April 8, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE. 570 Sales fcg Auction. WHITS'TABLE-ON-SEA.—The Clapiiam Hill Estate, near the railway station, on high ground, about 2C0ft. above sea level, and overlooking the bay. TVI־ ESSES. PEOTHEEOE and ¡MORRIS will 1-l-L Sell by Auction, in a Marquee on the Estate, on Monday, April 10. at Two, 150 PLOTS of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, ripe for immediate development, including 10 valuable shop lots; no tithe or land tax; no charge for roads; immediate possession; payment by nine quarterly instalments; small deposit. Plans, particulars, and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Mills, Curry and Haskell, solicitors, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C.; and, with tickets for special train, 2s. 6d. each, of the Auctioneers, 67 and 68, Cheapside, London, E.C. To be Sold, with immediate possession, pursuant to an Order of the High Cottrt of Justice, Chancery Division, made in an action in the Matter of the Estate of Maria Scott, deceased, Simpson and Others v. Scott, 1898 S., No. 2,489, with the approbation of Mr, Justice Kelcewich, all that attractive Freehold Residence known as Graylands Grove-park, Chiswick, in the county of Middlesex, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard¡, E.C., on Friday, April 21 1899, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, by appointed by the said Judge. Particulars whereof may be had gratis of Messrs Storey, Oowland and Hill, solicitors■, of 56, Ludgate-hill, E.C.; of Messrs. Crossman, Prichard and Co solicitors, of 16, Theobald'a-road, W.C.; and’ of Messrs. Ball, Norris and Hadley, auctioneers and surveyors, of 5, Argyll-place, Regent-street. W. Dated March 15, 1899. ______________RICHARD JOHN VILLIERS. Master. A/TESSES. BALL, NORRIS and HADLEY J-l- will Offer for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, April 21, 1899. at Two o’clock, the following desirable PROPERTIES: — OLD KENT-ROAD, S.E. (off).—Nos. 5 and 6, Albany-road, capital Shops and׳ Houses. Annual rentals £35 each. Term about 60 years. Ground rent £8 10s. each. PECKHAM RYE, S.E.—No. 7, Hillsboro’. Rye-hill-park: attractive Villa. Annual rental £32.‘ Term about 80 years. Ground rent £7.—Solicitors, Messrs Courtenay, Croome, Son and Finch, 9, Gracechurch-street, E.C. VAUXHALL, S.W.—Nos. 61, 53 and 63. Nine Elms-lane. Three convenient Dwelling Houses. Quarterly tenancies amounting to £88 per annum. Term about. 50 years. Ground rent £5 each.—Solicitors, Messrs. Coe, Robinson and Dennes, 14. Hart-street, W.C. Full particulars, conditions, and! orders to view may be had1 of the Solicitors; or the Auctioneers. 5, Argyll-place, Regent-street, W. Messrs. Ball, Norris and Hadley beg to announce that their next Property Sale will be held at the Mart, E.C., about the second! week in June. Sales ti) äuctton. FREEHOLD GROUND RENT, £105 per annum, exceptionally well secured on high-class fully-licensed premises, with reversion in 39 years to rack rent value of £1,000 a year. ־MESSRS. BEST and SONS have been IXl. favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, April 18, 1899, at 12 30 sharp, a high-class FREEHOLD GROUND RENT of £105 per annum, secured upon the valuable fully-licensed premises the Northern Star, with shop adjoining, 130, High-road, New Southgate. Particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Segar, Bastard and1 Go., solicitors, 56, Cannon-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 70, James-street, Bucking-ham-gate, Westminster. T A. and W. THARP respectfully announce V ״ that they have arranged to hold Sales by Auction. at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., in every Month of the year, in which may be included FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, and also STOCKS. SHARES and DEBENTURES. Vendors are invited to send particulars at least 21 days prior to the date of sale. Inclusive terms on receiving instructions. Auction and Estate Offices, 9, Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate-street. E. Telephone No. 170 Avenue. The Periodical Sales of Estates, Reversions, Shares and House Property generally (held for 64 years) P'r the vear 1899. hv ־MESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE are H-L appointed to take place at the Auction Mart, E.C., on the following Thursdays: — April 13.27 I September 14, 28 May 4,11.18. 25 October 12 26 Junel, 8.15. 22. 29 1 November 2 23 July 6,13. 20 27 I December 7,14 August 3 Special attention given to Rent Collecting and the entire management of House Property. Valuations for Compensations. Mortgages, and for Probate Purposes. Surveys for Dilapidations and Plans. Agents (appointed 1836) to the London Assurance Corporation. To Brewers, Licensed Victuallers, and others. ml OXFORD. The exceedingly valuable FULLY-LICENSED FREE-HOLD CORNER PROPERTY, together with the Goodwill and Possession of the very successful establishment, prominently situate andi having a return frontage of 120ft, known as The New Inn Cowley-road, Oxford, will be Sold by Auction, by "MESSRS. HAMLET and DULAKE, at the • a^^olden Cross Hoie1' Oxford, on Saturday, April 8, 1899, at Three for Four o’clock in the afternoon i Detailed׳ printed particulars with plan and con• dlitions of sale may be obtained! of E. T. Hatt, Esq solicitor, 138, High-street, Oxford!; or of the Auc-tioneers, at their Office, 19, Broad-street, Oxford. By order of the Executors of Charles Mears, Esq., deceased. | ־M ESSRS. NOTLEY and CO. will Sell, at J-Ii tile Mart, on Monday, April 17, at Two• — | m FBEBHOLDS. | WHITEOHAPEL-R.OAD.—Nos. 339 and 341. Large rSS?ess ri;mIses■ Having a ground1 area oi nearly 5,000ft. super. Let at low rents, amounting to ¿155 1 per annum, andl presenting a valuable building site ior future development. BETHNAL-GREEN.—No. 192, Cambridge-road. Let yearly at £32. rwP1־^ I 1■־H DS.—No. 18, Fournier-street. Let until 1908 at £60. i „ LEASEHOLDS. I UPPER HOLLOWAY.—No. 33, Dalmeny-avenue, I Camden-road׳. A detached Residence and large garden, In hand. Held for 21 years, at £4 12s. 6d. ground rent. MILE END.—Nos. 28 and 30, Cephas-street. Held for 31 years, at £6 10s., and let at £60. Particulars of Messrs. Duffieid and Bruty, solid■ tors, 40, New Broad-street; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 80, Comhill, E.C. HANWORTH and PETERSFIELD. *ba'le of Freehold Land, suitable for fruit-growing and building purposes. rTTHURGOOD and MARTIN have received instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, April °’clock Precisely, in suitable Lots: — HAIN WORTH.—64 acres of fertile Land, valuable for fruit-growing, market gardening, and future building purposes, with greenhouses, cottage, stabling, etc., about 1£ miles between Feltham and Sun-bury Railway Stations.—Solicitors, Messrs. Dowson Anslie and Martineau, 19. Surrey-street. PETERSFIELD—About Six acres of Building Land near the Railway Station, on high ground, valuable tor immediate division into sites for houses of a good class.^Solicitors, Messrs. Field, Roscoe and Co.. 36, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. The properties may be viewed. Particulars and conditions of sale, with plan, may be obtained of the respective Solicitors; at the place of sale; and of the Auctioneers, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. To Hotel Keepers, Brewers and others. THE WHITE HART, BUCKINGHAM, One of the best Houses in the Midlands. In consequence of the lamented death of Mr. Wm. J. Gough, the late proprietor and occupier, this exceptionally well situate HOTEL, is _ It is a FREEHOLD PROPERTY. The house is replete with every convenience that modern requirements can suggest, and the Yard and Outbuildings ail that a large posting trade demand, while the highly cultivated garden has assisted in maintaining the superior menu, for which the hotel is noted. The sale will include the Goodwill of the Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Trades, the large Posting and Commercial Business, the almost exclusive catering connection in the district, and the sole Railway Omnibus Agency; forming altogether a unique and most profitable trade monopoly, ready to be handed over to the purchaser. Further particulars of Messrs. H. and E. H. Small, solicitors; or of Harrison and Sons, auctioneers, Buckingham. f arittmliijjs. For PREPAID announcements the minimum charge is 3s. for 50 words: three insertions for 7s. 6d. A GENTLEMAN, graduate of Cambridge -״-A. University, with sound practical experience, having been articled with a well-known firm of auctioneers, surveyors, and valuers, and having capital at his command, is desirous of entering a well-established business with a view to partnership; highest references given and required.—״־ Cantab ” (677), ESTATES GAZETTE office. 6 St. Bride-street, E.C. npo AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS a^d J- ESTATE AGENTS.—A gentleman, with considerable ■experience, is desirous of obtaining a PARTNERSHIP with a good firm; is an able salesman and well up in valuing; highest references given and required.—Address “ B.” (703), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. 13ARTNERSHIP.—An old-established firm of L country auctioneers, valuers and land ■agents desire an experienced and well-qualified gentleman, a member of the Surveyors’ Institution or Auctioneers’ Institute, as WORKING PARTNER.— Address letters to “ B. B.,” c/o Messrs. R. F. White and Son. general advertising agents, 33. Fleet-stree:. E.C. A UCTIONEER and HOTEL VALUER,”who La has recently added ©state agency, is OPEN to AMALGAMATE with established estat© agent, to develop latter branch and take rostrum work; must be energetic, of good address!, and not over 30; fullest investigation given and required ; or would take partner with connection.—Particulars in strict confidence, “ Amalgamation,׳’ c/o King and Co., 62, St. Martins-lane, W.C. ^rfirhö Щ tqnls. AUCTIONEERS PUPIL.—A well-lmown La. firm of land agents and auctioneers, established over half a century, have a Vacancy for a PUPIL.— Apply “ C. C.” (702), ESTATES GAZETTE office. 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ARTICLED AUCTIONEER’S and ESTATE La. AGENT’S PUPIL wanted; premium required. —Apply personally on Saturday from ten to six o’clock to Mr. Robert Emery, auctioneer, 80, Stoke Newington-road, London, N. ÇrüfrssimtaL MESSRS. 0. C. and T. MOORE. Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents. Seven, Leadenhall-street, Cornhill, E.C., and 144. Mile End-road. E. Telegrams: "Established. London.” Telenbone No. 335 Avenue. MONTHLY PROPERTY AUCTIONS. ־MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD 1Y-L beg to announce that their MONTHLY PROPERTY AUCTIONS are held at the Mart. Token-house-vard. E.C.. on the THIRD WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH throughout the vear. The appointments fixed for 1899 are as follows: — Anril 19 I Julv 19 I October 18 May 17 August 16 November 15 June 21 I September 20 I December 20 Vendors, solicitors and trustees having properties for sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the Auctioneers, at their Offices. 6. Poultry. London. E.C. Telephone No. 999 Ba^k. Periodical Sales.—Established 1843 ־MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD HI .׳successors to Marsh, Milner and Co.) conduct PERIODICAL SALES of REVERSIONS (absolute and contingent). Life Interests and Annuities. Life Policies. Shares and Debentures. Mortgage Debts and Bonds, and Kindred Interests. on the FIRST and THIRD THURSDAYS in each month throughout the year, at the Mart, Token-house-yard. E.C. The following are the appointments fixed for 1899: October 5 October 19’| November 2 November 16 December 7 December 21 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 17 September 7 September 21 April 20 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 15 Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Properties, for Investment. MR. G. HERBERT-BURNS will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, April 14 1899, at One o’clock precisely, the following PRO-PERTIES: — TWICKENHAM.—Four well-built detached Freehold Residences, known as Whitelands, Rosedale, Beechland, and Glenbrook, St. George’s-road, Twickenham, all well let, and producing a total rental of £225 per annum. In Four Lots—Solicitor, W. Sanders Fiske. Esq., Hastings House, 10, Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C. HTGHGATE.—Capital Long Leasehold Residence, No. 45, Woodsome-road, Dartmouth-park, let at £40 per annum. Held for 63 years unexpired׳. Ground rent £7.—Solicitor, Sam Patey, Esq., 42, Finsbury -square, E.C. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained׳ at the Mart; from the respective Solicitors; or from the Auctioneer, 1, Great James-street, Bedford-row, W.C. JitisaUaitunts For announcements under this head, the charge is 6d. per line; minimum charge, 3s, ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR and CIVIL Vx ENGINEER, Assoc. M. Inst. O.E., Graduate of Sanitary Institute, etc., .Specialist- in matters of Sanitation, and holding important appointment, desires to correspond with estate agents with a view to arrangements of mutual advantage —“ G P M ” (698), ESTATES Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. fBnshttsm For PREPAID announcements the minimum charge is 3s. for 50 words: three insertions for 7s. 6d. PURVEYORS' INSTITUTION EX AMIN A- L- TIONS.—BIRMINGHAM and MIDLANDS.—Messrs. Donne and Raffety, F.S.I., undertake the preparation of candidates for the Land Agency sub-division of these examinations. Practical work may be seen, on estates.—Particulars and terms on application, 71, Temple-row, Birmingham. PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION. — Mr. ^3 Graham Mould’s Classes for next year’s examinations will recommence Tuesday, May 2 (P.A.S.I.), and Thursday, May 4 (F.S.I.). Entries may be made and advance papers studied now. At the last three Fellowship examinations all Mr. Mould’s pupils were successful. Also P.A.S.I. (1897) Penfold Silver Medal and Driver Prize.—Syllabus upon application to Mr. Graham Mould, F.S.I., 25, Great James-street, Bedford-row. Telephone 228 Holborn. Lecture room. 3. John-street, Bedford-row. PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINA- O TIONS.—Complete courses of preparation in class or by correspondence in all divisions and subdivisions. The twelve months’ course will commence on April 18. At the last four examinations the folffiwing prizes were obtained by Mr. Parry’s pupils:—1895 and1 1896, Institution Prize, Driver Prize and Penfold Silver Medal; 1897, Institution Prize and Special Prize; 1898, Institution Prize, Special Prize, Driver Prize and Penfold Silver Medal, and׳ Crawter Prize (one of the two bracketed winners of the last). At the Examination of last March, more than half of the successful list were Mr. Parry’s pupils.— Apply to Mr. Richard Parry, F.S.I., A.M.I.C.E., etc., 27, Great George-street, Westminster (immediately opposite the Surve3'ors’ Institution). Telephone No.: 680 Westminster._____________ PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINA- kJ TIONS. — Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I. by examination, assisted in the law subjects by Mr. Sidney Wright. M.A.. Barrister-at-Law. Author of the “ Law of Landed Estates,” the “ Law of Fixtures,” Editor of the “ Law and Practice of Dilapidations,” etc., prepare candidates for the above examinations in all divisions and sub-divisions. Complete course in class or by correspondence. Personal instruction. Driver prize and Penfold silver medal.—Syllabus on application to Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, 100, Jermyn-street, St. James’s, S.W.— Auctioneers’ Institute Examinations.—Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I., and Mr. Sidney Wright. M.A.. Barrister-at-Law. also prepare candidates for the examinations of this Institute. (Address as above). P ANITARY INSPECTORS. —EXAMINA L) TIONS for qualification under the SANITARY INSTITUTE. A qualified Surveyor, and holder of certificates of competency in sanitary knowledge and building construction, is prepared to coach Ladies and Gentlemen for these Exams, by correspondence. Fees entirely conditional on the pupil’s success, payable after passing, bar a nominal guarantee of good fRith.—Geo. B. Dafforn, P.A.S.I., 25, High-street, Wimbledon. fitnatinns. [The charge for inserting PREPAID wanted advertisements under this head is 2s. 6d. for not more than 50 words for one insertion, or 6s. for three NET. The minimum charge for situations vacant is 3s. They must be sent direct to the office, and not transmitted through agents, or they will be charged at the usual rate, viz., 6d. per line. Remittances in payment for announcements at this rate are not acknowledged unless a stamped envelope is sent, and if a copy of the paper is required, 3Jd. in addition must be forwarded.] VACANT. VOUTH Wanted, age 15 or 16, must be well- -L educated׳ and good writer; if with slight office experience preferred—Apply to Mr. H. J. Bromley, auctioneer and estate agent, 8, Knight’s-hill-road. West Norwood, S.E. A UCTION BER, HOUSE and ESTATE -ti AGENT requires immediately a MANAGER, who, in addition to being able to undertake without supervision the routine work of a seaside resort and country business, must have a thoroughly practical knowledge of surveying, laying out building land, building and other p.ans and sanitary work; ultimate partnership probable.—State age, height, salary and qualifications, to “ H. J.” (704), !¿TATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. MANAGER.—Wanted, immediately, a GENTLEMAN thoroughly acquainted with the general routine of a. house and estate agent’s office; must be good1 negotiator, canvasser, and well up in all departments, and be capable of taking charge of a Branch suburban office; permanent situation to an energetic man.—Address Edward T. Parker and Son, auctioneers, Bristol. WANTED T OCUM TE^NHNS.—Licensed auctioneer acts -LA at short notice in cases of illness or pressure, employer to supply staff; terms, 25 per cent, of commission (minimum one guinea per diem while absent), and third class rail; bank reference, or would deposit security; no cards—Taylor, Staplehurst, Kent. Telegrams by Unicode. *VOUNG MAN wishes for experience with good -L firm of auctioneers and cattle salesmen; served his articles under F.S.I.; had nearly year’s experience with leading stock auctioneers in East Kent; the highest references given as to character and ability; salary no object; age 21.—“ A. J.,” 93 High-street, Ashford, Kent. A UCTIONEER, SURVEYOR and VALUER -fi- seeks engagement as MANAGER; advertiser, who has had 14 years’ experience, has held auc-tioneer s license for four years and conducted sales ot ail descriptions; is capable of taking the entire charge of a branch office; highest references given - Rostrum” (690), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St Bride-street, E.C. T) E-ENGAGEMENT Wanted with good firm rofa^ii״aU0ti0neer! • over fiTe years’ experience and 4 references; competent to take complete charge of books, manage sales (agricultural and furniture) routine.—R. Young! VOUNG GENTLEMAN, having had two 7־ yef.rs’ experience with a well-known Oitv firm teer*S a,ndi surveyors. seeks position as CaSh^urAPBly tD A’ W■ G 21 Flodden-road. TO AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS -L —Gentleman’s son (aged 23), with five years’ experience, including articles to one of the leading City firms, desires situation as IMPROVER; in a good office, where further practical experience could be obtained, salary would be a secondary con-sideratiou; well up in the routine of the business able to prepare auction particulars, knowledge of accounts, etc.; excellent references, and1 endorsed articles.—Apply a. T. M.” (699), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. Ay ANTED to PURCHASE, in south-east of • ׳ England, auctioneer's and estate agent's BUSI-Is ESS; no partnership; ■accountant’s investigation; £10 will be paid for information (if acted on) of good opening; silence a negative.—“Q” (693) Estates Gazette office. 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ' Offices, 6, Poultry, London, E.O. Telephone No 999 Bank. WANTED to Purchase, Agricultural Aue-' ■ . tioneer’s BUSINESS or PARTNERSHIP• or premium given for introduction (if acted upon) to suitable opening; small business or branch entertained if scope for improvement.—״ Confidence” (707) Estates Gazette office, 6. St. Bride-street, E.C. TO AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS and -L VALUERS.—Two gentlemen, F.S.I., thoroughly experienced, desire to purchase established busi-ness m town or country; must show about £500 net profit, or less if scope for enlarging; replies treated in strictest confidence. — “ Duplex ” (669) . Estates Gazette office 6 «+ t? n * UCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE EXAMINA- TIONS.—Preparation for the A.A.I. Exam of March, 1900. bv Mr. J. H. W. Wheeler, F.S.I., F.A.I., Assoc. Sanit. Inst. The second annual course commences end of May next, and may be taken by correspondence or personally. —For particulars address. 189. Fulham-road, South Kensington, S.W ASPATR1A AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE (Via Carlisle). VOTTNDEU 1874. SITUATED IN ONE OF THE FINEST STOCK-RAISING DISTRICTS OF THE COUNTRY. Approved by the Council of the Surveyors’ Institution as affording professional instruction, Special preparation for Preliminary and Professional Assooiatesbip Examinations (Land Agency Section). Six Farms, Dairy and Workshops. For Prospectus and lists of suooesses apply to the Principal, J. Smith Hill, B.A., B.So., Prizeman of the Royal Agricultural Society, Associate of the Surveyors’ Institution. TO AUCTIONEERS.—Advertiser, who has