Mabch 4, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 356 ftp Elicami. £ales tp Eurtum. Scales i)p Auction. j£ales tg auction. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., ATJCTIONEEBS AND SUEVEYOES, 51. COLEMAN-STKEET, BANK, E.C., ״״״ , I 213 CLAPHAM-EOAB, S.W. Branch Offices ( CEANBEOOK-EOAD, ILFOED, E. Telephone Nos.: City 45 Bank; Ilford, 28 Barking. A private wire connects the offices Telegraphic address—“ Douglas ¥oung, London.” ]MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO.’S AUCTION ARRANGEMENTS for 1899. PROPERTY SALES will be held at the Mart, E.C., on the following dates throughout the ensuing year. j ¡September 27 I October 11 | October 25 November 8 November 22 December ! December 13 Juoe 7 J uue 14 July 12 J uly 26 August 16 August 23 September 13 March 8 March 22 !prill 2 April 26 May 10 May 24 Auction Offices: 51, Coleman-street, Bank, E.O.; 213, Clapham-road, S.W.; and Ilford. E. Sales at the Mart during 1899. MESSRS. HERRING, SON and DAW (established a century and twenty-two years) beg to give notice that they have fixed the following days for Sales at tne Mart, of Freehold, Leasehold, Copyhold Estates and Residential PROPERTIES, Freehold and Leasehold Ground Rents, Shares, Thurs lay, August 31 Thursday, September 28 ׳» hursday, October 26 Thursday, November 30 Thursday, December 21 Annuities, etc.: — Thuisday, Marcn 30 Thursday, April 27 Thursday, May 25 Thursday, J une 29 Thursday. J uly 27 Sales can be arranged to take place on other days than the above to suit the wish and requirements of clients. Owners and others desirous of including properties in the above sales should acquaint Messrs. Herring, Son and Daw at least one month previous to the date of sale, to allow of full publicity being given, and the requisite announcements being made. —Offices: 6, Ironmonger-lane, E.C. and 308, Brixton-hill, S.W. Telegraphic address : “ Oldest,” London. Established 1773. STRAND.—The valuable LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, known as 4, Lancaster-place, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C., facing Somerset House on the Waterloo Bridge Approach. The premises comprise a substantial structure built in seven stories, with main and secondary entrances from Wellington-street, and an entrance from Savoy-street. The whole let upon leases to substantial tenants, at rentals amounting to ¿£427 per annum. Held under a Crown lease, having 16 years unexpired, at the low ground rent of £30 per annum. ]MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. will •ILL Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, Token-nouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, March 8, 1899, at Two o'clock precisely. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart, E.C.; of Messrs. Corsellis, Mossop and Berney, solicitors, 64, East-hill, Wandsworth, and 1, Quality-court, Chancery-lane, W.O. ; or of the Auctioneers, 51, Coleman-street, Bank, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford, È. Sale at the Mart on March 8. HENDON.—Two Double-fronted Leasehold Villas, Rylands and Crofton Lodge, Sunningfields-road, each containing seven bed rooms, bath (h. and c.), two w.c.'s, three reception rooms, kitchen, and offices; good gardens at rear; let at £55 and £50 respectively; lease 80 years; ground rent £10 10s. ea ch. . on Wednesday, March 8, 1899, at Two. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart, E.C. ; of the Solicitors, Messrs. Denton, Hall and Burgin, 15, Gray’s-inn-square, W.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 51, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford, E. FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS, amounting to £45 per annum, amply secured on six modern villas in Clive-road, Park-road, West Dulwich. AYTESTON and SONS will Sell the above, * V by Auction, in One Lot, at the Mart, on Tuesday, March 7, at One o’clock. Particulars at the Mart; and of the Auctioneers, 1, 3 and 5, Angeil-road, Brixton, and 252, Brixton־ nill, S.W. Nos. 4 and 19, Chantry-road, Stockwell-road, BRIX-TC-N.—Planned without basements, each containing four bed rooms, bath, two sitting rooms, kitchen, etc. Let to good tenants at £38 per annum each. Lease 72 Ground rent £6 10s. and £7 respectively. V\7ESTON and SONS will Sell the above, ״ * in separate Lots, by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, March 7, at One o’clock. Particulars of H. K. Honey, Esq., solicitor, 26, Philpot-lane; and of the Auctioneers, 1, 3 and 5, Angeil-road, Brixton, and 252, Brixton-hiLl, S.W. Ncs. 32 and 33, Simpson-street, High-street, BATTERSEA. — Without basements. Let to good tenants at 12s. 6d. each per week. Lease 57 years. Ground rent £4 each. Y\7'ESTON and SONS will Sell the above, ׳ » by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, March 7, at One o'clock. Particulars of Messrs. Hutchison and Cuff, 47, Chancery-lane; and of the Auctioneers, 1, 3 and 5, Angeil-road, Brixton, and 252, Brixton-hill, S.W. Short Leasehold.—STEPNEY, No. 116, Jamaica-street. Let to a very old tenant at the low rent of £30 per annum. Lease 13 years. Ground rent £4. AAIESTON and SONS will Sell the above, L V by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, March 7, at One o’clock. Particulars of G. F. Gray, Esq., solicitor, 29, Lud-gate-hill; and of the Auctioneers, 1, 3, and 5, Angeil-road, Brixton, and 252, Brixton-hill, S.W. ]MESSRS. ROBINSON and SONS will Sell •ILL by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, March 17, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the following capital FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD INVESTMENTS: — LEASEHOLD. Per annum. PADDINGTON.—Nos. 45 and 45a, Waverley-road, Harrow-road, Corner Shop and Residence. Let and producing ..........£60 0 0 SHEPHERD’S BUSH.—In Six Lots.—Nos. 142, 142a, 144, 146, 148 and 150, Goldhawk-road, Shops and Premises. Let on repairing leases or agreements for leases, at rents ranging from £60 to £100, producing in the aggregate ....................... 471 0 0 FREEHOLD. SHEPHERD’S BUSH.—N03 100, 102, and 104, Gayford-road. Shops and Premises All let, and producing ................... 88 10 0 Total Rental per annum ......£619 10 0 May be viewed by permission of the respective tenants, and particulars and conditions of sale obtained of Messrs. Faithfull and Owen, 11, Victoria-street, Westminster; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneers, 6, Parkshot, Richmond, S.W. STREATHAM COMMON, S.W.—'With possession.—The charmingly situate Freehold Family Residence, distinguished as Jerviston House, occupying one of the highest and most delightful positions on Streatham Common, standing in grounds which cover an area of about 2£ acres, and include lawns, flower ,and kitchen gardens, orchard, greenhouse, etc. Detached stabiing, with three living rooms. MESSRS. HERRING, SON and DAW will Offer by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, March 24, 1899, at Two o’clock, the above choice PROPERTY (unless previously disposed of privately). Particulars of Messrs. Nisbet, Daw and Nisbet, solicitors, 35, Lmcoln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, as above. By order of Executors and others.—TULSE-HILL and TOTTENHAM.—A detached Leasehold Residence, near Brockwell Park and four railway stations, known as Collingham House, 67c, Upper Tuise-hiil, S.W., held for about 75 years at a ground rent, and for sale with possession. Also the pair of Freehold Residences, 37 and 39, Talbot-road, Tottenham, a short distance from stations on the G.E.R. and M.R. No. 37 is let at £42 10s. per annum; No. 39 will be sold with possession. MESSRS. HERRING, SON and DAW will Offer by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, March 24, 1899, at Two o’clock, the above FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. Particulars of J. R. Hall, Esq., solicitor, 109, Temple-chambers, Temple-avenue, E.U.; and of the Auctioneers, as above. BRIXTON-HILL.—With possession.—The conveniently situate detached Residence, 10 minutes from Streatham-hill Station (L.B. and S.C.R.), known as Elmwood Lodge, 209, Brixton-hill, S.W., having stabling for two horses, with nicely laid out• garden, and held for a long unexpired term at a ground rent. MESSRS. HERRING, SON and DAW will JJJL Offer by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, March 24, 1899, at Two o’clock, the above well-placed LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. Particulars of Messrs. Welman and Sons, solicitors, 9, Southampton-street, Bloomsbury, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 6, Ironmonger-lane, Oheapside, E.C., and 308, Brixton-hill, S.W. To Brewers, Capitalists, Builders and Others. BASCHURCH, SHROPSHIRE, immediately adjoining the Great Western Railway Station (on the main line). MESSRS. WILLIAM HALL, WATERIDGE -ILL and OWEN will Sell by Auction, on the Property, at the Boreatton Arms Hotel, Baschurch, on Monday, March 6, 1899, at Three o’clock precisely, in 18 or such other Lots as may be determined at Sale : — Lot 1.—The highly important FREEHOLD and FULLY-LICENSED HOTEL, known as The Boreatton Arms, with good accommodation, extensive stabling, and garden. This house commands a flourishing trade, occupies a grand position, fronting a wide road, within a few yards from the station. It practically holds the monopoly of supplying the requirements of a wide agricultural and residential district. There is a good posting business, and successful stock sales are held in the Smithheld adjoining. Arrangements can be made for early possession. Lot 2.—Valuable FREEHOLD ACCOMMODATION LAND in three enclosures of rich old pasture, embracing an area of about 105 acres. Sixteen Plots of most eligible and advantageously placed FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, having frontages to the main road, and to a new road to be constructed, specially adapted f(;r the erection of small residences, which are in a constant and increasing demand in this healthy locality. The land is accessibly placed, adjoining the railway station, has the advantages of a convenient train service to and from Shrewsbury, gravel subsoil, and favourable aspects for building. Particulars, with plans, will be forwarded (post free) upon application to Messrs. Burges and Sloan, solicitors, St. Stephen-street, Bristol; and the auctioneers, at High-street, Shrewsbury. ]MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD ILL (successors to Marsh, Milner and Co.) conduct PERIODICAL SALES of REVERSIONS (absolute and contingent), Life Interests and Annuities, Life Policies, Shares and Debentures, Mortgage Debts and Bonds, and Kindred Interests, on the FIRST and THIRD THURSDAYS in each month throughout the year, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C. The following are the appointments fixed for 1899: I October 5 I October 19 I November 2 | November 16 I December 7 December 21 Telephone No. 999 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 17 September 7 September 21 March 16 April 6 April 20 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 15 Offices, 6, Poultry, London, E.C. Bank. 1899. Sales by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, E.C., wHl be held by Messrs. CHESTERTON and SONS, on the following VJ dates: — Thursday, April 6 I Thursday, July 13 Thursday, April 27 Thurs lay. Nov. 2 Thursday, May 25 I Thursday, Dec. 14. Thursday, June 15 | And on other days by arrangement. Particulars and terms for inclusion of freehold and leasehold estates, ground rents, shops, houses and land may be had on application to the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 51, CHEAPSIDE, E.C., and KENSINGTON HIGH-STREET, W. Telephone No. 6466 Bank. MONTHLY PROPERTY AUCTIONS. ]MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD ILL beg to announce that their MONTHLY PROPERTY AUCTIONS are held at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on the THIRD WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH throughout the year. The appointments fixed for 1899 are as follows: — March 15 I June 21 1 October 18 April 19 | July 19 I November 15 May 17 I August 16 I December 20 I September 20 I Vendors, solicitors and trustees having properties for sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the Auctioneers, at thei,r Offices, 6, Poultry, London, E.C. Telephone No. 999 Bank. Sale of a choice newly-erected Suburban Hotel. CHINGFORD, ESSEX. "MESSRS, JONES, SON and DAY have been ILL favoured with instructions to Offer for Sale by Public Competition, at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basinghall-street, City, E.C., on Tuesday, March 7, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, a LEASE FOR A TERM OF FIFTY YEARS, at a rental of £150 PER ANNUM, together with the VERY VALUABLE GOODWILL IN TRADE AND POSSESSION, of that magnificent block of newly-erected Fully-licensed Premises, known as the BULL AND CROWN HOTEL, OHINGFORD, ESSEX, occupying a conspicuous position, being the nearest licensed house to the CHINGFORD RAILWAY STATION (G.E.R.), on the main road to Sewardstone, with a GRAND DRAW-UP. The premises comprise an exceedingly well-built modern structure in red brick, having a noble elevation embellished with Doulton ware and handsome Colonnade front with balcony over, having been built regardless of cost, in a most practical manner and with great taste, to render the accommodation most suitable for carrying on the combined hotel, restaurant, and retail businesses with the greatest possible efficiency and economy, and to meet the very rapidly growing requirements of the locality. The ever-increasing development of Chingford, both as a residential neighbournood and as a lie ait Ji resort, is well known, situate as it is in the best and prettiest part of Epping Forest, frequented by many thousands of pleasure seekers all tlie year round, it being a very pleasant drive out from town and close to the golf links. Tnere is abundant evidence of a very large neighbourhood springing up all round this property, vast tracts of land having recently been sold in plots at high prices for immediate development, and which must ensure a trade of large dimensions to this house, which has been justly described as not having its equal in the north or eastern suburbs of London. The premises have been well designed, and include a very handsome Masonic or banqueting hall on the ground floor 50ft. long, and also a grand billiard or bali room on the first floor of the same dimensions, with lantern roof. Lana has been reserved at the side, on which, if required by the purchaser, adequate stabling and court-yard to suit his requirements will be erected, and a lease granted on equitable terms. A large Fieid adjoining the hotel can also be obtained at an annual rental for the purpose of cricket, football or sports. Arrangements can be made whereby a very large proportion of the purchase-money for the lease and goodwill may remain on first mortgage at five per cent., but for the first three years at a reduced rate of interest. Printed particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Masons’ Hall Tavern; at the Premises; of Messrs. Geiiatly and Son, solicitors, 17, lencnurch-street, City, E.C.; and, with cards to view, of the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 586, Commercial-road, Stepney, E. ־MESSRS. FLEURET, SONS and ADAMS ILL Deg to announce that they will Sell by Public Auction the following valuable PROPERTIES at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basing-hail-street, E.C., on Tuesday, March 14, at One o’clock precisely : — The NOTED TURK’S HEAD, OLD KENT-ROAD. Lease lor about 56 years at a moderate rental reduced by the receipt of ground rents from houses in the rear and other unüerlettings, together with the Goodwill in Trade and Possession. The premises occupy one of the finest positions m this exceedingly busy and improving thoroughfare immediately opposite the Commercial-road (a direct route to Peckham), and in the enjoyment of a very extensive business, which has for years been conducted entirely under female management.—To be Sold by direction of the Proprietress, Mrs. Matilda Gardner, after a long occupation, in consequence of failing health. The OGLANDER TAVERN, Oglander-road, EAST DULWICH. Valuable Lease for about 37 years at the exceedingly low rental of £140 per annum. A choice suburban wine and spirit establishment in the possession of a large, easily worked, and most independent business, the house being upon a protected estate.—To be Sold by direction of the Executrix in consequence of continued ill-health. Tuesday, March 28. The CLD KING’S HEAD, 282, EUSTON-ROAD.—Exceedingly valuable Lease for about 43 years at a moderate rental, together with the Goodwill. The premises are admirably situate at the junction of four of the busiest thoroughfares in the metropolis, and surrounded by many important wholesale and retail establishments and warehouses, from which is derived a large, profitable and spontaneous counter business. To be Sold by direction of the Executrix of the late Mr. Wm. W right. DAISY WINE AND SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT, BROMPTON-ROAD. — Long Free Lease at a moderate rent, greatly reduced by underletting, together with the exceedingly valuable Goodwill. This property is situate close to the junction of Sloane-street and the Brompton-road, opposite Tattersall’s, and in the immediate vicinity of extensive flats and other buildings in course of erection, which will afford vast additional sources of trade. Thoroughly well-secured PROFIT RENTAL of £65 per annum, with valuable Reversion to Possession for four years, of that excellent Licensed Property, The Prince of Wales, North-street, Poplar, and Premises adjoining, held for an unexpired term of 48 years from Lady Day, 1899, at a ground rent of £35 per annum, and are underleased for 44 years at £100 per annum, creating a profit rental of £65, with valuable reversion to possession at the expiration of 44 years for a further term of four years. The premium paid for the underlease, taken into consideration with the fact that the property is held at a low rent, renders this a most secure investment. Auction Offices, 23, Southampton-row, Holborn, W.C. AUCTION SALES. MESSRS. FIELD and SONS’ AUCTIONS take place MONTHLY at the Mart, and include e/ery description of House Property. Printed terms can be had on application at their offices. Messrs. Field and Sons undertake surveys of all kinds, and give special attention to Rating and Compensation Claims.—Offices, 54, Borough High-street, and 52, Chancery■ lane, W.C. Telegraphic Address—“ Federalist, London.” WH. COLLIER, F.S.I., Auctioneer to the • BRITISH LAND COMPANY for many years, undertakes the development and Sale of Building Estates in all parts of the country, makes valuations of Landed Estates and House Property, prepares and negotiates Railway Claims, and obtains Mortgages. Building Land wanted te mirchase, anc* a^vance3 made on Freeholds.—Address, 130, Strand, W;C., late of Moorgate-street. On Wednesday next. 23 FULLY-LICENSED FREEHOLD HOTELS, ROADSIDE INNS, and PUBLIC-HOUSES in _ _ MONMOUTHSHIRE. !MESSRS. DRIVER and CO. are favoured *T *־ nV*th instructions from the most Honourable the Marquis of Worcester to Sell by Auction, at the Westgate Hotel, Newport, Mon., ■on Wednesday, March 8, 1899, at 2.30 p.m. precisely, in 23 Lots, as valuabl© FREEHOLD FULLY-LICENSED HU USES, let at low rents, occupying excellent positions. T1 rl nil WI.. 1 -----1 Tenancy. Rent. Yearly £22 10 0 Yearly 19 10 0 Yearly 15 0 0 Leased for 9^ yrs. unexpirea 155 0 0 (app’rb’n'd) Leased for 10 yrs. unexpirea 20 0 0 Yearly 30 10 0 Life lease now expired 0 10 0 Leased for life aged 77 0 2 0 Yearly 7 10 0 f app’rt’n’d) Yearly 10 0 Leased for 18 vrs. unexpired 46 10 0 (app’rt’n’d) Leased for 38£ >rs. unexpirea 0 0 Yearly 17 15 0 (app’rt’n’d) Yearly 19 0 0 Yearly 15 0 0 Yearly 5 0 0 Leased for 20 yrs. unexpired 35 0 0 (app’rt’nd) Yearly 20 0 0 Yearly 100 0 0 Leased for 17 /is. unexpire 1 0 0 csi Yearly 34 0 0 Yearly 16 10 0 Yearly 19 0 0 (app’rt’n’d ) 9 Description of Property. At CHE °STOW— “ Three Tun?,’’ Bridge street, at entrance to th Castle, with part of garde! Adjoining ............. “ Old Wye House,” a corner of St. Anne’s-lam “ Chepstow Boat ” an! Warehouse, facing th River Wye . . ',Beaufort ArmsHotel” in Beaufort ־ square, centre of town.. .. J “White Lion.” Hi?h-] street, near the old Town gate...................J “GreyhoundInn.”Moor-) ?tieet.with par t of House md Garden adjoining,. ) il WENi WOOfi-“Foxand Hounds,” at) Penycaemawr, near the} ruins of uas Troggv .. ) At WOLVESNE WTON— *Plough,” on the Chep-) ^tow-road, near the [ Origa-hill .. .. \ J'intein .. .. J “ Rose and Crown,” in . a aeligbttul position, I jverlooking the River ( Aye .................J “Anchor Ion, close tc the ruins of Tintern Abbe\ xt TLANSOY— “Cross Keys,” on tbe Llandenny to Llanisher '•oad................... At DINGESTOW-“ Somerses Arms,” or she main Monmouth tc Raglan road At MONMOUTH— *־Plough,■’ Buckholt or Old Hereford road .. “ R-^yal Oak,” one mile 1 Gom the Town on Old [ Tcreioruroad .. .. J * Cherry Tiee,” Cinder !ill-street, near the Troy Station................. “ Beaufort Arms Hotel,’ n Agincourt-square, a׳x-iOining tue Shire Hall ‘ Gnilin,” at corner of 1 it. Mary’8 and White-[ ;ross-streets .. “ A hite Hart,” and Twc weliings and Garden Adjoining, in Wyebridge->ti t et .. ,, ., ,. **Travellers’ Rest,” anu Three Cottages near the Mayhili station, on Cole-.ora load xt REuBRO jK- 12 13 17 18 20 The above, which will be offered in separate Lots, present to brewers, the licensed trade, and public generally, a wide field for investment in an ever-increasing business. Printed particulars, with plans, can be had at the place of sale; at each of the above houses; at the Auction Mart and Estate Exchange, Lothbury, London; of Messrs. Williams and James, vendor’s solicitors, Norfolk House, Thames Embankment, W.C.; of James Gray, Esq., solicitor (Messrs. Pemberton, Cope and Gray), 5, New-court, Lincoln’s-inn, London, W.C.; of S. H. Cowper Coles, Esq., Estate Office, Troy, Monmouth; ׳and of Messrs. Driver and Co., surveyors, land agents and auctioneers, 23, Pall Mall (late of 4, Whitehall), London, S.W. To Brewers, Trustees, and others. By order of the Representatives of the late Mrs. Laker. LAKER’S HOTEL, REDHILL, SURREY. Sale of a valuable Leasehold Rental of £250 per annum, together with Reversion to Possession at a ground rent, at the expiration of ten years. !MESSRS. JAMES and SIDNEY MOTION JLYX are instructed to Submit for Sale by Auction, at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basinghall-street, City, on Tuesday, March 21, 1899, at One o’clock precisely (unless sold privately in the interim), the LEASEHOLD PROFIT RENTAL OF £250 PER ANNUM, together with Reversion to Possession for a term of THIRTY-SIX YEARS, of those fully-licensed premises known as LAKER’S HOTEL, occupying an imposing position facing the main entrance to REDHILL STATION, one of the most important junctions on the S.E.R. and L.B. and S.C.R. This exceedingly choice property has been in the occupation of the present family for 53 years, and has improved gradually as the district has developed until the present time, when to meet the continually increasing business demands much further accommodation both in the hotel and other portions of the premises is absolutely necessary. There is an excellent range of stabling, with all necessary accessories, a large posting business being attached to the hotel; there is also a large garden. Tbe property is held for a term of 46 years from the South Eastern Railway Company at a ground rent of £20, and underleased to the present tenant of the hotel (Mr. William Alfred Laker) for a period of ten years from Christmas last at a rental of £270 PER ANNUM. Particulars and conditions of sale may he obtained of Messrs. Morrison and Nightingale, solicitors, Reigate, Surrey; at the place of sale; and, together with cards to view, at the Auction Offices, 58, Mo'orgate-street, E.C.