Maroh 11, 1899. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS Supplement to the Estates Gazette. TOTNES, DEVONSHIRE. BOURNE AND SON, E.8.L, AUOTI0NXIE8, !state agent», valuer«, and SUE VETOES. TOTNES. TROWBRIDGE, WILTS. FOLEY, SON AND MUNDY,F.S.I.,F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, LAND SUB-VETOES, AND GENERAL VALUERS, Auction Mart and Offices:—TROWBRIDGE, WILTS. Established over a Half Century. Telegraphic Address :—,'Foleys, Trowbridge.” H. MtJNDY, F.S.I., Valuer appointed by the Wiltshire County Council under the Finance Act, 1894. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. ^ AND DISTRICT. ..^ rf Established 1797. - ■< f\ A ^ Tel. No. 46. Auctioneer ־£, P VALUER AND SURVEYOR. Registers Free. Telegrams " Original.” Offices: 3, The Pantiles, TUNBRIDGE WELLS TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Estates, Residences, Farms, Hunting and Shooting Quarters, Building Land, Ground Rents, &c. LANGRIDGE AND FREEMAN, Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Farm and Timber Valuers and Surveyors, Tunbridge Wells, Kent; and 28, Queen-street, Cheapside, London, E.C., publish a Register of Estates, Residences, etc., To be Let or Sold in Kent, Sussex, Surrey and elsewhere ; also a separate List of Farms to Let, which may be had gratis on application at their Offices. Particulars of Properties inserted in the Registers free of charge. UPWELL & ISLE OF ELY ELWORTHY & SON, LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT AND GENERAL VALUERS AND SURVEYORS, *jr Wisbech Market, Thursdays. UXBRIDGE. WILLIS AND 0ROUGH, (Established 18*9), AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AND ESTAI E AGENTS, 90, ST. ANDREWS, UXBRIDGE, And 29, BasiDghall Street, E.O. WADHURST. SUSSEX. H. J. AUSTEN & SONS, P.8.I., AUCTIONEERS, TIMBER, TENANT - RIGHT AND GENERAL AGRICULTURAL VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS, Ac. Proprietors el the Wadhurst Fortnightly Auction Cattle Market. ( MARLING PLACE 1 Offices < AND J WADHURST. I CRAY LODGE. I WAKEFIELD. HOWGATE AND CHAPMAN, LAND AGENTS. AUCTIONEERS A SURVEYOR» SOUTEGATE. WALSALL, STAFFORDSHIRE. AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND SURVEYOR. Offices A Mart, The Bridge. STURMINSTER NEWTON. SENIOR AND GODWIN, F.S.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, A ESTATE AGENTS. OFFICES ״ STURMINSTER NEWTON, & GILLINGHAM, DORSET. SUDBURY, SUFFOLK. WHEELER & SON, F.A.I, ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, TIMBER AND GENERAL VALUERS. Telegrams :—•‘Wheeler, Sudbury.” SUNDERLAND. The Central Hall Exhibition and Sale Room«. , and 3, JOHN STREET. The most commodious and best known Auction Rooms in the county. Sale» by Auction every Thursday at 11 and S. Established nearly 40 years____ „ Beg to intimate to solicitor., trustees, manuiacvarer», tradesmen and others, that the above hall is Dow open for the reception of all kinds of modern and antique furniture, pianos, jewellery, drapery, ironmongery and other stocks. Sales in private residences arranged on most reasonable terms. SALES of ׳W ***Z —׳׳■׳׳״־^ Properties, Estates, Collieries, ^^-׳׳׳־־׳־-׳־^ Ironworks, Furniture, Pictures. &c. ׳׳׳־־־־־-׳"^ Valuations for Probate, Mortgage and Transfer. WARMINSTER. CLAUDE H. BARBER, AUCTIONEER VALUER, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. Valuations for probate, hotel, agricultural and all other purposes carefully and quickly made. Sales by auction and private treaty. Bi-monthly Sales of furniture throughout the year at The Repository, Market Place ; live and dead stock every Saturday in the Market Distance no object. Consultations free. Offioes : Mababt Place, Wabminsteb. Telegram»—“ Audio,” Warminster. WARWICK. JOHN MARGETT8 * SON8,F.S.I.,F.A.I. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS A ESTATE AGENTS ESTABLISHED OVER A CENTURY. AND AT Si. BRIDGE STREET. BANBURY. OXON. WATFORD, HERTS. HERBERT BROAD, AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AGENT A SURVEYOR, WATFORD, HERTS. Telephone No. 4, Watford. WATFORD AND DISTRICT. SEDGWICK, BON & WEALL, F.8.I., LAND AND TIMBER SURVEYORS, ESTATE AGENTS AND AUCTIONEERS, 38, HIGH STREET. SUTTON, SURREY. G. W. DIXON & 00., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS RAILWAY APPROACH, SUTTON, SURREY Estate» managed. Rent! collected. Sale» of Land and Home Property, Farming Stock, Household Furniture, Ac. Valuation for Sale», Mortgage, Probate and Succession Duties. Mortgages arranged. Agent» to the Fire and Life Insurance Office* __ SUTTON, SURREY. J. w. MATTHEWS, Auctioneer, Estate Agent, and Valuer 3, HIGH STREET, (Opposite the Railway Station). Furnished and unfurnished houses, business premises, and land, to be Let or Sold : valuations for probate transfer or mortgage; inventories made and checked; dilapidations assessed ; rents collected ; estates managed. AGENT TO THE COUNTY FIRE OFFICE. SWANSEA A DISTRICT. EDWARD ROBERTS AND SON, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT AND GENERAL VALUERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. 40, OXFORD STREET.________ SWINDON. BISHOP & PRITCHETT, F.8.I., AUCTIONEERS, ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. OFFICES— REGENT CIRCUS, SWINDON. SWINDON. DORE, FIELDER & MASKELYNE, F.A.I., AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS, ARBITRATORS, SURVEYORS & LAND AGENTS, BREWERY A HOTEL VALUERS, offices: 16, High Street, Old Swindon, Wilts, A.DG Town Hail Chambers, Malmesbury. TAUNTON, SOMERSET. C. R. MORRIS, SONS & PEARD, LAND AGENTS, VALUERS, SURVEYORS AND AUCTIONEERS, NORTH CURRY, TAUNTON, _________And at BRIDGWATER________ TEDDINGTON. MESSRS. E. & G. RICE, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, VALUERS AND SURVEYORS, HIGH STREET (adjoining the Post Office). THETFORD, STOW BEDCN AND DISTRICT. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, - LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. ______Offices : THETFORD.__ THRAPSTON. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. GEORGE 8IDDON8, AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AGENT, TENANT-RIGHT AkD PROBATE VALUER, thraPston. Branch Offices afc Oundle and Higham Ferrers. Attendance at Northampton Market every Saturday at Grand Hotel 10.30 to 11.30. TIVERTON, DEVON. COOK AND BIRMINGHAM, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, STEWARDS AND BAILIFFS UNDER THE LAW OF DISTRESS AMENDMENT ACT. Branch Uffioe at Creditor. SOUTHSEA A PORTSMOUTH. KING AND KING, VALUERS, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AND PROPERTY AGENTS, 20, PALMERSTON ROAD, SOUTHSEA, 46, COMMERCIAL ROAD, PORTSMOUTH. Sir W. D. King, F.S.I.) v:™ (Mr. G. E. Kent, F.SJ Mr. Thos. King, F.SJ,) F-rm• i Mr. F. Blake F.S J. SOUTH SHIELDS. VASEY AND KEED Auctioneers and Valuers, House and Estate Agents 25, KING STREET. SOUTH SHIELDS. ST. ALBANS. HERT8 MIDDLESEX, and ADJOINING COUNTIES MESSRP. HARDING, LOW & HARDING, (E»tabll»hed over 70 year»), 49 FINSBURY-T A VSMENT. LONDON, and ST, ALBAN; (8. L. HARDING, F.S.I., J.P. Firm \ R. J. Low. F.8.L l S. PRYCE HARDING, ESTATE AGENTS, LAND, TIMBER AND BATINl SURVEYORS, VALUERS, AUCTIONEERS, Ac. Sale» of Landed and Residential Estates, Freeholc and Leasehold Properties Farming Stock, Timber anr Underwood, Household Furniture, Ac., undertaken Valuations for Probate, Mortgage and other purposes Estates managed. Compensation, Arbitration anc Rating Appeal Cases conducted. Mortgages arranged ST. ALBANS. MESSRS. RUMBALL & EDWARDS (Established 18J0), LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS Agents to the Sun Fire and Life Offices. Compensations and Dilapidations assessed under th< Agricultural Act or otherwise, and all Land Agency bn8ine*p conducted under personal supervision. ST- HELENS. GABRIEL MOON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, Bales of Freehold* ^ n J Veaseholl Estates, Mansion* Villas, Farms, Woiks, and other property, conducted or a new and original method. All properties are personally inspected in detail and photographed with high-class lenses of varying angles as circumstances may require. On the day of sale each lot is beautifully illustrated with Photographic Transparencies,from 6 to 20 feet in diameter, with the aid of a magnifleenl Triple Optical Lantern, and Oxy-hydrogen Lime-light, mixed jets, compressed gasses. The value of this form of Sale cannot be over-esti mated, as, by its means, the Auctioneer can take his audience (without leaving their chairs) in and around the respective lots and show them its value and beauty. Buyers are beyond doubt influenced by the sight oi the object on sale. It is a notorious fact that bidders at times attend such sales without having previously visited the property. ^ , Mr. MOON is both an Amateur Photographer ano Lantern ist. Offices : WTNDLF CHAMBERS. HaKLSBAW ST.,ST.HELENf• TORQUAY. OOX * SON, (UCTIDRKRS, VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AIEITI A, VICTORIA PARADE, TORQUAY. Gentlemen desiring to rent or purchase Resident!» Estates, Houses, Ae., in Divonshirb or the Wist o> England should apply as above, when the fullest In formation will he supplied. Established not. ST. LEONARD’S-ON-SEA. BEAGLEY’S SURVEYORS, HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUERS. SANITARY SURVEY DEPARTMENT. & concise and regularly revised printed Register o) Houses, Business Premises Lodging Houses, &c. _______59, LONDON ROAD,______ STAFFORD. JOHN EDWARD EVANS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER. ESTATE AGENT AN l SURVEYOR PHCENIX CHAMBERS, MARKET SQUARE, STAFFORD, Mortgages negotiated. Telegrams “Evans, Value: — ־ •d.” Stafford STEYNING & STORRINGTON, SUSSEX. HARRY JA8. BURT, Land and Timber Surveyor, Auctioneer, Valuer, Land and Estât! Aîd-mt STOCKPORT. BRADY AND SON, F.S.I. (Established i»44j, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, LAND AGENTS, AND SURVIVORS, 17, WARREN STREET 8TOOKFOR1 Nat. Tel. No. 132. AND AT AlaT, CHESTER Nat. Tel. Nos. 123 A 125. WAHREN ST. and 23, ST. PETER’S GATE. STOCKPORT. Auctioneers and Valuers. STOCKTON-ON TEES. RALPH APPLETON, F.A.I., ESTATE AUCTIONEER AND AGENT, LICENSED VALUER, Ac., STOCKTON - ON ־ TEES, And at THORNABY-ON-TEES. Properties and Estates managed for owners, mortga gees and others. Secretary to Chambers of Agriculture and Commerce. Nat. Tel. 4558. Chief Office : 134.HIGH STREET.»,!־uuKTOis uN-TBBh STROUD, GLOS. DAVIS AND CHAMPION, ESTATE AGENTS, LAND SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS, AGRICULTURAL AND TIMBER VALUERS. Valuer» for probate and succession duties. Register of properties to he sold or let. SITTINGBOURNE, Auctioneers, Valuers, House, Estate, & Business —׳׳׳־ A§ents■ y? Loss Assessors. 30^' ^ Large Furniture Depository. Offices No. 15, HIGH STREET. SLEAFORD, LINOS AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS ,,, . ' AND LAND Sleaford Cattle Market. Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, 1888. Lessees of the AGENTS. SOUTHAMPTON. A. J. CHEVERTON, Auctioneer, House and Estate Agent, Insurance Agent and Fire Assessor, Valuations for Probate. 10, Hanover Buildings, Above Bar, SOUTHAMPTON. Telephone No. 465. SOUTHAMPTON. JAMES LUMBY & 00., AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE A ESTATE AGENTS, Surveyors, Valuers, Mortgage Brokers, Grocers’Valuen Insurance and Commission Agents, INSURANCE CHAMBERS, TO, HIGH ST., SOUTHAMPTON Fire Losses Assessed, Particulars Prepared and Claim! Settled. Established 18*9. Monthly List of Propertie! to Let or for Sale. SOUTHAMPTON. AUCTIONEER, VALUER, SURVEY LAND AND ESTATE _.־־T ־J? agent, ... !7 .. 7’ ^ SUSSEX PLACE, SOUTHAMPTON. SOUTHEND-ON-SEA. WILLSON AND PHILLIPS. AUCTIONEERS. VALUERS ESTATE AGENTS, ACCOUNTANTS AND SURVEYORS, In Practice 40 Yeais. (G. C. Phillips, Member of Surveyors’ Institution, upwards of 30 years with the late Mr. G. B. Hilliard, oi Chelmsford.) OFFICES: CLARENCE ST., SOUTBEND-ON-SEA. SOUTHEND A S.E. ESSEX. And at LONDON, GHAYESEND, GRAYS and DARTFORD. Bailiffs Surveyors, Auctioneers, etc. Rents collected. High Street, Southend-on-Sea. Telephone No. 27 SOUTH MOLTON & DISTRICT. BLACKFORD & SON (J. Blackford, F.A.I.), AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS LAND AGENTS AND SURVEYORS, RENT AMD TITHE COLLECTORS. OFFIOES ; SOUTH MOLTON, NORTH DEVON. Established 1864 And on Fridays at 5, CROSS ST., BARNSTAPLE. SOUTHPORT. BENTINCK SAUL & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND ESTATE AGENTS, 261, LORD STREET, SOUTHPORT. The oldest established firm of Auctioneer* in southwest Lancashire. SOUTHPORT & DISTRICT. JOHN HATCH. AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND ESTATE AGENT. The newly erected Salerooms, are the largest and mos complete in the Borough. Sales of Property, Fine Arts, Articles of vertu, Furn! ture and every description of Property conducted. ( 173, Lord Street, Southport, Offices : J Telephone No. SS. ! 5, Derby Street, Ormskirk, Telephone No. If. Ifatahlifthed 118m. SOUTHSEA & DISTRICT. AUCTIONEERS, Land & Estate Agents, C Printed ^ Register of Houses, Ac., to be let furnished and unfurnished, and to be \x ^J^--־׳־'־׳־'''’^Bold, forwaided post free on application. *’^־־־'-׳-׳'Periodical Auctions of Houses, Land and Shares. Offices—OSBORNE ROAD, SOUTHSEA. and Valuers, SOUTHSEA! FAREHAM & SOUTH HANTS. ERNEST HALL, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, TENANT-RIGHT, TIMBER AND GENERAL VALUER,ESTATE AGENT & SURVEYOR. 57, Commercial-road, Portsmouth. 151, West-street, Fareham, and_ High-street, Cosham.