Swpplsmínt to the Estates Gazette. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS March 18, 1899. DOUGLAS. AUCTIONEEB, VALUER, AND SHARE BROKER, __E** A, Tel«. Add.: ” -"״CRAIGE, DOUGLAS, MAN.” IRELAND. Agent for Lloyds. Offices: 52, ATHOL STREET. DOUGLAS. OH AS. E. MALEY, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, STOCK AND SHARE BROKER, ESTATE, INSURANCE AND COMMISSION AGENT, 29, ATHOL STREET, DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN. Telegram»: " Maley, Auctioneer, Douglas.” Established 1858. ISLE OP WIGHT. BELFAST. R. J. McCONNELL and 00., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS & ESTATE AGENTS, Have always Fee Farm Rents and House Property for Sale, the former extra well secured to pay from 4J to sj per cent„ and the latter from 8 to 10 per cent. Telegraphic Address" Property,” Belfast. Head Offices :—37, ROYAL AVENUE, Branch OfficesMountpollinger Junction, and Shankhill Road. WOKING AND BYFLEET. GEORGE B. SMALLPEIOE, F.8.I.. AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR, ESTATE AGENT AND VALUER, Valuations for Mortgage, Probate, Ac OFFICES ; RAILWAY APPROACH, WOKING 9 & 10, TOKENHOUSE YARD, LONDON, E.O 152, BELFAST. McKELVEY AND McCOMBE, House cmd Estate Agents, PROPERTY AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS Auditors and Aooountants. 85, ROYAL AYENUE. Agents for the London Assurance (Fire), A.D. 1726. WOKINGHAM, Auctioneer, Valuer, ^ \ Surveyor, .. House, ^*־ Estate and Insuranoe Agent, 7, Broad Street, Wokingham. îb NEWPORT. HENRY J. WAY AND SON, ! AUCTIONEERS. SURVEYORS, AGRICULTURAL AND TIMBER VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS Ao. CORK. K. KEARNEY, E. Pir_ . ( Henry J. way, F.S.I., F,A.I. ™ ■ ( Edward w. way. Branch Offices.—Freshwater. Letters and !Telegrams.—Newport. BONS, RYDE. M A B V IN A E. AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, HOUSE, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT MUNSTER AUCTION MART, 37, MARLBOROUGH STREET, CORK. The MOST CENTRAL MART IN THE CITY for sales of all descriptions of property, furniture, pictures, jewellery Ac. Sales personally and carefully conducted and promptly settled. Telegraphic address,,‘Kearney, auctioneer, Cork,” Bankers and other references. WORTHING. NORMAN AND 8PEN0ER, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS 41, CHAPEL ROAD’, WORTHING, And BSIaTE OFFICES, WEST WORTHING. Estates managed and Rents collected. Telegrams R Norman, Worthing.” Periodical Sales of Property and Furniture WYMONDHAM A DISTRICT, NORFOLK. so^• & AUCTIONEERS, VALUER8, AND AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS. VALUERS ESTATE AGENTS, STREET. “ Marvins, Ryde. 7 6, UNION Telegraphic Address ; RYDE. WALLIS. BIDDETT k CO., F.B.I., AUCTIONEERS. ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUERS. Letters end Telegrama, RYDE, Regd. Telegraphic Address, “Riddetti, Ryde, CORK. WM. MARSH AND SONS, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS AND CATTLE SALESMEN, HOUSE, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 70, SOUTH MALL, CORK. Auctions of Cattle, Furniture, etc., conducted. House and Landed Property valued and sold by auction. Sales of Dairy and Store Cattle and Sheep every Saturday at | The Repository, Copley-street. Lettings of Estates, | Farms, Houses and business Premises. Telegrams: “•Marsh, Cork.” Telephone: 347. Established 1835. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Offices :—WYMONDHAM. YARMOUTH (GREAT) AND LOWESTOFT. The Great Yarmouth and East Coast House and Estate agency Offices, ME. THOS. W. WARREN, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE & ESTATE AGENT, 38, REGENT-STREET, Great Yarmouth, and Victoria Chambers, Lowestoft. WELLINGBOROUGH. PENDERED AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, TENANT - EIGHT AND GENERAL VALUERS, AND ESTATE AGENTS. WELLINGTON, SALOP. BARBER & SON, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, STOCK SALESMEN AND ESTATE AGENTS, Sale« of farm stock, household furniture, property Ac„ eondneted, and Valuation, made for probate, transfer or otherwise. ״„.„jChurch Street, Wellington, Salop, umoes(ASD market Drayton. WEM AND WHITCHURCH, SHROPSHIRE. F. 0. RICHARDS & FENN, , -u Auctioneers Valuers, House and Estate \ $Y*־V) Agents. Ca ^ Sales of »8*5 Landed Estates and Real Property, Farm Stock, Ac. Valuations for Hotel & Inn Transfers, and Probate made in any part of the country. WEYBRIDGE, CHERTSEY A WALTON - ON ־ THAMES. WATERER AND SONS, F.A.8.I„ MUZ.A.0״ M.K.A.S.E., AUCTIONEERS, AGRICULTURAL VALUERS. SURVEYORS, AND ESTATE AGENTS. LE.tabli.hed oyer a Century.] OFFICES : CHERTSEY, WEYBRIDGE and WALTON-ON-THAMES. 0%, *OS SANDOWN. Estate and House Agent. ^___—׳ xX BROADWAY OFFICES (Top of Station Road). Telegraphic Address “ Estate, Sandown.’ Land and Estate Agent. VENTNOR. Auctioneer, Valuer, House, .....b_ rft CORK. SCANLAN & SONS, AUCTIONEERS AND ESTATE AGENTS, :Estate Offices : 69, SOUTH MALL, Auction Mart : 16 and 17 OOOK STREET, | The “ Mart ” is an exceedingly elegant Saleroom, and la admirably adapted for Properties, Pictures, Work, of Art, Furniture, Stocks, Ac. Rents Collected and Remittances made with the same punctuality as Government Stocks. JAMES SCANLAN. YEOVIL A DORCHESTER. ROBERTS, BON & TORY, LAND AGENTS, VALUERS, Ae., Undertake arbitrations, agencies, valuations, designing and superintendence of farm building, and cottages drainage and general estate improvements, estate and other sales, development of building estates, timbei surveys, rating appeals, tithe collecting, Ac, JAMES J. SCANLAN. PATRICK F. SCANLAN. FIRM The Offices are connected bv private Telephone. National Telephone No. 367 Telegrams,“ Scanlan,” Cork. Established 1860. SCOTLAND. VENTNOR. SIR FRANCIS PITTI8 & SON, Auctioneers, Estate and House Agents and Valuers, MARUORD’ HOUSE, HIBH STREET, VEITIOR, And at NEWPORT, SANDOWN AND SHANKL1N Telegrams—“Pittia Yontnor.” DUBLIN. JAMES ADAM, I AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, HOUSE AND LAND AGENT, Chief Office :—17, MERRION ROW. Salerooms :—19, STEPHEN’S GREEN, N. Owners, 8olioitors, Trustees, Mortgagees, Executors, Administrators and others concerned for the VALUATION OR SALE Of House Property, Furniture, Books, Pictures, China, GLASGOW. BAIRD, GIRVAN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, &c., Glasgow Auction Mart 134. Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. CHANNEL ISLANDS. in Ireland, should communicate with Mr. Adam. ;References to Banker and leading Solicitors in Dublin. Rents Collected.