SUPPLEMENT T8 THE ®STATES GAZETTE. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS March 11, 1899. DOUGLAS. AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AND SHARE BROKER, Agent for Lloyds. JTele. Add.: CRAIGE, DOUGLAS, MAN.” Offices: 52, ATHOL STREET. IRELAND. DOUGLAS. CHAS. E. MALET, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, STOCK AND SHARK BROKER, ESTATE, INSURANCE AND COMMISSION AGENT 29, ATHOL STREET, DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN. Telegram»: ‘^Maley, Aucticmeer, Douglas.” ISLE OP WIGHT. NEWPORT. HENBY J. WAY AND SON, AOOTIONEEES, SURVEYOES, AGRIOULTURAL AND TIMBEE VALUEES, ESTATE AGENT8, A o, Firm • í f ENBT J. WAY, F.S.I., F.A.I. ’ ( EDWABD W. WAY. Braneh Offices.—Freshwater. Letters and :Telegrama—Newport. RYDE. E. M A B V IN «fc SONS, AUCTIONEERS^^SURVEYORS^VALUERS AND 76, UNION STREET. Telegraphie Address ; “ Marvins, Ryde. RYDE. WALLIS, BIDDETT k 00., F.S.I., AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUERS. Letters and Telegrams, RYDE, Begd. Telegraphie Address, “Riddetts, Ryde. BROADWAY OFFICES (Top op Station Road). Telegraphic Address “ Estate, Sandown.’ SANDOWN. Estate and House Agent. ..... v! ־* ft VENTNOR. Land and Estate Agent. Auctioneer, Valuer, House, VENTNOR. SIB FRANCIS PITTI8 & SON, Abotionbhbs, Estate and House Agents and Valuers. MARLBORO’ HOUSE, HIGH STREET, VENTNOR, And at NEWPORT, SANDOWN AND 8HANKL1N Telegrama—“ Pitti*. Ventnor.” CHANNEL ISLANDS. GUERNSEY W. W. FUZZEY, AUCTIONEER, VALUER,^SURVEYOR AND HOUSE Offioes and Residenoe : Lb Geavbes. Auotlon Rooms : Bbthelot Street, St. Petes Post, Guernsey. AH available residences (furnished and unfurnished) and other information with reference to the Island free on application. BILLPOSTERS ADDRESSES. SOUTH LONDON. BALDWIN, W., “ Clapham Observer, ” 65, High Street, Clapham. Established over SO years. BOLTON. GREENHALGH & BLEAKLEY, 113, Blaok- horse Street. BURNLEY. BURNLEY BILL POSTING CO., Ltd., 4, Bull Street. CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE BILL POSTING CO., Ltd. Recent Street. JARROW-ON-TYNE. BILLPOSTING & ADVERTISING Oo., Ltd. Branoh Offioe: Station Approaoh. T. Lawson gen. man. LIVERPOOL & DISTRICT. JACKSON, R. A., 19, Islington. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. RIOHEY & Co., Clayton Street West. Tel. Add, “ Publicity.” Tele. Nos. G.P.O. 676, Nat. 1954 OLDHAM. WILD and CO., 18, Yorkshire-street. PRES TON. CORPORATION BILL POSTING & ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, 11, Market Street PLYMOUTH. LIDSTONE (T. H.), 65, Union St. Estab. 1857 SUNDERLAND. BILLPOSTING & ADVERTISING Co., Lta. Chief Offioes, Toward Road; also at Jarrow T. Lawson, gen. man. YORK. YORK BILLPOSTING 00., Pavement. BELFAST. R. j. McConnell and co., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS & ESTATE AGENTS, Have always Fee Farm Rents and House Property for Sale, the former extra well secured to pay from 4i to fit per cent., and the latter from 8 to 10 per cent. Telegraphic Address:— “ Property,” Belfast. Head Offices :—37, ROYAL AVENUE, Branch Offices:—Mountpollinger Junction, and 152, Shankhill Road. BELFAST. McKELVEY AND McOOMBE, Souse and Estate Agents, PROPERTY AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS Auditors and Aooountants. 85, ROYAL AVENUE. Agents for the London Assurance (Fire), A.D. 1726. CORK. E. K. KEARNEY, AUCTIONEEK AND VALUER, HOUSE, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT MUNSTER AUCTION MART, 37, MARLBOROUGH STREET, CORK. The MOST CENTRAL MART IN THE CITY for sales of all descriptions of property, furniture, pictures, jewellery