March 18, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 446 Jiotías. UCKFIELD AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE ANO TRAINING FARM, UCKFIELD, SUSSEX. Principal: W. J. MALDEN, Associate of the Surveyors’ Institution. FOR HOME AND COLONIAL FARMING AND ESTATE MANAGEMENT. Successful preparation for Exams, of the Royal Agricultural Society and the Surveyors’ Institution. MODERATE INCLUSIVE FEES. TV/TR GEORGE F. HARRINGTON, F.S.I., i-fA late senior partner in the firm of Inman Sharp, Harrington and Roberts, of 16, Ab-church-lane, City, and whose partnership with Mr. Henry Croydon Roberts, of that firm, has been dissolved by mutual consent, still continues to carry on business as Auctioneer and Surveyor, in his own name, at the same address. THE AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (Incorporated). Founded 1886. 57 and 58, CHANCERY-LANE LONDON, W C. President: -EDWARD DOBSON. ADMISSION to MEMBERSHIP may be obtained: — (a) Under the Practice Qualification; (b) By Examination. THE EXAMINATIONS (Preliminary, Intermediate and Final) are held annually. Next Examination, March, 1899. EVENING MEETINGS for the Delivery of Lecture•, the Reading of Papers and for the discussion of subjects of interest to the Profession are held at the Institute monthly during the Winter. Forms of application, Syllabus of the Examinations, Examination Questions, 1898, and all further particulars, may be obtained upon application to— CHARLES HARRIS, Secretary. laitfr aitò limits. The charge for prepaid annDuusements under this head is 6d. per line for one inserción ; 4d. per line for THREE or more insertions. !¡1OR SALE, a Bargain and a Good Invest-X ment.—A Country Residence, including in all 20 rooms, with grounds well laid out, including two lawns, shrubberies, flower beds, fruit trees, and a kitchen garden; ten glasshouses and three cottages; good stabling and coach-house; in all about four acres; situate in a very pleasant and healthy position, and in a good vicinity for the hunt; gas and water laid on everywhere.—Price £2,600.—Apply to T. H. Higgins, Rockcliffe, Wellingborough, Norths. ]DEVELOPMENT of BUILDING ESTATES X/ —Owners of large or small estates in any approved locality in England are invited to furnish particulars of their property to Messrs. G. A. and u ii °* Valkyrie, Colney Hatch-lane, Musweil-hill, N.. whose speciality is the development of building estates, and who are prepared either to purchase outright or to arrange mutual terms for the successful development of the same. SUTTON’S GRASS SEEDS FOR PERMANENT PASTURE TEMPORARY PASTURE AND Sales tg &uctton. Sales ig Etici urn. Wednesday next.—CITY OF LONDON. TJDMUKD W. RICHARDSON and SON will XJ Offer for Sale, at the Mart, City, on Wednesday next, March 22, at Two, the exceptionally well-built modern Corner BUSINESS PREMISES, 10, Rope-maker-street, and 1 and 3, Finsbury-street, a commanding position, close to Moorgate Station. The premises, which contain five well-lighted floors and basement (the ground floor area being 1,570ft.), are held for 994 years, at a moderate ground rent, and are of the estimated rental value of £750. Early possession will be given. Particulars at the Mart; of Messrs. Robinson and Stannard, solicitors, 19, Eastcheap, E.C. ; and at the City Survey and Estate Offices, 50, Finsbury-square. ALTERNATE HUSBANDRY From 8s. to 31s. 6d. per acre. For full particulars Seepages 40 to 55 of Sutton’s Farmers’ Year-book tor 1899. Post Free to Agriculturists. utton’s Seeds GENUINE ONLY FROMSUTTON SSONS, READING R 7! Founded 1807, COUNTY FIRE OFFICE, GREEN & RICHARDSON, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS COMPENSATION AND GENERAL VALUERS. 49, BEDFORD ROW, LONDON, W.O. Messrs. Green and Richardson make a special branch oi the sale and development of Building Estates. COWDRAY ESTATE, SUSSEX. C PORTING and FARM, in West Sussex, under Blackdown, four miles of Haslemere, on the L. and S.W. Railway. To be Let at September 29 next, Lurgashall Park Farm; 248 acres, 100 acres bemg pasture, with capital Residence, close to church and village, two labourers’ cottages, and well-arranged farm buildings. The shooting over the farm and copses, in a complete ring fence, makes a compact beat of 400 acres, intersected by warm, sunny covers. The whole embraces an estate seldom advertised! as to let. Lord Leconfield’s Hounds hunt the neighbourhood. LeL with, possession, September 29 next, MIDOTRST,dSUSSEXET FA“S' C0CKING' 434 acres Arable 204 ,, Pasture 15 ״ Buildings and Woods . 653 acres more or less with good Farmhouse, buildings, and eight cottages, also sheep run over 227 acres of the South Downs. Chichestertatl0n 011 tlle iarm' Ten ™iles from If desired valuable Shooting can be had over the fa™׳. Downs, and adjoining woodland, 1,000 acres m extent. hurstljr HASLAM׳ Cowdra.y Estate Office, Mid- S0, Regent Street,W. AND 14, Cornhill, E.C., London. The Premium Income of this Office is derived irom Home business only, ho foreign risks being undertaken. The Retubn System which has been adopted by this Office since its foundation offers an exceptional «,¿vantage. The Rates of Premium are the same as those charged by other leading Companies. f. Applications for Agencies invited. Joint (G. W. STEVENS. Secretaries 1 B. E. RATLIFFE. NATIVE GUANO Best and Cheapest Manure for Farm and Garden, £3 10s. PER TON IN BAGS, 2-Ton Lots, Carriage Paid 100 Miles. A Sample Bag, 1 cwt., Carriage Paid (England) for 5s. Testimonials and all Particulars on Application NATIVE GUANO CO, LTD, 29, New Bridge Street, LONDON, E.C. AGENTS WANTED. FOR OCCUPATION OR INVESTMENT. T4EVONSHIRE.—■A valuable and attractive Freehold Residential Agricultural Estate, sitt ate 4! miles from the flourishing seaport and marke town of Bideford, about 2£ miles from Torringtoi Market, andi about 1! miles from Torrington Sts tion L. and S. W. Railway, and comprises a com fortable and pleasantly situated farmhouse, fara buildings, with two cottages, and two productiv walled gardens, the whole lying in a ring fence, an! having a total area, of nearly 105 acres (89 arabl and pasture, and about 16 woodland). The land have a southern aspect, and are of generous charac ter and in good heart. The estate has been farme. for many years by the present tenant, who i leaving at Lady Day next, at a rental of £104 pe annum. The present estimated rental value is £12 per annum. Price £2,800.—For further particular a?ply-i° “ H■ w•” (665)• Estates gazette office, 6 St. Bride-street, E.C. LOANS. Yf R• ALFRED RAPHAEL, 5, Whittington■ ־*״__avenue, Leadenhall-street, London, E.O.. ha! FUNDS for INVESTMENTS On LOANS upon LANDED ESTATES, FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, or LICENSED PROPERTIES, GROUND RENTS, RATES, REVERSIONS, and LIFE INTERESTS, FOR A PERMANENCY AND ON FAVOURABLE TERM Amounts not under £5,000 preferred. TO TRUSTEES & INVESTORS. The Principal and Interest of Money Lent on Mortgage can be insured with THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LT0. The Paid-up Capital of the Corporation, founded in 1871, is £132,1 •eserves at Decem- ber 31,1897, amounted to £327,477. Write for Prospectus to RICHARD J. PAULL, General Manager and Secretary, 40 to 44, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. LEGAL AND GENERAL Life Assurance Society. _____Established 1836■ Funds 7. .. £3,000,000 “ ״ Income.................. £373,000 Yearly Business.........£1,000,000 THE PERFECTED SYSTEM of Life Assurance is peculiar to this Society and embraces every modern advantage. PERFECTED MAXIMUM POLICIES. The rates for these Whole Life Policies are very moderate. £1,000 Policy with Bonuses According to last results. Valuation p.c.:—Hm. Table of Mortality, 4U yrs. £ 2,065 THE Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners’ Royal Benevolent Society (Short Title, * The Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society’), With nearly 1,000 Agencies, annually relieves over 10,000 persons. INSTITUTED 1839. The rescued sailor, fisherman, &e., is instantly cared for on the spot and sent home. The widow, orphan, &c.. of the drowned immediately sought out and succoured. The distressed seafarer of every grade at once charitably assisted. Patron—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Secretary—GERALD E. MAUDE, Esq., 26, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall S.W NORTHERN ACCIDENT INSURANCE £100,000. £44,000. £45,612. COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1882, Capital (fully subscribed) Paid-up Capital and (Reserves Annual Income - This Company has introduced a Special Scheme of Indemnity Insurance for Property Owners and Estate Agents, and also transacts Personal Accident, Sickness and Pension, Workmen’s Compensation, Employers’ Liability, Third Party (vehicle, &cC Fidelity Guarantee, and Chemists’ and Druggists’ Indemnity Insurance. Plate Glass Insurance at Special Rates. Estate Agents and others interested in the above g-ge are 1Qvited to apply for particulars as to rates. C. H. PARKER, Rasident Secretary 23, Coleman Street, E.C. Applications for Agencies invited. Over £240,000 paid in claims. THE Age Premium Age Premium Age 20..£1 7 8 °/0 30. £1 16 °/0 40. £2 10 °/o Duration 10 yrs. 20 yrs. 30 yrs. Amount of Polioy £ 1,199 £ 1,438 £ 1,724 Next Bonus as at 31st December, 1901. Offices : 10, Fleet St., London. YOST Typewriter USED BY The Emperor of Austria. The Emperor of Germany. The King of Wurtemberg. The Duke and Duchess of York. The English, Colonial, and Continental Governments. The Leading Railway Companies. And More than 35,000 other Users. We do not say that there are no other good machines, but we do strongly affirm, and are willing to prove it by sending a machine on inspection and yree }rial for Seven Days. That we sell the very best typewriter the world has ever seen. CATALOGUES POST FREE. Sales by Auction for the Year 1899. ~|\/FESSR-S. JOKES, LAKG and CO. beg to IVX state that their Sales of ESTATES, Town and Country Residences, Freehold and Leasehold Investments, Building Land, and other Properties, will be held at the AUCTION MART, Tokenhouse-yard, City, in EACH MONTH of 1899. Particulars of properties intended for disposal should be sent at least three weeks previous to date of sale. Messrs. JONES, LANG and CO. also undertake sales of household furniture, farming stock, and general personal effects in town or country. Messrs. JONES. LANG and CO.’s printed Tabulated List of warehouses, offices, and general business premises to be Let or Sold, in the City of London and neighbourhood, can be had free on application. Auction, Survey and Estate Offices, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. Branch Offices, 95, Leadenhall-street, E.C., and Lonsdale-chambers, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. Tel. Add.—“ Wonderment, London.״ PUTNEY-HILL.—A charming detached Family Residence, situate in this most famed locality, and known as Altyre Lodge, Carlton-road, Putney-hill ; containing seven bed rooms, dressing room, bath room, three reception rooms, and complete domestic offices. The house stands m well laid out ground's of about half an acre, well-stocked with fruit trees, shrubs, etc.; there is also a full size tennis court. The residence, which until lately has been let at £185 per annum, is held at a ground rent of £36 per annum for a long unexpired term, and forms an excellent opportunity for a City man or others requiring a residential property in this favourite suburb. ]V/TESSES. JOKES, LAKGand OO. will Sell •LtX by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, April 21, at Two o’clock, the above excellent FAMILY RESIDENCE, with vacant possession. Particulars and conditions of sale, when published, can be had of Messrs. Durham, Carter and Durham, solicitors, 3, Arundel-street, Strand, W.C., and Kingston-on-Thames; and of the Auctioneers, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. By order of Trustees—Excellent Investments.— BLOOMSBURY, SOUTH KENSINGTON and BAYS-WATER. ]X/TESSBS. JOKES, LAKG and CO. will ■Sell XYX by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, April 21, 1899, at Two o’clock, the following eligible PROPERTIES : — No. 7, Woburn-square, W.C.; let for 21 years from Midsummer, 1898, at £115 per annum, and held for about 29 years at £28 ground rent. No. 8, Woburn-square, W.O. ; let for 21 years from March 25, 1894, at £110, and held for about 29 years at £28 ground rent. No. 38, Woburn-square, W.O.; let for 21 years from Christmas, 1898, at £105 per annum, and held for about 29 years at £28 per annum ground rent. No. 7, Torrington-square, W.C. ; let for 21 years from Lady Day, 1895, at £90 per annum, and held for about 21 years at £12 ground rent. Particulars with conditions of sale can be had of Messrs. Durham, Carter and Durham, solicitors, 3, Arundel-street, Strand, and Kingston-on-Thames; and of the Auctioneers, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. By order of Trustees—Excellent Shop Property, No. 44, Ledbury-road, BAYSWATER, close to West-bourne-grove; let on lease at £75 per annum, and held for long term at a ground' rent of £10 10s., forming capital investment for small capitalist. lyTESSHS. JOKES, LAKG and CO. will Sell -LYA the above sound LEASEHOLD INVESTMENT by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, April 21, 1899, at Two o’clock. Particulars with conditions of sale as in preceding advertisement. By order of Trustees.—Well-placed Bijou Town Residence, with vacant possession, No. 20, Thurloe-place, SOUTH KENSINGTON, containing five bed and. three sitting rooms and domestic offices, occupying a most excellent position close to South Kensington Station, and near to all the fashionable resorts. Held for about 23 years at gioffiid rent of £14 10s., and estimated to produce £130 per annum. TV/TESSBS. JOKES, LAKG and CO. will Sell -LYX the above valuable TOWN RESIDENCE by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, April 21, 1899 at Two o'clock. Particulars with conditions of sale as in preceding advertisement. Preliminary .-Sale of a highly valuable Freehold City Ground Rent of £320 17s. 6d. per annum, secured upon a large Block of Property, No. 21, I arnngdon-avenue, Farringdon-street, City, cover-mg the extensive area of about 2,250ft. super., and׳ let at rents amounting to about £750 per annum. Well adapted for Trustees. TyTESSRS. JONES, LANG and CO. ,will Sell J.U. the above high-class FREEHOLD SECURITY at the Mart, E.C., in May next. Particulars of sale can be had of Messrs. King and Jenkins, solicitors, Abchuroh-lane, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London, Jb.U. The YOST Typewriter Co., Ltd., 50, ROLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON, E.C. Excellent Leasehold Investments.—Farringdon-street CITY OF LONDON. iV/fESSItS. JOKES, LAKG and CO. will Offer J.TX for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., in May next, the TWO modern BLOCKS of PROPERTY, • 23’ Farringdon-avenue, Farringdon-street, in the City of London, let to tenants at rents producing about £1,150 per annum, landlords' paying rates, and held for a long unexpired term at ground rents amounting to £460 3s. 6d. per annum, offering an excellent opportunity to procure a remunerative and improving investment. Particulars with conditions of sale at the Mart, E.C.; of Messrs. King and׳ Jenkins, solicitors, 16, Abchurch-lane, E.O. ; and of the Auctioneers, 3 King-street, Cheapside, London. E.C. INSURE YOUR GLASS. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. 66, Ludgate Hill, London. ESTABLISHED 1854. Capital, £50,000. Invested Funds. £40,000. Applications for Agenoy invited from House Agents or others in a position to influenoe busi ness. Liberal Commission allowed. All information on application to J. H. Brown, Secretary, Please mentiifvn fhia Panar