March 18, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 462 (Hedley, Son and Mason). The valuers for the Union adopted the half-premium system, and the Court reduced the assessment by a small amount. The Old King’s Head, in Euston-road, has a history traceable at■ least from a century and a half since, when Bloomsbury and district was only an isolated village and quite rural in its retirement. About 1774 the ground behind the north-west end of Great Russell-street was occupied by two old maiden and spiteful sisters named Capper. From Capper’s farm were several straggling houses, but the principal part of the ground to the King’s Head at- the tnd of the road was unbuilt upon. The Old King’s Head, now No. 282, Euston-road, forms a side object in Hogarth’s celebrated picture of the “ March to Finchley,” which may be seen with other fine specimens of art in the Fouud-ling Hospital. This interesting tavern is to be sold at Masons’ Hall Tavern, on Majch 28, by Messrs. Fleuret, Sons and Adams. The Talbot Hotel, situated in Athol-street, Douglas, one of the principal hotels in the town, was completely destroyed by fire on Friday morning last week. The fire, which is supposed to have ■originated in the coffee room, spread with alarming rapidity, and despite the efforts of ■the lire brigade the building was ■soon gutted. The loss of property, furniture and stock is serious, but the tenant, Mr. Thomas Weston, is insured, as is also the owner of the hotel. Among the contents was the Manx Rugby Union Challenge Cup. Mr. Mawdsley, a Manchester commercial traveller, had a narrow escape, having to slide down a water-spout from his bedroom to the ground. Mr. Gunning, a Liverpool commercial traveller, was rescued by means of a ladder which the police raised to his bedroom window. All the inmates of the hotel escaped. If the beauty of its views, the excellence of its climate, and its general suitability for seaside residence are taken into consideration, we think it may be claimed for Torquay that it ranks as one of the very finest watering-places in the world. In the centre of the town, and close to the fashionable promenade on the Strand, is situated the valuable freehold property known as the Queen’s Hotel, which Mr. E. T. Lewis ■will offer for sale at the Grand Hotel, Broad-street, Bristol, on March 23. The hotel has been established for about 70 years, and was formerly known as Hearder’s Family Hotel. For about 11 years it has been in the occupation of the present tenant, who (since a very large outlay by ׳the owners) has also made certain additions and improvements, all of which are of recent date. The premises are held under a lease of which about 11 years remain unexpired, at a rental of £505 per annum. Bishopsgate-stree't still retains some traces ot its ancient splendour. Of the inns, the Fleur de Lys, in Norton Folgate, is in the midst of a large residential and warehouse neighbourhood, and incessant pedestrian traffic passes the house during the day to Commercial-street. These premises, which, with a judicious alteration, could be rendered a lucrative investment, are to be offered at Masons’ Hall Tavern at an early date by Messrs. Pearce and Murray, who have also for sale the Lord Raglan, in Camden-grove North, St. George’s-road, Peckham. SALES AT MASONS’ HALL TAVERN. East Dulwich There was a satisfactory turn of events at Masons’ Hall Tavern on Tuesday, five out of the six licensed properties on sale being disposed of. Mr. John B. Fleuret (Messrs. Fleuret, Sons and Adams) was credited with two of these sales, as he announced on ascending the rostrum that the noted Turk’s Head, in Old Kent-road, occupying one of the finest positions in ■this busy and important thoroughfare, had been sold by his firm privately, whilst his efforts were now rewarded by the sale of the Oglander Tavern, in Oglander-road, East Dulwich. This choice suburban property was erected at great cost a few years ago, and is held on lease for 37 years at a rent of £140 per annum. Mr. Fleuret said the house occupied a bold position in a thoroughfare which was largely used for traffic, as it was the nearest road to Peckham Rye, a place of attraction and pleasure resort where bands played in the summer. The auctioneer said he had to do with the property when it was first opened, but the sources of business must be apparent to all, the locality being one of the best for trade purposes, and he believed it was on a protected estate. He should say a billiard saloon would be of great advantage to the business, which might be considerably improved. Good competition ensued from £lo,000 and at £11,400 the Oglander Tavern was sold. Plumstead and Ludgate Hill. Mr. Frank E. Glover (Messrs. Wyer, Adams and Glover) also succeeded in selling the leasehold profit rental of £45 a year arising from (£25 shares—£5 paid), £20 11s. per share; £50 consolidated “ C ” stock, Harrogate Gas Company, Limited, realised £168 ; five £5 shares in the Kna-resborough Town Hall Company, Limited, £4 10s. paid, sold at £1 5s. each. Mr. A. W. Gilling, Harrogate and Knares borough, was solicitor for the vendors. On the 8th inst., Messrs. Eddison, Taylor and Booth sold by auction, at the Old School, Berry Brow, a dwelling house, No. 45, Birch-street, containing 181 square yards, lease 999 years, ground rent £1 15s., for £282 ; and six dwelling houses, Nos. 7 to 23, Bridge-street, Berry Brow, containing 482 square yards, 69 years’ lease, ground rent £3 0s. 3d., for £329. Messrs. Hall and Co. were the solicitors acting on behalf of the vendors. Messrs. Whitham and Sons sold by auction on Wednesday, at the Golden Fleece Inn. Churwell, a freehold dwelling house known as F.lland House, Ho. 1, Elland-place, Churwell, Morley, together with cottages and a scullery house in the rear of Elland House, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Elland-road, gross annual rental £74 4s., for £1,435. SCOTLAND. The important estate of Glenmorven, in Lire parish of Morven, Argyllshire, was lately sold by auction by Mr. A. Dowell, at his well-known rooms in George-street, Edinburgh, for £15,700. The estate extends to over 9,000 acres, and comprises the farms of Barr, Mungo-stell, Auchnasaul, and Inniemore, and several small holdings and grazings. It is beautifully situated, and extends along the north-east shore of the Sound of Mull for a distance of three miles and along Loch Teacuis for about four miles. The shooting lodge is situated close lo the shore of the Sound of Mull, and commands a picturesque view of the opposite shore and mountains. The estate affords excellent shooting and fishing, and there is a good anchorage just below the lodge. The total rent■ of the property is £662, and the public burdens for the last five years have averaged £80. WALES. On the llt-h instant, at the York Hotel, Bridgend, Mr. Michael Davies sold two houses, being Nos. 152 and 153, Oxford-street, Ponty-cymmer, each let at 24s. per month, lease 90 years, ground rent £3 7s. 6d., for £350 ; the house and premises known as No. 35, Meadow-street, lease 90 years, ground rent 17s. 9d.. for £250 ; the long leasehold premises, being No. 8, Chapel-street, Pontycymmer, ground rent £1 5s., for £115; Nos. 8 and 9, Ivor• street, Pontycymmer, for £300; and No. 3, Ivor-street, was ■withdrawn at £145. The solicitor was Mr. S. H. Stockwood, Bridgend. At the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on the 16th inst., Messrs. S. Hern and Pertwee sold a dwelling house, being No. 4, Windsor-place, Cardiff, lease 50 years, ground rent £3 6s., lor £1,000; eight houses, Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10, David-street, and Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Giles-court, gross rental £106 12s., ground rent £5 10s., for £710; and the shop and premises, No. 28, Cogan-terrace, Cardiff, ground rent £4 12s., ■were withdrawn at £410. The solicitors were Messrs. Waldron and Son, Cardiff. Hianstb f)r0|m*tn JloUs. A complete change came over the licensed property market on Tuesday, no less than five out of the six properties brought to Masons’ Hall Tavern being sold. This good result was due to two sales by Mr. J. B. Fleuret, who disposed of the Oglander Tavern, East Dulwich, for £11,400, and the noted Turk’s Head, in Old Kent-road, privately, one each by Mr. F. E. Glover, Mr. Scobell, and Mr. Whetherly, the latter selling the Clarendon, in Lewisham High-road, for £13,900. We have historic proof that the borough of Southwark—and more especially the High-street—has been ■for ages celebrated for its inns. S'tow, in his “ Survey,” published at the close of the 16th century, says :—“ From thence (the Marshalsea) towards London-bridge, on the same side, there be many fair inns for receipt of travellers, by these signs: Tabard, King’s Head,” etc. Of these inns mentioned by the old chronicler some few remain to this day, with their old-fashioned yards. We notice that Messrs. Whetherly and Haslett offer tor sale the present excellent King’s Head, in Borough High-street, at Masons' Hall Tavern, next Tuesday, March 21. The change created by the decision in the appeal case of “ Cartwright v. Sculcoates Union, ” recently reported in our columns, which has caused quite a commotion among assessment committees and owners of public-houses, was exemplified at Clerkenwell Rating Sessions recently, when takings were tendered as evidence. Among the experts retained in these cases were Mr. Charles Lowe (of Physick and Lowe) ; Mr. Herbert G. Day (Jones, Son and Day); Mr. William Eve, F.S.I. ; Mr. William Thompson, hotel valuer; Mr. J. Marks (Orgill, Marks and Orgill), and Mr. R. W. Hedley SUFFOLK. On Wednesday afternoon, Messrs. A. G. and A. Notley offered for sale by auction, at the Royal Thoroughfare Sale Rooms, Lowestoft, properties situated in Lowestoft, Corton and Carlton Colville. There was a large attendance, much interest being evinced in the sale. The freehold property, lately known as the Baptist Chapel and manse, situate in London-road, Lowestoft, was withdrawn at £2,200; freehold business premises, known as Brett’s furniture warehouse, at the corner of Blue Anchor-pla-n, High-street, and Duke’s Head-street, Lowestoft, sold for £750 ; freehold dwelling house, No. 22, Stevens-street, Lowestoft, let at £13, for £160; similar house, No. 23, Stevens-street, for £160 ; ׳freehold residence known as the Maples, Carlton Colville, for £2,250 ; two freehold cottages, near the White Horse Inn, Corton, for £310; two similar cottages in Mill-lane, Gorton, for £310. Also at Royal Hotel, Norwich, on the 11th inst., Messrs. Notley sold two freehold ■residences in Trinity-street, Norwich, for £1,030 ; business premises at Lud-liam, Norfolk, for £500 ; and two small farms at Ludham, Norfolk, of 31 acres and 19 acres, £410 and £325 respectively. WARWICKSHIRE. At the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, on the 13th inst., Messrs. J. 0. Perry and Deakin sold a !shop and dwelling house, No. 53, High-street, Aston New Town, let at £24, lease 52 years, ground rent £7, for £210 , a long leasehold property, Nos. 34 and 35, Har-ford-street, ground rent £10 8s., for £305; long leasehold residence known as Lyndale, No. 147, Pershore-road, Edgbaston, ground rent £14 10s. 7d., for £920 ; a freehold ground rent of £24 13s., secured by ten houses known as Osbome-grove, together with the reversion-in-fee in 85 years, for £685; two freehold houses, Nos. 38 and 39, George-street, Balsall Heath, gross rental £34, for £635 ; and a leasehold ground rent of £40 10s. 9d., secured by 12 houses in Bow-street, Horse Fair, improved rent £48 2s., original ground rent and land tax £7 11s. 3d., net improved rent £40 10s. 9d., was withdrawn at £230, and afterwards sold privately. The vendors’ solicitors were Messrs. Wright and Marshall, Messrs. Perry, Son and Richards, Messrs. Har-greave and Heaton, Mr. Howard Cant, Messrs. Saunders, Bradbury and Saunders, and Messrs. Isaac Bradley and Cuthbertson. WESTMORLAND. On the 14th inst., Messrs. Thornborrow and Co., of Penrith, sold by auction, at the King’s Arms Hotel, Shap, a villa residence known as Church Stile House, for £350 ; a dwelling house and garden, for £130 ; two plots of land adjoining St. Michael’s churchyard, containing 46 perches, for £64 ; a plot of ground near Church-street, containing 25 perches, for £67; and two cottages and gardens, containing 25 perches, known as Old Poor Houses, Main-street, tor £206. Messrs. Little and Lamonby, Penrith, were the solicitors in each case. At the White Lion Hotel, Ambleside, ■on the 15th inst., Mr. John Nicholson sold a dwelling house, known as Water Edge, Ambleside, for £1,570 ; a plot of land, formerly part of a close of land called Ellergill, Above Stock, Ambleside, and a dwelling house, called Sweden Bank, Ambleside, for £900. The vendor’s solicitor was Mr. George Gatev, Ambleside. YORKSHIRE. At Harker’s Hotel, York, on the 13th inst., Messrs. Hollis and Webb sold two freehold houses, Nos. 7 and 8, St. Oswald’s-road, Ful-ford, York, gross rental £30, containing an area of 645 square yards, for £450. The solicitors were Messrs. Bond, Barwick and Peake, leeds. On the 10th inst., at the White Swan Hotel. Halifax, Mr. Jo. Shoesmith (Messrs. Davis and Shoesmith) offered for sale by auction, in one lot, a valuable block of property situate in North-gate and Broad-street. The block, which consists of eight shops, ;dwelling houses, warehouses and workshops, covering an area of 606 square yards of land, and bringing in an annual rental of £392, realised £8,000. At the Crown Hotel, Knaresborough, on the 8th inst., Mr. John T. Booth, of Harrogate, offered for sale the following lots of property and shares : —■A shop and dwelling house, Market-place, Knaresborough, copyhold of the manor of Knaresborough, where the fine is small and fixed, sold for £660; a shop and dwelling house, Silver-street, Market-place, Knaresborough, leasehold for a long term of years, for £355; six tenements or dwelling houses, Briggate, Knaresborough, and six cottages, Quarry-yard, near to Briggate, together with so much ■of the Quarry-yard as adjoins thereto, freehold, gross rental £55, were withdrawn at £410 ; three dwelling houses or cottages, Fisher-gardens, Knaresborough, freehold, sold for £310 ; two cottages, Briggate, copyhold of the manor of Knaresborough, for £50 ; 10 shares in the Harrogate Queen Hotel Company, Limited, sold for £11 4s. per share, and 100 shares realised £11 per share; 50 shares in the Harrogate Harlow Manor Hydro. Company (£5 shares), £8 3s. per share; 40 shares in the Knaresborough and Claro Banking Company PROVINCIAL PROPERTY SALES. The Editor will feel obliged if Auctioneers and Agents will forward a copy of the particulars of sales in which they are interested MARKED with the prices realised, in order that an accurate record of dealings in Land and House Property may appear in this department. These must reach us by THURSDAY to ensure insertion in the current issue. CHESHIRE. On Wednesday, at the Royal Oak Inn, Kel-sall, Messrs. Pickering and Nightingale disposed of by auction the following local properties : —A freehold dwelling house ׳on the Main-road, with la. 2r. 8p. of land, for £314 ; three pieces of land comprising •together 15a. lr. 25p., for £1,500; two freehold cottages, let at £10, for £181; a piece of land, 6a. 2r. 33p.. for £600 ; and a piece of building land, for £200. Messrs. Royle and Reynolds, of Chester, were the vendor’s solicitors. DERBYSHIRE. On the 13th instant, at the Rutland Hotel, Ilkeston, Messrs. Peel and Richardson sold a freehold dwelling house, with the butcher’s shop, stable, slaughter house, cowhouse, etc., being No. 114, Bath-street, Ilkeston, together with a piece of freehold building land at the rear, for £2,010 ; and six freehold tenements, being Nos. 90 to 95, Chapel-street, Ilkeston, let at a gToss rental of £65 4s. 4d., for £705. The solicitors were Messrs. Thurman, Cattle and Nelson, and Mr. J. Ormond, Ilkeston. DEVONSHIRE. At the Country Hotel, Tatworth, near Chard on the 7th inst., Messrs. W. C. Warren and Son sold a freehold close of arable land known as New Close, Tatworth, of two acres, let at £5, for £150; a cottage ׳with garden and orchard, Chilston-common, containing about 3r. 6p., let at £9, for £41. The solicitors were Messrs. Canning and Kyrke, Chard. HERTFORDSHIRE. At the Masonic Hall, Watford, on the 14th inst., Messrs. Humbert and Flint sold the following plots of freehold building land on the Callow Land Estate, Watford, Herts: — Three plots with frontages of 14ft. to Ridge-street, for £84; three plots with frontages of 14ft. to Judge-street, ■for £84; two plots with frontages of 14ft. to Diamond-street, for £63 , five plots with frontages of 20ft. to Leavesden-road, for £300 ; five plots with frontages of 21ft. to Leavesden-road, for £315; six plots with ■frontages of 19ft. to Leavesden-road, and six plots with frontages of 14ft. to Ashby-road, for £500; and a plot with a frontage of 34ft. to Sussex-road, for £300. On the same day, at the same place, Messrs. Humbert and Flint sold 16׳ plots of freehold building land with frontages of 14ft. to Holy well-road, Harwoods Farm Estate, Watford, for £48112s. ; two plots with frontages of 14ft. to Yarmouth-road, for £65 ; three similar plots in the same road, £96 12s. ; six similar plots in the same road, for £273 Is. ; three freehold villas, Nos. 35, 37 and 39, Salisbury-road, Callow Land, each let at £14 6s., for £500 ; two freehold villas, Nos. 17 and 19, Denmark-street, Watford, gross rental £44 4s., for £530; and a freehold villa, No. 23, Denmark-street, let at £22 2s., for £270. The vendors’ solicitors were Messrs. Sedgwick, Turner and Oddie, Watford ; Messrs. Crossman and Prichard, 16, Theobald’s-road, W.C. ; and Messrs. Broad and Riggall, Watford. LEICESTERSHIRE. At the George Hotel, Hinckley, on the 9th inst., Messrs. T. and G. Harrold sold 21 freehold houses, Nos. 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85 and 87, Castle-street, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Castle-court, and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 3, Bailey’s-yard, Hinckley, for £1,400. The solicitors were Messrs. S. and S. H. Pilgrim, Hinckley. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. At their mart, Nottingham, on the 15th instant, Messrs. Morris and Place sold a !freehold residence, No. 33. Baker-street, Nottingham, let at £32, for £700 ; eight freehold tenements, Nos. 16, 18, 20 and 22, Windmill-street, and Nos. 13, 15, 17 and 19, Brassey-street, Nottingham, gross rental £52, for £405 ; nine freehold dwelling houses, Nos. 8 to 24, Oldknow-street, gross rental £140 8s., for £1,700; five freehold dwelling houses, Nos. 31, 33, 35, 37 and 39, Bridlington-street, gross rental £81 5s., for £1,050 ; five freehold dwelling houses, Nos. 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19, Bridlington-street, gross rental £78, for £1,010 ; 12 freehold dwelling houses, Nos. 42 to 64, Bateman-street, gross rental £140 8s., for £1,675 ; two dwelling houses, ■Nos. 2 and 4, Cornhill-street, Hyson Green, with the tenement adjoining, gross rental £32 10s., for £300 ; 16 !freehold dwelling houses, Nos. 2 to 16, Lumley-street, Nos. 1 to 8, Belvedere-place, and dwelling house and shop, No. 6, Cornhill-street, gross rental £144 6s., for £1,230; and a freehold residence known as Lindum House, No. 22, Robin Hood’s-chase, Nottingham, for £845. The solicitors were Messrs. Wells and Hind, Nottingham, and Mr F. A. Lake, Runcorn.