361 THE ESTATES GAZETTE March 4, 1899. Dartford, Kent—Hythe-street, the Baltic Saw Mills, with Plant, Goodwill, etc., F; 1 to 9, and 21 to 27 (odd), Hythe-street, F; 2, High-street, F, R £ ; 56 to 66 (even), St. Albans-road, F, R £ ; 45 to 59 (odd), Albion-terrace, F, R £ Stone, Kent—1, Elm-road, F; Miskin-road, Hazel-hurst, F, and the Shop used as the Post Office, F Reversion Messrs. TROLLOPE, 7, Hobart-place, Eaton-square, 14, Mounc-street, Grosyenor-square, Halkin-streec West, and 5, Yictoria-screet, S.W. Mayfair—26, Grosvenor-square, with Stabling, ut 40 years, GR £255, P Belgravia—13, Chesham-street, ut 25 years, GR £25, P JACKSON and CO., 8, Groombridge-road, South Hackney, and 281, Mare-street, Hackney, N.E. Barnsbury—Hemingford-road, FGR of £4, reversion in 43 years Holloway—Queensland-road, FGR of £8, reversion in 39 years Hackney—55, 57, 71, 116, 118, 120, King Edward’s-road, L Islington—59, Prebend-street, L Hornsey—45, iSpenser-road, L, R £36 8s. Homerton—Marsh-hill, Marsh Dairy, F, R £40 Bethnal-green—30 and 31, Tagg-street, F, R £36 C. c. ana T. MOOKhi, Mile Knd-roaa, K., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Bow—7 and 9, Addington-road, ut 47 years, GR £10, R £73 Commercial-road East—51 and 52, Greenfield-street, F, R £106 12s. Mile End—34 to 52 (even), Bradwell-street, ut 60 years, GR £36 Leyton—Beaumont-road, a Plot of Land, 20ft. by 80ft., F Old Ford—67 to 77 (odd), Libra-road, F, WR £162 10s. Wapping—7 to 13 (odd), Bostock-street, area 6,500ft., ut 993 years, GR £20, P Bethnal-green—6, 7, 8 and 9, Manchester-buildings, F, WE £63 14s. Lower Clapton—2 to 46 (even), Overbury-street, ut 76 years; 2 to 46 (even), Pedro-street, ut 76 years; 14 to 38 (even), Redwald-road, ut 76 years FAREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERXON, BREACH, GALSWORTHY and GO., 29, Fleet-street, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. City of London—4a, Shoe-lane, ut 20 years, P Paddington—344, 346 and 348, Harrow-road, ut 64 years, GR £30, B £325 WILTSHIRE and THURGOOD, 120, Lee Highroad, Catford-bridge, and 98, Lewisham High-street, E.C. Lee—1, Belmont-park, ut 53 years, GE £8, EE £65 STIMSON and SOBS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, Mew Kent-road, S.E. Hoxton—122 and 124, Wenlock-street, ut 43 years, GE £8 8s., E £76 Hackney—198, Mare-street, F, E £28 Upper Clapton^l3, Old Hill-street, P, E £35 Lambeth—2, Paris-street, ut 10 years, GE £7, E £35 East ¡Dulwich—30 and 32, L'lverscroft-road, ut 66 years, GE £9, WE £65; 33 to 47 (odd), Darrell-road, ut 66 years, GE £5 each, WE £33 16s. each Catford—70, Bradgate-road, ut 82 years, GE £5 10s., EE £32 Pinsbury-park—49, Campbell-road, F, E £50 Nottmg-hill—37, Archer-street, ut 51 years, GE £8, E £80 Maida-vale—3, Lanark-place, ut 81 years, GE £10, WE £52 Brixton—Water-lane, Jersey Lodge, and Frankfc-t Villa, ut 36 years, GE £23, EE £100; Lough-borough-park, IGE’s of £48 5s., ut 24 years, GE Is. MUSKETT and SONS, Wood-green and Bowes-park, Hornsey and New Southgate, N. Wood-green—5 and 6, Alexandra-terrace, FGE of £66, also Plot of Land adjoining, 121ft. by 124ft., P; Pellatt-grove, Clifton House, ut 66 years, GE £5, WE £29 5s.; Trinity-road, Dunrobin House, P, EE £50 Enfield—4 to 16, Victoria-terrace, ut 80 years GE £52, WE £265 4s. Botherinthe—40, 42, 46 and 48, Paradise-street, ut 10 years, GE £40, WE £144 8s.; 39 and 41, St. Mary Church-street, ut 47 years, GE £12 12s., WE £46 16s. Shadwell—44, Cornwall-street, ut 29 years, GE £6, WE £28 12s. New Southgate—Bowes-road, a Plot of Land, 18ft. by 152ft., F; 6, 7 and 8, Railway-terrace, ut 82 years, GE £30, E £132 SIM and RANDALL (at their Auction Rooms, 280, Romford-road, Forest-gate, at 7.30 o’clock). Forest-gate—41, Clova-road, E £35, P THE BRITISH LAND CO., LTD., 28, Moorgate-street, E.C. (at the Chequers Hotel, High-street, Walthamstow, at 7 o’clock). Walthamstow—99 Plots of Building Land on the Eectory Manor Estate RELPH and SONS, 89, Broadway, Bexley-heath, and Bexley (at the Lord Bexley Arms Hotel, Bexiey-heath, at 7 o’clock). Bexley Heath—Markhall Villa, Broadway, EE £40, P; also a Plot of Freehold Building Land, frontage to the Broadway T. B. WKSTACOTT, 71, Camden-road, N.W. (at the Red Cap, High-street, Camden Town, at 7 o’clock). Highgate—33, Woodsome-road, ut 63 years, GE £7, EE £50 Haverstock-hill—7, Vicars-road, ut 66 years, GE £6, E £52 WATERER and DICK1NS, 11, Market-square, Bromley, Kent (at the Royal Bell Hotel, Bromley, Kent, at 8 o’clock). Bromley—Pairholme, Tweedy-road, L CHARLES ATKINS, 111a, High-street, Lewis ham, S.E. (at the White Hart Hotel, at 7 o’clock). Lewisham—62, Mount Pleasant-road, ut 79J years, GE £6, E £32; and 47, Morley-road, ut □81 years, GE £12, E £35 FRIDAY 10th. At TWO o'clock. MILLAR, SON and CO., 11, Grafton-street, Bond-street, W., and 8, Wellington-road St. John’s-wood, N.W, St. John’s Wood—33, St. John’s Wood-road, area 10,000ft., P, P FURBER, PRICE and FURBER, 2, Warwiek-court, W.C. Poplar—243, High-street, P, E £32 Hoiborn—34 and 35, Great Queen-street, P, E £172 Brighton—19, Devonshire-place, P, E £30 Clapham—36, Chelsham-road, ut 63 years, GR £7 10s., Turnham-green—27 and 28, Avenue-terrace, ut 80 years, GE £4 each, WE £26 each Barnes—12 and 14, Oleveland-gardens, P, WE £5/16s.; 48 and 50, Antrobus-road, ut 77 years, GE £9 9s., WR £61 2s. C. W. DAYIES, 19, Upper-street, Islington, N. Walworth—35, Lorrimore-road, ut 52 years, GE nil, Islington—66 and 67, Colebrooke-row, C, EE £40 Higiioury—51, Avenell-road, ut 77 years, GR £8 8s., R £40; 87 and 89, High bury ■bill, ut 64 years, GR £25 4s., ER £120 Finsbury-park—26, Portland-road, ut 60 years, Git £12 12s., ER £60 Holloway—65, Tollington-park, ut 66 years, GR £10, R £50; 315, Camden-road, ut 47 years, GR £7, ER £65 , _ , . . Tottenham—213 to 231 (odd), St. Ann’s-road, and 1 to 10, Henry-street, ut 69 years, GR £80, R £451 16s. Dalston—103, 103a, 105 and 107, Dalston-lane, ut 84 years, GR £77; Dysell-street, Dalston Chambers, ut 84 years, GR £7, R £50 Euston-road—172 and 174, Seymour-street, ut 31 years, GR £28, R £85 Clerkenwell—52, Wharton-street, ut 55 years, GR £8 RUSHWORTH and STEYENS, 22, Savile-row, W. Maida-vale—190, Portsdown-road, ut 78 years, GE £10 10s., P PERC1YAL HODSON, 223, Seven Sisters-road, Holloway, N. Hornsey—174, Wightman-road, F, P West Ham—Lion-terrace, LGR of £18, ut 25 years EDWARD HOLS WORTH. 80, High-street, and la, Manor-road, Stoke Newington (at the Swan Hotel, Broadway, Stratford, at 7 o’clock). Forest-gate—120, 122, 124, and 126, Shrewsbury-road, ut 97 years, GR £20, R £94 18s. WEDNESDAY 8th At TWELVE o’clock. FULLER, HORSEY, SONS and CASSELL, 11, Billiter-square, E.C. Llcnsamlet, Glamorgan—The Birchgrove Collieries, with Plant, etc. L At ONE o’clock. ARBER, RUTTER and WAGHORN, 1, Mount-street, Berkeley-square, W. Mayfair—'46, Grosvenor-street, Lease 8 years, E £570, P South Kensington—5, West Cromwell-road, ut 69 years, GE £10, P At TWO o’clock. WRIFORD and DIXONS, 4, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, W.C. Marylebone—2, Carburton-street, ut 16 years, GE £12, ¥1' £162 10s. Stratford—29 to 37 (odd), 42 and 44, Cruikshank-road, F, WE £167 14s. Tottenham—12 and 14, Hanover-road, F, WE £46 12s. ; 14 and 16, Lawrence-road, ut 61 years, GE £5, WE £41 12s. Koyal Albert Hall—A Box to seat five, and Tw» Stalls EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD, 99, Gresham-street, E.C. Edgware-road—29, Newnham-street, F, WT £78 Stocks and Shares in Various Companies HAROLD GRIFFIN, 134, High-street, Battersea, S.W. Battersea—27, 33 and 65, Arthur-street, ut 64 years, GE £2 2s. each, WE £22 2s. each; 50 •and 52, Heaver-road, ut 78 yearB, GE £5 each, WE £31 4s. each; 37 to 45, and 49 to 53 (odd), Surrey-lane, F, WE £217 12s.; Ill, Bridge-road West, ut 67 years, GE £8 10s., P; 55 to 61 (odd), Surrey-lane, ut 60 years, GR £27, E £158 12s. (flats) J. BAKtsR and SON, 4!, Quex-road, High-road, Kilburn, N.W. Drury-lane—15, Neal’s-yard, area■ 700ft., F, E £50 Lamoeth—89, 91 and 93, Hercules-road, area 4,980ft., F, E £167 8s. Penge—47, 49 and 51, Hawthorne-grove, F, WE £78 B0WD1TCH and GRANT, George-street, Croydon. Croydon—Normanton-road, The Drive, and three-quarters of au acre, F, P; Cr-oham-road, Alp-nach, and Engadine, F, E £85 each; Altyre-road, Clydsdale, F, E £90; Coombe-road, Windermere, P, E £90; Avondale-road, Chailey, F LAING. WATERS and CO., 244, High Hoiborn, W.C. Reversions, Policies, etc. G. RAYEMSHEAK, The Broadway, Ealing, W., and Southall. Fulham—468, 468a, 470 and 472, Fulham-road, ut 63 years, GE £120, E £245 Ealing—71, The Grove, ut 94 years, GE £9, EE £80 Southall, Middlesex—1 to 8, Beales-terrace, ut 98 years, GE £48, E £160; Portland-road, etc., FGE of £24 DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., 51, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford, Essex. Hendon—Sunningflelds-road, Kylands, and Crofton Lodge, ut 80 years, GE £21, E £105 Strand—4, Lancaster-place, ut 16 years, GE £30, E £427 LANGRIDGE and FREEMAN, 28, Queen-street, E.C., and Tunbridge Wells (at the Thicket Hotel, Anerley, S.E., at 8 o’clock). Anerley—10, Thicket-road, E £75, P A. ROBERTSON, 11, Ludgate-hill, E.C., and 3, Church street, Camberwell, S.E. (at the Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New-road, S.E., at 7.30 o’clock). Camberwell—234, Southampton-street, E £30, F; 97 and 99, Ivanhoe-road, ut 77 years, GE £12, E £60; and 61, 63, 65 and 67, Vestry-road, ut 77 years. GE £24, E £144 Walworth—86, Faraday-street, ut 55 years, GE £5 5s., E £48 2s. Peckham—111 and 113, Camden-grove North, E £55 18s.. F THURSDAY 9th. At TWO o'clock. HUMBERT and FLINT, 11, Serle-street, W.C. and Watford, Herts. Clapham—2, Chelsham-road, ut 63 years, GR £3, R £45 Woodford-green—Snakes-lane, Sunuyside, F, ER £25, P FORTHCOMING SALES. Sales at the Mart, London, except where otherwise stated. Country Forthcoming Sales are given elsewhere. ABBREVIATIONS.-F—Freehold. C—Copyhcld. L-Leasehold. GR—Ground Rent. IGR—Improved Ground Rent. WR—Weekly Rent. YR—Yearly Rent. MT—Monthly Tenancy. QT—Quarterly Tenancy. P—Possession. PA—Per Annum. E— Estimated_____________ MARCH. MONDAY 6th. At TWO o’clock. F. WARMAN, Spencer House, Highbury, N. Bournemouth—Surrey-road, Eavenswood, and one acre, F, P Highbury—67 and 167, Highbury New-park, ut 50 years, GR £15 each; 38, Framfield-road, ut 93 years, GR £8, R £42 Canonbury—74, Marquess-road, ut 47 years, GR £5, ER £65 Upper Holloway—13 and 15, St. John’s-villas, ut 49 years, GR £13, R £82 ELLIOTT, SON and BOYTON, 6, Yere-street, W. Marylebone—53, Harley-street, ut 17 years, GR £27, R £260 St. John’s Wood—50 and 52, Fineliley-road, ut 21 years, GR nil, R £174; 6, Queen’s-terrace, and 2, Queen’s-terrace-mews, ut 21 years, GR £10, R £110; 17 and 19, Ordnance-road, ut 36 years, GR £14, R £82 Chelsea—34, Christchurch-street, ut 51 years, GR £4, R £34 Kensington—51, Warwick-gardens, ut 50 years, GR £6, R £80 Kentish Town—53, Patshull-road, ut 62 years, GR £3 Is., ER £60 CHANCelLUK and SONS, 51, Pall Mall, S.W., King-street, Richmond, Sunningdale and Ascot. Richmond-hill—106, Queen’s-road, ut 53 years, GR £2 15s., P; also IGR’s of £316, ut 52 years, GR £125 W. HOUGHTON, 58, Old Broad-street, E.C., and at Walthamstow. Chingford—Main-road, An Improved Rental of £45, ut 18 years Walthamstow—Chingford-road, Lime Cottage, ard Lime Tree Cottage, F, R £27 6s.; 53, Hoe- street, F, R £30; 2 to 9, Richard’s-place, F, WR £128 14s.; 42, Brown’s-road, F, P; 9 to 23a, Milton-road, F, WR £160 Leytonstone—Argyie-street, a Plot of Land, 6Qft. by 107ft., F Bow—¿1 ana 33, Lefevre-road, ut 66 years, GR £8, WR £59 16s. Dalston—11 to 14, Temple-street, ut 17 years, GR £10, WR £104 Stoke Newington—1 to 10, Suffolk-place, ut 20 years, GR £30, R £239 d. HOOFER, 23, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 8 Grosyenor park-road, W althamstow. Clapton—62, Kenninghall-road, F, YR £60 Duiwicn—150 and 152, Rosendale-road, F, R £45 each Theydon Bois, Essex—Main-road, Braeside, and Longwortn, F Woodfora—Cieveland-road, Woodland View, F, R £50 Brixton—83, Loughborougli-park, ut 23 years, GR £10, ER £75 East Dulwich—21 and 23, Derwent-grove, L Forest-gate—33, 35, 63 and 65, Clova-road, ut 83 years, GR £41, R £142 Forest-hill—92, 94, 98, 100 and 114, Wood-vale, ut 78 years, GR £58 10s., R £302 10s. Holloway—732, Holloway-road, ut 75 years, GR £11, R £64 Lee—27 and 29, Leylands-road, ut 65 years, GR £16 10s., R £104 Camberwell—52, Bengeworth-street, ut 74 years, GR £5, ER £26 New Eitham—Southwood-road, Meadowleigh, ut 96 years, GR £8, ER £28 Notting-hill—423, 425, and 427, Portobello-road, ut 78 years, GR £30, R £75 2s. 8d.; 23 and 25, Oxford-gardens, ut 98 years, GR £10 each, ER £65 each Putney—Egliston-road, Avondale, and Footscray, ut 88 years, GR £17 10s., R £110 Sydenham—81, Byne-road, ut 78 years, GR £7, R £34; 1 and 2, Elizabeth-villas, ut 80 years, GR £16, R £64 10s. Walthamstow—1 to 4, Shernhall-terrace, ut 78 years, GR £48, R £92 Lower Tooting—47, 50, 52, 54 and 72, Vant-road, ut 81 years, GR £25 10s., ER £123 Acton—1, Glaisdale, ut 82 years, GR £8, R £53 10s.; 17, 32, 34 and 36, Avenue-gardens, ut 82 years, GR £44, R £207 10s. J. BOTT ana SONS, Commercial House, Herne-hill, S.E. Herne Bay, Kent—Grafton-rise, etc., Four Plots of Land, F Shoeburyness, Essex—Southend-road, etc., Plots of Freehold Land Rayleigh, Essex—London-road, etc., Plots of Building Land, F Leigh-on-Sea, Essex—Leigham Court Drive, etc., Plots of Freehold Land TUESDAY 7th. At ONE o’clock. W. B. HALLETT, 11, Queen Yictoria-street, E.C., and 282, Holloway-road, N. Reversion to Eailway and other Stock WESTuN and SONS, 1, 3 and 5, Angell-road Brixton, and 2S2, Brixton-hlll, S.W. West Dulwich—Olive-road, FGR’s of £45, reversion in 99 years Brixton—4 and 19, Chantry-road, ut 72 years, GE £13 10s., E £75 16s. Battersea—32 and 33, Simpson-street, ut 57 years, GE £4 each, WE £32 10s. each Stepney—116, Jamaica-street, ut 13 years, GE £4, MT £30 At TWO o’clock. WOODS and SNELLING, 19 and 20, Walbrook, E.C., and at Sidcup. Sidcup—Elm-road, etc., Ferndale, Park Side, and Brambleside, F PSALL and PBALL, Dartford, Kent. Camberwell—37. Camberwell-green, area 5,050ft., F, EE £60 HUNTEK and HUNTER, 33, Alfred-place West, South Kensington, W. Marylebone—Seymour-place, FGR’s of £40, reversion in 55 years Nunhead—Nunhead-green, FGE’s of £35, reversions in 65 and 68 years Kentish Town—27 to 29, Churchill-road, F, E £88 4s. TY8ER, GREENWOOD and CRIER, 360, Highroad, Chiswick, and Gunnersbury Station, W., and St. Margarets, Twickenham. Gunnersbury—3, Arlington-park-gardens, ut 78 years, GE £7 7s., EE £40 a catalogue, but could not obtain one. Had he known of the conditions he should not have bought anything, as it was impossible for him to attend after the sale. He had been to the hall three times since for the rug, but could not find it. His Honour said the condition that no lots should be taken away during the sale was almost universal, but the defendant said he had bought hundreds of lots at local sales and he had always had the articles delivered to him during the sale. His Honour said defendant was bound by the conditions of sale. It might have been rather churlish and ungracious for the clerk to have refused defendant an order for removal, but he was within his rights. He would order that defendant pay the 16s. on delivery of the rug. Mr. Leighton : We have paid the money and we believe the rug is there now. His Honour : You have to take some reasonable care of the rug. I think he ought to have something for his money. LEEDS COUNTY COURT. (Before His Honour Judge Greenhow). LIABILITY OF LANDLORD FOE DEFECTIVE CONDITION OF PEOPEETY. WILKES V. DUTTON. James Wilks, a mechanic, living at Staple-ton-road, New Wortley, brought an action against Mrs. Dufton, of Newton-on-Ouse, to recover the ■sum of £50 in respect of injuries sustained through the defective condition of certain property of which ¿he is the ■owner. Plaintiff’s case, as set out by Mr. A. Willey, was to the effect that in July last Wilks was going through a passage at New Wortley adjoining the house of his brother-in-law, whom he was visiting, when the flags gave way, letting him into a kitchen below. One of his legs was injured, compelling him to remain off work for over ten weeks, and he was likely ■to be permanently lame in consequence of the accident. The defence set up by Mr. Scriven was that of non-liability, his contention being that there was no legal obligation on ■the part of the owner of the property to do repairs to property which was let on a weekly ■tenancy, as in this case. The Judge pointed out that the tenant could not be made responsible. The question, he said, seemed ■to be, What was the duty of the landlord ■and tenant to the public in such circumstances ? Mr. Scriven quoted cases with the object of showing that a property owner could not be held liable for injuries arising from a defective passage which was common to two of his tenants, and which any casual visitor might enter. Mr. AVilley, on the other hand, showed that by the Leeds Improvement Act a landlord was compelled, on pain of a fine of £5, to repair and protect any place upon his property which was dangerous either to the occupier or to passengers. After much legal argument, his Honour gave plaintiff a verdict for £30, holding that the passage remained under the control ■of the landlord, and was enjoyed in common by his two tenants, and that in such circumstances the duty of keeping it in proper repair rested with the landlord. We would draw the attention of those desirous of acquiring land, houses, or farms to the lists of property for disposal In SHEFFIELD, YORKS & DERBYSHIRE SURREY & SUSSEX. THE WEST OF ENGLAND WEST KENT. THE HOME COUNTIES. SOUTH DEYON & CORNWALL. NORTH WALES. BAYSWATER & NOTTING HILL PLYMOUTH & DEYON. EASTBOURNE. BIRMINGHAM AND MIDLANDS SOUTHEND-ON-SEA & ESSEX. BERKSHIRE & LONDON. which appear weekly in the front portion of the paper. We shall esteem it a favour if persons negotiating for any of these properties will kindly mention the “Estates Gazette.”