571 THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 8, Ì899. Sales ig Auction Âafis tç a urtimi. Sales is auction. Sales is auction. Estates, Country and Suburban Residences, Town Houses, Flats, Shops, Business Premises, Investments etc _ be Let may be had on application at their Offices, 7, Hobart-place, Eaton-square, ) West Halkm-street, Belgrave-square, ( . . 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, and f 1(0X1(1011 5, Victoria-street, Westminster. J Special Lists or Marked Registers will be forwarded on receipt of particulars of requirements. AUCTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1899. Messrs. Trollope’s Sales of Freehold and Leasehold Estates, Houses, Ground Rents, etc., will take place at the Mart, near the Bank of England, as follows: — Thursday, April 20th. ! Thursc ay, August 3rd. Thursday, May 18th. ! Thursday, October lyt-h. Thursday, June 8th. Thursday,November 23rd Thursday, July 13th. | Th ursday. December 14th Sales will be held on other dates as required. In all cases Messrs. Trollope will be glad to have as long notice as possible respecting any property they may be instructed to Offer by Auction. \ HERBERT CRESCENT, Hans-place, ,jl S.W.—A charming *double-fronted TOWN RESILENCE, of modern build, and having nine excellent bed and dressing rooms, fitted’ bath room, drawing room, boudoir, dining room, study, secondary staircase, ana׳ exceptionai.y complete domestic offices. He.d lor an unexpired term of 63 years at the moderate ground rent• of £85. To be Soid by Auction, at the Mart, On Thursday, April 20, at Two (unless an acceptable offer be previously made privately). Possession on comp.etion of purchase. Particulars of Messrs. Boodle, Hatfield and Co., solicitors, 53, Davie?-street, W.; and, with orders to view, of Messrs. TROLLOPE, estate agents, surveyors and auctioneers, West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square; 7, Hobart-place, Eaton-square, S.W.; 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, W.; and5 ׳, Victoria-street, Westminster. By direction of the Executors of the late G. A. Spottiswoode, Esq. Q GAD0GAN SQUARE, S.W. O A very attractive Long LEASEHOLD TOWN HOUSE, most eligibly situate at the corner of the East-terrace, and having stabling at rear. Held direct from Earl Cadogan for an un expired term of 74 years, at the nominal ground rent of £30. The accommodation is in every way suitable for a large establishment, and the reception rooms are particularly fine. There is a spacious vestibule, staircase and gallery in oak to first floor, service lift to second floor, also a capital secondary staircase, two fitted bath rooms, etc. The premises generally are in excellent condition and replete witn modern conveniences. Use of private garden at side in addition to the ornamental square garden. To be Sold by Auction, at the Mart, On Thursday, May 18, at Two (unless an acceptable offer be previously made privately). With possession. Particulars of Messrs. Williams and James, solicitors, Norfolk House, Thames Embankment, W.C.; and, with orders to view, of Messrs. TROLLOPE, estate agents, surveyors and auctioneers, West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square; 7, Hobart-place, Eaton-square, S.W.; 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, W.; and 5, Victoria-street, Westminster. To Engineers and others. LUNDY ISLAND. NORTH DEVON. M״ house-yard, Bank, E.C., on Wednesday, April 12, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, the valuable LONG LEASE of the LUNDY GRANITE QUARRIES, together with the Rights of Working and other advantages. Possession on completion of purchase. Printed particulars may be had of the Solicitors, Messrs. Hogan and Hughes, 23, Martin’s-lane, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, at either of their Offices, 28, Queen-street, E.C., and 221, High-road, Streatham, S.W. !aitò aitò fjausis. PANADA.—ATTRACTIVE FARM, vines, \J fruit, stock, grain, dairy, near Toronto, Ontario; 177 acres in high state of cultivation.— Printed particulars from Alfred H. Cooke, 10, Old Jewry-chambers, E.C., solicitor; or G. M. Gardner, solicitor, Toronto, Canada. UOR feALE, a Bargain and a Good Invest-A- meat.—A Country Residence, including in all 2u rooms, with grounds well laid' out, including two lawns, shrubberies, flower beds, fruit trees, and a kitchen garden; ten glasshouses and three cottages; good stabling and coach-house; in all about four acres; situate in a very pleasant and healthy position, and in a good vicinity for the hunt; gas and water laid on everywhere.—Price £2,600.—Apply to T. H. Higgins, Rockcliffe, Wellingborough, Norths. rjEVELOPMENT of BUILDING ESTATES A׳־' —Owners of large or small estate* in any approved locality In England are invited to furnish particulars of their property to Messrs. G. A. and J. Hall, of Valkyrie, Colney Hatch-lane, Muswell-hill, N., whose speciality is the development of building estates, and who are prepared either to purchase outright or to arrange mutual terms for the successful development of the same. T AKE DISTRICT.— Coniston.—To Let, on lease, Unfurnished the Mansion House, Holly How, with the ornamental pleasure grounds, kitchen garden, and outbuildings.—For further particulars apply Mr. H. Mellon, Askam-in-Furness, Lancashire. I?OR SALE, a high-class residential HOTEL, A- prominently situate in the Marine-road, More-cambe; every known convenience; will be handsomely furnished and artistically decorated ; affords an excellent opportunity for investment; principals only or their solicitors.—Apply Henry Waters, 2a, Euston-road, Morecambe. Sales for the Year 1899.—Telephone No. 669 Bank.— Telegraphic Address, “ Akaber, London.” ־]X/TESSRS. BAKER and SONS beg to an-LYA. nounce that their Sales of LANDED ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban and Country Houses, Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Reversions, Shares and other Properties will be held at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on the following Fridays during the year 1899: — April 14. | June 9. ! August 25. April 21. June 16. Septemb r 8. April 28. | June23. | September 22. May 5. | June3u. | Uctober 6. May 12. | July 14. | Uctober 20. May 19. | July 21. | November 10. May 26. July 28. November 24. I December8. Auctions can be heid on days besides those above specified.—11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. ST. ALBANS, HERTS.—By order of the High Court of the Chancery Division.—Re Webster v. The Cox Thermo Electric Co. (Limited).—Excellent Freehold Factory Premises, with possession. "lyTESSRS. BAKER and SONS will Sell by J-YA Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, April 28, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the well-placed and substantially modern-built FACTORY PREMISES, known as the Cox Thermo Electric Co. (Limited), fronting on the main London road, and abutting on the Midland and Great Northern Railways, and near to the 'stations thereon. The premises comprise a detached brick building with large, well-lighted room, general and private offices, strong room, and large store room above. Brick-built and corrugated iron roofed factory, about 48ft. square, two drying rooms, and corrugated iron shed, about 36ft. by 20ft. on brick foundations, internally felted and match boarded. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Lawrance, Waldron and Webster, solicitors, 14, Old Jewry-chambers, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. By direction of Trustees.—CITY OF LONDON.— Excellent Leasehold Investment, close to Bank of England, Royal Exchange, and Mansion House. lyTESSRS. BAKER and SONS will Sell by LYX Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, April 28, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the commandingly situate SHOP and1 PREMISES, known •as No. 3, Queen Victoria-street, E.C., comprising shop, basement, and three floors above. Let on lease, at rentals amounting to £465 per annum, and held for a term of which 52 years are unex-pired, at a ground rent of £105 per annum, offering an excellent investment to trustees and others. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Lethbridge and Prior, solicitors, 25, Abing-don-street, Westminster, S.W.; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. By order of the Executors of S. T. Finch, deceased, and others. MANOR-PARK, STRATFORD and WALTHAMSTOW. "IV/TESSRS. SIM¡ and RANDALL (in conjunc- -1־YL tion with Mr. C. A. NTCOL) will Offer by Auction, on Thursday evening, April 13, 1899, at 7.30, at their Auction Mart, 280, Romford-road!, Forest-gate, the following PROPERTIES: — MANOR-PARK.—9, Berkeley-road. Freehold House, with advantage of vacant possession; bay window elevation; rental value 10s. 6d, weekly ;road made up; six rooms, wash-house, conservatory, detached greenhouse. WALTHAMSTOW.—Nos. 62 and 64, Hatherley-road, near Hoe-street Station. In Two Lots. Two Long Leasehold Villas, with attractive elevation and back addition; six rooms, bath, scullery, and usual offices. One let at 50s. per month, and the other in hand for purpose of sale. . Solicitors, Messrs. Lucas and Mitchell, 156, The Grove, Stratford. Auctioneer, Mr. C. A. Nicol, 19, High-street, East Ham. Auctioneers, Messrs. Sim and Randall, Forest-gate, and Ilford. STRATFORD.—No. 32, Vicarage-road. Freehold Villa, first-class position; let at 12s. 6d. weekly; s.x rooms, two sculleries, and large cellarage. STRATFORD.—No. 36, Vicarage-road. Long Leasehold Villa, let at 12s. weekly; unexpired lease 81 years; ground rent £5 10s. Solicitors, Messrs. Lucas and Mitchell, 156, The Grove, Stratford. WEST HAM-PARK.—Nos. 74, 76 , 78, 80, 82 and 84, Evesham-road. Compact Investment. Six attractive Weekly Houses, always let at 12s. per week each; separate leases having 80 years unexpired at ground rent of £5 each. WEST HAM-PARK.—Nos. 2, 4, 6. 8, 10 and 12, Morton-road. Six pleasant Houses, almost adjoining, and identical in every respect to Evesham-road property, let at 12s. with the exception of No. 10, which is 11s. Solicitors, Messrs. Wood, Son and Langton, Southend-on-Sea. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained post free of the Auctioneers, Sim and Randall, Forest-gate, Ilford, and Seven Kings, Essex. Year 1899. for the Messrs. Sale Days lAAREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, L BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. beg to announce that the undermentioned dates have been fixed for their AUCTIONS of FREEHOLD, Copyhold, and Leasehold ESTATES, Reversions, Shares, Life Interests, etc., at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.: — Thursday, April 27 Thursday, July 6 Thursday, Sept.21 Thursday, May 11 Thursday. July 13 Thursday. Oct. 12־ Thursday, May 25 Thursday, July 20 Thursday, Oct. 26 Thursday, June 8 Thursday, July 27 Thursday, cmov. 16 Thursday, June 22 1 hursday, Aug. 8 Thursday, Nov. 23 Thursday, June 29 Thursday, Aug. 10 Thursday, Dec. 7 Thuisday, Dec. 14 Other appointments for intermediate Sales will also be arranged. Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co. publish in the advertisement columns of “ The Times,” “ Standard ” and “ Morning Post ” every Saturday a list of tneir forthcoming Sales by Auction. They also issue on the first of every month a schedule of properties to be Let or Sold, comprising landed and residential estates, freehold and leasehold houses, City offices and warehouses, ground rents, and investments' generally, which will be forwarded free of charge on application.—No. 29, Fleet-street, Temple-bar, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. 1 | '0 BE LET, on lease, with immediate pos-session״ an important PROPERTY, No. 115, Lower Tliames-street, comprising warehouses, offices, and residence. The celebrated oldest and successfully conducted salt warehouse of London for between one and two hundred years, until just recently carried on (together with an important business in soda, oil, vinegar, and general drysaltery), under the | fjyle or firm of Weston and Westall, as agents for the ! Worcester Salt Works, Stoke Prior, late the property of John Corbett. Owner is prepared to make mutually satisfactory arrangement with lessees to place the premises in efficient state of repair.—Apply I to Furber, Price and Furber, 2, Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn, London, W.C. DE6ENHAM, 8T0RR AND SONS, LTD. PUBLIC SALES almost daily throughout the year in two spacious rooms, of diamonds, ornaments, rubies, pearls, expensive watches, old family plate, miniatures, medals, pictures, lace, sables, etc. Special attention given to the sale of jewellers’, pawn-biokers׳, and other businesses in all jarts of the country. Valuations of trade stocks for probate or division. Arbitrations. Auction sales of landed property. House agency and compensation cases. 6. KING STREET. COVENT GARDEN. LONDON. Sale No. 559—By order of the Executors. BRENTFORD and ALPERTON. THE POTTERIES. (Established 1850). Top of Pottery-road, BRENTFORD, MIDDLESEX "(X/TESSRS. WOOD, FURNESS and CO. have 1Y_L been instructed to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, April 20, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, the LONG LEASE of the above PREMISES, comprising 12-roomed DWELLING HOUSE, large POTTERY FACTORY, SIX KILNS, TWO WORKSHOPS, STABLING for six horses, and THREE COTTAGES, the latter estimated to produce £46 16s. per annum. The whole having an area of ONE ACRE, and being held1 for an unex-Pired term of 77 years at a rental of £80 PER ANNUM, and having an estimated rental value of £250 per annum, together with the Goodwill and Plant of that OLD-ESTABLISHED AND FLOURISHING POTTERY BUSINESS, now carried1 on as a going concern by Messrs. Greenrod and Son. Also SIX ACRES of FREEHOLD LAND, situate at Alperton, known as Crooked Croft, having an extensive frontage to Perivale-lane, being at present worked in connection with the Brentford Potteries, having an inexhaustible supply of good clay. The properties may be viewed previous to the sale (for which orders to view may be obtained of the Auctioneers), and particulars with plan may be obtained1 of Messrs. Oldinan, Clabburn and Co., solicitors, 2, Old Serjeant’s-inn, Chandery-Iane; at the place of sale; by post, and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 196, High-street, Brentford (corner of Market Place). Sale 559. CHISWICK. Close to the main road, tramway route and stations on the District Railway. Well-secured FREEHOLD GROUND RENT. "]X/TESSRS. WOOD, FURNESS and OO. have LYA been favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, April 20, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, a valuable FREEHOLD GROUND RENT of £30 PER ANNUM, amply secured upon two shops and two private houses, known as Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, SPRING-TERRACE, BELMONT-ROAD, CHISWICK; just off the High-road (in the rear of the Crown and Anchor public-house), and facing Turnham-green Church, having a reversion to the rack rents amounting to nearly £120 PER ANNUM. Particulars with conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Banister, Williams and Ram, solicitors, 13, John-street, Bedford-row, W.C.; by post, and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 196, High-street, Brentford (corner of Market Place). CITY OF LONDON. Close to Lombard-street, in the heart of the banking area. The valuable and highly attractive Freehold Building, No. 33, Nicholas-lane, excellently constructed from the designs of an eminent architect, and exceptionally well lighted. ־]X/TESSRS. ST. QUINTIN and SON are in-LYA structed to Offer to Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, April 17, 1899, at Two o’clock (unless an acceptable proposal be made by private treaty), the above FREEHOLD, with vacant possession of ground floor and basement, affording to foreign bankers, insurance companies, or discount brokers an unusual opportunity of acquiring freehold premises for occupation in this important and increasingly valuable position. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart, E.C.; of Messrs. Lee, Ockerby and Everington, solicitors, No. 114, Queen Victoria-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 50, Thread-needle-street, E.C. BRIGHTON.—The excellent Freehold Residence, distinguished) as Paston House, Paston-place, situated on the highest part of the East Cliff. The deceased owner during many years’ occupation expended a considerable amount not only in artistic embellishments, but in substantial additions and improvements conducive to the comfort of the residence, which contains wide entrance, and inner halls, drawing room, dining room, library, billiard room, ten bed and dressing rooms, fitted bath room, and unusually well-appointed domestic offices. lyTESSRS. ST. QUINTIN and SON will Sell ־*־T־L by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, April 17, 1899, at Two o’clock, the above FREEHOLD PROPERTY, with possession, by order of the Executors. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart, E.C.; of Messrs. Morten, Cutler and Co., solicitors, 99, Newgate-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 50, Threadneedle-street, E.C., from whom special orders to view may be had. Sales for the year 1899. _ Messrs. riODWIN, BASLEY and ELDRIDC y* beg to announce that their Periodical Sa by Auction, held for nearly 60 years, will take pli at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C. on 1 last Thursday in each month, viz.: — TvrPriU^ September 28 % October 26 June 29 November 30 July _7 December 28 August 31 Landed Estate*, Freehold and Leasehold Prop ties and Investments of every description, may included in these Sales at fixed and inclusive chare particulars of which may be had on applicatior Messrs. Godwin, Basley and Eldridge also und ^ Valuation and Sale by Auction of ev< description of Household Furniture and Effec Farming StocK. Trade Fittings, etc. Separate Re! ters of Furnished and Unfurnished Town Hous Country Residences and Landed Estates are pi lished on the first of each month. Established 1840. Auction and Estate Offices— 28, Martin’s-lane, Cannon-street, E.C, and at 28, Cadogan-place, Belgrave-square, S. Portman Chapel Baling Society, 109, CRAWFORD STREET, LONDON, W. Advances in any District. Terms of repayment per £100 including principal and interest. For five years £118s. 8d. Ten years £1 Is. 8d. Fifteen years 16s. Id. W. SUTHERLAND. Sec. THEYDON BOIS, ESSEX, in the midst of Epping Forest, and within five minutes of Station, 40 minutes from City.—Attractive double-fronted Residence, standing in ground of about two acres, known as Red Oaks, and containing, on two floors, three reception rooms, six bed) rooms, bath room, and convenient offices, with stabling and coach-house. Possession on completion. MESSRS. KEMSLEY are instructed to Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, April 24, 1899, at Two p.m. precisely. Particulars, etc., may be obtained of the Solicitors, Messrs. Baddeleys and Co., 60, Leadenhall-street, E.C.; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, Com Exchange, Romford, and Railway Station, Woodford-green. Estate of the late Philip Seabrook. ROMFORD, ESSEX, one mile from Romford Town.— About 28 acres of valuable Building or Accommodation Land, having 2,500ft. frontage to Crow-lane, and backing on to the railway, thus affording facilities for a siding. The land has a large prospective building value, and will be sold with the advantage of possession. MESSRS. KEMSLEY are instructed to Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday,, April 24, 1899, at Two p.m. precisely. Particulars, etc., of the Solicitors, Messrs. Baddeleys and Co., 60, Leadenhall-street, E.C.; and Messrs. C. and F. N. Smith, South-street, Romford; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, Corn Exchange, Romford, and Railway Station, Woodford-green. DAGENHAM, ESSEX, adjoining the Railway Station (L.T. and S. Railway), 2£ miles from Ilford and Romford, and 12 miles from London.—The very valuable Freehold Building Estate, well situate on the high road, having a frontage of about 1,300ft., and an area of 62a. 2r. 23p., and known as Home Farm, and let on a jrearly Michaelmas tenancy at £180 per annum. The land is of good elevation, with a subsoil of gravel and sand, and is admirably adapted for economical and profitable development, for which it is now ripe. MESSRS. KEMSLEY are instructed to Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, May 1, 1899, at Two p.m. Particulars, etc., of Messrs. Baddeleys and Co., solicitors, 60, Leadenhall-street, E.C.; at the Mart, E.C.; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, Corn Exchange, Romford, and Railway Station, Woodford-green. To Investors, Land Syndicates, and Speculators. RAINHAM, ESSEX, about half a mile from Rainham Station (L.T. and S. Railway), five miles from Barking and Romford, and 12 miles from London. —The valuable Freehold Estate, known as South Hall, situate on the main road to Grays and Southend, to which it has valuable building frontages of 3,600ft., comprising in all 167 acres of the best market garden and grass land in this district, in a high state of cultivation, with good hous'e, and ample buildings. The land has a large prospective value, part of it being now ripe for building, and it is believed that there is brick-earth under a portion. The railway intersects the land, giving facilities for a siding for a manufactory or other business premises. The whole is let until September 29, 1903, to a substantial tenant at £626 per annum, with a resumption clause should earlier possession of any of the land be required. "]X/TESSRS. KEMSLEY are instructed by the lv_L Trustees to Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, May 1, 1899, at Two p.m.., in Two Lots. Particulars, etc., may be obtained of Messrs. A. H. Hunt and Co., solicitors, Romford, Ilford, Grays, and 17, St. Swithin’s-lane, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, Corn Exchange, Romford, and Railway Station, Woodford-green. Re Miss M. A. Taylor, deceased. Small Country Estate. STAPLEFORD ABBOTT3, ESSEX, about five miles from the market towns of Romford and1 Epping. and from They don Bois Railway Station, on high ground, with splendid views* in a well-known sporting neighbourhood. Small Freehold Estate, known as Grove House, comprising good residence, with cottage and outbuildings׳, and 22 acres of grass land, let on a yearly tenancy at £50 per annum. MESSRS. KEMSLEY are instructed to Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, April 24, 1899, at Two p.m. Grove House may be viewed by order only of the Particulars, etc.,, of the Solicitors, Messrs. Martin and Watkins, 157. Fenchurch-street, E.C.; and at the Auctioneers’ Office?. Corn Exchange, Romford, and Railway Station, Woodford-green. Re Miss M. A. Taylor, deceased. HACKNEY, N.E.—The well-secured Improved Ground Rent of £38 16s. per annum, with valuable reversion for 30 years to the rack rentals of about £100 per annum, arising from 21 and 23, Clarence-road, and 2 and 4, Alpha-cottages adjoining. The property is held for 99 years from December 25, 1839, at the low ground rent of £6 4s. per annum, and is let on repairing lease for the next 9 years at £45 per annum. MESSRS. KEMSLEY are instructed to Sell the above bjr Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, April 24, 1899, at Two p.m. Particulars, etc., of the Solicitors, Messrs. Martin and Watkins, 157, Fenchurch-street, E.C. ; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, Corn Exchange, Romford, and Railway Station, Woodford-green. Sales by Auction for the Year 1899. TX/TESSRS. JONES, LANG and CO. beg to J_YJ_ state that their Sale* of ESTATES, Town and Country Residences, Freehold and Leasehold Investments, Building Land, and other Properties, will be held at the AUCTION MART, Tokenhouse-yard, City, in EACH MONTH of 1899. Particulars of properties intended for disposal should be sent at least three weeks previous to date of sale. Messrs. JONES, LANG and CO. also undertake sales of household furniture, farming stock, and general personal effects in town or country. Messrs. JONES. LANG and CO.’s printed Tabulated List of warehouses, offices, and general business premises to be Let or Sold, in the City of London and neighbourhood, can be had free on application. Auction, Survey and Estate Offices, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. Branch Offices, 95, Leadenhall-street, E.C., and Lonsdale-chambers, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. Tel. Add.—“ Wonderment. London.” GREEN & RICHARDSON, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS, COMPENSATION AND GENERAL VALUERS. 49, BEDFORD ROW, LONDON, W.C. Messrs Green and Richardson make a special branch ol the sale and development of Building Estates.