365 THE ESTÂTES GAZETTE. March 4, Ì899. Sales tifi auction. M_ - Auction, at an early date, tlie fo ,lowing extremely valuable PROPERTIES, unless sold privately in the interim: — SWAIN’S, Late Palmer’s, No. 15, HIGH-STREET, GLASTONBURY. A FREEHOLD FULLY-LICENSED PROPERTY, with Possession, in command of an extensive retail and family trade, for sale after an occupation of many years. THE COOK AND BOTTLE, Nos. 94 and 96, CANNON-STREET, E.C. Lease about 30 years, moderate rent, nearly all let off by offices. A very Valuable Full-licensed City Property, occupying one of the finest positions in Cam• on-street, a few yards only from the Station. This house consequently commands a large and extremely profitable trade. Premises are in excellent repair and are closed on Sundays and early on weekdays. The proprietress is relinquishing business solely in consequence of ill-health. THE GOLDEN CROSS HOTEL, CHARING-CROSS. This extremely valuable Hotel occupies an unparalleled position immediately facing Charing-cross Station (the principal terminus of the Continental traffic), and within a few paces of Trafalgar-square. The hotel has recently been entirely remodelled and newly furnished by the celebrated firm of Messrs. S. J. Waring and Sons, and is now one of the most elegant and best fitted hotels in the West-end. It enjoys a universal and popular reputation, and the business is of a very high, profitable and progressive character. The property is held upon long lease, together with two shops in Duncannon-street, at equitable terms. Full particulars and orders to view the above properties can be had upon application at the Auction Offices, 13, Hart-street, Bloomsbury-square, London, W.C. Salts fcg auction. Sales t2 auction. _ MASONS’ HALL TAVERN, Basinghall-street, City: — The PRINCE OF WALES, LONDON-STREET, GREENWICH.—By direction of the mortgagees. Freehold with possession, together with Two Shops adjoining and Four Cottages, and Mineral Water Factory at rear. Good position between two Railway Stations, and close to the popular Theatre. The NELL GWYNNE, BULL-INN-COURT, STRAND. —Free Lease nearly 40 years. Most attractive compact premises and highly profitable business. The EARL RUSSELL, ISLEDON-ROAD, FINSBURY-PARK.—Lease upwards of 47 years. Rent £80. For sale solely on account of the Proprietor’s ill-health. The premises are modernly arranged and a good home. Cards and particulars at the Auction Offices, No. 28, Theobald’s-road, Holborn, W.C. Telephone 802 Hol-born. By order of the Surviving Executor of the late Captain Young. . avenue, E.C., on Monday, March 14, at One, the well-secured PROFIT RENTAL of £45 per annum, arising from that choice Wine and Spirit Establishment, known as THE PRINCE ALFRED, RAGLAN-ROAD, PLUMSTEAD, together with the valuable Reversion in 17 years to possession, or premium and increased rental for renewal. Held for 71 years from Christmas, 1859, at a ground rent of £15, and underleased for 45 years from Christmas, 1871 at £60. Particulars of Edwin Hughes, Esq., solicitor, 31 and 32, Green’s-end, Woolwich; and of the Auctioneers, 27, Chiswell-street, E.C. EAST PARADE CHAPEL ESTATE, LEEDS. This important Freehold Property offers singular facilities for professional and commercial purposes, as the present building is capable of conversion into a business emporium, but disregarding it, the site presents an almost- unrivalled opportunity for the erection of a magnificent building suitable for insurance and professional offices. The frontage to East Parade is 83ft., to Greek-sireeit 133ft., ana to Russell-street 134ft. The Enclosed Area• is about 1,265 square yards. East Parade is the main avenue from the railway stations to the Town Hall (in which are the Assize Courts), the Municipal Buildings, the Poor Law and School Board Offices, the Fine Art Gallery, and Free Library. It is close to ail the chief banking establishments, near to the Royal Exchange, and in the midst of the professional business of the city. Any insurance or other company seeking a site in a commanding position of increasing value cannot find one offering so many ■advantages as this property, at the price which the vendors are willing to accept•; consequently this sale is one of special interest, and one which ought to command unusual attention. The widening of Infirmary-street, which leads direct from City Square to the Town Hall, will greatly enhance the value of this property; and other improvements likely to occur in the vicinity will largely increase the demand for office accommodation, for which this site is extraordinarily suitable. Estate Sale Rooms, East Parade, at Four p.m. precisely, on Tuesday, March 21, subject to conditions, the above highly important FREEHOLD PROPERTY. Plans, particulars and conditions of sale are being prepared, and may be had 14 days before the sale of the Auctioneers; or of Messrs. Scatcherd, Hopkins and Middlebrooks, solicitors, Prudential-buildings, Park-row, Leeds, and Morley. HAMPTON, MIDDLESEX.—Important Sale of choice Freehold Building Plots, ripe for immediate development, close to Hampton Station. Bell Hotel, Hampton-on-Thames, on Thursday evening, March 16, 1899, at Seven o’clock sharp, unless previously disposed of by private treaty, EIGHT valuable PLOTS of choice FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, ripe for immediate development, situated in the Belgrade-road, Hampton, all adjoining, within three minutes of Hampton Station, in a high and healthy position on gravel soil, just off the main main road, and in the midst of a rapidly rising and very select neighbourhood. Frontages, 20ft. each; depth about 100ft. Also several valuable Plots, splendidly situated in the Percy-road, Hampton, close beside Hampton Station, with combined frontages of 180ft., and a depth of 180ft. All these plots are suitable for the erection of good class villas, offering a sound opening either for occupation or investment. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Kent and Son, solicitors, Hampton and Hampton-hill; at all the principal Hotels in the neighbourhood; and of the Auctioneers, Twickenham Junction and Hampton-hill. Freehold Building Land (plots of). TXERNE BAY, Rayleigh, Shoeburyness, and JJ- Leigh-on-Sea.—About 130 Lots to be Sold by Auction, at Auction Mart, E.C., March 6, at Two o’clock. Plans of Auctioneers, Messrs. JOHN BOTT and SONS, Herne-hill Station, S.E. Telephone 381 Hop. BUILDING ESTATE SPECIALIST. for the development and improvement of land and buildings, and invites correspondence from owner? and others on matters arising out of the sale anw purchase of properties. No commission or fees are claimed for work until an exchange of agreements has been effected. DE6ENHAM, STORK AND SONS, LTD. PUBLIC SALES almost daily throughout the year in two spacious rooms, of diamonds, ornaments, rubies, pearls, expensive watches, old family plate, miniatures, medals, pictures, lace, sables, etc. Special attention given to the sale of jewellers’, pawnbrokers’, and other businesses in all parts of the country. Valuations of trade stocks for probate or division. Arbitrations. Auction sales of landed property. House agency and compensation cases. GREAT MARLBOROUGH-STREET, W.—By order of the Executors of W. T. Smith, deceased.—The attention of brewrers, trustees, licensed victuallers, and others, is drawn to the valuable well-secured FREEHOLD RENTAL of £130 per annum, arising from those commanding fully-licensed premises, known as The Grapes, Great Marlborough-street. Together with the adjoining Shop and Premises, No. 1, Little Marlborough-street, situate in one of the finest positions in London, being in the centre of a high-class business neighbourhood, and within a few yards of Regent-street and Oxford-street. Let upon lease for an unexpired term of 36 years from March 25, 1899. W| “ '־ on Friday, March 17, 1899, ׳at Two o’clock m the afternoon. May be viewed by permission of the tenant. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart; of Geo. Brown, Son and Vardy, solicitors, 56, Finsbury-pavement, E.C.; and of W. G. Shadrake, auctioneer and estate agent, 184, High-road, Leyton. Sale at the Mart, Friday, March 10, at Two. \/TESSRS. FURBER, PRICE and FURBER lY-L will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-־ard, on Friday next, March 10, at Two precisely, ,he following PROPERTIES: — GREAT QUEEN-STREET, HOLBORN.—Two Free-lold Houses and Shops, Nos. 34 and 35, Great Queen-street; let upon lease at clear yearly rentals !mounting to £172. POPLAR.—The Freehold Shop and Dwelling House, STo. 243, High-street; let at £32 per annum. OLAPHAM.—The Leasehold Residence, No. 36, Jhelsham-road, Clapham; held for 63 years unex-oired at £7 10s. With possession. ' BRIGHTON.—A small Freehold Residence, with Particulars may be obtained at the Mart; and at ,he Auction and Estate Offices, Warwick-court, 6. KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. MESSRS. WARE AND CARPMAEL, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS & LAND AGENTS, 30a, Lincoln’s Inn Fields (corner of Serle-street) Firm: A. W. WARE, H. CARPMAEL, F.S.I. Sales by Auction of Landed Estates, Freehold and Leasehold Property, Ground Rents, Reversions, Stocks and Shares, and other securities held periodically at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard (also by private treaty), at moderate and fixed charges. Valuations for Probate, Mortgage, Compensation, and other purposes. Surveys of Building Estates, Dilapidations and Sanitation. Special attention given to Rent Collection and Estate Management. Telegraphic Address, “ Demur, London.״ THE YD ON BOIS—By order of the Mortgagees.— Within ten minutes of Station on G.E.R., whence there is an excellent service of fast trains to Liverpool-street and Fenchurch-street, the journey being performed in about 38 minutes. The excellent Freehold detached Residence, known as The Poplars, Piercing-hill, Theydon Bois. The house contains drawing, dining and morning rooms, six bed rooms, bath room, and the usual domestic offices; two conservatories, well laid out gardens, writh greenhouse, tennis lawn, etc.; stabling for four horses, two coach-houses, and harness room. The whole having an area of nearly four acres. Also the desirable double-fronted detached Freehold Residence, known as The Chestnuts, adjoining the above, containing four bed rooms, box room, two reception rooms, etc., and having large well-stocked garden. Vacant possession of both properties on completion, of purchase. G. SHADRAKE will Sell the Above by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Friday, March. 17, 1899, rt Two o’clock in the afternoon (unless previously disposed of by private treaty). Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at the place of sale; of Messrs. Holder and Wood, 40, Cheapside, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 184, Highroad, Leyton. At the Auction Mart, On Tuesday, March 14, at Two, in One Lot. To Land Companies, Syndicates, Builders, and others. rnOTTENHAM.—A very valuable FREE-A HOLD BUILDING ESTATE, comprising over 3o acres, close to White Hart-lane Station (G.E.R.), witfi several thousand feet of road frontage, and unquestionably possessed of great capabilities for eariy profitable and economical development, either by the erection of villas and creation of ground rents, or resale in plots. The land contains valuable beds of brick-earth. Auction Offices, 1 and 2, Queen-street, E.C. w. ll/rESSRS. BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUCK- DLL MASTER, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, of Broadway, Walham-green. SALES BY AUCTION at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., every month; also local sales, in which all classes of Property can be advantageously included. Also Ground Rents, Reversions, etc., at moderate charges. SALES BY AUCTION of Stocks, Furniture, Shares, ESTATES MANAGED, Rents Collected. VALUATIONS of all kinds. Compensation Claims adjusted. BUILDING LAND to Let and advances arranged. Mortgages negotiated. Auction Offices as above. MESSRS. NtWBON, EDWARDS AND SHEPHARD, (NEWBON AND OO.). AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ETC., 275, Upper Street, ISLINGTON. SALES by AUCTION, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, nearly every Thursday throughout the year, in wffiich they can advantageously include Freehold, Copyhold, and Leasehold Properties, Ground Rents, Reversions, etc., at moderate fixed charges. SALES by AUCTION, on the Premises, of Furniture, Stocks, etc. PRINTED REGISTER of Furnished and Unfurnished Houses, Business Premises, and Building Land, in which they insert particulars of properties to be Let or Sold free of charge, may be had gratis upon application, or by post. ESTATES managed and rents collected. VALUATIONS for probate, legacy, and mortgage purposes. COMPENSATION OASES arranged. Telephone No. 300 King’s Cross. Auction Offices, 275, Upper-street, N (next the Vestry Hall). R. OH AS. ATKINS will Sell, at the White . Hart Hotel, High-street, Lewisham, on Thurs-aay evening, March 9, 1899, at Seven o’clock precisely, the attractive VILLA RESIDENCE, situate No. 62, Mount Pieasant-road, Lewisham, held on a !ease of 99 years from September 29, 1879, at £6 per annum ground rent, and let at £32 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Batchelor and Batchelor, solicitors, 52, Crooms-hill, Greenwich, S.E., and 6, Outer Temple, Strand, W.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 111a, High-street, Lewisham. NEW BARNET, HERTS.—Freehold Detached Residence and Freehold Building Sites. MR. E. FERGUSSON TAYLOR will Sell, at the Assembly Rooms, New Barnet, on Monday, March 13, 1899, at Half-past Seven p.m.: — The FREEHOLD Detached RESIDENCE, known as Warwick House, Bulwer-road, and grounds of_ about 2r. 8p.; ten minutes of two stations on the G.N. Railway; six bed rooms, three reception rooms, offices, etc.; vacant possession at Lady Day.—Solicitor, Geo. B. W. Digby, Esq., 69, Coleman-street, E.C. NEW BARNET.—An exceedingly valuable Enclosure of Freehold Building Land (tithe free and land tax redeemed), situate on the south side of Station-road, with frontage of 65ft. 9in. and depth of about 2C0ft.; five minutes of New Barnet Station, G.N.R.— Solicitors, Messrs. Routh, Stacey and Castle, 14, Southampton-street, Bloomsbury-square, W.C. THE HADLEY ESTATE, New Barnet.—Final Sale. —Ten Plots of Freehold Building Land, capitally situate near the famous Woods of Hadley, and forming excellent sites for the erection of villa residences in this favourite district; tithe free and land tax redeemed; purchase money payable by instalments; free conveyances.—Solicitors, Messrs. Trinder and Capron, 47, Cornhill, E.C. May be viewed, and particulars and conditions of sale obtained of the respective Solicitors; and cf the Auctioneer, the New Barnet Auction and Estate Offices, New Barnet, Herts, and 70 to 72, Chancery-lane, W.C. MR. JOSEPH STOWER, Member of rhe Surveyors’ Institution (for nearly 20 years with the late firm of Farebrother, Ellis, Clark and Co.), begs to announce that his auction sales for the year 1899 of country estates and residences, town houses, business premises, ground rents and other investments, will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., periodically, and at other dates, both in London and in the provinces, as may be advisable in the interests of his employers. Sales of furniture, farming stock and effects conducted, ana valuations made of every description of property for sale, purchase, estate duty, compensation or other purposes. —43, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. Telephone No.: 1.017 Holborn. gales 1)2 ^uctiim. On Friday, March 24, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely. A J. SHEFFIELD will Sell by Auction, at xA. the Mart•, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury, E.C., tfie undermentioned FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES: — Re Mrs. Myles (deceased). UPTON-PARK.—Nos. 101 and 103, Neville-road.— Two Freehold Houses, one with gateway entrance, producing £54 12s. per annum. CANNING TOWN.—Nos. 12, 14 and 16, Outram-street. Tnree Private Houses, let £42 18s. per annum. Lease 69 years unexpired. Ground rent £/ 10s. Nos. 32 and 34, Seaton-street, Denmark-street, Barking-road. Two Houses, producing £36 8s. per annum. Lease 69 years unexpired. Annual ground rent £5. Nos. 59 and 61, Vincent-street. Two Houses, letting at £36 8s. per annum. Lease 66 years unexpired. Ground rent £7 per annum. Solicitor, E. J. Marsh, Esq., 71, East India Dock-road, Poplar, and 2, Fen-court, E.C. WEST HAMPSTEAD—No. 19, Alexandra-road. A charming detached Residence, within one minute’s walk of Loudoun-road Station, N.W. Railway. In tne occupation of the owner and of the estimated clear rental value of £150 per annum. Lease 41 years at a peppercorn ground rent. HASTINGS.—No. 2, White Rock-gardens. Commodious Family Residence, occupying a superb position in this favourite and healthy seaside resort. Let on lease at £130 per annum. Lease 78 years unexpired. Ground rent £20 per annum. No. 4, Robertson-terrace. An exceedingly well-situated and conveniently arranged Leasehold Residence directly facing the sea and close to the pier. Letting on lease at a moderate rental of £237 10s. per annum. . Solicitor, Edward Chandler, Esq., 64, Cambridge-road, Hastings. Further particulars in future issues or meanwhile from the Auctioneer’s Offices, 218, East India Dock-road, Poplar, and 35, Eastcheap, E.C. Telephone Nos.: Poplar, 272 Eastern; City, 5755 Avenue. Sale Days for the Year 1899. Messrs. U'AREBROTHEK, ELLIS, EGERTON, -I- BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. beg to announce that the undermentioned dates have been fixed for their AUCTIONS of FREEHOLD, Copyhold, and Leasehold ESTATES, Reversions, Shares, Life Interests, etc., at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C. : — Thursday. Mar. 9 Thursdav, June 22 . Thursday,Sept.21 Thursday, Mar. 28 Thursday, June 29 Thursday, Oct. 12 Thursday ,April 13 Thursday, July 6 Thursday, Oct. 26 Thursday ,April 27 Thuisday July 18 Thursday, in ov. 16 Thuisday, May 11 Thursday,July ?0 Thursday, Nov. 23 Thursday, May 25 Thursday, July 27 Thursday, Dec.i7 Thursday, June 8 ’1 hursda>, Aug. 3 Thuisday, Dec.gl4 Thursday, Aug. 10 Other appointments for intermediate Sales will also be arranged. . Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co. publish m the advertisement columns of “ The Times ” every Saturday a list of their forthcoming Sales by Auction. They also issue from time to time schedules of properties to be Let or Sold, comprising landed and residential estates, freehold and leasehold houses, City offices and warehouses, ground rents, and investments generally, which will be forwarded free of charge on application.—No. 29, Fleet-street, Temple-bar, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. To Trustees, Insurance Companies, and Capitalists. BAYSWATER. — FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS, amounting to £455 per annum, secured cn 81 private residences, high-class shops, etc., of an estimated rack rental value of £7,348 per annum, with the valuable reversion in from 45 to 52 years.— Messrs. T? ARE BROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, I- BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, March 23, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the following FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS, in 64 Lots: — Property. }r'M ent. lever- sion in Esti-aat’d lack lent'l J /ahi j 44, i ORCHESTER-ROAD .. £9 4 5 years £115 46, Ditto 9 Ditto 115 : 48, Ditto 9 Ditto 115 50, Ditto 8 Ditto 120 52, Ditto 8 Ditto 120 54. Ditto 8 Ditto 140 56, Ditto 8 Ditto 110 58, Pitto 9 Ditto 110 60, Ditto 9 Ditto 110 62, Ditto lu Ditto 110 64, Ditto 10 Ditto 110 11. TALBOT-ROAD .. 9 )lèï’rs. 90 13, Ditto 8 Ditto 80 15, Ditto 5 Ditto 90 17, Ditto 10 52 y’rs. 85 19, Ditto 1U Ditto 80 21, Ditto 10 Ditto 80 23, Ditto 10 Ditto 80 1, KILDARE -TERRACE .. 5 52 y’rs. to 3, Ditto 7 Ditto 70 5, Ditto 7 Ditto 70 7, Ditto 6 Ditto 70 9, Ditto 7 Ditto 70 lb Ditto 7 Ditto 70 13, Ditto 7 Ditto 70 15, Ditto 5 Ditto 80 17, Ditto 5 Ditto 80 19, 6 Ditto 80 21 Ditto 6 Ditto 80 23, Ditto 6 Ditto 80 25, Fitto 6 Ditto 80 27 Ditto 6 Ditto 80 29 Ditto 6 Ditto 80 31, s. 33 Ditto , 35, 37, 39, KILDARE- 6 Ditto 80 TERRACE 5 Ditto 330 . 2. KILDARE-TERRACE 5 Ditto 80 4, Ditto 7 Ditto 70 6 Ditto 7 Ditto 70 8, Ditto 7 Ditto 70 10, 12, Ditto 7 Ditto 70 Ditto 7 Ditto 70 14, 16, Ditto 7 Ditto 70 Ditto 7 Ditto 80 18, Ditto 7 Ditto 80 20, Ditto 7 Ditto 80 oo Ditto 7 Ditto 80 24, Ditto 7 Ditto 80 26, Ditto 7 Ditto 80 28, Ditto 7 Ditto 80 30, Ditto 7 Ditto 80 32. Ditto 7 Ditto 80 34, Ditto 7 Ditto 80 36, Ditto 7 Ditto 80 38, Ditto 6 Ditto 80 40, Ditto 8 Ditto 90 2. KILDARE-GARDENS .. 8 52 y’rs. 80 4, Ditto 8 Ditto 85 6, Ditto 8 Ditto 85 8, Ditto 8 Ditto 10, Ditto 5 Ditto 85 12, h 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, Ditto 5 Ditto 85 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2 ij y Ditto 5 Ditto 1.360 22, Ditto os. 1 to 13, CELBRIDG E -ME WS situate in the rear of the 5 Ditto 90 Porchester-road shops 3 45 yrs 433 63, Total Ground-rents .. £455 Total Estimatei Rick Rental Value .. .. £7,348 Particulars, plan and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. HUNTERS and HAYNES, solicitors, 9, New-square, Lincoln’s-inn, W.C.; at the Mart; and of Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co., 29, Fleet-street, Temple-bar, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. Messrs H. & A. LAYMAN, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND HOUSE AGENTS. Offices and Saie Rooms, LONDON BRIDGE, S.E. Auction Rooms specially adapted for the Sale of Freehold and Leasehold Property, Silver Plate, Jewels, Precious Stones and Valuables, Furniture, Drapery, and all kinds of Chattel Property, Valuations made for all Purposes. Sales as above held daily. CENTRAL LONDON RAILWAY.—SHEPHERO’S BUSH. NOTTING HILL, WEST KENSINGTON PARK AND DISTRICT, ALSO EALING, HANWELL AND SOUTHALL. Owners wishing to Sell or Let Property in these districts should send to C. RAWLEY CROSS and CO., Who have more applications than they can suit. Particulars inserted in their Western Suburbs Register Free. Rent Collections undertaken (large or small), and Property of all kinds managed on inclusive terms; punctual payments guaranteed. References to clients of 20 years’ standing. Offices: “ Ilchester House” (facing), Uxbridge-road Station, W. (Established 1877); and 37, Broadway, Ealing. Telephone No. 108 Hammersmith, and 63 Ealing.