Estates Gazette, March 4, 1899. Largest Circulation of any Paper dealing with the Landed Interest. Price 3d ESTABLISHBr 1353. *ft.VSft■ t>r^» !>!> b־ ■ InwstiMt Rffora^i SgjS J> T^r^j. With which is incorporated the ESTATES JOURNAL, and the AUCTIONEER. .Registered as a Newspaper.] With Supplement, PRICE 3d. LONDON, SATURDAY, ^׳(¡H 4, 1819. VOL. LIII. No. 1,760.—EST. 1858. Sales I Sales ta Eurttmt. ! CAMBERWELL and WALWORTlP^OAD.—Desirable Leasehold Investment! Q| TIMSON and SONS will Sell\by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.uS^fl Th-ars־ day, March 23, at Two o’clock precisely, in^fcJve Lots, the following LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES:-V CAMBERWELL.—Four Houses (one a corner), Nos• 1, 2, 3 and 4, Rust-square, Addington-square, Cam■ berwell-road. Let weekly, producing £145 per annum. Term 59 years unexpired at £6 6s. each ground rent. WALWORTH-ROAD. — Residence, No. 52, Olney-street, Walworth-road. Let quarterly at the moderate rent of £34 per annum. Tenant paying rates and taxes. Term 16J years unexpired at £4 10s. ground rent. Particulars and conditions of sale can be obtained of Messrs. Burton and Son, solicitors, 82, Black-friars-road, S.E.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moor-gate-street, Bank, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. EAST DULWICH, near Peckham Rye.—13 Freehold Houses and Shops, with half an acre of land in rear. C TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, KJ at the Mart, on Thursday, March 23, at Two o’clock, a compact FREEHOLD ESTATE of 13 Houses and Shops, Nos. 291 to 315 (odd), Underhill-road. Barry-road, East Dulwich, together with stabling and about half an acre of land in rear. Let to well established tenants at moderate rents, amounting to £432 per annum. Particulars of Messrs. Wakeford, May and Woulfe, solicitors, 37, Bloomsbury-square, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road. S.E. KENNINCTON-PARK.—By order of the Executors of Miss Charlotte Gray, deceased, q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, KJ at the Mart, on Thursday, March 23, at Two o’clock, the LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, No. 2, Hanover-gardens, Kennington-park-road. Let at £34 per annum. Term 46 years׳ at £7 4s. per annum ground rent. Particulars of Messrs. Waddilove and Johnson, solicitors, 23, Knightrider-street, Doctor’s Commons, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. KENNINGTON-PARK.—Close to the omnibus and tramwr.y route and the Electric Railway, q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, K3 at the Mart, on Thursday, March 23, at Two o’clock, the excellent Corner RESIDENCE, No. 67, St. Agnes-place, South-place, Kennington-park-road. Let on a yearly tenancy at £40 per annum. Term 69 years unexpired at £6 6s. per annum ground rent. Particulars of Messrs. F. R. Smith, Sons and Co., sclicitors, 133, Aldersgate-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. CHARLTON.—About ten minutes’ walk from Woolwich Dockyard Station, near Maryon Park and Woolwich Common. £ TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, ^J at the Mart, on Thursday, March 23, at Two o’clock, in One Lot, TWO RESIDENCES, Nos. 61 and 63, Maryon-road, Old Charlton. Each containing seven bed rooms, dining, drawing and breakfast rooms, and ample domestic offices. Long garden and back entrance. No. 61 with possession; No. 63 let to an old-standing tenant at £40 per annum. Held for 203 years unexpired at Lady Day, 1899, at a ground rent of £14. Particulars of Messrs. Gush, Phillips, Walters and Williams, solicitors, 3. Finsbury-circus, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Special Sale, Friday. March 24. By order of the Trustees of W. F. Masters, Esq., deceased CLAPHAM-ROAD. KENNINGTON, BRIXTON. CAMBERWELL, BATTERSEA. STOKE NEWINGTON. PADDINGTON, and HOUNSLOW.—Freehold and Leasehold Ground Rents, Freehold, Copyhold, and Leasehold Properties, producing £1,650 per annum. Ç¡ TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, K־> at the Mart, on Friday, March 24, at Two o’clock, the following valuable ESTATE: — Freehold Ground Rents of £278 15s. per annum, secured upon numerous houses in Hartington-road. Fentiman-road, Claylands-road, Church-street, and adjacent thoroughfares just off the main Clapham-road ; also at Denmark-hiii, Brixton, and Stoke Newington, with reversions in from 20 to 26 years. Leasehold Ground Rents of £327 per annum, arising from numerous properties in the vicinity of Clap-ham-road; licensed premises in York-road, Battersea; and on houses in Grittleton-road and Chippen-ham-road. Paddington. Freehold Houses. 13. 13a. 15 and 17, Lower Ken-nington-lane, and 102 and 104, Fentiman-road. Copyhold Residence, No. 14. Kennington-park-road. Leasehold Houses. Trigon-road and Claylands-road, Clapham, and Wellington-road, Hounslow. Particulars, etc., of Messrs. Tarrv. Sherlock and King, solicitors. 17, Serjeant,׳s-inn. Fleet-street. E.C. : and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C,, and 2, New Kent-road, S.E, ST. PANCRAS.—Freehold Ground Rents, amounting to £828 10s. per annum, secured upon 31 houses and shops, 27 dwelling houses, licensed beer-house, the Somers Town Presbyterian Church, and other premises, with reversions in from 22 to 41 years to rack rents amounting to nearly £4,000 per annum, q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, ^ at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.., on Friday. March 17, at Two o’clock, in Lots, the following FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS: — Amount. Secured upon R’v’r&’n in Rack Rents £45 80, Seymour-street•, 11 and 12, Charles-street 28 y’rs, £160 £50 The Prince and Princess of Wales Bee! house, 186, Sey- mour-street 34 £95 The SomeisTown Presbyterian C huich, and 166, 168, 170 and 172, Oesulston-sti eet 30 500 ( £70 1 159,161, 163 and 165, Ossulston-street, 23 and 23a, Hampden- street 41 350 1 £85 13,15.17,19 and 21, 41 400 < £40 7, 9 and 11, „ 33 140 1 £36 3 and 5, ״ .. 41 ieo | £22 10 1, 2 an d 4, Stibbington -st! eet 32 65 | £3210 41 140 Ueo 6 to 12 (eve n), ״ 41 280 £50 14 to 20 (even), ״ 41 2)0 £110 24 to 38 (even), ״ 22 360 £27 38a to 44 (even), ״ 31 200 £115 10 48,48, 50, 54,56, 60, 64, 68, 70 an. 72, Stibbington-street .. 33 550 £30 52, 58 and 62, ״ 32 120 £10 71, 33 42 The Seven Lots above bracketed together will first be offered as a whole. They comprise a compact block of property, with frontages to three thoroughfares, and cover an area of about 25,000ft. super., being over half an acre. Particulars, with plan, of Messrs. Wood and Sons, solicitors, 16, Eastcheap, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers. 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Thursday, March 23. CATFORD.—Freehold Shops in main road, q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, KJ at the Mart, on Thursday, March 23, at Two o’clock, FIVE modern FREEHOLD HOUSES and SHOPS (one a corner), Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Balmoral-terrace, Bromley-road, Catford, occupying a good position on the main road, and in a rapidly growing locality. Let upon repairing leases as follows: — No. 1 at £55, rising to £60 and £70 per annum. No. 2 at £40, rising to £55 per annum. No. 3 at £35, rising to £40 per annum. No. 4 at £30, rising to £55 per annum. No. 5 at £35, rising to £70 per annum. Particulars■ of Messrs. Farlow and Jackson, solicitors, Ingram-court, 167, Fenchurch-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. BRIXTON.—On the omnibus route between Brixton and Clapham, and about seven minutes’ walk from Clapham-road station and the intended station on the Electric Railway. OT'IM'SON and SONS will Sell by־ Auction, KJ at the Mart, on Thursday, March 23, at Two o’clock, in Two Lots, the double-fronted RESIDENCE, 131, Acre-lane, Brixton, planned on two floors only, containing four bed rooms, dressing and cox rcoms, bath room and lavatory, three reception rooms, and excellent offices; garden in rear. Rental value £50 per annum. Term nearly 24 years at a peppercorn rent. Also the Nursery Ground in rear, with four large greenhouses, two palm houses, some smaller glasshouses, and timber-built stabling. Term: nearly 24 years at £53 15s. per annum. Two pieces are let off producing £31 per annum, and of the remainder (including the Residence) possession will be given. The property comprises an area of about two acres. Particulars, with plan, of Messrs. Edmonds and Rutherford, solicitors, 19, Great• Winchester-street; and of the Auctioneers. 8. Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. ¿״ales tin auction. Special Auction, Friday, March 17. EUSTON-ROAD.—A valuable Freehold Property, on the south side of this important main thoroughfare, nearly opposite Euston-square and St. Pan-eras Station, and a convenient distance from King’s-cross and Tottenham-court-road. q TIMSON and SON'S will Sell by Auction, KJ at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, March 17, at Two o’clock, in One Lot, the excellent FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as Nos. 163 and 165, Euston-rcad, comprising two houses, with large forecourt, at present occupied by a monumental mason, and let at the inadequate rent of £90 per annum, on a tenancy subject to six months’ notice being given to expire at any Midsummer Day. The property has a frontage of 30ft. by a depth of 75ft., and covers an area of about 2,350ft. super., the whole of which cculd be utilised for conversion into business premises. Particulars, with plan, of Messrs. Wood and Sons, solicitors. 16. Eastcheap, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, Bank, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. wnnn ״^,wThSP^-KiC׳h'־'i6. j^^]i־GuUE®^bri״feehold Ground Rent of £15 per ־־ ~ annum. q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction. KJ at the Mart, on Thursday, March 16, a FREEHOLD GROUND RENT of £15 per annum, secured upon four houses (one with shop) and stabling, Nos. 31, 33, 35 and 37, Finsbury-road, Wood-green, with reversion in 59 years to rack rents of about £114 per annum. Particulars of Messrs. Wilkinson and Son, solicitors, 151, Bermondsey-street, S.E.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. ANERLEY.—Close to the Station.—A Long Leasehold Mansion to be Sold at an upset price of £750. Cost £4,000 to build. qTIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, ^־J at the Mart, on Thursday, March 16, at Two, the substantially-built detached FAMILY RESIDENCE, known as Ellesmere House, Weighton-road, Anerley, approached by carriage drive, and containing 12 bed rooms, two bath rooms ,.hot and cold supply), four ground floor reception rooms of grand proportions, breakfast room, and excellent domestic offices; large grounds. In perfect decorative and sanitary condition. Term 66^ years, at a ground rent of £20 per annum. Possession will be given on completion of the purchase. Particulars of Messrs. Lewis and Sons, solicitors, 7, Wilmington-square, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and No. 2, New Kent-road, S.E. ISLINGTON, LIMEHOUSE and SPITALFIEL DS.— Weekly Houses. q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, K3 at the Mart, City, on Thursday, March 16, at Two o’clock: — ISLINGTON.—Nos. 14, 16 and 18, Collier-street, producing £214 per annum. Term 47 years, at £70. Also Nos. 53 and 54, Warren-street, producing £124 16s.; term 33 years, at £44. LIMEHOUSE.—Nos. 1 to 8, Reform-place, Eastfield-street, White Horse-lane, producing £129 16s. per annum. Term 20 years. SPITALFIELDS.—House and Shop, 45, Crispin-street, Brushfield-street, let at 30s. weekly. Term 17 years, at £36. Particulars of Messrs. Harris and Chetham, solicitors, 36, Finsbury-circus, E.C.; of H. Summerfield, Esq., solicitor, 108, London-wall, E.C.; ■and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. BERMONDSEY—Desirable Leasehold Investments. O TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, KJ at the Mart, on Thursday, March 16, at Two: — Lots 1 to 8.—Eight superior Weekly Houses, Nos. 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18, Cranswick-road, and Nos. 10, 12 and 14, Credon-road, Rotherhithe New-road, near South Bermondsey Station. Let at 13s., but worth 15s. per week each. Term 79 years, at £5. Lot 9.—The capital Dwelling House, No. 9, Ber-mondsey-square, Abbey-street, Bermondsey. Let to an old-standing tenant at £38 per annum. Term 15 years, at £6 10s. ground rent. Particulars of Messrs. Julius and Thomas, solicitors, 15, Finsbury-circus, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. CAMBERWELL-ROAD.—Freehold Weekly Properties, producing £512 8s. per annum.—By order of Trustees. q TIMSON and SONS will Sell, at the Mart, K3 on Thursday, March 16, the following FREEHOLDS :- Lot 1.—Three Houses, Nos. 11, 12 and 13, Mazzard-row, Camberweil-road, producing 19s. 6d. each weekly. Lot 2—Three Houses (two with shops), Nos. 36, 38 and 40, Picton-street, George-street, producing £83 4s. per annum. Lot 3.—Six Houses, Nos. 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 and 52, Picton-street, producing £128 14s. per annum. Lot 4.—Five Houses (three with shops), and a two-floor building), Nos. 54, 56, 58, 60 and 62, Picton-street, and 2a, Chiswell-street, producing £150 14s. per annum. Particulars of Messrs. Farrar and Porter, solicitors, 2, Wardrobe-place, Doctor’s-commons, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers. 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Short Leasehold Weekly Properties, q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, KJ at the Mart, on Thursday, March 16, at Two: — ISLINGTON.—No. 100, Wynford-road, and 21 to 23a, White Lion-street, producing £217 2s. per annum. Term 22 and 14 years. WALWORTH.—14 Houses, Tisdale-place, Elsted-street, East-street, producing £339 6s. per annum. Term 13 years, at £39 11s. CLERKENWELL.—No. 26, Gough-street. Let at 15s. weekly. Particulars of Messrs. Boulton, Sons and Sande-man, solicitors. No. 21a, Northampton-square, Clerkenwell, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. &ales & u ft!on, Messrs. STIMSON & SONS, Auctioneers and Surveyors^ House and Estate JVents. B. MQ(j5SA^TRlEF!y5־ANK, E.C., . - AND 2, NEW KENT-ROAD, S.E., ׳•-' Opposite the “ Elephant and Castle.” (The two offices are connected by private telephone). Auction Sales will be held at the Mart, Tokenjioase-yard, in the City of London, nearly every THURSDAY at Two precisely, and on other days as■ occasion may require. Telegraphic address, “ Servabo, London.” _________________ Thursday next, March 9. In the High Court of Justice (Chancery Division).— “ Wicken v. Few.”—1896, W., No. 943.—BRIXTON-HILL (close to the main road and the omnibus and tramway route, and a convenient distance from Brixton Railway Station), q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, lO at the Mart, on Thursday, March 9, at Two, in separate Lots, TWO semi-detached RESIDENCES, known as Jersey Lodge and Frankfort Villa, Water-lane, Brixton-hill. Each containing four bed rooms, three reception rooms, and excellent domestic offices. Garden at side and in rear. Jersey Lodge also has an extra plot of garden ground, and is for sale with possession. Rental value £55 per annum. Frankfort Villa let at £45 per annum. Term 36 years, at moderate ground rents. Particulars of Messrs. Roy and Cartwright, solicitors., 58, Coleman-street, E.C.; Messrs. Ward, Bowie and Co., solicitors, 7, King-street, Cheapside, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. _________ ____ BRIXTON.—Well-secured Leasehold Ground Rents. —By order of the Executrix of Miss Eliza Heritage, deceased q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, KJ at the Mart, on Thursday, March 9, at Two o’clock, in One Lot, LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS of £48 5s. per annum, secured upon eight residences, Nos. 146, 148, 150, 154, 156, 158, 160, and 164, Lough-borough-park, Brixton, near Brixton and East Brixton Railway Stations. Held for 24 years unexpired, at Is. per annum on the whole. Particulars of Messrs. Fowkes and Son, solicitors, 15, Coleman-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, KJ at the Mart, on Thursday, March 9, at Two: — FINSBURY-PARK.—Freehold Baker’s Shop and Premises, No. 49, Campbell-road, Seven Sisters-road, comprising corner shop, seven rooms, ground floor bakehouse., coach-house, etc. Let on full repairing lease, at £50 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. G. and W. Webb, 39, New Broad-street, E.C. NOTTING-HILL.—House and Shop, No. 37, Archer-street, Westbourne-grove. Let to a grocer and wine merchant, on repairing lease, at £80 per annum. Term 51 years, at £8 ground rent.—Solicitors, Messrs. Lea and Lea, 13. Old Jewry-chambers, E.C. MAIDA-VALE.—House and Shop, No. 3, Lanark-place, Clifton-road. Let at £52. Term 81£ years, at £10.—Solicitors, Messrs. Poole and Robinson, 15, Union-court, E.C. Particulars of the respective Solicitors; and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E.______________________________ By order of the Trustees of Mr. William Purssord, deceased q TIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, Kj at the Mart, on Thursday, March 9, at Two, in Three Lots, the following desirable PROPERTIES. HOXTON.—Two Houses, Nos. 122 and 124, Wenlock-street, New North-road. Let at £38 per annum each. Term 43 years, at £8 8s. per annum on the two. HACKNEY.—Freehold House and Shop, No. 198. Mare-street. Let upon lease for 40 years from September 29, 1870, at the very low rent of £28 per annum. UPPER CLAPTON.—Freehold House and Shop, No. 43, Old Hill-street, Clapton Common. Let at £35 per annum. Particulars of Messrs. Keene. Marshall. Bryden and Besant, solicitors, 15, Seething-lane. E.C.; and of the Auctioneers. 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. qTIMSON and SONS will Sell by Auction, KJ at the Mart, on Thursday. March 9, at Two: — WESTMINSTER BRIDGE-ROAD, close to the Bridge.—Capital House, No. 2, Palace-street, Lambeth Palace-road. Let at £35 per annum. Term 10 years, at £7 ground rent.—Solicitor, H. S. Woodd, Esq., 15, Camberwell New-road, S.E. EAST DULWICH.—Two Houses, Nos. 30 and 32, Ulverscroft-road, let at 12s. 6d. per week each. Term 65 years, at £9 ground rent on the two. EAST DULWICH.—Eight Houses, Nos. 33 to 47 (odd), Darrell-road, let at 13s. per week each. Term 66 years, at £5 each ground rent. CATFORD.—With possession.—Residence, No. 70. Bradgate-road. Rental value £32 per annum. Term 82 years, at £5 10s. ground rent.—Solicitor, C. A. Russ, Esq., 62, King William-street, E.C. Particulars may be had of the Solicitors: and of the Auctioneers, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road. S.E.