501 THE ESTATES GAZETTE March 25, 1899. Hessay, etc.—Richardson and Trotter, of York, ai same, on April 13, farms and grass land Northallerton—W. Walker, of Bedale. at Northallerton, on March 29, Freehold property Thirsk—Robert Atkinson, of Thirsk, at same, on March 27, Leasehold dwelling house Leeds—Oliver and Appleton, of Leeds, at same, on March 28. dwelling houses Pudsey—Whitham and Sons, of Leeds, at Pudsey, on March 27, land Sheffield—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on March 28, Leasehold villa residences׳ Rotherham (near)—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and) Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on April 11, Freehold land and minerals■ York—Edward Wilkinson, of York, at same, on April 4. Freehold dwelling Houses and cottages Scarborough—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at Scarborough, on April 4, Freehold hotel Sowerby Bridge—John H. Stead, of Sowerby Bridge, at same, on March 28, Freehold property Halifax—Garside and Waring, of Halifax, at same, on March 29, Freehold) cottages and land South Bank—W. Seymour, of South Bank, at same, on March 30. Freehold dwelling houses and shop Leeds—Hollis and Webb, of Leeds, at same, on March 28. Freehold business premises Leeds—Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on April 11, Freehold licensed premises, cottages, and dwelling house Leeds—Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on April 12, Freehold licensed property Castleford—Thomas Beevers, of Castleford, at same, on March 29, Freehold properties York—Dawson and Lawson, of York, at same, on March 27, Freehold dwelling houses Wales. Cardiff—J. E. Gunn, of Cardiff, at same, on March i 28, Freehold licensed and other property Llangefni—W. Dew and Son, of Bangor, at Llan-i gefni,, on April 13, Leasehold residence S Cardiff—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at same, on March 30, Leasehold properties Pontypridd and Llantwit Vardre—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at Pontypridd, on March I 29, Freehold ground rents and mineral property , Eglwysilan—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at same, on April 1, Freehold mineral properties Penarth—Gottwaltz, Bowring and Perry, of Cardiff, at same, on March 27, Leasehold residence Cardiff—Gottwaltz, Bowring and Perry, of Cardiff, at same, on March 30, dwelling houie Wrexham (near)—Frank Lloyd, of Wrexham, at same, on April 10, Freehold residence, cottages and building land Menai Bridge—Wm. Dew and Son, of Bangor, at Menai Bridge, on April 17, Leasehold residence Cardiff—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at same, on April 13, Leasehold properties and licensed premises Swansea—John M. Leeder and Son, of Swansea, at same, on March 30, Leasehold cottages and dwelling houses Birmingham—Thomas and Bettridge, of Birmingham, at same, on April 11, Freehold ground rents Birmingham—Grove and Baker, of Birmingham, at same, on April 11, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Chesshire, Gibson and Fowler, of Birmingham, at same, on March 28, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—James and] Lister Lea and Sons, of Birmingham, at’same, on March 27, residence and Freehold ground rents Birmingham—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on April 13, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Edwards, Son and Bigwood, of Birmingham, at same, on April 12, Freehold residence and Leasehold property Birmingham—A. H. Halse, of Birmingham, at same, on May 4, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—J. W. Florance, of Birmingham, at same, on March 28, Freehold and Leasehold residential properties Wiltshire. Stowmarket (near)—R. Bond' and Son, of Ipswich, at same, on April 1, the Cedars Farm, comprising about 171 acres Bury St. Edmunds—Wells and Nunn, of Bury St. Edmunds, at same, on April 5, Freehold dwelling houses Surrey. Blackheath—Folker and Horton, of Godaiming, at Blackheath, on March 29, cottage property Guildford—W. Emery, of Guildford, at same, on April 8, Freehold property Merstham—White and Sons, of Dorking, at Redhill, on April 19, Freehold cottages and meadow land Lingfìeld—E. G. Ellis and Palmer, of East Grinstead, at same, on April 13, Freehold cottage property Hindhead—C. Bridge!* and Son, of Haslemere, at Hindhead, on April 21, Freehold duelling houses, villas and building land Dorking—Frederick Arnold, of Dorking, at same, on April 13, Freehold residence Godaiming—Folker and Horton, of Godaiming, at same, on April 12, Freehold building land Warminster—Claude H. Barber, of Warminster, at same, on April 8, Freehold and Leasehold properties and life policy Devizes—G. T. Smith, of Devizes, at same, on April 24, Freehold estate comprising about 470 acres and licensed property Salisbury (near)—John T. Woolley, of Salisbury, at same, on March 29, Freehold residence and cottages Ludgershall—Frederick Ellen and Son, of Andover, at Ludgershall, on April 5, landed estate comprising about 45 acres of land Bradford-on-Avon—F. R. Ravenhill. of Warminster, at Bradford-on-Avon, on April 11, Freehold estate Worcestershire. Worcester—W. G. Pike, of Worcester, at same, on April 11, Freehold properties and gas shares Eckington—Gray and Walker, of Birmingham, at Worcester, on March 28, Freehold licensed pro-peHy Bromsgrove (near)—Cotton and Chappell, of Broms-grove, at same, on March 28, Freehold cottages and building land Yorkshire, Huddersfield—Eddison, Taylor and Booth, of Huddersfield, at same, on March 28, Freehold licensed premises and dwelling houses Hunslet—Oliver and Appleton, of Leeds, at Hunslet. in April, Freehold residential property and building land Sussex. Hastings—John and A. Bray, of Hastings, at same, on April 6, Leasehold residence Bexhill, Rye and Hastings—Messrs. Wickenden, of Tunbridge Wells, at Hastings, on April 6, Freehold licensed properties Brighton—Jenner and Dell, of Hove, at same, on May 2, Freehold residence East Grinstead and Lingfield—Ellis and Palmer, of East Grinstead, at same, on April 13, Freehold cottage property and business premises | Brighton, etc.—Samuel Ridley and Hollis, of Brighton, at same, on March 27, Freehold properties | Worthing—Nonnan and Spencer, of Worthing, at same, on April 13, Freehold dwelling houses Seaford—Maple and Co., of Brighton, at Seaford, on April 13, Freehold building land St. Leonards-on-Sea, etc.—John and A. Bray, of Hastings, at same, on April 13, Freehold and Leasehold properties Ardingly—Wilkinson, Son and Welch, of Brighton, at same, on April 11, Freehold residential property Brighton—J. G. Perry, of Brighton, at same, on April 20, Freehold and Leasehold properties Lewes—J. Plumer Chapman, of Lewes, at same, on March 28, Freehold business premises Warwickshire. Birmingham—Shread and White, of Birmingham, at same, on March 29, Leasehold property Oxfordshire. Oxford—Hamlet and Dulake, of Oxford, at same, on April 8, Freehold licensed property Shropshire. Knighton (near)—Jackson and McCartney, of Craven Arms, at Knighton, :>n April 6, Freehold estate | comprising about 610 acres Shrewsbury—Barber and Son, of Wellington, at Shrewsbury, on April 4, Freehold residence Shifnal—Furber and Burton, of Newport, at Shifnal, on April 6, Freehold dwelling houses and pasture land Somersetshire. Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on March 29, Freehold dwelling house Bath (near)—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at Midford Castle, on April 11, antique furniture, plate, etc. Compton Dando, etc.—G. Nichols, Smith and1 Alder, of Bristol, at Pensford, on March 29, Freehold properties Wrington—W. H. Shiner and Winter, of Bristol, at Wrington, on March 28, Freehold residential property Chard—W. C. Warren and Son, of Chard, at same, on March 29, cottage property and1 Freehold land Bath—Horton Bros., of Bath, at same, on April 25, Freehold residence Staffordshire. Tutbury—Leedham and Harrison, of Burton-on-Trent, at Tutbury, on March 27, Freehold residences, cottages, business premises and building land Froghall—Fergyson and Son, of Leek, at Froghall, on March 28, Freehold property Suffolk. Bury St. Edmunds—Lacy. Scott and Son, of Bury St. Edmunds, at same, on March 28, Freehold building land Bury St. Edmunds—Biddell and Blencowe, of Bury St. Edmunds, at same, on April 5, Freehold licensed property HILL & SMITH CONTINUOUS IRON FENCING. iron Hurdles and Field and Entrance Gates, Wire Fencing, Tree Guards, Stable and Cowhouse Fittings, l ingeries, Netting, Black Varnish. PARK AND FIELD GATES. SPECIAL DESIGNS AND PRICES To Customers requirements. The ECONOMIC SHEEP RACK, 9ft. long. Price 6& 6 each. CATTLE, SHEEP and PIG TROUGHS, and other Agricultural Feeding Appliances. Catalogues free on application to HILL & SMITH, Brierley Hill Ironworks, nr, Dudley. OR 118, QUEEN YICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. Replies mention this advertisement. Established 1774. THE “ CUMBERLAND PACQUET ” AND WARE'S WHITEHAVEN ADVERTISER (Published every Thursday Morning), _ the Conservative Party in West Cumberland. Full reports of all local events. Having an extensive and influential circulation throughout the county, the “ Cumberland Pacquet " furnishes one of the best mediums for advertising. PRICE ONE PENNY. FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT. NOTHING SO PROFITABLE AND EASY TO GROW. 80 ACRES of SALEABLE TREES. THE BEST PROCURABLE. Lists Free. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. Bushes in variety. Packing and Carriage Free, for cash with order. &S. per doz., GOs• per 100. All other Nursery Stock carriage forward. IN POTS From 15/-a doz. Ornamental Trees 91, Acres• A Superb Collection of Herbaceous Plants! Pour Acres of Glass. Clematis (80,000) from 15/־ doz. N Ji.—Single Plants are sold at slightly increased prices. f GENERAL CATALOGUE (Over 160 pages) of Nursery Stock, artistically produced, containing some hundreds of illustrations, and full of valuable information, ׳ free on receipt of 3d. for postage, yer-rf_- ■.,-T■.^־*«r --.I Please mention this Paper. IICHARD SMITH & Co.. WORCESTER NO CURE ! NO PAY ! ! G. F. DAWES’ Is the only Guaranteed Cure for Lame Sheen, leaves the hoof and foot soft and nealthy. Prices 3/- and 1/6. In Brown Pots only, sufficient to dress 80 Sheep and 40 i Sheep. Trial Pot free from the Manufactory. SCAB IN SHEEP CURED IN ONE DIPPING. NO CURE, NO PAY. G. F. DAWES, Bury Sc. Edmunds, Suffolk. WHEN REQUIRING LIVE STOCK COMMUNICATE WITH ALFRED MANSELL & CO. OLD-ESTABLISHED Live Stock Agents, Shrewsbury. NOTE.—Having UNRIVAI LED opportun ties for buying to advantaee. Breeders and Feeders would CONSULT THEIR OWN INTERESTS AND SAVR MANY POUNDS by placing commissions with the firm. WINTERING CATTLE & FEEDING SHEEP. Hereford, Shorthorn, Polled Angus, and Welsh Bullock«» (Pure or Crosses) supplied at lowest market rates. i SHROPSHIRE and Ohm Wethers supplied in truck loads on FAVOURABLE TEBMS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Telegrams:—־* Pedigree,” Shrewsbury. DOGS-RACKHAM’S distemper balls. The only cure known. Has been used in the Principal Kennels nearly Fifty Years. Price Is., 2s. 6d., 5s.. 10s., and 20s., free 2d. extra. HHUMlHm O JHrHIiLOL wunm J BALLS AND POWDERS.־־S//tdT״Æ îedicine necessary. Price Is., 2s. 6d., and 5s.. free 2d. extra ]OGS-RACKHAM'S TONIC CONDITION DAI I O are invaluable for v.-׳reyhounds. Stud, □MLLu also Exhibition Dogs. Price Is„ 2s. 6d., 5s., •ee 2d. extra. _3—RACKHAM'S KATALEPRA. - cu,ef w Red Mange, Eczema, and all Skin Diseases. Price ¡.,2s. 6d., 58.. 10s., and 20s.. free 2d. extra. 10GS- I Red i.,2s. 6d., l~.. *—-- )OGS-RACKHAM'S JAPAN SOAP for Washing Dogs. Prevents Skin Diseases. Kills all ermin. Tablets, 6d. and Is., post free 2d. extra. DOGS-RACKHAM’S PUPPY WORM BALLS for Puppies of all Breeds and Toy Dogs. New Remedy, Safe and Effectual. Price Is., 2s. 6d., 5s., and 10s. free 2d. extra. ANTI-DISTEMPER IOGS-RACKHAMS ■ ■ nnrnirm For the Prevention and Cure of SPECIFIC.—Distemper. With Young Puppks ts effects are marvellous This remedy prevents contagion at Shows. Price 2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s. per box, free 2d. extra. - RACKHAMS NORFOLK HOUND MEAL OR BISCUITS ffi06¿‘ ־g־“e i£ per cwt. Advice Gratis in all Diseases of Dogs. PETER' S. NORWIC H . ST, RACKHAM & GO., EPPS’S COGOAINE COCOA-NIB EXTRACT. The choicest roasted nibs (.bioken-up beans) of the natural Cocoa on being subjected to powerful hydraulic pressure, give forth their excess of oil, leaving for use a finely-flavoured powder—** Cocoaine,” a product which when prepared with boiling water, has the consistence of tea, of which it is now, wi h many, beneficially taking the place. Its active p;inciple being a gentle nerve stimulant, supplies the needed energy without unduly ; exciting the system. Sold only in labelled tins. 11 ! unable to obtain it of your tradesmen, a tin will be sent | post free for 9 stamps.- Jam^s EPPS and Co., LTD. ! Homoeopathic Chemists, London. MAIDSTONE and KENTISH JOURNAL and SOUTH EASTERN ADVERTISER. MAIDSTONE. Established 1876, the Largest Circulation in the County of Kent and neighbouring Counties, circulated extensively and most exclusively amongst the higher and middle classes; forms an excellent medium for advertising every description of property, and for making every kind of public announcement. Published every Thursday and Saturday, price Id., unstamped. The “ Journal is the most influential newspaper in the counties of Kent, Surrey. Sussex, and the South Eastern District, in which it is the recognised Conservative organ, and is extensively circulated among the Nobility. Clergy, Gentry, and the Commercial Classes. It therefore offers to Solicitors, . Auctioneers. Estate and Land Agents. Public Companies, and every class of trades a valuable opportunity of laving their proposals before the public. The “ Journal ’ contains full reports of the Provincial and County Markets, and during the season special reports of the Foreign and Home Hop market• AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND COMPANIES AND OTHERS REQUIRING BOARDS — Should apply to — GEO. BROWN, THE OLD ESTABLISHED Notice, Sign & Bill Board Contractor, WRITER, &c., Bury Street, St. Mary ixe, City, Corner of Heneage Lane. N.B.—Country firms will find this an unequalled opportunity for obtaining good Boards at the shortest notice, and at low prices. PROPERTIES WITH FISHINGS. Estate Agents and others who may be interested in the Sale of Properties including salmon, trout and other fishings, should advertise the same in Uje Jfisijiwj Established 1876. Entirely devoted to Angling. The Leading AngliDg Paper. Address the Proprietors:— SAMPSON, LOW, MARSTON and CO., Limited, St. Dunstan’s House, Fetter Lane, London. Demy 8yo, 450pp. Price 15s. ESTATE FENCES; Their Choice, Construction and Cost BY ARTHUR VERNON, E.S.I., Land Agent and Architect; Land Agent to the late Right Honourable the Earl of Beaconsfleld, K.G., and many Landowners; Member of Council and Honorary Examiner of Surveyors’ Institution, &c., &c., With about 150 Illustrations and a Treatise on Boundaries and Fences in their Legal Aspect By T. W. MARSHALL, B.C.L., OXON. E. and F. N. SPON, Limited. 125, STRAND, LONDON, W.C.