March 18, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 442 bv Httriion. For Occupation or Investment.—BRIXTON and VICTORIA-PARK. IX/TESSRS NOKES and NOKES will Sell I•y DX Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Lotilbury, E.C., on Monday, March 27, 1899, at One for Two p.m., the LEASEHOLD HOUSES, known as No. 74, Milkwood-road, Brixton; rental value £36; lease 68 years; £4 ground rent. And No. 236, Old Ford-road, Victoria-park; rental value £45; lease-54 years; £7 ground rent. Particulars of the Auctioneers, 20, Ironmonger-lane, Oheapside, E.C., and 67, Caled'onian-road, King’s-cross, N. FOREST-GATE, UPPER HOLLOWAY. HORNSEY-RISE, and WILLESDEN-GREEN. . MISES, Nos. 73 and 75. Hazlemere-road, Forest-gate; Nos. 47 and 49, Hampden-road, Upper Holloway; No. 20, Lambton-road, Hornsey-rise; Nos. 239 and 241. High-road•, Wiliesden-green; all let and producing £275 per annum; held for long terms at low ground lents. Particulars of Messrs. Stanley Evans and Go., solicitors, 20, Tlieobald’s-road, Bedford-row, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, as above. TOTTENHAM.—Capital Weekly Shop Property. lyrESSRS. NOKES and NOKES will also Sell MX the Long LEASEHOLD PREMISES, known as Nos. 1 and 3, High Cross-road, and No. 1, Lincoln-road, Tottenham; let to punctually paying tenants, and producing £107 18s.; leases 78 years, at £18 10s. ground rent on the whole. Particulars of Messrs. Barfield and Barfield, solicitors, 72, Finsbury-pavement, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, as above. By order of Trustees, Executors, and others. ־MESSRS. FORTESOUE and CO. will Sell -1XL by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, on Wednesday, March 29, at Two p.m., the following well-letting PROPERTIES: — Freeholds.—WANDSWORTH.-Nos. 3 and 5, East-hill.—Two Villa Residences, producing £82 per annum. Main thoroughfare. Leaseholds.—BATTERSEA—Nos. 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, Orviile-terrace, Green-lane, let cut in flats, producing £197 12s. per annum. Long leases, at £21 ground rent. Leaseholds.—FULHAM.— No. 39, Bishop’s-road, close to Walham-green, producing £36 per annum! Long lease. Ground rent £6 6s. Leaseholds.—WANDSWORTH.—Nos. 19, 21 and31 ׳, Tonsley-hill, and 29, Tonsiey-place.—Small Villas, always let, and producing £96 per annum. Held for terms of 62 years unexpired, at ground rents on the whole of £16. Particulars, as to the first Three Lots, Messrs. Corsellis, Mossop and Berney, solicitors, 64, East-hill, S.W.; and the latter, to Messrs. Ellis, Munday and Clarke, solicitors, College-hiil-chambers, 23, College-hill, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, St. John’s-hill, S.W. Freehold Ground Rents. — WALTHAMSTOW.—In Seven Lots.—Valuable Freehold Ground Rents, of £20, £10, £10, £5, £35, £30 and £40 per annum, most abundantly secured upon 28 newly-erected houses, etc., Nos. 21 to 49 (odd), Somers-road, 44 to 52 (even), Mansfield-road, near Hoe-street Station (G.E.Ry.), and Nos. 54 to 68 (even), St. John-road, near Wood-street Station (G.E.Ry.); estimated rack rental value £850 per annum. ־MESSRS. HARMAN BROS, will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, March 29, at Two o’clock. Particulars, etc., of Messrs. Cartwright and Cunningham, solicitors, 47, Paternoster-row, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 75, Aldermanbury, Guildhall, E C KING’S-CROSS.—No. 15, Tiber-street. Capital House, let at 12s. per week; lease 44 years; ground rent £4; densely crowded neighbourhood. Nos. 196 and 198, Southgate-road. Two capital Houses, let at old rental, £34 each; worth £40; lease 23£ years; ground rent 30s. each. ־MESSRS. HARMAN BROS, will Sell ihe T-T-L above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, March 29, at Two o’clock. Particulars, etc., of Messrs. Munns and Longden, 1a1!^019 ’3׳ld JewLv. E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 75, Aldermanbury, Guildhall, E.C. Sale Thursday next. M ESSRS. JENKINS and SONS will Sell by y¡!•־: Auction at their Auction Mart (adjoining their Offices), 171, Lewisham High-road, New Cross, on Thursday evening, March 23, 1899, at Seven nuAkj4riS>11S^lngm,LEASEil0LD PROPERTIES BROCKLEYS.E—Three Long Leasehold! Houses, on® with stabling, situate and׳ known as Nos. 29 31 a*n4i^’ -^°wson-roRd. No. 29, a corner house with stabling, estimated rental of which is £43 per annum Nos. 31 and 33 let at £28 per annum each.—Solicitors Messrs. Marchant, Benwell and Marchant, Broadway Deptford, and 27, College-street, E.C. y NEW CROSS, S.E.—Leasehold Villa Residence known as Bombay House, Amersham-road, New Cross. Contains four bed rooms, three reception rooms, kitchen, scullery and offices. Garden front and rear Estimated■ rental £45. Available for occupation Lease 36 years. Ground rent £3 10s —Solicitors, Messrs Redpath, Holdsworth and Marshall 23 Bush-lane, Cannon-street. ’ Auction Mart and Offices, 171, Lewisham High-road New Cross, S.E. ׳ Seed Barley. SELECTED STRAINS OF CHEVALIER, GOLDEN MELON, & STANDWELL From pedigree stocks grown on the sound land of the Lothians. A good change, which will repay. 40s. to 45 s. per quarter. BLACK TARTARIAN OATS From pedigree Stocks grown esrecially for seed in CumberlanJ. 28s. per quarter. LARGE SCOTCH GORE TARES Sow early fo־״ summer feed. 8s. 6d. per bushel. Descriptive Catalogue free on application. LITTLE & BALLANTYNE The Queen’s Seedsmen, CABLISL11 *ales bl? Auction. ---------------------------------------------I Good Investments in Freehold and Leasehold Shops, Houses, first-class weekly and other Properties. , at Two o’clock precisely, the following: — WOOD-GrEEN.—Freehold Shop and Premises, 1, Finsbury-parade ; let on lease at £63 per annum.— Solicitors, Messrs.Howard and Shelton, Tower-chambers, Moorgate-street. FULHAM—Crescent Villa, 4, Fulham-park-gardens ; unexpired term 63 years; ground rent £7; let at low rent of £40 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Whitfield and Harrison, 22, Surrey-street, Strand. WANDS WORTH-ROAD.— Two Leasehold Shops, Nos. 194 and 196, Wandsworth-road ; 87 years unexpired; moderate ground׳ rents, producing £145 per annum. BARNSBURY.—101, Lofting-road, in good letting neighbourhood; unexpired term 43| years; ground rent £7; rent £30 per annum. BATTERSEA-PARK.—Four newly erected Houses, 21 to 27, Winstead-street, Surrey-lane; 97| years unexpired; ground rents £8 each; and together producing £244 8s., landlord paying rates and taxes. FOREST-HILL.—1 and 2, Eweime-road׳; pair of villas near the station; unexpired term 96 years; ground rents £7 each per annum; together producing about £75 per annum. BARNES—Four superior Villas, 17, 19, 23 and 25, Elm-grove-road, adjoining Barnes Common, near river and station; unexpired term 95| years; ground rents £6 6s. each; together producing £144 per annum. Solicitors, Messrs. Greenfield and Cracknall, 3, Lancaster-place, Strand. Particulars may be obtained׳ of the Auctioneer, 2, Lancaster-place, Strand. Telephone 2990 Gerrard. HOBNSEY-ROAD, N., and BALHAM, S.W. pLIMRSON and JOHNSON will Sell by \J Auction, ■at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, March 28, at One, excellent BLOCK of LEASEHOLD SHOP PROPERTY, Nos. 474, 476, 478, 480, 482 and 484, Horn-sey-road, N., in a good position, and! producing £250 per annum; also semi-detached Villa, 25, Cornford-grove, Baiham, containing eight rooms; let at £36. Long lease, low ground rent. Particulars of the Auctioneers, 59, Bedford-hill, Baiham. ÇrüfmimtaL PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION. — Mr. O Graham Mould’s Classes for next year’s examinations will recommence Tuesday, May 2 (P.A.S.I.), and Thursday, May 4 (F.S.I.). Entries may be made and advance papers studied now. At the last three Fellowship examinations all Mr. Mould’s pupils were successful. Also P.A.S.I. (1897) Penfold Silver Medal and Driver Prize.—Syllabus upon application to Mr. Graham Mould, F.S.I., 25, Great James-street, Bedford-row. Telephone 228 BLolborn. Lecture room, 3, John-street, Bedford-row. PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINAIS TTONS.—Complete courses of preparation in class or by correspondence in all divisions and subdivisions. At the last four examinations the following prizes were obtained by Mr. Parry’s pupils: — 1895 and 1896, Institution Prize, Driver Prize and Penfold Silver Medal; 1897, Institution Prize and Special Prize; 1898, Institution Prize, Special Prize, Driver Prize, and Penfold Silver Medal, and Crawter Prize (one of the two bracketed winners of the last). At the Examination of last March, more than half of the successful list were Mr. Parry’s pupils.—Apply to Mr. Richard Parry, F.S.I., A.M.I.C.E., 27, Great George-street, Westminster (immediately opposite the Surveyors’ Institution). PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINA- IS TIONS. — Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I. by examination, assisted in the law subjects by Mr. Sidney Wright, M.A., Barrister-at־Law, Author of the “Law of Landed Estates,” the “Law of Fixtures,” Editor of the “ Law and Practice of Dilapidations,” etc., prepare candidates for the above examinations in all divisions and sub-divisions. Complete course in class or by correspondence. Personal instruction. Driver prize and Penfold silver medal.—Syllabus on application to Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, 100, Jermyn-street, St. James’s, S.W.— Auctioneers’ Institute Examinations.—Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I., and Mr. Sidney Wright, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, also prepare candidates for the examinations of this Institute. (Address as above). P ANITARY INSPECTORS.—EXAMINA- IS TIONS for Qualification under the SANITARY INSTITUTE. A qualified Surveyor, and holder of certificates of competency in sanitary knowledge and building construction, is prepared to coach Ladies and Gentlemen for tnese Exams, by correspondence. Fees entirely conditional on the pupil’s success, payable after passing, bar a nominal guarantee of good faith.—Geo. B. Dafforn, P.A.S.I., 25, High-street, Wimbledon. AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE EXAMINA- XV. TIONS.—Preparation for the A.A.I. Exam, of March, 1900, by Mr. J. H. W. Wheeler, F.S.I., F.A.I., Assoc. Sanit. Inst. The second annual course commences end of May next, and may be taken by correspondence or personally. — For particulars address, 189, Fulham-road, South Kensington, S.W. PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINAIS TIONS.—BIRMINGHAM and MIDLANDS.—Messrs. Donne and Raffety. F.S.I., undertake the preparation of candidates for the Land Agency sub-division of these examinations. Practical work may be seen on estates.—Particulars and terms on application, 71. Temple-row, Birmingham. ASPATR1A AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE (Via Carlisle). FOUND ED 1874. SITUATED IN ONE OP THE FINEST STOCK-RAISING DISTRICTS OF THE COUNTRY. Approved by the Counoil of the Surveyors’ Institution as affording professional instruction. Special preparation for Preliminary and Professional Assooiateship Examinations (Land Agency Section), Six Farms, Dairy and Workshops. For Prospectus and lists of sucoesses apply to the Principal, J. Smith Hill, B.A., B.So., Prizeman of the Royal Agricultural Sooiety, Associate of the Surveyors’ Institution. SITUATIONS WANTED—CONTINUED AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE AGENTS, PRO- -ra. PEKTY OWNERS, and! OTHERS.—NOTE. -Ex-perienced bailiff and rent collector desires EMPLOYMENT (whole or part time); good at cataloguing inventories, clerking sales; undeniable references; small salary or commission accepted for part time or levies conducted on mutual terms.—“ Alpha ” (684) ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.O. rpo AUCTIONEERS and LAND AGENTS. _L —An experienced assistant desires a RE-ENGAGEMENT; highest references.—Apply “ W. B. H.’ (678), Estates Gazette office, 6, St, Eride-street, E.C rp.O LAND AGENTS and SURVEYORS.— J- Wanted by Advertiser (aged 27), who has had considerable experience in building, surveying, valuing, and estate management, appointment as CHIEF ASSISTANT SURVEYOR; holds Cirencester (M.R.A.C.) and Surveyors’ (P.A.S.I.) diplomas; has been for years on important estates; highest references.—Warden, Constitutional Club, Tiverton. rpo AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS and J.. VALUERS.—Advertiser seeks a situation as ASSISTANT or IMPROVER; salary not so great an object as further practical experience; completed nearly four years (three of which in articles).—A. W. Jackman, 6, Parade, Canterbury. rpo AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, X VALUERS, Etc—Advertiser, having five years’ experience (three of which were articled) desires ENGAGEMENT (town or country); good genera, knowledge of business, sales, checking inventories, rent collecting, etc.—Apply “ A. B.,” c/o W. A. Smith Esq., 12, Rita-road, Clapham, S.W. mo AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS. J. —Advertiser, age 26, tall, good appearance, desires ENGAGEMENT, indoor preferred, in good firm; 5i years’ West-end and small country experience; energetic, good canvasser and negotiator; speaks French; capable of managing branch office. —“ F.” (686), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. 1^7ANTED, by a competent and experienced VV auctioneer, valuer, and fire loss assessor, to SUPERVISE or take sole MANAGEMENT in good concern, or branch; practical accountant—Address “ Hammer ” (683), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. AN AUCTIONEER and ESTATE AGENT, XY thoroughly up in all branches of the profession, is seeking an appointment in a good firm or as PRIVATE AGENT or ASSISTANT to same; good qualification and testimonials.—“ C. T.,״ c/o “ F. L.,’’ 12, Powis-grove, Brighton. § arftmsljijis. For PREPAID announcements the minimum charge is 3s. for 50 words: three insertions for 7s. 6d. pENTLEMAN (25), with capital, articled, VT eight years’ experience town and country, wishes to join firm of auctioneers and valuers; willing to start with salary; first-class• references from well-known firms as to business capabilities.— “ Energy ” 1(640)., ESTATES GAZETTE office, 64, St. Bride-street, E.C. \ GENTLEMAN, graduate of Cambridge XY University, with sound practical experience, Having been articled with a well-known firm of auctioneers, surveyors, and valuers, and having capital at his command, is desirous of entering a well-established business with a view to partnership; highest references given and required.—“ Cantab ׳’ (677), Estates Gazette office. 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. mo AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS and L ESTATE AGENTS.—Advertiser (aged 35), who has had large practical experience in town and the provinces, is desirous of securing a partnership in an established business; or position as assistant with view to same; highest references; all communications will be treated in strictest confidence.—Please address “D.” (609), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. mO LAND AGENTS and SURVEYORS.— X PARTNERSHIP wanted by purchase in well-established firm; five years’ practical experience in estate office on agricultural estates, and five years in town office (chiefly building land estates); excellent references given—Apply “ M. D.” (682), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. taafimts. [The charge for inserting PREPAID wanted advertisements under this head is 2s. 6d. for not more than 50 words for one insertion, or 6s. for three NET. The minimum charge for situations vacant is 3s They must be sent direct to the office, and not transmitted through agents, or they will be charged at the usual rate, viz., 6d. per line. Remittances in payment for announcements at this rate are no* acknowledged unless a stamped envelope is sent, and if a co*ny of the paper is required, 3£d. in addition must be forwarded.] VACANT. T)ROPERTY DEALER with large means J- wants ASSISTANT, whose sole dutj^ will be to procure bargains in town sites, suburban land, or secured rents; payment principally by result until proof of success is shown.—State special qualifications and evoerience to “ Property,” Willing’s, 162. Piccadilly, W. /^JLERK, experienced, Required in auctioneer’s VJ and estate office; active, quick at figures, and respectable.—Letters, with details and salary required, to “ Auction ’681) ־), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ־y־ACANCY in S.W. suburban offices for » competent CLERK; must be young, smart and energetic; only those with a thorough know.elge of the business need apply.—State age, salary required and all past experience, to “ Land ” (679) ESTATES Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. WANTED, m auctioneer’s office, a JUNIOR J ’ CLERK, of good address; must write a good hand; small salary.—Apply by letter, stating age references, etc., to “Vaughan” (680), ESTATES Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E C. JHisalhuumis For announcements under this head, the charge is 6d. per line; minimum charge, 3s. A GENTS Required in unrepresented districts XY for the Imperial Accident, Live Stock and General Insurance Co., Limited. Established 1878. Horses, Cattle, etc., Insured against Death from Accident and' Disease. Claims paid, £150,000. Address. Mr. B. S. Essex, manager, 17, Pall Mall East, London, S.W. rLAND SYNDICATES, SOLICITORS and AUCTIONEERS.—Estimates given for Land j Surveys, Plans, and Sections, in connection with : the development of large building estates in any locality, or for land surveys of any description; all surveys closed in and areas computed by trigno-i metrical calculation, and not by scale, thus ensuring extreme accuracy.—Alfred Mansfield, 16, I Haveiock-road, Hastings. ; DUILDER’S YARD, large, Wanted (or pre-J-J mises that could1 be converted), in the N.W. or 1 W. districts or adjacent.—Address “ J. S. and S., I No. 48, Paddington-street, W. YUANTED by a firm of Auctioneers and Sur-. J , ve.vors• a competent, CLERK, who understands the laying out and development of building estates, and is capable of making• the ordinary valuations oi a• general town and country business; state age, salary required, and full experience; communications treated confidentially.—Address bv letter, T F-^W- 1?t•;” Messrs- Street Brothers, 5, Serle-street, London, W.C. WANTED, by a firm of Auctioneers carrying ' * on a large business at a well-known seaside resort m North Lancashire, a SALESMAN qualified to conduct auction sales; one with capital preferred. Apply Titus Thorp and Ainsworth, chartered accountants, Preston and Lancaster. YU AN TED, a, CLERK, temporarily, to work l ’ Property register; salary and commission; shorthand essential; probability of permanency to suitable man.—Apply Nehnes and Poole, auctioneers. Monmouth. WANTED TO AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS. -L Advertiser, energetic and reliable, with several years’ practical experience in provinces, including branch management, seeks re-engagement as MANAGER or LEADING CLERK; efficient; auctions, inventories, valuations, registers, canvassing, and routine without supervision; good negotiator and used to first-class properties.—“ Pushing ” (647), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, EC. A DVERTISER, age 40, seeks Re-engagement as CLERK in auctioneer’s and surveyor’s office, either as bookkeeper or outdoor representative • thoroughly understands routine of City office; well up in valuation of furniture, etc.—Address “ W F ” (645), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street,’E.C. ГПО AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS and -L VALUERS.—Advertiser, who has served three years as articled pupil to a large Midland firm of auctioneers, etc., is a member of the Midland Counties Tenant-right Valuers’ Association by examination, seeks situation as IMPROVER; moderate salary with view to improvement.—Apply S. D. Taylor, Packington House, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. rpo AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS. Л7־л лт л F7־enga^ement as SALESMAN or MANAGING CLERK; ten years’ experience, and seven years license, in all branches.—Apply “А В C ” (675) Estates Gazette office. 6, St. Bride-street,' E.O. ’ A DYERTISER, who has held Auctioneer’s license for 12 months, and has completed articles with auctioneer and valuer in the Midlands, desires ENGAGEMENT ־with firm, where, in consideration of small salary, further experience could be obtained; well up in all office work, bookkeeping etc. ; excellent references. — Apply “ J. R.” (67Ш . Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street. E.O. AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS.— -41 Advertiser, with many year־' town and country experience, desires an ENGAGEMENT; good auctioneer, valuer ana negotiator; can act without supervision; accustomed to agricultural sales and )fttmgs; large connection in and around London.— 1 C. M. G.,” c/o Messrs. Rooke and Sons, solicitors, 45, Lincoln s-inn-fieids, W.C. ADVERTISER, 31, well up in all branehss, fx requires POSITION (large seaside cr provincial town), where there is scope for pushing business with view to partnership preferred; knowledge agricultural, furniture, real estate, hotel and general work; good bookkeeper and correspondent —Apply “ o.K.” (654), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.O. JUtirlrtf f njfils. YACANCY in old-established auctioneers office for respectable youth as ARTICLED CLERK.—Letters addressed “ Auctioneer 685) ’׳), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. mo AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS. —CLERK (28). with 13 years’ all round experience, seven years a certificated bailiff, inventories, valuations, dilapidations, bookkeeping, accountant gpod sale clerk, with a thorough knowledge of furniture and property seeks RE-ENGAGEMENT with a ?,00f? TPrm•-״ F A. H..” 25, Sears-street, Camberwell, S.E. mO ESTATE AGENTS.—Wanted, an EN- i J- GAGEMENT; long practical experience in all branches, good negotiator and valuer, well versed in inventories, dilapidations and interviewing; couid start a business, take temporary work, or anv position; knows all leading West-end׳ districts; orood ! references; moderate salarv accepted.—“A Z ”197 | Landor-road, Stockwell, S.W. mO SURVEYORS and ESTATE AGENTS.— X Wanted• to place a capable youth as PUPIL to a City firm doing building work in addition to agency, etc.—Letter only to “ R.,” c/o W. H. Smith and Son, Bookstall, Anerley, S.E. T.OCUM TENENS.—Licensed auctioneer acts | ״• *־ at short notice in cases of illness or pressure employer to supply staff; terms. 25 per cent, of commission (minimum one guinea per diem while absent), and third class rail; bank reference, or would deposit security; no cards.—Taylor. Staplehurst.