Mabch 18, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 450 HARDS and BRADLY, 158, Fenchurch-street, E.C., and 82, Church street, Greenwich, S.E. Brixton—Ardville-road, Ardville House, and Heath-field House, L Lee—55, 57, 59 and 61, Burnt Ash-road, L F. MILLER and REID, 5 and 6, Clement’s-inn, Strand, W.C. Beckenham, Kent—Southend-road, Branxholm, L W. W. READ and CO., 1, Queen-street, Cheap-side, E.C. Tottenham—Devonshire-hill, a Building Estate, 55a. 2r. Op., F RUTLEY, SON and VINE, 6, George-street, Euston-road, N.W. Kensington—56, Holland-road, L Bowes-park—129, Whittington-road, L Haverstock-hill—18, Maitland-park-road, L □EBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Canning Town—Freemasons’-road, etc., a Freehold Building Estate, 7| acres Hampstead—13, Arkwright-road, F Hackney Marshes—Temple Mills, the White Hart P-h, and Enclosures of Land, 4a. lr. 38p., F Upper East Smithfield—Nos. 1 and 2, F WEDNESDAY 15th. E. W. HARRIS, Kent House Station, Beckenham. Bromley, Kent—38, 40, 42, and 44, Mooreland-road, L Beckenham, Kent—Birkbeck-road, Two Building Plots, F Anerley—151, Oroydon-road, L PHIBBS GIBSON and CO., West Norwood Railway Station, and West Dulwich. Norwood—11 and13 ׳, Thurlestone-road; 14, Selsdon-road, F; 15, Ohestnut-road, L BAXTER, PAYNE and LdiPPER, 69, King William street, E.C., Bromley and Beckenham, Kent. Bromley, Kent—Cumberland-road, etc., Eight Building Plots, F St. Mary Cray, Kent—2, North Bank, F H. E. FOSTER andCRANFIELD, 0, Poultry, E.C. Upper Norwood—2, Gatestone-road, L THURGOOD and MARTIN, 27, Chancery-lane, Sydenham—Peak-hill, Muriel House, L Dulwich—18, Melford-road, F Wandsworth—116, St. John’s-hill; 2 to 14 (even), Point Pleasant, L J. H. HIBBARD, 17, Union-court, Old Broad-street, E.C., and Winchmore-hill, N. Walthamstow—Spruce-hill, FGR of £86 5s. Lee—115, High-road; 48, Biessington-road; 7 ynd 11, Marlboro’-road; 14, Brandram-road, L THUKSDAY 16th- H. J. BLISS and SONS, 106, Cheapside, E.C., and 164, Bethnal-green-road, E. Bethnal-green—94, Sclater-street, F Plaistow—32, Kent-street, L Wapping—1 to 13, Whitethorn-place, L JENKINS and JSONS, 171, Lewisham High-road) S.E. New Cross^-19 and 20, Park-road NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, Islington, N. Holloway—1, Thane-villas, L YENTOM. BULL and COOPER, 35, Old Jewry, Kilburn—Willesden-lane, FGR’s of £62; Glengall-road, Glengali House; also FGR of £60 STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E Spitalfields—45, Crispin-street, L Islington—14, 16 and 18, Collier-street; 53 and 54, Warren-street, L Limehouse—1 to 8, Reform-place, L Anerley—Weighton-road, Ellesmere House, L Bermondsey—12 and 14, Credon-road, L Islington—100, Wynford-road; 21, 22, 23 ynd 23a, White Lion-street, L Walworth—10 to 22 (even), and 21 to 33 (odd), Tisdale-place, L Stepney—13 and 29, Cadiz-road, and 14, Sliandy-street, L BEADEL, WOOD and CO., 97, Gresham-street, Blackheath—The Primrose Nursery, FGR of £2 11s. FRIDAY 17th. BLAKE and DANNATT, 18, Nelson-street, Greenwich, S.E. Blackheath—43, St. John’s-park; 9, 11 and 13, Old Dover-road, L ROBINSON and SONS, 6, Parkshot, Richmond. Shepherd’s Bush—45 and 45a, Waverley-road; 146, Goldhawk-road; 100, 102 and 104, Gayford-road, L ROBSON and PERRIN, Station-road, Finsbury-park, and Stroud green Stations, N. Harlesden—3 and 4, Weymouth-terrace, L Stroud-green—40, Mount View-road, L STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C , and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. St. Pancras—Seymour-street, etc., FGR’s of £501 10s. YENTOM, BULL and COOPER, 35, Old Jewry, Camden Town—208, High-street, and 11. Stucley-street, L Gray’s-inn-road—1, Frederick-street, L LONDON AND SUBURBAN RESULTS^ MARCH. THDRSDaY 9th. SIM and RANDALL (at their Auction Rooms, Forest-gate, E.). Forest-gate—41, Clova-road, R £34, F ... 610 THURSDAY 16th. NIGHTINGALE, PHILLIPS and PAGE, Eagle-chambers, Kingst m-on-Thames, and Wey-bridge (at the Griffin Hotel, Kingston-on-Thames). Kingston—Brent Villa, Chestnut-road, Rich- mond-road, ER £25, F ............... 385 119, Gibbon-road, ER £26, F ......... 355 A rare opportunity will be offered to investors 011 the 29th inst., when Mr. F. G. Wheatley will sell by auction, 125 plots of freehold building land on the Coombe Neville Estate, Norbiton, Surrey. The estate is beautifully situated, close to Coombe Woods׳ and Richmond Park, and within a short walk of Kingston Market-square. It lies high, and is suitable for the erection of good-class villas, for which there is a great demand. Reversion to a Trust Fund of £758 9s., life aged 89, also Contingent Reversion to One-fourth of a Trust Fund of £8,293 17s. Sd., lives aged 79 and 24, with Policy for £2,500 2,650 Commercial Union—Policy for £1,000 and Profits, life aged 63 ............................ 820 Economic—Policy for £700 and; Profits, life aged 63 .................................. 565 Scottish Widows—Policy for £500 and1 Profits, life aged 63 ............................. 515 Provident—Policy for £1,000 and Profits׳, life aged 72 .................................. 880 Northern—Policy for £1,000 and Profits, life aged 60 .................................. 680 Standard—Policy for £500 and Profits, life aged 69 ....................................... 355 Scottish Provident—Policies for £2,500 and Profits, life aged 44 ....................... 900 Sun Life—Endowment Policy for £400, life aged 44, payable at• age of 55 or previous death 160 Scottish Widows—Policy for £300 and Profits, and Standard—Policy for £300 and Profits, life aged 44 ............................. 190 BEADEL, WOOD and OO., 97, Gresham-street. Blackheath—Shooter’s-hill-road, FGR of £20, reversion in 38 years ........................... 870 Shooter’s-hill-road, FGR of £20, reversion in 44 years ................................. 790 Shooter’s-hill-road, FGR’s of £144, reversion in 45 years ................... 5,500 Shooter’s-hill-road, FGR’s of £85 7s. 6d., reversion in 48 years ................ 3,190 Woodlands-road, ±GR of £20, reversion in 43 years .................................. 1,770 Langton-terrace, FGR’s of £44, reversion in 54 years ............................... 2,350 St. John’s-park, a Peppercorn GR, reversion in 54 years ............................ 255 Old Dover-road, a Peppercorn GR, reversion in 45 years ............................ 440 St. John’s-park—FGR of £34 (part peppercorn), reversion in 74 years ....... 1,170 St. John’s-park—FGR’s of £85, reversion in 74 years ............................... 2,695 St. John’s-park—FGR’s of £60 16s., reversions׳ in 63 and 64 years .................... 2,250 Invicta-road, FGR’s of £64 (part peppercorn), reversion in 83 years ....... 1,770 Acorn-terrace, FGR’s of £56, reversion in 83 years ............................ 1,495 Combe-terrace, FGR’s of £116, reversion in 73 years ............................... 3,490 Combe-terrace, a Peppercorn GR, rever- in 73 years ............................... 50 Denzil-terrace, FGR’s of £86 6s., reversion in 71 years ............................ 2,545 Humber-road East, FGR of £8 8s. (part peppercorn), reversion in 71 years ....... 410 Humber-terrace, etc., FGR’s of £42 16s. (part peppercorns), reversion in 71 years .... 1,480 Woolwich-road, etc., FGR’s of £375 (with several peppercorns), reversion in 71 years 10,760 FRIDAY 17th. BLAKE and DANNATT, 18, Nelson-street, Greenwich. S.E. Bow—161, Burdett-road, ut 67 years, GB ¿£6, R £43 4s.................................. 325 Stockwell—3 and 4, Stockwell-street, F, E i'60 820 Old Kent-road—51 to 57 (odd), Bridson-street, ut 38 years, GR £8 ....................... 395 Blackheath—45, St. John's-park, ut 674 years, GB £8, E £50 ............................. 430 PROTHEROE and MORRIS, 67 and 68, Cheapside, E.C., and Leytonstone. Islington—Warren-street, IGB of £65, ut 284 years, GB £18 ............................ 010 Camden Town—Ariington-road, IGB of £34, ut 38 years, GB £13 9s..................... 250 Gamden-park-road, IGB of £14, ut 51 years, GB nil ................................... 200 Eegent's-park—Osnaburgh-street, IGB of £27, ut 234 years, GB £11...................... 200 ROBINSON and SONS, 6, Parkshot, Richmond. Shepherd's Bush—142, 142a, 144, 148 and 150, Goldhawk-road, ut 474 years, GR £238, E £411 ................................. 2,005 ROBSON and PERRIN, Station-road, FiusOury-park, and stroud-green Stations, N. ICensal-rise—69 and 161, Mortimer-road, ut 93J years, GB £11 15s., B £72 ................ 710 W. G. SH&DKAKE, 181, High road, Leyton, E., and Barking, Essex. Eegentrstreet—Great Marlborough-street, The Grapes P-h, a Freehold Rental of £130, reversion in 36 years ......................... 4,025 Theydon Bois, Essex—Piercing-hill, The Poplars, and! nearly four acres, F .............. 1,950 Piercing-hill, The Chestnuts, F ........... 750 STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road■ S.E. St. Pancras—163 and 165, Euston-road, area 2,350ft., F, E £90 ..................... 2,750 Seymour-street, etc., FGB of £45, reversion in 28 years .......................... 1,330 Hampden-street, FGB of £3o, reversion in 414 years ................................ 990 Stibbington-street, FGB of £110, reversion in 414 years .......................... 3,080 Stibbington-street, FGB of £110, reversion in 22| years .............................. 3,300 Stibbington-street, FGB of £27, reversion in 314 years ................................ 810 SENTOM. BULL aud COOPER, 39, Old Jewry. Rotherhithe—Rotherhithe-street, The Noah’s Ark P-h, and The Three Compasses P-h, F, B £109 ................................. 4,220 Beatson-street, Globe Buildings, F ........ 715 348, 350, and 352, Botherhithe-street, F, B £51 17s. ...... .. 455 376, 378, 382 to 390, Rothcrhithe-street, r1,390 ... ׳ Rotherhithe-street, a Boat Builder’s Yard and a Timber Yard, F, R £50 .............. 990 Hampstead—West-end-lane, Crowhurst, ut 78 years, GR £20 .......................... 1,750 Cricklewood—1, Hillside, ut 67 years, GR £14 1,200 By ukder of THii committee. Not Sold under the Hammer. MARCH. MONDAY 13th. DANN and LUCAS, 123, Cannon-street, E.C., Dartford and Bexley, Kent. Gravesend, Kent—West-street, Freehold Premises, area 7,200ft. Wilmington, Kent—The Wilmington Brewery, and 2a. 2r. 12p., F MIDDLETON and CRACKNELL, 40, Rosslyn-hill, Hampstead, N.W. Harringay—15a, Eade-road, L A. H. TURNER and CO., 199, Piccadilly, W., Weybridge, Guildford and Reading. Paddington—6, Upper Westbourne-terrace, L TUESDAY 14th. E. and H. LUMLEY, 22 and 35, St. James’s ig|.street, S.W. Piccadilly—H5. The Alhnnv iftannnri Vin״!•! v ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C.’ and Tottenham, N. Lea Bridge District Gas—£6,000 Four per cent. Perpetual Debenture Stock ............ 6,978 1,050 £10 Shares ......................19,414 WEDNESDAY 15th. DRAWBRIDGE and AN8ELL (at Burgess Hill). Burgess-hill, Sussex—Freek-lane, etc., a Freehold Building Estate, 24a. lr. 36p.... 1,300 MESSRS. SAUL (at Boston). New York, Lincs^Enclosures of Land, 14a. 2r. 5p., F ................................. 470 Ancaster House, and Plot of Land adjoining, 0a. lr. ¿3p., F ............... 193 Castledyke Farm, 21a. lr. 28p., F ....... 750 GLASIER and SONS, 7, St. James’s-street, S.W., and at Hastings. Ramsgate, Kent—Hollicondane-road, etc., FGR’s of £129, reversion in 78 years.......... 3,300 H. C. BIGDEN, 229, St. John’s-hill, Wandsworth, S.W. Battersea—3, 5 and 7, Wye-street, F, R £78 ... 920 E. W. HARRIS, Kent Bouse Station, Beckenham. Beckenham—22, Ravenscroft-road, ut 73 j ears, GR £5 5s................................ 150 PHIBBS GIBSON and CO , West Norwood Railway Station, and West Dulwich. Dulwich—96, Alleyn-road, ut 44 years, GR £4 Is. 4d............................... 615 BAXTER, PAYAE and LfcPPER, to9, King William-street, E.C., Bromley and Beckenham, Kent. Orpington, Kent—A Freehold Building Site of '¿i acres, with a partly finished chateau thereon .............................. 1,320 Bromley, Kent—Cumberland-road, etc., a Corner Building Site, F ....................... 300 St. Mary Cray, Kent—1, North Bank, F, R £32 500 G. BRInSLEY, 30 and 31, New Bridge-street Streatham—Ellora-road,.etc.,FGR’s of £49 10s., reversion in 71 years (in lots) ........ 1,350 Bethnal-green—21 to 31 (odd), Gardner’s-road, ut 6a years, GR £12 9s.................. 1,460 Walworth—69 to 79 (odd), Farmer’s-road, ut 49 years, GR £18 ...................... 1,040 H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD, 6, Poultry. Neasden—Neasden-lane, The Model Farm, F... 3,400 THURGOOD and MARTIN, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. War.dsworth—1 to 6, Elizabeth-place, F .. 1,355 8 to 13, Prospect-cottages, F.......... 1,780 SELFE, BALL, SMITH and CO., ¿54, Old Jewry, E.C., and Bristol. Surbiton, Surrey—Maple-road, Tudor Villa, F, R £47 .................................. 665 J. H. HIBBAkD, 17, Union-court, Old Broad street, E.C., and Wincnmore-hill, N. Lee—113, High-road, ut 53 years, GR £3, R £50 470 50, -biessington-road, ut 53 years, GR £3, R £45 .................................. 450 Winchmore-hiii—Green-lanes, a Block of Land, F .................................... 1,060 Hornsey—38, Coleraine-road, ut 86 years, GR £6 375 THUKSDAY 16th. H. J. BLISS and SONS, 106, Cheapside, E.C., and 164, Bethnal Green-road, E. Old Ford—Lefevre-road, FGR of £60 5s., reversions an 67 and 66 years .............. 1,555 72 to 82 (even), Milton-road, ut 63 years, GR £12 ..................................... 910 Poplar—6 to 10, Chrisp-street, ut 53 years, GR £15 .................................. 345 Plaistow—5 to 15 (odd), New Barn-street, C ... 505 JENKINS and SONS, 171, Lewisham High-road, S.E. Honor Oak—3, Muiidauia-road, ut S3¿ ;־ears, GR £8, R £50 ............................ 530 Lewisham—29, Breakspears-road, ut 74£ jears, GR £12, li £65 .......................... 750 EVES ana SON, 34, Mark-lane, E.C. Islington—58, Canonbury-road, ut 19§ years, GR £5 10s., R £40 .......................... 165 Ohingiora—Chmglord-road, a Plot of Building Land, F ................................. 170 NEWBON, EDWARDS and oHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, N. City-road—No. 337, F, R £63 ............... 1,020 Barnsoury—41 and 42, Cumberiand-street, a Freenoid Rental of £40, reversion in 62! years ................................... 810 27, Aibion-grove, ut 46 years, GR £4, R £42 455 132, Hemingford-road, ut 44 years, GR £8, ER £56 .................................. 610 Holloway—9, 11 and 13, Orpmgley-road, ut 78 years, GR £10 ........................... 550 8, Medma-road, ut 62 years, GR £4 10s., R £32 370 Walworth—164, Lorrimore-road, ut 50 vears, GR £3 10s., R £30 ....................... 325 YENTOM, BULL and uuOFER, 35, Ola Jewry. Kilburn—Willesden-lane, FGR of £22, reversion in 84 years ............................. 600 Willesden-lane, FGR of £52, reversion in 84 years ................................. 1,450 Keniiworth-road, FGR of £6, reversion in 84 years ................................ 160 STIMSON and SONS, a. nioorgate-streec, E.C., and 2, New Bent-road, S.E. Wood-green-^insbury-road, FGR of £15, reversion in 582 years ............................ 445 Camberwell—11, 12 and 13, Mazzard-row, F ... 1,250 36 to 62 (even), Picton-street, and 2a, Chis- weil-street, F ........................ 4,130 Bermondsey—10 to 18 (even), Cranswick-road, ut 79 years, GR £25 ...................... 1,700 10, Credon-road, ut 79 years, GR £5 ...... 300 9, Bermondsey-square, ut 15 years, GR £6 10s., R £38 .......................... 195 Stepney—32 to 40, and 50 to 60 (even), Ocean- street, ut 8£ and 6| years, GR £23 ...... 360 Clerkenwell—26, Gough-street, ut 12 years, GR £20 .................................. 30 East Rand Extension Gold Mining—120 £1, Shares Lydenburg (Transvaal) Gold Exploration—100 £1 Shares Development and Finance—100 £1 Shares . «or Golden Cement Claims—100 £1 Shares St. Helen's Development Syndicate—100 £1 Shares Australian Champion Reef—100 £1 Shares (18s. 6d. paid) H. E. FOSTER aud CRANFIELD, 6, Poultry, E.C. Reversion to One-fourteenth Share of a Trust Fund, estimated value £18,800, life aged 58 495 Reversion to Two-fifth Shares of a Trust Estate, estimated value £18,430 12s. 5d., life aged 65 3,340 Reversion tq Freehold Licensed and other Property at Cheltenham, producing £145 per annum, life aged 55 ׳...................1,200 Reversion to One-third of One-fourth of a Trust Fund, estimated value £36,683, 19s. 10d., life aged 69 ........................... 4,175 Reversion to One-fiftli of a Trust Estate, estimated value £3,800, life aged 74 ....... 460 Tufnell-park—125, Lady Margaret-road, ut 70 years, GR £9 9s., ER £60 Kentish Town—57, Caversham-road, ut 50 years, GR £10, ER £60 St. Pancras—17 and 19. Leigh-street, ut 71 years. GR £42, WT £209 6s.; 31, 32 and 33, Sandwich-street, ut years, GR £25 4s., R £152 8s. A. J. SHEFFIELD, 218, East India Dock-road, Poplar, E., and 35, Eastcheap, E.C. Upton-park—101 and 103, Neville-road, F, R £54 12s. Canning Town—12, 14 and 16, Outram-street, ut 69 years, GR £7 10s., R £42 18s.; 32 and 34, Seaton-street, ut 68 years, GR £5, R £36 8s.; 59 and 61, Vincent-street, ut 66 years, GR £7, R £36 8s. West Hampstead—19, Alexandra-road, ut 41 years, GR nil, ER £150 Hastings—4, Robertson-terrace, ut 49 years, GR £20; 2, White Rock-gardens, ut 78 years, GR £20, R £130 STIMSON and !SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. South Lambeth—Fentiman-road, etc., FGR’s of £186 10s., reversions in 20 to 59 years; also IGR’s of £207, ut 39 years, GR £27; 10C and 102, Fentiman-road, F, R £50 each; 27, 29 and 30 to 48 (even), Clayiands-road, ut 24 years, GR £67, R £370; 21 and 57, Trigon-road, ut 25 years, GR £9 10s., R £70 . Brixton—Horsford-road, FGR of £19, reversion m 76 years Camberwell—Denmark-hill, etc.„ FGR’s of £67 5s., reversion in 63 years Stoke Newington—Alien-road, FGR of £5, reversion in 60 years Paddington—Grittleton-road, etc., IGR of £104, ut 64 years, GR £2 Kennington—13 to 17, Lower Kennington-lane, I, R £169; 14, Kennington-park-road, C, R £62 Battersea—303 and 305, York-road, ut 38 years, GR £5, R £58 10s. Hounslow, Middlesex—Wellington-road North, etc.. Two Houses with Shops, and a Plot of Land, ut 61 years, GR £10, R £48 Chiswick—28 , 30, 48 and 50, Cambridge-road, ut 62 and 67 years, GR £18, R £127 RESULTS OF AUCTION SALES, Estate Exchange Copyright Report. Results of Sales at the Mart. London, except where otherwise stated_________________ MARCH. WEDNESDAY 8th. WYATT and SON (at Chichester). Stoughton, Sussex—A Cottage, •and nearly halt an acre, ut 140 years, GR nil .......... 100 Chichester Gas—£250 “A” Stock ............. 468 Chichester Corn Exchange—10 £25 Shares .... 251 FRIDAY 10th A. DOWELL (at Edinburgh). Morven, Argyllshire—The Estate of Glenmor- ven, area 9,354 acres ..................15,700 SATURDAY Uth PICKERING and NIGHTINGALE (at Chester). Whitby, Cheshire—Heath Farm, 52a. ir.22p., F 3,000 TALBOT and WHITa (at Southend). Southend-on-Sea, Essex—Alexandra-road, Melrose. and Westcliff, F, R £107 ..... 1.900 lYiOJNDA* i3th. E. FERGUSSON TAYLOR (at New Barnet). New Barnet, Herts—Bulwer-road, Warwick House, and 0a. 2r. 8p., F............... 1,525 Station-road׳, a Freeiioid Buiidmg Site . 425 Barnet, Herts—Woodviile-road, etc., 10 Plots of Building Land, F ....................... 700 J. H. BRADWELL and SON (at Mansfield). Farnsfteld, Notts—Enclosures of Land, 144 acre־. F (in lots) ............................ 8.099 R. and J. R. MITCHELL (at Cockermouth). Aspatria, Cumberland—The Arkleby Mill and Farm Estate, 82a. 2r. 12p., F ....... 6,000 CUMBERLAND and SONS (at Long Eaton). Long Eaton, Derby—Enclosures of Land, 36a. lr. 15p., F ........................ 2,215 Two Plots of Building Land, area 22,932 yards, F .......................... 1.910 Two Enclosures of Land 26a. 2r. 4p., F ... 2,600 MIDDLETON and CRACKNELL, 40, Rosslyn- hill, Hampstead, N.W. Hampstead Heath—South-hill-park, etc.,, FGR of £76, reversion in 85! years ...... 2,270 Hampstead—19, Lawn-road, ut 52 years, GR £11 11s............................... 685 WE1THERALL and GREEN, 22, Chaacery-lan Strand—13, Drury-court, F, R £45 ........... 900 Brixton—17, Lothian-road, F, R £41 12s..... 500' TUESDAY 14th. WILKINSON, SON and WELCH (at Brighton). Hove, Sussex—80, Goldstone-villas, F, R £55 ... 910 HUMBERT and FLINT (at Watford). Watford—Holy well-road,16 Plots of Building Land, F .............................. 482 Ridge-street, etc., Eight Plots! of Building Land, F ............................. 231 Leavescien-road, etc., 22 Plots of Building Land, F ............................ 1,115 Sussex-road, a Plot of Land, 0a. 3r. 14p., F 300 Yarmouth-road, 13 Plots of Building Land, F .................................... 436 35, 37 and 39, Salisbury-road, F ........ 500 17, 19 and 23, Denmark-street, F ...... 800 HARDS and BRADLY, 158, Fenchurch-street, E.C., and 82, Church-street, Greenwich, S.E. Rotherhithe—51 and 53, Yerney-road, ut 78 years, GR £10 ........................ 400 Greenwich—13, 15, and 15a, South-street, ut 80 years, GR £100, R £165 ............... 350 F. MILLER ana REID, 5 and 6, Clement’s-ian, Strand, W.C. Pimlico—116, Tachbrook-street, ut 39| years, GR £8, R £55 ......................... 525 ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, 50, Bel-grave-road, and 78, Gloucester-road, S.W. Pimlico—62, Hugli-street, F. R £50 ......... 930 13, Ciaverton-street, ut 32£ years, GR £10 10650 .•־ RUTLEY, SON and VINE, 6, George-street, Euston-road, N.W. Holloway—Anson-road, IGR of £75, ut 83 years, GR £25 ............................. 1,165 Haverstock-hill—17, Maitland-park-road, ut 53 years, GR £5, R £45 .................... 490 DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside. E.C. Upper East Smithfleld—Nos. 3 and 4, F, R £100 1.550 Hackney Marshes—Temple MUls-lane, Freehold Allotment Gardens, 0a. 3r. 32p. 300 Silvertown—Drew-road, etc., a Block of Bunding Land, area 14,600ft., F .......... 350