Feeiuxaby 25, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 324 Preston—Thos. Dewhurst and Son, of Preston, at same, on February 27, Freehold dwelling houses Manchester—W. H. Robinson, of Manchester, at same, on February 28, dwelling houses Manchester—Fred. Thompson and Son, of Manchester, at same, on March 7, dwelling houses Didsbury—Sam. I). Walton, of Wilmslow, at Manchester, on February 28, Freehold dwelling houses Rochdale—Swift and Cropper, of Rochdale, at same, on March 2, Leasehold dwelling houses Rochdale—William Cockerill, of Rochdale, at same, on March 1, Freehold warehouses, building land and shares Preston—J. B. Jones and Sons, of Preston, at same, on February 28, Freehold dwelling houses and shops Preston—J. B. Jones and Sons, of Preston, at same, on March 1, dwelling houses Preston—Thos. Dewhurst and Son, of Preston, at same, on March 2, Freehold dwelling houses Ormskirk (near)—E. C. Stretch, of Ormskirk, at same, on March 9, Freehold residence i Chorley—Bradiey and Son, of Chorley, at same, on February 28, shops and dwelling houses Manchester—W. H. Robinson, of Manchester, at same, on February 28, dwelling houses Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on March 1, dwelling houses Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on March 7, Leasehold licensed premises Leicestershire. Leicester—H. and F. Tarratt and Sons, of Leicester, at same, on March 1, Freehold properties Leicester—H and F. Tarratt and Sons, of Leicester, at same, on March 8, Cricket Ground Hotel Leicester—Arthur Andrew, of Leicester, at same, on February 28, Freehold property Lincolnshire. Heckmgton and Anwich—T. P. and A. Saul, of Boston, at Sleaford, on February 27, Freehold property Saxilby, etc.—Joseph E. Walter, of Lincoln, at Saxiiby, on March 1, Freehold properties Kingerby—Nettleship and Sons, of Market Rasen, at same, on February 28, Freehold grass land Salmonby—Parish and Stafford Waiter, of Horn-castle, at same, on March 4, Freehold property Great Grimsby (near)—Thompson and Wood, of Great Grimsby, at same, on March 3, Freehold properties Saltfleetby— Mason and Sons, of Louth, at same, on March 1, farm Louth—Dickinson and Riggall, of Louth, at same, on March 22, licensed property Boston and Skirbeck—James Eley, of Boston, at same, on March 1, Freehold estates Boston—James Eley (in conjunction with J. G. Killmgworth), of Boston, at same, on March 6, Freehold properties and shares Butterwick—James Eley, of Boston, at Butterwick, on March 7, Freehold estate Cheltenham—John G.Villar, of Cheltenham, at same, on March 9, Freehold shops, dwelling houses and land Hants. Southsea—Field and Palmer, of Southsea, at same, on February 27, Freehold residence and dwelling houses Winton and Moordown—Curtis and Son, of Bournemouth, at same, on February 28, Freehold residences Gosport, etc.—Llewellyn, Puttock and Co., of Gosport, at same, on February 28, Freehold properties Winchester—Gudgeon and Sons, of Winchester, at same, on March 8, Freehold cottage property Basingstoke—Simmons and Sons, of Basingstoke, at same, on March 22, Upper Wootton Farm, F, comprising about 415 acres Boscombe—Hankinson and Son, of Boscombe, at same, on March 6, Freehold residence Southsea—Penney and Clark, of Southsea, at same, on February 28, residences Portsmouth—Field and Palmer, of Southsea, at Portsmouth, on March 13, dwelling houses Portsmouth—Ernest Hall, of Portsmouth, at same, on March 9, Freehold business premises and residence Hertfordshire. Watford—Humbert and Flint, of Watford, at same, on March 14, Freehold properties Watford and Staninore—Humbert and Flint, of Watford, at same, on March 7, Freehold residences, shops and building land Kent. Tonbridge—Neve and Son, of Tonbridge, at same, on March 7, Freehold building land, cottages and shops Maidstone, etc.—R. Waterman and Sons, of Maidstone, at same, on March 16, Freehold property Canterbury—Kennett and Chamberlain, of Canterbury, at same, on March 8, Freehold cottage property Lancashire. Morecambe—Fletcher and Wilsdon, of Morecambe, at same, on February 27, dwelling house Manchester—G. H. Larmuth, of Manchester, at same, on March 1, Freehold rents Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on February 27, Freehold residence Manchester—William H. Wilson, of Manchester, at same, on March 2, Freehold dwelling house and shop Pendleton—William Wilson and Son, of Manchester, at same, on March 1, dwelling house Exeter and Heavitree—Thompson and Co., of Exeter, at same, on March 1, small properties Woodbury Salterton—Thompson and Co., of Exeter, at same, on March 25, Freehold building land, comprising about 25 acres Crediton—Thompson and Co., of Exeter, at same, in March, Freehold cottage, buildings and land of about 17 acres Durham. Darlington—Geo. Tarn Bainbridge, of Darlington, at same, on February 28, Freehold properties West Hartlepool—J. J. Robinson, of West Hartlepool, at same on February 28, Freehold dwelling houses and building land Darlington—Thos. Watson and Son, of Darlington, at same, on March 2, Freehold dwelling houses Essex. Southminster—A. Clear, of Maldon, at Southmin-ster, on February 28, pasture land Gloucestershire. Gloucester (near)—Bruton, Knowles and Co., of Gloucester, at same, on March 18, Wotton Court Estate, 206 acres Kingswood Hill—Young and Howes, of Bristol (in conjunction with Ramsey and Co., of 62, King Wimam-street, London, E.C.), at Kingswood hill, on February 28, Freehold ground rents, shops and pasture land Bristol—C. H Tucker and Co., of Bristol, .at same, on March 1, Freehold and Leasehold properties Stow-on-the-Wold—Young and Gilling, of Cheltenham, at Stow-on-the-Woxd, on March 2, Freehold business premises and dwelling house Cheltenham—Bay ley and Adams, of Cheltenham, at same, on March 16, Freehold properties Bristol—Cunningham and Gibaud, of Bristol, at same, on February 28, Freehold business premises Bristol—Cunningham and Gibaud, of Bristol, at same, on March 2, life policies Shirehampton—Fred. H. Juliion, of Bristol, at same, on March 1, Freehold shops, dwelling houses and building land Jlifton—Edward T. Parker, of Clifton, at same, on March 1, Freehold properties Bristol—E. T. Parker, of Bristol, at same, on March 2, dwelling houses Bristol—Selfe, Ball, Smith and Co., of Bristol, at same, on March 1, Freehold and Leasehold properties Bristol—Young and Howes (in conjunction with Nichols, Matthews and Co.), of Bristol, at same, on March 2, Freehold dwelling house Cheltenham—Warner, Sheppard and Wade, of Cheltenham, at same, on March 15, residence Cheltenham—Bayley and Adams, of Cheltenham, at same, on March 23, residential properties and building land Tarporley—Chur ton, Elphick and Co., of Chester, at Tarporley, on March 1, Freehold estate Runcorn—Churton, Elphick and Co., of Chester, at Runcorn, on March 8, Freehold residence Chester—Churton, Elphick and Co., of Chester, at same, on March 11, Freehold dwelling houses Cheadle Hulme—G. H. Larmuth, of Manchester, at same, on March 8, residence Kelsall—Pickering and Nightingale, of Chester, at Kelsall, on March 15, Freehold dwelling houses and land Cornwall. St. Mawgan-in-Pydar—John Tremaine, of St. Columb, at same, on March 2, Freehold farms 1 Saltash—Skardon, Sons and Hosking, of Plymouth, i at same, on March 1, Freehold residential and cottage properties Cumberland. Carlisle—Robert Dalton, of Carlisle, at same, on February 28, Freehold properties Carlisle—Robert Dalton and Son, of Carlisle, at same, on February 27, Freehold dwelling houses and shop Carlisle—Robert Dalton and Son, of Carlisle, at same, on March 14, Freehold cottage and warehouse property Derbyshire. Tibshelf—J. H. Bradwell and Son, of Mansfield, at Tibshelf, on March 6, Freehold licensed premises, dwelling houses and land Long Eaton—Cumberland and Sons, of Derby, at Long Eaton, on March 13, Freehold building land, comprising about 178 acres Devonshire. Kingsbridge—W. H. Kelland, of Kingsbridge, at same, on February 28, Anchor Hotel Plymouth—Skardon, Sons and Hosking, of Plymouth, at same, on March 9, Freehold residence Plymouth—Skardon, Sons and Hosking, of Plymouth, at same, on February 28, Freehold business premises Modoury—William Pearse, of Modbury, at same, on March 2, Freehold business premises and cottages Okehampton—Bert May, of Okehampton, at same, on March 1, Freehold properties and building leases Plymouth—Thomas Bowen and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on March 2, Freehold dwelling house East Stonehouse—R. Rugg Monk, of Plymouth, at Stonehouse, on March 7, Leasehold dwelling house Exeter—Thompson and Co., of Exeter, at same, on March 8, Freehold shops, dwelling houses and stores CARSON’S PAINTS. Specially manufactured for all kinds of Outdoor Work on Estates & Residential Property Sent out in Dry Powder, with Oil Mixture Separate. Easily Mixed and Applied. For all Purposes in 40 Colours. ',Patterns and Prices Free on Application WALTER CARSON & SONS, Grove Works, LOMBARD ROAD, BATTERSEA, LONDON. AND BACHELOR’S WALK, DUBLIN. ESTABLISHED 1851.; BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Invested Funds .. .. £10,000,000. Number of Accounts, 85,091. TWO-ANP-A-HALF per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CKNT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the min mum monthly balances, whennotdrawnbelow£LOO. STOCKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES purchased and sold for customers. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Small deposits received, and Interest allowed monthly on each completed £1, The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with particulars, post free. FRANCIS RAYENSCR0FT, Manager. Telephone No. 5 Holborn. Telegraphic Address: “ BIRKBECK, LONDON.” THE “FINANCIER” (Established 1870. Enlarged 1897). A BUSINESS PAPER FOR BUSINESS MEN. ONE PENNY. Telegraphic Address: ‘*SHRUNK, LONDON.’ ״ublished every morning. Pi ice, unstamped. Id., or £1 68 per annum ; free by post l£d., or £119s. annually. Advertisers should address the Manager, at the Offices, 2, ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDING*, LONDON, E.C IRON FENCING, RAILING, GATES, TREE- guards, bar-rows, &c., &c. BAYLISS JONES & BAYLISS’ KENNEL RAILING. Lasts Free. GOMBINED- MESH GALVANISED WIRE NLTTING. Averages 20 per cent, cheaper than ordinary netting. Write for Price List. Illustrated Catalogue of.all kinds of Hurdles, Fencing,Cates,&.C., Free. VICTORIA WORKS, WOLVERHAMPTON. LONDON OFFICES AND SHOW ROOF'S-!39 & !4.!, CANNON STREET, E.C. Please Name this Paper. BARNARDS, Ltd. HORNE’S FRUIT TREE DRESSING. (Invaluable). Has stood the ♦^stof 11 years as the best rpmedy known fo׳• capturing the winter moths. Thousands of pounds worth of fruit has been saved by its use, that otherwise would have been lost if left to the ravages of the Caterpillar Pest.~No time should be lost in ordering same as the moths appear early in October. Pamphlet free. Fruit Trees by Dozen, Hundred or Thousand can be supplied. Illustrated Catalogues Free. B.—Fein He. W. HORNE, CLIFFE, NEAR ROCHESTER, KENT. IRON ROOFING, FENCING AND HURDLES. VERY SPECIAL LINE IN CONTINUOUS H IRON BAR FENCING. Worth Noting.—Post free, Revised Catalogue of Fire-proof Hay Barns. Roofs and Buildings ; Sectional Bungalows, Billiard Rooms, Pavilions Coach-houses, Stables. Harness Rooms, Cow Houses, Piggeries. Cottages, Warehouses, Kudios, Dark Rooms, Tool Houses, School Rooms. Churches, Chapels, Cycle Sheds, a.^d «very other portable structure, cheap, for cash. Also Special Catalogues of Iron Roofing and all Fittings. Also Pocket Catalogue and I lustrations of Iron Fencing of every kind, a Leading Line in Liquid Manure and Water Carts, Farm Carts, W agons, and Rollers. JOHN ATTW00D REEVE. STONY STRATFORD. Established 1876. INarne Ms Paper A ESTATE SALES. The best County Medium for advertising Sales of Estates is T HE WORCESTER HERALD. Established 1794. The leading County Paper. Extensive circulation among the upper and middle classes in Worcestershire and adjoining counties. Advertisers would do well to forward for reference and distribution plans and particulars of Estates, Catalogues of Machinery, Furniture, Books and other property advertised in the columns of the “ HERALD.” SALES OF STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EFFECTS. The ** WORCESTER HERALD ” is the most effective organ for giving publicity to announcements of this class. It is the leading agricultural paper in the county, and circulates most extensively among agriculturists in and around Worcestershire. FARMS TO LET. Land agents, estate managers, and all having farms to let would do well to advertise in the “ WORCESTER HERALD,” the leading county paper. Specially adapted for bringing such notices before tenant farmers. Large circulation. Moderate charge. SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED. For producing results the “WORCESTER HERALD” is recognised as a specially good medium. Cheap rates. Apply for terms. Specimen Free. Price 2d. Published Friday for Saturday.—Offices, 72, High-street. Worcester. G. NORMAN, SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL DENTIST. Established 1863. Personal Examination when charges can be agreed upon HOOKS of attendance : | Saturday, 2 o'clock. Address i 25, THE GR0YE, HAMMERSMITH. There is easy access from any Railway Station. Trees, Seefls, Plants, Bulbs,&c. Dicksons Chester PRICED CATALOGUES РОЯТ FREE■ The Leading Advertising Mediums in the Midlands. Cheap, Popular, Effective Advertising! THE “HERALD SERIES’’ The leading Journals in the Districts named. These old-established Newspapers, four in number, command one of the most populous districts in the Counties of Worcestershire, Warwickshire, and Staffordshire, comprising a population of upwards of a million. The Herald Series comprise the foHowing: —The DUDLEY HERALD (established 1866), with which is incorporated The Guardian, for Oldbury, West Bromwich, Smethwick. Spon-lane, etc.; WEDNES-BURY BOROUGH NEWS and Darlaston Chronicle (established 1868), extensively circulated in Wednes-bury, Darlaston, Bilston, Great Bridge, Oldbury, West Bromwich and Smethwick; TIPTON HERALD (the only local paper), and Herald, for Dudley Port, West Bromwich. Coseley. Deepfields, Great Bridge. Tividale. Burnt Tree, etc.: Worcestershire and Staffordshire COUNTY HERALD, and The Herald, for Brierley-hir Stourbridge, Wordsley, Rowley, Halesowen, Old-nill. Blackheath, Langley, Pensnett, Kingswinford, etc. District Offices, Wednesbury, Tipton, Brierley-hill. Stourbridge. London Office, 82, Fleet-street. Head Office, Herald Works, Dudley.