Mabch 18, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 456 Chester—Cb.urton, Elphick and Co., of Chester, at same, on March 25, Freehold property Chester (near)—Cunnah and' Roberts, of Chester, at same, on April 8, Freehold building land comprising about 20 acres Cornwall. i Saltash—John L. Cornish, of Plymouth, at same, on March 21, pasture land, cottages and gardens ; Herland—Edward Mitchell, of Leiant, at Hayle, on March 27, Freehold farm Cumberland. Whitehaven—Joseph Jackson, of Bigcroft, at Whitehaven, on March 23, Freehold licensed property and land Carlisle—Castiglione and Gibbons, of Carlisle, at same, on March 25, licensed premises and about 46 acres of pasture land Penruddock—Thornborrow and Co., of Penrith, at same, on March 30, house and land Silloth—Thornborrow and Co., of Penrith, at same, on April 12, house property Briggle—Thornborrow and Co.., of Penrith, at same, on May 2, estate Derbyshire. Long Eaton—Morris and Place, of Nottingham, at Long Eaton, on March 20, Freehold factory and building land Swadlincote, etc.—Orchard and Joyce, of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, at Swadlincote, on March 22, Freehold business premises and building land Sandiacre—Peel and Richardson, of Ilkeston, at Sandiacre, on March 21, Freehold dwelling house and! building land Devonshire. Woodbury Salterton—Thompson and Co., of Exeter, at same, on March 25, Freehold building land, comprising about 25 acres Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on; March 21, Freehold residence and shares Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on March 23, Freehold property Yelverton—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on April 6, Freehold residence Torquay—E. T. Lewis, of Bristol, at same, on March 23, Queen’s Hotel, F Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on March 30, Freehold property Northam—Dymond, Son and Blackmore, of Bideford, at same, on April 6, Freehold residence Plymouth—Gilchrist and Bishop, of Plymouth, at same, on April 11, Freehold residences Plymouth—Woolland and Son, of Plymouth, at same, on March 21, Freehold and Leasehold dwelling houses Exeter—Reed and Goss, of Exeter, at same, on March 21, dwelling houses, shop and premises Bow—Churcher and Gale, of Exeter, at same, on April 7, Freehold farm, outbuildings, and about 77 acres of pasture and orchard land Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on April 20, Freehold properties FORTHCOMING SALES BY AUCTION IN THE COUNTRY. London Forthcoming Sales are given elsewhere' All announcements of sales should reach our Office by the first post on Thursday morning, or they cannot appear in the paper of the Saturday following. Bedfordshire. Beeston—James Shilcock, of Hitchin, at Sandy, on March 24, Freehold property Biggleswade—R. F. Conder, of Biggleswade, at same, on March 22, Freehold properties Flitwick and Greenfield—Swaffield and Son, of Ampt-hill, at same, on March 23, Freehold residences, ; cottages and building land Kempston—Harry Ball, of Bedford, at Kempston, on March 29, Freehold dwelling house and building land Berkshire. Wargrave-on-Thames—J. Chambers, of Henley-on-Thames, at Wargrave, on March 29, Freehold building land1 comprising about 34 acres Cm ridge and Newbury—Dreweatt and Watson, of Newbury, at same, on March 28, Freehold property Newbury—■Dreweatt and.1 Watson, of Newbury, at same, on March 28, Freehold building land and business premises Buckinghamshire. Iver—Norman and Son, of Uxbridge, at same, on April 6, Freehold property Fenny Stratford—G. C. Walker, of Bedford, at Fenny Stratford, on April 13, Freehold׳ business premises, villa residences and! cottage property Cambridgeshire. Wisbech—J. Carter Jonas and Son, of Cambridge, at same, on March 25, Freehold estates comprising about 242 acres Haddenham—J. Wmship, of Cambridge, at Hadden-ham, on March 24, Freehold properties West Wickham—Messrs. Chalk, of Linton, at same, on April 18, Freehold cottages, farm and' about 120 acres of pasture land Whittlesey—Gregory, White and Sons, of Whittlesey, at same, on March 23, Freehold building land Steeple Morden—George Jackson and Son, of Roys-ton, at same, on March 29, dwelling house, cottage and ׳garden ground Milton and Cambridge—Grain, Moyes and Wisbey. of Cambridge, at same, on April 8, Freehold property Over—Gifford T. Salmon, of Kingston-on-Thames, at Over, on April 5, Freehold properties Cheshire. Egremont—Smith and Sons, of Birkenhead, at same, on March 20, Freehold licensed property King’s Farm Manual.—We have received from Mr. John K. King, the Royal seed grower, of Coggeshall, Essex, and Reading, Berks, a copy of his Farm Manual for 1899. It is an exceedingly well-got-up and attractive work ot 40 pages, and is worth careful perusal by all agriculturists. From the introduction headed “106 years’ record,” we learn that Mr. John K. King’s seeds are grown on his seven large seed farms in Essex, a county celebrated for seed growing from time immemorial. Every year Mr. King saves his seeds from pedigree bulls, and there is a striking photograph iilustra ting the process of selection. As the result of this painstaking selection, Mr. King claims that no less than £25,000 in prizes have been awarded to his customers. There are some fine photographs of the Koval Parks of London, which were sown with Mr. John K. King’s celebrated grass seeds in 1897 by order of H.M. First Commissioner of Works, and his seeds will again be sown this year. It is worthy of note that the germination of Mr. King’s seeds this year were found to be considerably higher than the growth stipulated, and Mr. King has received payment in excess of the invoice price in consequence. The questions of permanent and temporary pastures are dealt with in an able and exhaustive manner, and Mr. King’s celebrated prescriptions are fully detailed, so that farmers can have no possible doubt as to what they are sowing. There is a well-executed coloured plate of Mr. John K. King’s new swede, “John Bull,” which bids fair to eclipse all others, and the numerous varieties of mangel, swede and turnips with which Mr. King’s name has been so long identified are well illustrated. We recommend every agriculturist to send for this work, as it is not only useful from a scientific point of view, but illustrates what can be done by a house which can claim 196 years’ careful and painstaking attention to every detail of the seed trade. SPECIAL NOTICE. The “ Estates Gazette” can be obtained at any of the Railway Bookstalls of Messrs. W. H. SMITH & SON and of all Newsagents. The Publisher will be glad to be advised of any difficulty that may be experienced in obtaining copies of the paper. INSURANCE OF PROPERTY AGAINST INJURY. A NEW SCHEME. We understand that a novel scheme of insurance has been introduced by the Northern Accident Insurance Company, Limited. This is a scheme to cover house and estate agents and property owners against claims that may be made against the owners or agents of property for injuries caused to the tenants, or persons outside, in the event of anything going wrong with the property, such, for instance, as a ceiling coming down, a floor giving ■way, or bricks, tiles, or a coping coming off the roof, and injuring anybody. Estate agents are beginning to realise their responsibility with regard to such risks, and the new system of insurance comes at a very appropriate time. The need of such a means of relief as is now afforded is furnished by the important case of “ Broggi v. Robins,” reported in our issue of February 25. The estate agent has invariably come to the conclusion that he w״as not responsible for such accidents, and that an agreement existing with the tenant was sufficient to protect him; but, judging from the reports of many cases in which this point of liability arose, it seems pretty evident that such a contention can no longer be fairly upheld. The Northern Insurance Company offer, for a very nominal premium, to cover the risk, and thus enable the agent or owner of the property to feel secure. If such a risk as that involved in the case of “ Broggi v. Robins in which, though ultimately decided in favour of the estate agent, costs to a considerable amount were incurred in defeating the claim—had been insured with this company, and they had taken up the defence, the costs would have been paid by them ; and it is generally known that a tenant ■who has nothing to lose is just the one to take action. By being insured, house agents and property owners are also relieved of a considerable amount of worry, to say nothing of the anxiety if heavy claims arise. The grounds of action are various, and the amounts awarded are substantially large We believe the Northern Accident Insurance Company will be pleased to give any information required in regard to the character of the risks they are prepared to cover, the amount of premium, etc. This scheme has already been adopted by some of the leading house and estate agents in all parts of the country, and many have expressed their appreciation of it. BOULTON & PAUL, Ltd. MANUFACTURERS, NORWICH. CONTINUOUS WROUGHT IRON FENCING SPECIAL OFFERS.—1,000 Yards CONTINUOUS BAR FENCING, 3ft. 9in. high, 5 horizontal bars, top one fin. round, others lin. by |in. fiat, standards 3ft. apart ; price 2 4 per yard. Carriage paid. GAME NETTING. Guaranteed Quality. Offered at very advantageous ___ prices for Cash. All orders amounting to 40s. value carriage paid to the principal railway stations in England and Wales. Send for Illustrated Catalogue Frie. BOULTON & PAUL, Ltd , NORWICH. RATING—This work, which is written from a Surveyor’s standpoint, gives under three heads—Principles, Practice and Procedure—a clear and comprehensive survey of all the matters appertaining to this difficult subject. In addition to the pages devoted to the rating of land and buildings, exhaustive chapters are devoted to the complex points arising out of the rating of Railways, Canals, Tramways, Gas and Water Companies, Docks, Harbours, and Piers.—By Michael Faradav (Rating Surveyor), the Legal Matter revised by Stanley A. Latham, LL.B., of the Parliamentary Bar, A.I.C.A.. F.R.S.S. Net Cash Price, 10s. 6d.—ESTATES GAZETTE office. INSURE STALLIONS AGAINfT Accidents, Illness and Death; IN-FOAL MARES, UNBORN FOALS, WUH THE IMPERIAL ACCIDENT, LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL INSURANCE CO., Ltd. Established 1878. Head Offices: 17, Pall Mall East, London, S.W INCREASED BENEFITS without extra cost. CLAIMS PAID EXCEED £150,000. Prospectuses and particulars forwarded post free. B. S. ESSEX, Manager. Agents required in unrepresented districts. PUKNITURE LOT NUMBERS.—Perforated J- and gummed. 100 numbers on a sheet. Price 2d. per sheet, or 3s. per quire. In books of 24 sheets, is. 8d. (by post 2d. extra).—Stationery department, “Estates Gazette” Office, 6, St. Bride-street, TiOnnnn R H Trees, S88ÛS, Plants,: Bn Ce lbs,to. ESTER PRIE. Dicksons PRICED CATALOGUES POSO SMOKY CHIMNEYS. The Season has now commenced and the difficulty arises for obtaining a remedy, Property Owners and others will do well to use THE DULCE DOMUM. CHIMNEY tops AND VENTILATORS (DOWNES’ PATENT) AS A PREVENTATIVE. Easily swept with the ordinary apparatus. A positive preventative of down draft, so constructed that it creates a continuous and powerful up-draft. No movaD!e parts, nothing to oil or get out of order, once fixed lasts for years. Strongly made in galvanised Apply to the Patentee, 199, Lewisham High Road, New Cross, London, S.E. Large numbets supplied annually to Corporations, School Boards, Infirmaries, Pipe — and other Public Bodies, who Ventilator repeat their orders, thus proving the capabilities which are the best testimonials. Price 15s. Demy 8yo, 450pp. ESTATE SALES. The best County Medium for advertising Sales of Estates is fTlHE WORCESTER HERALD. ־*־ Established 1794. The leading County Paper. Extensive circulation among the upper and middle classes in Worcestershire and adjoining counties. Advertisers would do well to forward for reference and distribution plans and particulars of Estates, Catalogues of Machinery, Furniture, Books and other property advertised in the columns of the “ HERALD.” SALES OF STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EFFECTS. The “ WORCESTER HERALD ״ in. the most effective organ for giving publicity to announcements of this class. It is the leading agricultural paper in the county, and circulates most extensively among agriculturists in and around Worcestershire. FARMS TO LET. Land agents, estate managers, and all having farms to let would do well to advertise in the " WORCESTER HERALD.” the leading county paper. Specially adapted for bringing such notices before tenant farmers. Large circulation. Moderate charge. SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED. For producing results the “WORCESTER HERALD” is recognised as a specially good medium. Cheap rates. Apply for terms. Specimen Free. Price 2d Published Friday for Saturday.—Offices, 72, High-street, Worcester. MORTON XjTID- II WORKS, GARSTON 1 ■ RANCIS F ESTATE FENCES; Their Choice, Construction and Cost BY ARTHUR VERNON, F.S.I., Land Agent and Architect; Land Agent to the late Eight Honourable the Earl of Beaconsfiel^, K.G., and many Landowners; Member of Council aDd Honorary Examiner of Surveyors’ Institution, &c., &c., With about 150 Illustrations and a Treatise on Boundaries and Fences in their Legal Aspect By T. W. MARSHALL, B.C.L., OXON. E. and F- N. SPON, Limited. 125, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. THE “FINANCIER” (Established 1870. Enlarged 1897). A BUSINESS PAPER FOR BUSINESS MEN. ONE PENNY. Telegraphic Address: “SHBUNK, LONDON.” 0ublished every morning. Pi ice, unstamped. Id., or £1 6s. per annum ; free by post lid., or £119s. annually. Advertisers should address the Manager, at the Offices 2, BOYAL. ,EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.C. ־Sc OO. HAMILTON IRON WORKS, GARSTON\ (Snfjiiurrs & Irûnftmnùrrs. Hay-Barns, Roofs, Buildings, ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF FENCING, GATES, AND GALVANIZED SHEETING, ETC. CONTRACTORS TO H.M. AND FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. HAMILTON IRON WORKS, GARSTON 17, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. DOGS-RACKHAM’S distemper balls. The only cure known. Has been used in the Principal Kennels nearly Fifty Years. Price Is., 2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s., free 2d. extra. nOGS-RACKHAMS JAPANESE WORM u BALLS AND POWDERS.-^tdT8״״tuh?; medicine necessaiy. Price Is., 2s. 6d., and 5s., free 2d. extra DOGS-RACKHAM’S TONIC CONDITION qai I O are invaluable for Greyhounds. Stud, DHL.LO also Exhibition Dogs. Price Is„ 2s. 6d., 5s., f»op Oil Avtfi) 3—RACKHAM'S KATALEPRA. - c. D0G& __ Red Mange, Eczema, and all Skin Diseases. Price ls.,2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s., free 2d. extra. DOGS-RACKHAM'S JAPAN SOAP !״* wash- ing Dogs. Prevents Skin Diseases. Kills all V ermin. Tablets, 6d. and Is., post free 2d. extra. DOGS-RACKHAM S PUPPY WORM BALLS for Puppies of all Breeds and Toy Dogs. New Remedy, Safe and Effectual. Price Is., 2s. 6d., 5s., and 10s. free 2d. extra. nOGS-RACKHAMS ANTI-DISTEMPER U O DCPI CIO For the Prevention and uure of diLuIrlu■ Distemper. With Young Puppies ts effects are marvellous. This remedy prevents contagion at Shows. Price 2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 20s. per box, free 2d. extra. RACKHAM'S NORFOLK HOUND are the best food for Dogs. Price 16s. I per cwt. Advice Gratis in all Diseases of Dogs. nOGS u MEAL OR BISCUITS al, ST. PETER S, NUR WICH . RACKHAM & GO.,