Price 3d. Estates Gazette, Mabch 25, 1899. Largest Circulation of any Paper dealing with the Landed Interest. ESTABLISHED 1853. ״C|37 Jnwsnnrat Rffotö > * With which is incorporated the ESTATES JOURNAL, and the AUCTIONEER. Registered as a Newspaper.] PBICE 3d. LONDON, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1899. VOL. LIII. No. 1,763.—EST. 1858. Sales 1)2 Auction. Thursday, May 11. BALLS POND and HACKNEY.—Freehold Ground Rents of £794 12s. per annum, secured upon houses and shops and 168 houses, producing rack rents estimated at £5,000 per annum—By order of the Trustees of George Tyer, Esq., deceased. ^TIMSOjN" and SOjNS will Sell by Auction, b3 at the Mart, on Thursday, May 'll, at Two o’clock, the following FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS: Amount. Secured upon. Rever sion in Rack Rents. £30 Nos. 32, 34, 42, 44, 46 and 48, Ball s Pond-road.. 1951 £350 £6 10i. No. 36, do 1951 £50 £6 !Os. each Nos 50 and 52 do... 1951 £100 £80 £0 10s. each The Maiquis of Salisbury p.h., JNo. 54, do Xos.56and58, do... 1951 1951 £100■ £25 Nos. 60, 64, 66, 68 and 70, do. 1951 £250 £6 10s. No. 6', do 1951 £50 6s. £4 each Land in rear of No. 30, do Nos. 2 to 64 (even), Kings-bury-ioad, Ball’s Pond-road 1 51 £32 each £3 10s. each Nos. 1 to 9, Canterbury-r^ad, 1 all’s Pond-ioad.. 1951 £30 each £3 15s. N o. 10, do. 1951 £30 £4 No. 11, do. 1951 £30 £3 15s. No. 12, do. 195 L £30 £7 Nos. IB and 14, do. 1951 £60 £3 15s. each Nos. 15,16,17 and 18, do... 1951 £30 each £8 Nos. 19 anu 20, do. 1951 £60 £3 15s. each Nos. 21 to 42, do. 1951 £30 each £3 10s. each Nos. 43, 44, 45 and 46, do... 1951 £30 each £3 15s each Nos. 47 to 54, do. 1951 £30 each £6 Nos. 55 and 56, do. 1951 £60 £3 1 Os. each Nos. 57 to 64, do. 1951 £30 each £3 15?. each Nos. 1 to 54, Stanley-ioad, Ball s Pond-road .. 1951 £30 each £3 19?. No. 55, Stanley-road 1951 £30 £12 Nos. 56, 57 and 58, do. .. 195i £90 £4 2s. each Nos. 59, 60 and 61, do. .. 1951 £30 each £5 12s. No. 65, do. and ground in rear of Nos. 62, 63 and 64 1951 £32 £3 No. 5, Canterbury-terrace, Ball’s Pond 1951 £38 £15 each Nos. 5 and 7, Urswick-road, Hackney 1927 £55 each £9 9s. No. 19, S^uth-place, Hackney 1927 £40 £9 9s. No, 22, do. 1928 £40 £*?1 10s. Sutton Lodge, Nj. 25, do... 1921 £100 Particulars of Messrs. Layton, Sons and Lendon, solicitors, 29, Budge-row, E.C.; andi of *he Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-st., E.C., and 2, New Kent-rd. Thursday, May 18. By order of Executors of H. Harris, Esq., deceased. QTIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, bJ at the Mart, on Thursday, May 18, at Two: — HYDE-PARK.—Family Residence, No. 46, Con-naught-square. Let upon repairing lease at £190 per annum; aiso Stabling in Fredericks-mews in rear, let upon lease at £26 per annum. Term about 20 years unexpired) at £17 ground rent on the whole. HYDE-PARK.—Capital Residence, No. 60, Oxford-terrace, lately in occupation of the deceased; rental value £100 per annum; also Stabling in rear, rental value £30 per annum. Both with possession. Term 35 years at £14 ground rent. BaYSWATER.—Two Residences, Nos. 88 and 90, Talbot-road. No. 88 let at £70 per annum, No. 90 with possession. Term 47 .years׳ at £10 10s. each. BAYS WATER.—Residence, No. 97, Ledbury-road, let at £50 per annum. Term 47£ years at £9. WESTBOURNE-P ARK.—Stabling Premises, Nos. 9 and 11, Burlington-mews West. No. 9 let to two tenants at 12s. 6d. weekly, No. 11 let at £20 per annum. Term 60 years, at £8 8s. on the two. WESTBOURNE-P ARK.—House, No. 204, Ken sal-road, let at 13s. weekly. Term 67 years at £8. RICHMOND.—Residence, No. 11, Joselyn-road. Rental value £30 per annum. Term 69 years׳ at £8 8s. FULHAM.—Two Houses, Nos. 41 and 43, Waterford-read. Let at £28 per annum each. Term 57 years, at £6 10s. ground rent on the two. BBIXTON-ROAD.—The Residence, No. 362, Brixton-road. Let on lease for the full term at £60 per annum. Held׳ for 10è years unexpired at £10. UPPER NORWOOD.—The Residence, No. 7. St. Aubyn’s-road, Westow-hill. Let at £40 per annum. Term. 60 years at £8 ground rent. STREATHAM-HILL.—With possession. Detached Residence, with stabling and grounds of 3i acres, known as Ascombe, Woodfield-avenue. The house is planned on two floors, and contains eight bed rooms, bath room, four reception rooms and extensive offices. Stabling of two stalls׳ and loose box, and double coach-house. Particulars of Messrs. H. S. Harris and Co., solicitors, 63, Coleman-street, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneers. 8. Mcci gate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. POLICIES OF INSURANCE. By order of Executors of H. Harris, Esq., deceased. TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, L' at the Mart, on Thursday. May 18, at Two, the following POLICIES OF INSURANCE: — £2,000 in the Commercial Union Assurance Co. £500 in the Provident Clerks' Assurance Society. £100 in the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. Particulars of Messrs. H. S. Harris and Co., solicitors, 63, Coleman-street, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneers. 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Sales l>2 &ttctton. VAUXHALL BRIDGE-ROAD and PIMLICO-ROAD.— Leasehold Properties. Q TIMSON and SON'S will Sell by Auction, Ly at the Mart, on Thursday, April 20, at Two o’clock, the following INVESTMENTS: — VAUXHALL BRIDGE-ROAD.—Residence, 2, Chur• ton-place. Let at £48 per annum. Term 31 years. PIMLICO-ROAD.—Residence, No. 6, Ranelagh-grove, Let at £42 per annum. Term 22 years, at £5. Particulars of the Solicitors, Messrs. Sandom, Kersey and Knight, 52, Gracechurch-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 3, Moorgate-street, EC.. and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. PIMLICO and VAUXHALL.—Leasehold Investments. (^TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, b^ at the Mart, on Thursday, April‘ 20, at Two o'clock, the following PROPERTIES: — PIMLICO.—Two Residences, Nos. 45 and 51, Tach-brook-street. Term 21 years¿ at £6 each. VAUXHALL.—Two Houses and Shops, Nos. 57 and 61, Bond-street. Term 18 years, at £4 10s. each. Particulars of Messrs. Hores, Pattisson and Bathurst, solicitors, 52, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. BATTERSEA and SOUTH NORWOOD.-Freehold and Leasehold Investments. Q TIM,SOY and ,SONS will Sell by Auction, U-' at the Mart, on Thursday, April 20, at Two o'clock, the following PKOPEBTIBS: — BATTERSEA.—Five Houses and Shops, Nos. 45 to 53 (odd), Queen’s-road, let principally on repairing leases at £50 and £45 each. Term 66 years, at £7 10s. each.—Solicitor, E. W. Pheasant, Esq., 10, Duke-street, Adelphi, W.C. SOUTH NORWOOD.—Five Freehold Houses, Nos. 47 to 55, Cobden-road, near Norwood Junction Station. —Solicitors, Messrs. Wilkinson, Howlett and Wilkinson, 14, Bedford-street, W.C. Particulars of the Solicitors; and) of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. EUSTON-ROAD.—A valuable Freehold Property, on the south side of this important main thoroughfare, nearly opposite Euston-square and St. Pancras Station, and a convenient distance from King's-cross and1 Tottenham-court-road. C TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, e-' at the Mart, E.C., on Thursday, May 4, at Two O'clock, in One Lot, the excellent FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as Nos. 137 and 139, Euston-road. comprising two houses with forecourt and premises in rear, at present leased for a term expiring at Michaelmas, 1902, at £10 ground rent. The property has a frontage of 25ft., and covers an area of about 3,500ft. super., the whole of which could be utilised for conversion into business premises. Particulars of Messrs. Wood and Sons, solicitors, 16, Eastcheap, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8 Moorgate-street, ■E.C.. and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. EUSTON-ROAD, ST. PANGEAS.—Freehold) Ground Rents of £425 15s. per annum, with early reversions, secured upon 30 houses, seven with shops, licensed beerhouse, and other premises, producing rack rents of about £2,000 per annum. Q TIM,SON and PONS will Sell by Auction, Us at the Mart, on Thursday, May 4, at Two o'clock, in 12 Lots, as described below, the following FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. Amo’nt Secured upon Revision in Rack R’nts. £72 0 149 and 151, Euston-road 1923 £300 17 10 The Anchor Beer-house, 22, Stibbington-street 1920 120 0 1 to 10, Cbarles-street .. 1929 30 0 113 and 114, Chalton-street 1926 110 18 0 91, Chalton-street 1928 80 8 10 72, Chalton-street 1923 50 17 0 70 and 71, Chalton-street 1924 100 8 15 69, Chalton-street 1924 50 17 0 64 and 65, Chalton-street 1923 140 62 0 63, 66, 67, 68, 73, 74 and 78, Chal- ton-street, and premises in rear 1925 350 55 0 68. 70 and 7?, Cbureh-way 1925 180 Particulars, with plans, oi^Messrs. Wood and Sons, luiutuiaia, yyiujj. jjiciiiD, ui xucasis. vv UUU UIIU ►30115, solicitors, 16, Eastcheap, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. HACKNEY and HOMERTON.—Freehold and Copy-hold Properties.—By order of the Trustees of George Tyer, Esq., deceased. Q¡ TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, May 11, the following excellent INVESTMENTS: — HACKNEY.—Four Freehold Semi-detached Residences, Nos. 17, 18, 20 and 21, Sutton-place, close to St. John’s Church, producing £158 per annum. HOMERTON.—Copyhold Baker’s Shop and Premises, No. 18, Brooksby’s-walk, High-street, with extensive yard in rear. Leased for 30 years expiring Midsummer, 1900, at £22 per annum, with reversion to the rack rent, estimated at £70 per annum. Particulars and plans of Messrs. Layton, Sons and Lendon, solicitors, 29, Budge-row, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Äales tw Auction. Thursday., April 13. CLAPHAM JUNCTION and PECKHAM.— By order of the Executrix of Mr. G. Green, deceased. C TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, bJ at the Mart, on Thursday, April 13, at Two: — CLAPHAM JUNCTION.—Three Houses, Nos. 54, 68 and 70, Grant-road, Lavender-road. Let at 13s. each weekly. Tern! 65 years, at £6 6s. each ground rent. PECKHAM.—Four Houses, Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 7, Lid-gate-road, St. George’s-road. Let at 13s. each weekly. Term 65 years. Particulars of Messrs. Fraser and Son, solicitors, 19, Southampton-street, Bloomsbury, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. LOWER CLAPTON, KENTISH TOWN. FULHAM. BATTERSEA-PARK. PUTNEY, SURBITON, CAMBERWELL and WALWORTH.—Freehold and Leasehold Properties. s¡ TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, b-׳׳ at the Mart, on Thursday, April 13, at Two: — LOWER CLAPTON.—With possession.—Two Freehold ten-roomed Residences, Nos. 75 and 77, Glen-avon-road, Lower Clapton-road. Estimated rental value £45 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Wood and Sons, 16, Eastcheap, E.C. KENTISH TOWN.—Corner House and1 Shop, 68, Castle-road. Let on lease at £47 per annum. Term 62 years, at £6 10s.—Solicitor, W. A. Jennings, Esq., 179, Kentish Town-road, N.W. FULHAM.—Four Freehold Residences, 23, 25, 31 and 33, Epirus-road, North-end-road, producing £162 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Lewis and Sons, 7. Wil-mington-square, W.C. BATTERSEA-PARK.—Four Residences, Nos. 25, 26, 27 and 28, Vict.oria-road. Let at £45 per annum each. Term 78 years, at £5 each ground rent.— Solicitors, Messrs. W. Tanner and Co., 16, 17 and 18, Finsbury-circus-buildings, E.C. PUTNEY.—The excellent Residence, No. 10, Disraeli-road, near Putney and) East Putney stations. With possession. Long lease at a moderate ground rent. —Solicitor, J. Brunskill, Esq., 13, Great James-street, Bedford-row, W.C. SURBITON.—Two semi-detached Residences, Lyndon House and Montague House, Ewell-road, each containing eight bed rooms, three reception rooms, and offices; large garden. With possession. Renta! value £70 per annum each. Term 59 years, at £10.— Solicitors. Messrs. Langham, Son and Douglas, 107, Cannon-street, E.C., and 44a, Robertson-street, Hastings. CAMBERWELL. — Semi-detached. double-fronted Residence., known as Glenthorne, No. 4, Grove-park Den mark-hill, containing eight bed rooms, bath room, three reception rooms, and ample domestic offices. Good garden. Let at £80 per annum, on agreement expiring at Midsummer, when possession can be obtained. Term 88 years, at £14 ground rent.—Solicitor, J. J. Chapman, Esq., No. 4, Gray’s-inn-square, W.C. WALWORTH.—Two Freehold Houses, 9 and 11, Townley-street, East-street. Let at 7s. 6di. each weekly.—Solicitors, Messrs. Wellman, 76b, West-bourne-grove, W. Particulars of the Solicitors; and of the Auctioneers. 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. NGTTING-HILL (six minutes’ walk from Notting-hill Station).—Re Rev. Bailey Churchill, deceased —A valuable Freehold Property, covering an area of over 3,000ft. super. £ TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, bJ at the Mart, Tokenhouse-.yard, E.C״, on Thursday, April 13. at Two, the FREEHOLD RESIDENCE and PREMISES, No. 122, Elgin-crescent, Ladbrokf-grove, Notting-hill. formerly used as a school, and containing 16 rooms, some very spacious. There is also a, large garden, with access to the ornamental grounds in rear. The property has a frontage of 83ft., and an average depth of 88ft.״ and an area of about 8,000 square feet. With possession. Particulars of Messrs. Miller, Smith and Bell, solicitors, 3, Salter’s Hall-court, E.C.; Messrs. Clitherow and Son, solicitors, Horncastle; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneers. 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Thursday, April 20. ENFIELD. WALTHAMSTOW and LEYTONSTONE.— Freehold Ground Rents, Freehold Building Land, and Leasehold Properties. C TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, April 20, at Two: — ENFIELD.—By order of Trustees of Mr. William Dalgleish, deceased.—Freehold Ground Rents of £32 per annum (at present in one collection), secured upon eight houses, one with shop, Nos. 9. 10, 11. 12. 13, 14. 15 and 16, Victoria-terrace. Churchburv-road. Rack rents £161 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Yarde and Loader. 1. Raymond-buildings, Gray’s-inn, W.C. 13 ALTHAMSTOW.—31 Plots of Freehold Building Land; four plots having a frontage to Lower-road, and 27 to a. new' road; called Lancaster-road. Black-horse-lane, near St. James-street Station.—Solicitor, C. A. Russ. Esq . 62. King William-street, E.C. LEYTONSTONE.—Two Houses arid Shops, and Three Dwelling Houses. Nos. 9, 11, 13. 15. 17 and 19, Crownfield-road, let at 12s. each weekly excepting No. 19. which is let on agreement at £28 per annum Term 49 years, at £4 each—Solicitors, Messrs. Howard and Atherton, No. 15, Abchurch-lane, E.C. Sales fcg Auction. Messrs. STIMSON & SONS, Auctioneers and Surveyors, Land, House and Estate Agents. 8, MOORGATE-STREET, BANK, E.C. AND 3, NEW KENT-ROAD. S.E., Telegraphic address, “ Servabo, London.” Thursday, April 6. CAMBERWELL—A compact Short Leasehold Estate of four shops and 16 houses, in a densely populated neighbourhood, let at low rents, no increase having been made for over 25 years. Q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, O at the Mart, Tokenhcuse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, April 6, at Two o’clock, the following PROPERTIES:— Per annum. No 225, Southampton-street, producing ..........£31 4 No. 227, ,, ״.............0 ■26 No. 229, ״............0 26 No. 231, , ״ ״..............0 22 And 16 Houses, Nos. 1 to 15, Riddell-street, and! Caroline Cottage in rear. Let weekly. Producing .............................. 247 0 £352 4 Held for 13i years unexpired at Lady Day, 1899, at the low ground rent of .............. 17 10 £334 14 The houses have been recently redrained to the requirements of the sanitary authority. Particulars of Albert Fleming, Esq., solicitor, 8, Trinity-square, Southwark, S.E.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street. E.C., and 2, New Kent-roadi, S.E. CROUCH-HILL, MARYLEBONE. and HOMERTON.-Freehold and Leasehold Properties. Q¡ TIMSON and SONS wall Sell by Auction, b^ at the Mart, on Thursday. April 6, at Two: — CROUCH-HILL.—Excellent Residence, No. 34, Blyth-wood-road, near the Station, containing five bed rooms, bath rooms, three reception rooms, and usual offices ; good garden. Let until Midsummer at the low rent of £45 per annum. Term 76 years at £8 ground rent.—Solicitors, Messrs. E. and J. Mote, 1, South-square, W.C. MARYLEBONE.—Re Vey, deceased.—1The excellent 12-roomed Residence, 82, Balcombe-street, Dorset-square. With possession. Rental value £60 per annum. Term 20 years, at £10 ground rent.—Solicitor, R. C. Cork, Esq., 15, Seething-lane, E.C. HOMERTON.—Four modern Freehold Houses and Shops, Nos. 47, 49, 51 and 53, Swinnerton-street, High-street. Let upon agreements producing £124 per annum, tenants having the option of leases at increased! rents.—Solicitors. Messrs. Baker, Folder and Upperton. 14, Linooln’s-inn-fields, W.C. Particulars of the Solicitors; and of the Auctioneers. 8. Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. LAMBETH, CAMBERWELL. PECKHAM, STOCK- WELL, GIPSY-HILL, and GREENWICH.—Freehold and Leasehold Properties. £ TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, bJ at the Mart, on Thursday, April 6, at Two: — LAMBETH-ROAD, Southwark.—Two Freehold Residences, Nos. 38 and 42, Lambeth-road, let at £44 and £45 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Marsden and Son, 14, Great St. Thomas Apostle, E.C., and) Church-street, Camberwell S.E. CAMBERWELL.—By order of the Executor of Mr. Reeves, deceased.—Three Houses. Nos. 69, 71, and 75, St. George’s-road, producing £93 12s. per annum. Term 62 years, at £5 10s.—Solicitor, A. Mirams, Esq., 159, North-street, Brighton. PECKHAM —By order of the Mortgagee.—Semidetached Residence, 8, Hill-street, let at 16s. per week. Term 263 years.—Solicitors, Messrs. Burton and Son, 82. Blackfriars-road, S.E. STOCKWELL.—Re Miss Barber, deceased.—Two excellent Houses, Nos. 46 and 54, Mordiaunt-street, Pulross-road, near Brixton Station and main road, let at monthly rents, producing £55 per annum. Term 65£ years, at £5 and £5 5s.—Solicitors, Messrs. Sandorn, Kersey and Knight, 52, Gracechurch-street, E.C GIPSY-HILL, Norwood.—House and Shop. No. 136, Gipsy-hill. Rental value £55 per annum. With possession. Term 97 years, at £10 ground rent —Solicitor. H. E. Griffith, Esq., 11, St. Bride’s-avenue, Fleet-street, E.C. GIPSY-HILL.—Semi-detached Residence. No. 34, Victoria-road., containing seven bed and dressing rooms, bath room, drawing and breakfast rooms, library, and offices; large garden. Let at £55 per annum. Term 56| years. at £12 19s.—Solicitor, W. H. Matthews, Esq., 16. Southwark-street, S.E. GREENWICH —By order of Executor.—House and Shop, No. 135, South-street, with possession, formerly let on lease at £45 per annum. Term 53 years, at £5.—Solicitors. Messrs. Billinghurst, Wood and Pope, 7, Bucklersbury. E.C. Particulars of the Solicitors; and■ of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E.