825 THE ESTATES GAZETTE February 25, 1899. Yorkshire. Leeds—Oliver add1 Appleton, of Leeds, at same, on February 28, licensed property Helperby—Renton and Renton, of Harrogate, at Boroughbridge, on February 27, residence and land York—Richardson and Trotter, of York, at same, in March, the North Eastern Hotel, F Hawes—Joseph Hopper, of Bainbridge, at Hawes, on March 2. Freehold land Leeds—Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on February 28, Freehold licensed and other properties Leeds—E. W. Batley and Son. of Leeds, at same, on Februarv 27, Freehold residence Leeds—E. W. Batley and Son, of Leeds, at same, on February 28, Freehold dwelling houses Leeds—E. W. Batley and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on March 1, dwelling house and cottage property Sheffield nnd Eckington—Nicholson, Greaves. Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on March 7. Leasehold residences, dwelling houses and licensed property Halifax—Davis and Shoesmith. of Halifax, at same, on March 8, Freehold building land Halifax—Davis and Shoesmith, of Halifax, at same, on March 10. Freehold shops and premises Doncaster—W. H. Dewhurst, of Doncaster, at same, on March 7. Freehold licensed property Doncaster—J. H, Crouch, of Doncaster, at same, on March 1, Freehold licensed properties Bramlev—Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at Bramley, on March 22, Freehold estate comprising about 46 acres Bradford—Lockwood and Twaites. of Bradford, at same, on March 9. Freehold licensed property Sherburn־in־Elmet—Richardson and Pearce-Brown, of Selby, at South Milford, on March 1, arable land Wakefield (near)—Howgate and Chapman, of Wakefield. at same, on March 3, licensed property and Freehold grass land Bingley—John Tillot8on, of Bingley, at same, on March 1. Freehold business premises and cottages Warthill—John Hicks, of York, at same, on March 9. farm Sheffield—Nicholson. Greaves. Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on February 28, stock and shares York—T. Walker and Sons, of York, at same, on March 9. Freehold dwelling houses and land Leeds—Hutton. Son and Horrox, of Leeds, at same, on March 1. dwelling houses Batlev—Benjamin Potter Nettleton. of Batley, at same, on March 1, Freehold dwelling houses and shop Seibv—F. Thirkill. of Selby, at same, on March 13, Freehold property Leeds—Whitham and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on March 7. Freehold dwelling houses and shops Leeds—Whitham and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on March 8. Freehold property Leed«—Whitham and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on March 9. Freehold dwelling houses and building land Waies. Pontypridd—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at same, on March 22. Freehold ground rents Overton -on -Dee—Churt on. E! phi ok and Co., of Chester at Wrexham, on March 9, Freehold licensed and o+her properties Wel'dinool (near)—Morris. Marshall and Poole, of Chirbprv. at. We^nool. on March 6, Freehold pq+qte comprising ahon* 78 acres Cardiff— Gottwahz B ־׳'wring and P«rrv. of Cardiff. at same, on M^r^h 6 dwelling׳ houses Talgarth—George Perrv Price, of Talgarth, at same, on March 3, Freehold property Birmingham—J. W. Florance, of Birmingham, at same, on February 28¿ Freehold licensed and other properties Leamington Spa—J. Anthony Locke, of Leamington Spa, at same, on March 9, cottage and׳ other properties Birmingham—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on March 9, Freehold property Birmingham—Lane and Smith, of Birmingham, at same, on February 27, Leasehold properties Birmingham—James and Lister Lea and Sons, of Birmingham, at same, on March 2, Leasehold residences and Freehold building land Birmingham (near)—W. H. Smith, of Birmingham, at same, on March 8, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Blyth and Stevens, of Birmingham, at same, on March 16, Leasehold residential properties Bickenhill—C. H. Bees, of Birmingham, at same, on March 7, Freehold licensed property Kenilworth—Whittindale and Watson, of Kenilworth, at same, on March 9, Freehold residence and cottages Northfield—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on March 16, Freehold residence Birmingham—Edwards, Son and Bigwood, of Birmingham, at same, on March 15, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Thomas and Bettridge, of Birming-ham. at same, on March 7, Leasehold properties Birmingham—Walter Ludlow and Briscoe, of Birmingham, at same, on March 13, Freehold building land Birmingham (near)—James C. Perry and Deakin, of Birmingham, at same, on March 13, Leasehold properties Birmingham (near)—Claridge, Son and Rennie, of Birmingham, at same, on March 6, Freehold and Leasehold properties Hockley, Aston, etc.—A. W. Kemp, of Birmingham, at same, on March 10, Freehold and Leasehold ground rent and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Wm. R. Fleetwood, of Birmingham, at same, on March 10, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—F. W. Goodeve, of Birmingham, at same, on March 20, Freehold and Leasehold properties Westmorland. Kendal—M. Derome and Son, of Kendal, at same, on March 1. Freehold property Wiltshire. Potterne—George T. Smith, of Devizes, at Potterne, on February 27, Freehold properties Salisbury—Waters and Rawlence, of Salisbury, at same, on March 2, licensed premises and Freehold dwelling house Warminster—Claude H. Barber, of Warminster, at same, on March 9, Freehold houses and gardens Warminster—Claude H. Barber, of Warminster, at same, on April 8, Freehold and Leasehold properties and life policy Oaksey—Dore, Fielder and Maskelyne, of Malmesbury, at Oaksey, on March 2, Freehold dwelling house and garden Ashton Keynes—Dore, Fielder and Maskelyne, of Malmesbury, at Ashton Keynes, on March 2, Freehold cottage Worcestershire. Dudley—J. Shedden and Son, of Dudley, at same, on March 6, Freehold business premises Bath—Henry Mortimer, of Bath, at same, on February 27, Freehold licensed properties Buckland St. Mary—W. C. Warren and Son, of Chard, at same, on March 6, Freehold estate comprising about 95 acres Weston-super-Mare—Lalonde Bros, and Parham, of Weston-super-Mare, at same, on February 28, dwelling houses Bath—Horton Bros., of Bath, at same, on February 28, Leasehold dwelling house Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on February 27, dwelling houses and shop Wick St. Lawrence—Wainwright and Laver, of Shep-ton Mallet, at Yatton, on March 1, Freehold farm comprising about 50 acres Yatton—Hunt and Ford, of Bristol, at same, on March 2, Freehold cottage property and pasture land Nailsea—W. H. Shiner and Winter, of Yatton, at Nailsea, on February 28, dwelling house Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on March 1, Freehold and Leasehold properties Suffolk. Ringsfield, etc.—Read, Stanford and Gayford, of Beccles, at same, on February 27, Freehold property Surrey. Ashtead—Langlands and Son, of Epsom, at same, on March 22, Freehold cottages Chiddingfold—C. Bridger and Son, of Haslemere, at Chiddingfold, on March 8, cottage property Epsom—Langlands and Son, of Epsom, at same, on March 7, Freehold residence Dorking and Westcott—White and Sons, of Dorking, at same, on March 2, dwelling houses Oxshott—White and Sons, of Dorking, at Kingston-on-Thames, on March 23, Freehold licensed and other property Fetcham, etc.—White and Sons, of Leatherhead, at same, on March 24, Freehold property Sussex. Brighton—Wilkinson, Son and Welch, of Brighton, at same, on February 28, Freehold residences Hastings and Ore—L. F. St. John, of Hastings, at same, on March 6, Freehold building land and residence Portslade and Brighton—S. Ridley and Hollis, of Brighton, at same, on February 27, Freehold properties Portfield—Wyatt and Son, of Chichester, at same, on March 8, Freehold building land and shares Yapton—C. Stride, of Chichester, at Barnham, on March 6, Freehold cottage property Hastings—John and A. Bray, of Hastings, at same, on March 16, Freehold residence Hastings—John and A. Bray, of Hastings, at same, on April 6, Leasehold residence Hove—Wilkinson, Son and Welch, of Brighton, at same, on March 14, Freehold business premises Uckfield—St. John Smith, of Uckfield, at same, on March 15, Freehold residence Bexhill and Hastings—Messrs. Wickenden, of Tunbridge Wells, at Hastings, on April 6, Freehold licensed properties Warwickshire. Birmingham—Sidney Hirst, of Birmingham, at same, on February 27, Freehold and Leasehold properties NOTICE. FRANK P. WILS0R Begs to notify to his numerous Patrons, and Subscribers to the “ Estates Gazette ” that be has NO CONNECTION with a firm of similar name carrying on business in the Noeth of London. NOTICE BOARDS. Guaranteed the cheapest factory in England for all kinds of NOTICE AND SIGN BOARDS. LUts and Estimates Free. S. WATERS & SONS (Established 1831), Wood Letter Manufacturers, Swing Sign & Sky Sign Fitters, Writing Advertisement Contractors, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, KENT. LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN, Invite intending planters to inspect th ir unrivalled Stock of ORNAMENTAL and FOREST TREES. Send for Catalogues an t List of Public and Private Works cairied out by them. ELYASTON NURSERIES, Borrowash, Derby. Constitution Ball! Horses For Grease, S welle! Legs, Cracked Heels Cough, Colds, Sor Throats, Disorders Liver, Broken Wind, Influenze Loss of Appetite, &c., &c. Cnpiss’ Testimonial. Kerse, Johnstone, Lockerbie,N.B. June 12th, mo. I have used your Cupiss’ Constitution Balls for both Horses, t attle and Sheep for upwards of 30 years, and was always highly pleased with the results. You are quite at liberty to use my name —Robert McGregor. PitEPARED UPWARDS OF 50 YEARS BY THE LATE FRANCIS CUPISS, M.R.C.V.S•, DISS, NORFOLK. SoM in packet» 19׳ and 3/6 each, 7 small packets f< 10 6■ or 7 large 21-, by Chemists and Medicine Ver dors, or from Proprietor, Wilderness, Diss, on receipt < umnnnf * For Hide-bound, Stai ing Coat, Hove o Blown, Distemper, Epi demic, Surfeit, Con ditioning. Preserving Healtl Scouring in Calves, &c. For Rot or Fluke, an! for keeping in Healtl Assisting to get int Condition, Scouring i: Cattle Sheep Lambs, &c. The OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS for the supply of AUCTIONEERS’ SPECIAL STATIONERY AND REQUISITES (Established nearly 40 years), Has only one address— ESTATES GAZETTE OFFICE, 6, St. Bride Street, LONDON, E.G. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER to H.M.’s Government, Council of India, Science and Art Department, Admiralty,