819 THE ESTATES GAZETTE February 25, 1899. ftite aitît Eating. THE NORTHAMPTON INSTITUTE. Mr. Loveland-Loveland, Q.C., Deputy-Chairman of the County of London Sessions, sitting at Clerkenwell, on Saturday, heard an appeal by the governing body of the Northampton Institute, St. John’s-street-road, Clerkenwell, against the assessment of that property by the committee of the Holborn Union. Mr. Marshall, Q.C., and Mr. Horace Avory were counsel for the appellants, whilst the Assessment Committee were represented by Mr. Edward Boyle, Q.C., and Mr. Glen. The building, which is well known to the public, was recently erected at considerable cost pursuant to a scheme under the City of London Parochial Charities Act, 1883, and the Charitable Trusts Act, 1853 to 1887, its object being the promotion of industrial skill, general knowledge and well-being of the working classes. In the valuation list, 1898, -the premises were assessed at £2,500 gross and £2,084 rateable value. The appellants contended that they were exempt from rating, and after a long legal argument, The Court held that the Institute was rateable, and dismissed the appeal, the question of costs to remain until the amount of the assessment was fixed upon. ©bitnarg. MB. J. B. cox. General regret has been aroused by the announcement that Mr. J. Blatch Cox, head of the well-known firm of Messrs. Cox and Son, auctioneers and house and estate agents, Torquay, died at his residence, Shelton, on Monday morning. He has! been in a poor state of health for some little time, but attended the firm’s office up to Saturday. On Monday morning he was! seized with violent pains in the chest, and before seven o’clock he expired from syncope. Mr. Cox, who was a native of Taunton, was 66 years of age. He came to Torquay about 40 years ago to establish a business as an auctioneer and house agent. ■He subsequently joined the firm of Stark and Co., Strand. About 14 years ago, with his son, Mr. W. Wilkinson Cox, he ■established the business of Cox and Son on the Strand, whence the firm shortly removed to Victoria-parade. Though he did not actively identify himself with Torquay’s government or institutions, Mr. Cox was ever keenly interested in the town, and he did whatever he could to advance its interests. He possessed a large circle of friends and acquaintances, by whom he was much esteemed. He was a Fellow of the Auctioneers1’ Institute, and a valuer for the Devon County Council under the Finance Act of 1895. He leaves a widow, three sons—Mr. W. Wilkinson Cox, Mr. James Cox, head of the firm’s engineering department, and another, who is in South Afrioa—and five daughters. Temperance Permanent Building Society. —The annual meeting of the Temperance Permanent Building Society was held at the Memorial Hall, Farringdon-street, on February 22, Mr. James Pousty presiding. In proposing the adoption of the report, he said this was the seventh annual meeting at which he had occupied that position, the first being in 1893, a few months after the collapse of the Liberator group. Knowing then the strength of the society, he ventured to predict that the storm would pass, and subsequent facts had fully borne out his forecast. In 1892 the advances were £189,288, in 1898 they amounted to £301,276, and the mortgage securities had increased to £1,011,021. The reserve fund had during that period risen from £46,924 to £67,132, and was now over 10 per cent, of the share capital. At the end of 1892 the properties in possession amounted to £45,138. At the end of 1898 they were £14,840, and since the close of the year the whole of them had been sold at satisfactory prices. The exceptional strength of the society lay largely in the circumstance that over 90 per cent, of the mortgages were for sums not exceeding £500, thus, while others talked, they were quietly enabling multitudes to secure an old age pension, ■hat would not die with them, and the safe character of the business was further emphasised by tlie fact that last year the losses only amounted to £105, or 2^d. upon each £100 secured on mortgage. It was a knowledge of these facts, and of the way in which the business of the society was conducted that enabled him to say that there ־was no sounder institution in the City of London, nor one more likely to maintain an even dividend. This conviction was evidently shared by the members of the society, for after allowing for all withdrawals, they had supplied £63,848 additional capital during the year. The report was adopted, the directors were reelected, and the proceedings closed with the customary votes of thanks. Little Green-lanes, Small Heath, gross rental £110 10s., ground rent £25, lease 84 years, withdrawn at £630 ; and five front houses, No. 181, Adderley-road, and 257, 259, 261 and 263, Duddeston Mill-road, gross rental £108 14s., lease 56 years, sold for £900. The solicitors were Messrs. Jeffery Parr and Hasell, Messrs. Price and Atkins, and Mr. A. L. Crockford, all of Birmingham. ■WORCESTERSHIRE. On the 22nd instant, Messrs. Frank Evenll and Co. submitted by auction, at the Mart, Pier-point-street, Worcester, the North Malvern Hotel, a free and fully-licensed house, and a number of freehold properties in the city of Worcester. The biddings for the North Malvern Hotel commenced at £2,000, and reached £3,600, at which price it was withdrawn ; a villa residence, No. 2, Britannia-square, realised £470 ; No. 25, Britannia-square, £320 ; No. 26, £280 ; Nos. 1 and 2, Castle-place, and 1 and 2, Easy-row, £720 ; No. 4, Paradise-row, £500 ; Nos. 21 ■and 22, Vine-street, £330 ; Nos. 5 and 6, Somerset-place, £330 ; No. 27, Britannia-square, and Nos. 8, 9 and 10, Severn-terrace, failed to reach the reserves, and were withdrawn. The sum of £515 2s. 8d., being the balance of principal upon a mortgage from the Worcester Corporation, also failed to find a purchaser, notwithstanding the fact that it carries interest at 4^ per cent, per annum. The solicitors concerned were Mr. H. L. Whartley, of Malvern, and Mr. W. W. A. Tree, of Worcester. At the Bell Inn, Broadheath, on the 15th instant, Mr. Nathaniel Taylor sold two freehold cottages, known as Holly-cottages, Lower Broadheath, Hallow, gross rental £13, for £150 ; and a freehold cottage, known as Murrells, Hartley, with two pieces of pasture land, containing in ■all about two acres, for £190. The solicitor was Mr. J. George Hill, Worcester. On the 16th instant, at the Dolphin Inn, Bis-liampton, Mr. Taylor sold a freehold cottage, with garden and orchard land, at Bishampton, let at £7, for £115. The solicitor was Mr. •T. George Hill, Worcester. YORKSHIRE. At the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart, No. 2, High-street, Sheffield, on the 21s׳t instant, Messsrs. Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings sold two dwelling houses, Nos. 121 and 123, Weston-street, Sheffield, gross rental £29, lease 500 years, ground rent £5 6s., for £585 ; a villa residence, No. 107, Burngreave-road, Pitsmoor, ground rent £5, ■lease 50 years, for £815 ; and the fully-licensed freehold public-house, known as the Crispin Inn, Ashover, with stabling, outbuildings, etc., was withdrawn at■ £4,700. The solicitors were Mr. Arthur Neal, Mr. A. Muir Wilson, of Sheffield, and Messrs. Jones and Middleton, Chesterfield. At the County Sale Room, Whitby, on the 16th instant, Mr. Robert Gray sold a freehold shop, dwelling house and bakehouse, Nos. 1 and 2, Raglan-terrace, Whitby, for £312 10s. The solicitor was Mr. Middleton Smith, Whitby. WALES. On the 15th instant, at the Castle Hotel, Neath, Messrs. J. M. Leeder and Son sold 12 freehold houses, Nos. 94 to 105, Windsor-road, Neath, all let at £1 monthly, excepting No. 94, which is let at £5 per quarter, for £3,000 ; five long leasehold houses, Nos. 104 to 108, Clifton-terrace, Britonferry-road, Neath, each let at £1 per month, ground rent £7 14s., for £700 ; a freehold shop, No. 16, Payne-street, with the dwelling house adjoining, known as No. 82, Britonferry-road, Neath, let ait £52, for £1,200 ; nine leasehold houses, Nos. 44 to 52, Crythan-terrace, Neath, each let at £1 per month, lease 50 years, apportioned ground rent £1 10s., sold at an average of £125 per house ; a cottage and bakehouse, No. 6, Marshfield-road, let at £1 per month, apportioned ground rent £1 10s., for £145 ; shop and premises at the cornier of Marshfield-road and Britonferry-road, known as 43, Britonferry-road, let at £35, with piece of building ground adjoining, for £950 ; and a semi-detached long leasehold residence, known as Femhill, Pontardulais, let at £25, ground rent £3, for £900. The solicitor was Mr. E. M. Clason Daline, Swansea. SATURDAY HALF-HOLIDAY. As a result of the letter written by Mr. H. C. Trollope, F.S.I., published in the Estates Gazette of January 7 last, and the correspondence which followed in support of his suggestion that auctioneers’ offices should be closed at one instead of two o’clock on Saturday afternoons, the proposal was brought before the council of the Institute of Estate and House Agents on Thursday evening, by Mr. Chesterton. The subject having been discussed, the following resolution was agreed to : —“ That the majority of the council recommend that on Saturdays, London offices should be closed at one p.m., but on that day business should commence at nine a.m.” We shall be glad to receive an intimation from any firms who propose to adopt the recommendation, which, we hope, is one that is likely to secure general acceptance. hold houses, Atto’s-yard, Norfolk-street, King’s Lynn, rental £45 10s., for £450 ; a block of buildings, Sedgeford-lane, rental £15 4s., for £170 ; ■a cottage adjoining, let at £5 4s., for £75 ; two cottages in West Lynn, rental £10 4s., for £85 ; two cottages at the rear of the last named, rental £6 18s. 8d.., for £85 ; two cottages on the main road, West Lynn, rental £7 16s., for £135 ; £450 original capital stock in the King’s Lynn Gas Company, sold at the rate of £180 per cent ; and a freehold dwelling house, No. 15, Albert-street, King’s Lynn, let at £12, for £275. The solicitors were Mr. W. D. Ward, and Mr. J. A. Parsons, of King’s Lynn. At the Royal Hotel, Norwich, on the 17th instant, Messrs. Sewell and Barnes sold the fully-licensed freehold public-house, known as the Buff Coat, Cattle Market-street, Norwich, with stables, workshops, etc., land tax £1 2s. 9d., let at■ £120, for £5,000 ; and three freehold dwelling houses, Nos. 69, 71 and 73, Pottergate-street, Norwich, gross rental £56, land tax £2 18s. lid., for £800. The vendors’ solicitors were Mr. Henry R. Culley, Norwich, and Mr. George Sillem, Long Stratton. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. On the 20th instant, at the Auction Mart, Wheeler-gate., Nottingham, Mr. Thomas Neale sold a semi-detached freehold residence, No. 31, Mayfield-grove, Nottingham, for £375 ; and eight freehold houses, Nos. 19, 21 and 23, Finch-street, Nottingham, and the remaining five in Wright’s-yard at the rear, gross rental £70 17s., for £965. The solicitor was Mr. John Pierce, 22, Wheeler-gate, Nottingham. SHROPSHIRE. At the Grand Hotel, Shrewsbury, on the 21st instant, Messrs. Barber and Son sold four freehold cottages, Copthorne-road, Shrewsbury, gross rental £24, for £345 ; and a field of pasture land, with garden, Copthorne-road, containing about four ■acres, let at £19, for £500. The solicitors were Messrs. Weyman and Wey-man, Ludlow. STAFFORDSHIRE. Messrs. Belcher and Son, of Darlaston and Wednesbury, offered for sale by auction, at the Pipe Hall Hotel, Bilston, on the 20th instant, 10 lots of freehold dwelling houses, business premises, and a canal wharf, at■ Daisy Bank and Bradley, near Bilston, all the properties being disposed of for £4,110 ; and 12 freehold dwelling houses in Temple-street, Bilston, were withdrawn at £500. Mr. Jno. H. Stockdale, of Wednesbury and Bilston, was the solicitor concerned. At the Bowling Green Inn, Cellarhead, on the 16th instant, Mr. T. H. Griffiths sold a freehold farm at Cellarhead, containing an area of about 29 acres,׳ let at £65, for £1,700. SOMERSETSHIRE. At Merriott, on the 14th instant, Mr. James Wheatley sold a house, let at £12, for £315 ; and a field of pasture of about 6 acres, for £325. On the 16th instant-, at the George Hotel, Crew-kerne, Mr. Wheatley sold the business premises known as the Imperial Temperance Hotel, Crewkerne, for £860. The vendors? solicitors were Messrs. Watts!, Yeovil. SUFFOLK. On the 10th instant, at the Royal Thoroughfare Sale Rooms, Messrs. A. G. and A. Notley sold the following properties in Lowestoft: — Seafield, a freehold marine residence, on the Esplanade, £4,250 ; freehold residence, 130, London-road (12, Marine-terrace), £540 ; leasehold residence, known as Carleton House, London-road, Kirkley, £1,100 ; commodious freehold business premises, 145, London-road, £1,150 ; dwelling house, No. 13, Windsor-ter-race, Mill-road, £295 ; a similar !house, No. 14, Windsor-terrace, £295 ; a plot of building land, with frontage of 38ft. to Prince’s-road, and a depth of 995ft., £125 ; business premises (part freehold !and part copyhold), situate at the corner of ■Gun-lane and Chapel-street, £300. SUSSEX. At the Gildridge Hotel, Eastbourne, on the 23rd instant■, Messrs. Maple and Co. sold the old-fashioned residence, known as Franklin House, Ocklynge-road, Eastbourne, with large garden, etc., for £1,540. The solicitor was Mr. Edward Hilder, London. WARWICKSHIRE. On the 21st instant, at: the Grand Hotel, Col-more-row, Birmingham, Messrs. Grove and Baker sold three villa residences, Tennyson-road, Small Heath, gross rental £79 6s., lease 96 years, ground rent £12, for £900 ; two front houses and nine houses in the rear, Nos. 6 and 7, Ward-street, Summer-lane, lease 71 years, ground rent £16, for £480 ; a short leasehold property, Nos. 26 to 36 (even numbers), Gros-venor-street West, Ladywood, comprising five front houses, three shops, and ten houses at the rear, gross rental £263 10s., withdrawn at £910 ; a reversionary interest in a leasehold public-house and property, comprising the Royal Exchange, at the corner of Barr-street. and Hock-ley-street, and four front houses, Nos. Ill, 113 and 115, Hockley-street, and 81, Barr-street, subject to the life interest of a lady aged about 71 years, gross rental £93 6s., lease 50 years, ground rent £11 5s., for £815 ; five houses and one shop, Nos. 191, 193, 195, 197, 199 and 201, HOBSON, RICHARDS and CO., 79, Coleman street, K.C. Brondesbury—94, 98, 100, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, Brondes-bury-villas, with reversionary underlease to part of same, L Kilburn—45 and 51, Salusbury-road, L SALES and CLARKE, 11, John-street, Minories E.C. Merton—Park-road, Levarda, L BURTON, SMITH and CO., Streatham, Streatham-common, andClapham, S.W. Streatham—9, Buckleigh-road; 44 and 46, Hitherfield-road, L; Stockiield-road, Orago, and Nyth, L Sydenham—59 and 61, Miall-road, L; and Nine Building Plots, F The results of some suburban sales are unavoidably held over. PROVINCIAL PROPERTY SALES BEDFORDSHIRE. On the 17th instant Messrs. Stafford and Rogers held a sale of local properties and gas stock, at the Lion Hotel, Bedford, with the following results : —£150 of old stock in the Bedford Gas Light Company paying 12 per cent., realised £400 ; and £124 10s. of new stock paying 9 per cent., sold for £247 10s. Four small houses in Queen-street, let at rentals amounting to £49 3a, were sold for £852 10s. A villa residence, No. 14, Glebe-road, let at a rental of £25, for £430. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. At the Portland Arms, Chesterton, on the 21st instant, Messrs. A. M. Robinson and Son sold a freehold dwelling house, known as Trinity House, No. 1, Victoria-road, New Chesterton, for £300. The solicitor was Mr. John F. Symonds, Cambridge. CHESHIRE. At the Grosvenor Hotel, Chester, on the 18th instant, Messrs. Churton, Elphick and Co. sold the business premises. No. 45, Frodsham-street, Chester, comprising a dwelling house, warehouse, etc., for £930 ; a dwelling house and shop adjoining, being No. 47, Frodsham-street, for £825 ; a residence, known as No. 16, Bold-terrace, for £400 ; a semi-detached residence, No. 1, Swinfen-villas, Hoole, for £690 ; and a similar residence adjoining, known as No. 2, Swinfen-villas, for £665. The solicitors were Messrs. Tudor Jones and Jones, 10, Victoria-street, Liverpool. DERBYSHIRE. On the 15th instant, at the Victoria Hotel, Clay Cross, Messrs. William Watson and Son sold four freehold villas, Flaxpiece-road, Clay Cross, gross rental £58 10s., with land and building at the rear, let at £1 14s. 8d., for £775. Messrs. John Bunting and Son, Chesterfield, were solicitors for the vendors. DEVONSHIRE. On the 14th instant, at the Clifford Arms Hotel, Chudleigh, Messrs. Parkhouse and Sons offered for sale thie freehold property known as Giddea House, Chudleigh, with gardens, stabling, etc., which was withdrawn at £500. On the 23rd instant the site of business premises, known as Nos. 243 and 244, High-street, Exeter, were offered for sale at auction by Mr. Thomas Martin, at the Rougemont Hotel, Exeter, and realised £7,000. Messrs. Burch and Son, of Exeter, were the vendor’s solicitors. KENT. At the Métropole Hotel, Dover, on the 16th instant, Messrs. Worsfold and Hayward sold a freehold ■house, No. 87, High-street, Dover, for £550 ; the freehold house adjoining, let at £25, for £650 ; a freehold blacksmith’s ■forge, let at £10, for £170 ; a freehold house, No. 2, Bowling-green-hill, weekly rental 8s. 2d., for £250 ; a freehold house, No. 2, Union-road, Buckland, weekly rental 5s. lOd., for £210 ; a freehold house, No. 11, Barton-gardens, let at £23 10s., for £360 ; two freehold houses, N os. 16 and 17, Barton-gardens, for £345 each ; a dwelling house, No. 33, Council House-street, let at £25, for £235, and the adjoining house, let at £25, for £235 ; a long leasehold dwelling house, known as Belle Vue, Priory-hill, Dover, let at £24, ground rent £3 14s., for £335 ; five £10 shares in the Grand Hotel (Dover) Company, Limited, at £11 2s. 6d. per share ; ten £5 shares in the Métropole Hotel Company, Dover, Limited, at £2 per share ; a freehold house, No. 1, King’s-villas, South-road, Tower Hamlets, weekly rental 8s., for £270 ; a freehold house, No. 2, King’s-villas, weekly rental 7s. 6d., for £250 ; and a store in Albany-place, Dover, weekly rental 2s. 6d., for £85. The solicitors were Messrs. Stilwell and Harby, Messrs. E. W. and V. Knocker, and Messrs. Lewis and Pain, all of Dover. LINCOLNSHIRE At the White Hart Hotel, Spalding, on the 21st■ instant, Messrs. S. and G. Kingston sold a freehold private résidence., No. 17, Upper-terrace, Spalding, for £860. The solicitors were Messrs. Calthrop and Bonner, Spalding. At the Queen’s Head Inn, Skirbeck, on the 21st instant, Mr. James Eley, of Boston, offered 14 lots of building land, several of which were disposed of at prices ranging from Is. 3d. to Is. 6d. per yard. Messrs. E. T. White and Son were solicitors for the vendors. NORFOLK. At the Globe Hotel, King’s Lynn, on the 16th instant, Messrs. Miles and Son sold !eight free-