Estates Gazette, Api! it, 8, 1899. Largest Circulation of any Paper dealing with the Landed Interest. Price 3d־ With which is incorporated the ESTATES JOURNAL, and the AUCTIONEER. Registebed as a Newspaper.] PRICE 3d. LONDON, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1899. YOL. LIII. No. 1,765.—EST. 1858. Salts bi) Hurtum. CLAPHAM COMMON (North Side;. Two commodioug Semi-detached Leasehold Residences, 13 and 15, Macaulay-road (just off), Clapham Common. No. 13 let at a low rental, but worth £70; lease 73 years; ground rent £10. No. 15, in the occupation of the vendor; rental value £80. Lease 73 years; ground rent £11. MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. will -Ltl- Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, on Wednesday, April 12, at Two. Particulars of A. W. Bartlett, Esq., solicitor, 18, New Bridge-street, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 51, Coleman-street, E.C. STAFFORDSHIRE. In the township of WALL, and in the parish of ST. MICHAEL’S. LICHFIELD. To be! Sold by Auction, by MESSRS. WINTERTON and SONS, at the lvA Swan Hotel, Lichfield, on Friday, April 14 next, at Four for Five o’clock in the evening precisely, subject to conditions of sale which will incorporate the common form conditions of the Birmingham Law Society, the FREEHOLD RESIDENCE and HUNTING BOX, known as Fosseway House, with pleasure grounds and paddocks, containing together about 5a. lr. 17p., situate about l| miles from the City of Lichfield, and the same distance from Ham-lr.erwich Station. The house contains large entrance hall, three reception rooms, five principal bed rooms and dressing room, bath room, servants’ and domestic accommodation, and cellars, kitchen garden, tennis lawn, and ornamental grounds; stabling for seven horses, with groom’s cottage and garden adjoining. This house is pleasantly situated at a high elevation. It is in the centre of the South Stafford Hunt, and within easy reach of the Athersto'ne and Meynell Hounds. The property is now in the occupation of Miss Buckle. For further particulars and card to view, apply to Messrs. Salt and Sons, solicitors, Shrewsbury; o"r to the Auctioneers, Lichfield, Burton-on-Trent, and Sutton Coldfield. The picturesquely modern-built detached FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as Allesley, Knoll-road, Dorking, occupying a delightful and healthy situation in this favourite residential neighbourhood, within ten minutes' walk of town and church, and 15 from railway station. It is let on lease at £70 per annum. May be viewed by permission of the tenant. 15 FULLY-PAID SHARES of £25 in the Dorking Gas Company. 20 ORDINARY £10 SHARES in the Dorking Water Company. 22 FULLY-PAID £5 SHARES in the Redhili Gas Company. Will be Sold by Auction, by ״_____________ Esq., at the Oddfellows’ Hall, High-street, Dorking, on Thursday, April 13, 1899, at Four o'clock in the afternoon precisely. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. H. J. and T. Child, 2, Paul’s Bakehouse-court, Godliman-street, London, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 12, High-street, Dorking. HOGHTON ARMS HOTEL, SOUTHPORT, LANCASHIRE. Important to Brewers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Syndicates, and others. To be Sold by Auction, by on Tuesday, April 18, 1899, at Half-past Seven o'clock in the evening prompt, subject to the public sale conditions of the Incorporated Law Society of Liverpool and special conditions of sale incorporated therewith, all that central, well-accustomed, and valuable LEASEHOLD FULLY-LICENSED HOTEL, known as the Hoghton Arms Hotel, situate at the junction of four principal streets, corner of Hoghton-street and London-street, Southport, together with the Stables, Workshops, Yard, and other premises held and occupied therewith. The site, including the buildings, by recent measurement contains 1,288 square yards or thereabouts. The tenure is Leasehold for 99 years from March 16, 1834, subject to an apportioned nominal ground rent of 16s. 3d. (part of a yearly ground rent of £4 10s. reserved by the lease), and to the lessee’s covenants and conditions contained in the lease, dated March 17, 1834. The premises are situate in the centre of South-port, with a frontage to Hoghton-street of Sift, and to London-street of 64ft. 7in.; near to the L. and Y. Railway Station and Central (West Lancashire) Passenger Station, Derby-road, and in close proximity to the London-street Excursion Platform and within ten minutes of the Cheshire Lines Extension Railway Station, Lord-street (Midland). Markets, Opera House, Town Hall, Promenade, and Trams. The purchaser can have possession on completion of purchase. Further particulars and plans, with full particulars and conditions of sale, may be had on application, or by post, through the Auctioneer, 173. Lord-street, Southport; Messrs. Peace and Ellis, solicitors, King-street, Wigan; or Welsby and Smallshaw, solicitors, 163, Lord-street, Southport. .gates tr Eurtion. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS, 51. COLEMAN-STREET, BANK, E.C., Branch Offices i 213 CLAPHAM-ROAD, S.W. Branch unices j CRANBHOOK-ROAD, ILFORD, E. Telephone Nos.: City 45 Bank; Ilford, 28 Barking, A private wire connects the offices Telegraphic address—“ Douglas Young, London.” ׳MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO.’S 1־VTL AUCTION ARRANGEMENTS for 1899. PROPERTY SALES will be held at the Mart, E.C., on tne following dates throughout the ensuing jear. July 26 October 25 August 16 November 8 August 23 November 22 September 13 December 6 September 27 December 13 April 26 May 10 May 24 June 7 June 14 ____ Julv 12 I OctoberYij Auction Offices: 51, Coleman-street, Bank EC • °13 Clapham-road, S.W.; and Ilford, E. ’’ ’ rr tv ♦•n rO\AL OAK (at a low reserve), lo Distillers, Wine Merchants, Licensed Victuallers, and others. MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. will :1 ׳- Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.O., on Wednes-1S99, atT"°׳ valuable corner LICENSED PREMISES, known as No. 37, Aiexander-street, West-bourne-gardens, let upon lease for the full term at £150. Lease 50 years. Ground rent £10 per annum. Particular of Messrs. Pettiver and Pearkes, selici-‘?rs, 21, College-hill, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 31, Coleman-street, E.C., Clapham, and Ilford gabs t!) auction. _ .. ,. , ILFORD, E. (Park Estate), lo Medical Men and others seeking a corner Residence with possession. MESSES. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. will L'J- Sell at the Mart, on Wednesday, April 12, at Two, a FREEHOLD corner RESIDENCE, kcown a* Swmglands, Batfour-road, Ilford, containing four bed rooms, bath room (h. and c.), drawing and dining rooms, kitchen, and offices. Rental value £40 Particuiars of Messrs. West, King, Adams and Co., 66, Cannon-street, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 51 Coleman-street, E.Q., Clapham, and Ilford. ILFORD, E. (Grange Estate). An attractive double-fronted Leasehold Residence, known as No. 10, Northbrook-road, Ilford, containing four bed rooms, bath room (h. and c ) drawing and dining rooms, kitchen, and offices.’ Rental value £40. Lease 993| years. Ground rent £7 8s. per annum. IX/T ESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. will L; , SeU the above by Auction, at the Mart, on Wednesday, April 12, at Two. Particulars of Solicitors, Messrs. Pettiver and I earkes, 21, College-hill, E.C. ; or of the Auctioneers, 51, Coleman-street, E.C., Clapham, and Ilford. Sale at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday May 10, 1899. CLAPHAM COMMON (South Side).—An attractive Semi-detached Leasehold Villa, known as No 57 Elms-road, containing six bed rooms, bath rcom (h and c.), drawing and dining rooms, kitchen, and offices. Let at £50. Lease 89 years. Ground rent £10. Solicitors, Messrs. Woodbridge and Sons, 3, Serjeant s-inn, W.C. CLAPHAM COMMON (West Side).-An Improved Leasehold Rental, amounting to £80 per annum secured upon four commanding shops, Nos. 25, 2б! 26a, and 26b, The Pavement, Clapham Common’, ali , let, producing £315 per annum. Held for 20 years unexpired at £235 per annum. Solicitors, Messrs. Everett and Hodgkins, 124, Chancery-lane, W.C. STEPNE1. A capital Leasehold Ноше, known as No. 9, Bromley-street, Commercial-road, E., containing three bed rooms, bath, two parlours, kit- ! chen, and offices. Let at £36. Lease 19h years unexpired, at ground rent £3. “ i Solicitors, Messrs. Brooks, Fairfax and Hellier. 8 Old Jewry, E.C. * I CROYDON.—13 attractive Long Leasehold Villa Resi- ! dences, known as Nos. 53, 55, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83 and 85, Canterbury-road!, Lon don-road’, ' \\ est Croydon, situated seven minutes from railway station, and! close to tram and ’bus services. Each contains three bed rooms, bath room (h. and c.), two reception rooms, kitchen, and off.ces. Rental values 13s. a week each, or together producing £439 8s. per annum. Lease 98 years. Ground rent £5 each. UPPER NORWOOD.—A commodious double-fronted Leasehold Familv Residence, known as Shadidghur 8, Mowbray-road, Auckland-road, Upper Norwood! It occupies a fine site, and contains nine bed rooms, bath room, three reception rooms, kitchen, and offices. Sold with the advantage of vacant possession, but of the rental value of at least £110 per annum. Lease 84 years. Ground rent £20. Solicitors. Messrs. Martin and Nicholson, 29, Queen-street К Q MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. will ¿1 , 3е1] the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday., May 10, 1899, at Two o’clock. Particulars andi conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart, E.C.; of the respective Solicitors: or ot the Auctioneers, 51, Coleman-street, E.C., Clan-ham. and Tlfnrrl WIMBLEDON.—South-park-road and Stanley-road. IV/r ESSRS. DRIVER and CO. will Sell by i־»J- Auction, by order of Mortgagees, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury, on Monday, April 24, at Two o'clock precisely, in Lots, unless previously disposed of by private contract, SEVEN Long LEASEHOLD VILLAS, situate near the Merton-road, and about ten minutes' walk from Wimbledon Station on the L. and S.W. Railway. They comprise a semi-detached House, and a Pair of semi-detached Houses, being 17, 11, and 9, Stanley-road, and Two Pairs of semi-detached Houses, being 24 to 30 (even numbers), South Park-road. Each house contains ground and׳ two floors over, front and back gardens. Let at very moderate rents, together producing £237 10s. a year, and׳ held for the residue of a term of which 84 years were unexpired at Lady Day, 1899, at total ground rents of £75 a year. Particulars, when ready, of Messrs. Rooke and Macdonald, solicitors, 37. Gay-street, Bath; and of Messrs. Driver and Co., 23, Pall Mall, S.W. GLASCOED COMMON. miles from PONTYPOOL, with Detachedi WOODS and LANDS. "MESSRS. DRIVER and CO. are honoured I’i with instructions to Sell the following FREEHOLD PROPERTIES by Auction, at the Town Hall, Usk, on Friday, May 12, 1899, at 11.30 o’clock precisely, in 50 Lots, comprising Maesmawr and Upper House Farms, accommodation holdings of rich grass lands, together with numerous small holdings, with comfortable dwellings, farm buildings, and land attached, varying from one to 30 acres, well served with roads, and conveniently lotted for market gardening and- small culture, and situate on Glascoed Common, in the parishes of Usk and Llanbadock; also accommodation or building land, known as New Jerusalem, on thé road from Panteg to Little Mill, and several detached¡ woods and lands, the whole about 628 acres. Printed particulars and plans may be obtained of Messrs. Williams and! James, vendor’s solicitors, Norfolk House, Thames Embankment, London, W.C. ; of Jame9 Gray. Esq., solicitor (Messrs. Pemberton, Cope and Gray), 5, New-court, Lincoln’s-inn, London, W.C.; of S. H. Cowper Coles, Esq., estate office, Troy, Monmouth; and of Messrs. Driver and Co., surveyors, land agents and auctioneers, No. ?3, Pall Mall, London, S.W. By order of the Mortgagee—ASHTEAD, SURREY.— Eligible Freehold Investments. MESSRS. PRICKETT and VENABLES will -I•;-!־ Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City, on Monday, May 1, 1899, at Two precisely, in Nine Lots, THREE FREEHOLD RESIDENCES, known as The Laurels, Aviemore, and Holmwood, very pleasantly situate in Barnett Wood-lane, Ashtead, Surrey, within about half a mile of Ashtead Station on the Epsom and Leatherhead line, let at rentals amounting in the aggregate to £135 per annum; together with 22 acres of BUILDING LAND (in Blocks), adjacent thereto, and! ripe for immediate development. Particulars with plan and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart; of G. K. Wright, Esq., solicitor, 60. Lincoln’s-inn-fields; and of Messrs. Prickett and Venables, auctioneers and surveyor־, 7, Bedford-row, W.C. By order of the Mortgagee.—Important to Brick-makers Contractors. Builders, Land Comnanies, and others.—ASHTEAD. SURREY. MESSRS. PRICKETT and VENABLES will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. on Monday, May 1. 1899, in One Lot, the very valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, known as the Ashtead Brick Works, comprising about lOf acres of fine brick-earth, together with the newly-erected Buildings, including a 14-chamber Hoffmann kiln, drying shed, engine and machine house, etc., also the 55 h.p. horizontal steam engine by Waddington and Sons, 130 h.p. boiler, brickmaking machine, brick press, pulsometer, ete., all fitted and ready to be restarted as a going concern. The works are bounded on one side by the joint line of the L.B. and S.C. Railway and the L. and S.W. Railway (Epsom and Leatherhead line). Within about half mile of Ashtead׳ Station; li from Leatherhead, and three from Epsom. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale at the Mart; of Messrs. Hill and Maxwell, solicitors, Granville House, Arundel-street, Strand; and of the Auctioneers, 7, Bedford-row, W.C. By order of Executor of Mr. T. Wootton, deceased. PEXGE and SYDENHAM. ME. WALTER MORTLOCK will Sell by Auction, at Childwick Hall, Beckenham-road, Penge, S.E.. on Wednesday, April 26. 1899, at Six for Seven precisely, the following FREEHOLD and LONG LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, in Seven Lots: — Property. Term Gr’nd un'xpir’d. Rent. Rent. 83 yeais I £10 £60 83 „ 1 15 90 83 20 120 Freehrld — 32 Freehold — 36 Nos! 3o, 37’, 39, No?. 41. 43, 45, 47. Particulars of Messrs. Wood and Wootton, solicitors, 13, Fish-street-hill. Gracechurch-street, E.C ; and of t.hfi Aiiotinnwu’ йгЯопЪот а г j£ales br> auction. Fairmile-park and Portions of Eaton-park, near COBHAM, SURREY. Freehold Properties, comprising about 50 acres. With early possession. MESSRS. DRIVER and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury, on Monday, April 24, at Two o’clock precisely, in Three Lots, unless previously sold׳ by private contract, the above PROPERTIES* situate in a favourite residential district, about a quarter of an hour’s walk from the Oxshott and Fairmile Station, and a mile and a half from the Cobham Station. One property comprises 35£ acres of building land ripe for development, the higher portion sloping to the south, and possessing charming views over the intervening country to Epsom Downs. Together with South Lodge and garden, four pairs of small villa residences, the Griffin beerhouse, and three cottages, also a pair of semi-detached villa residences with tennis lawns, and a desirable building site adjoining, containing nearly nine acres; the whole producing rentals, including the estimated value of Hill Cottage and the villas forming I.ot 2 of about £360 a year. On the upper portion of the property brick-earth has been for several years worked at a considerable profit, and it is confidently believed that a good income could be received from this source" for several years to come. Particulars of Charles Jupp, Esq., solicitor, 48 1-1me-street, E.C.; of C. Steadman Jupp, Esq., solicit tor, Cobham; and of Messrs. Driver and Co., 23 Pall Mall, S.W. Sale of the USK SECTION of the Most Honourable the Marquis of Worcester's MONMOUTHSHIRE ESTATES. GWEHELOG and TROSTREY COMMONS. "MESSRS. DRIVER and CO. beg to announce ־T „ ,thai tlley are honoured with instructions׳ to Sell by Auction, at the Town Hall, Usk, on Wednesday. May 10, 1899, at 11.30 o’clock precisely, in 61 L*ots, the following FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, situate on Gwehelog and Trostrey Commons, within two miles of the town of Usk, on the main Raglan read:—The Oak Farm, let to Miss Powell, and two others let to H. Howell and the Right Hon. Lord PtCglan, which latter is a game preserve with lovely site for residence. Also 58 Small Holdings, comprising cottages with buildings, and grass land of from one to 20 acres, and parcels of arable, and grass land, with and without buildings, many cottage holdings and! small farms, having fine sites for building, all let at low rents to tenants, some ot three and four generations, all with good road f rent ages, ana within two miles of the Usk Station. 111 all containing 669 acres. They will be sold in convenient Lots to suit the requirements of all purchasers. For printed particulars apply as below. MONKSWOOD, with SHOOTING AND SALMON FISHERY. "MESSRS. DRIVER and CO. are honoured 1Y.L with instructions to Sell by \uction, at the Toivn Hall, Usk, on Thursday, May 11, at 1130 o’clock precisely, in One Lot, the valuable FREEHOLD SPORTING ESTATE, known as MONKSWOOD, including the Manor of Pellenny. with Presentation to the Living of Monkswood. The estate lies in a ring fence, comprises the entire parish of Monkswood, with lands in the parishes of Glascoed, Goytre, and Mamhilad, let in five very productive farms being Estavarney, Cefn-Mawr, Pant-y-Pwdyn, Chapel and Pellenny, ranging from 90 to 325 acres respectively, let to substantial tenants of long standing at rents far below the value of the land. Eeautiful hanging woods, possessing exceptional facilities for preserving and holding game, in which are choice sites for the erection of a residence. Besides the excellent shooting, there are a mile and three-quarters of salmon fishing in the far-famed rod-river Usk and two miles of trout fishing in the Berthin Biook, which bound it north and south, the whole containing about 1,116 acres. For printed particulars apply as below. T SK CASTLE, with FARMS and LANDS in and near TOWN. MESSRS. DRIVER and CO. are honoured £U. with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Town Hall. Usk, on Thursday, May 11, at 11.30 «clock precisely, in 39 Lots, the following FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, all being within or near the town of Usk, namely: — The Rhadyr Farm; also Baldwin’s, forming, with the two Castle Farms, a compact Sporting Frorerty, containmg 466 acres, adjoining the station and town of TTsk. Also a delightful Site for a Residence, with 150 acres, which could be most advantageouslr attached to Monkswood with the Rhadyr Farm. The interesting and historic Ruins of Usk Castle, with the Castle House and Grounds, occupied bv General Sir Charles Barnard, K.C.B.. and the Bom-£cr.,jPrc .ra on the Castle slope, several charming building sites on the Upper Raglan and Llanbadock roads, overlooking the River Usk and backed bv Larging woods. Rich meadows in the vallev of the Usk Houses in the town of Usk, together with the Usk Town Hall and Market Tolls.