363 THE ESTATES GAZETTE* March 4, 1899. freehold־and?Jeasehold’properties announced for sale, owing to tlueir substantial and sound character, had attracted a very large concourse. The competition was brisk from start to finish, and Mr. Dixon found it an easy matter to dispose of 10 lots out of a possible 11, for a total of £5,215. Freehold ground rents amounting to £88 16s., secured on freehold premises atLimehouse, forming part of Messrs. Taylor, Walker and Co.’s brewery, realised £1,475 ; a leasehold double-fronted residence in Windsor-road, Denmark-hill, at present let at £60 a year, and held for 89 years, from Midsummer, 1865, at a ground rent of £11 11s., £505 ; a freehold house in Eglington-road, Roman-road, Old Ford, let to a weekly tenant and producing £38 16s. per annum, £420; a leasehold house in Hamilton-road, Grove-road, Bethnal-green, producing £31 4s. a year, 52J years unexpired, ground rent £8, £260 ; two freehold houses in Armagh-road, Roman-road, Old Ford, together producing £66 6s., £780 ; and three similar properties in Mansford-street,Hackney-road, producing £113 2s., £1,180. A residence, known as Cavendish Lodge, Camberwell-grove, held on lease for an unexpired term of 54 years, at a ground rent of £7 10s., and a semi-detached villa in Sistova-road, Balham, let at £38 a year, and held for 78J years unexpired, at a ground rent of £7 7s., were sold by Mr. A. Walton (Messrs. Harper, Walton and Co.) for £500 and £850 respectively, the sale of the last-mentioned property being negotiated privately. At the instance of Messrs. J. Hood and Sons, Commercial-road, freehold house properties at Canning Town, Plaistow, Hornsey and Forest-gate, were sold at very satisfactory prices, which altogether amounted to £7,205. House property in Kirkwood-road, Peckham, was successfully dealt with by Mr. Isaac Slade (Messrs. Slade and Butler), and a busy week ended in good style. Regarding the reference made to the sale by Messrs. Hobson, Richards and Co. in last week’s Mems, I am now informed that three of the houses known as Brondes-bury-villas were sold at the auction, and that the remaining eight were disposed of within 24 hours of the time of sale. As a matter of fact all the properties referred to, with two exceptions, have been sold for a total of £15,590. Onlooker. FURNITURE, PICTURES, BOOKS, ETC. MARCH. MONDAY, 6—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, at 1 o’clock —Pictuies, Drawings׳, etc. By Hiagins and Son. 12, Finchley-road, N.W., at 3, Cavendish-road, St. John’s Wood, N.W., at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By G. F. Hawkings, at his rooms, 30, Lisson-grove, at 2 o’clock—Furniture, etc. TUESDAY, 7—By Tooth and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189, Oxford-street, W., at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Leopold Farmer, 46, Gresham-street, E.C., and 12, High-road. Kilburn, N W., at 167, Maida-vale, at 2 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Phillips, Son and Neale, at their rooms, 73, New Bond-street, W., at 1 o’clock—Silver plate, etc. Bv Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-square, at 1 o’clock—Coins, Medals, etc., and following day. WEDNESDAY, 8.—By Puttick and Simpson, at their rooms, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., at 1.10 o’clock— Books, etc., and following day. By Tooth and Tooth, 187 and 189, Oxford-street, W., at 27, Lowndes-square, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc., and two following days. By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-square, at 1 o’clock—Coins, engravings, etc. By Godwin, Basley and Eldridge, 28, Cadogan-place, Belgrave-square, and 28, Martin’s-lane, Cannon-street, E.C..at Messrs.Taylors’ rooms, Sloane-street, at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc., and following day. By Messrs. Foster, at their gallery, 54, Pall Mall, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Pictures, Drawings, etc, THURSDAY, 9.—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms. King street, St. James’s-square, at 1 o’clock—Objects of art and decoration, etc. By A. W. Taylor and Co.. 159, High-street, Putney, at 4, Montserrat-road, Putney, at 1 o’clock—Furniture, By Baker and Sons, 2 and 4, Acre-lane, Brixton, S.W. at 13, High Holborn, at 2 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Climpson and Johnson, 59, Bedfoid-hill, Balham, at 2, Streathbourne-road, Upper Tooting, at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at their rooms, 13, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C., at 1 o’clock— Books, etc., and following day. FRIDAY, 10.--Bv Debenham, Storr and Sons, at their rooms, 26. King-street, Co vent-gar den—Furniture etc. By J. C. Platt, at his rooms, Studland Hall, King-street, Hammersmith, at 2 o’clock—Furniture, etc. Bv Tooth and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189, Oxford-sbreet, W., at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Wreford and Harding, at their rooms, 44a, Wilton-road, Victoria Station, at 6.30 o’clock— Furniture, etc. SATURDAY, 11.—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, Covent-garden, at 1 o’clock—Pictures, drawings, etc. By Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at their rooms, 13, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C., at 1 o’clock— Books, etc. Good Supply. weekly houses in Lavender-terrace, Falcon-road, Battersea, producing £70 4s. per annum, and held upon leases for 40 years unexpired, at ground rents amounting to £12 a year, for £415. Mr. W. W. Read had on offer 19 long-leasehold villa residences in Handsworth-road, Tottenham, each let at £28 a year, and subjected to a ground rent of £6. The highest offer elicited for the houses in one lot was £4,400, but Mr. Read was unable to sell at that figure. They were offered separately and withdrawn at prices averaging about £240 a house. Messrs. Linnett and Lane were responsible for the sale of 10 long-leasehold houses in Steel-road, WfJlesden, in lots, for a total of £1,595. Thursday. The corridors of the Auction A Mart were crowded at an early hour this afternoon, and there was the usual rush for the fortnightly sales of Messrs. Newbon, Edwards and Shephard and Messrs. Edward Stimson and Sons. These auctions provided a good and varied supply, the list dealt with by Mr. G. F. Edwards, of the Islington firm, being particularly heavy. Although a large amount of business was transacted by Mr. Edwards, the total amount realised being £5,305—there were several withdrawals, which could not easily be accounted for, these being chiefly in respect of small leaseholds at Stoke Newington, Grouch End, Hampstead and Barnsbury. The largest figure recorded by Mr. Edward Stimson was £3,020, given for a freehold property, No. 71, Bermondsey New-road, with workshops and stabling adjoining, producing £150 a year. Other freehold premises, No. 227, Walworth-road, let at £90, fetched £1,780, and these prices largely contributed to a total of £9,500. Messrs. Ellis and Son, of Fenehurch-street, had announced the sale of a freehold building site in Leman-street, Whitechapel, with a back frontage to Tenter-street East, and covering an area of 8,100ft. No sooner had Mr. Richard Adam Ellis entered the rostrum than the room filled rapidly, conspicuous among the company being a large number of East-end buyers. The auctioneer said he considered the land well worth 30s. a foot, but the price realised only represented £1 per foot. The highest offer for small freehold premises comprising part of No. 38, Mincing-lane, and occupying a site of about 680 square feet, was £4,600. It was stated that the property was recently let on lease at £320 a year, and was subjected to a tithe rent charge of one penny in the £ on the assessment, and a land tax of 19s. Mr. Ellis made a bid of £5,250 on behalf of the vendor. He also bought in a leasehold terrace residence in Ledbury-road, Bayswater, adapted for a boarding house, 47f years unexpired, ground rent £8 8s., at £500, when the bidding had reached £410. The attraction in the large “A” Room on this occasion was the sale by Mr. Woods, oi Hounslow, of a freehold commercial property, consisting of Unsted Mills, Shalford, situate between Guildford and Godaiming, with water rights, residence, cottages, farmery, meadows, etc., in all about 14 acres, and the beneficial interest in the lease of Ockford Mill, Godaiming, covering an area of four acres, and held on an agreement for a lease for 28 years from Lady-day, 1890, at £90 a year. The properties, which were offered as going concerns, realised £8,000. Among the properties sold by Mr. Samuel Walker (Messrs. S. Walker and Son) were the freehold premises, No. 17, Rupert-street, Soho; No. 18, Rupert-street, lease for 17f years, rental £80, and No. 19, in the same thoroughfare, lease for 16 years at a rental of £130. Together they fetched £1,800. Mr. W. B. Cranfield (Messrs. H. E. Foster and Cranfield) sold a number of important reversions and policies for a total of £7,640. Friday. To-day, the old-established .A firm of P. J. Dixon and Son, Appearance. 9^. Bethnal-green-road and King-street, represented by Mr. P. J. Dixon, junr., made their debut in the capacity of auctioneers, and their many friends were gratified to find that their initial efforts were attended with much success. The circumstances attending the auction were altogether favourable, for the stances wholly in the auctioneer’s favour. The room was well filled, and investors did not fail to take advantage of the opportunity afforded, every lot being disposed of as the result of excellent competition. Four small houses in Sunwell-street, Burchell-road, Peckham, within three minutes’ walk of Queen’s-road station, let at weekly rents amounting to £104 per annum, and held od lease for an unexpired term of 66 years, each at a ground rent of £3 15s., were offered by Mr. John Davey (Messrs. John Davey and Co., of Old Charlton), and realised £795 ; whilst Mr. J. J. R. Greer (Messrs. Green and Son, Hammersmith) sold a long-leasehold residence in Sutton-court-road, Chiswick, with a freehold building site of 144ft., net rental £50 a year, for £860. Other transactions included the sale of a shop and dwelling house, situate in the main Staines-road at Twickenham-green, together with two newly-built semidetached cottages, each let at 4s. 6d. per week, by Mr. Cbas. P. Wbiteley, for £550, and a shop and dwelling house in Sharpies Hall-street, Regent’s-park-road, let at £85 a year, and held for 67J years unexpired, at a ground rent of £7, by Mr. Frank Boyton (Messrs. Boyton, Pegram and Buckmaster), for £325. An exceptional opportunity West-end 0f acquiring a town house was esi ences. ag,or(}e(j !-,y ¿}jg g8!e conducted by Mr. A. E. Booker (Messrs. Mullett, Booker and Co.). Of the four high-class residences submitted, two changed hands at the fall of the hammer ; whilst there is every probability of the others being sold almost immediately. No. 5, Kensington-garden-terrace, on the Hyde Park Estate, leasehold for a term of which there will be 85f years unexpired on the 25th inst., ground rent £36, fetched £1,450 ; whilst No. 57, Gloueester-terrace, and stabling, No. 11, Brook-mews North, held under an underlease for an unexpired term of 38f years at a ground rent of £24, was sold for £1,800. The reserve, which in each instance had been fixed at a low figure, was not reached in the case of No. 34, Westbourne-terrace, leasehold for 38J years unexpired at a ground rent of £55, and No. 2, Marlborough-gate, the highest offers being £950 and £5,400 respectively. Wednesday. Dwelling houses of a good Houses in eiagg were placed upon the John’s-wood. “״ket this afternoon principally by Mr. George Head, of Upper Baker-street, and Mr. Victor Vaughan, Southampton-street, W. Each of these gentlemen enjoyed a large amount of patronage, and so keen and spirited was the bidding that the reserves were well capped, with one or two exceptions. For four leasehold houses in Loudoun-road, N.W., let at from £40 to £55 15s. not per house, and held for about 38J years, the competition between dealers and investors was particularly good, and the lots were sold at prices ranging between £880 and £490. Other properties disposed of by Mr. Head included a semi-detached house in St.John’s-wood-road, with studio adjoining, held by an underlease for an unexpired term of 24 years, and a ground rent of £20, and let at £90 a year, this realised £750. Mr. Victor Vaughan had in his list a couple of dwelling houses in Manor-park-road, East Finchley, each held for about 82 years unexpired at £6 6s. and £5 per annum respectively, and together producing £59 16s. a year. They were sold separately for £410 ; whilst two long-leasehold houses in Lechmere-road, Willesden-green, both let and producing £68 per annum, and each subjected to a ground rent of £7 10s., lease 83 years, realised £485; Nos. 76 and 78, Walmer-road, Notting-hill, held by underlease for 62f years at a peppercorn, net rental £50, £900 ; and 48, Cornwall-road, Westbourne-park, leasehold for 63J years at a ground rent of £18, and let at £55, £400. A freehold house in Park-road, West Ham, with eight rooms, bath room, etc., and stabling for seven horses, estimated rental £50. was withdrawn at £630. Mr. Ed. Hugh Henry, of Clapham, sold a semi-detached family residence on Balham-hill, let upon lease at £180 a year, and held for an unexpired term of 68J years, at a ground rent of £49 14s. 2d., for £1,050 ; and also three JVIems from the ]Wart Monday. The sale of freehold ground More rent3> which was one of the Rents, most noticeable features of last week’s proceedings at Token-house-yard, was continued to-day, when a large batch arising out of houses in Alexandra-road, Wimbledon, with reversion to the rack rertals, amounting to about £1,792 per annum, at the expiration of the existing leases in from 70 to 80 years, sold at about 30 years’ purchase. The auctioneers concerned (Messrs. Weatherall and Green) had also on offer some first-class freehold shop property in the same neighbourhood, for which ex cellent prices were re alised. They weie acting under instructions from the High Court, which was, of course, the best guarantee that the purchaser could wish to have of a bond fide sale. Two of the lots submitted, comprising a couple of freehold shops and dwelling houses in the Broadway, producing £90 and £100 a year, fetched £2,710 and £3,000 respectively, and a total of £18,180 was realised. Another most successful auction was that conducted by Mr. Alex. Phillips, of Kilburn. who sold 16 long-leasehold residences in Roundwood-road, Willesden, each held for 99 years from June, 1896, at a ground rent of £5 5s., and let at from £37 to £40 a year, at prices ranging from £260 to £275. The former sum was also realised for leasehold terrace houses in Leopold-road, Willesden, with 95-J years to run, at a ground rent of £5, and let at £36 8s. There were plenty of buyers for some freehold and leasehold house properties submitted by Mr. T. S. Wootton (Messrs. Wootton and Green), under whose hammer two freehold residences in St. George’s-square, Regent’s-park, let at £52 and £55 a year, each fetched £810 ; whilst two long-leasehold villas in Narcissus-road, West Hampstead, let at £45 per annum, and subjected to a ground rent of £4, were each sold at £525; also two houses in Ulysses-road, in the same locality, held under a long lease at a ground rent of £5 19s., rental £36, at £365 each. Messrs. Climpson and Johnson had sold privately a property in Dornton-road, Balham, consisting of four houses, part freehold and part leasehold, for £2,200, and in the auction room found a buyer for three long-leasehold houses in Verran-road, same locality, 71 years unexpired, ground rent £19 10s., at £540. Four houses in Spring-grove, Kew-bridge, leasehold for 61 years at a ground rent of £10, and producing in weekly rents £91 a year, were sold at the same auction for £650 ; whilst some long - leasehold houses in Edmonton were left unsold. Tuesday. ״ , A semi-detached house in Houses.11 Stapleton - hall - road, Stroud Green, situate within three minutes’ walk of a railway station, and containing entrance hall, drawing room, dining room, and five •bedrooms, with kitchen, scullery, etc., leasehold for 79 years unexpired, at a ground rent of £10, and of the estimated rectal value of £60 a year, was sold this afternoon for £690, which must be considered a satisfactory price. Mr. Herbert Eldridge (Messrs. Godwin, Basley and Eldridge) was the auctioneer responsible for this transaction, and he might well be congratulated upon the success of his auction generally, for the result was in every way gratifying. For instance, a private residence in Harrington-street, Hampstead-road, containing five bedrooms, double drawing room, double dining room, breakfast room, scullery, etc., with garden in rear, held upon lease for an unexpired term of about 25-J- years, at a ground rent of £7 10s., and let on a three years’ agreement at £55 per annum, fetched £605. Another house, situated in a different neighbourhood—Park - hill, Queen’s - road, Richmond, containing similar accommodation, and held for an unexpired term of about 60 years, at a ground rent of £8, and let on agreement at £60 a year, was purchased for £550; whilst two freehold detached residences in Avenue-road, Brentwood, together producing £80 a year, realised £1,105. Mr. Eldridge found his task an extremely easy one, for the circum-