345 THE ESTATES GAZETTE March 4, 1899. HORSHAM, SUSSEX. MESSRS. KING AND CHASEMORE, F.S.I., Land and Timber Surveyors. CUSSEX.—Half a mile from station.—To be ►O Sold, an attractive Residential Property, standing in a small park of about 40 acres; substantially built House, containing 11 bed rooms, three reception, three w.c.’s; excellent stabling, buildings, three cottages; excellent gardens, with maze, orchard, lawns, etc.; price moderate.—Apply King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Horsham. tial Estate of about 80 acres. The family Residence contains 11 bed rooms, bath room, and three reception rooms; stabling for nine horses, and buildings. Stream.—Full particulars of King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Horsham. TXORSHAM.—Picturesque Residence contiin-XI ing eight bed rooms, three reception rooms, offices, etc. ; splendid pleasure grounds, orchard, etc. ; carriage drive ; property is bounded by stream. To be Let or Sold.—Apply King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Horsham. QTTSSEX and SURREY BORDERS, close to k) a station.—To be Sold, a bargain.—A modern Residence (containing eight bed, three reception rooms), and 37 acres; stabling, shrubbery, and undulating gardens, etc. Hunting.—For full particulars apply to the Agents, King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Horsham. CROYDON. 8 U RREY. HOOKER & WEBB, Surveyors; Valuers, Auctioneers, &c., i HIGH STREET, CROYDON. 8 U 8 8 EX. Eastbourne and Hailsham. A. BURTENSHAW & SON, AUCTIONEERS, LAND, TIMBER, AND TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. A. BURTENSHAW, F.S.T. A, K. BURTENSHAW, P.A.S.I. __________ tion.—For Sale, a superior modern Residence, containing three large reception rooms, full-sized billiard room, usual domestic offices, nine bed rooms, two dressing rooms, bath room, etc. There is a large garden, two-stall stable, and coach-house. Arrangements can be made for early possession, if the purchaser so desires. .. lished Miller’s and Baker’s Business attached. There is a substantial dwelling house, buildings, and two paddocks, and the property is situated within half a mile of a station. 1VTEAH .the SOUTH COAST, nine miles from TN Hastings.—To Let. with possession, a choice little Residential and Sporting Estate, charmingly placed, close to a church and village, comprising a moderate sized Residence, and about 226 acres of land, interspersed with coverts, and well adapted for a home farm, with convenient buildings and cottages. The East Sussex Foxhounds hunt the district regularly. . supply; good drainage; public recreation ground; death rate 6.5 per 1,000.—For all the best Building Plots to be Let or Sold, apply t© A. Burtenshaw and Son. from Hailsham, and close to the site of the New County Asylum.—For Sale by Private Treaty, a valuable Brickyard, with supply of good earth, three drying sheds, kiln, stable, and two substantial cottages, the whole comprising an area of about two acres.—Further particulars may be obtained on application. NORTH WALES. BANGOR. Messrs. W. DEW and SON, Auctioneers, Yaluers, Estate Agents, Land Surveyors, &c., WELLFIELD, BANGOR, and Trinity Square. Llandudno. CARTREFLE.—A small but reolierehe Residence on the Anglesey side of the Menai Straits, midway between the Menai Suspension and Britannia Tubular Bridges. MESSRS. WM. DEW and SON are .n-structed to Offer the above RESIDENCE for Sale by Public Auction, at an early date. Full particulars in future advertisements. ON THE BANKS OF THE MENAI STRAITS. RHIANVA. rpO BE LET, Furnished, for a term of years, -L this charming Marine Residence, containing two entrance halls—one large and one small—and greenhouse gallery, four entertaining rooms, billiard room, 21 bed rooms, with stabling and coachhouse; standing in four acres of beautifully laid out grounds, which slope down to one of the most lovely parts of these deservedly renowned Straits; close to telegraphic and postal conveniences, and capital yacht anchorage; within a few miles of first-class yachting stations; in a sporting locality, in which there is good society, and within 2\ miles of two main line railway stations.—For further particulars apply to W. Dew and Son, auctioneers, Bangor and Llandudno. WEST KENT DARTFORD DISTRICT Messrs DANN and LUCAS, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Land Agents Dartford and Bexley, Kent, and 123, Cannon Street, E.C, MESSRS. DANN and LUCAS have received instructions to Sell by Auction, on Monday, March 13, 1899, at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., in Two Lots, a valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, at Gravesend, comprising a substantial brick building, until recently used as part of the New Falcon Hotel, having a frontage of 86ft. 6in. to the River Thames and a frontage to West-street, upon which is a greengrocer’s shop, the total area of the site being about 7,200 square feet, suitable for a landing wharf or any trade requiring water carriage ........... x Also a valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY at Wilmington, about li miles from Dartford, comprising the whole of the premises lately occupied as the Wilmington Brewery, with Manager’s House, stabling, coach-house, and the Brewery Premises and Stores, also orchard land adjoining, the whole having an area of 2a. 2r. 12p. . The machinery, boiler and plant will be included. in the sale. , ... Both properties are in hand, and possession wifi be given on completion. _ , Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Russell, Son and Cumming, solicitors, 14, Old Jewry-chambers, E.C. ; at the Auction Mart; and of the Auctioneers, 123, Cannon-street, E.C., and Dartford, Kent. T^AST SUSSEX.—Within half a mile of a -U* station. 1| hours from London.—To be Sold by Private Treaty, a very desirable small Holding, comprising a substantial house, building, and about 47 acres of excellent land. BAYSWATER, CAMPDEN HILL, NOTTING HILL AND DISTRICT. Messrs. E. & A. SWAIN, Auctioneers, Valuers, House and Estate Agents (Established 1849). 26, HIGH STREET, NOTTING HILL GATE, W., ISSUE A MONTHLY LIST OF PROPERTIES TO BE LET AND SOLD. AUCTION SALES, 1899. By order of the Executors of the late J. Duncan. WEST KENSINGTON.—Close to the District Railway Station, and near Addison-road Station, and the Earl’s-court Exhibition. M'־ ־ rESIDfcnoiï, No. 33, Charieviile-road, West Kensington, a capital house in this favourite residential quarter, comprising: Five bed rooms, bath room (n. and c.), double drawing room, occupying the whole of first floor, dining room and library, separated by folding doors, and study on ground floor; light kitchen, and! usual offices in basement. Held on lease for a term of 99 years from 1877 at a ground rent of £10 per annum. To be Sold with Possession. , , Particulars and conditions of sale will be ready shortly. ________________ 33, CHAELEVILLE-ROAD, WEST KENSINGTON.— The CONTENTS of this RESIDENCE, including a chest of silver (about 350 ozs.), and plated goods; Louis XVI. buhl writing table, collection of Oriental, Worcester and other china, Bechstein grand piano, boudoir organ, a black-letter Bible and other valuable books, large Axminster square, etc. M_ . 20, 1899, and following day, at 12.30 o’clock each day, the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising reception room and library suites, well-made bookcases, carved oak cabinets, bed room furniture, an old mahogany-bedstead, brass and other bedsteads, bedding, Axminster and Brussels carpets, curtains, bed and table linen, china, glass, and various effects; the well-chosen library of about 1,000 volumes, including a fine edition of Robert’s Sketches in Egypt and Nubia. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained shortly of G. H. Swann, Esq., solicitor, 103. Cannon-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 26, High-street, Notting-hill-gate, W. MESSRS. E and A. SWAIN, 26, High Street, Notting Hill Gate.W. DEVON, SOMERSET & WEST OF ENGLAND I. WiWDLiJl UL V/W., JCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, TENANT-RIGHT OTEL AND GENERAL VALUERS, MORTGAGE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. ty and County Auction and Estate Agency Offices: 6, SOUIH STREET, EXETER, and HIGH STREET, HONITON. legraphic Addresses: ~ Estates, Exeter” ‘■Winsley, ¿,״Mon" Has. Telephone No 20¿ ^Exeter). Auction Sales at Honiton Horse and Carriage spository the first Saturday in every month. Gentlemen and others requiring Carriage Horses every description can generally suit themselves ; these sales, when the animals for the most part ime direct from the breeders. VN the BORDERS of DEVON and SOMER- ' SET (two miles from railway station).—Capital tie Freehold Holding of 40 acres, about five ol lick, only are tillage, with good modern dwelling !use and farm buildings. Let to excellent tenant £38 per annum and outgoings. No tithe charge greater portion. Price asked £900, Freehold. A ry sound investment. )ETON, one mile from railway station.— Poultry Farm of 12 acres, and right of common acres; newly-built Dwelling House and suitable t-houses. Price £500, Freehold. Well let to pay b per cent. 1ULLOMPTON, DEVON.—Freehold Resi-7 dential Estate of nearly 200 acres (more than jf being well-watered meadow and old pasture), m be let at £450 per annum. Price £12,000, in-¡iding timber. Foi occupation or investment. DEVON.—Freehold, £600.—Nice little Poultry or Dairy Farm of about 22£ acres, with commonable rights over 3^ acres adjoining; small house and good buildings; let to yearly tenant; possession may be arranged; l¿ miles from station and dairy factory; close to famous trout stream; plenty of shooting obtainable. Parties seeking Farms, Residential Properties, Country and Town Residences (furnished or unfurnished), and investments of any description in the West of England should send particulars of their requirements to W. J. Winsley and Co., who will be happy to furnish details of likely properties on their‘ extensive registers. Messrs. WINSLEY and OO. have on their Register, to be Let with immediate possession, several Furnished and Unfurnished Country Properties (with and without Land). London Agents please note. ESTABLISHED 1852. LONDON & SOUTHEND ON SEA. A. PREVOST AND SON , Auctioneers, Surveyors, Yaluers, Land and Estate Agents, 176, MILE END ROAD, LONDON, E., AND 102, HIGH STREET, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA. (Opposite Middleton Hotel). SALES BY AUCTION AND PRIVATE TREATY. Surveys and Reports, Valuations for Probate and other Purposes ; Mortgages negotiated at reduced rates ; Compensation Cases prepared and conducted ; Estates managed and Rents collected. Insurances of every description effected. Telegraphic Address: “Notedness,” London. Telephones : London, No. 31 Eastern; Southend-on-Sea. No. 31. Aft r] A A —Near station, church, &c. dLZ.lUv. Detached freehold Residence, fine 1 frontage, good position, excellent, gardens, orchard, vineiies, &c.; eight bed rooms, bath room, spacious ball, three reception rooms, offices, stabling, coach- bouse, Ac. Vacant possession. "/ir׳D AAA —TO BREWERS, DI<” A !)V.U UU* TILLERS. CAPITALISTS AND °*׳־v-׳^?wvyvy 0fH KRS. - Freeh Id Ground Bent of £1200 per annum, secured on two old-established commodious Bnd highly pr sperous fully-licensed hotels, stabling etc., etc. Reversion in about 13 years to property of enormous value.____________________ Gift f׳AA —SOUTHEND ON-SEA — ¿L | . O V ; V ) • To Bankers and Capitalists.— Magnificent Freehold corner buRiDess premises, occupying commanding position in beet business pa!t of High-stre t to which it has an 1m l-ortant fiontage of 40fi. and a return front ge of 140ft.: (minentlv adapted for a bank, wine merchants or brewer’s branch. IlSSEX.—An excellent Estate of upwards of 1 60 acres for immediate disposal; ripe for build- ing; eminently suitable for up to date brickfield; contiguous to railway line, from which a siding could be easily obtained. There is an abundance of water, and the soil is good brick-earth and clay. At present it is let as pasture, but possession can be obtained. _____ AQA A —A BARGAIN—Compact doublent OU U fronted Country Residence, commanding fine sea views ; well built and ready for immediate occupation; excellent accommodation; stabling, tennis lawn, fruit and flower gardens; about U acres of ground.—Rental value £70._ MESSRS. A. PREVOST and SON have a large selection of Private Residences, Shops, Land, etc., for Sale with and without possession, and to be Let, throughout south-east Essex, in Southend, Leigh. Shoebury. Rochford, Wakering, Rayleigh, Benfleet, Eastwood, etc., etc. Full particulars on application to 102, High-street, Southend-on-Sea, or 176, Mile End-road, London, E. Telephone: No. 31 Southend; London, No. 31 Eastern.