Supplement to the Estates Gazette. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS March 18, 1899. ROTHERHAM. STYRING & TURNER, Auctioneers, Cattle Salesmen,‘,Valuers and Estate Agents, 20, MOORGATE STREET, ROTHERHAM. Sales of Farm Stock, Freehold and Leasehold Property, Household Furniture, &c., &c. Large Auction Mart for the Sale of Real Estate, Shares, and Miscellaneous Property. Valuations made for Probate and all purposes. Bailiffs under the Agricultural Holdings Act, 1883. ROYSTOW, HERTS. Messrs. NASH. SON AND ROWLEY, Established 1779. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AGENTS * AND VALUERS, Wednesday Stock Sales—Royston Market. SHEERNESS. HOUSE AND ESTATE__ agent ^ 21, Edward Street, 8HEEJRNES8-ON-SEA. SHEERNESS, ISLE OF SHEPPEY AND DISTRICT. JAMES S. BILLS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. ( 76, High Street, Qdeenboeo . ( 4, Edwabd Stbeet, sheerness. OFFICES : SHEFFIELD. JOSEPH BRIGHT & CO., Estate, House & Land Agents, Valuers, Assessor of Eire Losses, 35, NORFOLK STREET. Tele. Address: “ Bright, Sheffleld." Telephone Wo.2015 SHEFFIELD. W. H. & J. A. EADON, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS ETC., 2, ST. JAMES’ STREET, SHEFFIELD, Sales and Valuations of Freehold and Leasehold Estates in Town and Count ry, Hotels, Works, Machinery, Household Furniture, Pictures and Works of Art, Books, Wines, Manufacturers’ and Merchants’ Stocks of all kinds. Centrally situated Offlees and Salerooms. SHEFFIELD. A. E. LOCKWOOD, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ESTATE AGENT, ETC., Extensive Salerooms for the disposal of House and Landed Property, Shares, Household Furniture. Art and Literary Property, Old China, Jewellery, Plate, etc. Sales conducted at Private Residences. Valuations for Probate, Division of Family Property, etc., etc. MEETING HOUSE LANE. SHEFFIELD AND DISTRICT. WILLIAM BUSH & SONS, THE SHEFFIELD ESTATE SALE ROOMS AND AUCTION MART. Weekly Sales of Freehold and Leasehold Property, Shares, Reversion?,etc., at the Estate Salerooms, Church-street, Sheffield. Sales of Furniture, Works of Art, Merchants and Manufacturers’ Stock. &c., &c., upon the P, «-I״״---c׳~~ c'1 ~,״VT—t- Valuers, &c. Valuers by appointment under the Finance Act, 1894. SHEFFIELD, CHESTERFIELD & DISTRICT. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER AND HASTINGS, E.A.I., Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Valuers, THE SHEFFIELD ESTATE AUCTION MART, HIGH STREET. Established 1775. The Large Sale Rooms are roserved for Property, Stocks, Shares, Policies of Insurance, Reversionary Interests, &c., every Tuesday throughout the year. Careful attention is given to Sales and Valuations of every description. SPECIAL EXPERT BREWERY VALUERS. Also at The Sheffield Horse and Carriage Repository, Castle Hill. SHREWSBURY AND DISTRICT. MESSRS. WILLIAM HALL, WATERICGE & OWEN, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND SURVEYORS, Monthly Property Sales at the “County” Auction Mart, Shrewsbury, the last Friday in each month. Sales conducted of growing timber, machinery, agricultural and pedigree stcck, and all household effects. Valuations made for probate, mortgage, or sale ; also for the transfer of hotels and inns. Agricultural Valuers and Arbitrators, &c. Offices—HIGH STREET, SHREWSBURY, and at WEM RYE. JAMES C. VIDLER, SON & CLEMENTS; AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, LAND SURVEYORS, TIMBER, TENANT-RIGHT & GENERAL VALUERS, Offices— S EYE> SUSSEX, and umces ¡HAVELOCK ROAD, HASTINGS. y. B.—Letters and Telegrams to Rye. Established over 60 years. SALISBURY. WATERS & RAWLENCE, VALUE IS AND ESTATE AGENTS, CANAL, SALISBURY. SCARBOROUGH. ANDREW ORR, F.A.I. (Late Pirie and Orr), ESTATE AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, DEALER IN LOCAL SHARES„ HUNTRISS ROW, SCARBOROUGH. PRESTON, LANCASHIRE.^ AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, __"V C.f\E« ARBITRATORS AND Lrf' pV A«®........;................."Vreston __...X jii Auction Mart, ty0^־pN-׳^i22, FISHERGATE, PRESTON Telephone, 198.______[Established 1830.1 PAMSGATE ¿NEIGHBOURHOOD Auctioneers, Hurveyors, Valuers, Land,House ^ ^ and Estate Agents. Tel. Add.—Vmtens, Ramsgate >5 (Established 1836). "O ^ Tb e Estate Office! and Auction Mart, 72, HIGH ST., RAMSGATE Periodical Sales of Properl y Reports on Mortgage Securities. Estates Managed. Rental accounts rendered quarterly. RAMSGATE. STANLEY H. PAGE, F.S.I. (by Exam.), SURVEYOR, AUCTIONEER & ESTATE AGEN, Sanitary Expert. Assessor to the Kent Fire Office. 1, HARBOUR STREET. RAMSGATE, MARGATE, AND BROADSTAIRS. ■״,_(J. W. Scarlett. A.S.A.A. F irm. j j_ q_ Goldsack, F.A.I. MESSRS. SCARLETT & GOLDSACK (SUCCESSORS TO J. C. TWYMAN AND SONS), 36, HIGH STREET, RAMSGATE (Established over Half a Century). AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS. HOTEL BROKERS, LAND, HOUSE, ESTATE AND BUSINESS AGENTS SURVEYORS AND ACCOUNTANTS. Certified Bailiffs under Law of Distress Amendment Act. Registers of Furnished and Unfurnished Houses od application. Telegrams : “Scarlet.t, Ramsgate.’’_ & Auctioneers, Valuers, and Surveyors. Est. 1863. READING. . < - t $0$ Telegrams: ■ Egginton. Reading.” 180, Friar Street. _ READING HASLAM & SON, F.S-I., Land Agents, Auctioneers, Surveyors, and Valuers, FRIAR STREET CHAMBERS. Established over Half a Century. Telegraphic Aadre s: HASLAM HEATING. ___________Telephone No. 225.________ READING & LONDON. MEbSRS. Wm. R. NICHOLAS & CO. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 60, PALL MALL, LONDON. AND AT BLAGRAVE STREET, READING. A Register of Estates and Residences to be let or sold is published monthly, and may be had on application. Also a Register of furnished riverside and country Houses to be let for the summer months. REDHILL & REIGATE. HARRIE STAGEY, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, LAND AGENT, SURVEYOR AND VALUER. National Telephone Nos.—Reigate 30, _________________Redhill 31.______ REIGATE & REDHILL. JAMES T. PEAT, (late JOHN LEES AND BURCHELL, F.S.I.) AUCTIONEER, LAND AGENT AND SURVEYOR Offices i REIGATE AND REDHILL. RICHMOND, SURREY. MESSRS. FOWLER & SON. AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. AND MORTGAGE BROKERS. Offices: 18, THE QUADRANT. Established 1868. A Fire and Burglar-proof Room for the safe custody of Deeds, Jewellery, Plate and other valuables. RICHMOND, SURREY. F. DB GROOT (Successor to the late Mu. B. WOOD), AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT. Rents Collected and Estates Managed. Valuations for Probate, &c. Offices: 42, GEORGE STREET. RICHMOND & DISTRICT, YORKS. JOHN WETHEKELL, GENERAL AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, VALUER. Etc., Office & Saleroom:—DUNDAS STREET. Bailiff under the Agricultural Holdings Act aud Law of Distress Amendment Act. Agent for Fire and Life A-suiance. RIPON. Auctioneer! and Valuers, * Certified Bailifli, _______________COLTSGATE HILL. ROCHESTER, STROOD AND CHATHAM. /''1HARLES D. LEVY, Auctioneer, Hotel and VS General Trade Valuer, Estate and Commission Agent & Debt Collector, Strood Hall, Strood. Rochester Kent. Distraints effected m any part of the oountr . Appointed Bailiff by Judge Cox. Periodical Sa es of Furnitu’e and every description of Miscellaneous Property in large:Hall. Valuations for Probate and other purposes. Estate Agent to most of the princ pal property owners in the district. Fire claims specially prepared. Telegraphic Address : “ Levy, Strood.” OSWESTRY, NORTH SHROP SHIRE, AND BORDERING WELSH COUNTIES. WILLIAMS AND NICHOLSON, ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, AND SURVEYORS, Offices :—SALOP HOUSE, OSWESTRY. [Established 1876.] OSWESTRY, SALOP. WHITFIELD AND SON. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, STOCK SALESMEN AND ESTATE AGENTS. Established 30 years. Valuations made for Probate, Administrationr. Farm, Land and Timber Valuers, Certificated Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, 1889. Valuers under the Finance Act of 1895. Offices1—WILLOW STREET, OSWESTRY. OXFORD. Established 1840. E. J. BROOKS, AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR, VALUER, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, Secretary to the Oxford and Abingdon Permanent Benefit Building Society. Offices—15, MAGDALEN STREET, OXFORD. OXFORD AND BERKS. MESSRS. FRANKLIN AND JONES, AUCTIONEERS. LAND AGENCY OFFICES— FEB WIN COURT, COEN MARKET STREET, OXFORD and ASCOTT, NEAR WALLINGFORD, BERKS. OXFORDSHIRE. MESSRS. PAXTON & HOLIDAY, F.S.I. AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, AGRICULTURAL, TIMBER & GENERAL VALUERS & SURVEYORS, Valuers by appointment to the Oxfordshire County Council. BICESTER, OXON. Sales and Valuations of all kinds of Property undertaken on reasonable terms in any part of the country. Established upwards of half-a-century. Offlees also at Banbury, Chipping Norton & Deddington. OXON. BERKS & HANTS. SIMMONS AND SONS, LAND AND PROPERTY AGENTS, VALUERS AND AUCTIONEERS. I CHARLES SIMMONS, F.S.I. Firm : J W. ANKER SIMMONS, F.S.I. (C. FRANKLIN SIMMONS, F.S.I. Addresses: HENLEY-ON-THAMES, BASINGSTOKE, READING. PETERBOROUGH. Established nearly half a century. FOX AND VERGETTE, SURVEYORS AND LAND AGENTS, PROPERTY AND AGRICULTURAL AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT AND ESTATE VALUERS. Strck Sales hel! in Peterbor״ugh Cattle Market every Wednesday and Saturday. Offices: NARROW STREET (Opp־ site the Angel Hote'). NORFOLK & SUFFOLK. ^ HARLESTON, BECBI.ES A AUCTIONEERS. VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. * »arleston. NORTHAMPTON. MACQUIRE & MERRY, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER®, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND FIRE LOSS ASSESSORS. Established 1815. Periodical Sales of Properties and Shares. Reports and Valuations of Properties for Mortgage and other purposes. Hotel and Tenant-right Valuations. Fire Loss Assessors to several Insurance Offices. 2, GUILDHALL ROAD, NORTHAMPTON. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. RICHARD G. SCRIVEN, F.S.I., LAND AGENT AND VALUER, CASTLE ASHBY, NORTHAMPTON. Northampton Office : 4, Dekngate. Northampton on Saturdays only, from 11 till 1. NORTHAMPTON & DISTRICT BARBER AND SONS, F.A.I., College Street, Northampton, AUCTIONEERS, TENANT - RIGHT TIMBER AND GENERAL AGRICULTURAL AND PROPERTY VALUERS, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. AND SURVEYORS. A printed list of Houses in Town or County to be Let or Sold, furnished and unfurnished, and Estates for Sale, Shooting and Hunting Boxes, &c.. can be had gratis on application. Established 1849. NORTH OF ENGLAND. RICHARD C. PEARCE, F.A.I., Of London, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, DARLINGTON. Telegrams, “ Pearce, Darlington.” NORTH SHIELDS. Auctioneer and Valuer, ______ v׳ Estate and Property Agent, 85 and 86, HOWARD STREET. PETERBOROUGH, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE & DISTRICT. BRIsTUW, WARWICK AND POTTER, SURVEYORS, LAND AGENTS. AUCTIONEER”. and valuers MARKET SQUARE, PETERBOROUGH. Established 1820. Reports and Valuations for Mortgage or other purposes. Surveys and Estate Plans Prepared. Timber and Tenant-right Valuations; also for purposes of Partition, Exchange, Enfranchisement, or Estate Dutv. Estates Managed and Rent!« Collected Quar.eily Accou, ts. Bankers—Stamford. Boston, and Spalding Bank, Peterborough. PETERSFIELD & SOUTH HANTS. Auctioneers, Surveyors, Farm S ock and General Valuers, NORWICH. W. HILL FORSTER, P.A.S.I., AUCTIONEER, VALUER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT, ORFORD HILL, NORWICH. NOTTINGHAM. J. T. WHITE HORN, AUCTIONEER, LICENSED VICTUALLERS’ AND GENERAL APPRAISER, WINE AND SPIRIT STOCK GAUGER AND VALUER, HOTEL ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR, Valuations for Probate, Transfer and Compensatior. Periodical Sales of Real Estate, Furniture, etc. Offices—THE MART, THURL AND-STREET. ________ Est tblished 1872._______ NOTTINGHAM & DISTRICT. JNO. H. BRADWELL AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS. TENANT-RIGHT AND TIMBER VALUERS, Estates surveyed and planned. Valuations for probate and hotels. Offices—THURLAND STREET, NOTTINGHAM. SOUTHWELL AND SWAN HOTEL, MANSFIELD. Established 1838. vv>s AUCTION OFFICES : GO & Lavant Street, Pe'ersfield PLYMOUTH AND DISTRICT. THOMAS BOWEN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS, BUSI NESS TRANSFER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS SURVEYORS AND ARBITRATORS, Monthly 1 rinted Register of Properties for Sale and to Let. Properties inspected, valued and teported on. Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Act. Offices—151, UNION STREET, PLYMOUTH. Tel. Add., “Bowen, Plymouth.” Tel. No. 202. PONTEFRACT AND DISTRICT. THOMAS BARKER, AUCTIONEER. VALUER AND ESTATE AGENT. The only Auction Mart in Pontefract. Furniture Sale!■ held weekly. Rents collector and Estates managed. Valuation for Probate, Hotels, &c. Agent for the Roval Fire and Lire, an i Ocean Accideni Insurance Cos. Agent for the Horseless Carriage an General Insurance Co., Ltd. Over 20 yea’s’ practical experience. GREEN DRAGON AUCTION MART. PORTSMOUTH. AUCTIONEERS, HOTEL AND business valuers PROPERTY AND ESTATE AGENTS. The oldest established Business Agency in this district. mMTVTFVROTAT״ "ROAD NOTTINGHAM & DISTRICT. A. W. SHELTON, A.A.I. (Member Institute Estate and House Agents), ESTATE AGENT AND VALUER. The collection of rents and general management of every description of real estate in Nottingham and vicinity. Valuations for probate, mortgage, or purchase. The sale or purchase of properties. Head Offices: KING STREET, NOTTINGHAM. Branch Offices : Long Eaton, Bulwell & Hucknall. Telephone 625. Telegrams: “ Property, Nottingham.” Upwards of 20 years’ extensive practical experience. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. MORRIS AND PLACE, F.A.I. (Established 1851), AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE AGENTS, AND ASSESSORS OF FIRE LOSSES, MIDLAND AUCTION MART, 27, BRIDLESMITH GATE, NOTTINGHAM. Periodical Sales of Properties and Shares. Sales of Furniture, Works of Art, Trade Stocks, Machinery ana Timber, at their SDacious Mart. Valuations for Transfer of Hotels and Inns. Also for Probate and Mortgage purposes. Pnrfnorc. ( Charles Morris, F.S.I. i artners. j Wm> John PlacEj P.aI. Telephone No. 190.] OAKHAM. MESSRS. ROYCE, AUCTIONEEKS, TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS, Offices: MARKET PLACE. gaT Agents to the Phoenix Fire Office. OLDHAM. HUGH SHAW AND SONS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS OF MACHINERY, PROPERTY, ETC., ETC. Fire Loss Assessors and Financial Agents. Manchester—11, CHAPEL WALKS Blackpool—12, BIRLEY STREET: