449 THE ESTATES GAZETTE. March 18, 1899. EDWIN EVANS, 253, Lavender-hill, Clapham-junction, S.W., Earlsfield and Putney. Battersea—119, Salcott-road, lit 82 years, GR £6 10s., R. £34 . . ״״ Wandsworth-road—FGR of £33, reversion in 89 years Chelsea—30, Cremorne-road, ut 87 years, GR £14, R £150 10s. (Hats) , ״ Lower Clapton—11 to 16, and 21 to 24, Blmco-road, 1, WR £26 each. ״״ , ״ ״ Forest-gate—331 to 341 (odd), Cann Hall-road, ut 88 years, GR £27, R £132 12s.; 255, Ramsay-road, ut 88 years, GR £5, MT £26; 114, Thorpe-road, ut 80 years, GR £5, WR £31 4s. MESSRS. DRIVERS, 407, Holloway-road, N. Holloway—712, 714 and 716, Holloway-road, ut 59 years, GR £31 10s., R £168 Finsbury-park—3, 10 to 12, 23, 25, 27 and 31, Alexan-dra-road, ut 74 years׳, GR £12 12s. each, R s £45 to £50 (each); 37, Gloucester-road, ut 60 years, GR £13 13s., R £65 Stamford-hill—133, St. Ann's-road, F, R £32 Tottenham—Dagmar-road, a Piece of Land, la. 3r. 17p., with Reversionary Interest in Cottages thereon, ut 70 years DYER, SON and HILTON, 30, Budge-row, E.C. and Blackheath, S.E. Blackheath—3 to 6, Eliot-hill, ut 55 years, GR £15 each, ER £8J each; 12, Vanbrugh-park-road, ut 58 years, GR £28 5s., P Black and White Publishing Co.—Founder s and other Share C. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Poplar—26, High-street, and׳ Two Plots of Land adjoining, 27ft. by 63ft., F Stepney—60, Heath-street, F, R £26; 26, Smith-street, ut 14 years, GR £2 10s.; 31, Stepney-causeway, F, WR £31 4s. Limehouse—33, Church-row, F, WR £26; 41 to 44, Dalgleish-street, C; 80, 82 and 84, Salmon׳s-lane, Q West Ham—1 to 11, Village-street, ut 69 years, GR £38 5s., R £234 NE WBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, N. Brixton—Bran don-road, FGR’s of £12, reversion in years Hackney—222, Mare-street, F, P; 1, Darnley-road, F, ER £55 Enfield—Bycullah-park, Drewside, F, ER £130 Harringay—12, 14 and 16, Umfreville-road, and a Stable, F, ER £164 East Finchley—Durham-road, Two Pieces of Freehold Land STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S E. Brixton—131, Acre-lane, ut 24 years, GR nil, ER £55, and Nursery Garden in rear, about two acres, ut 24 years, GR £53 15s. East Dulwich—291 to 315 (odd), Underhill-road, F, R £432 Catford—1 to 5, Balmoral-terrace, F, R £175 Kennington—67, St. Agnes-place, ut 69 years, GR £6 6s., R £40; 2, Hanover-gardens, ut 46 years, GR £7 4s׳., QT £34 Camberwell—1 to 4, Rust-square, ut 59 years, OR £25 4s., WR £145 Walworth—52, Olney-street, ut 16 years, GR £4 10s., P- £34 Charlton—61 and 63, Maryon-road, ut 20 years, GR £14 East Dulwich—22, 24, 27 and 29, East Dulwich-road, ut 78 years, GR £55 10s., R £265 Clapham—43 and 55, Bromfelde-road, ut 63 years, GR £17 10s., R £110 BAXTER, PAYNE and LEPPER, Bromley and Beckenham, Kent, and 69, King William-street, E.C. (at the Bell Hotel, Bromley, Kent, at 8 o’clock). Bromley—30, High-street, ER £60, F; and 400 Ordinary Shares of £10 each in the Bromley Gas Consumers’ Company BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUCKMASTER, Bank-buildings, Broadway, Walham-green, S.W. (at the King’s Head Hotel, Walham-green, at 7.30 o’clock). Fulham—53, Waldemar-avenue, L; and 2a, 4a, 37, 39, 43. 45, 47 . 61, 63, 65, 67, 69 !and 71, Burnfoot-avenue, Munster-road, R £275, L R. J. STEEL, Broadway House, Hanwell, and Boston-gardens, Brentford, W. (at the Coach and Horses Hotel, Kaliag Dean, at 2 o’clock). Ealing—157 Plots of Freehold Building Land on the St. Kilda Estate WHITE and SONS, Dorking and Leatherhead (at the Griffin Hotel, Kingston-on-Thames, at 3.30 o’clock). Oxshott—The Victoria Inn and Dwelling House adjoining; also Six Plots of Freehold Building Land JENKINS and SONS (at their Auction Mart, 171 Lewisham High-road, S.E., at 7 o’clock). Brockiey—29, 31 and 33, Howson-road, L New Cross—Bombay House, Amersham-road, ut 36 years, GR £3 10s., ER £45 FRIDAY 24th. At ONE o’clock. Kensington—8, 12, 14, 16 , 20, 24 and 26, De Vere-gar-dens, ut 76 years, GR 11586, ER £2,110 ; 39, 40, 42 and 43, Emperor’s-gate, F, R £650 ; 54, Peng wern-road, ut 73 years, GR £15, YR £130; 59 and 61, Earl’s-eourt-square, ut 74 years, GR £80, R £230 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C., and Tottenham, N. Stocks and Shares in various Gas Companies EDMUND W. RICHARDSON and SON SO, Fins bury-square, E.C. City of London—10, Eopemaker-street, and land 3, Finsbury-street, ut 994 years, GR £231, ER £750 Wandsworth-road—No. 543, ut 65 years, GR £10, R £60 DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., 81, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford, Essex. Marylebone—12, Charlton-street, ut 14 years, ' £24, R £60; 5, Barrett-street, F, YR £70 Stoke Newington—90, Lordship-road, ut 47 years, £10 10s., R £50 , Ealing—283, TJxbridge-road, ut 76 years, GR £8, IK £30 . « r׳u Ilapham—4 and 5, Cottage-grove, ut 46 years, GR £9, WR £65; 326, Clapham-road, F, R £65 Did Kent-road—282 to 288 (even), East-street, F, R £40 each __ Somers Town—26. Clarendon-street, ut 30 years, GR £15, R £52 fl. DONALDSON and SON, 58, Mildmay-park, N., and 243, Queen’s-road, N.E. jalston—147, 151 and 153, Queen’s-road, ut 20 years, GR £24, R £112 Ssggerston—1 to 11, Hay-street, area 3,000ft.. i, WR £76 Is. ״״״ ,, ״ Kingsland-road—22, Laburnum-street, F, R £40 I. BILLINGS, 254, Mare-street, Hackney, and Hackney Station, N.E. Walthamstow—95 to 115 (odd). Longfellow-road, ut 95 years, GR £88, WR £343 4s. ; 68 and 70, Queen s-road West, ut 90 years, GR £6, WR £44 4s. West Kensington—1 to 15, Campbeil-street, 1 to 4, Campbeii-place, ut 84 years׳, GR £100 14s., R £434 4s. (weekly) Bow—68, 69, 71, 72 and 73, Liehfleld-road, ut 43 years, GR £3 15s. each, R £28 each; 177, Turner's-road, ui 62 years, GR £4, WR £31 4s. GR GR GREEN and SON (at their mart 217, King-street, Hammersmith, at 7 o’clock). Barnes—24, Castelnau, R £100, L; 105, Castelnau, R £70, L; Leighwood, Lonsdaie-road, R £100, L; 1, Castelnau-gardens, L; and 1, 2, 3 and 4, Thorne's-cottages, Malthouse-passage, R£55 18s., C Hammersmith—14 and 16, Coulter-road, R £62 18s., L WILLIAM WESTON, 10, Sutherland-avenue, and 143, Westbourne-grove, W. (at the Paddington Real Estate Sale Rooms, at 7.30 o’clock). Maida-hill—2, Bristol-gardens, L; and 21 and 25, Clifton-villas Paddington—7, Marylands-road; 11, Sevington-street, and 37, Bristol-gardens Kilburn—248, Kilburn-lane, F Maida-vale—61. Clifton-gardens, L; and 135, Sutlier-land-avenue Westbourne-park—125 and 129, Wornington-road Ken sal Town—36, 38, 40 and 42, South-row; and 1 and 2, East-row, together with a- Plot of Land׳ adjoining J. S. RICHARDSON, 50, Finsbury-square, E.C. (at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, at 7 o’clock). Croydon—22 and 24, Dryden-road, ut 84 years, GR £4 10s., R £45 10s. SALES and CLARKE, 11, John-str׳iet, Minories, E.C. (at the Mortar Hotel- Beresford-square, Woolwich). Plu.mstead—19 to 43. and 47 to 59, Ingledew-road; 22, Tewson-road; and 131 and 137, Tewson-road, L PHILLIPS- NORFOLK and PRIOR, Catford bridge, S.E. (at the Black Horse Hotel, Catford, at 7.30 o’clock). Forest-hill—33, 35, 37 and 41, Vancouver-road, ut % years, GR £26, R £135; 51, 53 and 55, Kilmorie-road, ut 96 years, GR £18, R £80; and 33 and 40, Elsinor e-road, ut 96 years, GR £12, R ¿.54 Catford—16, 18, 20 and 22, Davenport-road, ut 97 years, GR £28, ER £144 Crofton-park—la, Darfield-road, and la, Merritt-road, ut 97 years, GR £10, R £75 8s. THURSDAY 23rd. At TWELVE o'clock. W. MARTIN and CO., Derby House, GroYe-Yale, East Dulwich Station, S.E. East Dulwich—88, Melbourne-grove, ut 75 years, GR £6 10s., ER £30; 50 to 56, East Dulwich-grove, ut years, GR £ ; 58, 68, 70, 72 and 74, Melbourne-grove, ut years, GR £ , R £ ; 44, 46 and 48, Ashbourne-grove, ut years, GR £ ; 2 and 2a, Chesterfield-grove, ut years, GR £ Hampton, Middlesex—Hans worth-road, Glentliorne, ut 53 years, GR £12 10s. WAGSTAFF and SONS, Highbury-corner, N, Highbury—42 and 44, Battledean-road, ut 94 years, GR £8 8s. each, R £42 each At TWO o'clock. W. HALL, 38, Chancery-lane, W.C. Southend—2, Clarence-road, F, R £80 South Norwood—Snirley-villas, FGR’s of £72, reversion in 98 years Willesden—1 and 2, Neasden-lane, L; 5, 7, 9 and 11, Eric-road; Cooper’s-road, FGR’s of £53 11s., reversion in 91 years Kilburn—68, Victoria-road, ut 92 years, GR £7 10s., YR £50 Clapham—17, Mayflower-road, ut 83 years, GR £10, R £50 Willesden—Brownlow-road, FGR of £13, reversion in 87 years Bromiey-by-Bow—Botolph-road, IGR of £19, ut 63 years, GR 6d. Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex—Nursery-road, a .baker's Shop, Cottages, and Range of Buildings, L HERRING, SON and DAW, 6, Ironmonger-lane, E.C., and Brixton-hill, S.W. Streatham—Crown-lane, Jervistou House, and 2\ acres, F Tulse-hill—67c, Upper Tulse-hill, ut 75 years, GR £15 8s., ER £125 Tottenham—37 and 39, Talbot-road, F, ER £42 10s. each Brixton —38, St. James-road, ut 23 years, GR £10 10s., P; 209, Brixton-hill, L T. B. WESTACOTT, 74, Camden-road, N W. Camden Town—19, Chalk Farm-road, ut 32 years, GR £10, R £80 At ONE o'clock, W. STEYENS, Dais ton-junction, N.E. Stoke Newington—68, Newington-green-road, ut 52 years, GR £4, ER £36 Hackney—35, Rendlesham-road, F, QT £30 Balls Pond—21 and 23, Kingsbury-road, ut 53 years, GR £6 6s. each, MT £38 each Stamford-hill—268 and 270, St. Ann’s-road, ut 61 years, GR £8, WR £57 4s. Shoreditch—63 and 65, Rivingston-street, ut 80 years, GR £25, R £140 De Beauvoir Town—31, Cliurch-road, ut 19 years, GR 7s., ER £42 At 1.30 o'clock. ALDER and CO., 28, Queen-street, E.C., 4, Railway-terrace, Streatham, S.W., andCarshal-ton. Datchet, Bucks—Penn-road, 14 Houses and a Plot oi Land, WR £234, L At TWO o'clock. MESSRS. CRONK, 12, Pall Mall, S.W., and SeYenoaks. Marylebone—3, Chitty-street, F, R £92 Ash, Kent—Upper Gooses Farm. 22a. 2r. 26p., F Shares in the Medway Paper Mills FAREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO., 29, Fleet-street, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. Southend-on-Sea, Essex—The Chalkwell Hall Estate, 260 acres, F Bayswate—Porchester-road, etc., FGR’s of £455, reversions in 45 and 52 years WALLET and MORRIS, 13, Lime-street, E.C. Holloway—257, 261, 267, 269, 271, 277, 279 and 281, Hornsey-road, ut 96 years, GR £57, R £596 14s. (flats) North Finchley—Ballard’s-lane, Beethoven House, F, ER £90 J. H. BETHELL, 31, LiYerpool-street, E.C., and Upton park, E. East Ham—9 and 11, Parr-road, F, WR £37 14s. Upton-park—9 and 10, The Parade, F, R £72; 9 and . 11, Plashet-grove, F, R £65 Manor-park—18 and 20, School-road, with Stabling in rear, F, WR £93 12s.; 611, Romford-road, ut 94 years, GR £8 8s., R £40 Upton-park—24 to 28, The Broadway, F, R £260 H. H. BINYON, Watford, Herts (at the Portman Arms, Edgware road, W., at 7 o’clock). Marylebone—9, 11 and 13, Richmond-street, L TUESDAY 21st. At TW'O o'clock. DUNCAN and KIMPTON, 40 and 42, Queen Yictoria-street, E.C., and Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. Ealing—Spring-bridge-road, CGR of £26, reversion in 40 years Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex—Preston-road, Remuera, Wairoa, and Hauraki, F, ER £60 each Upper Norwood—32, Hamlet-road, ut 59 years, GR £6 10s., R £50 GRANT, WHIELDON and CO., 112, Holland-park-aYenue, W. Notting-hill—51, Lansdowne-road, ut 43 years, GR £12 5s., R £80 Haverstock-hili—34, Steele’s-road, ut 66 years, GR £10, P; 6, Park-hill-road, ut 51 years, GR £12, ER £80 Lee—Leylands-road, etc., IGR’s of £245, ut 65 years, GR £13 EASTMAN BROS., 23, Bucklersbury, E.C., Anerley, Sydenham and Forest-hill, S.E. Forest-hill—Devonshire-road, Freehold Building Estate, six acres DAYID BURNETT and CO., 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. Gravesend—Glen View. Kelso Lodge, and one acre, F Sydenham—Wiverton-road, a Plot of Land, F Mile End—18 to30 ׳ (even), Cambridge-road, area 7,600ft., a Rebuilding Lease Walworth—4 and 6, Orb-street, ut 80 years, GR £16, R £83 12s. Chelsea—20, Wellington-square, and IGR of £5 Shepherd’s Bush—145״ Percy-road, ut 64 years, GR £7 10s., R £28 C. RAWLEY CROSS and CO., Ilchester House, Uxbridge-road Station, S.W., and 37, Broadway, Ealing. Ealing—46,Castlebar-road, ut 52 years, GR £5, R £40 Notting-hill—26 and 30, Tobm-street, 1 to 4, Jolliffe’s-yard, 1 and 2, Thomas-mews, R £144 6s.; and a Ground Rent of £7, ut 29 years, GR £6 DEBENHAM, TEW SON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Southwark—163, 165 and! 167, Borough High-street, with Three Warehouses in the rear, area 10,000ft.״ F Piccadilly-circus, etc.—The Piccadilly Mansions, ut 69 years, GR £1,520, ER £4,033 Chiswick—31, Barrowgate-road, F, P Hyde-park—125, Edgware-road, and 12. Burwood-place, Beneficial Lease for 21 years. R £290 Kensington—16, Young-street, F, R £120 ABERCROMBIE and EDMUNDS, 340, High-road, Kilburn, N.W., Willesden-green, Hendon, and Billiter House, Billiter-square, E.C. South Woodford—33 to 41, Ohigwell-road, ut 77 years, ER £45, R £185 5s. ERNEST OWERS (at his Hampstead Estate Offices, Finchley-road Station, at 8 o’clock). Cricklewood—30. 32, 34 and 36, Oak-grove, ut 99 years, GR £28, ER £258 J. C. PLATT (at his mart, Studland Hall, King-street, Hammersmith, at 7 o’clock). Shepherd’s Bush—13, Wood-lane, and 1, 2, 3 and 4, Goodwin-terrace, Cathnor-road Hammersmith—45, Cambridge-road North Kensington—10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Thresher’s-cottages, Tobin-street South Acton—1 and 2, Oxford-terrace ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C., and Tottenham, N. (at the Rose and Crown Inn, Tottenham, at 7 o’clock). Tottenham—681, High-road, F; 66, The Avenue, Bruce-srove, L Ponders End—1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Marsden-terrace, South-street, ut 60 years, GR £10, R £113 8s.; 2, 3 ׳and 4, Commerce-terrace, ut 80 years, GR £13, R £71; 1 to 4, Garfield-terrace, R £78, F; and a Dwelling House, situate opposite the Brewery in High-street, F Edmonton—3, Edith-villas, Raynham-road, The Sutherland Stores, Grosvenor-road, ut 96 years, GR £5 5s., R £25; also a Plot of Leasehold Building Land, frontage 18ft. to Woolmer-road WEDNESDAY 22nd- At ONE o'clock. G. PEARCE and SONS, 22, Hyde-road, Hoxton, and 32, Sherborne-street, Islington, N. De Beauvoir Town—148, Southgate-road, ut 22 years, GR £4 Stoke Newington—12 and 14, St. Jude-street, ut 43 years, GR £13, R £98 4s. Islington—24 and 26, Canonbury-road, ut 18 years, GR £13״ R £85 Leyton—106, 108 and 110, Goldsmith-road, F, WR £54 12s. Manor-park—1, Clara-villas, F, ER £24 Barkingside, Essex—Hainault-road, a Freehold Building Site, 3a. Or. 3p. WARE and CARPMAEL, 30a, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. Tunbridge Wells—36 and 38, Woo !bury-park-road, F, R £130 ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, 50, Bel-graYe-road, and 78, Gloucester-road, S.W. South Kensington—15, Thurloe-place, ut 25 years, GR £10, R £110; 3. Pelham-crescent, ut 14 years, GR £12 At TWO o'clock. D. WATNEY and SONS, 33, Poultry, E.C. Bayswater—135 and 137, Inverness-terrace. ut 39 years, GR £2, ER £130; 4 to 7, and 9 to 11. Orme-court, ut 91 years, GR £50 each, R’s £230 to £275 each Nctting-hill—55 and 59, Linden-gardens, ut 74 years, GR £60, ER £235 %\)t glarkis. CORN. MARK-LANE, March 13.-The market to-day was thinly attended, and only a limited business was done in all directions. English wheat in moderate supply luled slow, and prices tended in buyers' favour, foreign >ortsbeing very quiet, and the turn easier. Flour in large supply remains weak. Grinding barley was generally steady. Oats and maize remains quiet, but fairly steady. *Beans and peas unchanged. The wheat cargo market has been very slow, and piices fully 3d. easier. No sales reported for Walla-Walla, January 26s. 6d. was bid, but 27s. 6d. was asked, and 27s. would probably buy. 26s. 6d. was bid for La Plata steamer on Eassage. Ameiican parcels dull and easier. Hard uluth on passage sold 30s. 6d. Indian parcels inactive. Maize dull and generally easier. 11,000 to 13,000 q'S. mixed American, shipment in fourteen days, old crop sold on cade order at 17s. 9d. Mixed American paicels new crop. March sold at 16s. 6d., and old crop afloat at 17s. 3d. Barley fully steady. March-April, 4 options, has buyers at 16s. 9d., and May-June at 16s. 4£d. Oats firm, black Libau prompt sold at 14s. 9d. London Produce Clearing House quotatiors of American wheat : — March, 6s. 4fd. ;June, 5s. 10£ l.; October, 5s. 9£d. per cental. S ties registered )29,600 centals. Maize :-March, 3s- Bid.; J une, 3s. 6|d. per cental. Siles registered I4,4u0 centals. Arrivals last wtekEnglish and Scotch—Wheat, 4,615 qrs.; barley, 2,016 qrs.; malt, 23,994 qrs. ; oats, 3,857 qrs. ; beans, 370 qrs.; peas, 193 qrs.: maize, 222 qrs.; flour, 22,932 sacks. Foreign—Wheat, 21,363 qrs.; barley, 3 863 qrs. ; malt, 500 qrs.; oats 31,720 qrs.; peas. 2,148 qrs.; maize, 7,471qrs.; flour, 26,584 sacks, 550 barrels. CATTLE. ISLINGTON. March !3,—^ fair average supply of beasts was on the market this morning, ana included 56 Scotch and only a few lush. Both prime and second qualities met a fairly go id demand, and prices were 2d. per 81b. dearer. Fat cows met a fair enquiry from country buyers, and a steady tooe preyailed. Scotch quoted 4s. 6d. iO 4s. 8d.; Devons, 4s. 5d. to 4s. 6d.; Nor-folks, 4s. 4d. to 4s. 6d.; Lincoln shorthorns, 4s. 4d.; ana fat cows, 3s. 8d to 3s. lOd. per 81 b. 155 Irish store beasts quoted £11 to £13 for heifers, and £14 to £13 for bulls. A moderate supply of sheep was received on the market this morning, but a very slow demand was experienced for both wethers and ewes, 8 to 9-stone Down wethers, 5s. 6d, to 5s, lOd.; 10-stone halt-breds, 5s. to 5s. 4d.; la-stone Lincoln, 4s. lOd. to 5s.: Noifolk, 4s. lOd. to 5s. 2d. ; 10־stone Down ewes, 4s. 2d. to 4s. 4d.; 11 stone half-bred ditto, 3s. 8d. to 3s. 10j. Lambs quiet. 5-stone Downs, 6s. lOd. to 78. per 81b., offal given in. Calf trade nominal. Milch cows, £16 to £22 per head. Total supplies—Beasts, 1,340 ; sheep and lambs, 8,680 ; calves, 5 ; milch cows, 60. DEPTFORD, March 13.—The supply of beasts t^-day on offer amounted lo J,wi6, which is an increase of 981 on comtanson with last Monday, and consisted of 994 Unned States, and 912 Argentine. Trade was of a dull and magging character, and prices easier. United States, 3s. yd. to 4s. id.; and Argentine, 3s. 3d. to 3s. 7d. Sheep arrivals totalled 4,b03, oeing 718 less than on Monday last, and consisted of South American consignments, trade being about steady, at 3s. 4d. to 3s. 6d. per 81b. to sink the offal. MEAT. SM1THF1ELD, March 13.—Modeiate supplies were on offer, but met a quiet, although generally steady, sale. Arrivals of beef inciuued 130 tons Scotch, 300 Liverpool sides, 560 Danish sides, 1,500 hindquarters, and 703 forequarters American refrigerated. Quotations :—Beef— Scotch short sides, 4s to 4s. 4«i.; long ditto, 3s. lOd. to 4s.; Euglish, 3s. 8d. to 3s. 10 J.; American Depttoru killed, 3s. 6d. to 3s. 8d.; Liverpool, 3s. 6d. to 3s. 8d.; Danish, 2s. 4d. to 2s. lUd.; American lefrigerated hindquarters (best). 3s. 4d. lo 3s. lud.; forequarters 2s. 4d. to 2s. 6d. ; average, 2s. 5d. Mutton- Scutch, 44 .?׳d. to 4s. 6d.; English wetners, 4s. 2d. to 4s. 4d,; ewes, 3s. 41. to 3s. 8d.; Argentine, 21. lud.; lamb,5s. 4d. to 6s. Veal—English, 4s. 8d. to 5s. ; Dutch, 4s. 4a. to 4s. 8d. Pork—Dutch, 3s. 2d. to 3*. 4d. ; and Irish, 3s. per 81b. POULTRY AND PROVISIONS. SMITHFIELD, Maich 13.—Short supply. No demand. Prices :-Surrey capons, 5s.; Surrey iuwls, 3s. to 3s. 9d.; Boston lowls, 2s. (id. to 3s. 6d.; Essex fowls, 2s. 3d. to 2s. 9a.; Irish fowls, 2s. to 2s. 6d.; Russian fowls, Is. 4d. to Is. 9d.; Russian ducks, 2s. to2s. 3d. ; English ducks, 3s. to 4s. 6d.; English turkeys, 5s. to 12*. (id. ; Guinea fowls, 3s. to 3s. 6d.; wild ducks, 2d. 6d. to 3s. ; widgeon, 2s.; cock caperca lzie, 3s.; hen capercailzie, 2s. : ptarmigan, Is. 3d.; black game, Is. 9d. to 2s.; feathered pigeons, lOd. to Is.; Bordeaux pigeons, 10d. to Is. 4d. ; Russian brown hares, 2s. 6d.; wfnte ditio, Is. 3d.; tame rabbits, Is. 4d. to 2s.; wild ditto, Is. to Is. Id.; Australian ditto, 8d. to 10J. each ; French turkeys, 10£d.; Italian ditto, 8id. per lb.; large pigs, 3s. 2d. to 3s. 4d.; small pigs, 4s. to 4s. 2d. per 81b. HOPS. BOROUGH, March 13—The market remains in much the same state as previously recorded. Some planters have offered the remaining poition of the 1898 crop at a slight concession, and found ready buyers. Pacific coast hops of choice quality are very scarce, and consequently very firm. Continental markets aie a shade better. FORTHCOMING SALES. Sales at the Mart, London, except where otherwise stated. Country Forthcoming Sales are given elsewhere. ABBREVIATIONS.—F—Freehold. O—Copyhcld. L— Leasehold. GR—Ground Rent. IGR—Improved Ground Rent. WR—Weekly Rent. YR—Yearly Rent. MT—Monthly Tenancy. QT—Quarterly Tenancy. P—Possession. PA—Per Annum. E— Estimated MARCH. MONDAY 20th. At ONE o'clock. J. BOTT and SONS, Commercial House, Heme-hill, S.E. Herne-hill—No. 28, also Fairmount, Forth House, and Neckar Lodge, C, R £420 Stratford—Hey worth-road, FGR of £20, reversion in 80 years At TWO o'clock, ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C. and Tottenham, N. Tottenham—Park-lane, Freehold Building Estate, 10£ acres; 639, High-road, F, P; 784 and 786, Highroad, area l¿ acres Bromley-by-Bow—12, St. Leonard’s־road, R £30; and a Ground Rent of £3, reversion in 11 years, F Poplar—6, Union-street, and 5, Providence-place, F, WR £39 Haverstock-hill—No. 114, ut 51 years, GR £5, P MOSS and JAMESON, 77, Chancery-lane, W.C. Brixton—1, 3, 11 and 19, Aslimere-grove, ut 85 shears, GR £32, R £145 Norwood—12, Camden-hill-road. F, ER £45