March 4, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 35 l SITUATIONS WANTED—CONTINUED f artttmijips. ГПО AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS.— X Advertiser, aged 22, having passed the Profes-sional Associate Examination of the Surveyors’ Institution, requires a post as SURVEYOR’S ASSIS-TANT; town or country; West-end experience; used to preparing specifications of general repairs and sanitary work, schedules of dilapilations, and negotiating the sale and letting of property.— “ E. c. B.” (650), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ־ENGINEER, SURVEYOR and LAND lx AGENT (31) seeks partnership in good sound business, any branch (auctioneer’s business not objected to); expert, honest, and hard worker; share should yield, at least, £200 per annum ■at commencement; Lancashire, Midlands or London preferred; experienced in London as well .as provincial work; state terms׳ (probable).—Address “Energetic” (635), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ־DRIVATE CLERK.—Wanted, Post as above !• to land agent by P.A.S.I. (aged 22); four years’ (three as pupil) experience with first-class firm of land agents and surveyors; used to all branches of the business; moderate salary.—Write first to “ N.,” 10, Abbey-gardens, Abbey-road, London, N.W. A GRIOULTURAL AUCTIONEERS, XX VALUERS and ESTATE AGENTS.—Advertiser, with capital, wants permanent SITUATION, with a view to partnership in good firm; 3J years’ experience with first-class׳ firm—Apply T. Gatis, solicitor, Wolverhampton. AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS.— ׳¿A Advertiser, aged 22, four years’ experience (two under articles), seeks RE-ENGAGEMENT with firm where facilities would be given for extending his knowledge of the business; salary not so much object as good opening for further experience; London or provincial office.—“ C. D.,” 67, Lillie-road, West Brompton, S.W. "PARTNERSHIP.—Wanted, an active MAN X ,as equal PARTNER in an established business; preference would be given to one having practical experience of auctioneering, valuing, accountancy, and surveying, and/ who would be prepared to invest £2,000, one-half thereof to be secured by deposit of deeds at three per cent, per annum.—Applications to be addressed, “ Invalid ” (633), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. 0יף AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS. X Advertiser, energetic and reliable, with several years’ practical experience in provinces, including branch management, seeks re-engagement as MANA-GER or LEADING CLERK; efficient; auctions, inventories, valuations, registers, canvassing, ׳and routine without supervision; good negotiator and used to first-class properties.—“ Pushing ” (647), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E C. WORKING PARTNERSHIP Wanted by i V competent man trained in first-class offices; age 32 years; thoroughly practical in every detail of surveyor’s work and estate agency; good valuer; hard worker; F.S.I. by exam.; successful negotiator; would purchase after trial.—Address “Urban ” (649), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. A DVERTISER, ago 40, seeks Re-engagement XX as CLERK in auctioneer’s and surveyor’s office, either as bookkeeper or outdoor representative; thoroughly understands routine of City office; well up in valuation of furniture, etc.—Address■ “ W. F.” (645), Estates gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.c. Д UCTIONEER, HOUSE and ESTATE XX AGENT, having an established business in rapidly developing seaside resort, is willing to receive into his office, with a view to an almost immediate PARTNERSHIP, a gentleman (F.S.I. ! referred), who, in addition to the usual routine work, must be conversant with agricultural sales and valuations, surveying, etc.—State, in confidence, age, how many years licensed, experience, •and where gained.—“ East Coast” (646), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. 0יף AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS and X VALUE’RS.—Advertiser, who has served three years as articled pupil to a large Midland firm of auctioneers, etc., is a member of the Midland Counties Tenant-right Valuers’ Association by examination, seeks situation as IMPROVER; moderate salary with view to improvement.—Apply S. D. Taylor, Packington House, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. rpO AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS and X ESTATE AGENTS.—A gentleman of considerable experience is desirous of meeting with a PARTNERSHIP, or an appointment• as ASSISTANT MANAGER for a good firm; is an able salesman; well up in all valuations and in every branch of the profession; excellent references—Address “ B.” .659׳), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. Д MEMBER of Surveyors’ and Auctioneers’ ix. Institutes, having an" old-established country practice in a southern county, wishes to meet with a properly qualified gentleman, age about 30, unmarried, as WORKING PARTNER; references required; capital required, £1,000 to £1.500.— Particulars on application to “ Magister ” (651), Estates GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ’IV/J’ANAGING CLERK to Landed Estate Agents and Auctioneers. — Advertiser, tho-roughly conversant with both town and country business׳ and control of staff, is open for an EN-GAGEMENT and terminate present appointment, held for several years; reliable, practical, and up to date.—Address “ Surprise,” Willing’s, 162, Picca-dilly, W. TMPROVER.—Situation as Improver Wanted with firm of auctioneers and estate agents; four years’ varied experience (three years in -arti-cles); low salary would be accepted in consideration of good experience; excellent references can be given.—“ A. E. M.,” 24, Northfield, Bridgwater, Somerset. ГШ AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS and X ESTATE AGENTS.—Advertiser (aged 35), who has had large practical experience in town and the provinces, is desirous of securing a partnership in an established business; or position as assistant with view to same; highest references; all communications will be treated in strictest confidence.—Please address “D.” (609), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. 0יף AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, X Etc.—Advertiser, age 21, having five years’ ex-perience (three o׳f which were articled), desires ENGAGEMENT (town or country); good references; salary £1 per week.—Apply “ S. F.,” 1, Beaufoy-terrace, South Lambeth-road, !S.W. A DVERTISER, 31, well up in all branches, XX requires POSITION (large seaside cr provincial town), where there is scope for pushing business, with view to partnership preferred; knowleIge agricultural, furniture, real estate, hotel and general work; good bookkeeper and correspondent. —Apply “ o.K.” (654), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. YOUNG GENTLEMAN (26), P.A.S.I., X A.A.I., qualified by examination for F.S.I., 8£ vears’ practical experience in the development of building estates, surveying, levelling, auction work, etc., and with capital at command, wishes to enter the office of an auctioneer and estate agent with a view to ultimate partnership.—“ K. N. C.,” c/o Secretary, Auctioneers־’ Institute, 58, Chancery-lane, W.C. 0יף AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE and ESTATE X. AGENTS.—Advertiser (21) desires ENGAGEMENT in office of above; six years’ good experience; well up in bookkeeping, inventory work, house agency and canvassing, insurance, etc., and general office routine; excellent references; moderate salary — O. Jewell, 3, Exeter-place, Grosvenor-street, Chelten-ham. JUNIOR PARTNERSHIP in old-established firm open for smart auctioneer, with agricultural experience; must be over 30 years of age, energtie. well educated, and thoroughly experienced.—Send particulars of qualifications to “ X. Y. Z.” (638) Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.O. ГПО AGRICULTURAL AUCTIONEERS, X and VALUERS.—Wanted to purchase, or would enter into partnership, capital £2,000 to £3,000, in an old-established business that will bear strict investigation, by auctioneer, 15 years’ own business; considered one of the smartest salesmen in the Midlands; well-known valuer and good accountant: principals only.—“ Advance ” (644), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. WANTED, by a competent and experienced י י auctioneer, valuer, and fire loss ■assessor, to SUPERVISE or take sole MANAGEMENT in good concern, or branch; practical accountant.—Address “ Hammer ” (653). ESTATES 'GAZETTE office, 6. St. Bride-street, E.C. Д DVERTISER (23), tall, good family and XX appearance, six years’ good all-round expe-nence in West-end and country, desires ENGAGE-MENT (indoor preferred) in first-class London firm of •auctioneers and estate agents; disengaged end of March or could arrange sooner if necessary.—“ F ” (657), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 5, St. Bride-street, E.O. Jlrftrbb f npHs. ГГО LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS and X VALUERS—Gentleman requires position as PUPIL or IMPROVER after Easter with good firm having country connection in England; resident preferred.—“ E. S. W. D.,” West Milton, Melplash, R.S.O., Dorset. ППО AUCTIONEER'S and ESTATE AGENTS. X —Advertiser desires engagement as CLERK; six years’ general experience; age 21; well up in all office work, property register, bookkeeping, etc —Apply “ H. S.” (658), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. Jltisallaimous AUCTIONEER’S and ESTATE AGENT’S . J CLERK, age 24, seeks׳ RE-ENGAGEMENT (Mid-lands preferred); ten years’ experience in general property and house agency business, negotiating, etc.; well up in register work; highest references• moderate salary.—Apply “ S.,” 244, Staveley-road, W olverbampton. Д GENTS WANTED for the SALE OF JV NATIVE GUANO, the best and cheapest Manure for all farm and garden crops.—The Native Guano Company. Limited, 29, New Bridge-street. Black-friars. London. E.C. GENTLEMAN (25), !with capital, articled, . eight years’ experience town and country, wishes to join firm of auctioneers and valuers; willing to start with salary; first-class' references from well-known firms as to business capabilities — Energy ” *640).׳, ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6״ St. Bride-street, E.C. Д LAND AGENT, with 19 years’ practical experience in all matters "relating to the management of estates and agriculture generally, and who really knows his business, is desirous of obtaining an appointment as RESIDENT AGENT on large estate; highest references from noblemen landed gentry.—“ Conscientious ” (643), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St, Bride-street, E.C. Д TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE, London or country—Experienced CLERK is willing to pre-pare auction particulars, posters, catalogues inven-tones, specifications, valuations, sale clerking reports registers, etc., etc.; terms per day or other-wise. Write “ B.,” 3, The Avenue, Kew-gardens reference f''W' (К1п<пУ keeP address for future Д GENTS Required in unrepresented districts f1 fo,r the Imperial Accident, Live Stock and General Insurance Go., Limited. Established 1878. Horses. Cattle, etc., Insured against Death from Accident and' Disease. Claims paid, £150.000. Address, Mr. В S. Essex, manager, 17, Pall Mall East, London, S.W. ГЛО LAND SYNDICATES, SOLICITORS X and AUCTIONEERS.—Estimates given for Land Surveys, Plans, and Sections, in connection with the development of large building estates in any locality, or for land surveys of any description"; all surveys closed in and areas computed by trigno-metrical calculation, and not by scale, thus ensuring extreme accuracy.—Alfred Mansfield, 16 HavelocK-road, Hastings. TjUJRNITURE LOT NUMBERS.—Perforated -*־ ,an ’ office in the N.W. district, SHORTHAND CLERK, one used to register work preferred.—Apnly “ T. C.” (656), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C "YVTANTED, a Gentleman to undertake the » V Management of the town department of a West-end firm of house agents; must be duly qualified and have occupied similar position; first-class references required.—Address “ L.,” Box 4072, c/o “ Daiiy Telegraph,” Walsingham House, Piccadilly, W. WANTED at once in an Auctioneer’s office V V in the country, a JUNIOR CLERK; good handwriting indispensable; one having knowledge of shorthand and typewriting would have preference. —Apply by letter only to White and Sons, Dorking. ARCHITECTS or SURVEYOR’S ASSIS- JA- TANT wanted immediately, conversant with London Building Acts.—Apply, stating salary required, also age and experience, to “ A. B. C.” (660) Estates Gazette office, 6, st. Bride-street, e.c. A VACANCY occurs in an old-established J A suburban auctioneer’s, estate agent’s, and surveyor s office for a competent CLERK, well versed in the routine of an all-round practice, including house and estate agency; must be a quick penman and neat draughtsman, and possess a knowledge of surveying and accountancy.—Applications, with tuli particulars of qualifications, age, and salary required, and when disengaged, to “ F.S.I.” (661) Estates Gazette office, 6, st. Bride-street, e.c. WANTED ׳TO AUCTIONEERS.—Advertiser, with thr! J- years’ experience with leading Brighton firr seeks IMPROVER CLERKSHIP, with or wit: out view to ultimate partnership, in goc auctioneer’s office; country town preferred; unde stands house agency, inventorv, sale work, surve mg etc.; moderate salary.-“ Sales,” Soham Vill Brettell-lane, Stourbridge. AN ARCHITECT and SURVEYOR of 2 aa years’ practical experience, seeks an appoin ment as RESIDENT ARCHITECT or AGENT to large estate; references given —“ P Q ” (59s Estates GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-Street, E.C. A DVERTISER, who has held Auctioneer ־*■a• license for 12 months, and has complet! articles with auctioneer and valuer in the Midlanc desires ENGAGEMENT with firm, where in co sideration of small salary, further experience cou be obtained; well up in all office work, bookkeepin etc.; excellent references.—Apply “ J. R ” (so‘ Estates gazette office. 6. st.. Bridp-»t.r»״t. u c In the case of sheep the terms are more varied still. Lambs, tups, rams, shearling, two-tooth, wether, hog, teg, ewes, gimmers, chilver lambs, full-mouthed, over-year, draft ewe, etc., etc., in bewildering array to the !initiated. An agricultural dictionary could soon be compiled if all local terms and phrases were collected. Probably every trade has its own trade terms, but farming embraces such a wide area, and so many different subjects, and has been !carried on for such a period—for it certainly is an old-established business—that it has gathered round it more relics than any other calling. Lambing reports continue to be satisfactory, and many flockmasters report as successful a season as any they have had. Ewes and lambs are doing well, !and the present dry weather is very favourable to the flocks. The sharp night frosts necessitate more calls on the hay ricks to feed the cages, but thanks to the abundant crop of last year, they can stand it. ЖапЬ attb Щопт. ־DEVELOPMENT of BUILDING ESTATES •X־' —Owners of large or small estates in any approved locality in England are invited to furnish particulars of their property to Messrs. G. A. and J. Hall, of Valkyrie, Colney Hatch-lane, Muswell-hill, N., whose speciality is the development of building estates, and who are prepared either to purchase outright or to arrange mutual terms for the successful development of the same. T^OR SALE, a Bargain and a Good Invest-J- ment.—A Country Residence, including in all 20 rooms, with grounds well laid out, including two lawns, shrubberies, flower beds, fruit trees, and a kitchen garden; ten glasshouses and1 three cottages; good stabling and coach-house; in all about four acres; situate in a very pleasant and healthy position, and in a good vicinity for the hunt; gas and water laid on everywhere.—Price £2,600.—Apply to T. H. Higgins, Rockcliffe, Wellingborough, Norths. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. BEDFORDSHIRE.—A very desirable Farm, situate six miles from the important market towns of Luton and Hitchin, known as Brook Green Farm, Barton, as now occupied by Mr. F. Davis at the low rent of £200 a year. The farm contains 221 acres (150 arable and 71 old pasture), is in a high state of cultivation, and has a comfortable farmhouse and cottages, good homestead, and small field homestead. Also a compact and easy working Farm, midway between Bedford and Kimbolton, known as Backnoe End, Bolnhurst, now occupied by Mr. T. Stanton at the very moderate rent of £140 per annum. It contains 256 acres (81 old pasture and 165 arable), with a good farmhouse, cottages, and conveniently arranged homestead, all in excellent condition. A choice Farm, situate at Chalton, five miles from Luton and four from Dunstable, containing 178 acres, as now let at a rental of £200; good house and homestead and easy working land. XXERTFORDSHIRE.—To Let, with immedi-X I ate possession, a superior Farmhouse, containing two reception rooms and six bed rooms, with stabling, garden and paddock; three-quarters of a mile from village and church, and four from stations on the Midland or Great Northern main lines, and in the centre of the Hertfordshire Hunt, situation healthy and pleasant. Rent moderate to a good tenant. TXERTFORDSHIRE (on the borders of Bed--!X fordshire.—One mile from Henlow Station, and three from Hitchin.—To be Sold, with possession, a superior gentleman’s Residence, standing in its own grounds, with gardens,, greenhouses, stabling, and every convenience, together with 382 acres of very fine arable and pasture land (some suitable for market gardening), having two farm homestead s fSUNSTABLE:, BEDFORDSHIRE,—To be -*•/ Let or Sold.—A superior Family Residence, with stabling, kitchen and flower gardens, and a two acres paddock, situate in the High-street, Dunstable. Rent £120 per annum. Price £3,000. For orders to view, and further particulars and price, apply to J. CUMBERLAND and SON’S, auctioneers, surveyors, and land agents, Castle-street, Luton, and West-street, Dunstable, Beds. BALL YARDS MANSION HOUSE, COUNT ARMAGH. FOR LETTING. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. This is a charming Country Residence, built : modern style, and elegantly finished with staim glass and semi-arched dome light to hall and stai case. It contains very large drawing and dinii roc ms, study, nine bed rooms, two dressing room bath room (hot and cold water), lavatory, servant apartments, etc., etc. There are two conservator!! communicating with drawing room. The turr tower commands a magnificent view of the su rounding country, and from it can be seen the tv cathedrals of Armagh, and the Palaces of the Arc bishop of All Ireland and the Cardinal Primat The mansion is handsomely furnished and has evei modern convenience. It stands high in its ov, domain, and overlooks a well-wooded plantatio. which art and nature have combined to make piace of much beauty. Through it runs a tro! stream. The lawn, pleasure grounds and flow/ gardens are laid out with great taste, and there is good kitchen garden and apple orchard. There a; two gate lodges, also a carriage drive of three-qua ters of a mile There is also the best of stable accor modation, and office houses. It is two miles distai from the city of Armagh, and within one mile of post, telegraph and money order office. Pillar be near one of the gate lodges. 111 the neighbourhoo are clubs for hunting, golfing, lawn tennis, hocke' and cricket, fishing and shooting. The house aii pleasure grounds would be let separately. Terms and all information on application 1 D- P- MARTIN and CD Enp1lic>l-e + -*raa+ ADUnmT