February 25, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 314 JtütittS. _____ Sharp, Harrington and Roberts, of 16, Ab-church-lane. City, and whose partnership with Mr. Henry Croydon Roberts, of that firm, has been dissolved by mutual consent, still continues to carry on business as Auctioneer and Surveyor, in his own name, at the same address. THE AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (Incorporated). Founded 1886. 57 and 58 chancery-lane London, wc. President: —EDWARD DOBSON. ADMISSION to MEMBERSHIP may be obtained: — ׳a) Under the Practice Qualification; (b) By Examination. L’HE EXAMINATIONS (Preliminary, Intermediate and Final) are held annually. Next Examination, March, 1899. EVENING־ MEETINGS for the Delivery of Lectures, the Reading of Papers and for the discussion of subjects of interest to the Profession are held at the Institute monthly during the Winter. Forms of application, Syllabus of the Examinations, Examination Questions, 1898, and all further particulars, may be obtained upon application to— CHARLES HARRIS. Secretary. NATIVE GUANO Best and Cheapest Manure fur Farm and Garden, ¿63 10s. PER TON IN BAGS, 2-Ton Lots, Carriage Paid 100 Miles. A Sample Bag, 1 cwt., Carriage Paid (England) for 5s. Testimonials and all Particulars on Application NATIVE GUANO GO, LTD, 29, New Bridge Street, LONDON, E.C. AGENTS WANTED. 106 YEARS’ REPUTATION. KING’S JOHN K. FARM SEEDS PUR EST—CHEAP EST—BEST. “ Farm Manual ” now ready, from JOHN K. KING, TUB ROYAL SEED GROWER, COGGKESHALL, ESSEX, and READING, BERKS. THE №4־ Y Ost Typewriter. Light carriage, Infallible pointer, Three line spacings, Beautiful characters, Perfect adjustment, Learnt more quickly. Prints better. Writes faster. Lasts longer. Needs less repairs than any other Typewriter on the market. Any width of margin, and AN INK SUPPLY GUARANTEED TO LAST SIX MONTHS. The YOST Typewriter Co, Ltd, 50, HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON, E.C. RENOVATING TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT PASTURES. A great increase in the value and productiveness of Old Pastures can be gained by careful sowing of Renovating Seeds. The land should be severely harrowed at once, the seeds sown at the end of this month or the beginning of March, and well rolled in. SUTTON’S PRESCRIPTION OF THE FINER GRASSES & CLOVERS, Specially adapted for producing a good bottom herbage. Per Pound, 9d.; per Cwfc, 80s. J&aleg tß auction. SUTTON’S PRESCRIPTION of the STRONGER GRASSES & CLOVERS, Specially adapted for producing a great bulk of nutritious herbage. Per Pound, lOd.; per Cwt, 90s. Sow from 61b. to 121b. per acre, according to condition of the Pasture. Sutton’s Seeds GENUINE ONLY FROM SUTTON & SONS, READING. firnfisaimtaL PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION. — Mr. L) Graham Mould’s Glasses for next year’s examinations will recommence Tuesday, May 2 (P.A.S.I.), and Thursday, May 4 (F.S.I.). Entries may be made and advance papers studied now. At the last three Fellowship examinations ail Mr. Mould’s pupils were successful. Also P.A.S.I. (1897) Penfold Silver Medal and Driver Prize.—Syllabus upon application to Mr. Graham Mould, F.S.I., 25, Great James-street, Bedford-row. Telephone 228 Holborn. Lecture room, 3, John-street, Bedford-row. PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINA- LJ TIONS.—Complete courses of preparation in class or by correspondence in all divisions and subdivisions. At the last four examinations the following prizes were obtained by Mr. Parry’s pupils: — 1895 and 1896, Institution Prize, Driver Prize and Penfold Silver Medal; 1897, Institution Prize and Special Prize; 1898, Institution Prize, Special Prize, Driver Prize, and Penfold Silver Medal, and Crawter Prize (one of the two bracketed winners of the last). At the Examination of la״st March, more than half of the successful list were Mr. Parry’s pupils—Apply to Mr. Richard Parry, F.S.I., A.M.I.C.E., 27, Great George-street, Westminster (immediately opposite the Surveyors’ Institution). PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EX AMIN A- L) TIONS.— Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I. by examination, assisted in the law subjects by Mr. Sidney Wright, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, Author of the “Law of Landed Estates,” the “Law of Fixtures,” Editor of the “ Law and Practice of Dilapidations,” etc., prepare candidates for the above examinations in all divisions and sub-divisions. Complete course in class or by correspondence. Personal instruction. Driver prize and Penfold silver medal.—Syllabus on application to Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, 100, Jermyn-street, St. James’s, S.W.— Auctioneers' Institute Examinations.—Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I., and Mr. Sidney Wright, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, also prepare candidates for the examinations of this Institute. (Address as above). P ANITARY INSPECTORS.—EXAMINA- IS TIONS for qualification under the SANITARY INSTITUTE. A qualified Surveyor, and holder of certificates of competency in sanitary knowledge and building construction, is prepared to coach Ladies and Gentlemen for tnese Exams, by correspondence. Fees entirely conditional on the pupil’s success, payable after passing, oar a nominal guarantee of good faith.—Geo. B. Dafforn, P.A.S.I., 25, High-street, Wimbledon. AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE EXAMINA- Ll. TIONS—Preparation for the A.A.I. Exam, of March, 1900, by Mr. J. H. W. Wheeler, F.S.I., F.A.I., Assoc. Sanit. Inst. The second annual course commences end of May next, and may be taken by correspondence or personally. — For particulars address, 189, Fulham-road, South Kensington, S.W. PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINAIS TIONS.—BIRMINGHAM and MIDLANDS.—Messrs. Donne and Raffety, F.S.I., undertake the preparation of candidates for the Land Agency sub-division of these examinations. Practical work may be seen on estates.—Particulars and terms on application, 71, Temple-row, Birmingham. ASPATR1A AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE (Via Carlisle). FOUNDED 1874. SITUATED IN ONE OF THE FINEST STOCK-RAISING DISTRICTS OF THE COUNTRY. Approved by the Council of the Surveyors’ Institution as affording professional instruction. Special preparation for Preliminary and Professional Associateship Examinations (Land Agency Section). Six Farms, Dairy and Workshops. For Prospectus and lists of successes apply to the Principal, J. Smith Hill, B.A., B.Sc., Prizeman of the Royal Agricultural Sooiety, Associate of the Surveyors’ Institution. \ GREEMENTS for LETTING HOUSES.— Five kinds. Three Forms, A. B. C. Unfurnished Houses, Form E, Public Houses, and Form D, Furnished Houses, with endorsement, 3s. per quire, cr 2d. each, AGREEMENTS stamped at Somerset House, Is. each document.—Stationery Department, “ E»tates Gazette ” Office, 6, St Bride-street London, E.O, Dates of Sales for 1899. MESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD ILL announce for the convenience of their employers that their SALES by AUCTION of LANDED and HOUSE PROPERTY, Ground and Improved Rents, Reversions, Policies of Assurance, Shares, and other Securities will take place during the year 1899, at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank of England, on the following Wednesdays in each month: — March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 April 5 The prices realised at these auctions are not included in the official reports, such quotations being often prejudicial, and never beneficial, to the only parties concerned—buyer and seller. No. 99, Gresham-street, Bank, London, E.C. Telegrams, “ Fox, Bousfield, London.” Telephone No. 118 Bank. April 12 May 31 July 19 Nov. 1 A pril 19 June 7 July 26 Nov. 8 April 26 June 14 Aug. 2 ^ov. 15 May 3 June 21 ."ept. 20 Nov. 22 May 10 June 28 Oct. 11 N ov. 29 May 17 July 5 Oct. 18 Dec. 6 May 24 July 12 Oct. 25 Dec. 13 By EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD, At the Auction Mart, London, On Wednesday, March 15, at Two o’clock precisely, In One Lot. MEW RIVER.—Unquestionably the choicest I^1 Home Investment of this or any other age.— ADVENTURERS’ FREEHOLD SHARE, in its entirety, in this grand historic Corporation, with all its present and prospective advantages, qualifying for a seat at the Board, with its dignified prestige, and satisfactory emolument. The Dividend in respect of this Share was for the last year £2,894, having risen by gradual increments from £876 in the year 1862; ail the elements of this increase—the growth of the company’s district, and the improvement to property therein—are still in active operation, and promise an equally brilliant future. During the last 28 years the company’s revenue has risen from £284.203 to £614,634. There are also the estates of the company, situate in the City of London and in the counties of Middlesex and Hertford, and notably the Clerkenwell Estate of 50 acres, covered with buildings. The leases of this property are now falling in, and in 20 years all the rack rents will be in possession, and the unrivalled area, within a mile of the Bank, available for even more profitable development. Particulars at Messrs. Edwin Fox and Bousfield’s office, 99., Gresham-street, Bank, E.C.; and of the Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. ROOPER and WHATELY, 17, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, London, W.O. g abs t)jj Annum. Sales for the year 1899. Messrs. GODWIN, BASLEY and ELDRIDGE '-A beg to announce that their Periodical Sales by Auction, held for nearly 60 years, will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on the last Thursday in each month, viz.: — March 30 ADril 27 May 25 August 31 September 28 Octoher 26 November 30 December 28 June 29 July 27 Landed Estates, Freehold and1 Leasehold properties and Investments of every description, may be included in these Sales at fixed and inclusive charges, particulars of which may be had on application. Messrs. Godwin, Basley and Eldridge also undertake the Valuation and Sale by Auction of every description of Household Furniture and Effects, Farming Stock, Trade Fittings, etc. Separate Registers of Furnished and Unfurnished Town Houses, Country Residences and Landed Estates are published on the first of each month. Established 1840. Auction and Estate Offices— 28, Martin’s-lane. Cannon-street, E.C., and at 28, Cadogan-place, Belgrave-square, S.W. GREEN & RICHARDSON, land agents, surveyors, auctioneers COMPENSATION AND GENERAL VALUERS. 49, BEDFORD ROW, LONDON, W.O. Messrs. Green and Richardson make a special branch oi the sale and development of Building Estates. BUILDING ESTATE SPECIALIST. ly/TR. W. A. FISHER, 16, Finsbury-circus, ~4׳־- E.C., is open to purchase or arrange terms for the development and improvement of land and buildings, and invites correspondence from owner? and others on matters arising out of the sale an^ purchase of properties. No commission or fees are claimed for work until an exchange of agreements has been effected. INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1824. HEAD OFFICE: YORK Accumulated Funds, £1,149,216. Annual Income, £237,006. FIRE. ־ LIFE. ■ ANNUITIES. Special Schemes and Minimum Rates. Reversions and Life Interest purchased or advances made upon them. LEASEHOLD POLICIES ISSUED. Applications for Agencies invited. Liberal Terms ־West End Office:—19, St. James’ Street, S.W. London Dice: 82, Old Broad St., E.C, 1Y/TESSRS. FLEURET, SONS and ADAMS ILL beg to announce that they will Sell by Public Auction the following valuable PROPERTIES at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basing-hall-street, E.C., on Tuesday, March 14, at One o’clock precisely : — The NOTED TURK’S HEAD, OLD KENT-ROAD. Lease for about 56 years at a moderate rental reduced by the receipt of ground rents from houses in the rear and other underlettings, together with the Goodwill in Trade and Possession. The premises occupy one of the finest positions in this exceedingly busy and improving thoroughfare immediately opposite the Commercial-road (a direct route to Peckham), and in the enjoyment of a very extensive business, which has for years been conducted entirely under female management.—To be Sold by direction of the Proprietress, Mrs. Matilda Gardner, after a long occupation, in consequence of failing health. The OGLANDER TAVERN, Oglander-road, EAST DULWIOH. Valuable Lease for about 37 years at the exceedingly low rental of £140 per annum. A choice suburban wine and spirit establishment in the possession of a large, easily worked, and most independent business, the house being upon a protected estate.—To be Sold by direction of the Executrix in consequence of continued ill-health. Tuesday, March 28. The OLD KING’S HEAD, 282, EUSTON-ROAD.-Exceedingly valuable Lease for about 43 years .at a moderate rental, together with the Goodwill. The premises are admirably situate at the junction of four of the busiest thoroughfares in the metropolis, and surrounded by many important wholesale and retail establishments and warehouses, from which is derived a large, profitable and spontaneous counter business. To be Sold by direction of the Executrix of the late Mr. Wm Wright. Shortly. DAISY WINE AND SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT BROMPTON-ROAD. — Long Free Lease at a moderate rent, greatly reduced by underletting, together with the exceedingly valuable Gotpdwill. This property is situate close to the junction of Sloane-street and the Brompton-road, opposite Tattersall’s, and in the immediate vicinity of extensive flats and •other buildings in course of erection, which will afford vast additional sources of trade. Thoroughly well-secured PROFIT RENTAL of £65 per annum, with valuable Reversion to Possession for four years, of that excellent Licensed Property, The Prince of Wales, North-street, Poplar, and Premises adjoining, held for an unexpired term of 48 years from Lady Day, 1899, at a ground rent of £35 per annum, and are underleased for 44 years at £100 per annum, creating a profit rental of £65, with valuable reversion to possession at the expiration of 44 years for a further term of four years. The premium paid for the underlease, taken into consideration with the fact that the property is held at a low rent, renders this a most secure investment. Auction Offices, 23, Southampton-row, Holborn, W.O. To Trustees and others. LAKER’S HOTEL, REDHILL, SURREY. Valuable Leasehold Rental of £2i50 per annum, together with reversion to possession in ten years or a large premium for a renewal of the lease. *IWTESSRS. JAMES and SIDNEY MOTION ILL are instructed to prepare for .Sale by Auction, at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basing-hall-street, City, at an Early Date, The LEASEHOLD PROFIT RENTAL of £250 per annum, together with reversion to a long lease, with possession of the above high-class fully-licensed property, which has been in the occupation of the present family for 53 years, and has improved gradually as the district has developed until the present time, when, to meet the continually increasing business demands much further accommodation, both in the hotel and other portions of the premises, is absolutely necessary. There is an excellent range of stabling, with all necessary accessories, a large posting business being attached to the hotel; there is also a large garden. The property is held for a term of 46 years from the South Eastern Railway Company at a ground rent of £20, and underleased to the present tenant of the hotel (Mr. William Alfred Laker) for a period of ten years from Christmas last at a rental of £270 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale may he obtained in due course of Messrs. Morrison and Nightingale, solicitors, Reigate, Surrey; at the place of sale; and, together with cards to view, at the Auction Offices, 58, Moorgate-street, E.C. ־TV/TESSRS. J. J. HILL and WEAVER’S ■ILL forthcoming SALES by AUCTION, at the MASONS’ HALL TAVERN, Basinghail-street, City: — The PRINCE OF WALES, LONDON-STkEET, GREENWICH.—By direction of the mortgagees. Freehold with possession, together with Two Shops adjoining and Four Cottages, and Mineral "Vetter Factory at rear. Good position between two Railway Stations, and close to the popular Theatre. The NELL GWYNNE, BULL-INN-COURT, STRAND. —Free Lease nearly 40 years. Most attractive compact premises and highly profitable business. The EARL RUSSELL, ISLEDON-ROAD, FINSBURY-P ARK—Lease upwards of 47 vears. Rent £80. For sale solely on account of the Proprietor’s ill-health. The premises are modernly arranged and a good home. Cards and particulars at the Auction Offices, No. 28, Theobald’s-road, Holborn, W.C. Telephone 802 Holborn. ־[UTESSRS. J. J. HILL and WEAVER have ILL for Sale privately, the following capital PROPERTIES, particulars of which may be had from the Auctioneers : — FULLY-LICENSED RESTAURANT, beautifully fitted and doing very lucrative business. Main-road HOUSE, about 12 miles out, rising district, good home—suitable to small capitalists. GROCERY and SPIRIT BUSINESS, large returns, in main road, South London—for sale after long occupation. Attractive PROPERTY, in good town, about 15 miles from London—low rent—good home and trade, at moderate price. Auction Offices, 28, Theobald’s-road. TO TRUSTEES & INVESTORS. The Principal and Interest of Money Lent on Mortgage can «e«i?^red,with THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. The Paid-up Capital of the Corporation, founded in 1871, is £132,1 - ■eserves at December 31,1897,amountedto £327,477. Write for Prospectus to RICHARD J. PAULL, General Manager and Secretary, 40 to 44, Moorgate Street, London SHOOT-UP-HILL, N.W.—Excellent Semi-detached Freehold Residence known as Tau-3^־Bryn, Shoot-up-hill, Brondesbury, N.W., comprising three reception rooms, six bed rooms, bath room, box room, kitchen, and offices, and ample cellarage; modern stabling, comprising four loose boxes, coach-house for three, harness room, loft, and two ]iving rooms, etc. With possession on completion. ־M־ESSRS. KILBURNE and CROUCH will ־’*־L geii the above by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.,, on Thursday, March 2 next, at One o’clock. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of the Solicitors, Messrs. Segar, Bastard and Co., 56, Cannon-street, E.C.; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 34, Finchley-road (adjoining Marlboro’-road, Met. Ry. Station), N.W.