CARD ADVERTISEMENTS. April 1, 1899. LAND AGENTS, BRONDESBURY, KILBURN and ^ WEST HAMPSTEAD. .................-..CO Auctioneers, Valuers and St Estate Agents. Bailiffs. ^׳׳׳ ^ Auction Booms for Eurni-ture, Stocks, *0. Also Local *־ ---- Property Mart. Rents Collected. 50 and 52, Wlllesden Lane, Kilbupn. >uG* N.E. Established over 50 years. MESSRS. P. J. DIXON AND SON, AUCTIONEERS ESTA-TE AGENTS AND VALUERS. 16, KING STREET, CHEAPSIDE, E.C. And 263, BETHNAL GREEN ROAD, N.E. r Ef“6,8 rnanaged. Valuations tor all purposes Compensatio□ oases conducted. DilapidatFonsPassessed. Mortgages negotiated. J. H. MELLENFIELD, F.S.I., SURVEYOR, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, ■ SI 7, HACKNEY ROAD, LONDON, N.E. s.w. PARSON’S GREEN, FULHAM, & CHELSEA. Auctioneers, Surveyors, House & Ground Rent Agents. V & co* ь * The Parson’s Green Auction & Agency Offices PARSON’S GREEN RAILWAY STATION, S.W PROPERTIES IN STREATHAM, 8TREATHAM COMMON AND CLAPHAM. BURTON, SMITH & CO., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. 83TA large selection of Freehold and Leasehold Properties to be let or Sold STREATHAM AND STREATHAM COMMON ___ (Pacing Railway Stations). ALSO AT CLAPHAM AND PULHAM. Agents to the Sun Fire Office. l\/rESSRS. CRONK, Land Agents, Farm and 1*־V Timber Valuers, Surveyors and Auctioneers 1monthly a list of Estates, Residences, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, Building Land, &c., to be Let or Sold, in the Home Co inties and elsewhere. Also a separate LIST OF FARMS to be LET, in Kent, Surrey Sus&ex, &c. Obtainable gratis on application Free to any address on receipt of two stamps. Offices • 12 Pall Mall, London, S.W., and Sevenoaks, Kent. Particular« inserted free of charge. Sc AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. S- k■A Receivers. Mortgages negotiated. No. 47, LOWER BELGRAVE STREET, EATON SQUARE, S.W. Valuations of Prope ty and Effects. ARTHUR BLACKFORD, SURVEYOR AND AUCTIONEER 61 & 62, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. CO & AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUERS .........U, ** De Vere House,” 2, Southampton Street, Strand rCf%c° Woburn Chambers, 22, Henrietta Street, COVENT GARDEN, W C. gì® HUSSEY AND WALCOTT, LAND AGENTS AND SURVEYORS, l, GRAY’S INN PLACE, GRAY’S INN, W,C. AUCTION SALES GEORGE BRINSLEY, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER AND SURVEYOR. Sales of Freehold and Leasehold Estates held at the Mart, at fixed and moderate charges. A Register kept of Estates for disposal or letting. Estates managed. S?ioe8v,3,0 A“d New Bridge-street, Ludgate-circus, E.O. F.Mablished 1854. Messrs. BRADSHAW BROWN. & CO., BILLITER SQUARE BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.C. ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS, PLANT, MACHINERY AND GENERAL VALUERS. Fire and Compensation Claims arranged. A Register of waterside and manufacturing premises to be let or sold issued free on application. t»• Rent» collected. HOUSE AGENT, VALUER, AND CERTIFICATED BAILIFF, A. PERCY OSBORNE, 38, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, BLOOMSBURY. ״ ■fC N. ALLAN BOOTH, For many years manager for the late Mr. A. Booth, AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT, 284, CAMDEN ROAD (Opposite the Brecknock Arms). Telephone (King’s Cross) 312. *г EDMONTON (LOWER). AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AGENT. AND VALUER G»taten managed. Bailiff HAMPTON AND SONS, ¿STATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS A AUCTIONEERS. A M»t of Country House» to be let furnished and unfurnished, and Estates for »ale. Shooting and Hunting Boxes, eto., is published on the first of each month, and can be had gratis on application or by post three »tamps.—Hampton and Son» (Ltd.), Offloe». 1. Oockspur-street. Pall Mall, S.W. Rent» Collected. OFFICES & AUCTION ROOMS, The GREEN, LOWER EDMONTON c*5 E. J. LANE, 122, ST. ANN’S ROAD, STAMFORD HILL. Certificated Bailiff. Auctioneer rjS >*5 Valuer, .and Broker. Districts embraced . _arf the Courts at Edmonton and Enfield. Arrears collected. Tottenham and surrounding neighbour-Weekly Sales oi !■urnit.ure. Rents collected vV AUCTIONEER AND CERTIFICATED BAILIFF, 1,2, 3&4, STATION B.D., FINSBURY V V PARK. ״ -eS C Adjoining the G.N.R. Stn. Valuations O * made for Probate and other purposes. Sales by Auction held at the Rooms as above every Thursday evening throughout the year at Six o'clock. RANDALL, COX & BAKER, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS, Pabk Hall Estate Offices, East Finchley, N.. Railway Approach, Woodside Park, North Finchley, N. City Address—62, Coleman Street, E.O. nokes and nokes, AUCTIONEERS & SURVEYORS 20, IRONMONGER LANE, E.C., and at 67, CALEDONIAN ROAD, N. Firm W. F. NOKES, F.A I. G. A. NOKES. A.A.I. MESSR8. NOTLEY & CO., SURVEYORS AND AUCTIONEERS 80, CORNHILL, E.C. Firm i Richard A. Notley, F.S.I. ( P. Dempster Ash. _____ Monthly List of City Property. MESSRS. CHARLES AND TUBB’S .״״״ LIST OF BUSINESS PREMISES, OFFICES, SHOPS, AND WAREHOUSES TO BE LET IN AND AROUND THE CITY, and their Register of Country Estates, Farms, Suburban Residences, etc״ to be Let or Sold, may be obtained gratis, or will be forwarded post free on application to Offices’4'10*1011’ Survey’ Valuatl°h and Land Agency GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.C.; _____And at LITT/ESTONK-ON-SEA. KENT. DUNCAN (J, M.) AND KIMPTON, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS OF RAILWAY COMPENSATION AND OTHER CLAIMS, AUCTIONEERS LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 40 & 42, Queen Victoria-st., Mansion House, E.C., And at 5, Station Parade, Westeliff-on-Sea, Essex. EDRIDGE & JACKSON, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS & TRADE VALUERS 50, KING WILLIAM STREET, London Bridge, E.O. Monthly List of Businesses and Investments gratis on application. Specially retained by the Grocery Provision, Wine, Spirit, and A llied Trades. DRAPERY & OUTFITTING SPECIALIST. POPE an(j HON, Auctioneers, a?iv-Ä־«■ “50i t^DmpeVÄ Special Accountancy Department. 1Tefe^aphffii^dress* -Papal, London.” MESSRS. ELLIS & SON, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, and SURVEYORS TSSUE a MONTHLY LIST of OFFICES HOIISFS°wi?A0i?^Sd RH0,PS,\ CELLARAGE, WARE g. ®;,WHARVES, and Business Premises gene rally, m the City of London, which may be had on application at the Offices— 45, FENCHURCH STREET, E.O. MESSRS. RICHARDSON & BARTON, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENTa 3, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON. MESSRS RUTTER, F.AX, Auctioneers Bridge-tSU EUC TäUefryilld Lan5 TASen4a. 5. New’ posïfree two’sfaâps ‘ °׳ Farms and Laaded Esta‘<8־■ STIMSON AND SON’S LIST OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR THE PRESENT MONTH cat?™“1’3*״w and can be bad free on appli- cation, or by post for Id. stamp. Particulars inserted W1™°5״ etar?e’ J4 i8 tlle recognised medium for selling or purchasing bouse property by private contrae! g Messrs. Stimson nnd Sons. Auct oneers and Surveyors 8, Moorgate-rtreet. Bank, E.C., and 2, New Kent road London, S E. ’ C T. QUINTTN and SON’S CITY LIST r « Iss5erii,™Wy■ contains particulars of BANK-f ° and INSURANCE BUILDINGS. Offices, Ware- INUTHF rinTiaCAt°«1ieiiL^0pB• water־ide Premises. IN THE CITY AND METROPOLITAN DISTRICT■ also of BUILDING SITES, FREEHOLD and t fa«V hPd'11 PE0]PEKTIES FOR INVESTMENT.—May Sbe bad on application at their Auction and Estate change 0fflces’ S0■ Threadneedle-street, Royal Ex- Established 1793. MESSRS. TOPLIS AND HARDING, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS, 66, CANNON STREET, E.O. 08,a*?? “a״a?ed, Valuations for Probate, Mortgage and Partition. Compensation cases conducted. ’ Dilapidations assessed, bales by Auction or by Private Treaty. STEPHEN FORTESCUE & SONS, Auctioneers, Surveyors and General Agents, VULCAN HOUSE, 56, LUDGATE TTTT.T, E.C. RENTS COLLECTED. FULLER AND FULLER, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS OF RAILWAY COMPENSATION AND OTHER CLAIMS, (Telephone No. 1662), 70, QUEEN STREET, CHEAPSIDE, E.C. (One door from Cannon Street). DAVID L. GOOCH, AUCTIONEER, LAND AND GROUND RENT AGENT, 54, GRESHAM STREET, BANK, E.C. GrmldI>R«m־e״־-?I5?thfly ?f 3,1•®5׳hold and Leasehold or othf^wise1 SUltab e f0r mve8tment of Trust Money W.C. W. G. ALCE AND CO., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE AGENTS VALUERS, 69, CHANCERY LANE, W.C., AND AT BEDFORD PARK AND HANWELL. Messrs. ALEXANDER GREEN & CO. (Late Green and Pildltoh), AUCTIONEERS, ^1״grEJOE|EgESTATE AGENTS, COLONIAL HOUSE, 155, FENCHURCH STREET, E.C. Ratmg101Trni0f 3“0,1■4gas®’ Compensation, Probate, Rating, Transfer, etc. Purveys for Dilapidations, . Sanitation and Repairs. Pm1ngi״erR°fviCity °Sces and Warehouses, also of Country Residences Estates and Investments kept. GEO. HEAD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, Etc J. Geo. Head, F.S.I. Robt. H. Head, Mem. San. Inst. Addresses— 17, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C.; and 7, UPPER BAKER STREET, N.W. Established 1820. CITY RENT RECOVERY OFFICE. Established 1826. HEAPS, SON & REEVE (WALTER REEVE), AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, & ESTATE¡AGENTS, 4, OLD JEWRY, CHEAPSIDE, E.C.