Mabch 25, 1Ô99. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 494 DAYID BURNETT and CO., 15. Nicholas-lane. Chelsea—20, Wellington-square, and' a GTt of -£5, L Gravesend—Glen View, Kelso Lodge, F DUNCAN and KIMPTON, 40 and 42, Queen Yietoria-street, E.C., and Westoliff-on-Sea, Essex. We-tclifi'-on-Sea, Essex—Preston-roadi, Three Free-hold Houses EASTMAN BROS., 23, Bucklersbury, E.C., Anerley, Sydenham and Forest-hill, S.E. Forest-hill—Devonshire-road, etc., a Freehold Build-ing Estate, about six acres GRANT, WHIELDON and CO., 112, Holland-park-aYenue, W. Haverstock-hill—6, Parkhill-road, and 34, Steele’s־ road, L DEBEN HAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Hydfe-park—125, Edgware-road, and 12, Burwood-place, Lease of Chiswick—31, Barrowgate-road, F Southwark—Mermaid-court, Freehold Trade Premises, area 1,110ft._____________ WEDNESDAY 22nd• G. PEARCE and SONS, 22, Hyde-road, Hoxton, and 32, Sherborne-street, Islington, N. Manor-park—1, Glare-villas, F Stoke Newington—12 and 14, St. Jude-street, L Leyton—106, 108 and 110״ Goldsmith-road, F WARE and CARPMAEL, 30a, Lincoln’s-inn-fielas, W.C. Tunbridge Wells, Kent—36 and 38, Woodbury-park-road, F G. BILLINGS, ?.54, Mare-street, Hackney, and Hackney Station, N.E. Walthamstow—68 and 70, Queen’s-road West; 95 to lit) (oao), Longfellow-road, L Bow—72, Lichfield-road, L Kensington—1 to 4, Campbell-place; 1 to 15, Camp־ bell-street, and Five Plots of Building Land, F EDMUND W. RICHARDSON and SON 50, Fins bury-square, E.C. City of London—10, Ropemaker-street, and1 ׳ and 3, Finsbury-street, L Wandsworth-road—No. 543, l¡ 0. WATNEY and SONS, 33, Poultry, E.C. Bayswater—4 to 7, and 9 to 11, Orme-court; 135 and 137, Inverness-terrace, L Kensington—39, 40, 42, and 43, Emperor’s-gate; 8, 12. 1424 ,20 ,16 ״ and 26, De Yere-gardens; 54, Peny-wern-road; 59 and 61, Earl’s-court-square, L Notting-hill—55 and 59, Linden-gardens, L THURSDAY 23rd. FAREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, BREACH, GALiWORTHY and t»0., 29, Fleet-street, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. Southend-on-Sea. Essex—The Chalkwell Hall Estate, 262 acres, F ALDER and CO., 28, Queen-street, E.C., 4, Rail-way-ter/ace, Streatham, S. W., and Carshal-ton. Datchet, Bucks—Pean-road, 14 Houses and Plot of Land, L DYER, SON and HILTON, 30, Budge-row, E.C. and Blackheath, S.E. Blackheath—12, Vanbrugh-park-road East; 3, 4, 5 and 6, Eliot-hiU, L EDWIN EYANS, 253, Layender-hill, Clapham -junction, S.W., Earlsfield and Putney. Clapbam—11 to 16, Blinco-road, F Forest-gate—114, Thorpe-road, L W. MARTIN and CO., Derby House, Grove-yale, East Dulwich Station, S.E. Dulwich—50 to 56 (even), East Dulwich-grove; 58, 68, 70, 72 and 74, Melbourne-grove; 44 and 48, Ashbourne-grove, L NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, N. Enfield—Bycullah-road, Drewside, F East Finchley—Durham-road, Two Parcels of Building Land, F W. STEYENS, Dalston-junction, N.E. Shoreditch—63 and 65, Rivington-street, L MESSRS. DRIVERS, 407, Holloway-road, N. Tottenham—83 to 101, Cornwall-road, area la. 3r. 17p., L Holloway—712, 714 and 716, Holloway-road, L STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S E. Brixton—Acre-lane, Leasehold Nursery Ground, about two acres Claphani—43 and 45, Bromfelde-road, L East Dulwich—22, 24, 27 and 29, East Dulwich-road, L; 305, 311 and 313, Underhill-road, F lir FRIDAY 24th. W. HALL, 38, Chancery-lane, W.C. Bromley-by-Bow—Botolph-road, LGR of £19 Southend-on-Sea, Essex—2, Clarence-road, F Willesden—5, 7, 9 and 11, Eric-road; 1 and 2, Neasden-lane, L Kilburn—68, Victoria-road, L HERRING, SON and DAW, 6, Ironmonger-lane, E.C., and Brixton-hill, S.W. Tulse-hili—67c, Upper Tulse-hill, L Tottenham—37 and 39, Talbot-road, F Brixton—209, Brixton-hill, L Streatham Common—Crown-lane, Jerviston House, and 2\ acres, F A. J. SHEFFIELD, 218, East India Dock-road Poplar, E., and 35, Eastcheap, E.C. Hampstead—19, Alexandra-road, L Hastings, Sussex—4, Robertson-terrace, L WAGSTAFF and SONS, Highbury-corner, N, Highbury—42 and44 ׳, Battledean-road, L T. B. WfiSTACOTf, 74, Camden-road, N.W. Holloway—125, Lady Margaret-road, L Kentish Town—57, Caversham-road, L LONDON AND SUBURBANRESULTS. MARCH. TUESDAY 21st. J. C. PLATT (at his mart, Studland Hall, King-street, Hammersmith). Hammersmith — 45, Cambridge-road, King- street, L ................................. 550 Notting-hill—10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Tnresher’s-cottages, Tobin-street, ut 3C years, GR £7, R £84 10s.......................... 205 THURSDAY 23rd• JENKINS and SONS (at their Auction Mart, 171, Lewisham High-road, S.E.). New Cross—54 Amersham-road, ut 36 years, GR £3 10s., ER £45 ..................... 420 Brockley—29 , 31, 33, Howson-road, ut 79 years, GR £16, ER £84 ......................... ! 030 Balls PondL—21 and 23, Kingsbury-road, ut 53 years, GR £12 12s., R £76 ............... 700 Tottenham—268 and 270, St. Ann’s-road, ut 60 years, GR £8 ............................ 320 MESSRS. DRIYERS, 407, Holloway-road, N. Finsbury-park—23, 25, 27 and 31, Alexandra- road, ut 59 years, GR £50 8s., ER £178 ... 1,720 3, 10, 11, 10 and 12, Alexandra-road, ut 74§ years, GR £50 8s., R £196 .............. 1,750 37, Gloucester-road, ut 60 years, GR £13 13s., R £65 ................................... 715 Stamford-hill—133, St Ann’s-road:, F, R £32 ... 505 Holloway—A Reversionary Lease to the front portion of 44, Seven Sisters-road, expectant in 1905, for a term of 61 years ......... 255 STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Catford—1 to 5, Balmoral-terrace, F, R £175 ... 2,000 Brixton—131, Acre-lane, ut 24 years, GR nil, ER £55 ................................... 415 Camberwell—1 to 4, Rust’s-square, ut 59 years, GR £25 4s............................... 1,370 Walworth—52, Oiney-street, ut 16§ years, GR £4 10s., R £34 ........................... 185 Charlton. Kent—61 and 63, Maryon-road, ut 23? years, GR £14, ER £91 .................... 310 Kennington—67, St. Agnes-place, ut 69 years, GR £6 6s., R £40 ......................... 425 2, Hanover-gardens, ut 46 years, GR £7 4s., R £34 .................................... 340 Dulwich—Nos. 291 to 303 (odd), 307, 309 and 315, Underhill-road, F ...................... 4,285 Landells-road, a Plot of Land, with Builds ings thereon, F, R £40 ............... 550 FRIDAY 24th. W. HALL, 38, Chancery-lane, W.C. South Norwood—Lincoln-road, FGR of £72, reversion in 97 years ............. 1,940 Willesden—Cooper-road, FGR of £53 11s., reversion in 91 years ............ 1,490 Brownlow-road, FGR of £1'3, reversion in 86 years ................................ 370 HERRING, SON and DAW, 6, Ironmonger-lane, E.C.. and 67, Caledonian-road, N. Brixton—38, St. James’-road, ut 24 years, GR £10 10s.............................. 900 A. J. SHEFFIELD, 218, East India Dock-road, Poplar, E., and 35, Eastcheap, E.C. Hastings—2, White Rock-gardens, ut 79 years, GR £20, R £130 ......................... 1,500 Upton-park—101 and 103, Nevilie-road, F ...... 630 Canning Town—32 and 34, Seaton-street, ut 68 years, GR £5 ............................. 150 59 and 61, Vincent-street, ut 66 years, GR £7 115 12, 14 and 16, Outram-street, ut 68 years, GR £7 10s................................. 135 T. B. WESTACOTT, 74, Camden-road, N.W. St. Pancras—17 and 19, Leigh-street, ut 7k years, GR £42 .................................. 180 31, 32 and 33, Sandwich-street, ut 7£ years, GR £25 4s................................ 235 Camden Town—19, Chalk Farm-road, ut ¿1? years, GR £10, R £80 .................... 940 STIMSON and !SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. South Lambeth—Fentiman-road, FGR’s of £32 10s., reversion in 26? years ...... 1,345 Claylands-road, FGR’s of £85 10s., reversions in 24|, 24£ and; 25¿ yea^s ............ 4,520 Church-street, FGR of £16, reversion in 24£ years ................................... 705 Meadow-road, FGR of £10 10s., reversion in 20k years ............................... 605 Hartington-road, FGR’s of £15 10s., reversion in 61 years .................... 490 Brixton -Korsford-road, FGR of £19, reversion in 77 years ............................. 565 Camberwell—Denmark-hill, FGR’s of £26, reversion in 63 years ........................ 745 Daneville-road, FGR’s of £19 5s., reversion in 63 years ............................. 590 Cuthiil-road, FGR of £22, reversion in 63 years ................................... 685 Stoke Newington—Alien-road, FGR of £5, reversion in 61 years........................ 140 Paddington—Grittleton-road, etc., IGR of £104, ut 64 years, GR £2 .................... 2,060 South Lambeth—Fentiman-road, IGR of £60, ut 39 years, GR £8 ......................... 815 Richmond-terrace, IGR of £45, ut 29k years, GR £6 ................................... 515 Richmond-terrace, IGR of £68, ut 39 years, GR £8 ................................... 915 Meadow-road, etc., IGR of £34, ut 39 years, GR £5 ................................... 460 Kennington—14, Kennington-park-road, C, R £62 620 South Lambeth—100 and 102, Fentiman-road, F, R £100 ................................. 2,240 Kennington—13, 13a and 15, Lower Kennington- lane, F ................................ 1,685 17, Lower Kennington-lane, area 2,934ft., F, R £60 .................................. 1,230 Hounslow—Grosvenor-road, a Plot of Building Land, F .................................. 320 Wefilington-road North, Two Houses and Shops, with Land and Stabling adjoining, ut 61? years, GR £10, R £48 ............. 640 Chiswick—28 and! 3i0, Cambridge-road, ut 62 years, GR £6, R £61 ...................... 600 48 and 50, Cambr'idgei-road;, ut 67* years, GR £10, R £70 ............................ 600 South Lambeth—27 and29 ׳, Claylands-road, ut 24? years, GR £7 12s., R £72 ............. 510 30 to 48 (even), Claylands-road/, with Stabling, etc., adjoining, ut 24 years, GR £67, R £367 ................................. 2,000 21 and 57, Trigon-road, ut 25? years, GR £9 10s., R £70 ........................... 515 Battersea—303 and 305, York-road, with Timber Yard in rear, ut 38 years, GR £5, R £58 10s. 750 By ükder of the Committee. Not Sold under the Hammer. MARCH. MONDAY 20th. J. BOTT and SONS, Commercial House, Hern( hill, S.E. Stratford!—Heyworth-road, etc״ FGB of £20 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.( and Tottenham, N. Haverstock-hill—No. 114, L WALLET and MORRIS, 13, Lime-street, E.C Holloway—257. 261, 267, 269, 271, 277, 279, and! 28 Hornsey-road, ■L Finchley—Ballard’s-lane, Beethoven House, F J. H. BETHELL, 31, LiYerpool-street, E.C., an Upton park, E. East Ham—9 and 11, Parr-road, F Manor-park—18 and 20, School-road, F TUESDAY 21st. ABERCROMBIE and EDMUNDS, 310, High-road, Kilburn, N.W., Willesden-green, Hendon, and Billiter House, Billiter-square, E.C. South Woodford—33 to 41, Chigwell-road, L GRANT. WHIELDON and CO., 112, Holland park-avenue, W. Lee—Leylands-road, IGR’s of £190, ut 65 years, GR £8 ................................. 3,102 Eltham-road, IGR of £55, ut 65 years, GR £5 1,000 Notting-hill—51, Lansdowne-road, ut 43 years, GR £12 5s., R £80 ....................... 670 DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80. Cheanside, E.C. Fiec&dilly-oircus, etc.—Piccadilly Mansions, ut 69 years. GR £1,520, ER £4,033 11s. .... 25,000 Scuthwark—163. 165 and 167, Borough High- street, area 6,640ft., F ..............10,000 Mermaid-court, Two Freehold' Warehouses, area 2,250ft........................... 3,050 Kensington—16, Young-street, F, R £120 .. 3,250 WEDNESDAY 22nd. C. and F. RUTLEY (at Croydon). Whyteleafe, Surrey—6 to 10, Bournecroft-cot- tages, ut 68 years, GR £9 7s. 6d......... 600 Whyteleafe-road, Kenilworth Cottages, F... 570 Upper Caterham, Surrey—Money-road, a Plot of Land, F................................ 35 G. PEARCE and SONS, 22, Hyde-road. Hoxton, and 82, Sherborne-street, Islington, N. Islington—24 and 26, Canonbury-road, ut 19i years;, GR £13, R £85 ................... 465 De Beauvoir Town—148, Southgate-road, ut 23? years, GR £4 ............................ 545 Barkingside, Essex—Hainault-road, a Freehold Building Estate, area 3a. Or. 3p......... 375 ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, 50, Bel-graye-road, and 78 Gloucester-road, S.W. South Kensington—15, Thurloe-place, ut 29 years,. GR £10, R £110 .................. 950 3, Pelham-crescent, ut 14 years, GR, etc., of £14, ER £110.......................... 525 G. BILLINGS, 254, Mare-street, Hackney, and Hackney Station, N.E. Bow—68, 69, 71 and 73, Lichfield-road, ut 43 years, GR £15, R £128 ........................ 1,390 177, Turner’s-road, ut 62? years, GR £4, R £39 ................................... 350 H. DONALDSON and SON, 58, Mildmay-park, N., and 243, Queen’s-road, N.E. Haggerston—1 to 11 (odd), Hay-street, area 2,900ft., F ............................. 820 Kingsland—22, Laburnum-street, F, R £40 .... 665 Dalston—147, 151 and 153״ Queen’s-road, R £112, also LGR ■of £8, ut 20? years, GR £24 ... 725 DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., 51, Goleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, 8.W., and Ilford, Essex. Old Kent-road—282 to 288 (even), East-street, F, R £160 ................................ 2,000 Clapham—326, Clapham-road, F, R £65 .......... 1,250 4 and 5, Cottage-grove, ut 46 years, GR £9, ' R £65.................................... 475 Somers Town—26, Clarendon-street, ut S years’ GR £15, R £52 ........................ !so ־ Chapel-grove, Grove Cottage, ut 26 years, GR £7 .................................... 75 Marylebone—12, Charlton-street, ut 15״ years, GR £24, R £60 ........................... 355 5, Barrett-street, F, R £70 ...............960 Stoke Newington—90, Lordship-road, ut 47? years, GR £10 10s., R £50 ............... 455 Ealing Dean—288, Uxbridge-road, ut 76 years, GR £8, R £30 ............................ 320 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C., and Tottenham, N. Southend Gas—£3,250 Four per cent. Debenture Stock .............................. 373Q Hertford Gas—47 £10 Shares ׳............799’ Lewes Gas—£200 Consolidated Original Capital Stock................................. 45Q Venfnor Gas and׳ Water-15 £20 Original’ Shares 420 Aldershot Gas and Water—25 £10 Ordinary ״A” Shares .................................. 550 West Kent Gas—50 £10 Original Shares..... 1 125 25 £10 New Shares, £5 paid .. ’ ’225 Barnet Gas and Water—£750 “A” ׳Capital Stock ............................... 1.663 THURSDAY 23rd. BOYTON, PEGEAM and BUCKMASTER (at Walham-green). Fulham—2a, 4a, 37, 39, 43, 45, 47, 61 to 71 (odd), ?0״t־avenU6’ ut 92 years, GR £54, R £443 18s. (in Lots) ......................... 4345 63k,ira!.iemar־a'venue• ut 86 years, GR £6 ios׳.׳, ER £40 ............................... 335 FAREBROTHER ELLIS. EGERTON. BREACH GALSWORTHY and CO., 29, Fleet-street, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. Bayswater—Porchester-road, etc., FGR of £100 reversion in about 45 years ....... ’ 6 500 Kildare-gardens, etc., FGR’s of £355, reversion in about 52 years ...... !8 500 MESSRS. CRONK, 12, Pall Maii׳," S.w!" and Sevenoaks. Meopham, Kent—Upper Goose’s Farm, 22a. 2r. 26p״, F ................................. or״ Medway Paper Mills—600 £1 Shares, ias."midi 347 EDWIN EYANS, 2S3, Lavender-hill, Clapham junction. S.W., Earlsfield and Putney. Wandsworth-road, FGR’s of £33, reversion In 89 years ................................ S50 Battersea—119, Salcott-road, ut 823 years, GR £6 10s., R £34 .......................... 3j5 Oremorne-road, ut 87 years, GR £14 920 Clapton—21 to 24, Blinco-road, F, R £104 1 050 Forest-gate-331 to 341 (odd), Canu Hall-road,’ut 88 years, GR £27 ..................[ 815 255, Ramsey-road, ut 88 years, GR £5, R £26 230 W. MARTIN and CO , Derby House, Groye-yale East Dulwich Station, S.E. Hampton, Middlesex—Hanworth-road Glen- n״lwSirs?־ m m yearS' GR £12 10s- » £35 ... 220 Hulwieh—88, Melbourne-grove, ut 77 years, GR £6 10s................................... 275 46t^siLbouI’r,e־srOTe• ut 71 years’,’’’GR׳’¿¿','’¿ £¿0 ..................................... 3jn 2a anl 2, Chesterfield-grove, ul’’71׳ year’s,’ GR £7 10s................................ 45Q 0. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E.” and 7, Leadenhall-strret. E.C. Stepney—60, Heath-street, F, R £26 120 26BSl?,iill־street׳ ut years• OR ”£2 "ios.’; xC £30 .................................. 165 31, Stepney-causeway, F ....״״'.״!״!״״״...535 Limehouse—33, Church-row, F, R £26 .......... 400 ?S’ ?2 a„nd' 84’ Salmon-lane, C, R £74 8s" ... 8?5 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44, Dalgleish-street C 1 160 NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 273^ Upper street, Islington, N. Hackney—222, Mare-street, F .... 2 720 1. Darnley-road, F, ER £55 ............ 800 Brixton—Brandon-road, FGR of £12, reversion in 56 years ............................. 330 Harringay—12, 14 and 16, Um'freviile"roadF, R £107 ...................................1,775 W STEYENS, Dalston-junction, N.E. Hackney—35, Rendlesham-road, F, R £30 485 Stoke Newington—68, Newington-green-road, ut 52J years, GR £4, ER £36 .......... 370 De Beauvoir Town—31, Church-road, ut 1% years, GR 7s., ER £42 .................. 325 C. SPARROW and SON, High-street, North Finchley, N. Hendon—13 to 27 (odd), Hendon-park-row, F, R £318 North Finchley—Dale-grove, Fernside, F, R £36; 9, Alexandra-grove, F, R £60; Holden-road, a Parcel of Land, 100ft. by 210ft., F Walthamstow—6, 8, 14, 20 , 22, 24, and 33 to 43 (odd), Waverley-road, ut 97 years, GR £5 each, WT £32 10s. each Whetstone—Rasper-road, etc., a Plot of Land, F Barnet Gas and Water Stock ROBERT TIDEY and SON, 3, Pentonville-road, Cheapside—46 and 47, Bow-lane, F, R £545 Islington—17, Noel-street, F, ER £50 Stoke Newington—73, Aden-grove, ut 72 years, GR £5, ER £32 De Beauvoir Town—211, Southgate-road, ut 30 years, GR £5, R £48; 40, Southgate-road, ut 20 years, GR £4 10s., R £40 Hoxton—267, New North-road, ut 28 years, GR £6 6s., R £45 Canonbury—1, Canonbury-road, ut 19 years׳, GR £7, R £45 Victoria-park—38 and: 40, Rothbury-road, ut 60 years, GR £8 10s., WR £46 16s. HARMAN BROS., 75 Aldermanbury, E.C., and Rectory-road Station, N. Walthamstow—Somers-road. etc., FGR’s of £150, reversion in years King’s-cross—15, Tiber-street, ut 44 years, GR £4, WR £31 4s. De Beauvoir Town—1% and 198, Southgate-road, ut 23 years, GR £1 10s. each, R £34 each FORTESCUE and CO., 8• St. aohn’s-hill, Clapham-junction, S.W. Wandsworth—3 and 5, East-hill, F, R £82 Battersea—15, 17, 21, 23 and25 ׳, Green-lane, ut 84 years, GR £35, R £197 12s. (flats) Fulham—39, Bishops-road, ut 91 years, GR £6 6s., R £34 Wandsworth—19, 21 and 31, Tonsley-hill, ut 62 years, GR £12, YR £76 10s.; and 29, Tonsley-place, ut 62 years, GR £4. YR £20 MESSRS. ALDRIDGES, 16, King-street. St. James’s, S.W. (at the Cock Hotel, Sutton, Surrey, at 6 o’clock). Sutton—50 Plots of Freehold! Building Land, fronting the Tankerville and Lower roads SWAN WOODCOCK, 74, Leytonstone-road, Stratford (at the Swan Hotel, Broadway, Stratford, at 8 o’clock). East Ham—95, Plashet-lane, R £32, F Forest-gate—5, Milton-terrace, Red Post-lane, R £36, F Stratford;—4, St. James-road, R £31 4s., F; 2, Well-street, R £24 14s., F; and233 ׳, Leytonstone-road, ut 47 years, 'GR £7 10s., ER £36 THURSDAY 30th NO SALES AT THE MART. BLAKE and CARPENTER, 45, High street, Croydon (at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, at 9 o’clock). South Croydon—Three Residences, situate in the Marlborough-road, R £110, F; and Six Residences, situate in the Avondale-road, R £240, F West Croydon—27, Oakfield-road, R £46, F Mitcham—A Residence, situate at Lower-green West, ER £30 RESULTS OF AUCTION SALES. Estate Exchange Copyright Report. Results of Sales at the Mart. London, except where otherwise stated ___________ MARCH. FRIDAY 17th. DYER, SON and HILTON (at Lewisham). Lewisham—40 to 46, Brookbank-road, ut 70? years, GR £21, R £161 .......... 1,770 19 to 25, 29 to 35 (odd), Ellerdale-street, ut 70? years, GR £24, R £135 ....... 1,985 MONDAY 20th. J. BOTT and SON, Commercial House, Herne hill, S.E. Herne-hill—No. 28, also Neckar Lodge. Forth House, Fairmount, and The Lodge, C, R £420 ................................ 7,600 MOSS and JAMESON, 77. Chancery-lane. W.C. Norwood—10, Camden-hill-road, F, ER £45 ... 490 Brixton—1, 3, 11 and 19, Ashmere-grove, ut 85 years, GR £32, R £145 ................. 1,350 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C., and Tottenham, N. Tottenham—639, High-road, F ............... 2,110 81, 83, 95, 97, 99, 101, 123 and 125, Park-lane, with Nursery Ground and Arable Land in rear, area about 11 acres ............ 4,600 784 and 786, High-road, F, R £102 ...... 1,720 Bromley-by-Bow—12, St. Leonards-street, F, R £30 .................................. 655 6, Union-street, and 5, Providence-place, F 350 J. H. BETHELL, 31, LiYerpool-street, E.C., and Upton-park, E. Upton-park—24 to 28, The Broadway, F, R £260 5,810 9 and 10, The Parade, F, R £72 .......... 1,210 9 and 11, Plashet-grove, F, R £65 ........ 950 226, Gipsy-lane, ut 79 years׳, GR £6„ R £50 380 Manor-park—611, Romford-road, ut 94 years, GR £8 8s., R £40 ....................... 405 TUESDAY 21st. HEPPER and SONS (at Leeds). Leeds—East-parade, The East-parade Chapel Estate, area 1,853 yardte, F ..... 31,000 DAYID BURNETT and CO., 15, Nicholas-lane, Walworth—4 and 6, Orb-street, ut 61 years, GR £16, R £83 12s....................... 760 Sydenham—Wiverton-road, a Freehold Building Site ............................ 710 Mile End—Cambridge-roa-d, the Letting of a Building Site, area 7,600ft., for 90 years, at per annum ........................ 170 C. RAWLEY CROSS and CO., Ilchester House, Uxbridge-road Station, S.W., and 37, Broad- way. Ealing. Ealing—46. Castlebar-road, ut 52 years, GR £5, R £40 .................................... 400 Notting-hill—26 and 30, Tobin-road, 1 to 4. Joliffe’s-yard, 1 and 2, Thomas’s-mews, and a GR of £7, ut 29 years, GR £6................. 530 DUNCAN and KIMPTON, 40 and 42. Queen Yietoria-street, E.C., and West cliff on-Sea, Essex. Ealing—Spring-bridge-road, CGR of £26, reversion in 40 years........................ 2,105 Norwood—32, Hamlet-road, ut 59 years, GR £6 10s., R £50 .......................... 400 '