Estates Gazette, April 1, 1899. Largest Circulation of any Paper dealing with the Landed Interest. Price 3d. ESTABLISHED 1853. Inrisrmfnt Rffovtl » With which is incorporated the ESTATES JOURNAL, and the AUCTIONEER .Registered as a Newspaper.] PRICE 3d. LONDON, SATURDAY, APRIL 1. 1899. YOL. LIII. No. 1,76*.—EST. 18S8. Sales i>5 Auction, Important to Brewers, Distillers, Licensed .. _ Victuallers, and the Trade generally. Well-known Free Fully-licensed Public-houses and eligible Beer-houses, desirably situate in the verv H*Gt1SlliStriCtS °f BEXHILL ־MESSRS. WICKENDEN will SeU by Auc- -f-tX tion. at the Castle Hotel, Hastings, on Tliurs-day, Apnl 6. 1899, at Four o’clock in the afternoon (in Five Lots), all those exceedingly valuable FREEHOLD LICENSED PROPERTIES,, comprising: — THE DENBIGH HOTEL, ־White-hill, BEXHILL. so prominently situate on the high road, and within la miles of Bexhill Station. A well-built house with good accommodation, stabling, gardens, etc. Also that ancient and well-known Fully-licensed Inn, so desirably situate and being THE RED LION. HOOE, SUSSEX. A capital and thriving district, and near to several rising towns. The house has every trade and] domestic convenience, and there are two meadows where club festivities, etc., are held. Also the Freehold Free Beer-house, occupying a good position, and called THE UNITED FRIENDS, NINFIELD, a prosperous village near Bexhill, Sussex. A compact property with stabling, gardens and outbuild-mgs situate at the junction of three roads on the mam road׳ from Hastings to Brighton. Also the Free Beerhouse :so advantageously situate and known THE SUSSEX INN. SIDLEY, BEXHILL, possessing an extensive frontage to the Sidley-road in the very heart of this small but rapidly advancing town and suburb of Bexhill, with building operations in all directions, and station close by in course of construction. In addition to the house there are Two Cottages, also gardens and outbuildings^ Also the Freehold Free Beerhouse, situate in a thickly populated locality, and known as THE HASTINGS CASTLE INN, Wellington-terrace, Hastings, a snug little house in a central and busy spot. Possession and trade on completion of purchase. Special attention is drawn to the enormous development of Bexhill and district. New railway and stations are already in course of construction, and others are in contemplation, indicating the increased importance and popularity of the neighbourhood, and consequent enhancement of the value of investments, especially licensed properties. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained] of Messrs. Blaker and Sons, solicitors, Lewes; or (with orders to view), at Wickendens’ Central Auction Offices, 20, High-street, Tunbridge Wells, and1 The Broadway, Southborough. To Brewers, Distillers, Licensed Victuallers, and others. RYE, SUSSEX.—Noted' 'Fully-licensed Freehold _ ^ Property. ]yTESSRS. WICKENDEN are favoured with WT instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Castle Hotel Hastings, on Thursday. April 6, 1899, at Four o clock, that popular old-established1 and much fre-quented FREEHOLD FULLY -LICENSED HOUSE (Market and Commercial), commandingly situate near the railway station, in a main street in the above municipal borough, and so well-known as the CINQUE PORT ARMS HOTEL, a brick-built, commodious and conveniently arranged structure, with fine assembly room, billiard saloon, ample stabling, large garden, etc., at present let at the moderate rental of £100 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Raper and Ellmann, solicitors, Battle; or (with orders to view) at Wickenden’s Central Auction Offices, Tunbridge Wells and Southborough. Salts Cucitoti. MESSRS. 1VX structed CITY OF LONDON. Close to Lombard-street, in the heart of the banking area. The valuable and highly attractive Freehold Build ing, No. 33, Nicholas-lane, excellently constructed from the designs of an eminent architect, and ex• ceptionally well lighted. ST. QUINTIN and SON are instructed to Offer to Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, April 17, 1899, at Two o’clock (unless an acceptable proposal be made by private treaty), the above FREEHOLD, with vacant possession of ground floor and basement, affording to foreign bankers, insurance companies, or discount brokers an unusual opportunity of acquiring freehold׳ premises for occupation in this important and increasingly valuable position. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart, E.O.; of Messrs. Lee, Ockerby and Everington, solicitors, No. 114, Queen Victoria-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 50, Thread-needle-street, E.C. BRIGHTON.—The excellent Freehold Residence, distinguished as Paston House, Paston-place, situated on the highest part of the East Cliff. The deceased owner during many years’ occupation expended a considerable amount not only in artistic embellishments, but in substantial additions and improvements conducive to the comfort of the residence, which contains wide entrance, and inner halls, drawing room, dining room, library, billiard room, ten bed and dressing rooms, fitted bath room, and unusually well-appointed domestic offices. MESSRS. ST. QUINTIN and SON will Sell a ■i1!? A"otlon- at the Mart, E.O., on Monday. pnnlTrnmv9, ATwo o'clock, the above FREEHOLD tors EETY׳ Wlth possession- by order oi the Execu- atPthn0Mnit5 “t?d conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart, E.O.; of Messrs. Morten, Cutler and Co., solicitors, 99, Newgate-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers. 50, Threadneedle-street, E C from whom special orders to view may be had Sans tig auction. FULHAM, S.V.—By order of the Mortgagees.— Valuable Weekly Estate of 17 Houses. MR. FREDERICK WARMAN will SeU, at r bb-e .Mart, City, on April 18, at Two, 17 compact Long LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, in Lots, Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, Armadale-road; Nos. 2, 4, 6 8, 9, 10 and 12, Ricketts-street; and Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Roxby-place, Fulham. Let at low rentals, producing £598 per annum, leases having- from 73* years to 52! years to run, at ground! rents of only £82 4s. per annum. Particulars at Mart; of Messrs. Jolliffe and Jolliffe solicitors, Chester; Messrs. Chester, Broome and Grifftthes, solicitors, 36, Bedford-row, W.O.; and of the Auctioneer, Spencer House, Higlibury-corner N Tel. 171 Dal. Freehold Ground Rents. Nine times secured |VP• FREDERICK WARMAN will Sell, at Clty’ on April !8׳ at Two, valuable IPPH.HOLD GROUND RENTS of £52 per annum, on Nos. 10 to 17, Elgin-terrace, Rushmore-road, Lower ״p,*°^'roacSv Rack rentals £450 per annum. Solicitors, Messrs. Longbourne, Stevens and Powell, 7, Lincoln 5-mn-fields, W.C. Auction Offices׳, as above. STROUD-GREEN and SYDENHAM.—Compact Freehold and Leasehold Non-basement Residences. MR. FREDERICK WARMAN will Sell, at the Mart, City, on April 18, at Two• — .STROUD - GREEN. - No. \ Connaught-road.-De-?11fuVilla, with possession. Nine large rooms bath room, nice garden. Term 77 years, at £8 10s.— Solicitors, Messrs. Smith, Fawdon and Low, 12, Bread-street, Cheaps! de, E.C SYDENHAM-HILL.—Camden Villa, Panmure-road —Compact Freehold Residence. Bath room and offices; large gardens.—Solicitor, G. M. Davey, Esq Grove-crescent, Kingston-on-Thames. Particulars at Mart; of Solicitors; and of the Auctioneer, Spencer House, Highbury-corner, N Tel. 171 Dais. Freehold Shop Property, BALLS POND-ROAD, and Plot of Land׳ at EDMONTON. MESSRS. WOODS are instructed to Sell, at followse-Mart’ °n Thursday- April 13> at Two, as No^1¡4 ¿1׳P«+N?׳E?׳A:D _F-eeh°ld׳ Shop Property, to 4» St. Paul s-mansions, prominently situate at the corner of Balls Pond and Newington-green-roadl, facing Essex-road, and] on the main tram and omnibus line from Stoke Newington and Da-lston Junction to the Angel Hotel, Islington. All let on lease and1 agreements at rents amounting to £195 ®6™?™!?A¿™5*!1״ paying rates and! taxes. EDMONTON —Plot of Freehold Building Land, in Montague-road, opposite the Plough and Harrow Tavern Frontage 133ft. Suitable for a block of small houses similar to those adjoining, and for which plans have 1been passed. Particulars of Messrs. Keith, solicitors, 43, Chancery-lane; and of the Auctioneers, 13, Newgate-street. STANDON FARM, HERTS. T)RIDGMAN and SON will Sell by Auction, T’ at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, April 7, 1899, at Two o’clock p.m., a valuable FREEHOLD (part Copyhold) DAIRY FARM, of about 178 acres; let to Mr. G. L. Pethybridge, at £140 per annum. The farm buildings1 are ample, and in good order; the land is in a high state of cultivation, several of the fields being ripe for building or nursery purposes, and well worth the attention of those seeking a pleasure farm, and being only 28J miles from London on the G.E.R., and close to the station and mill, is valuable to manufacturers and others. May be viewed, and particulars, with plans and conditions, obtained at the Mart; of Messrs. Gayton and Hare, solicitors, Much Hadham; and of the Auctioneers, Che?hunt and Hoddesdon. To Brewers, Licensed Victuallers and others. OXFORD. The exceedingly valuable FULLY-LICENSED FREEHOLD CORNER PROPERTY, together with the Goodwill and Possession of the very successful establishment, prominently situate and having a return frontage of 120ft., known as The New Inn, Cowley-road, Oxford, will be Sold by Auction, by ־TV/TESSRS. HAMLET and DULAKE, at the L־*-׳ Golden Cross Hotel, Oxford, on Saturday, April 8, 1899, at Three for Four o’clock in the afternoon. Detailed printed particulars with plan and! conditions of sale may he obtained of E. T. Hatt, Esq., solicitor, 138, High-street, Oxford; or of the Auctioneers, at t-heir Office, 19, Broad-street, Oxford. MESSRS. FLEURET, SONS and ADAMS ATX beg to announce that they will Sell by Public Auction, the following valuable PROPERTIES, at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basing-hall-street, E.C., on Tuesday, April 18, at One o’clock preciselv ■_ The ״PRINCE OF WALES, CAR OLINE-STREET, CAMDEN TOWN—Very valuable Free Lease for 26 years at the exceedingly low rental of £80 per annum, together with Goodwill and׳ Poss״s־ion One of the most genuine licensed houses in this portion of London. To be Sold by direction of the Executors ■of the late Mr. Jas. Mallett after an occupation of over 28 years. The PAHENHAM, KNIGHTSBRIDGE.—Very valuable Lease for a term of about 38 years at a moderate rental, together with Goodwill and Posse-sion Most prominently placed at the corner of Raphael-street, an undoubtedly fine business position in the preferable part of the West-end, and in the enjoyment of an exceedingly large and profitable business which, for the last three yearsi, has been gradually upon the increase. To be Sold in consequence of dissolution of partnership. Auction Offices, 23, Southampton-row, Holborn, W.O. Freehold and Leasehold Properties at NOTTING-HILL, ROTHERHITHE, and HOMERTON. TZARD, FRENCH and IZARD will Sell by A Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, on Thursday. April 6, 1899, at Twelve for One: — Freehold Ground Rents at Notting-hill, producing £19 10s. per annum. Freehold Warehouse at Rotherhithe, let at £40 per annum. Long Leasehold Premises at Homerton, producing £35 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Greenop and Son, solicitors, 2, Talbot-court, E C • J. W. Browne Esq , solicitor, 13. King William-street, E.C.; J. W. Ward, Esq., solicitor, 155, Fenchurch-street, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneers and Valuers, 52, Gracechurch-street, E.C. Sound׳ Investments At the Mart, E.O., on April 14, 1899, at Two. IXENBY CHAPMAN and 00. will Sell the -*״*- following: — BARNES.—N°s. 119 to 127, White Hart-lane. Five well let Houses, in choice position close to Richmond1-park and Barnes and Wimbledon Commons; held years at low ground rents, and1 producing £164 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Woodbridge and Song, 5, Serjeant’s-inn, Fleet-street. BLAOKHEATH.—Nos. 7 and 10, Park-villas. Two admirably arranged1, semi-detached, Long Leasehold Residences in a high bracing position, producing £115 per annum. Ground rents moderate.—Solicitors« Messrs. Prestons, 158, The Grove, Stratford; and W. H. Stilgoe, Esq., 29, Essex-street, Strand. FULHAM SHOP PROPERTY.-72, King’s-road. A particularly well-fitted Shop, let on repairing lease to a provision merchant at £60 per annum. Lease 90 years at moderate ground rent.—Solicitor, W. H. Stilgoe, Esq., as above. Auctioneers’ Offices, De Vere House, 2, Southamp-ton-street, Strand. Scales iijj auction. Sales Held Locally, and -at the Mart, City. LljJLBERT and HOW, of 5, Crouch-hill, N., VJ also at Finsbury-park Station, will be pleased to quote very favourable terms and submit dates. STROUD-GREEN. — A choice double-fronted Residence, known as St. Winnow, 155, Mount View-road. High, position. Five bed׳ rooms, bath room, two large sitting rooms, etc. Sanitary arrangements and improvements up-to-date. Just vacated by owner. Worth £65 per annum. Lease 90 years. Ground rent £10. STROUD-GREEN.—Semi-detached! Residence, known as 2, Mount Pleasant-villas. Five bed rooms, hath room (h. and c.), three reception rooms, etc. Good garden. Just redecorated. Estimated rental £55. Lease 76 years. Ground rent £9. rbILBERT and HOW will Sell by Auction, at Wortley Hall, 242, Seven Sisters-roadi, Finsbury-park, on Tuesday, April 11, at 7.30 p.m. Particulars of J. Jobson, Esq., solicitor, 57, Lin-coln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; J. France Collins, Esq., solicitor, Donington House, Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 5, Crouch-hill, N. ST. JOHN’S:, S.E., and GREENWICH.—Leasehold Investments. ]WTESSRS. DENNANT and CO. will Sell by nx Auction, at the Mart, on Friday, April 7, at Two precisely, the following: — ST. JOHN’S, S.E.—The capital double-fronted Family Residence, No. 78, Tyrwhitt-road, With possession; long lease. Ground) rent £10.—Solicitors, Messrs. Head, Mole and Rosling, Reigate. ST. JOHN’S, S.E.—Two well-built Residences, Nos. 10 and 12, Olifton-road. Let at rentals amounting to £102 10s. per annum. Long lease. Ground rent £7 each.—Solicitors, Messrs. Sandom, Kersey and Knight, 52, Gracechurch-street, E.C., and Deptford, GREENWICH.—The Leasehold Family Residence, No. 4, Gloucester-place, just vacated. Been let for many years at £65 per annum. Lease 36 years. Ground rent £12,—Solicitors. Messrs. Langlois and Co., 11, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Auction Offices, 35, Walbrook, E.C., and1 Bank-buildings, 239a, Lewisham High-road, New Cross, S.E. By ELLIOTT, SON and BOYTON, At the Mart, E.O., On Monday, April 17, at Two. By order of Trustees. THE IMPORTANT BUSINESS PREMISES, ־REGENT STREET, W., Nos. 191 and 193, -LL Held DIRECT FROM THE CROWN for an unexpired term of 22$ years at a ground rent of £80 per annum, and £6 10s. for land tax. No. 191 is leased to Mr. Ackermann for the whole unexpired term (less ten days) at £600 per annum, No. 193 was leased to Mr. Arthur Lewis in 1880 for the whole unexpired: term (less׳ ten days) at the inadequate rent of £310 per annum, and forming part of Lewis and Allenby’s premises. Thus making a remarkably safe NET INCOME of £823 10s. per annum for 22 years to come, but on the basis of present rents prevailing in Regent-street fairly worth £1,500 per annum. Particulars may be obtained from the Solicitors, Messrs. LAWRENCE, GRAHAM and CO., 6, New-square, W.O.; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 6, VERE-STREET, CAVENDISH-SQUARE. W. By ELLIOTT, SON andl BOYTON, At the Mart, E.O., On Monday, April 17, at Two. The valuable Crown Lease. DEGENT STREET, W., No. 215, held for Jx a term having 21£ years unexpired at a ground rent of £35 per annum and £2 15s. in lieu of land tax. Leased to Messrs. Fisher and Sons, tailors, for the whole term, less ten days!, ;at Per £500 annum, constituting an exceptionally sound investment. Particulars may be obtained from Messrs. CHAPMAN, CORBOULD and DUNSTER, 1, Henrietta-street, W.; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 6, VERE-STREET, W. By ELLIOTT, SON and BOYTON, At the Mart, E.C., On Monday, April 17, at Two o’clock. By order of Trustees. pROYDON.— Nos. 8, 9, 10 and 11, Elgin- vJ road. FREEHOLD Residences, all let, and producing £134 yearly. In separate Lots. n REENWICH.— No. 5, Tlie Circus, FREE-VA HOLD. Substantially built Residence. Let on agreement at £40. lyTEW CROSS.—Nos. 26 and 28, Florence- 1-M road. LEASEHOLD for 47 years. Let on yearly tenancies at £26 each. In Two Lots. ־DLACKHEATH.—Nos. 5 and 6, Woodlands--D road. Shop Property. Held for 43 years at £15. Let on leases and producing £140. In separate Lots. Greenwich.—No. 48, vanbrugh-park. Business Premises. Term over 57£ years at £7 10s. ground rent. Let on lease at £76 per annum. WOOLWICH.—The Gun Tavern, New-road. Fully-licensed Premises. Held for about 28| years at £22 and sublet at £100. Particulars may be obtained from the Vendors׳’ Solicitors, Messrs. RUDDLE and GURNEY-WINTER, 61 and 62, Chancery-lane, and 118, Greenwich-road, S.E.; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 6, VERE-STREET, CAVENDISH-SQUARE, W. By ELLIOTT, SON and BOYTON, At the Mart, E.O., On Monday, April 17, 1899, at Two o’clock. By order of Executors. "COALING.—Craven House, No. 36, Uxbridge-XJ road.—A capital House, containing seven bed rooms, dressing and bath rooms, double drawing room, dining and breakfast rooms, and good' domestic offices. Fine large garden, greenhouses, stabling, and coach-house. Will be Sold with Possession. Particulars may he obtained from W. M. TAPP, Esq., solicitor, 27, South Molton-street, W.; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 6, VERE-STREET, CAVENDISH-SQUARE. W. To Builders, Speculators, and others.—TULSE-HILL, in the main omnibus and tram road, and close to Tulse-hill Station.—Freehold House, with a frontage of upwards of 50ft., and depth of about 200ft. Let to an old-standing tenant, but early possession may be had. ־M־ESSRS. WALTER H. BROWN and CO. _LYJ_ will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Wednesday, April 19, at One o’clock precisely, the FREEHOLD of No. 154, Norwood-road, Tulse-hill. Particulars' at the Mart; of R. O. Davies, Esq., S'dicitor, Ware; and of the Auctioneers, 93 and 94, Chancery-lane, W.C. By order of the Trustees of the late Dr. J. B. Godfrey—Freehold Premises, 36, Great Wild-street, Drury-lane, close to the line of the proposed new street from the Strand to Holborn, having an area of about 700ft. Let in tenements, at about £100 a year. MB. GEOBGE F. HABKIXGTON will Soil the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.O., on Tuesday, April ii, at Two. Particulars oi Messrs. S. M. and J. B. Benson, solicitors, 1, Clement’s-inn. Strand. W 0 • and of the Auctioneer, 16, Abchurch-lane, E.O.