstone, Lockerbie, N.B. June 12th, 1890. I have used your Cupiss’ Constitution Balls for both Horses, Cattle and Sheep for upwards of 80 years, and was always highly pleased with the results. You are quite at liberty to use my name —Robert McGregor. Prepared upw vrds of 50 years by the late FRANCIS CUPISS, M.R.C-V.S., DISS, NORFOLK. Sold in packets 1 9 and 3 6 each, 1 small packets for 106. or 7 large 21 ־. by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, or from Proprietor, Wilderness, Diss, on receipt of amount. For Hide-bound, Staring Coat, Hove or Blown, Distemper,Epidemic, Surfeit, Conditioning. Preserving Health, Scouring in Calves, &c. For Rot or Fluke, and for keeping in Health, Assisting to get into _ Condition, Scouring in Lambs, &c. BOULTON & PAUL, Ltd. MANUFACTURERS, NORWICH. CONTINUOUS WROUGHT IRON FENCING ESTABLISHED 1851. BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Invested Funds .. .. £10,000,000. Number of Accounts, 85,094. TWO-AND-A-HALF per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CENT, on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the minimum monthly balances, when not drawn below £100. STOCKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES purchased and sold for customers. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Small deposits received, and Interest allowed monthly on each completed £1, The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with particulars, post FRANCIS RAYENSCROFT, Manager. Telephone No. 5 Holborn. Telegraphic Address: “ BIRKBECK, LONDON.” G. NORMAN, SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL DENTIST. Established 18(33. Personal Examination when charges can be agreed upon. Hours of attendance: 2 o'clock. Address : 25, THE GROYE, HAMMERSMITH. There is easy access from any Railway Station. SPECIAL OFFERS.—1,000 Yards CONTINUOUS BAR FENCING, 3ft. 9in. high, 5 horizontal bars, top one fin. round, others lin. by fin. flat, standards 3ft. apart ; price 2/4 per yard. Carriage paid. GAME NETTING. Guaranteed Quality. Offered at very advantageous prices for Cash. All’orders amounting to 40s. value carriage paid to the principal railway stations in England and Wales. Send for Illustrated Catalogue Free. BOULTON & PAUL, Ltd , NORWICH LANDSCAPE GARDENING. W. INNES STUCK!Y, Landscape Gardener, 46, Dyne-roxd, Brondeshurv, N.W. 13 Tears with Mr. H. E. MILNEB,