April 1, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 628 by Mr. Sparrow for ¿6980, whilst a freehold villa, known as Fernside, Dale-grove, North Finchley, let on agreement at ¿636 a year, realised £500. Another lot sold comprised a parcel of freehold building land with a frontage of 178ft. to Rasper-road, Whetstone, N.( which fetched £400. The properties withdrawn by Mr. Sparrow included a batch of fifteen freehold houses in Hendon-park-row, Temple Fortune, Hendon, all let and producing £318 per annum, at £3,000 ; and a block of thirteen modern houses in Waverley-road, Wood-street, Walthamstow, all let and producing £422 10s. per annum, and each held on lease for an unexpired term of 97 years at a ground rent of £5, at £2,600, Mr. Yeoman (Messrs. Tillett and Yeoman) succeeded in selling a freehold house property known as Nos. 16, 18 and 20, Balfour road, Lingston-road, Wimbledon, estimated to produce £80 16s. a year, for £1,120. Two freehold houses in Houses East-hill, Wandsworth, de Wandsworth.scribed as suitable for conversion into shops, within seven minutes’ of Clapham-junction, and producing £82 per annum, were sold by Mr. George Fortescue (Messrs. Fortescue and Co.) for £1,860. The same auctioneer was also able to dispose of four leasehold houses in Tonsley-hill and Tonsley-place, Wands worth, held for an unexpired term of 63 years, at a total ground rent of £16, and together producing £96 10s., for £840, and a long-leasehold house, No. 39, Bishop’s-road, Fulham, subjected to a ground rent of £6 5s., and let at £34 a year, for £400. Freehold ground rents amounting to £150 per annum, secured upon 28 houses, etc., in Somers-road, Mansfield-road, and St. John’s-road, Walthamstow, were submitted by Mr. J. A. Harman (Messrs. Harman Bros.) in seven lots, and withdrawn at 26£ years’ purchase. At the same auction, however, a house, No. 15, Tiber-street, King’s-cross, let at 12s. a week, and held for an unexpired term of 43 years at a ground rent of £4, was purchased for £245, and two houses, Nos. 196 and 198, Southgate-road, N., each let at £34 a year, 23J- years unexpired, ground rent 30s. each, for £580. Before closing my Mems for the week, I take this opportunity of correcting an error which crept into one of these columns last week. In mentioning a very successful sale by Messrs. Stimson and Sons I referred to the freehold house property, Nos. 1 to 5 (inclusive) , Balmoral-terrace, Catford, as having been sold for £2,000. The property, however, realised exactly double that amount. With to-day’s proceedings business was adjourned until Thursday next, when heavy batches of property will be dealt with. In the meantime a fair proportion of the habitues of Tokenhouse-yard will, no doubt, journey to seaside and other places to recuperate. Onlooker1. Buttons’ Seeds.—We have received a c-opy of Messrs. Sutton and Sons’ beautifully illustrated “Amateur’s Guide in Horticulture for 1899.” Almost every page of this highly useful publication contains hints of the utmost value to amateur horticulturists, whether they may desire to grow vegetables or flowers. United Property Owners’ and Ratepayers’ Association.—The committee of the Liverpool and Bootle Property Owners’ and Ratepayers’ Association have completed! the final arrangements for the 12th annual conference, which will be held at St. George’s Hall, Liverpool, on May 17 next. The papers to be read include “ Leasehold Enfranchisement,” by Mr. W. Garnett Elynt, president of the South-port Association ; “ Recent Legislation, as it affects Property Owners,” by Mr. George Norton, solicitor, Liverpool Association ; and “Taxation of Land Values,” by Mr. T. O. Hope*, president of the Bradford Association. The London delegates will also contribute papers on “ The Law of Distraint and Ejectment,” and “ Sanitary Notices,” etc. On the evening of the conference the delegates will be entertained by the president and members of the Liverpool and Bootle Association to a dinner at the Adelphi Hotel. The invited guests include the Right Hon. W. H. Long, M.P., Six J. A. Willox, M.P., Sir H. Naylor-Leyland, M.P., Mr. A. Billson, M.P., the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, and the Mayor of Bootle (Mr. W. R. Brewster). On the following day the delegates will' view the public buildings and places of interest in the city, in which many improvements have lately been made. Excursions will also be arranged by the local committee, of which Mr. R. A. Bellwood, 1, South John-streefc, Liverpool, is the secretary. and held for unexpired terms of 80 years at a ground rent of £10 per annum each, for £915; No. 1, St. Ann’s-terrace, Circus-road, St. John’s-wood, producing £50 per annum, leasehold for about 20£ years unexpired at a ground rent of £6, was disposed of for £385. One of the most important * properties in the day’s list sW"^ comprised a freehold building site now occupied by buildings known as Nos. 232 to 242, King’s-road, and the Oakley Works, fronting on Sydney-street, Chelsea. The letting of this site, which covers an area of about 22,000ft., was entrusted to Messrs. Robins, Snell and Co., represented by Mr. Leonard T. Snell. The auctioneer drew special attention to its adaptability for the erection of shops with residential flats or public offices. He gave a few instances of the letting of flats in the locality, mentioning that quite £400 a year could be got for about four rooms on the embankment. He valued the site in question at Is. 6d. per foot, or £1,613 15s. 6d. a year. The bidding started at a low figure, the price offered being at the rate of sixpence per foot. There were only one or two advances, and Mr. Snell, receiving but little encouragement in his efforts, mentioned £1,000 a year on behalf of his client, and withdrew the property. Two leasehold shops and dwelling houses, Nos. 51 and 53, England’s-lane, Hampstead, held direct from Eton College for a term of 66 years, at £4 ground rent, and let on a repairing lease at £160 a year, were sold by Messrs. Dolman and Pearce for £2,410. Among the properties withdrawn was the freehold of the Empire Theatre and Music Hall at Hanley, Staffordshire, which was bought in by Alderman W. Heathcote (Messrs. J. and W. Heath-cote), of Derby, at £6,500. Wednesday. To-day Mr. Robert McBean * Tidey (Messrs. R. Tidey and Freehold Son> of Islington) brought to the market a City freehold, comprising the shops and offices, Nos. 46 and 47, Bow-lane, just off Cheapside and Queen Victoria-street. This, like all other City properties brought under the hammer, attracted a good crowd ; but the result was unsatisfactory. The building is a substantial modern structure, faced with stone and red brick, and possesses a frontage of about 34ft. to Bow-lane, with a return frontage of some 80ft. to Well-court. It appeared from the particulars of sale that the rentals actually produced amount to £545 per aDnum, but the auctioneer estimated that at least £700 could be got from the premises. The landlord pays rates, taxes and water rate, amounting to about £110 per annum, so that a net income of £435 would be derived. It was a long time before a bid was forthcoming; I believe there were only three offers, the first— £5,000—coming from a dealer. Mr. Tidey wanted 20 years’ purchase, and therefore bought the property in at £8,700. With this exception all the lots submitted by the Islington auctioneer were sold. A leasehold house, No. 40, Southgate-road, N., 20 years unexpired, ground rent £4 10s., let at £40 a year, realised £305; a similar house, No. 211, Southgate-road, leasehold for 30 years unexpired, at a ground rent of £5, let at £48, £440; a house and shop, No. 267, New North-road, leasehold for 28 years unexpired, at a ground rent of £6 6s., let on a three years’ agreement at £45 per annum, £285 ; a freehold residence, No. 17, Noel-street, Cole-brooke-row, Islington, estimated to produce £50 per annum, £790 ; a leasehold house, No. 73, Aden-grove, Green-lanes, Stoke Newington, 72¿ years unexpired, ground rent £5, rental £52, £375; and No. 1, Canonbury-road, Essex-road, let at £45 a year, leasehold for 19j- years unexpired at a ground rent of £7, £265. Mr. Charles Sparrow Freeholds (Messrs. Charles Sparrow and Finchley. Son) dealt with a heavy list of good and substantial suburban investments, some of which are still in the market, there being two or three withdrawals. A semi-detached double-fronted freehold house, No. 9, Alexandra-grove, on the Moss Hall Estate, North Finchley, let on agreement at £60 per annum, was sold JVIems from the ]Wart Monday. Owing, no doubt, to the near T*?e approach of the Easter holidays Fleet Stree”’tbere was but a Poor attendance ' at the Mart on the opening day of the week, and the proceedings throughout were of a very dull character. Curiously enough, the well-known licensed premises known as the Mitre, in Mitre-court, Fleet-street, offered by Mr. James Green (Messrs. Weatherall and Green) were passed without a single bid. I may mention that the Mitre, which is let upon lease for a term of which about 6 years are unexpired, at a rent of £230, was offered together with the freehold business premises adjoining, No. 1, Hare-place, and the freehold newspaper shop adjoining and partly in the rear of the “ Scotsman ” office. There seemed to be quite a paucity of buyers for house property. A batch of suburban dwelling houses were in the hands of Mr. W. F.Nokes (Messrs. Nokes and Nokes), but of these only two lots were sold. They comprised Nos. 47 and 49, Hampden-road, Holloway-road, each held for an unexpired term of 48 years, at a ground rent of £5, and together producing £73 12s. per annum, which realised £400. Two long leasehold shops, Nos. 1 and 3, High-cross-road, and No. 1, Lincoln-road, Tottenham, producing £107 18s. per annum, ground rent £6 10s., were also sold by Mr. Nokes for £690. Fifty-eigbt plots of freehold Residences building land on the Manor Teddintfton House Estate, Teddingfcon, were S ' submitted by Mr. E. Pennington, of Richmond, but only three lots were sold for a total of £446. The competition for two freehold residences, also forming part of the Manor House Estate, was fairly good. Each is let at £70 per annum, and they were purchased separately for £2,250. The town residence, No. 17, Cliveden-plaee, Eaton-square, let on lease to Emily, Lady Milbanke Huskisson, at a rental of £130 per annum, and held for an unexpired term of 22 years at a ground rent of £9, was among the lots withdrawn by Mr. E. Stuart Dallas, acting on behalf of Messrs. Prickett and Ellis. The highest offer was £1,270. Freehold ground rents of £44 per annum, secured upon terrace houses at Kew Bridge, with reversion in 1975 to the estimated rack rental of £320 per annum, were sold by Mr. Dallas at 81 years’ purchase. Tuesday. Although a very large num-Re^ults. ber °I investors were to be seen in the different salerooms this afternoon, the amount of business transacted was most unsatisfactory. Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Farmer and Bridge-water conducted their fourth sale nnder an order issued by the Court in re Somerset v. Land Securities Company, Limited; but a large portion of the properties, which principally comprised freehold and leasehold houses in the suburbs, had to be withdrawn. The town residences, Nos. 44 and 46, Hogarth - road, Cromwell - road, South Kensington, both freehold, and let at £150 and £120 a year, were passed at £1,250 and £1,650 respectively, whilst two adjoining long-leasehold houses, Nos. 19 and 21, Lexham-gardens, together let on lease at £324 per annum, 73 years unexpired, ground rent £15, changed hands at £2,500, and a similar house, No. 23, Lexham-gardens, held under the same conditions, at £900. Other properties disposed of included a number of long-leasehold shops and dwelling houses in Devonshire-road, Chiswick, Nos. 4 and 12, let at £35 and £38, and held for 80 years unexpired, each at a ground rent of £7 12s. 6d., realising £850 and £370 respectively. Several of the lots had been purchased by private treaty before the auction, at which a total of £9,190 was realised. The circumstances attending other auctions were most discouraging. In one instance there was no company, whilst there was a most noticeable lack of genuine competition all round. For this reason only a smallnumber of transactions were recorded Mr. Lewis Beale (Messrs. Beale and Capps) sold two long-leasehold residences, Nos. 77 and 81, St. Quintin-avenue, North Kensington, together producing £105 per annum, for £390; the freehold business premises, No. 33, Trafalgar-street, Brighton, let at £40, for £780 ; and the freehold business premises, No. 72, Trafalgar-street, let at £40, for £760. The solicitors were Mr. J. C. Buckwell, Mr. R. Hardy Topham, and Messrs. Stevens, Son and Maynard, all of Brighton. WARWICKSHIRE. A? the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, on the 23rd ult., Messrs. Grimley and Son sold 26 freehold houses in Edwardes-street and Jakeman-road, Balsall Heath, gross rental £273, for £3,350 ,־ two houses, Nos. 15¿ and 16, Wynn-street, gross rental £45 5s., for £405 ; seven long leasehold houses in Moseley-road and Bradford-street, gross rental £179 18s., ground rent £29 13s. lOd., for £1,400 ; six houses in Talfourd-street, Aston, and ten houses in the rear, gross rental £223 17s., for £1,600; and a long leasehold shop at the corner of Granville-road, St. Thomas’s, with yard adjoining, containing in all 352 square yards, together with the goodwill of timber merchant’s business, stock-in-trade, etc., for £915. The solicitors were Mr. H. C. Owen, Wolverhampton, Mr. Herbert New, Messrs. Ansell and Ashford, Mr. Howard Cant, Mr. A. Hodges, and Messrs. 0. F. Brown, Taylor and Co., of Birmingham. YORKSHIRE. At the Sheffield estate sale rooms, on the 21st ult., Messrs. William Bush and Sons sold a free public-house, known as the Golden Lion Hotel, Alderson-road, Sheffield, together with three dwelling houses, Nos. 71, 73 and 75, Alderson-road, gross rental £42 18s., ground rent £14 13s. 8d., for £6,000 ; the fully-licensed house called the Bull’s Head Hotel, Castleton, was withdrawn at £2,500. The solicitors were Messrs. Wake and Sons, Sheffield, and Messrs. A. E. Ferns and Co., Stockport. IRELAND. Mr. John Ward sold by public auction, at the Auction Hall, Chichester-street, Belfast, on the 24th ult., the very old and extensive retail wine and spirit establishment known as The Railway Hotel, Nos. 13, 15 and 17, Scrabo-street, Ballymacarrett, together with large yard attached thereto, and two houses and yard in rear, being Nos. 2 to 6, Middlepath-street, having frontages to both streets of 42ft., and extending in depth front to rear 220ft., held by lease for ever at £42, and producing £54 per annum. The competition was very keen, and Mr. M'Kenna was declared the highest bidder and purchaser at £6,010. The shop and dwelling houses, Nos. 158 and 160, York-street, and Nos. 2, 4 and 6, Spencer-street, together with the licensed interest, bar fittings, fixtures, and goodwill attached to No. 160, held by lease for 998 years from May 1, 1852, at £11 per annum, realised £3,000. The public-house, Nos. 87 and 89, Argyle-street, ,held on lease for 21 years at the very moderate rent of £22 per annum, was sold for £500. The spirit-grocery establishment, Nos. 2 and 4, Kathleen-street, off Templemore-avenue, held by lease for 15 years at the yearly rent of £24, realised £100. Mr. Frank Kerr and Messrs. Clarke and M'Cartan, solicitors, had carriage of the sale. NOTICE AN IMPORTANT FACT to both Subscribers and Advertisers, is that the ESTATES GAZETTE has BY FAR the LARGEST CIRCULATION of any Journal of its kind among the numerous public interested in Real Estate transactions. It is recognised by the London and Provincial Press as the authority upon all matters pertaining to the sale and purchase of Land and House Property, and is frequently quoted as such. The ESTATES GAZETTE is to be seen in the coffee-room of every important hotel throughout England and Wales, and in the news or reading rooms of all the principal free libraries. It can be obtained from the bookstalls of Messrs. W• H• Smith and Son, of any newsagent, or from the OFFICES: 6, ST. BRIDE STREET, LONDON, E.C,