February 25, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 386 ty auction. To Brewers, Capitalists, Builders and Others. BASCHURCH, SHROPSHIRE, immediately adjoining the Great Western Railway Station (on the main line). IX/TESSRS. WILLIAM HALL, WATERIDGE -h’־A- and OWEN will Sell by Auction, on the Property., at the Boreatton Arms Hotel, Baschurch, on Monday, March 6, 1899, at Three o'clock precisely, in 18 or such other Lots as may be determined at Sale : — Lot 1.—The highly important FREEHOLD and FULLY-LICENSED HOTEL, known as The Boreatton Arms, with good accommodation, extensive stabling, and garden. This house commands a hour ¡siting trade, occupies a grand position, fronting a wide road, within a few yards from the station. It practically holds the monopoly of supplying the requirements of a wide agricultural and residential district. There is a good posting business, and successful stock sales are held in the Smithfield adjoining. Arrangements can be made for early possession. Lot 2.—Valuable FREEHOLD ACCOMMODATION LAND in three enclosures of rich old pasture, embracing an area of about 103 acres. Sixteen Plots of most eligible and advantageously placed FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, having frontages to the main road, and to a new road to be constructed, specially adapted fcr the erection of small residences, which are in a constant and increasing demand in this healthy locality. The land is accessibly placed, adjoining the railway station, has the advantages of a convenient train service to and from Shrewsbury, gravel subsoil, and favourable aspects for building. Particulars, with plans, will be forwarded (post free) upon application to Messrs. Burges and Sloan, solicitors, St. Stephen-street, Bristol; and the auctioneers, at High-street, Shrewsbury. With possession. CAMBERWELL-GREEN. on Tuesday, March 7, 1899, at Two o’clock, an' excellent FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as No. 37, Camiberwell-green, at present in hand, but of the estimated rental value of £60 per annum. The property n<^g, frontage of -33ft. 9in. to Camberwell-green, and a depth of about 150ft., and contains an area of about 5,050 square feet. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart; of Messrs. Prall, Son and Prall, solicitors, Rochester; and of the Auctioneers, Dartford and Rochester. Salts i)S auCton. FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS, amounting to £45 per annum, amply secured on six modern villas in Clive-road, Park-road, West Dulwich. ’YV7ESTON and SONS will Sell the above, » » by Auction, in One Lot, at the Mart, on Tuesday, March 7, at One o’clock. Particulars at the Mart; and of the Auctioneers, 1, 3 and 5, Angell-road, Brixton, and 252, Brixton־ hill, S.W. Nos. 4 and 19, Chantry-road, Stockwell-road, BRIXTON.—Planned without basements, each containing four bed rooms, bath, two sitting rooms, kitchen, etc. Let to good tenants at £38 per annum each Lease 72. Ground rent £6 10s. and £7 respe3tively. YV7ESTON and SONS will Sell the above, V V in separate Lots, by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, March 7, at One o’clock. Particulars of H. K. Honey, Esq., solicitor, 26, Philpot-lane; and of the Auctioneers, 1, 3 and 5 Angell-road, Brixton, and 252, Brixton-hill, S.W. Nos. 32 and 33, Simpson-street, High-street, BATTERSEA. — Without basements. Let to good tenants at 12s. 6d. each per week. Lease 57 years. Ground rent £4 each. WESTON and SONS will Sell the above, ’ * by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, March 7, at One o’clock. Particulars of Messrs. Hutchison and Cuff, 47, Chancery-lane; and of the Auctioneers, 1, 3 and 5, Angell-road, Brixton, and 252, Brixton-hill, S.W. Salts 1)2 Auction. Short Leasehold.—STEPNEY, No. 116, Jamaica-street. Let to a very old tenant at the low rent of £30 per annum. Lease 13 years. Ground rent £4. YV/'ESTON and SONS will Sell the above, ’ ’ by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, March 7, at One o’clock^ Particulars of G. F. Gray, Esq., solicitor, 29, Lud-gate-hill; and of the Auctioneers, 1, 3, and 5, Angell-road, Brixton, and 252, Brixton-hill, S.W. Preliminary Notice. lyfESSES. EILOART and CO., having sold ־*־"X the Freehold Mansion, have been favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, in the Early Spring, the CONTENTS of the MANSION known as The Old Manor House, Hythe, comprising : Rare and valuable antique Furniture and Works of Art and Yertu, etc., including the superb grand piano made by Mott, of Pall Mall, *or George IV. when Prince Regent, a magnificent lamp of ormolu from the Palace of the Tuileries, Aubussan carpets, paintings, engravings, old china, etc., etc., and also the usual domestic appointments. Catalogues, Is. each, can be obtained in due course of the Auctioneers, Radnor-chambers, Cheri-ton-place, Folkestone. For occupation and investment. ־MESSRS. FORTESCUE and BRANSON -l־*A win seii by Auction, at their Mart, 54a, Gold-hawk-road,, on Tuesday evening, February 28, 1899, at 7.30 sharp: — The LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE and PREMISES, known as 26, Coningham-road ; let at 14s. 6d. per week; ground rent £6 per ,annum. And A charming BIJOU RESIDENCE, known as 47, Bolingbroke-road, West Kensington; long lease at £7 10s. ground rent. With possession. Also The well-built and attractive RESIDENCE, known as 48, Basslin-park-road, Rylett-road, W. ; lease 980 years, at £8. Vendor will give possession on completion of purchase. RAVENSCOURT-PARK.— No. 38, Wendell-road, Rylett-road. Lease 80 years, at £6. Rental value £30 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Shaen, Roscoe and Co., 8, Bedford-row, W.C. WEST KENSINGTON.—No. 14, Richmond-gardens. Let and producing 28s. per week. Lease 64 years, at £9 ground rent. ANERLEY.—25, Stodart-road. Freehold Residence, producing 13s. 6d. weekly. Solicitor, F. Hatton, Esq., 150, Strand, W.C. Particulars and conditions of sale of the Auctioneers, on application at 54a, Goldhnwk-road (next Railway Bridge). Tv/rESSES. MUSKETT and SONS have been favoured with instructions to Sell the following PROPERTIES by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenho ise-yard, E.C., on Thursday, March 9, at Two o’clock: — WOOD-GREEN.—Nos. 5 and 6, Alexandra-terrace, Palace Gates-road. Producing £66 per annum, from yearly tenants. Freehold. WOOD-GREEN.—Large Plot of Freehold Building Land, adjoining the above houses. Frontage 121ft depth 108ft. Solicitors, Messrs. Barfield and Barfield, 72, Fins-bury-pavement, E.C. WOOD-GRr-EN.—Clifton House, Pellatt-grove, now let weekly at 11s. 3d., but worth £28 per annum. On agreement. Lease 66 years, at £5 ground rent. —Solicitor, J. T. Davies, Esq., 71, Moorgate-street, E.C. STROUD-GREEN.—52, 54, 56, Sparsholt-road (two minutes from Crouch-hill Station), producing £83 per annum from good yearly tenants. Lease 47 years at £18 10s. ground rent. Solicitors, Messrs. Kerby, Son and Verden, 14, Great Winchester-street, E.C. ENFIELD.—Twelve Houses and One Shop, Nos. 4 to 16 (inclusive), Victoria-terrace, Churchbury-road, Baker-street. Let to good tenants at rentals amounting to £266 10s. per annum. Lease 80 years, at £4 each ground rent. HOTHERHITHE—40, 42, 46 and 48, Paradise-street (three shops and one private house), producing from three weekly and one yearly tenants £144 8s. Lease 30 years from September, 1879, at £10 each ground rent. ROTHERHITHE.—39 and 41, St. Mary Church-street (one shop, one private house). Leases 60 years from June, 1886, at £12 12s. Weekly rents £46 16s. per annum. SHADWELL.—44, Cornwall-street. Private House, let at 11s. weekly. Lease 50 years from June, 1878, at £6 ground rent. NEW SOUTHGATE.—Bowes-road. Plot of Freehold Building Land, 20ft. by 120ft. Solicitors, Messrs. Ward, Perks and McKay, 85, Gracechurch-street, E.C. NEW SOUTHGATE.—Three handsome Shops, Nos. 6 7 and 8, Railway-terrace, Station-road. Rentals £142 per annum. Ground rents £10 each. Leases 86 years. Solicitors, Messrs. Hulbert and Crowe, 4, Broad-street-buildings, Liverpool-street, E.C. WOOD-GREEN.—Dunrobin House, Trinity-road.— Excellent Semi-detached Freehold Residence. Large frontage and garden. Side-way for carriage. Rental £50 per annum. Possession on completion of purchase. Particulars and conditions of sale can be had of the respective Solicitors; or from the Auctioneers, Wood-green, Hornsey, and New Southgate. In the heart of the CITY OF LONDON.—By direction of Trustees.—A Freehold Shop and Premises, let on lease at a moderate rental, affording a tho-loughly secure and improving investment. ־MESSRS. FURBER, PRICE and FUEBEE .IXL will Offer for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, March 10, at Two precisely, the FREEHOLD of No. 3, ADDLE-STREET, Gresham-street, let on lease for 21 years from 1893 at the yearly rent of £235. Particulars, plan, and conditions of sale may be had at the Auction Mart; or of Messrs. Beyfus and Beyfus, the vendors’ solicitors, 69, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; and Messrs. Furber and Co., the Auctioneers, 2, Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn, W.C. By direction of Executors.—Two Freehold Shops, Nos. 34 and 35, Great Queen-street, HOLBORN, in the immediate vicinity of the proposed new street from Holborn to the Strand. ־MESSRS. FUEBEE, PEICE and FUEBEE -J־u- are instructed to Offer for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, March 10, at Two o’clock precisely, the TWO FREEHOLD SHOPS, Nos. 34 and 35, Great Queen-street, W.C. Let upon leases at clear yearly rentals amounting to £172. Particulars, plan, and conditions' of sale may be had at the Mart; of the Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs Taylor, Stileman and Co., 7, Bedford-row, W.C.; or of Messrs. Furber and Co., 2, Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn, W.C. BRIGHTON.—A small Freehold Residence (with possession), especially suitable for a business man desiring an inexpensive house at the seaside. MESSRS. FUEBEE, PEICE and FUEBEE J־T_L will Sell by Auction, at the Mart., Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, March 10, at Two o’clock precisely, a small FREEHOLD HOUSE, No. 19, Devon-shire-place, at the east, end of Brighton, at present let at £30 per annum to a tenant whose tenancy will terminate on March 25 next. Particulars and conditions of sale at the Mart; or of Messrs. Edell and Gordon, 4, King-street, Cheapside, E.C.; Messrs. Letts Bros., 8, Bartlett’s־ buildings, Holborn-circus, E.C.; Messrs Furber and Co., 2, Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn, W.C. 5>ales fijj Auction. TVTESSRS. GENDLE and CO.: -Hx House. Land and Estate Asent Auctioneers, House, Land and Estate Agents, Valuers, Surveyors, Mortgage Brokers, etc., will be pleased to include Properties and Securities on extremely low and inclusive terms, in either of their fixed Sales, viz., March 2, April 13, May 11, or on other dates as may be necessary. Offices, Opposite Station, East Croydon. By direction of Trustee.—CLAPHAM.—Long Leasehold Residence, with possession on completion of purchase. MESSRS. FUEBEE, PEICE and FUEBEE -ILL will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, March 10, at Two o’clock precisely, the LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, No. 36, Chelsham-road, Clapham, very conveniently situated Notice of Sale by Private Treaty previous to Auction. "MESSRS. GENDLE and CO. beg to notify ־־"־־• that the exceedingly pretty Semi-detached Freehold Residence, No. 23, Cameron-road, has been SOLD. The Four capital Freehold Houses and Corner Shop, being Nos. 1, 2', 3, 4 and 5, Albert-terrace, Dartnel 1-road, have been SOLD. Auction Offices, East Croydon. WEST CROYDON.—For occupation or investment, lyi"ESSES. GENDLE and CO. will Sell by -bU- Auction, at the Greyhound Hotel, High-street, Croydon, on Thursday, March 2, at Six, the ex-^dmgly well arranged and desirable semi-detached FREEHOLD VILLA RESIDENCE, known as No. 3, Cameron-road, Campbell-road, London-road, West Croydon, containing five bed rooms, bath room, two £50ePtl°n rooms’ offices’ and garden. Rental value Solicitor, Harold Fawssett, Esq., 20, Oullum-street, E.C. Auction Offices, East Croydon Station. EAST CROYDON.—A safe and sound Freehold Investment "MESSRS. GENDLE and CO. will Sell by ■bTX Auction, at the Greyhound Hotel, High-street, Croydon, on Thursday, March 2, at Six, all those attractive and convenient FREEHOLD double-tenement HOUSES, being Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Evenlode-cottages, Dominion-road, Morland-park, East Croydon. Each flat contains bed room, parlour, living room, and scullery. All let, and producing £134 4s. Solicitors, Messrs. Rawlings and Butt, No. 2, Wal-brook, E.C. Auction Offices, East Croydon Station. CARSHALTON.—Excellent Suburban Freehold Investment. IX/T ESSES. GENDLE and CO. will Sell by ־b’־•־ Auction, at the Greyhound Hotel, High-street, Croydon, on Thursday, March 2, at Six, all those THREE convenient well-built FREEHOLD VILLYS known as Nos. 2, 3 and 4, Butter-hill, London-road’ Carahalton, each containing four bed rooms, two reception rooms, and offices, gardens. Let at £87 6s. Solicitor, Henry Creed, Esq.. No. 160, Friar-street Reading. Auction Offices, East Croydon Station. c™. WALLISGTON and WIMBLEDON- wUMSTv^rniiateT of Thorough good, well-paying small Investments, in tion and tram and omnibus to the City and West- end. Held for a term of 90 years from March 25 1872, at a ground rent of £7 10s. per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart; of E. W. Oliver, Esq., solicitor, 1, Corbet-court, Gracechurch-street; and of the Auctioneers 2, Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn. By direction of Trustees.—HIGH-STEEET, POPLAB. —A small and good letting Freehold Shop, let at £52 per annum. !. FURBER, PRICE and FURBER will Sell, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, March 10, at Two o’clock precisely, the FREEHOLD SHOP and DWELLING HOUSE, No. 243 High-street, Poplar; let to (Mr. Partridge, butcher at £32 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of E. W. Oliver, Esq., solicitor, 1, Corbet-court, Gracechurch-street, E.C.; at the Mart; or of Messrs Furber and Co., 2, Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn. TyrESSRS. BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUOK- , ־*־ MASTER, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, of Broadway, Walham-green. SALES BY AUCTION at the Mart, Tokenhouse-Yard> E.C., every month; also local sales, in which all classes of Property can be advantageously included. Also Ground Rents, Reversions, etc., at moderate charges. et^-^ES BY AUCTION of Stocks, Furniture, Shares. ESTATES MANAGED, Rents Collected. VALUATIONS of all kinds. Compensation Claims adjusted. BUILDING LAND to Let and advances arranged Mortgages negotiated. Auction Offices as above. BATTERSEA-PARK, CLAPHAM JUNCTION and OLD BATTERSEA.—Freehold and Leasehold Properties, worthy of the attention of investors and speculators. __ Wednesday, March 8, at Two o’clock: — BATTERSEA-PARK-ROAD.—Three Houses, Nos. 27, 33 and 65, Arthur-street. Let at low rents of 8s. 6d. per week each. Term 64 years. Ground rent only £2 2s. per house.—Solicitor, W. Scott Fox, Esq., 13, St. Mary’s-square, Paddington. CLAPHAM JUNCTION.—Two superior Houses, with bay windows, Nos. 50 and 52, Heaver-road, 0 T Falcon-road. Let at 12s. per week each. Term 78 years. Ground rent £5 each.—Solicitors, Messrs. Corsellis, Mossop and Berney, East-hill, Wandsworth. OLD BATTERSEA.—Eight roomy Freehold Houses and Premises, Nos. 37 to 53, Surrey-lane. All let at very low rents, and some capable of profitable improvement. Also the commanding Long Leasehold Corner Premises, No. Ill, Bridge-road West, suitable for a laundry or any wholesale or manufacturing business. Term 67 years. Ground rent £8 10s. For Sale with possession.—Solicitors, Messrs. Lee and Pembertons, 44, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. A Block of well-arranged Flats, and a Baker’s Shop with good bakehouse and oven, situate Nos. 55 to 61, Surrey-lane. Producing at the present low rents £158 per annum. Term 60 years. Ground rent £27.—Solicitors, Messrs. Keeping and Gloag, 26, Lombard-street, E.C. Particulars may be obtained of the respective Solicitors; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneer, 54, High-street, Battersea. BALHAM and KEW BRIDGE.—Sound Investments. pLIMPSON and JOHNSON will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, February 27, at Two: — BALHAM (29, 31, 33 and 35, Dornton-road).—Three Freehold and One Leasehold, well let, and producing £144 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Rashleigh, Son and Hall. 63, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. 2, 3 and 4, Verran-road; producing from weekly tenants £85 16s. per ■innum.-Solicitor, D. C. Craigie, Esq., 109, Balham High-road. KEW BRIDGE.—Four Long Leasehold Cottages, 21, 23, 25, and 27, Spring-grove; producing £91 per annum.—Solicitor, H. Foskett, Esq., Devereux-Gracechurch- g chambers, Temple, W.C. ! Auctioneers’ Offices, 59, Bedford-hill, Balham. lyTESSRS. ROBINSON and SONS wiU Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard E.O., on Friday, March 17, 1899, at Two o’clock pre¡ cisely, the following capital FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD INVESTMENTS: — LEASEHOLD, Per annum. PADDINGTON.—Nos. 45 and 45a, Waverley-road, Harrow-road, Corner Shop and Residence. Let and producing ...........£60 o 0 SHEPHERD’S BUSH.—In Six Lots.—Nos. 142, 142a, 144, 146, 148 and 150, Goidhawk-road, Shops and Premises. Let on repairing leases or agreements for leases, at rents ranging from £60 to £100, producing in the aggregate .................. 471 0 FREEHOLD. SHEPHERD’S BUSH.—Nos 100. 102, and 104 Gayford-road. Shops and Premises. All let, and producing ................. 88 10 0 Total Rental per annum ......£619 10 0 May be viewed by permission of the respective tenants, and particulars and conditions of sale obtained of Messrs. Faithfull and Owen, 11, Vict.0 ■ia-street, Westminster; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneers, 6, Parkshot, Richmond, S.W. „„„ Sale Monday next. REGENT’S-PARK, WEST HAMPSTEAD and PLAIS-TOW.—Excellent Freehold and Leasehold Invest-ments. MESSRS. WOOTTON and GREEN will Offer •־*־;־־ for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, February 27, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely the following capital INVESTMENTS• — REGENT’S-PARK. N.W.—Freeholds.—Nos. 34 and 35. St. George’s-square, N.W., let and producing £107 per annum. WEST HAMPSTEAD.—Nos. 43 and 45, Narcissus-road, No. 29, Cotleigh-road. Nos. 20 and 23, Ulysses-road. All let and producing £202 per annum. Held for long unexpired terms, at low ground rents. Solicitors, Messrs. Lowless and Co., 26, Martin’s-lane, Cannon-street. E.C. PLAISTOW.—No. 70. Whitwell-road. Let at £31 4s. per annum. Lease 79 years. Ground rent £6.— Solicitor, W. H Elphinstone Stone, Esq., Billiter-square-buildings, Billi+er-square, E.C. Particulars may be had of the respective Solicitors; and of the Auctioneers, 36, street, E.C. HARLESDEN, REGENT’S-PARK, ,and LEE, KENT MESSRS. BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUCK- -LU־ MASTER have been instructed to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Tues day, February 28, 1899, at One p.m., the following: — HARLESDEN—A Freehold Ground Rent of £4r per annum, secured upon six shops, Nos. 2, 3, 4 5 and 6, Market-terrace, Taylor’s-lane, Church-road with reversion to rack rentals of about £300 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Norman, Paynter and Co., 1, Clement’s-inn, Strand, W.C. REGENT’S-PARK, N.W.-16, Sharpies Hall-street. Shop and Dwelling House, let to excellent tenant at £35 per annum. Term about 68 years. Ground rent £7. ----1 Investments, in Three Lots. . "MESSRS. GENDLE and CO. will Sell bv ־־, Auction, at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, on Thursday, March 2, at Six, in Three Lots, the PAIR of pretty FREEHOLD VILLAS, being Rutherglen and Glen Maye, otherwise 136 and 188, Brighton-road, South Croydon; rents £60 per annum. Will be Sold subject to existing mortgage. The TWO PAIRS of attractive FREEHOLD VILLAS, beautifully situate on high ground, and known as 1 and 2, Croham Hurst-villas, Rock Villa, and Frant Villa, Stafford-road, Wallington; let at £111 4s Will be sold subject to existing mortgage. The commanding Corner SHOP and PREMISES being No. 32, High-street, Merton, Wimbledon; let to capital tenant at £38; lease 80 years; ground rent £7 10s. Solicitor, E. T. Hargraves, Esq., 3. Abchurch-lane, E.C. Auction Offices, East Croydon Station. WEST CROYDON.—Sound and Safe Investment for small buyers. MESSRS. GENDLE and CO. will Sell b- "־*• Auction (unless previously sold}, at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, on Thursday. April 13, a Six in Four Lots, FOUR attractive VILLAS, known as Nos. 15, 17, 19 and 21, Mayday-road, London-road West Croydon. Let on agreements. Rents £120 Lease 80 years. Ground rent £5 10s. each. Solicitors, Messrs. Armitage and Strouts, Monument-buildings, King William-street, E.C. Auctio.! Offices, East Croydon Station. CROYDON (CENTRAL), SOUTH CROYDON, and BEDDINGTON. ־jV/TESSRS. GENDLE and CO. will Sell by Auction (unless previously sold), ■at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, on Thursday, April 13, •at Six, in Three Lots, the superior, well-built, and most desirable RESIDENCE, planned without basement rooms, and known as No. 12, Barclay-road, Park-lane, Croydon, containing six bed rooms, fitted bath room, three reception rooms, and usual offices; in splendid repair; let at low rent of £62, worth now £70; lease about 82 years, ground rent £12 10s. The PAIR of pretty unique country FREEHOLD VILLAS, pleasantly situate on high main road, near Waddon Station, and known as Nos. 1 and 2, Thorn Bank, Ban don-hill, Beddington; let to good tenants, producing £55. The valuable PARCEL of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, having a frontage of 100ft. by a depth of about 110ft. to Lismore-road, Selsdon-road, South Croydon, overlooking Croham Hurst, near Emmanuel ] ^ L.?E’ KENT.—Close to Hither-green Station (S.E. Church and Selsdon Railway Station. / Railway).—Freehold Land, with Stabling, having Solicitors, Messrs. G. J. Vanderpump and Son frontages to Glenview-road and Knowles-hill-cres-~~ ~ ־־־ ־־ ־ ־ ’ cent, area about 6,900 superficial feet. Suit job master or cab proprietor. Rental value £30 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Laundy, Son and Kedge 86 and 87, Strand, W.C. Particulars, etc., can be had of the above; or of the Auctioneers, Broadway, Walham-green, S.W. At a low reserve. WEST KENSINGTON.—The well-built, semi-detached Long Leasehold Family Residence, known as No. 1 Gwendwr-road, West Kensington, W., occupying a delightful corner position, overlooking and having access to private grounds; one minute of West Kensington Station and omnibus route to City and all parts of West-end; quite close to Earl’s-court Exhibition, Queen’s Club, Kensington Gardens, etc. It is• in good general and decorative repair, and is eminently suitable for occupation by a member of the medical profession. The accommodation is exceptionally well-arranged, and comprises three reception rooms, six bed and dressing rooms, bath room, housekeeper’s room, and complete domestic offices. Pretty garden, with lawn and summer house. Possession on completion. IV/rESSRS. BISCOE and BISCOE will Offer IT־L by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C on Thursday, March 2, 1899, at One o’clock precisely (unless previously sold privately), the LEASE of the above RESIDENCE, having upwards of 77 years unexpired, at a low ground rent. Particulars and conditions of sale may he obtained at the Mart, E.C.; of Messrs. Sheard and Breach, solicitors, 2, Clement’s-inn, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 14, North Audley-street, Grosvenor-square, W., and 16, Eldon-street, Finsbury, E.C. 13. Gray’s-inn-square, W.C. Auction Offices, Eas Croydon Station. Telephone 49 Croydon. RICHMOND-HILL. To Trustees, Investors, and others. The Estate of Dr. Harmer, deceased. Sale of IMPROVED LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS of £316 per annum, secured upon 74 houses o' rack rental value of £3,600 per annum, situate ir Queen’s-road, Chisbolm-road. and Cambrian-road close to Richmond-park. The property is held under one lease direct from the freeholders (the Vestry of Richmond) for 99 years from September 29. 1852. at £125 per annum, thus showing improved ground rents of £191 per annum, which ־MESSRS. CHANCELLOR and SONS will LTX Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday March 6, at Two. Particulars of sale to be had of Messrs. Senior and Furbank, solicitors, Richmond; and of Messrs Chancellor and Sons, 1, King-street, Richmond; 51 Pall Mali. S.W.: and at Ascot. PECKHAM. S.E.—Four Long Leasehold Houses, Nos. 11, 13, 17 and 19, Sunwell-street, close to Queen’s-road Railway Station. Let to weekly tenants op very old standing, producing £104 per annum. 66 years unexpired, at £3 15s. each. "MESSRS. JOHN DAYEY and CO. will Sell j ths above bv Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Tuesday, February 28, at One precisely, in Two Lots. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of W. Rawlins, Esq., solicitor, 52, Queen Victoria-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, Old Charlton. Printed and Published by the Proprietor. Feank P. Wilson, at tha ?.states Gazette PrintiiiE Works. No. 6, St. Bride-street, Fleet-street, London, E.C.