Арки, 8, 189Ô. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 572 ¿èaffs 1)2 Auction. Freehold Shop Property.—Freehold1 and Leasehold Investments. l¿tli instant, at One o'clock punctually, tiie following::— WALTHAMSTOW.—Substantial Freehold Shop and Dwelling House, No. 26, Orford-road, close to ׳!,own Hall; let on repairing lease to Mr. Sheppkerd, butcher, at £50 per annum.—Vendor's Solicitor, W. M. Lloyd, Esq., 25, Wormwood-street, E.C. WALTHAMSTOW.—Two Freehold Houses, Nos. 2 and 3, Comely-bank-villas, Ravenswood-road, near Town Hall; let to weekly tenants at rentals together producing £41 12s. per annum.—Mortgagee's Solicitors, Messrs. W. Houghton and Son, 56, New Broad-street, E.C. WALTHAMSTOW.—Five capital Long Leasehold Houses, Nos. 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16, Canning-road, Palmerston-road, let to weekly tenants at rentals together producing £119 12s. per annum; lease 98 years unexpired'; ground rent £5 per annum each house—Solicitors, Messrs. Cartwright and Cunningham, 47, Paternoster-row, E.C., and Baltic-chamber¿, Hoe-street, Walthamstow. Particulars and conditions of sale of the respective Solicitors, as above; and of the Auctioneer, 12, Coleman-street, E.C., and 199, Hoe-street, Walthamstow. To Builders, Land Speculators, Investors, and others. WEST NORWOOD, S.E. ROTHSCHILD GARDENS ESTATE.—Valuable Freehold Building Land, occupying a choice position o׳.i hign ground, within easy distance of Tulse-hili and West Norwood Stations, from whence there is a capital train service to all parts. Tram and ,bus routes. Norwood-road, S.E., cn Tuesday, April 18, 1899, at 7.30 o’clock in the evening precisely, 57 PLOTS of valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, situate on the Rothschild Gardens Estate, Knight’s-hill-road, West Norwood׳, S.E., free from tithe and' land tax, fully ripe for immediate building operations, comprising: Ten Shop Plots, with important floatages to Kaight’¿-nili-road, and 47 Plots suitable for tlie erection of villa residences, etc., with frontages to Rothschild-street, thus affording an exceptional opportunity for the creation of ground rents. The roads׳ on the estate are well made, kerbed and sewered, and in accordance with the regulations of the London County Council. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of W. H. Matthews, Esq., solicitor, Union Bank-chambers, Borough, S.E.; at the principal hotels in the neighbourhood; and at the Offices of the Auctioneer, 349, Cold Harbour-lane, Brixton, S.W. Freehold and• Leasehold Investments. NEW MALDEN. LEWISHAM, HOLLOWAY and KENTISH TOWN. IV/r ESSRS. SALTER, REX and CO. will Sell ItJL by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, April 19, 1899, at Two o'clock precisely, in Lots., the foilow־ing PROPERTIES: — Grouad Rant. Freehold do. £6 £6 1U4. £10 10s. £6 6s. £3 10s. £2 108. tt’ntals. Lease. £43 45 — 26 63 y rs. BO 63 yrs. 60 65 yrs. Ils. weekly j 61 yrs 66 yrs 66 yrs I £48 o0 The ElmVrhetford-roacljNdW Mai ten.............. Elthorne, do. do. 135, Lady well-road, Lewisham 110, do. do. 0, Aunette-road, and workshops, Holloway 43, Schotield road, U^per! Holloway .. .. I Solicitors, Messrs. Hogan and Hughes, 23, Martin’s-lane, Cannon-street. 38, Ospringe-road, Kentish Town .................... 39, do. do. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of the above Solicitors; at the Mart; and! of the Auctioneers, 311. Kentish Town-road, N.W. Telephone, 569 King’s Cross. Sound Investments At the Mart, E.C., on April 14, 1899, at Two. _ BARNES.—N os. 119 to 127, White Hart-lane. Five well let Houses, in choice position close to Richmond-park and Barnes and Wimbledon Commons; held lor 70 years at low ground rents, and producing £164 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Woodbridge and Sons, 5, Serjeant׳s־inn, Fleet-street. BLACKHEATH—Nos. 7 and 10, Park-villas. Two admirably arranged, semi-detached, Long Leasehold Residences in a high bracing position, producing £115 per annum. Ground rents moderate.—Solicitors, Messrs. Prestons, 158, The Grove, Stratford; and W. H. Stilgoe, Esq., 29, Essex-street, Strand. FULHAM SHOP PROPERTY.—72, King’s-road. A particularly well-fitted Shop, let on repairing !ease to a provision merchant at £60 per annum. Lease 90 years at moderate ground rent.—Solicitor, W. H. Stiigoe, Esq., as above. Auctioneers’ Offices, De Vere House, 2, Southamp-ton-street, Strand. gales tj) Auction. KENSINGTON HIGH-STREET.—First-class Shops and Residential Premises. . on Tuesday, April 11, 1899, at Twelve for One o’clock precisely: — No. 9, KENSINGTON HIGH-STREET.—A first-class Shop with residence over. Let on repairing leases to tenants of the highest standing at rentals amounting to £460 per annum. Lease 38 years unexpired. Early possession may be obtained if desired. No. 37, KENSINGTON HIGH-STREET.—Most important Corner Shop and Premises, recently occupied I by Messrs. Vickery and Co., admirably adapted for the business of a high-class silk mercer, hosier, I glover, draper, or costumier. Lease 32 years unexpired. Possession will be given on completion of purchase. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Barber and Son, solicitors, 13, St. Swithin’s-lane, E.C.; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneer, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C., and 280 and 282, Iloilo-way-road, N. 1X/T3L JOSEPH STOWER, Member of ihe J*-L Surveyors’ Institution (for nearly 20 years with the late firm of Farebrother, Ellis, Clark and Co.), begs to announce that his auction sales for the year 1899 of country estates and residences, town houses, business premises, ground rents and other investments, will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. E.C., periodically, and at other dates, both in London and in the provinces, as may be advisable in the interests of his employers. Sales of furniture, farming stock and effects conducted, and valuations made of every description of property for sale, purchase, estate duty, compensation or other purposes. —43. Chancery-lane, London, W.C. Telephone No.: 1,017 Holborn. By ord’er of Trustees, Executors, and others. iyr ESSR-S. HAMILTON and, MI ALL will Sell IVi- by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, OAy, on Friday, April 14 next, at Two o'clock, the following:— HERNE-HILL.—Freeholds —Six Villa Residences, in Miiton-road, situate near Herne-liiil and Brixton Stations (L.C. and D.). Rentals £232 per annum. SHEPHERD’S BUSH, W.—Freehold House, with stables and coach-house, near Uxbridge-road and the New Electric Railway terminus. Now producing, from old tenants, £bo 16s. per annum. Early possession if desired. STOKE NEWINGTON (near Clissold Park), N.— Long Leasehold.—An attractive Family Residence, in nearly new decorative repair. Rental £40 per ai'num. Low ground rent. BATTERSEA-PARK-ROAD—Long Leasehold, in best position. Double-fronted Shop and House. Let on lease, and weekly, producing £136 10s. per annum. CLAPHAM J UNCTION.—Long Leasehold —Sugden-road, near Ciapham Common.—Modern, non-casement Villa. Early possession. Now let at £34 per annum. Building society will advance 90 per cent, if purchased for occupation. WEST KENSINGTON-P ARK.—Long Leasehold, nonbasement Residence, near St. Paul’s Schools and Brook-green. Possession Midsummer. Rental £48 per annum. DALstDN (Queen׳s-road\—At low reserve.—Leasehold,, no ground rent (peppercorn). Producing £36 per annum. Early possession. CAMBRIDGE HEATH.—At low reserve.—St. Jude’s-stieet —Two Weeklies. Producing, with workshops, £78 per annum, from old tenants. Particulars and conditions of sale at the Mart; and of the Solicitors; for Herne-hill, Messrs. F. R. Smith and Sons, 133, Aldersgate-street, E.C.; for Battersea-park-road, Messrs. Trotman and Co., Pcrtugal-street-buildings, Lincoin’s-inn-fields, W.C.; for West Kensington-park, Messrs. Leighton and Savory, 2, Ciement’s-inn, W.C.; for other properties, Messrs. G. and W. Webb, 39, New Broad-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, Messrs. Hamilton and Mia-11, Maclise Mansion (facing Addison-road Station), W.; Branch Offices, Uxbridge-road, W., and1 West Norwood Mr. C. W. DAVIES Auctioneer, Yaluer, Estate Agent, &c , 15, UPPER STREET, ISLINGTON. Established 1837. GALES BY AUCTION' are held periodically KJ at ike Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, m wmch Proper-Lies can oe included at moderate and fixed charges. SALES BY AUCTION AT PRIVATE HOUSES, etc., of Furniture, Stock, and Miscellaneous Effects. Estates Managed and Rents Collected. Valuations for Probate, Transfer and Mortgage Purposes. Mr. C. W. Davies also undertakes SALES and LETTINGS by Private Treaty. Auction and Estate Offices, 15, Upper-st., Islington. ISLINGTON.—Four capital Long Leasehold Houses in this excellent letting district, together producing £169 per annum. MR. C. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, April 25, at Two o’clock, in separate Lots, No. 4. TYNdALE-TEkRAOE, CanonDury-iane (recently redrained), let low rent £45, term 44 years at £6 10s.; and׳ Nos. 8, 11 and 14, Dagmar-terrace, Essex-road, let to old tenants at £4u, £42, and £42; term 47 years, at £6 6s. each. Messrs. J. C. and W. W. Isaacson, solicitors, 11, New-inn, Strand. Auctioneer’s Offices, 15, Upper-street, Islington. KING’S-CROSS—Capital Freehold Weekly Property. MR. C. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, April 25, THREE imEEnOLD brick-ouiit COTTAGES, 4, 5 and 6. Provi-uence-row (opposite the King’s-cross Met. Station), net, and producing £46 16s. per annum. Messrs. Boulton, Sons and Sand'eman, solicitors, 21a, Northampton-square, Clerkenweil. Auctioneer's Offices, 15, Upper-street, Islington. CITY-ROAD.—Valuable Freehold Investment, or for occupation. MR. C. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, April 25. the commodious FREEHOLD RESlDEiNUE, 8, Coleorooke-row (close to the Angel). Contains 10 good rooms and large garden. Redrained. To be sold with possession. Rental value £70 per annum. Messrs. Lewis and Sons, solicitors, 7, Wilmmgton-squa-re, Clerkenweil. Auction and Estate Offices, 15, Upper-street, Islington. KENNINGTON, S.E.—Short Leasehold Investments.— By order of Trustees. MESSRS. MARTIN, OLARKE and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, April 12, 1899, at One, in Three Lots, the Short LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, No¿. 36, 40 and 42, Walcot-square Kennington, each containing seven rooms and scuilery, and let at £32, £30, £30. Lease eight years from Midsummer next, at a ground rent of £4 each. Particulars and conditions at the Mart; of W. S. Young, Esq., solicitor, 101, Leadenhall-street, E.C. ; C. W. Inman, Esq., solicitor, 29, Lud'gate-hill, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, at 9, Maddox-street, W. ILFORD.—A Terrace of eight attractive Freehold Residences. 1\/TESSRS. MARTIN, OLARKE and CO. will -D-L Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, April 12, at One o’clock precisely, in One Lot, Nos. 1 to 8, BANK-VILLAS, High-road, Ilford, each containing eight rooms, and let at very low rents, producing a total income of £172 18s. per annum. The property, which is Freehold, occupies a prominent position on the High-road, within a few minutes’ walk of Iiford Station, G.E.R., and’ afford¿ a splendid opportunity for the creation of ground rents and1 conversion into shops. Particulars and conditions at the Mart; of Messrs. Morley, Shirreff and Co., solicitors, 53, Gresham House, Old Broad-street, E.C.; and1 of the Auctioneers, Martin, Clarke and Co., 9, Maddox-:-treet, Regent-street, W. Sales by Auction for the Year 1899. lyTESSRS. H. J. BLISS and SONS beg to ■1־tA notify that their Sales by Auction of Freehold and Leasehold Properties, Business Premises, Land, Ground Rents, Reversions, and other Properties, will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City, at Two o’clock precisely, on the following Thursdays throughout the year 1899: — Thursday, April 20 | Thursday, July 20 Thursday, May 11 Thursday, August 17 Thursday, May 25 | Thursday, September 21 Thursday, June 8 ! Thursday, October 19 Thursday, June 22 Thursday, November 16 Thursday, July 6 I Thursday, December 14 And at intermediate dates by special arrangement. Auction, Survey and Land Offices, 106, Cheapside, E.C., and 164, Bethnal-green-road, N.E. Salts 1ענ auction. Wednesday, April 12.—Periodical Sale.—Reversionary Interests and Life Policies. MESSRS. LAING, WATERS and CO. will -iXL Offer for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, Token-house-yard, E.C., on Wednesday next, at Two o’clock, the following Lots: — The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to One-third of Freehold Properties or proceeds from sale thereof, estimated value of £3,600, receivable on the death of a lady aged 66. A MOIETY in possession of Residuary Estate of a Testatrix, consisting of Freehold Property, estimated value of the whole said• Freehold Property is £6,750, let at very much reduced rents, and produces £399 per annum. The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to One-third Share of Freehold Properties or proceeds arising from sale, estimated value £2,950, receivable on the death of the survivor of two ladies (or the re-marriage of the younger), born respectively 1813 and 1838. The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to One-third of the proceeds of a Trust Fund, represented by Leaseholds and Government securities. The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to One-fourth Share of Freehold Properties or proceeds from sale thereof, producing annually £91, estimated value £722. The CONTINGENT REVERSION to a Moiety of a Trust Fund, estimated value £992 12s. 6d., invested on mortgage and in Colonial Government Stocks, receivable on death or re-marriage of a lady aged 65, provided she is survived by a gentleman aged 27, together with Endowment Policies of Assurance with profits for £200 and £100 respectively, effected with the Prudential and Scottish Imperial Assurance Companies, and dated March 19, 1896, and February 10, 1897, under the annual premiums of £6 9s. 6d. and £3 14s. lid. Particulars may be obtained at the Mart; and of the Auctioneers, 244, High Holborn, W.C. At the Mart, E.C., on Friday, April 14, at Two o’clock. ;. R. PRICE and SON will Offer by Auction, the following PROPERTIES: — BALHAM.—9 and 11, Temperley-road. Freeholds, let at £28 per annum each. PIMLICO.—20, Charlwood-street. Shop and House, let at £60 per annum. Lease 27 years. Ground rent £7 10s. UPPER TOOTING.—19. Sheathbourne-road. Leasehold Residence, with possession. Lease 90 years. Giound rent £8 10s. SOUTH BERMONDSEY.—Nos. 27 and 29, Anchor-street, andi 60 and 62, Ambrose-street. Double-fronted Houses, let at 14s. each. Lease 27 years. Ground rent £4 5s. per house. Particulars and conditions of sale post free from the Solicitors; or from Messrs. R. Price and Son, 2, Clapham-park-road, S.W., and 340, Baiham Highroad, Upper Tooting, S.W. DY MAY and ROWDEN. J3 The Mart, E.C., Monday, April 10, at Two o’clock. By order of the !Executors. LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS, £41 8s. per annum, secured on 10 houses, numbered 2 to 20. Upper Tollmgton-park, N., and premises •adjoining. Estimated rack rentals £610 per annum. Solicitor, T. M. Upfill, Esq., No. 114a, Chancery-lane, W.C. Auctioneers, Messrs. May and Rowden, 39, Maddox-street, W. Sales t)2 auction. By ELLIOTT, SON and BOYTON, At the Mart, E.C., On Monday, April 17, at Two. By order of Trustees. THE IMPORTANT BUSINESS PREMISES, T)EGEJST STREET, W., Nos. 191 and 193, J-t Held DIRECT FROM THE CROWN for an unex-pired term of 22$ years at a ground rent of £80 per annum, and £6 10s. for land tax. No. 191 is leased to Mr. Ackermann for the whole unexpired term (less ten days׳) at £600 per annum, No. 193 was leased to Mr. Arthur Lewis in 1880 for the whole unexpired term (less ten days) at the inadequate rent of £310 per annum, and forming part of Lewis and Allenby’s premises. Thus making a remarkably safe NET INCOME of £823 10s. per annum for 22 years to come, but on the basis of present rents prevailing in Regent-street fairly wortii £1,500 per annum. Particulars may be obtained from the Solicitors, Messrs. LAWRENCE, GRAHAM and CO., 6, New-square, W.C.; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 6, VERE-STREET, CAVENDISH-SQUARE, W. By ELLIOTT, SON and BOYTON, At the Mart, E.C., On Monday, April 17, at Two. The valuable Crown Lease. ־REGENT STREET, W., No. 215, held for At a term having 21£ years unexpired at a ground rent of £35 per annum and £2 15s. in lieu of land tax. Leased to Messrs. Fisher and Sons, tailors, for the whole term, less ten days, at Per £500 annum, constituting an exceptionally sound investment. Particulars may be obtained from Messrs. CHAP-MAN, CORBOULD and DUNSTER, 1, Henrietta-street, W.; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 6, VERE-STREET, W. By ELLIOTT, SON and BOYTON, At the Mart, E.C., On Monday, April 17, at Two o’clock. By order of Trustees. pROYDON.—Nos. 8, 9, 10 and 11, Elgin-\J road. FREEHOLD Residences, all let, and pro-ducing £134 yearly. In separate Lots. pREENWICH.—No. 5, The Circus. FREE- ( vT HOLD. Substantially built Residence. Let on 1 agreement at £40. IYTEW CROSS.—Nos. 26 and 28, Florence-1י road. LEASEHOLD for 47 years. Let on yearly tenancies at £26 each. In Two Lots. ־OLACKHEATH.—Nos. 5 and 6, Woodlands-ס road. Shop Property. Held for 43 years at £15. Let on leases and producing £140. In separate י Lots. pREENWICH.—No. 48, Vanbrugh-park. | vT Business Premises. Term over 57£ years at £7 10s. ground rent. Let on lease at £76 per annum. | WOOLWICH.—The Gun Tavern, New-road. Fully-licensed Premise¿. Held for about 28£ years at £22 and sublet at £100. Particulars may be obtained from the Vendors’ Solicitors, Messrs. RUDDLE and GURNEY-WINTER, 61 and 62, Oliancery-iane, and 118, Greenwich-road, S.E.; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 6, VERE-STREET, CAVENDISH-SQUARE, W. 10 Y MAY and ROWDEN. .13 The Mart, E.C., Friday, May 5, 1899, •at Two o’clock. With possession. No. 4, STRA THE AY-GARDENS, Belsize-park, N.W. —Charming detached Residence, containing three reception, nine bed rooms, dressing room, bath, lavatories, and every modern convenience, with gardens, lawn, and carriage sweep. Held for 8U years unexpired at a ground rent of £20 per annum To be viewed by orders from the Auctioneers only. Solicitors. Messrs. Currie, Williams and William¿, 32, Lincoin’s-inn-fields, W.O. Auctioneers, Messrs. May and Rowden, 39, Madd'ox-street, W. By order of the Executors of Mr. Edward Mason, deceased Excellent Leasehold Investments.—KENNINGTON, VAUXHALL and CAMBERWELL. MESSRS. FRANCE and SONS are instructed to Sell by Auction״ at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, April 11, 1899, at Twelve for 12.30 precisely, the following PROPERTIES: — VAUXHALL.—Capital Weekly Letting Property, Nos. 9 and 11, Tate-street, producing £67 12s. Term 14 years. CAMBERWELL.—Attractive Residence, No. 6, Ben-hill-road, producing £27. Term 72 years. KENNINGTON-CROSS.—Substantially built Factory or Warehouse. No. 3, Bowden-street, producing £45. Term 34 years UPPER KENNINGTON-LANE.—Two Houses with Shops in main thoroughfare, being Nos. 60 and 62, producing £82 per annum. KENNINGTON.—Weekly Letting Property and Stabling for 45 horses, being Nos. 59, 61, 63 and 84, Cardigan-street, Upper Kennington-lane. Estimated rental value £258 per annum. KENNINGTON—The Brewery Tap Beerhouse, dwelling house adjoining, stabling for about 60 horses, and a large area of land, known as No. 2. Oourtenay-street, Upper Kennington-lane, part let, estimated rental value £190. Particulars with conditions of sale can be had of T. Duerdin Dutton, Esq.., solicitor, Churton-street, S.W.; Messrs. Colyer and Colyer, solicitors, 41, Wych-street, Strand; and of the Auctioneers, Elephant and Castle Auction Rooms, Walworth-road, S.E. By order of the Executors of the late Geo. llawtin. IV/TESSRS. STEPHEN FORTESCUE and -It.L SON'S wall Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E C , on Tuesday, April 18, 1899, at One o’clock, the following PROPERTIES :-MORTLAKE.—Six Long Leasehold Houses, Nos 67, 69, 71, 73, 75 and 77, Second-avenue, producing £168 per annum. Term 96 years, at £3 10s. each.—Solicitor, C. Page Deane, Esq., 28, Finsbury-circus, E.C. By order of the Trustees. TOTTENHAM.—Four Freehold detached and semidetached Residences, Nos. 74, 76, 78 and 80, Northum-berland-park, producing £122 per annum.—Solicitor;, Messrs. Howard and Shelton, Tower-chambers, Moorgate-street, E.C. Particulars and conditions of sale of the respective Solicitors; or of the Auctioneers, 56, Ludgate-hill. Mr. F. H. B. RIDDLE, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT. 72, PARK-ST., GROSYENOR-SQUARE, W. Late and for many years with Messrs. Trollope as Auctioneer, and Manager of their West Halkin-street Agency Department. All matters of business with which Mr. Riddle may be favoured will receive his careful personal attention. By ELLIOTT, SON and BOYTON, At the Mart, E.C., On Monday, April 17, 1899, at Two o’clock. By order of Executors. I^ALING.—Graven House, No. 36, Uxbridge-J road.—A capital House, containing seven bed rooms, dressing and bath rooms, double drawing room, dining and breakfast rooms, and good domestic offices. Fine large garden, greenhouses, stabling, and coach-house. Will be ■Sold with Possession. Particulars may be obtained from W. M. TAPP, Esq., solicitor, 27, South Molton-street, W.; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 6, VERE-STREET, CAVENDISH-SQUARE, W. Good Investments in Freehold and Leasehold Shops, Houses, first-class weekly and other Properties. MR. PERCY H. CLARKE will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Thursday, April 13, at Two o’clock precisely, the following: — WOOD-GREEN.—Freehold Shop and Premises, 1. Finsbury-parade; let on lease at £63 per annum.— Solicitors, Messrs. Howard and Shelton, Towei־-cham-oers, Moorgate-street. FULHAM.—Crescent Villa, 4, Fulham-park-gar Jens; unexpired term 63 years; ground rent £7; let at low rent of £40 per annum.—■Solicitors, Messrs. Whitfield and Harrison, 22, Surrey-street, Strand. i WANDSWORTH-ROAD — Two Leaseho.d Shops, ' Nos. 194 and 196, Wandsworth-road; 87 years unexpired; moderate ground rents, producing £145 per annum. I BARNSBURY—101, Lofting-road, in good letting neighbourhood; unexpired term 43| years; ground rent £7; rent £30 per annum. BATTERSEA-PARK.—Four newly erected Houses, 21 to 27, Winstead-street, Surrey-lane; 97| years unexpired; ground rents £8 each; and toge her producing £244 8s., landlord paying rates and taxes. FOREST-HILL.—1 and 2, Ewelme-road; pair of villas near the station; unexpired term 96 years; l ground rents £7 each per annum; together producing about £75 per annum. ! BARNES.—Four superior Villas, 17, 19, 23 and 25. | Elm-grove-road, adjoining Barnes Common, near river and station; unexpired term 95f years; ground rents £6 6s. each; together producing £144 per annum. I Solicitors, Messrs. Greenfield and Cracknall, 3 Lancaster-place, Strand. Particulars may be obtained of the Auctioneer, ' 2, Lancaster-place, Strand. Telephone 2990 Gerrard. Notice of Sale by Private Treaty previous to Auction. MESSRS. GENDLE and CO. beg to sta^e - that they have SOLD the Freehold Residence, No. 201, London-road, West Croydon. ! CROYDON and BEDDING TON. MESSRS. GENDLE and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, on ׳ Thursday, April 13, 1899, at Six o’clock, in Lots:— I Nos. 15, 17, 19 and 21, MAYrDAY-ROAD. London• | road, West Croydon, producing £118; tenants pay taxes; lease 80 years; ground rent £5 10s. each. —Solicitors, Messrs. Armitage and Strouts, Monument Station-buildings, King William-street, E.C. 12. BARCLAlr-ROAD, Park-lane, Croydon, containing six bed rooms, bath room, three reception rooms, and usual offices. Let at £62, worth £70. Lease about 82 years. Ground rent £12 10s. 1 and 2. THORN-BANK, Bandon-hill. Beddington. Freehold villas, unique country position, near Waddon Station. Let and producing £55. FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, beautifully situate in Lismore-road, Selsdon-road, South Croydon, overlooking Croham Hurst, and near railway station. I Solicitors, Messrs. G. J. Vanderpump and Son, I 13 Gray’s-inn-square, W.C. Full parficular9 of Gendle and Co., auctioneers, I land and estate agents, East Cro5Tdon Station. Telephone 49 Croydon.